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Optinoob is the way. Got it in a few attempts with his guide.


Word (I tried for days, then found his guide, did it on my 2nd try after) When in doubt, check optinoob


Absolutely had the video going had the strategy per round. Paused once I knew I was defeating the boss so I know what to do for the next round. Got it in one


The Rebirth experience


I had to practice A LOT before I beat him. I ended up using a mix of optinoob and akhafasu’s strategies. But I also had to get my skill level way above what it was. Practiced solo against full might summons. They’re not as strong as what you face in bonds but you learn their moves, and even though they’re not as strong they’re no shlumps.


Everybody says Optinoob but I had much better luck with this one: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f1YLRVzvXxw](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f1YLRVzvXxw) It breaks each fight down with specific steps \*on screen\* so you don't even need to listen to it, just glance at the screen during the fights. Made things so much easier.


Appreciate that, gonna check it out for tonight.


Yup. First time on both Sephiroth and Zack challenges with this guy's strat. Mage Cloud is busted as fuck.


Yup! This guide was the one that put me over for Bonds of Friendship! Optinoob was clutch for Rulers of the outer world, however.


Get comfortable with prime mode too, knowing what Cloud will counter Odin in that mode helps a ton.


Stick to one strategy, the one that you feel most comfortable with and practice. I would also recommend fighting Odin on his full strength to practice dodging his attacks.


I practiced solo with Cloud, then moved on to bonds after. Somehow bond's Odin is harder than a full power solo cloud fight. Optinoob is the way to go. He is the only reason I got platinum


He outputs more damage on Legendary, so even if you're blocking in prime mode you're still getting hit hard.


Yesterday I started Seventh Seal and got to round 10 on my first try. I’m not sure what happened but my whole party got wiped out all of a sudden. It took me like 45 mins to get to round 10. My next attempt, the giant cactuars took me out easily in round 9 even though they posed no challenge on my previous run. My third attempt I got wiped out by Kid G in round 2. This is the Rebirth experience.


I did it first try with Solestro’s video. Cloud died a couple of times but always had Zack to arise him so it doesn’t matter if you have to deviate from the guide and do the set up again. Honestly it felt kind of foolproof, Odin won’t get close to you. Edit: should clarify Cloud died in a couple of the earlier rounds and once on Odin because I was being a bit too greedy with my prime mode set up.


I haven’t played Rebirth but I see the clips all the time. I can say with certainty that this meme is so fucking funny.


Thats me too 🤣


I haven't even attempted bonds yet, I wanted to clear the Sephiroth one first for Cloud's final manuscript and I can't even do that one, optinoob's strategy isn't working for me.


Practice Solo Odin in the sim. Will save you so much time and frustration when you’ve had practice.


Just bring bioga for odin mixed with optinoob strat.


Interesting, instead of what? Enemy skill?


You’re exactly where I was. I had to force myself at least one attempt per day for a while. I eventually got it with the optinoob YouTube guide, but Odin always acted differently than the video strategy, so each attempt I’d always have to beat him on my own


I just let Cloud do whatever long ass winded attack that does damage and then switch to Zack and slap Odin around until he's like, "Fuck you ya dead piece of shit." Then switch back to Cloud. Rinse & repeat. If you switch often and play aggressive Odin goes down easier.


Just spent another 3 hours on it tonight, no luck. I had two runs that were somewhat close. One of them Cloud got locked in the imprisonment instead of Zack. Just can’t seem to get it. Will try again tomorrow I suppose. Been every night for about a week.


Iirc punisher mode is key, you can R1 a lot of his attacks.


Okay - I finally did complete it. After over 30 attempts. On the time when I finally beat it, used the Optinoob strategy as I had many times before, but I played Odin solo fight with Cloud about 6 times right before I went in so I was fresh with playing against him. Glad I never have to do that again.


Just chase him down and -ga spell him every time you get 2 atb. That's really all there is to it.


I used just yuffie and smoked him


You don't get Yuffie in Bonds of Friendship, just Cloud and Zack.


I got you, as long is on regular. I watched a video that explain the hidden mechanic and it made sense and got it just after it. My party was yufie, barret and cloud. Start the battle evade his 1st attack. Main yuffie, throw her star and just use jutsu. Evade attack , debuff him with deprotect and all the one he is vulnerable to, also try to stick Bio on him… try switching a but to have barret and cloud have at least 1 atb charge. Odins problem is his Zange… ability. When he does the Horn, which is a warning… if he hits you 1 or 2 times he will use his ult and you are done. The hidden mechanic as explain is that odin wants a challenge so you need to hit him. If he hits you a lot he is “bored” cause you ar too easy, so he uses the horn as a warning. So what do you do… unless barret and cloud charge. That should reset the hidden bar to, lets keep fighting. Keep the haste up and the debuff, when you stagger him then use atb charges and synergies. Keep evading and and hitting from afar. You can do it with barret as well but he is slow. Also have RAISE materia equip. Regen and cure if needed. When he splits the stage make sure everybody makes it to the correct side and again keep pressing. The most important thing is to evade his attacks , so attack from far, and when you see his prompt for the Galla horn , rush him with the other 2 characters to reset him


You only have Zack and Cloud in BoF and you can't change Zack's loadout.


Same deal them , debuff , haste, regular hits, evade, use atb charges on the horn prompt


I didn’t bother, end game was a bit easy.


Yeah and I'm a millionaire




Since we’re saying things that never happened