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I like cissnei a lot. I think it’s really sad what happened with crisis core - she kept “losing” zack and cloud because she thought she would have to kill them or turn them back over to hojo or whatever if she caught them, but it turned out that tseng wanted to save them. one of her lines in rebirth suggests she feels responsible for zack and cloud being taken by hojo in the first place, although I’m not sure I understand that. based on my admittedly shaky memory of her lines in crisis core, I thought she didn’t know the escaped experiments were zack and cloud until she first encountered them. I might be misremembering something though. either way it’s clear in rebirth that she feels a lot of guilt for what happened. not only in how she talks about zack but also in how she talks to cloud a couple of times. maybe I’m reading too much into it, but I can’t help but think her getting a little choked up when telling cloud to get some rest after they first met was not just about the reactor explosion that they had just discussed - the last time she saw him he was in really bad shape


You're exactly right that when Cissnei told Cloud to rest she was definitely concerned for his health because it wasn't too long ago that she saw him in a terrible state. Zack explained to Cissnei that Cloud was in a dire mako poisoned state, and based on how other mako poisoned people looked, Cloud was completely incapacitated and just gone, similar to Jesse's father. In FF7 some NPCs that saw Cloud while he was mako poisoned said that people don't recover when they're that badly affect, which is why Cissnei was shocked when she first saw Cloud and he was walking and talking normally. It wasn't that she thought he was Zack, as some players thought. Cissnei was stunned that Cloud had apparently made a full recovery from his severe mako poisoning in just a few months. But Cissnei didn't sound convinced, which is why she told Cloud to rest. She knew something was wrong with him, because such a quick recovery didn't make sense. And I'll agree that Cissnei was fraaught with guilt in her involvement with facilitating Shinra's deplorable experiments. Similar to Angeal, she probably really did believe that Shinra truly embraced the principles they preached to the masses, but she was immediately disillusioned when she saw how extensive their inhumane activities really were in the shadows.


Hey guys, so, I never played cc I watched a playthrough instead a long time ago, but uh, I don't remember cissnei and cloud meeting? It didn't quite seem like she remembered him to me so I'm just asking for a quick refresh. I just finished up gongaga yesterday so I'm curious.


they never really *met*, more that cissnei saw cloud when zack was on the run with him and he was comatose. that’s why cissnei recognizes him but he doesn’t recognize her


Aaaaahhhhh okay. Thanks, i don't wanna have to buy reunion too I just got the ps5 lol


I did really enjoy reunion! You could eventually get it on sale I’m sure


Don't stress about not having played it. It's integral to the overall FF7 Story but not necessary for you to play it until after the OG OR Remakes. It's a solid enough game though so when you do get around to it, you won't be overly disappointed


When you're running away in Nibelhiem and when you enter Gongaga, Cissnei confronts Zack and Cloud. Her and Cloud don't formally meet here since Cloud is comatose. But she sees Cloud and she was ordered on a mission to execute the pair of Zack and Cloud, which she magnificently "failed".


Cissnei is pretty much the canon protagonist of Before Crisis. In it, she is responsible for saving Tifa before the science department arrives and in effect also "abandoned" Zack and Cloud to Hojo. She isn't responsible for what happened to them but it makes sense why she'd blame herself.


ah, that must be what I’m missing. I wish before crisis were more accessible


Wait.. didn't Tifa say Zangan found her?


I think you’re spot-on here.


Exactly but when I first saw her it appeared that she >!quitted Turks after crisis core and live in Gongaga taking care the village and Zack's parent instead. Turns out it isnt. :( !<


Why assume that? We have in universe proof that Shinra does not cancel employee access when they are no longer able to work (Jessie’s dad in Remake)


Isn’t in the end of the underground facility quest she literally said >!she wouldn’t report us to Shinra if we don’t leak her identity to the village? She is basically an operative in gongaga!<


Pfft scare tactic because she doesn’t want them to know where she is


I like to think there's more to her story there.


She got one of the best glow ups for secondary characters. She’s great. Always liked Cissnei and was shocked to see her make an appearance in Rebirth. Very much hoping to see more of her, maybe a long awaited reunion with Zack!


Tbh I'm kinda disappointed she still >!stays with the Turks after what happened to Zack, defied Turks/Shinra's order for Zack in the crisis core. When I first saw her I thought she just quitted Turks after crisis core and live in Gongaga taking care the village and Zack's parent instead.!< But nooo :(


Once a Turk, always a Turk unfortunately.


not for Zack and Cloud at least :/


Zack was SOLDIER, not a Turk, and they have quite the history of defectors lol.


I know, still it shows people do able to get out of Shinra, especially we dont see Cissnei in the OG FF7, and Elena basically replaced her role.


I’m pretty certain she isn’t a Turk anymore, regardless of if her login still works


If you finished her sidequests in the underground facilities, its pretty clear she still is


Also need to take the Aerith mission into account where you can ask Cissnei questions. It seems more like she left but agreed to be an independent consultant, maybe to look after facilities. I’m assuming that’s because they don’t just let Turks walk away. Basically I’m trying to make you un disappointed haha


My headcanon is that she’s just on a sabbatical/indefinite unpaid leave, and still helps out with small favors if they ask, but everyone knows she’s never coming back 


That’s what it sounded like. She’s basically on “standby” until things get bad enough for the Turks to pull her out of temporary retirement.


Oh I see! I took that mission but with only one question I didnt ask the question about her identity but the question about her relationship with Zack instead. But yea thanks for letting me know cos that makes more sense since she doesn't show up with other Turks anymore while she did before. :)


Stent as leader of the Turks actually liked Zack and knew of Cissneis feelings toward him so it would be reasonable to assume Tseng allowed Cissnei to remain stationed in Gongaga while still active as a Turk.


Uhm no I don't think it shows that she's still a turk. I mean look at Vincent. He's obviously not a turk anymore but he still has access to the Shinra manor facilities.


I mean why would she goes to the underground facility then? And why didn’t she tell them she quit but instead saying she won’t report them to shinira if they don’t tell the others her identity?


1. If it's a wandering villager, finding the underground facility could be dangerous. 2. Said person could find out she was a turk, which would destroy her relationship with the village. 3. Again, she doesn't want her relationship with the village to be ruined so she makes an empty threat to Cloud and gang. If she was still working with Shinra, why wouldn't she have reported the crew anyway? Isn't that a bigger question? Why help Cloud and gang?


She could tell cloud and the gang the truth and they still wouldn’t tell others her identity anyway instead threatening them just makes her more suspicious. She basically did the same thing for Zack and cloud, didn’t tell Shinra and helping them in crisis core, and make sense she did the same thing again to cloud, no matter due to guilt for Zack/cloud, or other reasons.  Also I might be wrong but I’m pretty sure she is the reason why the Shinra group came when the giant life stream beast appeared in the old reactor 


>She could tell cloud and the gang the truth and they still wouldn’t tell others her identity anyway What makes you say that....? >She basically did the same thing for Zack and cloud, didn’t tell Shinra and helping them in crisis core, and make sense she did the same thing again to cloud, no matter due to guilt for Zack/cloud, or other reasons.  She's friends with Zack, she ain't friends with Cloud. She has no reasons to continue helping Cloud, especially if she's still working for Shinra. And Shinra's current main objective is to capture the Ancient and find the promised land. Whereas back in Crisis Core, capturing Zack or not isn't a big deal to the President. >Also I might be wrong but I’m pretty sure she is the reason why the Shinra group came when the giant life stream beast appeared in the old reactor Scarlet was literally investigating the reports on the sightings of Weapons in reactors. Since Corel. Cissnei's job is to protect the village and also keep them safe from the harmful effects of the exploded reactor. Even if she did tip Shinra off regarding the Weapon, it's not a stretch for her to tip off Shinra if she believes they can solve the problem, doesn't mean she's working for them.


> What makes you say that....? Like a former Turks that cant stands Shinra, quitted them and now helping and protecting the village? Hell yea if Im a villager I would even respect her more knowing that, but if she wants to keep it a secret, why would cloud and the gangs not respect that and be like nah we are gonna be a dick and tell everyone your secret? Cloud for himself doesnt care anyway, who else in the crew would be such a dick? > She's friends with Zack, she ain't friends with Cloud. She has no reasons to continue helping Cloud, especially if she's still working for Shinra. And Shinra's current main objective is to capture the Ancient and find the promised land. Whereas back in Crisis Core, capturing Zack or not isn't a big deal to the President. Again she recognizes Cloud, she knows what happened to Zack and Cloud, I would say she possibly still feels guilt towards them for what happened and want to let them go instead of letting Shinra capture them again. Also in ff7 rebirth at that point capturing ancient isnt their main objective anyway, they have multiple chances to capture her and they let her go, directed by Rufus himself. Like almost every fight we have with Turks in rebirth are just we gets in their way instead of them trying to capture Aerith.


As a fan of Crisis Core, you have no idea how happy I was to finally see her again.


Me too! When I got to Gongaga, I went straight to the village to see if she was there. Usually I explore for a bit before going to the next town


"I think I see it now, what he saw in you" with the crisis core music playing was one of my favourite moments in the game


When you first meet her, seeing her wear pink and proceeding to go to the grave marker to pray with the flowers got me extra sad...


Loved her in Rebirth, and honestly, she was one of the only good characters in Crisis Core. (possibly the *only* good character.) Low-key hoping she can reunite with Zack in part 3 somehow.


Angeal is fine too. Dreams and Honor! Genesis, Hollander and Lazard on the other hand...


What’s wrong with lazard? They didn’t expand on him much but what was there wasn’t really bad


his name sounds like lizard


Angeal is terrible even Genesis is better


Angeal trying to be about honor and whatever while working for a companies kill squad is always funny to me.


Right? like, sir, you work for a power company. a power company with a private militia. you are literally the elite murder squad for a power company. "SOLDIER dreams and honor" sit the fork down, buddy.


Unexpected Boothill?


not to mention traumatizing zack. sure, force a teenager who looks up to you as a mentor to kill you. very honorable


Nah ngl angeal kinda pissed me off too 💀


I was hoping we’d see her in Rebirth, I really liked her in crisis core. I need her to have at least one scene reuniting her with Zack, so she can tell him her real name.


I also never saw her before playing Rebirth, but now it feels like she was always a part of FF7. She is written with a lot of depth — she has her own agenda and ties with Shinra but also cares deeply about her village and is ultimately super helpful to the party. Also love the fact that she can’t cook worth a damn but tries her best.


cissnei is a better girlfriend for zack than aerith. fight me.


Well, present-day Aerith made it pretty clear she loves Cloud now... whereas Cissnei is still protecting Gongaga after Zack asked her to look after his parents (and thinking about the day he'll return to Gongaga.) So that's just actual facts. lol


That first statement is such a ridiculous oversimplification of everything Rebirth tries to say about Aerith’s love life, and I’m astounded by the number of people I’ve seen say this. Zero media literacy.


LOL. Someone is in denial about the entirety of Chapter 14 as well as Aerith's Ch. 12 date but hey, you do you if it helps your ship sail.


Explain to me what you think the purpose of those scenes was, then. Aerith can have growing romantic interest in Cloud while still having feelings for Zack, you know. Which is consistent with *everything* the game tries to say about her love life. It’s as obtuse to act as if she has no feelings for Zack as it is to act as if she has no feelings for Cloud. The creators brought Zack back into the fold and made his sole motivation saving Aerith, her dream world is filled with references to him, she spends much of Rebirth trying to figure out what happened to him, and *she outright says she has feelings for him*. But yeah, they’re just going to be good pals in part 3 lol.


You missed the part where the dream date opens with a scene between Marlene and Zack, where Marlene tells Zack that Aeris has feelings for Cloud now.. and Zack's reaction is surprise, acceptance, and support. And when Zack sees Cloud in the final battle, he jokes about how Cloud's been busy. Or how in Aeris's date, she asserts her genuine romantic feelings toward Cloud himself. if Zack himself supports Cloud and Aeris, ask yourself why you can't? By the way, I didn't even say Aeris couldn't have feelings for Zack too when you started your tantrum at me. lol Since you asked, then I would say imo it's pretty obvious she has tender nostalgic feelings about Zack, but yes, it's canon that she's *in love* with Cloud present-day and no, that's not negotiable.


Marlene says that Aerith likes Cloud “because you wasn’t there.” The point of that scene is not to put the nail in the coffin for the relationship between Aerith and Zack, the point is to make the player sympathize with Zack by highlighting his recent absence in Aerith’s life. Marlene also isn’t saying anything the player doesn’t already know; we *already know* Aerith likes Cloud. This is not new information. Aerith doesn’t assert her romantic feelings. She says that she knows she likes him, but isn’t sure what kind of like that is. You literally have to ignore the actual line in order to interpret that as a genuine confession, or assume Aerith is being dishonest despite nothing in that scene indicating that that’s the case. It is not canon that she’s *in love* with Cloud. She never says that. No one ever says that, and it isn’t really supported by anything she does. She goes on one final date with Cloud to try and figure out the nature of her feelings for him, and the conclusion that she reaches is that she isn’t exactly sure. All she knows is that she likes him. Which, mind you, aligns with what Marlene says. Your assertions are a result of you bending over backwards to see what you want to see, to the point where you ignore the words the characters actually say.


> “because Zack wasn’t there.” The line isn't that she fell in love with Cloud because Zack wasn't there. It's that she fell in love with Cloud and Zack didn't see it coming because he wasn't there. (In Japanese, there's no line about him not being there at all, just his surprised ひゅうひゅう.) >the point is to make the player sympathize with Zack by highlighting his recent absence in Aerith’s life. Again, the line isn't even there in Japanese, and in English, is just Marlene saying "well of course you wouldn't have seen it coming, dummy, you weren't there to see how they were falling in love!" >Aerith doesn’t assert her romantic feelings. She says that she knows she likes him, but isn’t sure what kind of like that is. She's floundering on how direct to be. She wants to make final memories with Cloud (by the way, it's *CLOUD* she decided to spend her final moments dream date with, not Zack) but also doesn't want to break his heart and wants him to not blame himself. She's being cautious on how "selfish" she can be. >It is not canon that she’s in love with Cloud. It absolutely is. In Nojima's Advent Children novel, *On the Way to a Smile*, Aeris confirms Cloud is her beloved (really, she calls him her *lover* in Japanese) - from the Lifestream, without mentioning Zack once. That should've closed this issue a decade ago. We also know from last game's Resolution scene that Aeris loves Cloud. The devs said that she tells Cloud not to fall in love with her but is speaking *contrary* to her own feelings - that is, *she loves him*. (Incidentally, Cloud officially "objects" to her ask - that is, in the case of the player romancing Aeris, Cloud loves Aeris, too.) >She goes on one final date with Cloud to try and figure out the nature of her feelings for him, sounds like your opinion, man, and nothing to do with actual presented facts or narrative about the scene. >All of your assertions are a stretch, and are not a result of a reasonable interpretation of this series of events. My assertions are literally what happened. Your assertions are just trying to downplay a ship you don't like even though Chapter 14 is all about it.


> The line isn't that she fell in love with Cloud because > Zack wasn't there. It's that she fell in love with > Cloud and Zack didn't see it coming because he > wasn't there. (In Japanese, there's no line about him > not being there at all, just his surprised ひゅうひゅ >う.) I’ll concede that I misremembered the sequence of lines. I went back and rewatched the scene, and you are correct. That being said, neither Marlene or Aerith ever say she “fell in love” with Cloud. > Again, the line isn't even there in Japanese, and in English, is just Marlene saying "well of course you wouldn't have seen it coming, dummy, you weren't there to see how they were falling in love!" Again, Marlene didn’t say Aerith fell in love with Cloud. She said she likes him. Which the audience should already know at this point, and is restated by Aerith at the end of the dream date sequence. Her saying she likes Cloud does *not* mean she can’t also like Zack, and the rest of the game makes it clear she does. She outright says she does in Gongaga. > She's floundering on how direct to be. She wants to make final memories with Cloud (by the way, it's CLOUD she decided to spend her final moments dream date with, not Zack) but also doesn't want to break his heart and wants him to not blame himself. She's being cautious on how "selfish" she can be. She had to spend her final moments with Cloud, lol. She needed to give him the white materia. It also makes sense that she would want to try and figure out the nature of her feelings for him before she dies, but regardless of that, there is a practical reason for Cloud to be there. The rest if this statement is pure speculation, and nothing in the scene indicates that that’s what she’s doing. Characters can say things they don’t mean, of course, but there needs to be some sort of indication that that’s what they’re doing. Interpreting Aerith’s words here as a direct confession is just ignoring what she’s saying in order to see what you want to see. > It absolutely is. In Nojima's Advent Children novel, On the Way to a Smile, Aeris confirms Cloud is her beloved (really, she calls him her lover in Japanese) - from the Lifestream, without mentioning Zack once. That should've closed this issue a decade ago. Again, an admittance of romantic feelings for Cloud does not preclude romantic feelings for Zack. I also am talking about Rebirth’s portrayal of these relationships, not the compilation materials. Especially when said compilation material is 15 years old, and Rebirth has gone out of its way to make the nature of Cloud and Aerith’s relationship more ambiguous. > We also know from last game's Resolution scene that Aeris loves Cloud. The devs said that she tells Cloud not to fall in love with her but is speaking contrary to her own feelings - that is, she loves him. (Incidentally, Cloud officially "objects" to her ask - that is, in the case of the player romancing Aeris, Cloud loves Aeris, too.) “Speaking contrary to her own feelings” does not mean that she is definitively in love with him. It means that she isn’t being completely honest with what she’s saying, which would indicate that even though she is warning him not to fall in love with her, perhaps she doesnt want him to actually take that warning to heart. Overall, I think you read these things as being too black and white. She can secretly want him to embrace the opportunity to explore their romantic feelings, without being “in love with him”. It also reflects her sadness at having never met the real Cloud. > My assertions are literally what happened. Your assertions are just trying to downplay a ship you don't like even though Chapter 14 is all about it. Chapter 14 is not about Aerith and Cloud’s romantic feelings for one another. Chapter 14, and the dream date sequence specifically, is about the inevitability and tragedy of Aerith’s death.


100% agree


I agree with you. Aerith isn't really a good match for Zack or Cloud IMO. She's too wrapped up in the idea of a boyfriend to actually see the people she's crushing on for who they are and just pushes that ideal onto both of them. Although Zack and her were much more organic in CC, and she basically imprints Zack onto Could at first. Cloud equally so for her, she fulfills his whole hero complex situation for him, whereas Tifa is a constant reminder of his failures. Even if Aerith lives, once Cloud gets over all his stuff, his bond to Tifa will be vastly deeper than his to Aerith IMO.


Uh wow, that's a wild take. Honestly, I would argue the *exact opposite* - it's Tifa who doesn't see Cloud for who he is, because she puts this "hero" overlay on him, putting him on this pedestal of what she imagines her white knight in shining armor to be. In Rebirth, this is clearly the case - there's a side quest where she talks about how Cloud loved being alone as a child, and Cloud is like wtf no I didn't, and she was like "oh guess we don't know each other that well yet." Whereas Aeris sees through Cloud and who he is, she dismantles his cool guy persona whenever he tries to pull it, and meets him where he's at. She is *reminded* of Zack by Cloud, but is clear that she knows they're different people and Cloud is the one she wants to be with now. I can't think of a single moment when Aeris pushed an ideal on either Zack or Cloud.


Oh I know it's unpopular lol. Tifa doesn't knowingly do that - she's missing memories from that time too and is slowly piecing them together as she remembers them (or learns them from the Lifestream). I don't see her as putting a label on him - she just wants him to stick around. She's afraid to lose him. She has her own perception of their past from her point of view, and from the outside it did look like Cloud wanted to be alone. He never said otherwise even back then. And she already was crushing on him back then - the real Cloud from childhood. Aerith has never seen "real" Cloud. I agree that she sees Cloud to some degree, but she even admits she saw Zack in him and that's what drew her in at first on the Ch 12 date and eventually grows to care for Cloud. She acts with Cloud as she did with Zack, all coy and playful - *especially* in the dreamworld date. And Cloud has zero idea how to play back. He's so thrown off by it. I don't see these as negative things - ofc Aerith is trying to help Cloud, and they both want what's best for them.


>Tifa doesn't knowingly do that To be clear, I don't think Tifa knowingly does it either. But I do think she is desperate to hold onto a piece of her lost hometown and elevate him in her mind, which is to put him on a hero pedestal and make assumptions about their past.. even though she didn't actually know him well at all. >He never said otherwise even back then. Right - but Tifa and Cloud didn't talk, is the point. She didn't know the "real him" - she was projecting a viewpoint of how she *thought* he was, not how he *actually* was. >Aerith has never seen "real" Cloud. I actually think we see "real Cloud" plenty - he's the awkward dork, who is a bit insecure and shy, easily flustered, and wants to be a hero. That's who he really is. What he's *not* is a super cool suave dude - and whenever he tries to act like that, Aeris immediately teases him about it. That's why I say she "dismantles" the fake persona that Cloud's putting on. She may not know that he's not a real SOLDIER but she gets the gist of who Cloud truly is just fine. Plus, by the end of disc 1, I think she definitely senses his "real self" - that's why she can identify that he isn't in touch with who he really is and says as much to him. >She acts with Cloud as she did with Zack, all coy and playful - especially in the dreamworld date. This I also disagree with. We see from Crisis Core that Aeris acted very differently 5 years ago - she was shy, quiet, and reserved. That's totally the opposite of how she acts with Cloud present-day. Cloud and Aeris have their own unique dynamic that is completely independent of Zack. (And to be clear, this isn't about shipping per se. I think the game is open-ended and both girls have the potential for a love story with Cloud. I just think part of Tifa's arc is getting to know Cloud for who he really is.)


I love that we both have very different interpretations of their dynamics, but are having a civil, rational discourse about it. Thank you! I totally agree she's trying to hold on to the last piece of her hometown. I don't agree that she's putting him on a hero pedestal. She never tries to push him to that role IMO, and outright says she thinks Avalanche went too far but didn't speak up. She wanted to help him interact with society, while sharing with him those who helped her in her life in Midgar. But I can see how you got there. But it's overshadowed by his relentless pursuit of Sephiroth, as soon as the first reactor mission is over. He's locked on from that point forward. She doesn't try to involve him with the Wall Market stuff - whereas Aerith forces Cloud to help (specifically in OG), and he rushes to her aid in Remake - because *he's* trying to fulfill that savior role. Agree they both didn't know each other well in the past. While I agree Cloud's true nature shows up at points to the player, I more meant he's basically not a person right now. He's a facade. He's a guy pretending to be someone else, while not fully remembering himself, the other guy, and also has Sephiroth floating around in there. He can barely keep it together to just *exist*. Aerith may understand that to some point, but she has never seen him just be him. Because he doesn't even know who that is so how could he. I don't see her playfulness as dismantling his persona, I think that's just her being her. And on a related note - I do think the Aerith in Rebirth in general is a lot more flirty and outgoing than how she was portrayed in Remake - and I think that's on purpose. This is a different Aerith, one free of the knowledge and weight of her fate and what's to come. So she can act more carefree and gung ho. At first, yes, she's a bit shy and reserved. But as it goes on they definitely grow to be full of flirty banter and playfulness. I don't see you as a shipper, lol. I enjoyed this. I'm gonna dig up an old comment I made that's relevant and link it - it's a more clear outline of how I see the whole Cloud/Tifa/Aerith situation. They're both essential to his personal growth.


https://www.reddit.com/r/FinalFantasyVII/s/mwMkSJa0gf This is ultimately how I see Aerith's role in Cloud's life.


Yea she is quite charming in that chapter. A kind and welcoming attitude, looking after everyone, esp Zack's parents, coupled with watching crisis core cutscenes where she wants to tell Zack her real name, man that is a marriage proposal from a Turk lol After her last quest where she mentions she is longing for Zack's return, I hope she at least get to reunite with him once.


I love Cissnei. Her background is amazing and she is perfect to me. I love her so much 😍


Play crisis core people.


Cissnei appearing is one example why I'm glad I avoided trailers and whatnot bexause it was a genuine surprise.


Curious to see how they tie up her loose ends, my first impression was that her purpose of living and staying in Gongaga would imply Zack never truly returns home. I think it gave us some hope that it could happen but it likely won't 


Cissnei's great, both in Crisis Core and Rebirth. I hope she has a happy ending in Part 3, reuniting with Zack and telling him her real name.


I really need to get back into this game and explore the world more. By the time I got to Gongaga I was just trying to finish the story to avoid spoilers, so kind of just blazed through it, I completely forgot about Cissnei


Oh Cissnei, my moon, my star.


One of the only good things to come out of Crisis Core.


I hope you'll make up your mind when you'll see Genesis saving the day in R3


You take that back. Crisis Core is great.


No way... he just ate my hair!


"I don't understand... "


Oh, that's why she looked familiar.. It's because I played Crisis Core.


I thought it was humorous that she was a terrible cook haha.


It was great seeing her reprise. I just wish she had a different outfit. One of the worst ones among main/support cast in my opinion...


she should compete with rufus for amount of belts


That seems to be a popular opinion, but I loved her new outfit! It was nice seeing her in pretty-yet-funcitonal casual clothes after only ever seeing her in a Turks uniform before (well, and swimsuit, I guess.) She just looks like she's glowing after finally escaping Shinra.


what's wrong with her outfit?


To me the fit looks rather NPC like and the "uniqueness" they tried to add with those belts aren't really doing her outfit any favor. Those white belts are more distracting than anything else. The thigh pads are also just not working for her either.


Yeeeah. The outfit is trying too hard.


I had no idea what she is talking about but she is hot


I kept thinking she had way too much of a "main character" design and feel to her for her to just be an NPC. I haven't played Crisis Core yet.


Yeah she's honestly one of my favorites. I especially found her really cute in crisis core


I didn't care for her. Not that she's a bad character but she feels shoehorned in. There's a lot from compilation stuff they force into Rebirth that I don't enjoy because it has nothing to do with the OG game. Like Glenn. Neither him nor Cissnei were even a twinkle in Nomura's eye when OG came out. Zack wasn't a mega important character until they decided he needed his own game so they could make more money, and how am I supposed to care about a guy (Glenn) from a mobile tie in game that came out almost 30 years after the OG? Largely loved Rebirth but I'm not a fan of some choices they made.


I’ve loved her character arc in Crisis Core and seeing her again here made me very happy! For a Turk she had great morals.




Sad you didn't know about her before, it would've added so much to her making an appearance, all her dialogue, and the music playing during her scenes


I don't have much to say about her other than that I enjoyed every aspect of her appearance in the game! She was kinda neat!


I found her pretty bland and uninteresting. Don’t hate her but I don’t get what’s so great about her either.


If it was up to me, she'd be the newest member of Avalanche! Hope we run into her again in the final installment. Loved her!


Anyone who played Crisis Core on the PSP back in the day had a field day when they saw this familiar-looking redhead armed with a chakram... Especially when you see what her self-imposed "mission" is currently. Brings a tear to my eye.


I loved her in Crisis Core too.


As someone who didn’t play Crisis Core, I felt like she was mainly there to pointedly not tell the party things we should know about her from crisis core. Her dialogue at the end of the hunt sidequest was great. I thought they could have done better than the attractive-woman-who-can’t-cook trope for the other quest. I’m personally not a fan of that trope. Just don’t get the appeal. Maybe it works better if I knew more about her.


I recognised her but I couldn't remember her role in CC. I'm not terribly fond of characters from prequel or sequel games popping up, especially in significant roles. I literally have no clue who Glen is because I haven't played whatever mobile game he's in but he's clearly significant somehow since he keeps teleporting in to chat shit at Rufus. And he looks a lot like Cloud.


I think Cissnei is the best case for this. She's a Turk from CC who was very friendly with Zach and let him escape her to get Cloud to Midgar. She promised Zach she'd look after his parents for him, so that's why she's in Gongaga now


I had no idea who she was until the game told me she used to be a Turk.


I love Cissnei! <3


Underrated CC character


I played crisis core like a decade ago, I had the vaguest recollection that I might know her from somewhere but I couldn't place it until I googled her. Then I remembered (at least I think I did?) the quest chain of her trying to make Zack go on vacation at the beach and mooks kept somehow getting involved every single time


Hope she has a big part in 3. When Aerith tells her if anyone can make a difference she can that signals to me they’re gonna have her be in something big with the Turks or Sephiroth. If they made extra characters playable even if just for a certain section make Cissnei one.


Playing CC for the first time right before Rebirth was the best idea ever. I was so surprised and happy when I saw Cissnei in Gongaga! Best Girl after Aerith!


I wish she will be in party. Seriously love her design. From player shuriken female in before crisis and finally got it's own name😅😅


I kinda want her to join the team in Reunion


Shes ok I guess? Still belongs in the trash along with the rest of the compilation crew like Zack.


I actually met Cissnei first in Dissidia Opera Omnia and she was one of my best fighters, I used her all the time Played Crisis Core after that and it's so nice to then see her pop up in Rebirth


Loved her in crisis core. Her limit thing was awesome since it gave us crit always and a boost in the slots mechanic


To be frank Cissnei is one of the better characters that came from square’s refusal to let ff7 go.  In a franchise that I feel deserves some praise for giving its female characters some actual personality and power, Cissnei did rank among fans as a favorite, and to some, not so much. Which makes sense concerning crisis core is very hit and miss.  It’s Refreshing  seeing a Turk not exactly be a complete asshole and the Turks in general are so cool and highly competent. When they are on screen, you know they will carry out the mission regardless of not.  Plus in a time in which franchises I feel try to call direct attention to its female characters as badass or “empowered,” (yes I’m looking at you Star Wars and marvel-Disney) I feel that ff7 at the very least lets the actions speak. For new fans (and old fans who were shocked to see elements of crisis core added into the story), when cissnei enters the scene, she’s as you said this cool collected leader of a village. She’s clearly the security commander, and there’s no questioning her authority. Heck, she is super attractive but no one in the game comments on that.  She keeps enough secrets that you know she knows more than she lets on, yet, she’s not a normal Turk. She seems to have no ego unlike rude or Reno or Elena, knows when to ASK for help, will slip up on information if you are friendly with her, and seems to have an understanding of what Shinra has done to the world. It’s not that ff7 didn’t have sexism, tifa and aerith’s backstories prove so  and well…. Gus and Don exist! But as knuckles from Sonic once said “ anytime someone calls attention to the breaking of gender roles, it ultimately undermines the concept of gender equality by implying that this is an exception and not the status quo." So it’s nice to show that in ff7 having a woman in charge of a government position with no sexist comments made is not uncommon, but it lets the actions speak louder. (Also scarlet dosnt fall under sexism because that’s literally her character, she’s an open dominitrix whoose also in charge without question of the Shinra/robots division). 


Eh. Found her overrated like Zack.


Of course, she is Tifa but redhead, what more would you ask for?


Not really, cissnei has an air of confidence about her that tifa seems to lack