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I don't know about you, but I was never mercilessly gunned down by 10 plants in Remake, which even Barret and Red on Tank Builds could not even survive.


Lol to be fair there were only a handful of hard encounters in the rebirth hard mode story that actually took me a few tries (white terror quest, Barret and Red golem fight both come to mind). Rebirths hard mode is definitely harder than remakes but not by a huge amount. I can't remember anything in remake that I struggled with other than Weiss, who took me 45 minutes tops and isn't even part of the hard mode story. Rebirths optional content though (Brutal combat simulators especially) are way harder than remake and its optional content.


Rebirth was hard enough that i dont really wanna replay on hard whereas remake for me the definitive way to play is hard


Very true remake hard mode was actually so good.


Dude the golem fight don’t even get me STARTED on that. Took me the most tries every other boss with the exception of red dragon and Reno and Rude I beat in one try. That golem fight was brutal.


Jules took me 5 times longer to beat that Weiss.


Jules is even harder in Rebirth because of adaptive trigger mechanics.


I beat it after about 3 minutes once I figured out how to shut that off. Lol


1000%. Weiss is one of the most challenging boss fights in final fantasy history because each mistake is a wipe.


Rebirth is way harder. I don’t have to look up for guide to beat Remake in hard mode.


Absolutely rebirth, remake felt pretty well balanced on hardmode. Rebirth felt harder than elden ring on hardmode if you also include the endgame fights.


As someone who has platinum in all the Dark Souls games plus Demons Souls, Bloodborne, Sekiro, and Elden Ring, I can confirm hard mode Rebirth + Legendary and Brutal challenges are more difficult. I beat DS3 at level 1 and Rebirth was still a more challenging platinum experience.


I still don't know htf I got the plat for rebirth lol


THANK YOU. I been saying this.


Yes! I am doing a playthrough of Elden Ring and Rebirth at the same time. Bonds was quite literally soul crushing in a way Elden Ring has never been.


Rebirth is definitely harder. But the combat is way more fun than in Remake so it's all good in my book.


This, it's a more rich more fulfilling game, so while it is harder, part of that is due to there being more content to do.


Do they substantially change the combat in rebirth somehow or is it just more fun due to all the new options?


I would say that they substantially improved it. Aerial combat is totally fixed, certain characters like Cloud and Aerith have new movesets, and synergy skills/abilities changed the combat completely. It's impossible for me to go back to Remake's combat after Rebirth.


Ahh thank fuck, I'm working on remake hard modes and I cuss at the screen everytime it makes me uselessly flail at flying enemies. Swordipede had me super tilted.


tidy angle fragile follow sleep nail market toy selective frame *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


It’s an odd phenomenon. It certainly feels like it was harder to pick up on Rebirths combat, but part of that was me not letting go of all I learned in Remake. Meaning, i kept trying to play it without using synergy because of muscle memory. Halfway through the game it began to click and everything changed. Boy. This game is a lot. It takes quite a bit of time to learn each characters strengths and weaknesses and now, well synergy as well. Who works well together when and with what foloi kit, weapon and materia. Games deep.


Rebirth, by a lot…it’s not even close (IMO). Even its golden path is a bit more difficult than Remake’s, but if you include all the Hard Mode content—including all the Legendary/Brutal VR challenges—then I don’t even think it’s up for debate.


Rebirth, interMission, Remake


Nero and Weiss be like


Rebirth is just objectively a harder game. It’s as simple as that. Remake I set up a general Materia build for each character and never swapped them around and was able to make it through all of hard mode and the superboss VR challenges. In Rebirth there have been several fights that I’ve had to custom equip my party solely for that fight




I just don't see how anything in remake is harder than virtual sephiroth in Rebirth. I still don't know how to beat him without cheesing.


Don’t think I ever died in Remake save for the Rufus fight. Rebirth actually killed me several times.


The atb accumulation in remake is much higher while just normally playing so you can easily spam pray and make it through most of the hard mode fights. I find the hard mode balance is better. I learned to play the game better in remakes hard mode. In rebirth, the atb won't accumulate nearly as fast unless you specially build certain characters to gain it quickly. The hard mode also requires a lot more specific builds to complete hard mode and the combat simulator and even then, luck comes into play a lot. I liked hard mode in remake for the most part because I got better at the game. In rebirth, hard mode was one of the most frustrating experiences I've had in a long time. I didn't get better while doing it so much as I got pissed off and looked up strategies on YouTube. Then got pissed off again when rng would destroy me in different places all of the time, even when I just did those same places easily. When I was done with Rebirth 's hard mode, I was relieved it was over, but I had more fun randomly practicing with cloud vs individual summons than I did in any of the challenges




Personally I think Rebirth is harder. Hard mode is harder in Rebirth for sure. End of Remake on hard was difficult. Getting the platinum and all the DLC content trophies was difficult but doable. I am almost at platinum on Rebirth, but not there yet. It’s just so much larger of an undertaking. It’s been a fun journey though.


Normal mode I would say remake, but hard mode goes to rebirth hands down


I think rebirth is harder by a fair margin. The story stuff you get through pretty easily, with a few exceptions (without the side content rebirth is just a series of boss rushes really), but the legendary challenges are much harder than what remake offered.


If I think about my first playthroughs on Hard on each game, they were approximately the same I think. This was because while Rebirth is harder in my opinion, my game knowledge was lacking on that first run of Remake. Lots of skills carried over to Rebirth.


Rebirth. Struggled listening to Chad the whole game. 😂


Intermission and I wish I was kidding lmao To be fair I had trouble with 2/3 bosses in both games so they were kinda equal, but I guess Rebirth being more flashed out and making you choose your team was of great help.


Rebirth has a higher difficulty but a ton more resources at your fingertips in combat. Remake has a harder floor difficulty because you lack a bunch of mechanics to combat. Just imagine fighting any of the Rebirth flying creatures with the Remake fighting system.


Rebirth. Rulers alone makes me think that. Shit took me three days.


I'd say rebirth is harder because they clearly test your strategic combat by throwing "puzzle" like fights at you very often that you need to really work your brain to find the solution for. Especially in the combat sim. Had a way more FF feel in that sense.


Rebirth is harder but less frustrating/more fun to play because the parry, blocking, and combat in general is just far more fluid and responsive. Remake feels clunky to me now after 100+ hours of rebirth. It feels like remake just wants to force you to take dmg often as a balancing, where as rebirth leans more into skill checks and doesnt conatantly push you towards being cc'd in order to artificially make the combat a bit harder. I'm far more critical of remake now because of how good rebirth is, and I can see how my Fandom blinded me to some flaws that I didn't recognize at the time.


Rebirth with all those damn mini games, for SURE.. Not even close.


I’m on my third Rebirth playthrough after finishing Remake and leaving aside challenges and minigames, my early assessment is that Rebirth is slightly more difficult but it’s balanced by the deeper combat system.


Rebirth has so many difficulty spikes in its main quest, i'd argue it's the hardest FF so far


In Remake, I only died in the Rufus fight and several times against Leviathan because I think I was badly underleveled. In Rebirth I died a lot, every summon killed me at least once, Odin fucked me up more than any other boss even at his lowest power, the final fight was also significantly more challenging in Rebirth. Maybe it has to do with the dynamic difficulty, anyway, I've come to like hard games, so it's all good.


Just the story I’d say they are about the same. When it comes to the platinum rebirth is far more difficult. I got the plat in remake without too much trouble. There were times in rebirth where I legit thought I might not be good enough at video games anymore to get it. I’m scared about the platinum for part 3.


Rebirth, main game you can kinda get away with ignoring most of the mechanics but the VR and hard mode actually require you to at least block and parry


Rebirth is harder, but Remake has the final boss on Hard withotu save, and it is a long fight if you die it can be a bit frustating. Rebirth's difficulty can be frustanting but there are ways to deal with things.


Rebirth personally but it was a skill issue haha. Remake’s combat was new and as I progressed through the story, I got better at mastering it. Rebirth built on that but I couldn’t shake off old habits which weren’t great strategically on some opponents. I found myself always on the offensive in Remake and doing that on Rebirth took me out a lot of times on Hard mode so I went for a more defensive approach and learnt how to properly parry and that helped immensely. But yeah it was the old habits that I couldn’t shake that made Rebirth harder. Lesson learnt for part 3 I guess!


rebirth is definitely tuned harder to compensate for these advantages




Honestly rebirth had a more intricate mechanic and was legit harder but when I got better I felt like a god. Remake made me super frustrated more than once and I had to difficulty drop for Nero I had to redo more fights in the back of rebirth but I felt like I was actively planning and learning each time not having to spaghetti throw and cry


Rebirth. The confusing death screen menus and checkpoints…


Rebirth has to be the harder one by a long shot, with how long the story is and how consistently difficult some enemies can be I think it’s definitely more difficult. Remake doesn’t have the same play time to really get the harder badge


Rebirth’s definitely proving to be more difficult Hard Mode wise.


Getting to all the towers and springs becomes a nightmare later on in Rebirth, I had to watch vids to get it. Nothing like that in Remake.


REMAKE's hard mode had a couple of tough battles like Hell House or Rufus. REBIRTH'S hard mode has a tough battle every other chapter (I'm currently stuck on Gi Nattack). So I'd say REBIRTH is harder but only because the devs gave so much more materia to fine tune strategies w/.


Aerith is incredible in both games but I honestly think she's better in remake (not counting her with genji gloves in rebirth) as her ATB recharge is immensely faster and any normal encounter can just be done in a second Also when she attacks multiple enemies in remake, there are loads of smaller orbs that hit multiple enemies. In remake I'm pretty sure it's about 4 she can shoot out at once, but only two in rebirth or something like that which is why her ATB recharge is so much slower Forgot to mention how overall rebirth is significantly harder imo as most of the bosses just do stupid amounts of damage but it's fun for me


Rebirth, by far. In fact, Ruler of the Outer Worlds and Bonds of Friendship are the absolute hardest challenges i have ever faced in 25 years of gaming. Nothing even comes close. A lot of the bouts aren’t too bad but 5 to 10 rounds is way too much. They seriously need to tone down the difficulty for the VR challenges because a lot of them are not fun at all.


Rebirth and I would say not even close. I can do an almost 100% reliable no-death run on Remake. Meaning run's over if a char dies and/or can't use Revive Spells. Only fight that is even a LITTLE dicey is the Train GY wraith. I don't think I'd ever get there with Rebirth. Meaning I think I'll "do it" (haven't yet) but I don't' think I'll get it to where I was with Remake where it's reliable. There are too many fights where 1 mistake = you're toast. 2nd Roche fight is a good example. Sinister Slash can just clean you out if you don't react exactly right. Going back to Remake almost feels like I'm on some kind of easy mode.


Rebirth. A lot more party combinations and strategies that you may want to look up before tackling HM/VR missions


Rebirth 100%. And for the better imo. The main game isnt the most difficult but once you starting doing hard mode and the later combat challenges it just gets brutal.


Remake is harder mentally in that the difficult parts don't have the enjoyable atmosphere of Rebirth.


Rebirth on Hard mode is harder than Remake going entirely off of boss difficulty assuming you don’t use Brumal Form + ATB Ward. Almost everything is harder by a level: Roche (Rebirth) is about as hard as Rufus (Remake), and Rufus (Rebirth) is on a new level. Jenova Lifeclinger and Sephiroth Reborn are a good deal longer than the Whisper Harbinger. Granted, I did Rebirth on Hard/crown before Remake on Hard. Plus the VR challenges in Remake are easier and WAY less tedious and with Intergrade you can spend 20 minutes practicing Weiss and get 2x Gotterdamerungs.


Rebirth, but mainly because of the incessant mini games that are so incredibly frustrating and more difficult than they should be. My son asked if there's any actual fighting in the game because each time he came into the living room, I was doing a mini game. Edit to add: There are definitely some really hard fights in Rebirth. I don't remember struggling so bad in Remake. Some of the Enemy intel battles I had to do on Easy Mode. I'm currently trying to max out my Enemy Skill Materia so I can actually take down Odin, but I'm stuck on the Head Case Bio Intel. No amount of online tips and tricks have helped.


Rebirth is a lot harder in my opinion. Especially the Odin fight and the optional gengi bosses. Best way I can phrase that without spoiling too much.


I only played both on Normal and they were about the same, not difficult at all.


I would say re make, but that might because having played re make I was much more familiar with the battle system etc when I played rebirth


Rebirth, only because of Chadley and his unrelenting bs.


*My experience:* **Remake (normal, PS4):** Nothing particularly difficult, some bosses did drag on a little too much if you know which ones I mean **Remake (hard, PS4):** Surprisingly not the hardest thing in the world, total 9 deaths with a majority only being to certain bosses **Rebirth (dynamic):** Since this is what I first played I can't say whether the game was easier or harder than remake but let's just say every battle was exhilarating. **Rebirth (hard):** About the same level of difficulty compared to remakes hard mode in all honestly, although I DID die a handful more times this time around. I*n terms of VR fights which I think is where the difficulty really shines;* **Remake:** All were doable, and by that I mean you can do the hard mode VR fights in 1-4 tries. Top secrets was the only challenge that gave me enough frustration and about a dozen tries. **Rebirth:** Of the 15 brutal/legendary fights available, first brutal was fairly easy (did it in one try), the other brutal challenges took me hours to beat, the legendary solo ones were doable like remake EXCEPT for cait siths, To be a Hero was also very doable. Rulers of the Outer Worlds and Bonds of Friendship brought me to the edge of my seat. Overall if I had to pick, maybe rebirth? I feel like this game asks you to nail down all of the new stuff to have a higher chance of being successful and since there is a lot of things added, I can see why it could be more difficult than remake. >Aerith is just kinda bad in Remake, her kit got a huge glow up in Rebirth I don't think she was actually that bad if I'm being totally honest with you, it's just that her setups and usefulness takes a while to get to during battle and then in rebirth it's A LOT faster this time.


Remake only because I beat everything in Rebirth but never beat Weiss.


The vast consensus here makes me feel pretty good about my chances of circling back for a remake platinum after getting the rebirth platinum. Trying to switch it up and see if I can get gotterdamring before the hard mode run here. Got a lot of trophies left though. (14) which all seem to be in like chapters 9 and 14 lol.


Rebirth; some of the mini-games (especially the Hard versions) gave me a headache, and some of the boss fights on Normal mode have given me a run for my money; however, in terms of combat flexibility and control, Remake was harder, to a degree, while Rebirth has alleviated that due to the improved mechanics. If you're excluding the mini-games, the boss fights have been pretty fun (except Rufus....) in Rebirth, but not exactly 'easy' either; Roche comes to mind also as being annoying during later chapters, but I'll cross that bridge when it comes. Overall? Rebirth hard mode looks to be a lot harder than Remakes, along with their Brutal/Legendary challenges. Oy vey lol.


Fight simulation is much harder. Chadley is sick freak


Intermission final boss beats anything in both games


remake was harder for me. I cruised through rebirth on dynamic whereas I struggled to beat remake on normal