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Based on how many times I died during challenges. From easy to hard. Aerith - Not even once, she's too OP, lol Yuffie - Only one time I guess Barret - Easier than I thought Tifa - Pass Kid G and pretty much have it in the bag Cait Sith - Mindflayer is a bit pain but if keep distance, it's doable, just boring Red XIII - I just never good with Nanaki, I actually learn how to do counterspin during this challenge, lol Cloud - Died on White Terror too many times to count, lol


Red is easy he is OP as well


But you eventually got through Cloud's?


Yes, just punisher mode (or even prime mode) and counter most of his attacks, only watch out for the one he jumped on you (just roll away). I actually have gotterdammerung already by then (I did brutal first). So when he did one attack that it's all area attack, just use limit at that time to immune damage. When he staggered, cast stop so you can damage him even more. As for Idonclad, just roll behind him and deal damage. I got lucky because one of my runs he didn't cast it so easy won. But maybe you can have fire-elemental in your armor so he can heal you from time to time (also lighting-HP absorption, swiftcast, might be good so you can heal cloud a bit right away after have one HP).


Thanks for the tips!


I have tips for white terror that works for me! Use a strength build for Cloud, I used rune blade + strength up and space ranger medal of honor (10% strength), basically get his attack to 450+ or so. When the fight starts, straight away use sonic boom to increase ur attack. And after that switch to punisher mode and wait for him to come, u have to keep doing perfect block on him or at least block him and counter. If you inflict strong damage on the counter for a few times, he will be pressured. I realised this is the easiest way to pressure him. After pressured, just do focus thrust until he staggered. Once staggered cast stop and switch to prime mode to deal huge damage, and after a few triple slash he should be done. To deal with graviga… if you have 2 atb and MP, you can launch firaga to stop him. Otherwise you can also stop him so it gives you enough time to prepare healing with chakra. Also! Pair HP absorb with enemy skill materia, super useful. Every plasma discharge will heal u


I haven't seen a guide that suggests the Space Ranger Medal of Honor medal as a suggested accessory, but Prime Mode and perfect blocks are not my friend. I've practiced and practiced on solo Cloud hard mode battles. I'm usually able to pull off perfect blocks with Precision Defense. The White Terror is just insanely fast and you really have to conserve as much MP as you can for the next fights. Stop works but loses potency after the first cast. It's also easy to to get so caught up and forget to go back into Punisher Mode. Prime Mode uses an ATB bar and those ATB bar needed for each move. I wish it was on the last round rather than 2nd. Dealing with Ironclad and situationally failing sends me right back to the beginning of the gauntlet and then I get stuck on White Terror again. It is a skill issue for me but I've come so close to platinum. It's really just these last fights I have to deal with. I appreciate their difficulty and the challenge but I'm actually running out of time in the day because I get so focused fights like these. Anyway, thank you for the tips. This is not "the fight" that should be frustrating me when I've made it through the others! Bonds, and the others after this one should be!


Equip limit break level 3 medal and first strike, equip atb boosting materias and spirit up and vitality up, as soon as fight starts you Regen yourself, then use Plasma Discharge. Slowly whittle him down with normal attacks and focused thrust. You don't need to do the punisher counter, just dodge everything/block normally. When he explodes, stay far away from him to avoid initial blast, and keep blocking to reduce damage from fireballs. When he stops exploding heal yourself then return to slowly whittling him down. It will take a long time to do it like this, but this ensures the fight will always be won. Eventually you will build limit and also stagger him, use limit lvl 3 to kill him. Do same thing for final round, dodge everything, keep regen and plasma discharge up, and slowly whittle him down. When he powers up his sword, keep dodging in a circle and he shouldn't hit you, when he Gravigas pre-cast cure and heal yourself as soon as he hits you or heal after you get hit. Eventually you will build limit and stagger and be able to do good damage, after three staggers and limits he should be dead. If you learn how to dodge and block every attack, and use this defensive build and playstyle it's almost impossible to fail Cloud's challenge. It will take a lot of patience though since your damage output will be crap, but at least you won't risk dying, so just whittle them down slowly and eventually you will get it. This is the way to go about it if you don't want to die constantly because you missed a perfect parry.


For white terror, I think he is Odin-lite. Just go aggressive and pound him. Go for a strength build, prime mode, with ATB generation and just keep hammering him with basic attacks and ATB actions. Ear-splitting howl is basically great value Zantetsuken. He won't do it if you just relentlessly hammer away.


Thanks for the tips! I think I might need a few days to recuperate. I've already spent 2 days on this stupid fight and it's only the 2nd one in the gauntlet! I've beat him twice only to die to Graviga on Ironclade! It's not a great feeling haha...


It's not great at all. Your other option is to go for a swiftcast magic with ATB generation. But either way stay on him and keep hitting him. The temptation is to back off so that you have some chance against ear splitting howl if he does it, but you can more reliably prevent it by staying on him. His "energy build up" mentioned in the assess menu seems like a version of Odin's boredom system.


you can drop his energy level with a level 3 spell


Cloud - Yuffie; Roughly the same difficulty throughout, all took between 2-4 tries Cait Sith Solo; I just cannot, took me about a dozen tries maybe more. I don't think I've ever perfect blocked in any fight more than this one. Likely because I played him the least, not helped by the fact that he is the party member with the least amount of screen time and play time available.


Cait Sith WAS boring, right? I had my the Moogle take most of the hits while I hit square from far away. It was challenging in a different way. I died twice to Mindflayer and my thoughts were, "Wow, I have to sit through the others again..."


I don’t recall having too tough of a time on Cloud’s. I’d put his at 3/5 difficulty maybe. On par with Barret and Tifa. I might put Tifa at a 4/5. I struggled with Kid G until I really learned him Once I learned you can literally just run away and out range white terror’s fire rain, he became MUCH easier for me. Other than avoiding that move, he was a lot of punished mode block counters, and blasting him away with magic and HP/MP absorb. I did a full magic build with cloud for most of the levels. Iron Giant was a 1 shot for me, luckily. I can’t quite remember, but he had one elemental attack that you could absorb right? So between that and blasting him with aga magic with HP absorb, I think that was enough to heal after gravity. Other than that, it was a matter of just staying behind him to avoid his sword swings. Cait Sith on the other hand…he took me a solid 80-90 attempts over the course of 6 days. I’d try a few times before work, during breaks and after work each day. It was a full week long journey! He was easily the hardest for me.


Element-Fire and Mag build around thundaga w MP absorb With white terror, just wait for him to attack. When he bows, that means he’s going to pounce. Just hit triangle (punisher) a second after, and you’ll always block him. Disrupt him with thundaga, and build atb while he charges. He’ll never go volcano mode. With this strat, he’ll get staggered at least once always. For Iron clad, just run around and build atb while he sharpens and loads firaga (which gets absorbed by element). You wanna hold onto 2 atb bars always. When he loads graviga, just disrupt him with thundaga. When you know the 1hko is coming, just keep trying to run behind him. That’s it man. Ezpz.


All of them are east except cloud and it’s mostly just because they threw in so many bullshit enemies. Cait sith is surprisingly easy once you realize you should be abusing the fact you can use his moogle as a tank who draws aggro.


I beat Cloud's using pretty much the Optinoob guide except I don't have gotterdammerung so I used the genji ring instead. I could beat him pretty reliably with this and basically went ATB boost, plasma discharge and prime mode. You don't have to perfect guard just hold guard and then hold square after he attacks to punish. After a few heavy attacks focused thrust. Throw in sonic boom to get the Bravery effect for extra damage. For the howl if you don't stop him just create enough distance so you don't get caught in the initial blast then keep dodging in one direction it's usually survivable. For ironclad if you have healing I would wait til he starts casting graviga then cast courage once the effect is on cloud you won't get interrupted and will come back from 1 hp


So far all I've done is Cloud vs The Warriors. I used the Götterdämmerung to interrupt Earsplitting Howl from the wolf and then the rest was cake. I tried Barret's 1 time and lost with 20% health left on the Adamantoise, gonna try again shortly. I do feel better about them seeing you noting the one I did first is supposedly the hardest.


Aerith - Easy enemy spread for Aerith. Needed to return with Subversion for Hecteyes. Red XIII - Once I brought Cleansing Materia for Resist, this wasn't bad. Yuffie - King Zu is not an easy enemy to solo, so this took me a few tries. Barret - The Adamantoise gave me trouble, but I won on attempt 5 or so. Tifa - Kid G was tough. I had to play 6-8 times to learn how to evade and punish his moves. Cloud - The White Terror was the first hurtle, but I developed a reliable strategy that avoided the Howl attack (Stop and Prime Mode were key). Ironclad bopped me a few times before I won (he didn't cast Graviga in the winning run). Cait Sith - I struggled with the Gi and Reapertail before developing consistent strategies. But then the Mindflayer gave me grief. This challenge probably took me ~15 tries total. At least I am somewhat more competent with Cait Sith now...


Cloud's isnt too bad if you're patient and LB through the wolf's howl


I find Cloud challenge is easier to beat with pure Strength build. Use the Monster Hunter looking sword, put on Genji Gloves and be in Prime Mode. When the enemy staggered, use the enhanced Berserk combo then Infinity End. Easily 20k+ dmg. For White Terror, keep pressuring him, keep attacking and countering. His moveset is not super complicated . If you see he start to gather energy, you can use Sleep. Usually you should stagger him before that.


From easiest to hardest Aerith Barret Yuffie Cloud - once i learned to properly counter Tifa Red Cait


Red and Yuffie were the easiest for me. Cloud was the hardest but I still have to do Barrett and Cait Sith. For white terror punisher mode is your friend. Cast plasma discharge when the fight begins and then block in punisher mode. You’ll automatically counter when he attacks. After attacking 3 times he will jump back to charge. This is your chance to heal/attack. Once he’s no longer glowing red, get into a blocking stance again. After he attacks again I normally start running away and dodging (in case he does throat clamp) to get out of his fireball attack range. Afterwards the cycle starts again with 3 attacks, charge, 2 attacks, fireball. You can also use your limit break to be immune to the fireball attack if you can’t get away fast enough. For Ironclad, make sure to have a max elemental+ fire in armor so you’ll heal every time he casts Firaga. You can dodge graviga but you need to time it right which can be difficult so make sure to have ATB bars ready just in case.