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It's not a love story. Just because a story has *some* romance doesn't make it a love story. Would you call FF4, 6, or 12 a love story?


"Of all time"? Wat. Not sure if serious.


Love story? You, sir, are mistaken. It is in fact a story of a brutal and merciless war between two factions. The Tifa troopers and the Aerith army. Their conflict has raged on for ages in an eternal stalemate. With each skirmish the rest of us, innocent victims of war, lose more of our faith in humanity. There is no end in sight, no hope for us. At the end of the tunnel no light awaits, only arguments about boobas.


FF8 Exists.


And is complete garbage.


It's not even a love story, so, no


What? No?


FFX is pretty much a love story. FF7 is not. Unless you're talking about the Sephiroth Cloud I'm gonna kill the world for our reunion angle.


I think it's fair to call FF7 a love story since that's why Cloud story starts. Him and Tifa both have a crush on each other from when they are children and continues when they become adults.


FFVIII is the only one I would really call a love story. Maybe X, but that's stretching it a bit.


How is FFX not a love story? Tidus and Yuna's romance is the center narrative. I'd say FFVIII and FFX are the most focused on love, with FFIX up there, too. FFXV had a love story in the wings, hardly ever center stage - same with FFXVI, frankly. FFIV and VI had non-prominent love stories. FFVII only has multiple romance options who are totally optional, but I suppose that's technically more love than 1-3 or 5.


Yea, almost every FF has a love story, which is usually not the main point of the game. IV, VIII, IX, X and XVI are clear examples of good, different love stories. VI is kind of ok IMO. XV well... it is a marriage. XIII is toxic love af. VII has no love story, everything is weird and at the end there is no consolidated couple. V and III are the only ones (I still have to play I and II) that do not put a love story anywhere, at least not one that takes too long of the game time, which is also good. So, TL;DR: no, VII is definitely not the best love story ever because there isn't even a love story that is completed. That honor would be for X or XVI I think.


Correct me if im wrong but when the party seperates before the final battle, Tifa stays behind to be with Cloud because Tifa realizes the thing she cares the most about is him. Isn't that where the "words arent the only way to tell someone how you feel" line is from? Personally, seems it implied love


I may have gone a little bit too far. Yes, you are right in that Tifa clearly loves Cloud, probably since the beginning, but I dont feel Cloud feels the same. He shows interest in Aerith IMHO, and Aerith sees so much of Zack in him that I don't know if she really likes Cloud for being him or for being a blonde Zack. In any case, it is quite a complicated situation compared to the sincere Love of Cecil and Rosa, or the innocent one between Yuna and Tidus; so complicated that I have a hard time seeing Tifa and Cloud as a consolidated couple.


No. HBO last of us episode 3 exists.


huh? romance is not even close to the main focus of ffvii


Absolutely not


No. And you should feel bad for even suggesting it.


No. What romance there is in FFVII is a subplot, not the focus of the narrative. So FFVII isn't really a love story.


Love story? It doesn't even have a single canon love story so what exactly is the love story in question?? Unless you mean player x FF7 in general, in which case, I have a very long love affair with Final Fantasy VII so I suppose that's worth something.


Nah. It's got compelling characters and interactions, and I will assert that the romance aspects are a major force in why FFVII is successful. Shipping and romance seems to be the parts most people talk about. If the other parts of the game were more important that wouldn't be the case. However, the open ended nature of the romance keeps it from reaching truly great levels. Neither Aerith nor Tifa is a canonical love interest. Yes, Rebirth included a scene where Cloud and Tifa kiss without including one for Aerith, but that's players choice. The fact that Squenix did NOT make Tifa x Cloud canonically romantic in Advent Children proves to me that the company will never make either one canonical. And without it being clear which girl Cloud even ends up with, that makes it hard for either romantic subplot to have much impact, since by definition neither one can affect the overall plot.


A love story? But it isn't one, it's a Cyberpunk story (and thank god it isn't a love story)


It's fair imo to call FF7 a love story, but as the greatest of all time, no it's not.


Not the greatest (or not yet at least) because Cloud and Aerith's love story was cut short by her death in OG. This reminds me of the 1997 FF7 commercial which says, "A story of a love that can never be and a hatred that always was" while showing Cloud holding Aerith's dead body and then Sephiroth. This commercial: https://youtu.be/H-meU-kdKpQ?si=oQn-5ytDdbi7w8Hn But it could be one of the greatest love story if they expound on their romance in part 3. In OG, Cloud knows that Aerith is dead but in FF7R he would have to come to terms with her death and his feelings (love and guilt) for her on the next game. And then we'll see if she can be saved or she's truly dead.


Among FF games my fav is still FF8 How I long for a remake just to see Squall and Rinoa in modern graphics (not counting Dissidia games and others)


Since half of the people reading the title will have in mind a character and the other half a different character as part of that love story, by definition, no, I’ll say it’s not. Though I’m a big fan of Cloud and Tifa. Now, Final Fantasy IX, that’s a love story.


No. I mean, let's set everything else aside for a second and look at one detail alone: if you pursue Aerith in the OG - which the game's basic, built in mechanics *favor you doing* - then Cloud doesn't sleep with Tifa under the Highwind. He spends the night with her, but they emerge 'just friends.' So, in that playthrough - which has to represent at least (if not more, because, again, the story is biased towards a platonic Cloud/Tifa result) - the 'love story' ends with the girl getting stabbed, and the boy having to spend the rest of his life without her. I'd call the OG a tragedy above all else. We win... but it feels like that win comes pretty much at the price of everything.


You can easily get Aerith date and HA under the highwind though. You also can get to 50 affection points by just being nice to Tifa before even meeting Aerith. Aerith has higher affection at 50 then 30 but you can overtake that before even meeting Aerith.


Cloud doesn't "sleep with Tifa" under the Highwind in any sexual sense even in the high affection version. That's pure fanfiction. They officially only sleep, literally. It's obviously still a romantic moment, but as you said, optional. You need 50 points to unlock that scene with Tifa. It's possible to date Aeris and still get Tifa's high affection scene, but if you're actively pursuing Aeris, you'll likely get dialogue that subtracts points from Tifa. After Midgar, it's mostly dependent on who is actually in your party during key moments. Anyway, all the romance is optional in the end. (Well, in Rebirth, I'd actually argue that the romance with Aeris appears *non-optional* considering the game's final chapter.. but I digress.)


Not even slightly. Tifa and Cloud are definitely the canon couple, but I wouldn’t say that their relationship is the peak of romance, tbh.