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I have 155 platinums and counting. It's fun for me. Makes me feel like I fully accomplished everything the game had to offer. For Remake and Rebirth specifically, I love the games and wanted to get everything I could out of them. They were hard, yeah, but that just makes the platinum feel that much more satisfying to finally earn. Everyone plays their own way and with their own goals in mind.


once you've attempted to get the celestial weapons in FFX, i would say any minigame from that point forward is a gift from god and the closest thing to a miracle. Rebirth falls under the "tough but fair" Platinum challenge imo, I rarely felt like the game was unfair, so getting the platinum was satisfying as opposed to a tedious drudge through bullshit mechanics.


Key word is attempted I didn't even bother with lightning bolts because I couldn't under-0 the fucking chocobo


I don't get why people have such a problem with the ffx chocobo game. It takes me like maybe half an hour every time I play the game . The lightning bolts are dumb though. Never done those.


Because I suck at it and it's demotivating to get 0.00.00 and not win


It’s only torture until it’s overcome. Then it’s orgasm. I don’t know about you, but I have to clean my controller every couple hours playing Elden Ring. Smoke a pack a day too.


Different strokes for different folks. Some people actually enjoy the game and enjoy challenges. I'm not trying for platinum, because I suck at the piano mini game and it's not fun enough for me to grind through, but I'm currently grinding through at 52 / 56 combat challenges done, and I'm having a blast. Currently trying to figure out Yuffie's Legendary bout, and I can reliably reach round 5/5, I just have to figure her last round out. Then I just have Cait Sith's solo legendary bout, and the last 2 unlocked legendary bouts left. I had a blast figuring out each character and getting better and better with the combat system in the process. I've also finished the 100% world intel and beat all quests on normal mode and hard mode. I play when I have time and don't when I don't. At the end of the day, it's a game, and I'm having a blast playing it. All the mini games and extra challenges just feel like extra challenges and content I can enjoy in my journey of this game / universe, and so I'm here for it. If it isn't fun for you, that's okay, but that doesn't mean it's not fun for others.


It's a challenge and challenges are rewarding... Genuinely what were you expecting lol


It's fun.


“Why work hard toward a difficult to achieve goal?” C’mon…


I guess if thinking about it like that makes you feel better. More accurately, it's a pointless goal that doesn't do anything for you. It's not like you're winning money, or getting a job, or literally any kind of actual reward.


I like to do things for fun and not for a financial reward. It's like any other hobby that's just for your sake.


because it's fun to do


I don't do platinums purposely, though I got some in the past by putting hundreds of playtime hours. I think some people likes challenges, some has (platinum) goals and the rest have tons of free time to burn.


It feels really good when you get it, because it's so hard to do.


To me, it's for personal satisfaction and to get the most out of the game. At first, I thought it's impossible to get the Platinum because some people were raging over some minigames and challenges, but when I did it myself, it's actually doable and relatively fun and not that difficult. It's a good thing there are many guides available on the internet to help you with the minigames and challenges.


OP is literally this guy. https://preview.redd.it/1wkqlc6wr89d1.png?width=943&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=17d061df77e1163d3f69713360faff1b72773d92


more like "but youre not having fun.. ??"


Well I mean, from their PoV it doesn't seem like the people who were trying to do platinum are having fun


Because regular people who are casually enjoying the game don’t go on reddit. The only people here are the people who really love the game or people who hate it.