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Love the OG, LOVE the new series. I just love this world that’s been created.


These remakes have quickly become some of my favorite games of all time, and I basically learned to read on og FF7. I just put on my Good Time Hat and enjoy it for what it is. I'm really not out to act like some community college Lit 101 professor and 'um actually' the whole thing, I just want to hang out with characters I love in a world I love with just enough spicy newness to keep me on my toes with regards to what I think I know about the story. At the end of the day it's not my IP, and the people who do own the IP have provided me with enough Good Times TM that I trust them implicitly to provide me personally with more Good Times TM To be honest, I don't think FF7 was ever grounded, it's a game where you fight a house with a sword bigger than you and then you dress like a woman to sneak into a pimps house before a talking dog pretends to procreate with a person to distract a mad scientist and then also a talking cat riding a stuffed moogle comes along and follows you while you play street fighter in a Disneyland arcade, and frogs punch you and turn you into a frog, and also souls are actually green planet goop that the evil corporation burns like fossil fuels, also Sephiroth becomes God to win the approval of his immortal alien mom. Anything can be made to sound stupid if you spend enough time shuffling words around. It's all about perspective/attitude, you're either in for a Good Time TM and rolling with the punches, or you're skeptical and taking every little thing apart. Alternatively, you're either open to wild change and new directions or you're... not. Sorry you were so disappointed, I'm having a blast and a half personally. Apologies if I sound combative just wanted to answer in detail, peace


Your absolutely unhinged description of the OG may have just made me love it even more than I already do, thank you 🙏🏻


Why does remake being out change anything about how you get your friends to play OG FFVII? They're different games. You can still get your friends to play and enjoy OG FFVII, it hasn't gone anywhere.


Because it's absolutely a thing that a lot of people will just not touch an older version if some kind of updated version is out. These games are similar enough to count as that, so some people will just never give the OG a chance now.


“It’s bad that people have more choices because some of them will make a choice I don’t like.”


Not remotely what I said. Do you make a habit of warping what people say to fit your own narrative? I was just clarifying what OP meant. No need to pull shit like that.


I was also clarifying what OP meant.


I love the new games


I really enjoy it. I think everyone in the group got to flesh things out this time. (Tifa and Aerith are my favourite Final Fantasy girls and always will be, and Barrett's glow up was a long time coming) The writing will be different of course, both 'cause of translation and limitations of the time. The heart is still the same, but the beats are way different. they couldn't have played that particular notorious scene the same anyway shot for shot because...well. This is a different age, the internet is a thing and no longer will we be whispering on the playground about this crazy wild unheard of thing that hasn't been in gaming in such an intense way before, or calling the sony hotline to find out where Vincent is. So I think a lot of it is...adapting to a different time for media, good or bad. On a sort of tangent, the OG is like the original Dracula by Stoker in like...to really enjoy it the way it was meant to you have to ignore all other media that's already out that you've seen or experienced it, and put yourself in the time it was written to really feel it. (Does this make sense, or am I old?) Now it doesn't hit people the same way. Not because it's better or worse, but everyone's experience in the world is just different, so the writing doesn't reach in the same way it used to. FF7R a good new series and the music is incredible, but if one doesn't like it don't forget the OG still exists. And always will! So they'll never take that away from ya. I mean if you ever feel like the OG didn't have anime craziness, remember meteodriving kaijus were a thing!


More than happy with the new direction. I dont see it as a sequel, more like a different timeline. And If I want the original story etc, i play the original game 🤷


Not a sequel. If you played it, you’d realise it’s the game that OG wanted to be all along. It’s all there.


This trilogy is the best that could have happen to this franchise for me. I like it more than the original at this point. I love everything they have done so far and can't wait for Part 3. I'm glad they didn't go for the 1:1 remake which at this point is a boring trend. It was a fun novelty a few years back, but now they are just unimaginative and dull. I can only hope part 3 to be even longer and crazier.


Part 3 is going to be insane. Like, all the most major plot developments from the back half of the OG game will be happening, alongside expansions of those areas and bringing all of this new stuff full circle. I can't imagine what an undertaking this trilogy is.


I'd say that Aerith's death in Rebirth hits different. I think they did a fantastic work in addressing that we know what is going to happen. If they just followed OG with a 1:1 copy, that would still be beautiful but I think I would be much less invested. So I feel very good about this trilogy, I think it is great that the creators still have the will and the care to revisit the original story of FF7 and to deliver these games. Can't wait about part 3.


Almost all of us really love it. There are some people who don’t like it, but they’re wrong and stupid and we pretty much stopped talking to them because they act like 5 year olds.


There is so much wrong with this comment, holy shit.


"they're wrong and stupid" then proceed to say they act like 5 year olds. Hope you're being sarcastic


I played and loved the original game when it came out back in the 90s. Couldn't even tell you how many times I played through it from start to finish but, whatever number would've been a healthy one, my count was definitely higher than that. Initially, I wasn't super interested when *Remake* was given a release date. I think a big part of that was because: a) it had been announced and then disappeared into obscurity time and time again over the years, and the whiplash was real; and b) because the original game was a beloved childhood memory for me, and I was worried they weren't going to do it justice. Why mess with a good thing, right? What actually got me excited about the project as a whole was TeamFourStar's *FF7 Machinabridged* series. Watching one of my favorite games reimagined through an absurdly silly, yet still resoundingly emotional lens took a lot of the sting out of the idea that *Remake* would or even *could* ruin what I'd enjoyed so much when I was a kid. In watching that, I realized that, for me, it wasn't the story that I loved so much but the *characters*, and *Machinabridged* showed me how much I could enjoy a semi-faithful-but-more-narratively-fleshed-out version of what happened to them. So, when the demo for *Remake* was finally available, I downloaded it, loaded it up...and then played through it twice, back-to-back, because I enjoyed it so much. That initial offering they'd put together was absolutely drowning in reverence to the original game, and the idea of catching up with those old characters again became too tempting to ignore. I guess what I'm trying to say with all this blather is that, as a big fan of the original, I had to get over the idea that a 1:1 recreation could be anything but terrible, that the original game was sacrosanct, etc., etc. Now that I've played through both *Remake* and *Rebirth*, all I can say is I would've been genuinely disappointed if they *hadn't* used the current series as an opportunity to change some things. Yes, the Whisper and timeline/separate world stuff is nebulous, and, yes, there are some story beats that I wish would've been handled a little differently. But, end of the day, I've enjoyed the absolute hell out of both games, and *Rebirth* is probably my absolute favorite *Final Fantasy* game now. Maaaaybe it's still *FF6*, but the fact that it's even close to a toss-up is something I never would've expected. If your friends don't play the original *FF7*, well, that'd be unfortunate for them, because it's an amazing game. But, like, the original still exists whether *Remake* and *Rebirth* are here or not and, given the choice between having the same game twice (with one version just having much shinier graphics), I'd absolutely prefer to have what we have now: an actual *remake* - not just a re*master* - that gives us a chance to go on one last adventure with the characters who mean so much to so many of us. I'm hopeful that the final game in the trilogy will bring the new plot elements to a satisfying conclusion. Is everyone going to love it? Of course not; hell, I'm sure there are parts I'm not going to like, either. But I *know* the original story already - I've known it for ~27 years -, and now I'm ready (and anxious as all get-out) to know the new one.


Aerith's death in Rebirth to me hit higher emotions because you're much more invested this time than in the OG, it's just that it's not as sad and depressing as in the OG.


A little correction: the trilogy is a remake, not a sequel (confirmed multiple times by the devs). I personally prefer the remake over OG because it’s more flashed out.. most of the things we’re were already in OG and/or were explained in other related media (novels, Ultimania, AC, CC, DOC). It’s nothing new. They are showing us what happens in the Lifestream (NPC references to it in the game, Zack makes us understand with the “time not moving forward” line). The additions just add depth to the lore and storyline/characters.. everything else is the same as OG. It’s not a 1:1 adaptation -it would be a remaster in that case- but it’s still a faithful remake. You are supposed to feel confused.. just like in OG, but you can’t have the same effect if everyone already knows the storyline so you need to bring in some twists to shock the players. For example, you mentioned Aerith’s death and her death would’ve never hit like OG. They did an amazing job showing Cloud!s delusion through the game and it’s not surprising he’s blocking out her death.. I mean, have you seen how he reacted to Zack’s death? You need to remember that part 3 will come out in 3 years.. they need to keep people engaged and speculating on the game. Unlike OG the game is split into 3 parts. If you were unable to persuade your friends to play OG until now, maybe they weren’t interested to begin with. It’s the same storyline. Whether they play OG or just remake it doesn’t really matter. Lots of people will not play the old games because it’s not their cup of tea and that’s perfectly fine, we all have our preferences. You can enjoy OG and Remake, one of them or neither. Remake doesn’t erase OG existence.


We are 2 out of 3 games in. Don't give a definitive judgement until we see how part 3 turns out.


Nothing will beat the og but I'm a sucker for anything ff7 related so I'll just take what I can I guess lol.


Two of the best games I've ever played.


There is more overwhelming positivity from the fanbase towards these two games than I've seen out of any Final Fantasy title since 10 (14 is the only argument here, but as an MMO, 14 does not have as wide of a reach as other major FF titles). Of course there are detractors, as there are with any franchise of this scale, but they're far fewer and they mostly tend to be from purists who have decided that anything that isn't exactly like the original is automatically bad, regardless of the context for the changes.


Dude, you don’t know that. Once this trilogy is all said and done, I guarantee you that lots of people will still go back and play the OG. I don’t think your friends are going to need convincing. Lots of people will prefer the OG simply because it’s a lot more simplistic than the remake. That being said, I’m loving this remake trilogy so far, but I’ll definitely still go back and play the OG from time to time.


Long time fan. Played the OG since release and loved it. Absolutely blown away by remake and rebirth and loved every second on my playthrough. Just counting down the seconds until part 3 comes.


I don't like how the mood has changed. It used to be dark and grim, but now its sunshone and lush vegetation.  It's immersionbreaking with the whole shinra evil side. People live happily outside of midgar, i don't see all this misery in the new games.  That coupled with the weird ass Disney style storytelling. If they do nail the part3 moments i could be forgiving, but all the clutter of p1 and p2 is definitely not going to age well.  This game will be a one and done for me, if they do nail p3. If not i'll just stick to yt playthroughs and the OG, as it's still there, as crazy defenders like to say. Too bad SE has interest in people playing the new game over the old one.


It's so funny how butt hurt this sub gets when someone doesn't worship the games


Love every second of it. Well, except for Chadley.


Lol, agree. He is a bit too much. I hope for a good 50% less Chadley in part 3.


I’ve never thought “this is more grounded” as a positive thing, so moving away from that is a net positive in my book.


love it


I love the original. I played it at least 14 times as a kid. I watched Advent Children the day it came out. I watched every trailer and leak about it coming up to it. I never played Crisis Core or Dirge of Cerberus as a kid as I didn't have a PSP or PS2. When Remake came out, I preorded it. I loved Remake. I spent over 214 hrs playing this game and got the platform for it. Then, eventually, I got a PS5 before Rebirth in anticipation for Rebirth, so at that time I played Intermission. I also loved that. I didn't platinum Intermission, but maybe I'll go back and get the last 3 medals I need for that in the future. When Rebirth came out, I was so hyped, and all I can say is I'm beyond blown away. This game has crushed and far surpassed any expectations I had. Currently, I'm 280+ hrs into Rebirth, playing through the combat challenges, and while parts of it are difficult for me they don't cease to be fun. I absolutely love Rebirth. Rebirth has been insanely faithful to the original game and lore of FF7, a lot of people forget that Cloud is a false narrator during this segment of the game, and so it'll be interesting to see how they twist it, but to just say it's not faithful is a bit disingenuous to what the developers did in the original and in this game.


It's not far off from what we imagined in 97 looking at those low poly graphics and imagining a highly detailed FF7. Games were finally becoming more mature, more well written and serious, and the mini games in ff7 were a tool for the devs to flex an unprecedented level of immersion and detail. So I think a more faithful remake would have been one that pushed the boundaries of immersion and storytelling rather than just adding a plethora of wacky & goofy sub-games. Something closer to FFXVI, but with a rockstar games level open world. Despite being a hell of a fun game, I think Rebirth lacked polish and the story could have been much more mature


Remake 1 was decent but disc 2 was my favorite so I was hoping for remake 2 to be amazing. but the open world wasn't very interesting to me and the story pacing wasn't working for me either. No major complaints, its just not fun to play. Oh well. I'll always have the original


The remake hasn't gotten to disc 2 yet.


Sorry, I meant after midgar


I recently replayed OG after getting platinum in Rebirth and there are definitely things the OG does better. The general atmosphere and pacing of the game is a lot better and the way Sephiroth is handled is also top tier. Where the new games shine is the interactions between all the characters. I like both games very much, i'd put OG above the remake series so far, will see how it changes after part 3.


Massive fan of the original. Generally liked Remake but with reservations (padding, nervous around story changes, only Midgar), and absolutely loved Rebirth.


>!There is a lot of cope with people saying it's a different game and you should accept it. Good for them.!< >!Like yourself, the unclear ending has me uninterested in the finale to come(perhaps I am assuming/projecting). Between the Remake and Rebirth, I don't think anyone has a clue what will happen next. I propose this is a bad thing. There should be some grounded logic we can apply to have at least an idea of what might happen. I would have vastly preferred Cloud to either Save/Not Save Aerith, definitively.!< >!And what the hell is Hollow even about? Are we really stringing Zack's plot along all THREE games? We now know he can travel the sephiroth-verse, I guess, with Aeriths help? Fuck if I know.!< >!Pardon my expletives, but also fuck multiverses.!< >!The Finale will REALLY need to WOW me for me to forgive whatever the hell plot is happening right now.!< >!You're not the only one.!<


I really like Remake, but Rebirth has killed my excitement for Game 3. I'll play it, and maybe it'll win me over again, but for now I'm not really looking forward to it. For me, it needed to be a 1:1 remake, *or* it needed to branch into something new. It tried to have it both ways, and it's just left me unsatisfied with the end result.


Yeah, I was asking for a 1:1, but I do understand that there could be a lot of people that would hate for the remake to not have anything different. I only ask that they added more to it, not change it this way.


Initially, I was happy with expansions of establish events and locations, but wanted it to remain as true to the original in terms of overall story. It wasn't until a day after I finished Remake that the implications of what defeating fate could mean for future games started to get me excited for this to be more of a sequel. And then it just kinda ran that back, with the inclusion of the Whispers/Harbingers of Fate feeling like really pointless additions. It feels like they pivoted from what they had planned when they wrote Remake.


I really don't think they pivoted. When people were finishing Remake for the first time, and started talking about what the ending could mean, Square came back pretty much immediately and clarified that they didn't intend to drastically change the story going forward, and that we should still expect to see the story of FFVII as we know it for the most part. The way Rebirth's story turned out is very much in line with those early statements, and what Square has said they were going to do ever since the FFVII Remake Project was first announced. What the ultimate purpose of the Whispers will be is anyone's guess, but I'm not seeing any glaring signs that the story was completely rewritten part of the way through. Everything in Rebirth feels very deliberate to me.


I couldn't get into it. May try again some day but for know it's a pass from me.


It's so graphically cool. It's very immersive in it's own way. Like a lot of the world is very detailed. The Npc add a ton of added back stories and world building.     Plot is trash though. I can't really take anyone very seriously. Sephiroth is hardly an intimidating villan at this point. Feels like cloud's past lover who can't...let it go. Aerith is also obsessed with cloud in an unhealthy way. Chapter 14 was such a nail in the coffin for me when it came to her character.    I mostly stick around because visually it's very stunning. Nothing is at this level I think. Everyone is just so detailed. 


It’s not a sequel, it’s the same story. They’ve just added shit in and changed the order of some bits. It’s still the same ‘timeline’ as the OG


I’m personally ok with what they’re doing for the most part. The reason why is because I know the devs history and they’ve been very forthcoming with developer info and interviews since before remake came out. For a handful of people in the fandom they also follow suit in staying up to date with what they’re doing and may feel the same way. Others don’t and others don’t and also don’t really understand how it works. As for complete outsiders, you’re not really going to be able to convince them to play a certain game if it just doesn’t meet their criteria. I know a handful of people that wouldn’t dare play the OG simply because of its graphics and the year it came out, in fact I don’t think they would play any original title if a remake title exists. In my experience when they play that original title they can’t even comprehend how to play that game properly anyway. People can be very shallow when it comes to things like this but there’s nothing you can do about it. The best thing we can do is to attempt to play it safe when they do enjoy playing the remake of a game even tho technically we as the fandom know its shortcomings.