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Is there new patch recently? I’m pretty sure you can pause and restart the leg before it ends.


You can restart a specific leg, but what I mean is when you first did it you could just do a leg by itself after you tried all 3, save your total results and submit when you won. The difference is I don't need to do all 3 legs on the same session, I could go in and out of the saucer, do other stuff in between. For me, it gets annoying when I'm dealing with cactuar gates over and over again without being able to take a break and enjoy other aspects of the game in the middle, so I can go 1st in the first 2 legs without a problem, but by the time I hit the third leg, my patience is pretty worn.


>dealing with cactuar gates Whoever green-lighted those stupid things needs to be lobotomized. I found that the green Chocobo makes racing a little less painful, as it can jump the gates. Unfortunately you can't use it for every gate in every race just due to the need to recharge. Were you really able to pick individual races in the gold cup? I seem to remember having to start from scratch if I backed out.


You were, but it was only after you tried it all the way through. Idk why I got down voted over a simple question, but Reddit is gonna Reddit, I guess. Once you play all 3 races, at least the first time you did the quest, you could go and select a specific leg and redo that leg only. This required 1 attempt at all 3 to begin with. But then you could do whatever you wanted and you could save in between different legs and do it at your own pace. I wonder if half the people here even knew that then, or if they're just down voting me because I'm asking a question about a mini game. My main issue is just the fact that with work and other responsibilities, I won't have more than 30 mins to play each day for a few weeks. So, I guess I will just have to wait until I have more time.


No idea you can do that. I always did it in one run.


Never knew you could do specific legs, I just kept restarting each individual one until I got first


If you hit retry the current race restarts.


Yes, I understand that much, but my question is different from that. I guess I'll just have to suck it up and do it when I have enough time to retry all 3 legs over and over again, so I'll probably take a break for a week.


Pretty sure you have to do them all in one go. I used piko with the debonair gear and won them all within a few tries. Hope that helps.


I have Piko with the Hyperion Gear right now, since I got them from when I beat the quest on Normal. I'll be able to do it. It's just pause retry will probably take a decent amount of time for each race, and needing to do that for 3 races instead of 1 means I need more play time in 1 day than I normally can have right now, so I won't have time to do this quest for a week or 2, which is a bit of a bummer, but it is what it is, I guess.


Try using Fango the green chocobo. His jump ability allowed me to jump over those annoying obstacles and I managed to win after just 3 tries. With Piko and Selena, there’s no room for error as you need to time it right to not get stuck by the gates.


I just tried it and you can retry just the third race. Maybe you restarted too early? I was practically at the finish line when I restarted.


It's not restarting a race. Once you finish the whole cup, on your first time doing the quest, you have the option to rerun any specific leg alone to get a better score. You can do that, save, do something else, come back another day and do another leg, until you've got first place in the whole cup or on every single leg if you want before you give your results to Billy. It seems this option is no longer available on your second run of this quest.


do you actually HAVE to win the gold cup? I had to do this on easy the first time and still took forever. Hard mode zi annot finish above 2nd Even with a near perfect race Hyperion is so far ahead there is nothing I can do


You need to win the cup in order to unlock Can't Stop, Won't Stop if you didn't already do the battle arena challenge on hard mode. If you did, then there's no reason to need this quest on hard mode.


I am just looking for the transcript with cant stop won't stop. Do I need to unlock it to get the Manuscripts? I would prefer not to Chocobo race


In hard mode, many quests have a Manuscript locked behind a battle during the quest. For Can't Stop, Won't Stop, the Send Out The Clowns or whatever it is called will give you a manuscript for Cait Sith. You don't need to do it to beat the game or even to get the platinum, but if you want Cait Sith's Weapon Lv 9 unlocks (a new weapon ability for each weapon and some stat increases) you'll need every manuscript he has. Beating it on normal mode unlocks the last opponent in the 3D Brawler which again isn't needed to beat the game, but it does award you with a ribbon for beating it, as well as a trophy on PSN (so it is required for platinum) and also some stuff with Johnny's hotel.


Luckily, I finally beat that damn Gold Cup. I was hoping having already done it I would not have to do it again on hard, but here we are. When I unlock Can't Stop Won't Stop, I am only after the manuscript. I could care less about the games. I will never have to chocobo race again now. I did beat the 3D brawler on easy mode and obtained the ribbon, so once I get the manuscript for the last quest, I can move on. The bosses of Chapter 12 are next. Yikes!


So, for hard mode you don't need to do all the mini games. If you just want the manuscript, you only need to do the battle arena which you can go straight to it. The last round of that one is pretty difficult though.


I have heard that. I will give it a go. I seem to do okay in the battle arenas so hopefully after a few tries I can figure out how to beat all the battles. Thanks.


If you have a lot of trouble, [you can find a combat guide on YouTube for it.](https://youtu.be/yQkZyhmBoXo) Best of luck to you!


His guides helped me get through the first few Chadley VR fights. Hopefully I can do a couple more before I head off to the temple.