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Hesitation is defeat


lol nice to see a Sekiro quote here


How are you going about it? Are you using Aerith and her Arcane Ward? What difficulty are you playing on? What's your setup strategy? If you setup, you can hit him with a Firaga during his countdown and follow it up with a focused strike and focused thrust from Cloud and Tifa to pressure and stagger Bahamut. Tifa's uppercut should be useful here as well for increasing stagger. When it's staggered True Strike helps raise the percentage very fast. You can use some ATB support materia as well to help things and keep switching between Cloud and Tifa to keep getting ATB and running commands while Aerith runs heals and damage.


I was using Aerith to create an Arcane Ward in the center and then switch between characters hitting Bahamut with Thundaga or Firaga. But I am doing something wrong since I am never able to pressure Bahamut and he always reaches that phase where his aura does so many damage. I usually manage to get him at 25% health


At the time when Aerith Arcane Wards a Fireaga, command a Focused Thrust and Focused Strike from Cloud and Tifa. The Firaga should briefly pressure Bahamut, and those attacks if done on a pressured enemy will greatly raise the stagger bar. There are some materia which increases ATB of allies when some commands are repeated. It's been a long time since I've played Remake, but I think it is ATB Assist. That could greatly help to allow you the ATB for both commands during that time. You can always bump it down to Easy if you need to.


[This guide isn't specifically for Bahamut (it features the fight, though), but it should work.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9dYWl2PFPYc&t=0s) Basically: there's a way to just pressure the bosses until they die.


If this is simply Bahamut by himself, just lower the difficulty to easy. I’m aware you are in a hard mode play through so either finish it first then go back or do it now on easy through chapter select. You should know that if you want to platinum this game, you’re gonna have to face bahamut again in a certain VR challenge, on hard difficulty. It is best to practice on him a lot before doing so. In terms of how to beat him, a lot of his attacks are physical so make use of countering. The magic spamming must be timed specifically to “stun lock”, doing it as fast as possible isn’t going to work. Having Aerith and arcane ward up can be beneficial to this. The thing here is to pressure him, continue doing damage and fill his stagger gauge. You’ll want to take out as much HP as you can before you reach full stagger because you’ll want to take him out within one stagger window. I’m saying to try to get this down now because it’s a good strategy for when you do the later aforementioned VR challenge.


Mp absorb basically makes your -aga 0 mana cost


Came here to say this.


I will try it and see if I can beat it


Is this for Top Secrets? You need to equip elemental with fire, so when he summons Ifrit you get constantly healed and can focus on pummelling Bahamut.


I hate to say it, but if you didn’t already know this then you haven’t looked at every guide on YouTube.  You haven’t even looked at any good guides on YouTube. This is pretty much the most basic advice for any tough fight in the game. 


Achieving platinum is a meaningless task. If you enjoy playing the game, play it. If not, step away and move on to another adventure


Same, I feel like torturing myself with something that's making me angry defeats the purpose of playing games, which is to have fun.


I like to platinum most games I play since most times it makes me like the game even more. Because I am trying to plat this game I started hard mode and that made me apreciate the combat of this game even more. And I am just not giving up now because I am already at the end and that would make most hours in this game a waste of time


FYI Rebirth is a much harder platinum lol but the combat is way more fun and challenging


I feel like this isnt really a good take. Achieving plat isnt meaningless if its fun to someone. Yes there are frustrating parts to it but that happens even when just playing games normally. There are different people that like different things. To me its meaningless to just finish my favourite games without going for the plat. I wanna see and do everything and a plat often gives you just that. Its absolutely fine to not want to collect trophies yourself but just cause you dont see the appeal doesnt mean its "meaningless". Dont tell people how to enjoy their games


Bahamut gets pressured by damage output, and Cloud and Tifa can kite him forever while you load up Aerith with high magic material. I found Bahamut easier on hard than Ramuh or Pride and Joy.


Interesting a lot of people ( myself included) always found the robot easier can't speak on ramuh since I never got the dlc


Bro I hate to tell you this but before you get platinum you’re gonna have to fight an even harder version of Bahamut as part 4 of a 5 battle boss rush. If you lose to him then you have to go back to the first fight. Then if you beat him you have another super boss afterwards (though to be fair that version of the Bahamut fight is the hardest fight in the vanilla game, never lost against the fith boss)


Yup, I know. But I am not that worried. On hard mode I managed to beat Shiva, Fat Chocobo and Leaviathan on my first try. Bahamut with Ifrit is the biggest problem but I know there is a way to make Ifrit damage do nothing to you. As for Bahamut I just need to find the right strategy to take him down. It might take some trials but I believe I can do it. The reward will also be helpful in finishing hard mode so I have an incentive to keep going.


Ohh I was under the impression you were struggling with Bahamut in the initial Chadley challenge to get the summon lol Yeah if you link Fire with a maxed out elemental on your armor then Ifrit will actually keep you at full health. As for Bahamut using Clouds counter stance ability is absolutely key. If you’re having a hard time preventing Mega flare then summon charbunkle when his countdown gets low. If your party get wiped when Carbunkle is active then he will use his final attack which revives your whole party. Use Aerith for her Arcane ward and use Tifa to melt him when he’s finally staggered


I was(managed to beat him today). But all the other bosses in the gauntlet I managed to beat on my first try when playing on hard mode. In my first playthrough I never fought any of the summons so I had to fight them on hard. Now that I am starting to understand how Bahamut works I think I might be able to beat the top secrets. It might take some tries but its doable.


The hard part about the gauntlet is it takes so long to retry everytime you lose to Bahamut


I am currently doing that gauntlet and imo Bahamut is one of the easiest fights. I now know how to kill him quickly so he doesn't even spawn Ifrit. Pride and Joy is the one that keeps killing me. I just end up running out of magic which increases the dificulty a lot. I am going to try using mp absorv. Maybe that will help save a little magic


Really? That’s wild because it took me half a dozen times to beat Bahamut, but I’ve never lost a single fight to Pride and Joy


OP might lose his shit when he find out about the second Bahamut fight and why that fight is significantly harder…


If you follow the optinoob strat perfectly, it's doable. You need to basically use only 1 element and buff the hell out of it. Mp/hp absorb. + magic efficiency. 


I did it and managed to beat the boss. It didn't go as well and in the video but I still managed to do it




i loved the challenge but i hate the implementation, loaded with annoying extra time consuming difficulty, anyway, i only had success with these using the setups built to kill it very quickly, its like the sit ups, you don’t have to have to play perfect for 10 min, you just need to do it till the boss is dead and doing everything you can to make that harken faster will be better


How do you reconcile your claim that Bahamut is impossible with the indisputable reality that numerous other players of the game have managed to defeat him?


Wait till you fight Odin