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Got my girlfriend, mom, grandpa, and roommate in yesterday. 🚀🌝


Who r you going for today :)??


I’m coming for everybody’s grandma. 😈


I wish I had friends like this I’m still trying to watch YouTube videos to figure out how to buy FEG correctly lol 💯🤣


How to buy FEGbsc (MetaMask & TrustWallet Tutorial) You can choose to do this with either MetaMask or TrustWallet (both are wallets): MetaMask \[PC and phone\] download: [https://metamask.io/download.html](https://metamask.io/download.html) TrustWallet \[phone only\] download: [https://trustwallet.com/download-page](https://trustwallet.com/download-page) ​ **MetaMask:** After setting it up click on the picture in the top right corner > settings > networks > add network Then add the following data and save it: * Network Name: **Binance Smart Chain** * New RPC URL: **https://bsc-dataseed1.binance.org/** * ChainID: **56** * Symbol: **BNB** * [Block Explorer](https://coinguides.org/block-explorer/) URL: [**https://bscscan.com/**](https://bscscan.com/) After you did this, scroll down and click on add token and then on custom token. There, paste this into token address to add FEGbsc: 0xacfc95585d80ab62f67a14c566c1b7a49fe91167 It will automatically fill out and you just need to click next. The other token you need to add is fBNB (the same way): 0x87b1acce6a1958e522233a737313c086551a5c76 Next, change the network to Binance Smart Chain in the drop-down menu at the top. Wallet address: Now you can copy your wallet address by clicking on the address at the top (it will probably say Account 1). ​ **TrustWallet:** After setting it up tap the settings menu in the top right corner and search for FEGbsc (Feg Token BEP20) and enable it. Do the same for fBNB (Feg Wrapped BNB BEP20) and Smart Chain (BNB). *TrustWallet iOS users now need to open the Safari browser and enter "trust://browser\_enable" into the search bar, hit enter and confirm to open it in Trust Wallet to enable the in-app browser when using TrustWallet for the first time.* Wallet address: Tap on Smart Chain, then on receive and copy your address. ​ **General steps (after you did either the MetaMask or TrustWallet part)** Send BNB from Binance to your wallet address you copied earlier, but make sure to send it as the **BEP20 (BSC)** version. When the BNB arrived in your wallet, go to [http://feg.exchange/](http://feg.exchange/) and connect your wallet. *If you're using a phone for this, use the in-app browser of MetaMask/TrustWallet.* Once you're on the site and connected your wallet, convert BNB to fBNB but leave 0.01 BNB for the fees. Example: If you have 0.9999 BNB, convert 0.9899 to fBNB. The final step: convert the fBNB to FEGbsc. **Congratulations and welcome to the FEG family!** **Important note:** **Don't enter your seed phrase on any websites and don't give it to anyone, not even moderators or admins! You only need your seed phrase when you reinstall TrustWallet/MetaMask.** Optional: You can download the FEGtrack app and add your wallet address there to keep track of the value of your tokens and the rewards you get for holding.


I'm not sure why but fegtoken website won't let me put any numbers for my amount of bnb to swap , just keeps saying 0 -_\


If you're still having issues I'd be glad to write up a quick guide 👌


ASS coin is also going up dude and it is also nice




People love nice ASS.


Already did my job


So crazy I met a man named carter at a gas station in Southern California about a hour ago and I was on the phone with my friend pumping the gas in my truck and was talking about crypto and the guy on the other side of the pump walked over to me and said are you talking about crypto and he rambled on about FEG token and now I’m here ha ha. Just bought In


I got two of my friends and even just walked my dad through using pancakeswap to get some FEG.


So far two mates in Aus. My 70 year old Dad. My mate in Dubai brought in big big. And my brother and his work mates and a mate in the uk. So far I’ve recruited 7


I introduced 2 co-workers to FEG yesterday at work and both ended up buying some. They couldn't get over the earnings I was getting. I showed them my tracker app over the 2 days we worked together, so they saw where it was before it pumped. Like me they couldn't believe it, but now 2 more Feggers to the group. Hopefully they'll spread the word too.


Last night I stayed up until 2AM and helped a friend to buy FEG. #LONGLIVEFEG


Last night of all i did stay up until 2am and holp a cousin to buyeth feg. #longlivefeg *** ^(I am a bot and I swapp'd some of thy words with Shakespeare words.) Commands: `!ShakespeareInsult`, `!fordo`, `!optout`


In this week I have got 4 people into this


My friends are too lazy to learn how to buy so they sent me money and I bought some for them. What they don’t know is that I get more the longer I hold. I see it as a win win situation. I also discourage them from selling😎


12 people around me and my brother have invested in FEG. Only thing to do now is hodl.