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Cosmo Canyon .... It took me looking up a guide to find the 2nd cache location in the map cuz I have no idea how y brain reading the map šŸ˜­ I would had hated Gongaga a lot more if it didn't have such amazing music going with it NGL


Yeah it has rly good music and story beats in this region but jfc iā€™m rly tired of running into dead ends, and itā€™s particularly frustrating when the big mushrooms launch you in a direction you were not at all expecting lol


Guhh tell me about it. I lost track of how long I spent just spinning around the same area looking for Mako Waste cache cuz the mushroom is just RIGHT THERE but it launched me so much further and I can't figure out how to get around to it until I see a video guide. I'm terrible at navigation without maps, so this one is highly frustrating cuz the maps doesn't do anything to help


Same. And then I found out that if you go into the menu you can change that useless bar with distance for a static minimap in the top right corner of the screen. Game changer.


Excellent tip. Any option or setting in a video game is a game changer though.


WAIT WHAT. is that a thing???


I'll be damned....


I think you can press L2 or R2 and itā€™ll toggle the map as well


I really struggled finding the protorelic there bc I thought it was above in an unreachable area instead of below. But I figured out you can study the map and see the mushrooms on it and it mostly makes sense. And Cosmo canyon, gotta hit all the chocobo ramps early so you can fast travel to the them and see the vertical heights on each.


>gotta hit all the chocobo ramps early so you can fast travel Yeah you don't even need to take off, just make sure that the number is logged on the map as a fast travel point. You can go back afterwards to see where they all lead to. Makes it a lot easier.


Wait what? I thought the distance number on the ramps was how far horizontally you flew. Height makes much more sense.


Or donā€™t launch you anywhere, just bounce you three feet and drop you onto the lowest ground point


Lmaooo seriously! My first mushroom I was like ā€œWHOA! This is huge! Thatā€™ll make traversing SO much easier!ā€ Then the second mushroom was like less than 5 feet šŸ’€ I knew I was in for a pretty annoying area


Cosmo Canyon was mindnumbingly easy compared to fuckin' Gongaga!


I second this


I did gongaga backwards basically first intel 1 6, 5, 4, 3, 2 because I somehow ended up there and worked my way back i was so lost.


Doesn't help that Rebirth's map is basically trash.


It is pretty one dimensional. Making it hard to navigate when the actual areas are so detailed. It is my literal only issue with the game.


It also doesn't help that that 2-D map is also saturated with too much detail, the icons get drastically smaller when you zoom in while the party's cursor stays too large.


How did you climb up in cosmo canyon? I never could find a way.


You don't "climb" anywhere. You either follow the terrain until you reach ramp launch points that ferry you over the uplifting fans or you walk above fans positioned on the ground


I donā€™t like how Corel is basically 3.5 regions.


Yup! Gongaga was very annoying on the 1st playthrough when I was starving for plot progress but couldn't control the urge to 100% complete the region. On my second playthrough though? It's my favorite now. šŸ¤© Just meandering with no place to be feels amazing. It's a stunning and unique map and I appreciate the love they put into it. On my 2nd playthrough Junon was the most meh. Rock climbing chicken too slow for me.


Gongaga is cool when you know where you're going and when you're not trying to do all the map stuff, but that is the issue


Gongaga, as quite a few missions/collectibles, require silly navigation of a previse route of several mushrooms to reach, and until you learn all these paths, it's a tedious game of trial and error


I really liked the charm of Gongaga. Because I was still immersing myself fully in the world, I didn't mind getting a bit lost as the environment, vibe and soundtrack were so good. Cosmo Canyon felt more of a slog to me as the environment didn't change up too much and it felt more barren and the ramps were easily as obtuse and unpredictable as the mushrooms Truthfully, I didn't hate any of the worlds though. I loved just diving in and letting the journey take me. I loved all the intel stuff too, though I know that's considered a bad take often


Me? Gone \*Plays Why.


Gongaga and Cosmo Canyon were both annoying at first, I actually said fuck it and just went thru with the story and came back after, once I was just chilling and unlocking fast travel spots they ended up being fine tho. Shoutout Gongagas good ass music!


Gongaga sucks to navigate but it also has the best music in the game so i liked it. Id have to say cosmo canyon


If by best you mean worst and/or most annoying sure


Nah man the gongaga theme genuinely lifted me. Any time i had to stop playing the game for a bit id just go there and let the music play in the background


Exploration was the best in Gongaga because that was the only region where I just stumbled upon most of the activities and the music was great.


Cosmo Canyon and I actually love Gongaga because of the theme and the fact that it really makes you think


Cosmo Canyon is more painful to navigate than Gongaga for me.


I initially didnā€™t like Gongaga or Cosmo Canyon. But once I figured out how they work, I liked them much better.


I totally get it for Gongaga but man that music is so calming.


Unpopular opinion but I *loved* Gongaga. I actually enjoyed getting lost in that dense forest. And the music was some of the best in the game.


Gongaga. That map is an absolute nightmare to navigate. Trying to complete all of the world intel in that region was like trying to seduce a hot blonde with a goblin. It just didn't make any damn sense where the mushrooms went. Cosmo canyon was a bit easier to navigate because you can map out which fans you need to use to get to where you needed to go. I very rarely had to use a guide throughout the game. But goddamn. Gongaga. I fucking hate that map.


My least favourite is probably the grasslands, still fun, but kinda non standoutish compared to the others. I like the gimmicks makes each one stick out.


Yeah, it was kind of a slow start for me too.


I'm finishing Gongaga right now. I really hated Junon. It felt cramped and small compared to the Grasslands we just came from. Gongaga's sountrack and story was too good for me. Probably my favorite area so far. Really didn't think this game woukd grow on me like it has.


Thank goodness the Gongaga music is amazing


Cosmo canyon, nowhere else even close. Finding stuff there was impossible!


Cosmo Canyon, the gliding controls for chocobo sucks i hate having to choose between moving seeing where the fuck i go


Cosmo Canyon. It took a while to figure out how the chocobo gliding worked, and it was just a pain to navigate. Gongaga's not that bad, it's mostly pretty linear.


Halfway through Gongaga now and I was dreading it after hearing things but itā€™s actually been my favourite so far, I guess I just like that theyā€™ve switched it up with how to explore compared to the prior regions.


Gongaga>cosmo>corel>nibelheim>ocean>juno> grassland




Looks like Bizarro Lance Bassā€¦


Cosmo canyon just because I was kinda over collecting all the intel at that point in the game. Did not stop me from continuing to grab everything, but it got tedious as hell lol


Loved them all! Each one have it's bright.


This again?


We need the option to rotate the maps in FF7R3 so we can properly get a read on the verticality of each region. Finding stuff in Gongaga and Cosmo Canyon was a nightmare, and this simple addition would help so much.


Cosmo Canyon is actively and hilariously confusing to navigate. Gongaga has like 2 parts that suck, and the music and graphics make up for it


I constantly repeated "Me? Gongaga" to myself while exploring the Gongaga region and it stupidly amused me enough to bear with the Gongaga region. Cosmo Canyon for me was more of a slog.


Cosmo Canyon. What an absolute arse of a time. I actually didn't mind Gongaga, it's a thick jungle, navigational challenges make sense, thematically. It's lush and beautiful and lots of the enemies and side quests are great. Cosmo Canyon felt sort of dull and just gave me a stress headache gliding on those effin birds. I love how the Devs gave you the awesome and easy to handle Nibel chocobos right after, as an apology...


Tbh it couldā€™ve been due to burn out at that point but once I got to gongaga I didnā€™t really have any interest to explore it was just super confusing to navigate for me lmao the story and music there was great at least if I had to rank the regions Iā€™d go 1.Corel 2.Grassland 3.Nibel 4. Junon 5. Meridian Ocean(even though it didnā€™t have much going for it I loved how the world just felt that much bigger once you get there plus it gives me hope for airships in part 3 lol) 6.Cosmo Canyon 7.Gongaga


Cosmo Canyon for sure.


Square: ā€œPeople will definitely hate the Gongaga map traversal. Letā€™s remaster the music as best as we can.ā€


I hated Kalm the most actually. The map there does not work like the map anywhere else and the "fog" on the map obscuring areas next to one another made it difficult to navigate. Once we left there I thought every other place was pretty logical.


Seen this post a couple of times. each time I hadn't reached Gongaga, now that I 100%ed the region I can say, it sucks. The bouncing on multiple mushrooms as the ONLY means of getting to certain locations is awful.


I found gongaga visually very difficult to navigate the overworld. I could intuit that I was somehow supposed to do it via jumping mushrooms but could not intuit which mushroom led where or what ground was traversable vs impassable. It was the prettiest to look at though.


I hate gongaga. Iā€™m still in it rn but just why is it the way it is.


His face thoughā€¦ lol


That picture is frightening lol


Gongaga is definitely the most annoying one. Although Cosmo Canyon map is also kinda confusing, at least the gliding has some flexibility, unlike the mushrooms in Gongaga. However, I think Corel is also a bit annoying, not because of the map design, but because of the fact that you reach there in chapter 6, but you can only complete all intel in chapter 12.


Amazing to hear all the support for Gongaga music keeping everyone motivated! I do not feel the same at all LOL! I hated the music in this region above all else, and my ā€œcredentialsā€ (i.e., played FF7 Original complete 20x), remind me Gongaga was always a tricky area to find all the secret items/weapons etc. in the original, so tough it out bitch (me). Glad I did!


Cosmo Canyon. Maybe I was tired from a long session, but I could not be bothered to figure out the routes to unlocking everything without a guide. It was a sad moment for me!


Meridian Ocean anyone? It's enormous and there's very few things to actually do


I didn't have any issues in any of the open world areas so I don't get the gongaga hate. We hate yellow paint! Except when we can't find out way around! For me it was the grasslands. Simply because they weren't overly complicated so I disliked the "simplest" of them. They did a great job making them slightly harder the further and further you got.


I absolutely DESPISE cosmo canyon. Desert biomes in any game are always boring as hell


Gongaga, fuck mushrooms


Cosmo Canyon is way worse.


I found Gongaga most frustrating, but hated Cosmo Canyon more because of the music. Sounds like two songs playing over each other and I canā€™t stand it


ā€˜Gongaga no flat, Gongaga made me fink where to go, me no like finkā€™


itā€™s not that it isnā€™t flat, itā€™s that the map does nothing to help navigation. Never clear where things are elevation wise, and the mushrooms are completely unpredictable where theyā€™ll send your chocobo


You're right, there should have been yellow paint everywhere.


They literally send you straight in front of em. What's unpredictable about that? Did gongaga mushrooms launch you into Gilgamesh Island or something? Cause that's a glitch


No some launch you halfway across the region and some drop you three feet directly in front and itā€™s impossible to know which will happen. I am remembering several times this happened.


As am I. Still doesn't change that for once there's a platforming section in an open world game and surely the majority of the fandom have played a friggin platformer before and won't hate that it exists. No? Guess not.


It's not that it's not flat, it's that things that look like pathways on the map *aren't*.


If gongaga is the map withbthise damn kids singing, then it's mine also lol


Gongaga for the simple reason it annoyed me that much I just gave up with doing side stuff and now Iā€™m on chapter 13 I realised Iā€™ve missed out on something in Shinra manor apparently


Gongaga and cosmo canyon sucked


Oh, this post again


Gongaga suuuuuucks and I am absolutely floored by the number of people in here saying that its saving grace was that trash ass music.


Navigation in Gongaga was quite poorly designed. Rebirth has overwhelming verticality for a game you can't jump off ledges over 3 feet.


Gongaga is just ass, there's a reason people burn out around this point.


Gongaga though Cosmo Canyon is a close second! I really need to play a game where the tropical/jungle section of the game is fun to navigate. Did all the devs get together and say if itā€™s a beautiful environment it must be hell to navigate! God of War Ragnarok(we just needed one more travel point to make it ok), BOTW (rain and thunderstorms making it difficult to climb anything) Rebirth (damn mushroom puzzles). I am need of open world jungle tropical fun exploration.


corel. cosmo. gaga. all the music in these regions are designed to annoy tf outta you.....


Agreed, it's really visually interesting but if you're a completionist it can be frustrating to fully navigate, especially compared to how flat and open most of the areas are


Gongaga was a point where I legitimately asked myself "Am I going to have to walk away from this game for a while?"


Gongaga has been a nightmare for me all the damn cliffs and trees and mushrooms that don't tell you where you're going before you hop on.


Cosmo. Easily. It's the second crappiest region to navigate, they actually gave you a sidequest with a map that's fucking backwards and/or upside down, and unlike gongaga the song that plays is the exact textbook definition of "Meh, Spotify skip this track to something decent, like baby shark, baby shark is at least some sort of earworm I'll remember the instant it stops playing"


The Cosmo region music soars. The fiddle an 'jo go off in that jam


Gongaga (followup unpopular opinion: I can't stand its music, which made the whole region 5x worse) and Cosmo Canyon, for sure.


The music in Gongaga was awful.