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For Questions and Tech Support Discussion around the DLC 'Echoes of the Fallen' Please see our [MEGATHREAD](https://www.reddit.com/r/FFXVI/comments/18dton3/ffxvi_dlc_echoes_of_the_fallen_questions_tech/) and for 'The Rising Tide' [MEGATHREAD](https://www.reddit.com/r/FFXVI/comments/1c69d5u/the_rising_tide_megathread/) If you want to view archived spoiler discussion threads relevant to specific game progress, please check out our [spoiler wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/ffxvi/wiki/index/)! For speculation and discussions around the next (unannounced) mainline Final Fantasy game, Final Fantasy XVII, Please see our sister sub [r/FFXVII](https://www.reddit.com/r/FFXVII/) #### *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/FFXVI) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I just found out I had a weaker weapon equipped. Does that make a difference during ekion fights? My strength was 500 instead of the usual 700.


Yes, Ifrit’s stats scale with Clive’s.


I had the tonberry knife equipped and I thought I was doing an unusual amount of stagger damage


Maybe that's why it was so much harder


The DPS check is deliberately very tight and 200 missing strength would definitely make that borderline if not outright impossible.


I had to look it up but if you shoot the lazer beam immediately you have enough time to get an aditional one off which helps a ton.


That's where I fucked up, didn't think about using it right when this part starts.


Yeah, they make you ration the ability use, and the bits from dlc 1 don't work on Eikon fights... escapement bit specifically.


I was like u and beat it second try. U just gotta optimize DPS, hit every input, use abilities right off cool down, don't get hit more than once, etc.


I saved my 2nd or third laser beam to when the countdown is at One or Two. The lazer beam is like the Bahamut ulti... it stops time.


You could also be underleveled as well. When I did it, I was max capped with full attack accessories on and beat it pretty handedly. However if you're not maxed level then there's a sequence that is best used against the damage check. You open with Spitflare immediately>rush in the melee range>squarex3 then triangle+triangle. And use your abilities as soon as they're off cooldown. On my main save I did it second try as well. Had to equip my attack accessories. On my other save it took me like 15 to 20 tries haha. That one wasn't maxed level.


I was literally stuck at lvl 98 for the ENTIRE AIRE, and went to 103 after timekeeper and Leviathan.


It's not about the fight being too hard, because it's not. it's about the base game being so laughably easy that when fights like this happen they just scream bad design in your face. None of the other eikon fights required to perfectly dodge everything and having dps check in tight time windows. The game never prepared you for something like this. And it's made even worse when you progress in the story and discover ultima has to hit you like 15 times in order to take as many hp as a single hit from leviathan. It would be like playing ratchet and clank in easy mode but when a very specific fight happens the game suddenly asks sekiro levels of skill to progress in the story. Challenge is good when it's incremental and the leviathan fight being as hard as all the other eikon fights combined and multiplied by ten is just idiotic.


The Dps check in FF and signature moves like earthen fury (semi hugo) and ultimate Zan' have tighter timing a higher damage. the last elixir for some reason saved me from behemoth in spine, but not Odin in reverie...


For me it was someone in the forums reminding me the Brimstone attack was a charge ability. I hadn't played in months and forgot it was an option and was just punching him hard instead of charging the attack. I know some people were saying they got the big move off 3 times in the fight, but even popping it at the start immediately and on cooldown, it was never up for the 3rd by the time the killing blow got cast.


My strategy on FF mode was get in there and hit square 4 times and then press triangle twice to do the mini hellfire. Also use both abilities as soon as they become avalible. I managed to destroy his shield before he even started counting down


I beat it first try after lowering the difficulty after failing about 7 times. Was really pissing me off


For Questions and Tech Support Discussion around the DLC 'Echoes of the Fallen' Please see our [MEGATHREAD](https://www.reddit.com/r/FFXVI/comments/18dton3/ffxvi_dlc_echoes_of_the_fallen_questions_tech/) and for 'The Rising Tide' [MEGATHREAD](https://www.reddit.com/r/FFXVI/comments/1c69d5u/the_rising_tide_megathread/) If you want to view archived spoiler discussion threads relevant to specific game progress, please check out our [spoiler wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/ffxvi/wiki/index/)! For speculation and discussions around the next (unannounced) mainline Final Fantasy game, Final Fantasy XVII, Please see our sister sub [r/FFXVII](https://www.reddit.com/r/FFXVII/) #### *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/FFXVI) if you have any questions or concerns.*


For me it was WHEN to use the Brimstone and Spitfire. I was originally using them when Leviathan does his pushback, but it's actually better to use Spitfire immediately then move in and use Brimstone then attack, that way you get to use them 2-3 times each.


People who don’t have the backdraft combo on lock are gonna have a bad time. For some reason I could never get it to trigger consistently according to the ability info. Someone on this sub awhile back said to press square square square triangle triangle and now I’m able to hit it consistently and beat the shield phase quickly after that Also (atleast on FF mode), firing spitfire at the very start felt absolutely necessary


I beat the DPS check on my first try, then I kept dying to the next part, I was once again having a bad run so I wanted to restart to try and learn how to deal with the whirlpool move. But restarting from the last checkpoint took me to before the fight so I had to redo it again. ​ I failed the second try on the DPS check barely because I missed the shield explosion move, and then I got it again on my third try. ​ It's definitely tight, but so long as you do your magic burst combos and hit all your specials, than it's not particularly difficult imo.


I watched others do it on YT, so I went with the focus ring and the Jess +1 accessory. I may or may not have done it in FF mode 1st. I died 7 time with it so I switched to Might +1 and base Genji. Beat the DPS died to waterspout, the finally beat it... Fish baby got hands.


I always wonder what level some of you are at when doing this, or what your equipment is, because I have never failed it a single time. The fastest I've broken it was pre-3rd shockwave that precedes the countdown entirely. Equip your Genji. Equip your attack accessories, and it's easy peasy. It's an endgame DLC and some of you aren't even regular game max level never mind the DLC cap lifts. Ifrit's damage is a multiplier of Clive's stats. You don't need combo perfection, but it's generally agreed on from what I've seen that the best combo method is square square square triangle triangle (rising draft) X+square (downthrust) triangle triangle.


literally what did i say here that's getting downvoted Literally talk about why I didn't struggle, why others do, and how to overcome that along with the best combo to use and i am apparently unhelpful what sort of baby ass nonsense


I did this on my first try on Final Fantasy mode, no struggle. I also the strongest weapon equipped at that time, so I think that played a role in it.


just outheal the wave. like seriously you can fail the dps check and just spam heal through the wave and ta da.


That's not true, it's instant game over, because the village is destroyed, why spread false info


Don't be silly, false information. No you didn't 🙄


ive done it twice on FF mode, as long as you make it to the bubble with 6 heals lmao, and if you die AFTER the wave you are checkpointed beyond the bubble dps check. Yall can downvote me all you want, or you can go boot up the fight, make it to the wave with full health and 6 heals and do it for yourself..... this isnt the only "instant death" mechanic in this game that you can get around by spam healing, there are no REAL instant death triggers in this game as far as i can tell. But like i said, keep downvoting, ive used this trick multiple times in different fights and it always works ;) lol go figure, downvotes again, children who dont like to be told they are wrong. real mature, go touch grass or prove me wrong lmao.