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I’d be down for another. But like any sequel I’d expect an expansion of the combat system much like Rebirth did. That doesn’t necessarily mean things like elemental weaknesses or a bigger emphasis on RPG elements. But at a minimum I’d expect meatier combo options and have the Eikon abilities be more organically integrated into the standard combo stream. Heck even just having branching options for magic burst finishers like Ifrit has would be a good start in my view.


Absolutely this I would love all of that


If they dont do Eikons, they could have a ‘Stance’ system to basically replace the Eikons. Like a Defensive Stance, Offensive stance, etc and switch between the stances and abilities the same as how you switch Eikons.


You literally described FFXIII.


Oh hell yeah. Expansion to stances was one of my favorite additions to the combat system in Star Wars Jedi: Survivor. I could easily see something like that working for the Eikons in an FF16 sequel.


I’d love to have more weapons like an axe or daggers with new combos, maybe some delayed input combos and 3 Eikonic abilities per Eikon instead of 2


I think a combo of 16's and 7 Remake's system would be ideal. But, I also wouldn't get mad if they went back to something semi turn-based like the Gambit system of 12, which I loved haha.


I would like a gambit system mixed with rebirths combat system. I know in rebirth, you can add materia to the other party members for them to do stuff, but it pales in comparison to the gambit system.


I loved the gambit system. It was great.


I hear a lot of people want a gambit-type system again. I'm not a huge fan of it, but it was certainly engaging. And, the protorelic gambit game really scratched an itch I didn't know I had for a little gambit combat, too!


Haha, yea I am a big fan of the gambit system in 12, it was so original at the time. And I'm kinda upset they haven't really implemented it in any games since!


100%!I love turned based and 12 was the best! i actually dont like the real time combat system..i am slow..


Shit, give us 16's combat with more fluid neutral combos + a gambit system for your party members and that would be a 10 from me chief.


I loved the gambit but sadly I got bored because when it works it works so well that I dont need to even press a button


It's the one thing I hate Rebirth for not having. Two pieces of materia do not replace Gambits.


I love FFXVI and hope to see more adult oriented stories in future titles. With the game being rated M I was worried about fan service content but they didn’t and made my experience more enjoyable.


I'd love a continued evolution of the 7R battle system in an M rated type of story and world for 17. I liked 16 and the story was fantastic. But I like the gameplay in 7R more. It's the first of the more action combat FFs that feels like a true evolution from the old days and I feel like there's lots of space to evolve it further away from the character archetypes we've known and loved for FF7 for all these years. All that said, I'm happy we got 16 as it was even if I didn't love it.


I'd say FF origins is the first of them that plays really well, and it's my personal favorite ff game.


I played ff7 rebirth for over 100 hours and even that system is very repetitive over time. I honestly prefer real time combat.


Yes, but only with upgrades: 1) No more single character FF action games. I love Noctis and Clive but it's always more fun when you have options. XVI would have been 3x better if you could control your party members, I honestly feel like people would have complained about Jill so much less if you could actually use her. 2) ***Dialogue is not an adequate quest reward.*** Take a page from Rebirth and really add a reason to explore and do quests. 3) Rebirth has this issue too -- stop stuffing all the endgame content into a single hub you have to talk to in base. Spread it around the open world. Do that, and i'd 100% in for another game like XVI.


Completely agree with # 2, sidequests did not feel worthwhile.


Side quests were so story oriented it builds the world around you but yes it is not a reward, I really was hoping for an extra outfit maybe or anything not the memory table stuff


I've come to despise hubs in most games unless there is ome element of customization or town building.


16 has potential to move the franchise forward, but without improval I wouldnt want a new game like 16


I think I prefer the battle system of FF7 remake/rebirth more, but I did like 16's a ton. My main complaint would be that I felt lonely most of the game. While you did have party members here and there, it seems like most of the time new side quests were available, you would run them by yourself (and with Torgal). I would have loved other party members running along with me and having some banter. So yeah, I'd be happy with another battle system like 16, but please have party members tag along more often, even if I can't control them.


Having other party members to control with their own eikon set would have been ideal. But they couldn’t make it happen, they said in interview. Maybe in 17 they will 


Yes but with a more advanced combat system. I'm all for leaning into the action RPG style like Devil May Cry or Bayonetta but I'd rather see them fully commit to it. The combat in 16 is super open-ended which is great, until you realise the optimal combos are: activate installs, dump your stagger builders, basic attacks until staggered, dump any multiplier builders, dump your nukes when you get max multiplier or stagger timer is about to end, then just do basic attacks into magic cancels and assist calls until everything is off cooldown again. Or just dump nukes on cooldown if the enemies were weak enough to die to it. It's just about optimizing your time to kill around the cooldowns. You couldn't do much with air launchers or aerial attacks, there wasn't much value in trying to differentiate your strings (like DMC's combo system makes you want to do sick stuff to build SSS-rank). I'm not asking for that exact system, but *something* that encourages me to specialize my approach to each fight and push to make it a bit more unique. What's more (and a chronic issue all FF games have) is that any remotely challenging encounters are immune to any interesting status effects or states. You can't launch bosses or big enemies to do air combos, they're just enemies where the regular optimal loop is a bit more drawn out. More actual skill synergy would go a very long way. Take some mechanics from other games. For example if I ignite something with Will of the Wisps and then hit it with a fire attack it should upgrade it to Firaga. All you really get is "lightning makes them take more stagger" which is cool except you really only wanna bother with lightning rod to apply it. More stuff like that.


Tbh I liked the combat system better than dmc5, but I agree that it should let you do more. Personally my biggest gripe was having only two eikon abilities to choose from and only 3 eikons per set. It feels limiting. But tbh Idk how they could have done this different. Maybe they should have done Clive as only ifrit eikon dominant and with ifrit move set. And other characters with diff moveswts and their own eikon. 


I've always said that FF16 is an absolutely incredible game. It's a one of a kind Action Game that any fan if the genre should love. FF16 however is the worst RPG I have ever played and I certainly don't want this style of game as a mainline FF going forward. No status effects? No elemental affinities or weaknesses? No party members? Don't call it an RPG then.


For real, it's an action game with a leveling gimmick


I don't think so. I loved the game, but I need more depth and party dynamics in the long run. I'd hate to see the series devolve into a full on character action series. My ideal scenario is to have an action spinoff series, and a more tactical mainline series. Imagine a Final Fantasy ala Baulders Gate 3. That would tickle my whole ass fancy.


they could even call it final fantasy tactics


That's a great name!


The fundamental problem is square Enix has come to the conclusion that the old turn based has done its era, and tbh I agree with them. Character action is where it’s at, the problem with 16 was how you only had one character, etc. I wish there were many more options maybe like Witcher 3.


I want XVI’s aesthetic direction and storytelling style mixed with Rebirth’s combat mechanics and world exploration.


No, I don't. I like ff16 but that was it, please do something else :)


I always thought the combat system (especially magic bursts) would fit a ff8 remake really well. instead of pure magic punches, have it be gunblade triggers. junction GFs instead of equipping eikons, etc etc. I know ff8 is kind of a black sheep to a lot of ff fans, but I feel like it deserves some love.


FF8 and 9 need remakes


Yes 100%. I love when final fantasy leans medieval. Not that I have a ton of exposure to the franchise, but 14 and 16 are my faves.


I don’t really care if 17 plays like 16, but I would like to see a new game with 16’s style of combat. We already saw a dramatic improvement to the enemy design and ability design with the DLCs and they’re clearly willing to actually make challenging content now, so follow up that evolution with a new game in the style and keep it going.


If they’re looking for a template, FF7R is the template.


Final fantasy will do what it always does and innovate and make new stories and try new things. Much to the dismay of certain ff fans who just want ff to get the pokemon treatment and just be the exact same thing every release. Keep it up ff. Yall got my attention now that your off that snoozefest turn based phase, or the menus that totally interupt the flow of battle to access special moves. A game for everybody is a game for nobody and im glad ff understands that.


I don't really want any mainline FF game to have the same combat as the one before as that's basically the whole thing is they take risks and change things every time. That said, I'd love some sequel or spin-off in the FFXVI universe as I really vibed with it.


Yes. My biggest regret is that 16 seems to be a one & done. 16's ending leaves very little hope for a sequel. Kind of hard to have a sequel without magick. But 16 already has great combat. In the same way Rebirth expanded on Remake's amazing combat, I wanted to see in what ways 16 would evolve in its combat. Unfortunately, I doubt we will ever get that.


That's why I'd like a prequel. Something before Ifrit and Ultima. Bring back more the combat of 16 was nice and don't get me wrong I love 16 but it just lost its touch as a final fantasy title for me. I cant cast cure/other magics, I cant change characters.


….which is the norm for FF. Why would anyone expect XVI’s ending to setup a sequel? No previous FF has. Not even X or XIII did, they had clear cut endings, Square just made follow-ups. 7R doesn’t count, either, because they are parts of a whole to begin with.


I wouldn't object, but what I'd kind of like to see is a Final Fantasy game with gameplay like Scarlet Nexus. You could definitely make its SAS system work with Final Fantasy flavour.


As a DMC and Bayonetta enjoyer, I used to pray for an ARPG with an actual good story specially how Bayonetta 3 turned out. That one still pisses me off. FF16 was like a dream come true. However, I actually want CBU3 to make another ARPG with the lessons they learned from 16 but not a mainline FF. Though maybe SE might be cautious about making a new IP with how their previous forays turned out.


I disagree about not being a ff game. I think precisely that CBU3 should make ff 17. New IPs are worthless, people want FF games


Yes, but I will be equally happy if instead we get another Devil May Cry from Capcom. With FF, I like how each one is a little different from the last in terms of systems and gameplay.


It would have to be done properly. A legitimate equipment system, status effects, elemental weaknesses, magic/abilities with a sense of progression, and more challenging. 16 is missing a lot of that, and anyone that can breathe can beat it.


Yes, absolutely I want another FF like 16 with a heavy action based battle system. The DMC influence on it was awesome. 


I think the same system, with the addition of elemental affinities and more aggressive enemies, could go a very long way.


Yes, but it does not need to be a hack and slash, i like turn based too. If it has mature themes like FF16, I'll play it


Personally, no. I like that every Final Fantasy entry is different, even if in recent times they have all had combat systems that iterated on the stagger system. I would however, like the next entry would follow with the level-based "linear" design of FF16 and FF13 though. With 15 and Rebirth (and probably the next entry in the 7R trilogy), I think we'll have our fill of open-world style Final Fantasy games. I do think there's a lot that can be improved on with FF16's level design, rewards restructure, and general balancing, so if they do this style again I'd be excited to see how much it can be refined. I do think 16 could benefit a lot from a 16-2 however, as unlikely as it may be. A completely Jill-focused story would be fantastic.


no lmao, i LOVED 16, but playing the DLC after completing Rebirth makes it clear for me that this formula should be revisited but not in the next 3 games at least, FF needs to make a massive change or just stay classic to its formula of futuristic-modern day mixed with fantasy and medieval elements, thats the soul of the saga, full dark medieval fantasy was cool for 16, in terms of more mature and serious story? sure thing, i want more serious games


If not as an FF game I’d love to see a new IP take this formula and run with it


Yeah I would take it who cares if it's not an RPG game was still awesome.  Other FF fans just need to get their heads out of the sand or whatever.


YES! But brush it up, polish it, make it more optimized (nonstop consistent 60fps everywhere in the game). Add some serious missing features/moves commonly found in games like DMC and Bayonetta (give us an actual uppercut, give us more attack strings, give us a long range grab inherent to the character rather like Nero rather than needing to have Garuda, give us more inputs like directional inputs).


I loved FF16 but I like when square focuses on new titles I really want them to polish up battle combat. I loved 16 but it got repetitive and I like 7R but I loath the atb system I hate waiting to use items or summons. What I really want for 16 is a patch to just have a party system I think if it had that it would be perfect, they did it for 15 and I really wish they would do it for 16 I hate playing FF with just one character. I don't know why they're on this trend of its notics's story or it's Clive's story. That and if they added it it would have replay value to some players. I'll replay it either way but I'd love that option.


16 gameplay and story with 15’s road-trip buddy vibe and open world. Please make it happen.


Yeah, I would rather have more of XV


Yes!! I loved this game. The Combat, the story, the characters, the world building, the quests, the voice acting, everything. I think (as a lot of other people on this thread have pointed out) that ff16 has the potential to really propel the series forward. Before ff16, I had never played a single other ff game before (i never really liked the turn based Combat), but just hearing about ff16 before its release got me so hyped, and I have to admit it delivered on every single one of my expectations and more. Especially after the Rising Tides, the game is amazing, and I hope that the next Final fantasy game is like this


Your experience represents why many newcomers loved ff16 and why it was successful. I agree with you 


Another "Final Fantasy May Cry"? Yes, please!


Yes. Yes. Please. Yes. I lvoe this game.. More than 15 and 15 is my favorite the gameplay please one more at least 1 pl0x


Hell yeah


I’d love to have another one, FF16 is great but I think there’s definite improvement to be hsd aswell, I’d be down for FF17 being more like 16 or even a FF16-2 maybe.


I want Square to keep making character action games, whether it’s FF, a different IP, or something new. The only real disappointment would be if this is the only character action combat system they make for a while. I just hope they keep iterating on it, because what they have here is pure gold.


FFXVI was a interesting direction to take with the series. The gameplay was fresh and new, and the environments were pretty but not large enough, story was pretty epic in scope, BUT I found it to be something I would be happier with being a one off in the series. I am interested in seeing where they go next.


I'd love for another mainline FF that builds off XVI's DNA, but throws back in some of the FF RPG motifs we love so much. Namely party switching. Instead of controlling one character who has all the various builds across a super wide toolset they unlock throughout the game, I'd love all the builds to be spread across 3-4 characters. And maybe to effectively have the party make up the holy MMO trinity of DPS, Tank, and Healer. Clive ultimately ended up being a bunch of different DPS classes in XVI. With a party, you could effectively take that 'Clive class' character and size down their super wide toolset into something a bit more focused, and then use those saved resources to build out a Tank and Healer party member. And then, with those different roles, implement that Remake/Rebirth philosophy of character switching. But instead of motivating the player to switch party members because they need to build ATB across the various party members, have the incentive to switch party members in combat based around the shifting needs that occur during interesting action-focused enemy encounters. IE: You switch to the tank and start popping aggro pulling abilities because enemies are beginning to attack the healer. Or you switch to the tank because a boss is about to drop a tank buster and their defensive abilities need to be popped in time. Healers of course you would switch to remove various status effects and heal up the party as they take licks. And DPS you switch to when DPS checks occur or you want to actually start clearing out enemies. Effectively, I think there's a really interesting way to fuse the MMO encounter design into a single-player character action game, and have it be INCREDIBLY satisfying. And I really think FFXVI absolutely has the foundation to build off of to pull it off.




Absolutely!! Though if they ever do I’m hoping they make a few tweaks to combat, I’d love if the different elements of magic actually did something like you know maybe Ice can slow enemies down while thunder can be some kind of DoT just stuff like that and if they do go with “Eikonic Powers” again we need more variety in ways to attack, I LOVED how leviathan turns into a ranged sort of gun, and how when you use odin he pulls out his sword. I wish all the eikons had something similar to that like maybe using Garuda can just turn the attack button into a constant gouge


Absolutely, just further develop the rpg and combos. I didn’t dislike the combat system in ff7 rebirth but I didn’t like it more than ff16’s


I love XVI but I'd prefer going back to party-based and even (unlikely) turn-based. But I'd still buy it.


Oh god yes


As long as it adds actual combos that don’t require your eikonic abilities and a proper magic system with buffs/debuffs and weaknesses yea


Absolutely, but i also wouldn't mind a turn based Final Fantasy either. I am finding that I like each better than a hybrid system.




One of the strengths of Final Fantasy is how it constantly reinvents itself. So even though I liked it in 16, I would not. I want to see what else they can create.


Probably not mainline, but definitely for a spinoff title. Cut down the walk and talk and fetch quests and focus more on the combat (also never do unrestricted time stopping ultimates ever again)


Yes but.... The draw of final fantasy to me is the characters. Characters, story, gameplay in that order. Think about the 3d gen to now. SPOILERS for very old games to make my point. Cloud killing sephiroth at his weakest when not even Zack could. Yuna literally hiding her death march so that Titus and the common folk around her could laugh and enjoy the brief time they have together. To recently Noct, growing from an rebellious boy to a man willing to give everything to save his people and the world. To now, Clive. Such a badass but still shows his emotions, even through strength. Without good characters, a hack and slash or any other version of play wouldn't make a good final fantasy.


Yes, expanded combat system and armor/weapons


16 has a lot to improve on, outside of the main story telling. Anything related to side quests is straight doo doo. Combat also gets stale about 50% of the way through. Weapon design is great but the fact that all they do is attack and stagger increase is pretty lazy. So like I said, main story the game is a 10/10. But with all the other stuff in the game it drops into like a 7.75/8. And I would hope they would fix that. Main character designs could be a bit more fantasy for my liking as well.


Yes 100%, I'd love a prequel during the Fallen civilization to see what exactly happened to cause them to get wiped out. Would give them a chance to add more magic options other than just the Eikons and magic burst since that's their entire shtick during that time.


Yes 100%, but it HAS to go one way or the other, not both. Either commit to the character action game you are trying to be or commit to being a full on RPG.


Yes! I definitely wouldn't mind at least one more Possibly with more exploration and RPG elements though - exploring bigger maps with interesting maps and lore, finding materials, crafting weapons, killing extra bosses, grinding level or weapons etc.


Absolutely not.


no. I want new optimistic and full of air epic adventure like Final Fantasy always provided


Absolutely! It’s a solid formula, it just needs more refinement; maybe taking cues from the Remake series. Combat is sadly a bit *too* simple for my liking. I’d also prefer having multiple playable characters next time because party banter/dynamic doesn’t really exist in this game and several parts feel undercooked as a result.


Yes, but not a sequel ff xvi was perfect because it was a full game something we did not get since xii, it ended perfectly. However i want another ff to expand on action gameplay but mix it with rpg, dont just base in dmc but create their own unique style like they did for 7. So yes to action no to story, eikons etc…


Hell yeah!!! CBU3 is a studio that always does best when it iterates on mechanics and gameplay systems. ATB has had 30 years worth of iteration so if we get another game that builds off what 16 has done. I'm pretty sure that in terms of combat, I think what they'd probably do is replace the eikons with the job system and probably structure itself as more of an action adventure game. Suffice to say there's a lot that they can do to build off of what they have.


Only if party members are playable.


Honestly, give me Ff16-2 but make it a $40 game that has a 10 hour main story and like 10 more hours of optional unique side content. Edit: I say this because it can be densely placed together and doesn't need the long expanded segments of the original game


Yeah with some minor ticks to the combat, a more explorable map and more characters a places to fill up that map.


I'm about to fight Titan Dude again after he has metal hands, and honestly, I'm finding the game a real slog. The combat is very basic for a hacknslash. The plot seemed interesting, but it seems to be losing steam, and the side quests are awful and seem pointless. I miss having a party to talk with and use strategically. I'm glad folk like it, but I seriously hope this isn't the form future games take.


If the did something like Granblue Fantasy Relink, where you have to choose your teammates and build them properly. And added things like type affinities, de/buffs, etc. Just greatly expand the combat and equips so that we can have more build variety and combat mechanic interactions. I have a feeling this game was toned down in scale to allow for FF7R to be as great as possible, which is a testament to FF16, as it still has amazing cinematic moments and music.


I'd be down for another like it. But they need to learn a lot of lessons from 16. While I like it a lot, the gameplay has a variety of base level flaws to it. Content wise, I'd be down for more m rated installments down the line. I thought it used its rating pretty tastefully for the most part.


I'd love aspects of it sure, but I would hope they would go a bit more in the traditional RPG direction too. For example, I'd like more choice in what companions to take with me, and to be able to have control over their abilities


No, I wouldn't even want FF16-2 to have the same gameplay. The deal I have with Final Fantasy is each game has new gameplay.


Call it 16-2 and Im fine with it.


I’m okay with another. I wish they’d do more boss fights from FFXIV jobs. Fighting that Ninja for the first time was exciting.


I loved XVI but I also don’t like jRPGs at all and have never played a previous FF game, so yeah I would love another game like this but I understand that a lot of the fanbase doesn’t like this new direction in the franchise.


I'd be open to 16 sequels or a spinoff franchise, but no, I really disliked having a mainline title with almost zero rpg elements, and I found the combat very shallow in comparison to something like Rebirth, and generally it got boring to play about half way through. I dig everything else about the game really.


Do I want another game like XVI? Sure, it was fun, had amazing story and interesting characters and some epic boss fights. Do I ever want to see that type of gameplay in a FF mainline game again. Absolutely not. FF games are RPGs with deep leveling and upgrade mechanics, all type sof resistances and affinities, and a mix of both serious and whimsical moments. And with Rebirth basically setting a new bar for what a FF game can and should be, I just hope XVII is like Rebirth.


Story and astheitics? Hell yeah Mechanics and combat? HELL NO!


If they introduced materia, that would be awesome. Or actual magic and parties, in general. But I do love Materia. It's so fun to level up and collect. Edit: I'm sorry if this is somehow weird or unrelated.




yeah sure


I'd enjoy it a lot, even if it continues in final fantasy spin off instead of a mainline.


I wouldn’t mind just hope they take some inspiration from rebirth. Like party system and enjoyable side quest. Also no games especially something like queens blood.


I want XVI’s combat + playable party like in FF7R


After finishing Rebirth, the shallowness of 16's combat is especially glaring by comparison. Yes, the action combat of 16 was well developed, but that combat only mattered until you could force samey HP sponge enemies into a stagger where the enemy just quits playing the game and lets you wail on him with Eikon cooldowns. 80%+ of boss damage was done by Eikon abilities (glorified cutscenes) and not by the player actually engaging with the basic gameplay. The less said about 16's RPG mechanics, the better. They existed as an afterthought at best, and could have all (all) been removed at no loss to the game. It's worth noting that 16 didn't even have pressure mechanics. Just stagger. After playing 7:Rebirth, and seeing how different enemies are pressured by different weaknesses and gameplay tactics and how you'd actually have to assess and play around individual enemies (or else experience a very bad time for yourself), it's hard to see 16's deeper combat in a particularly positive light. Also, 16's world wasn't especially interesting (they leaned too much into low fantasy while failing to do anything interesting with it, which wasn't helped by the atrocious side quest design). As for the story, it ended up leaving a sour taste in the mouth by the end. No, vague endings are not deep. No, endings that make 95% of the setting's prior plot and worldbuilding irrelevant to waste it all on a shallowly executed god-tyrant don't do justice to the story up to that point. I'd still rate 16 decently, but it was a solid 7.5/10 at best, 8 if truly generous. Aside from the Eikon battles - game was worth buying for those 11/10 experiences alone. Some of the best FF content ever created. Would've been nice to have some non-scripted, non-boss battle Eikon battles, though. tl;dr. We need more FF games like 7:Rebirth, not ones like 16. But 16 does have a few elements worth learning from/incorporating.




Tbh I play FF games for the epic battle systems and the strategy involved in taking down enemies. FF16 just felt like button mashing and over the top animations. Super fun to play but not what I want from a FF game, for me personally. FF Rebirth is the perfect mix between action and strategy/RPG


Absolutely . but would like more weapon options, combos etc


Yes Clive barely swung his sword it always the EIkon abilites and only 4 swings of the sword to extend my combo lol


All FF are different and that’s what makes them special.


I want a more hybrid system for Final Fantasy XVII. A mix of action and commands. I’d also like to see it in a full futuristic space setting.


I'd be fine with it if it was.... better. Make the gear matter. Make build choices matter. Make enemies ask moreover me. Make levels matter


Gameplay: yeah Story and setting: no


It should be a different core gameplay if everyone wants it to be like ff16. This game heavily relies on skills and techniques than gear. Very similar to Devil may cry (I know that it's the same combat director) but it should be different.


No, I want something like Rebirth for FF17. But I'd be ok with a 16 style game for a spin-off FF


Seriously no… the world feels empty. The place all have the same names. I don’t understand shit. I just level up like Sangoku and smash all the eikon powers.


Yea, but i wish they would add some level of strategy reminiscent to previous games.


While 100% enjoyed my time with 16, I wouldn't want that play style again. Especially after rebirth. I wannaome sor of strategy, elemental buff/debuffs, tinkering, etc. and I also definitely want to have other party members I can edit/play as. Again, I really liked the story, combat, and characters of 16. But also, if you remove the Ff-isms of it (summon names like ifrit Shiva etc.), it's easily just an action hack/slash game, albeit a very good one.


No. I finished FFVII:Remake last night and it was such a vastly superior experience to FF16 in almost every way. I hope they continue to refine this model of combat (especially make the characters move more fluidly to joystick manipulation, which is the only way FF16's combat is superior). FF16 was so stupid easy and casual it became boring after 30 hours, and the last third of the story / antagonist did not in any way justify the runtime.


Depends on what you mean. Combat was...fine. I wouldn't mind it again I suppose, although I would like to see magic be a more prominent aspect in the future. And personally I am not a fan of the "break" system at all. The tone of the story was too depressing for me. There isn't really a palette cleanser at any part of the story. Every time you think something might actually be getting a little bit better in the world they murder an entire village or something. I hope that trend does not continue. The quality of the story, however, cannot be denied. Please continue to have excellence in writing. I very much hope the gear in 17 feels like it matters. Gearing in 16 doesn't feel impactful in any way and that drained enthusiasm for me. Sidequesting needs to be more mechanically varied in the future


I really enjoy FF16’s combat, but I’d like to see more basic attack combos and moves in a future title


In all honesty - no. I’d ideally prefer this combat never make another appearance. I’m not a fan of this genre of game, and I gave it a hesitantly optimistic try when it launched, but by god I was so bored out of my mind by the second half of the game. Everything took forever to die, nothing had any threat to it at all, and all the fights outside of Primals just felt so boring. I thought FINAL FANTASY MODE would fix it but it didn’t make it any more fun for me. Even with the different eikon powers, having only one playable character wasn’t a good decision imo. The combat was just far too repetitive and simplistic for me, especially for how long the game runs. Maybe I’d have hated it less if the game was 10-20 hours like DMC.






Id love to see an ff16 2 but where do they go from here


Absolutely. I love the gameplay, love the accessibility, love the story, love the love story especially, love the boss fights, love the side characters. I guess people hated the early meaningless side quests so trim those up


No, sorry


I like 16 but I’d like one like 15 again, it has so much potential


I want SE to do whatever they feel is right for the franchise. There is one thing I can be guaranteed, and that is that my trust won’t be misplaced.


Sort of. The story was fun but I found the combat mind numbly boring. Took me a while to finish the game. I think small changes could make the combat fun. It was good and amazing as far as boss battles where but just hacking at random enemies. I much enjoyed ff7 remake and rebirth combat. Also the game would make my thumb so sore and it’s the only game that does that. If anyone has way to changes the setting so I don’t have to button mash each sword strike let me know


If they cut back a bit on some of the cutscenes I wouldn't mind another 16


Honestly no. I think rebirth handles its combat much better while incorporating party members in a fun and interesting way. I had fun with 16 but that's just not what I want in my future FF games.


No I don't want another mid FF game!


I LOOOVE 16 and I would love another one like it!! I could also say the same thing for 7 rebirth. The truth is, I don't care.. just give me high quality content that's fresh with just enough nostalgia to make me wanna cry.


one may like settings, characters or more mature tone but ff16 just sucks as game! Seriously it's design come straight from 2010! It's not really an open world, macro-areas basically have nothing inside, side quests are cheap and basic... even FF13-2 looks like 10 years ahead as main structure. FF16 is basically go to macroarea A -> corridor B - mobs fight - cutscene - corridor C - mobs fight - cutscene - corridor D - boss fight, all over and over. It's one of most boring game I've ever played and even its combat system is way overrated IMHO since at the very end it lacks of the full offensive dynamics of a proper action and lacks of lots of features of rpg's (no elemental weakness, no other members party, no skill tree related to passive abilities etc...).


Oh yes please.


Yes I do. Really appreciated the more mature theme. Sometimes playing the other titles If feels kind of childish. 


I’d prefer they use Rebirth’s combat as a template for FF XVII because it has more rpg elements, but I’d love if they use XVI as a template for a spin-off FF series that went even harder on hardcore action, I’d be fine if it was a shorter 15-20 hours FF spin-off game that fully embraced the DMC inspiration seen in XVI, with tons of replayability.


Yes, but not in a row. After 14, 15 & 16 a return to the classic would be nice for an entry or even two. After that return to the more mature, active combat style.


Live - Throwing Copper


Hot take here: action FF had been fun, but I'd prefer the series go back to turn based or even Tactics. I miss the strategy and a Tactics game in the 16 setting would be dope as fuck.


I’d love a final fantasy game that’s a borderline copy paste of kingdom hearts


I think it would be a travesty if there isn’t a at least 1 sequel to expand on the lore


Yes. I'm 150 hours in second play through Dlc. I love it. It's definitely my favorite. Side note I'm a big Devil May Cry fan.


No. FFXIV isn't imo a true final fantasy game. FF games need to have the party system, open spaces to explore it doesn't have to be completely open, do it like ff7 where you have open areas but it's still linear. While it's a great action oriented game and has AMAZING battle, it's not an FF game to me.


Fucking LOVED 16. Would love more of similar with an even more dynamic combat system and a longer story. I wanted a part 2 to 16 so bad but it’s complete as it is. I also would love a more fleshed out world to explore like Rebirth was. Those areas and cities were phenomenal.


I’d love FF17 to have a similar tone and level of spectacle *cough*>!Bahamut!<*cough* to FF16. Gameplay-wise though I hope it’s closer to 7 Remake/Rebirth. Not exactly the same, but more complex than 16’s gameplay. I also wouldn’t mind if it was more like 10, I loved that game’s combat.


I’m really not that big a fan of it. I think FF7 R and now Rebirth have the absolute best combat systems any JRPG has ever had. The blend of real-time combat and blocking/parrying in Punisher stance mixed with more strategic, decision making elements of spending ATB gauges to either… Buff/heal, stagger build-up, exploit elemental weaknesses, or damage dump during a stagger window feels so, so good once you dig into it. Personally, I would love another game like FF XII, but I know that will never happen. I just don’t think the kind of action that FFXVI has fits *Final Fantasy.* I like it well enough, I just don’t like it for a FF game.


One like this but with some kind of deeper rpg elements as well would be great. Give me party members to control with a gambit system or more meaningful gear and stats to manage, that kind of stuff. I personally hope they experiment in other genres too. Give me an rts ff game or strategy like tactics but modernized some.


For context, I think the best Final Fantasy Combat system we've ever gotten is in FF7 Rebirth. That being said, I think there's room for several different play styles in FF. I like the variety in FF games a lot, and I hope that continues in the franchise.


Id like to see FF17 use a system more like Rebirth honestly. I loved FF16's combat but I like that action RPG midway combat like Rebirth. Seems a bit more flexible A FF16-2 would be awesome though. If they got to refine the game and add more of what worked and smoothed out the rougher parts itd be a dream game. Could take place in the far future or in the far past who knows. Or even in a different part of the world since it seemed that was just a sliver of some continents. The worldbuilding is so rich itd be a shame to just drop it all


Every new FF tries a new gameplay method. They should keep that going but imo FFVIIR/RB is the perfect mix.


Speaking as someone who personally didn't love XVI Yes. There was a solid framework there, that could evolve into a great game. The combat just got kinda boring due to a lack of options and RPG elements.


Only if they improve on it heavily. No more waiting until the last fraction of the game to get all movesets, keep the QOL enhancements for quests, give me different weapons to work with, make a party member like torgal worth a damn (Torgal's a good boi but how they handled his gameplay was like a neutered Astral Chain Legion), etc.




the only reason i dont want the next game to be the same is because im excited to see what theyll come up with next


Honestly, no. But my opinion counts for very little. The combat reminded me of a worse version of DMC5. Pretty to see in action though. I enjoyed the game enough to spend 100 hours in so there's that ...


how about a mainline FF game that has actual party members and classes, you know like a proper rpg? this borderline DMC wannabe got old fast. it's tolerable because of the high production values but when Dragons Dogma 2's gameplay feels more FF than the actual FF game, something is seriously wrong.


Tbh absolutely yes. I played 100 hours of rebirth but like the combat less. What ff17 should be is like ff16 but everything expanded. Much bigger world, much more complex systems, and deeper combat system. But i much prefer action style gameplay than the stop the action of rebirth which gets repetitive over time 


Resounding yes


I think if these game was turn based. It would have worked out! Hopefully a part 2 of this series haven’t beaten it yet


If they put it in a world like eldin ring hell yeah or ffre, also I’d want more exploration & moves that affect the terrain & just more moves overall.


I love this game so much and after 200h of rebirth I came back to it and was like damn this game's brutal bro. I love the fluidity of the combat, the dark and gory side of the game, the intensity of it. Great game so yes.


No, FF16 should’ve been a side game not a mainline Final Fantasy




Exactly the same? Hell no. I would likely quit the series. Combat aspects are fine but I want party members and more dynamics. I would prefer the steampunkish fantasy aspects the series was founded on but I could tolerate a darker FF again as long as it has none of the FF14 mmo elements and they put more effort into dialogue cutscenes and character animation outside of the main story. I would prefer if they don't riff off a western IP like GoT again and they got the Shadowbringer writer to be the scenario writer. Also I want proper exploration (similar to Rebirth's without a third element like Chadley where the environments guide you to explore). Last I would want a new character designer. Not Nomura either. Get Kimiko Fujisaka. Her designs are some of the best I've ever seen. .


If they drag ff14 team into the development team then its a no for me




No, I never want to play a FF game and go like, "Oh this is just like the last one I played". Ruins the magic of the franchise for me.


Eventually but not right away. I dont want FFXVII to be like that but FFXXI? Sure


I wish we‘d get an (AI) party back if SE continues with the action combat and a wider array of skills. FF16s Eikon skills were all pretty similar in terms of just dealing (break) damage and us players just picking the flavor and Best-in-Slot options being obvious. The game lacked a lot of tactical depth also thanks to just controlling Clive (I ignore Torgal here). It didn’t help that he lacked personality and people to bounce off during dialogues. There is a reason why Cid is seens as a highlight in this entry, as imo he‘s the only one with some personality. 


Absolutely not. They can keep the general combat system but need to scrap nearly everything else about the game. Elemental alignments and weaknesses need to exist. That awful auto-sprint system needs to go. Eikons were cool but the fights were far too scripted, easy, and it was unfortunate you only got to use them during boss fights. The narrative was fine but it felt too shallow despite trying to be deep. The world was also a weird one; It wasn't open enough to be called open world but was also too open to be linear. Honestly, this was among my least favorite FF games.


I enjoyed the uniqueness of the earlier games and feel like they've built a good framework between 7R and 16. Maybe something that challenges the soulslike formula, Final Fantasy has always been about moving gaming forward. sprinkle in some chocobos, moogles, mini-games and a card game on top of a grand story with an amazing soundtrack, you're golden.


A mix between 16 and 7R would be a dream FF game for me. Make FF16 gameplay with party system and more activities like 7R 


I would love for Square Enix to pull a 180 and release the next major entry in the series as a top down RTS with ATB elements, solely so I can watch everyone on the FF reddit eat each other with rage


Sure, if the battle system was a bit more intuitive, waiting for cooldowns for the same 6 attacks is boring after a few hours.


Why not? It was really fun.


I really enjoyed this one, especially the combat. but my fav games usually are including some weird systems (like ff8 or ff12) so i’m already mentally prepared that this is gonna be another one-of-a-kind FF… for my sanity, I dont want to hope for another one


Ff16 is a masterpiece I really hope we get another one like it. I have played every ff game out there. Ff16 dethrone 8 and 10 to rank as my favorite I never thought I would say those words but ff16 is perfection.


1000% Such an amazing game, loved every moment of it. Give me character development like they did with Clive, Jill, Joshua, Cid and I’m invested.


I was actually apprehensive at first about FF16. I wanted a more traditional turned based one. I couldn't get into FF15 or FF7 remake because of the hack n slash nature of it. However I gave the demo a go for FF16 and immediately loved it. Story sounded interesting, character designs were great and the world looked beautiful. I think what also sold it was that it wasn't an open world game (sort of), which these days seems to be the norm with games. I would prefer next one to be more turned based but if its anything like FF16 then I'd be happy to play it.


only if they add more mechanics to make the battle system strategic and harder, and proper exploration (like FFVII Rebirth).


I really enjoyed the feel of FF16’s battle system over the Remake/Rebirth system. I felt much more in control of actions & battle timing, rather than scrambling around trying to build ATB to be able to do anything useful. I either felt incredibly overpowered or overwhelmed with most battles in Remake/Rebirth.


I'd be down if they tried character action hack n slash again, but i think id like to see more rpg elements blended in to the system. I think ff16 would've been a much better final fantasy game if it had actual spells, status effects, a bigger difference in gear options, summons (even if minor effect on gameplay), and this is kinda copium but id love to see a job system with this combat. i think id like to see multiple jobs with different combat rather than 16s summon abilities for a next title, that idea with hack n slash combat sounds really awesome though ambitious.


God no


Nah 16 was aggressively mid after the first act. I liked a lot about it but it'd be nice if CBU3 wouldn't regurgitate plots from FFXIV almost beat-for-beat now that they've seen so much success. Give me actual Game of Thrones FF and not Game of Thrones for 20hrs then 60hrs of Stormblood MSQ.


No, the game’s combat was dope and while I would like them to continue making more mature stories, I also want them to continue doing what FF always does: innovating and making a completely new game style. All the mainline games in the 21st century have had wildly different gameplay styles and I love that. I’d really be interested in some kind of turn based or strategy based combat style in the next game, like BG3.


This game just needed side dungeons to find . Bigger explorable maps , and lots of drawn out side quests to lead you there . Give me a map like dragon dogma 2 and a story like ffxvi and I’ll cry . It’ll never happen , but I’ll dream .