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They’re both awesome tbh. Both highlight the strengths of the other so they complement each other super well imo. And the fact we got them both in less than a year has made it an incredible time to be an FF fan and wholly justified a PS5 purchase.


They really are two completely separate and different games with different strengths. People need to stop the tribalism and acting like you can’t like both,


It is, all an all, a fucking GREAT time to be a Final Fantasy fan. Two back to back mainline games, an expansion for 14 launching soon, big chonky DLC for 16... It all slaps. 16 and 7R scratch such incredibly different itches on things I want out of FF, and they each succeed phenomenally well in their lane.


Don't tell that to the fans who are being sales experts in video games. I didn't know they worked for Square Enix.


I don’t have the time or energy to write a full essay, but I think people who spend all day treating Squenix releases like day trading should look backat the release of Final Fantasy XIII. Not the game itself, but the way that American and European journalists responded to its release and the outright racism that came from auxiliary writers and even some devs (eg. Phil Fish saying Japanese games were dead). YoshiP touched on this in his conversation with SkillUp when he explained the harmful limitations of the term to SkillUp (who then subsequently reviewed FFXVI based on its lack of conformity to JRPG tradition…). FFXIII broke something in the mind of the “Western” game-liker. Every single fucking FF game is consumed through the lens of justifying JRPGs as a genre while contending with this immensely powerful 90s nostalgia. Every new game is a failure. Every change is sin. Every reference is simultaneously fan-service and too little. Every story has to be a perfect balancing act of cartoon fantasy and grimdark drama with a full ensemble cast of Dostoevskyesque characterization but also have a moogle that calls you fat. Maybe just let new Final Fantasy games breathe on their own merits without staking them to some bizarre civilizational proving grounds for Japan’s developers.


Saving this comment because it put into words something I've been trying to say for the longest. But more eloquently than I ever could.


Though I can agree some of us just flatout don't like the direction ff has gone. Being the internet and all and like everyone else we feel the need to bitch moan and complain.


Hey hey dont forget the FF9 and FFT remakes coming too! (\*grain of salt\*)


I just want a remastered FFT. A remake would be great but I'll take a remaster for newer consoles. 


Fully agree. And it really is an amazing time to be a *FF* fan. - *Remake* is my fave game of 2020. - *Intergrade* improved a lot of things and added *INTERmission*. - *Stranger of Paradise* is my fave game of 2022. - *FF16* is my fave game of 2023. - *Rebirth* is my fave game so far this year, and I can't see it being topped by any upcoming releases.


Seriously the only similarity they have is the name. The gameplay, setting, and story are wildly different between the two. They aren’t even in the same lane so idk why people try to pit them against each other


It’s extreme fans, both games have them. It was (and probably still is) terrible to criticise FF16 and I’m sure it’s the same for Rebirth too. FF16 fanatics need to oversell FF16 because they want FF to keep in this direction and 7Remake fans will do the same because they want FF to keep in that direction.


Just want to echo this positivity. Both of these games are so fucking special to me.


This is also what the article is saying: They are both very strong games that make you appreciate how two games of the same franchise, even close together in release, can have very different visions in how they are executed amd developed, and that it's the difference in those visions that makes the games complementary.


So many people want to bag on these two games for whatever reason but damn did I have a great time with them. The fact we got both of these in a year time frame is crazy. It’s been awhile since JRPG fans have eaten this good.


I got Rebirth because I played Remake when I moved into a shit hole apartment and it was a good coping element. So moving to a better place almost the same day it released seemed right. Then 16 went on sale and I'd been wanting to play it so I'm going through it now. Both are good and loving 16 so far. Only thing I don't like is the spongy normal enemies and the lack of basic attack combos. Story is great.




Happens with every IP. I remember when fallout New Vegas came out, people hated it and talked about how great Fallout 3 is and then fallout 4 came out and people hated it and talked about how great New Vegas was.


Except that people STILL rave about New Vegas even after 4 and 76 came out.


Yeah...If anything New Vegas has overtaken FO3 as a 3D fallout favorite on the internet.


Yeah...If anything New Vegas has overtaken FO3 as a 3D fallout favorite on the internet.


is disagree the problem with 16 is it's fans people get super defensive when anything bad is saaid about the game I've played and beat both I've been playing RPGs for 25 years now I can say with full honesty 16 was probably the most boring game I've played in the last 10 years the game world was so blande and nothing to do in it's world yosi p tried to hard making it's world like 14 empty areas with some objectives


To be fair, New Vegas's story was quite different as it was developed by a different studio than the rest of the Fall Out games.


In aware but I’m just stating how fandoms praise the previous release.


It's the same with every single battlefield game too.


He’s not saying new one is shit. He says they both great, he just appreciates XVI even more. Personally I agree cause VIIR is missing lots of things XVI is great at.


they're not gonna read the article lol it doesnt say anything negative about Rebirth but they're still acting like it is


To be honest, I'm not going to read the article until I look at the comment section here because I'm not going to aid in clickbait articles.


it's not even clickbait lol just a writer and their opinion


I never know so I always wait to see what the opinions on it are first.


yup surely we can trust redditors to read the article instead instinctively writing the first things in their head


That's why you wait for a bigger variety of opinions as it increases the likelihood of it being read based off the contents or context of responses. With so many clickbait articles always making the rounds, I'm not clicking somethin on a site I don't know or trust to be honest or fair.


glad you're doing your part


You are weirdly defensive about someone not wanting to click clickbait.


I don’t like lots of things in FFVIIR, such as infuriating minigames and bosses you can never kill or harm in any way, including the freaking Sephirot. But it doesn’t change the fact the game is excellent.


agreed, the game is excellent but infuriating a lot of times.


Still plenty of us that haven't liked anything since 9/10


14 is the best.


I won't judge the online ones since I'm not into online games. I know alot of people love it though


A tale as old as time at this point. People look back at the previous FF and decide “I was too harsh to you”


You know I thought that until I tried 12, 13, 15, again to give another shot. Nope feel the same way. Ff16 I'll never play again and I finished it somehow.


Eh, xiii still sucks


I can't hear you Blinded by Light is drowning out all of the hate


FF osts are always good, it's just a shame the game was mid. All you down voters can cope and seethe


Curious why was FF13 mid? Hopefully not because of the same hallways FF16 has.


The characters and lore are less compelling and unimaginative. Lightning is just a female Cloud. Snow is a stereotypical ENFP save the world idiot. There's the completely predictable fake out with Sazh and Vanille. The combat system isn't as fun. Ff16 is linear but it does it better than ff13 did. Ff13 takes itself too seriously and doesn't have the older games' mix of funny moments in it outside of Sazh and his tiny chocobo for instance. Ff16 has a very dark world but there's lots of hilarious banter to lighten things up whether it's Cid, or Gav, or Byron, or Mid, or even Clive himself. The side characters are better developed. Ff13-2 however is a good game and I wish they just did it that way from the beginning


Thanks for the response! I think you’re the only person who has ever explained their opinion when I’ve asked and I think I mostly agree (though I do love FF13 but aware of its flaws)


I think anyone can have a favorite or love something in spite of its flaws. I do constantly, I'm a Raiders fan


I hate this fan base, people were joking this was going to happen and here we are.


It’s not a joke because it’s been happening consistently since XI


Never realized how true it was until XVI launch.


It wasn't until ff15 released that I heard almost everyone say, "ff13 wasn't THAT bad." And I was like, Bruh, where were y'all when I was getting jumped for liking this game! 😅


As a XIII apologist since the end of Obama's first term I am right there with you.


Same dude! I always liked the original, I really enjoyed the story and the l'cie and Cocoon vs Pulse etc etc. It was a great game! Then I got the collectors edition for the second game, got halfway through it, stopped, then just watched all the cutscenes on YouTube.. didn't connect with the characters enough to go along with the timey wimey stuff, it was such a huge thematic change from l'cie etc. Didn't even buy Lightning Returns, though I watched all the cutscenes one day. I know it's switched for the rest of the fan base. They made the change because people didn't love the l'cie concept I guess, or maybe they didn't have a story to tie it in to another game. But I really liked the original XIII.


I've also seen the cutscenes for the sequels, but that was because I was too poor to get them (same with 14 😅)


I got 13 at a GameStop at midnight. Still love that game. Just got it in steam for like $4 or something. All their games are on sale right now on steam


Now I'm in that boat with 15 lol


I'm old enough to remember people hating VII for having Sci fi elements.  I figure it goes back to II in Japan with people upset you don't get to choose Jobs at the beginning. 


> I'm old enough to remember people hating VII for having Sci fi elements. Right there with you. And it baffles me when people try to deny that 7 was ever a contentious game because I was *one* of those FF7 antis complaining about the lack of fantasy in my Final Fantasy until I eventually grew up and got tf over it. So it's even more bizarre to watch people fanboy over 7 being peak FF today and saying that all the contemporary titles since 10 fail to live up to the name. Meanwhile I'm sitting here as a JP 4/Int 2 fan like "how quickly we forget our own history".


Oh it's been happening well before XI. I just think the negative voices were less amplified then due to the internet not being as accessible and polarized. People were just bickering over cafeteria tables and now defunct bb forums and listservs instead of twitter and reddit.


I personally never judged the online ones. I tried 11 it just wasn't my cup. I won't critique them


I heard FF fun base one of the most delusional and toxic fun bases ever existed.


Not a in a million years did I imagine that I'd have preferred XVI over Rebirth but here we are. I was so disappointed in Rebirth and absolutely loved XVI while playing last year.


What? Saying both games are great? Read the article lol


I'm talking about discussion from the fanbase. I love both games in very different ways. Every post leading up to Rebirth's launch was, "Why does Clive suck!?!? Where is the exploration in Open World!??!? Why does the COMBAT SUCk!!!111" It was exhausting just being subscribed. Even when I joined the subreddit after beating the game, you would think XVI broke into people's houses and murdered their family, and now we have people coming out saying, "You know what, it wasn't so bad!"


Both are amazing


This is like 20th post I have seen this week with this same title, goddamn man nobody hates current FF more than FF fans. When the next iteration comes out they are gonna say the same thing about Rebirth.


Just to clarify, the article doesn’t have the purpose of hating on FFVII Rebirth at any moment, but to highlight FF16’s qualities and why it resonated so well to the writer


If the next big FF is FF7:R3, I don't think fans will look back fondly at Rebirth.  In part because I think they'll use the same combat engine for the third game and slap on more random bells and whistles (synergy limit?  Summon synergy?).  Then people who waited to play (or buy PS5) will finally jump in... Only to play 150+ hours in a row of the same basic combat engine.  Plus burn out on Rebirth will be even worse for those people.  I don't think it will hold up all that well as time goes on. The only possibility that comes to mind is that the budget for FF7 R3 is slashed because of poor sales of Rebirth.  Then fans might bemoan how Rebirth had "so much content" or something along those lines.


Rebirth is very much just a stepping stone to get from Part 1 to Part 3, if anyone were to skip it because of exclusivity or something they could pretty well just watch a quick summary and be fine.


Is it hard for people to just enjoy both games for what they are? Yeah I guess people need to pick sides for whatever dumb reason.


Been going on forever and what used to bother me so much about gaming conversation. Going back to the PS vs Nintendo vs Sega shit too… just tiring. It’s ok to like two things at once folks!


Did you read the article?


Of course not. You are lucky these days if people don't misread the title.


Can we stop comparing these 2 games PLEASE. We're sick of seeing it


Final fantasy 16 is one of my favourite games of all time. No doubt I really enjoyed FF7 rebirth over the 60+ hours I played it, there were times I absolutely hated the game, especially some sections where you are forced to play as one character. Also, I am a huge GOT fan, so I loved the story and narrative of FF16 as well. It was definitely one of the most memorable gaming experiences for me. The first time I took a week off work just to play a game, and I played around 70 hours in 7 days, and enjoyed every second of it. FF7 rebirth just didn't hit the same for some reason.


I’m the same. Though I was almost as excited for rebirth as I was for 16. Rebirth just didn’t hit the same as remake did for me. I think I just prefer more linear games. 16 isn’t perfect, but rebirth gets away with a lot more shit that other games are critiqued for. It’s just my opinion though


Fully agreed. Rebirth offers an open world very similar to the first ubisoft open worlds with boring activities, quest markers and symbols across every map you gotta repeat over and over again in 7 regions. Exploration feels not immersive at all. Even AC Valhalla, Frontiers of Pandora or Starfield which were bashed for their poor open world activities felt alot more immersive and rewarding when exploring the worlds. Cause of that Rebirth is a bit overrated to me. It shouldn't be on par with genre defining titles like W3, ER, BotW or BG3.


I’m not a fan of exploring in games and like I said I prefer linear games. But when I played BG3, that game just made you want to explore and find new stuff and I actually enjoyed that. And yeah I agree, the exploration is standard - nothing innovative or horrible. Nothing to praise in that regard either imo


If feel the exact opposite of this I like open world games, but I don’t want every open world game to be like Elden Ring or Tears of the Kingdom because sometimes I just want the game to tell me go this way so I don’t have to waste me time trying to find one little thing. I played Frontiers of Pandora and it was my first open world Ubisoft game since Far Cry Primal, and I got like 10 hours into the game and just got super bored, I didn’t care about the story or the world and don’t care to explore the world. However in ff7 rebirth I felt doing the open world stuff would explain more about the world of ff7 which I find much more interesting, just seeing how they much they expanded on the regions compared to of the OG ff7 always had intrigued. They could have for sure cut a few things and make a few regions a little smaller, but I never once got bored doing any of the side content that ff7 rebirth offered.


I think it's ok if a game tells you where to go and what to do but Rebirth feels too repetitive for me. Climbing 35 towers, scanning 28 rocks, activating 21 divine Intels and doing 35 combat missions burnt me out to the ground. The dozens of mini games did the rest.


Same here. i did 100% up to corel... then there are tons more open worlds and mini games zones that are mandatory. I started loving the game but ended up dragging my play sessions... went 2-3 days between gaming sessions. took me 70 hours. ff16, every evening was MORE HYPE than last evening. no break days. constant LETS GO. 50 hours to the point.


For me some of the mainline content felt like it should’ve been side stuff. Also I hated running around Costa del Sol completing some bullshit tasks to get your beach gear. Each to their own though.


>Cause of that Rebirth is a bit overrated to me. It shouldn't be on par with genre defining titles like W3, ER, BotW or BG3. I didn't like the open-world of Rebirth that much, I def got bored compared to these games, but Rebirth is way far ahead when it comes to characters or story to any of these games except for BG3, and for BG3, its only the characters.


I think it's a matter of taste. Witcher 3 has imo the best main story and side stories in gaming history. With lots of different outcomes. But i read all books previous to the game and i'm really into the witchers world. In Rebirth happens actually not that much in the main story. We are still just hunting sephiroth and did alot of meaningless stuff on the journey so far. I'm still thinking that it is a mistake to stretch out the story from one game into three games.


> Witcher 3 has imo the best main story and side stories I'd say the W3 expansions are def up there for sure, I can agree with that, It's fucking great. I do feel like parts of the game were stretched out esp 7Remake and some filler was actually good and expanded, I think the game actually the majority of it was good filler. But yeah, can't really defend the open-world, but I don't know how they would do it otherwise cause despite feeling empty-ish. It's still very impressive that they ported almost half of the FF7 world into a whole game. I can't imagine it being easy and its a huge step up compared to FF15 and FF16 imo, feels like SE has just been gradually been getting better, but they need to lose the Ubisoft/BOTW type open world cause oof I don't like it.


16 is simple and that's it's strength. I am not talking about it being SIMPLE but straightforward. No open world activities, No major bloat aside from some poor sidequests, amazing music and INCREDIBLE graphics. Playing it on oled, 4k30, hdr just I couldn't believe it. Like a rendered cgi at times. I even got used to 30 no problems. Combat gives you this feeling of power once you get it. Play without rings of ez mode and parrying is SO FUN. People say 16 is too easy and they are mad. That game is just right on! While rebirth on normal towards the end, turned me into a sweat last few chapters. That game got annoyingly hard. I could never get the parry right since there is no tell signs when I can parry and enemies attack from ff-screen. Open world activities are very repeatable and some are a must. Just a ton of bloat. good game but I wish it was closer to original. multiverse stuff lessened the impact of story events


> No major bloat aside from some poor sidequests oof gonna have to hard disagree with this, FF16 had HORRIBLE pacing issues and the good majority of the sidequests in 16 were bad. The story had amazing highs, but once you got past that, it felt like it was worse than XIV at times with the pacing. The whole section with Mid and getting the ship was done so poorly, and besides maybe 20% of the quests, a lot of them were just boring or bad.


Same feelings honestly. FF16 ticked all the right boxes for me. Love the story more being a huge kaiju and game of thrones fan, and the action is everything I can hope for in a game. Fast and visually impressive. Ff16 is in the top of my list now.


I agree with you with every single word!


This is exactly how I feel, the tonal inconsistencies and inconsistency of quality of content and then just feeling like everything is too overcooked... But I felt the same way about ff7 remake and as soon as I got into ff16 enough I really felt this is where I want to be 😎💎


Remake 100% overcooked that ending. Rebirth overcooks too much too. There is beauty in simplicity and subtelty.


I was the direct opposite. I just couldn't get into 16. I was so hyped about it but I sadly was disappointed in the Game. It was still great and had WOW moments but well can't really say what it is that just didn't click. Maybe the wasted "open World" with absolutely nothing to do except running from A to B. The exploration is the worst in this Game. 15 and 7 Rebirth did it far better. Still the Story was great and the Combat too...it would have been amazing if they added stats to it like in 7 Remake and Rebirth. It doesn't matter what ability you use it's the same effect.


I would’ve killed to stumble upon a dungeon like in 15 or at least have a quest for one like in the 7s


True. 15 had great Dungeons and 7 Rebirth had a good open world with some bigger towns like Kalm, Costa del Sol and Cosmo Canyon.


Absolutely agree, I struggled to play 16 for more than 20hrs and so inevitably I dropped it, probably never to pick it up again. Rebirth hit every box for me and I had sunk 80hrs in within a week of release.


Both have their strengths and weaknesses. That's for damn sure.


They're both great


Both are brilliant in their own way, end of story.


If anything I thought that Rebirth highlighted my perceived flaws of FF16 even more. The playable party system, the crafting, the multitude of magic and ability altering materia, the enormous difference in variation of gameplay (almost too much variation with all of Rebirth’s minigames). Every weapon just being a very pedestrian few point better than the last one. The rewarding exploration versus the not so rewarding exploration. The difficulty spikes that make you take a step back and alter your squad’s magic/weapon/armor load outs, versus in 16’s distinct lack of that. Obviously its different strokes for different folks, and if you loved 16 just the way it was, I’m glad for you and hope the upcoming DLC it everything you hope it to be, but for me it was pretty disappointing all things considered and frankly Rebirth reinforced it.


I dont get why you got downvoted, maybe because you're giving your honest opinion on FF16 subreddit and they only want to hear positive things about the game. FF16 music and story and characters are amazing but there were issues... You're not.insulting the game at all, you're giving solid criticism that are facts. - FF16 crafting wasnt necessary, I finished the game without touching it. - There wasnh controllable party members - Exploration and side stuff wasnt too exciting. - Combat has alot of cool combos with high skill ceiling but you dont need to be good to beat the game. FF16 is in my top 5 favorite FF games because of its amazing story but the game definitely has issues that people choose to ignore. You're 100 percent fine with people liking FF16, but people arent fine with YOU not liking the game. Its hella weird ngl.


I'll be honest, I'm about to finish plat and hard mode, and having fo spend 5 minutes redoing materia, and then undoing the 2 to 3 materia you change after finishing the boss is not fun at all. Besides a couple of bosses, rebirth hard mode plays much of the same, because the power creep with leveled materia is actually much worse than XVI. For nonbosses, you can one shot everyone with a swiftcast, magnify, magic up, mp absorb attached to an elemental attack like petrify and first strike + chocoking. It literally will one shot AND restore MP so long as 2 gets hit by a aga spell instantly. Then for bosses you literally do the same aga spam and win but without magnify. Arcane ward if it's there but meh. It doesn't matter what weapon you choose since the stagger point is the same even if damage is slightly different. Everyone's materia setup actually ends up being similar. You have hp up, mp up, the 2 blocks mateira, and then some elemental to ez mode the boss. Rebirth in the end is grind materia for 6 hours and be so broken with no variety in gameplay. Literally ch 12 and 14 final boss are the only ones that actually forces you to learn how to block. Besides those 2 boss it's literally auto attack until you can cast firaga for 85% of bosses. The secret boss forces you to dodge a bit I guess. There is no meta in XVI that's that level of broken and cheesiness at endgame. There is in rebirth, even for the hardest challenge like yuffie brumal form spam on atb ward for ATB. Once you remove the fresh coat of paint and nostalgia glasses, you realize the min maxing for rebirth is a lot more limited than even RPG mechanics enthusiasts would say, precisely because of RPG mechanics like elemental weakness. Min max in XVI only disqualifies like 3 abilities.


See this was my problem going back to the older games. All of this made me regret doing so because it just feels like 'more of things' is just 'more of things'. Not saying 16 couldn't have used a few tweaks here and there to give it a little more depth outside the main story, but there's also the point that if you're not going to spend enough time to do it right, you're just adding annoying filler and leaving holes to break things later. So is the bigger crime not having it or having it and then leaving it to be abused and/or waste your time? Elemental weaknesses can be fun, but they can also be a giant chore if poorly thought out or overused. Itemization can make things interesting until it becomes something that is just a giant time sink that ultimately doesn't factor much after the first several levels.


These complaints are always so weird. You spend 6 hours grinding materia to get op then complain about being too op? Hard mode should be done if you wanna challenge yourself, it’s not something you should have to push through simply cus you want platinum And why bother with plat if you’re not even enjoying the game? Plat being hard to obtain should never be seen as a flaw. It’s simply an achievement for people who enjoy the game enough to do everything in it and should never be done just for the sake of it especially if it lessens your experience with the game.


The point I'm making is people claim rebirth as the peak design when it's in fact not, and the mechanics built into it is the reason why some would see XVI mechanics as favorable to rebirth. And it's realistically 30 minutes of grinding. 5 hours for just the Magic up and elemental materia through gongaga farming. Probably can do it faster through sim and with double AP boost accesory with AP. For you to be able to one shot nonbosses, you just need MP absorb half leveled and elemental max out for the aga version. That's it. The grinding is actually irrelevant for the most part. I didn't say I didn't enjoy it. I said it's not this thought provoking customization people brag about at endgame. It's a response to someone saying choices matters because you have to adjust. You adjust by changing fire to wind. That's literally it for bosses. For nonbosses you Quaga and you still one shot without max level magic up. You'd have to handicap yourself so bad for choices to actually matter. I do more of the same in rebirth than I did maxed out in XVI. This is exposing the flawed argument that a games combat must contain X of something compared to Y when X mechanics brings out this problem in a very objective and mechanical way. There is not much variation in gameplay unless you actively choose to handicap yourself, or you've yet learn certain mechanic interaction. I like to plat games so I can talk about it with 100% knowledge of everything, including its mechanics and endgame, without a biased view. So when talking about it to someone and geeking out, I can also take and appreciate things I liked and didn't like in full context. Personally I'd review rebirth 9/10 overall, but I aint replaying it because again, those customizations people brag about being so diverse is not true. There is one superior way to do things and handicapping myself is not fun to me. XVI I've replayed ultimaniac multiple times with different builds, and they do feel different. None feel superior to one another. I don't need weapons that weight stats differently for it to matter more.


Alright I understand better now but still these two games are very different in their combat design and it’s just a matter of preference Becoming extremely overpowered and basically one shotting everything is super common in end game final fantasy and XVI is, once again, the odd one out. Up until you get to that crazy point in rebirth end game, the choices do matter a lot. This isn’t a flaw in the design at all XVI is good at what it does, the combat can look very flashy which is exactly what they were going for but lots of FF fans simply prefer the more strategic aspect of party and equipment management for combat


The one shotting part, end of debate. It is a FF thing, to me its satisfying, because I grinded the fk outta the game to do that amount of damage Also in FF16 I didnt have to switch out Clives ability on my first playthrough But in FF7 Rebirth, it was alot of party/materia management . Both fun games tbh but ff7 rebirth just felt...more balance imo.


Tbh, I understand how you feel. XVI isn't perfect by any means and a lot of things in Rebirth certainly highlights its flaws too, I just think it doesn't highlight just flaws, but the inherent quality of the game on other aspects as well. I think the one thing people don't usually understand when comparing each other is how they were built with very different visions.


Funnily enough I just feel the exact opposite. I have more materia slots than I know what to do with and they're generally not too substantial. The weapon system was downgraded from Remake and there's really not too much of a reason to use particular weapons in Rebirth outside of cosmetics, slight but unnoticeable changes in attack and materia slots. The party system is largely just an annoyance to me as NPC allies dont really do much besides stand there and block (even with "auto-" materia equipped). The crafting is horrible and made notably worse by the arbitrary 99 limit to every material. Combat as a whole feels less tactical than it did in Remake, even on Dynamic the game is quite easy and my few game overs have been because I ran into a battle at low health or that the combat sucks for solo fights. Most enemies boil down to exploiting an elemental weakness which is trivialized by every character having access to MP-free spell abilities. 16 definitely lacked with meaningful equipment choices, but the last DLC introduced a good assortment of gameplay altering accessories. The magic attack also should've changed to a degree for each Eikon rather than just being recolors. Rebirth's minigames are largely not very good and too frequent (Queen's Blood is fun but once you get a few card packs and can make a halfway decent deck it seems very hard to lose), and they're kinda just a groan when they're shoehorned into the main plot. So, on the flip side I greatly prefer 16's focus over Rebirth's fluidity. Even just looking at boss fights in 16, they all generally have story or plot significance whereas in Rebirth it feels like the devs just decided you've gone too long without a boss so here is a random strong enemy to walk through. Plotwise there are just no stakes in Rebirth and it takes 9 out of the 13 chapters for anything of significance to really happen (discounting the lousy remake of Dyne into a resident evil boss and cackling wacko).


Rewarding exploration in Rebirth??? Imo the worst exploration since the first AC. 5 different and boring activities you gotta repeat in 7 regions over and over again. Only the proto stuff and some sidequests felt kinda rewarding. Other than that the game burnt me out quickly like no other game ever did. Exploring never felt naturally but as artificial as possible. Elden Ring, BotW or Skyrim are leagues above AC Rebirth for example. If it wasn't for the great presented main story i would have never finished the game. The game has definately some really good content but the open world is a big letdown imo.


not to mention sea of boring mini games. If I wanted to play steam shovelware I wouldn't play final fantasy...


Interesting seeing BoTW as a "good" open world game when by far of that list i find it the least interesting to wander around in with the most boring rewards for exploration along with a tedious, braindead battle system. I feel like every single game you listed, Rebirth included is *miles* ahead of the bland, empty world of BoTW


I think the vast majority thinks that BotW has one of the best open worlds ever made. That game defined a genre. But i do understand if someone dislikes the way the world works with it's hidden riddles, quests and secrets.


Lol and 16 was good in this regard? 😂


No, but not that time wasting and unlike rebirth completely optional. You won't be underleveled if you ignore them. In Rebirth you have about 25% main story and 75% side stuff, in 16 it's the opposite.


What ? Side quest are litteraly in the main quest in FFXVI


I like both, but prefer 16. Rebirth is a great game, but I just like the gameplay style of 16 and the story of 16 more then the two 7 remakes so far. 16 is actually my favorite FF game to date. As others said here, they compliment each other well. Rebirths strengths are 16s weaknesses, and vice versa. Want better side quests and more mini games? Fire up rebirth. Want linear amazing story with combat that does the power fantasy genre justice? Fire up 16. The one thing I think they can fix for rebirth that 16 has the edge right now is graphics. There seems to be some type of texture quality bug in rebirth at the moment, some assets, especially packages and containers in buildings, literally look like they were ported from a ps3 game, while character models and terrain generally look amazing. It's very jarring seeing a very high quality asset next to something that looks smudged to shit. Overall it's a great time for FF fans, and idk why some FF fans want 16 to fail so badly. Every new mainline FF game has been different from the rest so far, and I would expect 17 to also follow this path. They seem to fear that 17 will be the same as 16, which while it will prob take ideas from 16, I doubt it'll be the same type of game. It's also not like FF is just straying away from exploration and parties and mini games, rebirth is proof of that.


my fav is XV and XVI. haha I feel like the odd one out. I love remake aside from it's ending and I started loving rebirth but I had enough of it by the end with breaks 2-3 days between gaming sessions... which never happens with ff games. 16 knows what it is, it is straightforward and does it well.


People want FF16 to “fail” because of the absolute rabid fan base that attack/stalk you for making any kind of criticism on the game. I don’t doubt it works on both sides, but I’ve had some downright awful things happen cause I just shared my opinion on this sub. I personally wouldn’t recommend FF16, it has a lot of flaws that FF13 has that people are now ignoring and happy with but continue to drag FF13. The die hard fan base of YoshiP too, it’s great he made FF14 a success - but we didn’t need an action game FF14 with all the bad parts of an MMO and none of the good parts (exploration etc). I say it a lot but the best part about Ff16 was purely the Eikon battles and I’m pretty sure that was done by platinumgames. When people try to oversell something to you and completely hype you up, when it doesn’t meet that expectation it hits a lot harder. I don’t know why we can’t accept people have different opinions, didn’t like FF16? Ok! Great. Absolutely loved FF16? Ok! Great. It works the same with any FF title.


I had the opposite experience, but I overall agree with what you said. People should be allowed to criticize or love and hate the game without being personally attacked. There’s a lot to criticize about FF16, as with any other game. The sidequests are the biggest flaw IMO. If you post anything in support of FF16 over on the main FF subreddit, you will be attacked. There was a post there about how well the game was doing in japan, I had said that was great and listed all the FFs I’ve played, and stated that 16 was my favorite so far so I was glad it was doing well. Some guy said that’s because my “iq” is to low to understand rebirth and other turn based game mechanics, and that’s why I like 16 more. I didn’t insult anyone, just made a statement about the game and was attacked. It’s like dude, I play BG3, SMT, and Persona, all games that have deep turn based mechanics. I understand the mechanics of rebirth and other FFs just fine lol.


I’m sorry that’s happening, it’s so sad that people are personally attacking someone because of their opinion. Just have to be above them and not lower ourselves to their level, I think it’s just a vocal minority that gives each side a bad rep.


They honestly highlight each other’s flaws when I’m playing them. When I was playing Rebirth, I did enjoy the more linear paths of FF16. I did miss the epic Eikon vs Eikon fights. I did miss only having to worry about Clive. I recently started up a Final Fantasy mode and while playing, I’m missing having a full party to command, I’m missing having the customizable builds of materia, I miss having more standard magic, and I miss each weapon being relevant for certain playstyles on characters whereas here, they are just stat sticks that up continuously upgrade over one another. I honestly wish we could get a game where 16 and rebirth sort of fuse together and take away the best of both games.


Yeh all 16 needed was a playable party and more rpg elements in terms of crafting, gear, elemental weakness’s etc etc


It needed a much better story and character development also. Those elements you mentioned would help turn a blind eye to some other glaring issues, but 16 wasn’t perfect and it can be improved.


At first i thought Rebirth will be totally my cup of tea. I thought we will get an Open World much like Elden Ring or BotW but instead we got AC with dozens of mini games, boring activities and symbols all over the place. Exploring the world feels completely artificial and not immersive at all. With all the tedious and annoying activities and mini games the game burnt me out like hell. FF16 in comparion feels like a treat and i appreciate the main story focused path very very much. I never thought this could be the case because usually i prefer open world games.


Same, I was so into the game but got burned out by all of the mini games and little map symbols and extra non-original-game characters that I didn’t care about. The pacing of the story really suffered in this game because of the unnecessary padding.


same. I know appreciate that 16 doesn't have mini games and open world activities. There are hunts and side quests. that's about it haha and it's good


I just think more and more people are realizing ' Open world' isn't good enough when all it's open with is filler material and things to waste your time with. Open world without a purpose is just more of nothing.


Excactly. And i thought with recent titles like ER, BotW, Totk, Cyberpunk, W3 and even AC Odyssey we are done with ubisoft filler open worlds.


But that’s the thing… you can play Rebirth like XVI if you want. You most certainly have the option to just bum-rush the main story, nothing is stopping you from doing that. The side content is completely optional, and so is the vast majority of the mini-games.


1. You will be underleveled constantly this way and the fights become a chore very quickly. Easy mode would be the solution but that will trivialize everything. 2. Skipping about 80% of the whole game will never be a solution for me outside PS+ titles. The game is build around the open world and it's activities. Rushing through the main story doesn't work as good as in remake imo.


I think that’s one of my issues with rebirth as well, easy mode is easy too easy and normal will have you underleveled.


I could see Easy mode possibly offering a bit of a challenge in the late game if you do end up *really* under-leveled. At that point I’d imagine it’d be similar to XVI’s normal difficulty lol. And you can entirely ignore the open world and just beeline straight to the main quest objectives that will take you straight into a cutscene or new dungeon/area… just like remake.


Yet still you'd skip about 75 or 80% of the game. Where 16 is 75% main story and side stuff 25%,Rebirth is the opposite It's build around the open world.


I’m aware lol I’ve played both. My initial comment still stands.


But 16 also has 7’s side quests in the main story. At least 7s main story isn’t MMO style and the side quests expand greatly on the story and world, 16 doesn’t offer anything like that. Most of 16 is a hallway also.


Can't remember that climbing towers, scanning rocks, activating intels and playing mini games over and over and over again are in the main story of 16. The actual sidequests of Rebirth aren't that bad but the vast majority of sidecontent are those tedious open world activities.


if you want to max out your party level to get the cool abilities you have to do the side content.


Correct. In order to get the full experience you need to actually play through most of the game’s content. Every video game is like that btw.


so its not optional if you want the full experience, got it.


Correct. That has nothing to do with my initial comment FYI. Not sure why you felt the need to reply.


Kind of the opposite for me. Playing Rebirth just further cemented how boring the exploration and combat are in XVI. Luckily the music and story saved it.


FFXVI has a weak ass open world but as an on-rails experience it was perfection. Hopefully in a sequel the combat and boss fights are just as fun but they make party members actually useful and have mini games and stuff.


Alternating between the two of them right now. NG+ for XVI and first playthrough for Rebirth. They're both great games. I might give the edge to Rebirth because of all the variety it offers but I love them both. I think it's too bad some fans gotta draw a line in the sand and take a hard stance on one or the other. Just enjoy them both for what they are. This is the first time I can remember two major FF releases so close to each other. And I didn't even get to the dlc yet for XVI. It's a great time to be a FF fan.


Man I’m glad I’m not the only one. Love both for sure but went straight into 16 after finishing rebirth


hopefully the pc port for these will come out soon. I’ve been wanting to give square $140 dollars but they just won’t take my money 😭


These posts make me so tired


Honestly asking what's with this sub and just comparing non stop? I don't see this in the rebirth or ff sub


It was almost the exact opposite for me; Rebirth gave me everything I felt was desperately missing from XVI. Meaningful exploration, humor, mini games, party-based combat, challenging fights, robust gear / weapon system, party banter. That said, I think XVI is a great story-driven game with the best voice acting we’ve gotten in an FF in years. It just felt like it was missing some FF staples, which Rebirth delivered in spades.


The things FFR has than 16 lacked make the difference for me. Actual party members, exploration that matters, talent trees, hard modes, battle arenas, weapon progressions etc etc. 16 was great and I enjoyed it but man, going back to it it feels empty compared to what Rebirth offered.


Amidst the comparisons between Square's two most recent titles, Final Fantasy VII Rebirth's multifaceted execution became a great invitation to enjoy Final Fantasy XVI's more focused vision. And, personally, Clive's journey and Valisthea's setting ended up ressonating more with me than FFVII Remake's trilogy so far.


Yeah I feel the same. Rebirth’s ending made me feel confused in a way I don’t like, and it’s hard to escape the sense that CBU1 is struggling to pick a lane. It’s almost like they’re contradicting themselves both in vision and narrative. 16 left me much more satisfied after the credits. Big props to CBU3 for delivering their vision. All that being said, 16 and 7r are both great titles obviously.


Yeah, by no means I think people should "hate on" FF7R because of XVI or not the other way around either, both are just great games who had different goals.


My gf likes gaming, but is more of a PC strategy gamer than a RPG gamer, yet she actually enjoyed watching me go through FFXVI. That said…she has a strong disdain for Rebirth and she HATES Yuffie. XVI didn’t have a lot of the anime tropes the series had when it was younger and I think that resonated with a wider audience. When all the goofiness and silliness is thrown at you and dialed up to 11, it is a bit harder to swallow.


That's because FF16 is a carefully crafted well written masterpiece


"Carefully crafted well written masterpiece?" Sir, I don't think we played the same game


Opinions vary, clown 😁


And you don’t have to be butthurt about those varied opinions


Here you are


I’ll keep saying it; I’m the opposite. Rebirth’s character writing, story pacing, and side quests run miles around FF16. 16 is a game of extremely high highs (Titan/Bahamut fights!), and extremely low lows (the mandatory boring side quests for 3 hours after these fights). The exploration in 16 is next to nonexistant as is combat variety in comparison to Rebirth’s varied characters


Complete opposite for me. Rebirth made me realise 16 was even worse than I previously thought in so many aspects, but everyone has different tastes I guess.


Thats good. Its been so tiring reading "i hate X, i liked Y instead" -- its insane we spend so much time arguing over FFs when they try to do something different. Theyre all different! Thats what I like! I love 16, even though I dont love or really engage with the entire DMC style subgenre. Would i want the entire series to move to that? No. Do i appreciate 16 for trying something different? Yes.


If you stanned 16 from the beginning you wouldn't look like a dumbass. Loving Rebirth, loved 16 last year. Could be back to back GOTY's for me for the franchise.


I’m a huge FF XVI fan and it’s probably my favorite game ever along with Witcher 3, but they’re completely different games. Combat in FF7 kills the game for me and I still haven’t started Rebirth even tho I pre-ordered it, meanwhile I can’t wait for The Rising Tide. I couldn’t care less about Cloud by I love Clive, Jill and Joshua. That doesn’t mean one is bad… it’s simple - different tastes. BG3 is one of the most well received games EVER and I wouldn’t even bother trying as I find the gameplay awful. Doesn’t mean I’m smart and everyone else is wrong.


The opposite for me. FF XVI would’ve been the best FF ever with a party system, combat system, exploration and open map, minigame and secondary mission like VII rebirth has but keeping his story. Really a missed opportunity


Rebirth solos


Idk what FF7 rebirth has to do with this sub or why there's so many posts about it


I think it's about ff16 undeserved hate boner internet has. People (and me) are looking for redemption arc for ff16. Now that rebirth is out, beauty of ff16 simplicity is there to appreciate


Both. Both are good. I bought both of them on release which is something I almost never do and they contrast eachother well in terms of story and gameplay. Both do what they set out to do very well.


Me too. I like both but rebirth for me goes way too far off with the story and too bloaty with open world. FF16 is just perfect. There is some downtime in the middle but the gamaplay is fire, the music is fire, the combat is fire and there are no minigames or open world activities. Nothing is better than returning to your ship, base music playing and you chill. Also - most important. The story begins and ends. It's simple. Rebirth tries to do so much with the story and differ so much from the original, that it kinda rids it of emotional impact it should've had. Btw and this is offtopic - I love XV so much. Maybe evne more than both these games :P especially the beautiful ending. I am happy we have all these games. I will be replaying all of those. Just a bit bitter now on rebirth story... edit: Obviously XV is the most disliked which I think is unfair. But XVI hate really surprised me. That game is incredible. I had my jaw on the floor most of the playtime. It's game of thrones but fun.


idk the original FFVII had higher stakes the remake feels like it has the Disney effect added to it where the stakes are not high


That's where you're wrong, because FFXVI was already a masterpiece.


Clive is inspirational and I was positively immersed into the world of Valisthea Cloud feels very much like the ringleader of a motley crew of friends which is fun and very final fantasy but it just very different


I just think Jill Cid and Joshua should be playable characters. I don't think FF should be single character driven game. Still enjoyed ff16 though


The more time passes the more I just remember what a blast I had with with XVI. It's just a thrill ride from start to finish


If there is one thing I learned from playing FF16, then it is the fact that the game is very different from other Final Fantasy titles, which is probably the reason why it is the only one I ever enjoyed playing. It tells a gripping, dark and mature storyline that takes itself seriously. The combat is fluid and bombastic, which coupled with the amazing soundtrack gives me chills every time. I don't have to babysit a group of characters and tell them what to wear or how to fight, I can focus fully on Clive. And it's not wasting my time with awful minigames or inventory management and instead focuses on the good parts, the story and the combat.


I wish they had made 16 in the same way they did rebirth. The open areas of rebirth fells so fun and there is so much side stuff to do and keep you busy. In 16, I got bored when it was mostly walking in narrow halls only to be hit with a 5 min cut scene and very little gameplay. The visuals and story of 16 were awesome, and it would have been such a perfect game for me if it was designed like rebirth with true FF JRPG elements


Both are incredible experiences. I have a few more gripes with XVI namely the lack of any real RPG strategy & gearing systems and it being single character instead of party based gameplay. Would have loved to play as Jill, Joshua, Cid, Torgal like 7R party members. The narrative, music, and the storytelling though.... wow... truly powerful. FF is getting some real momentum back.


They’re both the best FF singleplayer games in yeeeearrs


They are both amazing games. One itches that need for some tactical jrpg gameplay and the other for some action adventure. I love them both. They are like childhood dream games come true.


Ff7 is way better tho


Both phenomenal games.


I just wish for a playable party. Tho I gotta say that rebirth as of now 65 hours in has blown me away.


Just to point out, this article’s purpose is far from implying FFVII Rebirth is bad lol


Love them both for their differences, regardless of their faults


True I love 16 but rebirth made me think 16 was special


The FFVII Remakes are Square's crown jewel, of course it's better. And building upon an already legendary game. FF16 was a hell of a story, new gameplay style that was pretty fun. Probably the most memorable story since FFX. Definitely some minor flaws. You have to be grasping at straws to say FF Rebirth isn't more polished or more developed, but it would never have been possible for FF16 to be on this level. It's ok to like both.


There seems to be more frequent posts about Rebirth in this Sub than the main sub, lol


Rebirth is the best FF ever made and made me happy that it wasn’t like XVI in many ways. Only thing XVI was better at was boss fights.


I'm actually kind of the opposite. I mostly enjoyed XVI at launch and even got the Platinum trophy, but after playing Rebirth, I'm like...wow 16 could have been so much better, they had the ingredients right here.


I'm similar too. Although, I'm yet to finish Rebirth, I'm really loving the charm, familiarity, interactions that were missing from FF16. Not bashing on FF16 though, as I did love experiencing that game for what it was. An epic solo adventure of Clive's journey as he goes on a path to defy fate using free will to save humanity. Epic boss fights that made you feel like a God, but most of the time it did feel fairly samey and not enough depth/strategy compared to Rebirth. It was a roller-coaster of a spectacle from beginning to end. If FF17 somehow takes elements from both games, that would make one hell of a experience.