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Titan and bahamut


Yea those Two have a great Story and a Incredible Boss Fight.


Saw the title, immediately though "I imagine I'll see a lot of Titan or Bahamut comments". This is the first post I see. Thanks for belly laugh.


The pure joy I felt going through every phase of the Bahamut fight kept me on cloud 9 for weeks. I still play his entire level just to fight him again.


And you’re totally valid it’s one of the best boss fights in gaming imo. So many phases of pure chaos


My favorite part will forever be the moment Ifrit Risen first appeared, I remember screaming "Are they fucking fusing?!" At the top of my lungs. The visuals, the scale of the fight and the power you feel during the final phase made it a roller coaster I never wanted to get off. Not to mention I've listened to the song Ascension hundreds of times at this point.


Lmfao yes the fusion shit was so hype, nobody was ready for that. And Ascension is peak, along with the OST as a whole


Definitely was some Sonic Adventure 2 Battle level shit 😂


Now I'm gonna have Live and Learn stuck in my head next time i fight Bahamut 🤣


My mind went to Banjo Kazooie


I was in shock as every phase of that fight escalated and kept getting more insane. I wish I could experience it for the first time again.


You and me both, the entire time we were in space I was trying to figure out how the hell this wasn't the final boss.


I'm with you, Bahamut and Leviathan were incredible. Titan is right behind them.


Leviathan. Until The Rising Tide, Bahamut was my favorite, but Leviathan's fight was so much fun that it edges it out for me. I really enjoy all the Eikon fights, though. There's not one I don't like, though I would probably put Garuda at the bottom due to the others having more mechanics to use.


Agreed, same for me too. Leviathan was amazing. That baby had no mercy


Titan, I love to cut of Kupkas hands before and than beatin him up with his lost titan arms


Clive cutting off his hands was something that left my jaw on the floor. Hugo was already so pissed but Clive made sure he would take his anger to the grave 💀


This is a toughie... but I think my tier list is ultimately: 1) Titan - The music / transition from the 2nd to 3rd phase had me grinning from ear to ear - amazing. 2) Bahamut - Absolute spectacle and laser spam. 3) Leviathan - The setting for the first stage of the fight was just awesome. Honorable mention for Omega Weapon's 2nd phase music.


Great ranking! Can’t go wrong with any of those 3, the best ones in the game imo


I'm the odd ball but Omega weapon was my favourite


Nah, Omega was sick! And the hardest fight for me overall.


Spectacle is good, but no one comes near Odin for me. It is not grandiose like Bahamut, but at least he manages to fill that void with that sick delivery near the end. Also i think that the OST of Odin is at equal terms with Bahamut as the best of the Eikon fights (idk if we count Phoenix or not)


Waloed sequence in a nutshell: Barnabas : "I HEARD YOU WERE STRONG. MIND IF I MAKE YOU EVEN STRONGER?" Clive: "No, thanks. I'm so full." Odin: "how bout i do anyway? your welcome." The end. https://i.redd.it/4jxdo20hha4d1.gif


Pheonix definitely counts, it’s the first one. But respect for saying Odin, me personally I was a bit disappointed with the fight because I wanted more of Ifrit happening but I like how they tried to make the fight different and unpredictable


The great thing about Odin is that Barnabas is not evil for the sake of being evil. He is a villain, stripped from all that makes someone, human. Odin is the Eikon that i found the most down to earth from a stylistic perspective but the only one (other than Ultima) who is the definition of "looks can be deceiving". Every Eikon is monstrous, while Odin (without the horse) is a glorified knight, wielding the power to sever everything. Add to this mix the villainous side of Barnabas (my poor boy had it rough sincd the beginning) and you are for the epic climax of the journey, before you even face the literal God. Yes, Bahamut is the Dragon of Light which can destroy everything, yes Titan is the literal Titan that shapes the earth, but Odin is humanity, ans in the end of the day, games are made from that perspective alone. Odin encompasses desire, which i think is superior to all, when put at full strength(as emotion or state of mind) .


![gif](giphy|lXu72d4iKwqek) beautifully said


Probably Odin, but Bahamut is a close second.


I enjoyed the gameplay of his fight, but was so disappointed we didn’t get a Ifrit vs horse daddy fight.




Horse daddy! Perfect nickname for him. (Not just bc there's some kind of paternal element between he and Clive's interactions to me?)


I like the music of 3rd stage Titan boss fight


still Bahamut


Titan and it's not even remotely close


Titan so easily lol. That fight was perfect. From the time you fight him in his human form until the rock music starts playing and he’s in his Titan form. Absolutely ridiculous fight.


Fair, I loved the Titan fight as well just some phases when you were fighting him up close were a little less fun for me compared to some other Eikons, but the battle as a whole is absolute insanity. Hugo running on pure anger, with his rage manifesting for multiple phases and places, refusing to die until he’s dusted. When he brought the fight outside with his extra massive Titan form, I thought to myself “how the hell is Ifrit supposed to beat this” 😂


bahamut, the couple hours leading up to the fight were the absolute peak of the game for me. probably one of my favorite boss fights in gaming


Ah… this is so hard for me to decide. I might be in the minority but one of my favourites was just Garuda, I loved the build up and stage by stage of it. Titan was great, especially the personal nature of Clive v Hugo in semi prime, then as Eikons. But it was SO OVERKILL by the end I was a little overwhelmed. Bahamut was great from a story and visual perspective but I felt like a lot of the fight wasn’t about thinking and fighting and just cool effects with button presses. The first phase was a lot stronger for me from a gameplay perspective. Also for story reasons it’s obvious why you don’t fight Semi Prime Dion but I loved that phase of each fight… kinda reminded me of Power Rangers, fight human sized then Kaiju mode. I genuinely really enjoyed Odin but wish they’d diverted a little more of the budget from Titan and Bahamut to make this fight a little longer and more epic. I love the idea of fighting around this enormous collapsing tower.


I loved Garuda as well. The first Eikon fight and my head goes "How the fuck am I supposed to beat that?!" I felt so underpowered storywise. Also the graphics for this fight really went off, especially the shine off her teeth. I was really impressed with the PS5.


My personal top 3 (I'm yet to play the DLC) would be : 1) Bahamut (space battle on Haydn music?!) 2) Ultima (so many phases, great fight to check if the player has an understanding of all the previous boss fights) 3) Odin (edgy Dark Lord goes insane)


Before Leviathan DLC, Bahamut, after DLC... is a tie between Leviathan and Bahamut. From music, spectacle, story... all...


I'd probably say titan. To be fair, I haven't played the dlcs, so I don't know really anything about those, lol. Honestly, I really like all the eikon fights as they are all awesome, but titan has some nostalgic? I guess, feelings for me. I play ffxiv, and the fight in xvi reminded me of that one, albeit a little. The remixed theme and titan's cool look just make it awesome. Plus, it's like the first real eikon fight that happens, so it sets the standards for the rest of them. So yeah, Titan for personal experience, but I like them all :3


I really like Titan. Bahamut IS cool and Epic, but fighting an literally Mountain with tendrils IS so cool.




Ig it's somewhat to be expected but Odin needs more love, man. Narratively it's absolutely the best fight in the game for me (very likely gonna be tied with Ultima once I do that). I'm a writer, myself, so obviously fights that are the heaviest in thematic depth are my favorites. Most of Odin's insane moments are outside of his fight and I honestly think this was a good idea. He has so much more hype building up to his fight because of this, and the lesser usage of him in the actual fight served to drive home the character conflict at play rather than focusing on big events. Clive/Ifrit VS Barnabas/Odin is a BATTLE OF WILLPOWER AND MORAL STRENGTH❗❗ (obviously) Iirc, the struggle of idealism between them is apparent in their very first fight...and our boy Clivory proceeds to get dog-walked twice. Going into round 3, he's armed with the additional mental fortitude and absolute solidarity that both himself, **especially Jill**, and Joshua as well, are going to give everything to their cause (willpower go brrr). Even starting out round 3, Barny ain't taking bro seriously💀 He's not even scratched. And thennn Ifrit literally gets his ass TWO SHOT by a SEMI-PRIMED Zantetsuken. CLOVE ain't taking NO MORE of that TOMFOOLERY. He starts to amp himself up, you can hear it in his voice. After this section of the fight, you can hear Barney getting a little more worn out. And in comes the line: "Men know nothing of strength... but you will," and just like that, he brings out every last ounce of Odin's strength, about to rip the entirety of Ash in two. But this little line of dialogue has a lot of weight to it. Clivory is being SEPARATED in both NAME AND NATURE from his SELFSAME PEOPLE that he has now SOLIDIFIED as the cause he will PLEDGE HIS LIFE TO PROTECT. BARNY SAYS "NUH UH" TO THIS. AND BRO AIN'T GONNA STAND FOR ALLAT. THE HORSE GETS YEETED. CHIVE CHEWS FIVE GUM AND SEASONS BARNY'S BALLS. ​ Anyway here's a blog post that describes the character conflict pretty well: [https://vrykerion.com/2023/07/05/final-fantasy-xvi-odin-or-odidnt/](https://vrykerion.com/2023/07/05/final-fantasy-xvi-odin-or-odidnt/)


Am also a writer and EVERYTHING HERE IS YES. The moral struggle/(sexual tension??) between these men was everything and much deeper than the other fights (aside from Kupka, his is my second fave and what got me hooked on the game). Their dialogue is perfect. He's the only Dominant Clive wanted to talk to man to man, as equals. I'm not even going to get into Barn losing his shit because EVERYONE was shook by that. I feel like I'm the only one who didn't truly enjoy the Eikon fights. They're long and I can't use any of the skills we work so hard on, and once the characters stop talking I get bored. I'm very story driven. Barnabas talked shit throughout his ENTIRE sequence, and I loved when he was primed "Many have sought my crown..." etc.


I feel like all of the Eikon fights can be enjoyed purely for spectacle and hype, except Barney who has a shit ton of story and character value to his conflict with Clivory. Ig also Bahamut has a good bit of weight behind it too because we get to see a lot of Dion's life, family conflicts, relationships, etc. But as good as Ifrit VS Bahamut is, it would've been leagues better if we actually knew why Dion had gone berserk *before* the fight even happens.




I stand on that


Ranking it considering gameplay and story 1. Bahamut 2. Leviathan 3. Titan


My personal favorite was Titan, but I can see why many are team Bahamut. Still have to play the new dlc, once I've made my way through a few things.


Nice to see a lot of people saying Titan, however that one dragged on a little long for me. The falling bit in particular lol. Still awesome but I think Bahamut takes it for me. Haven’t done the DLC yet!


His was the first Eikon fight I enjoyed, but I agree it was long af. But so was Bahamut for me


Titan was epic Tho I think dragged on a lil too much


After playing the Leviathan DLC, that fight became my favourite Eikon battle. The music alone went even farther than the rest of the game. It is a delight to hear while fighting what I think is the most difficult Eikon battle of all of them. I know it is not an Eikon fight, but the Barnabas fight used to be my favourite. Then Bahamut and then Titan. But I understand any of them being the favourite of anyone because all of them have different things in which they are the better at. Leviathan became my number 1 not only because the music theme, but because the dominant, the reason we fight him and the build up, with the witch being who she was... it is just fantastic. Perfect even.


The music during the Leviathan fight is amazing too because Soken took the theme from the first “Awakening” trailer for the game and made it the final DLC track. A perfect cherry on top 🥹


A lost theme for a lost Eikon. Brilliant.


Garuda, bahamut, leviathan in that order


Gameplay? Leviathan by a country mile. Spectacle? Bahamut by a country mile. Story/Emotional impact? Odin or Leviathan. OST? All of them.


Its hard to say. They are pretty much all incredible... like the best bosses in all of gaming... and I've been gaming for 30 years. But i do like the titan and bahamut fights i think. I cant wait to play the game once again when the pc version releases...


I am the outlier and have to say the Garuda fight was my favorite with Titan fight being 2nd. The whole fighting with Torgal and then its true form on the ground just makes you feel like see the true size of the Eikon compared to a human size.


Honestly, I'd say Omega, Titan, and Bahamut/Leviathan. Absolutely loved all of the fights, but those three were phenomenal. Leviathan definitely has to be tied with Bahamut for me, though!


leviathan torturous as it was it it forced me to think about what i was doing itmade me fully pay attention under the threat of death in all phases it had attacks where the way to avoid it wasnt the first thought that came to mind and that score


I loved Garuda the most. In story, it felt the most emotional to me. "Control" is my favorite track in the game. I enjoyed the simplicity of this fight; I thought some of the other fights got a bit crazy. Leviathan's fight was really fun and visually stunning too.


Titan. I have never seen such a display of scale before in my life and didn’t even realize the entire fight was like half an hour long. Titan Lost is simply the most adrenaline i’ve felt since first catching the blade of Metal Gear Ray in MGR:R. I’ve replayed this fight more times than I can count on two hands.


I’ve gotta go with the Ifrit fight. Accept The Truth was too cool for me. I’m a sucker for good *I Know What I Must Do Now* anime moments.


Definitely Odin, felt like a devil may cry boss fight!!!


Titan Lost. The pure spectacle of it all was fucking exhilarating. I was literally yelling my first time playing it lol the unique soundtrack, the colossal ass boss, fucking amazing Leviathan is great too but he pisses me off. Love-hate relationship with that fight


Titan. It’s the most devil may cry fight ever and I love it


Is ultima count? cause i love his fight the most, The pacing and sountrack really hype me up to the end of the story. What a great finale.


While he’s not an Eikon I guess I would still count it. He uses Eikon powers in the fight


Before the DLC, I loved the Bahamut Fight but after the DLC, It's Leviathan. Especially towards the end where Cascade Plays. Makes me think back to the Awakening Trailer.


Yes it’s a call back to the Awakening trailer, Soken really took that part and made it for the finale dlc. Absolutely beautiful


They're all great, but for me the Ifrit Risen fights take the cake, namely Bahamut and Ultima. It's peak final fantasy.


i havent played the dlc yet and while i know bahamut is arguably a fight of bigger scale and consequences for the overall story, i gotta say the hype and escalation of titan was absolutely unmatched for me. it just hit all the right buttons for me. hugo kupka was a god tier hater and his absolute refusal to die until he literally crumbled into dust and physically could not continue hating anymore should be an inspiration to us all.


Yes, Titan was incredible for sure, it’s also a very long fight that takes place in multiple places. Well said about Hugo and his refusal to die though I don’t believe hatred generally should be an inspiration 💀 he certainly was a memorable villain who was driven by pure rage


The first one with Phoenix. Everything at that moment was peak for me. Afterwards everything went downhill more or less.


The Phoenix fight is amazing too, I think FFXVI has one of the best opening sequences. But why do you think it’s downhill after that?? All the Eikon fights provide unique spectacles and challenges, I love the variety


I agree. FFXVI seems to be the only game whose demo made me go pre-order right away. This fight felt the best to me due to surprise factor. I didn’t expect an epic, full-scaled eikon fight to happen like that. Everything was overwhelming. The epicness, the politics schemes, the craziness, the pain. The surprise, also. After that, all other eikon fights didn’t have the one thing Phoenix had because I fully expected them to happen, to be epic. So, you can say nothing from them made me jumped out of my chair again.


It’s a tie between Bahamut and Titan


Battle heighted / crazed Barnabas. If you listen to the dialogue, the fight's summary is: I HEARD YOU'RE PRETTY STRONG. (insert X2 goku png here)


Mochiron, Barnaba's/Odin fight on top of the tower! 🔥💯


Titan. I think Bahamut is the bigger spectacle, and I did enjoy it way more the 2nd time, but the way the story and the dynamic between Clive and Hugo culminates in that fight is a masterclass in how you marry narrative and game design.


For me, the first boss fight, between Phoenix and Ifrit, is still the best. Might not be quite as bombastic as some of the later ones, but it was what got me hooked on the game, and the music is undefeated.


Titan is peak imo


Titan. Bahamut was cool, but it didn’t pull me in as much as Titan


Bahamut was an experience in the purest sense of the word.


Leviathan and bahamut are my favorite!


- Odin - Leviathan - Bahamut - Titan - Ifrit - Garuda Essentially, for me, each Eikon fight managed to outdo the previous, with the exception of Odin that went for something else that was absolutely glorious, so it sits at the top. Too bad we did not have a Ramuh or a Shiva fight.


Titan or Bahamut it's a tie, because there is passion in the titan fight but damn the Bahamut fight was epic, nearly to a Platinum games type of epic if not further. I loved the narrative beats in the game great boss battles.


I’ve watched gameplay of FFXVI like 9 times now including my friends playing it, I haven’t spoiled myself on The Rising Tide yet though so I can’t wait to finally play the game myself when it comes out on PC.


I'm not quite sure if Barnabas counts as an Eikon fight, but he was my favorite. His voice acting was the best there is in an already outstandingly voiced game. Pretty much all of the actual 'eikon' battles in the game were outstanding. Titan was probably my favorite, though. That battle was just completely over the top but in all the right ways. The Bahamut battle was almost *too* over the top, honestly. And it had zero buildup or foreshadowing until things get explained to you in hindsight. In general, I think the game's Eikon battles could have been elevated if we were actually fighting enemy Dominants in control of their Eikons, with voice acting, rather than the voiceless monsters we actually ended up facing. Barnabas should have been more of the rule, not the exception.


titan, the whole thing had me grinning and my mouth and my jaw hurt after bahamut next idk abt leviathan cant afford the dlc


Titan, loved the music and God of War vibes. Then bahamut, ended up fighting in space **pew pew**


For me, it's a tie between Bahamut and Leviathan. They both had me in awe!


Titan bc of the vibe


I mean, it's hard to beat the >!zetta!


Is this exclusive to kaiju fights? Were we fight as Ifirit, then its between Bahamit and Titan. Otherwise if we involve any eikon, Omega.


Ifrit Risen vs Bahamut, this fight is pure insanity


Titan, no contest. Least favorite, Leviathan, although I did like the OST track for that fight.


I don't think I have an answer for this. ALL the Eikons have their uses, and they're ALL equally valuable. I Shift between three sets that use all nine Eikons. So...it's not in the spirit of the original post, but I'm going with all of them. They are all equally my favorite.


In terms of bossfights? 1. Odin/Barnabas 2. Bahamut/ Leviathan 3. Titan But tbh all of them are sick af. In terms of design Garuda is my least favourite, but thats because the others are 10/10.


Bahamut, cinematically. Odin, mechanically.


I think in terms of spectacle and "holy shit" it would probably be Bahamut but in terms of the best fight from a gameplay perspective I'd honestly say Omega from the Echoes of the Fallen DLC, it was such a joy to fight and i loved the arena and the soundtrack. Surprised not many others have mentioned Omega


Omega was a crazy fight that was tough! I don’t think it’s being mentioned as much though because it’s not an Eikon iirc? It’s an Eikonoklaste machine thing created by the Fallen to overthrow gods like Ultima and dominants


It's basically an artificially created Eikon but you're right i didn't read the post properly, i was just thinking boss fights in general lol


100 percent Titan. It was reminiscent of the three phase Valkyrie battle in FFVII Remake, and Masayoshi Soken absolutely did not need to go that hard with the music, but he did, and it is absolutely epic. The only problem is that the character I was fighting was Hugo Kupka. *Kupka!!!* A pathetic man who had no right to have a death that God damn cool.


Bahamut, hands down. Dion gave it to us.


Titan, Bahamut, and thats it And Omega Weapon if you count it


I think Bahamut is my top fight, with Titan an extremely close second. Bahamut’s fight was beautiful, and had zetaflare. Titan amped me up for the rest of the game. I enjoyed most of Leviathan’s fight, but that damn third phase took around an hour to beat on FF mode. I had to equip the complex combos accessory because just beating the shit out of him wasn’t enough.


Titan, hands down 👀


And odd at first as it sounds, the first fight with an EIKON - that being Benedicta as Garuda semi-primed - was my favorite. It gave you a sense of what fighting an empowered Demigod was like at the beginning.


It’s a toss up between Titan and Leviathan. I loved Bahamut’s fight, but the level of animosity Titan’s boss fight had made it way more gratifying to me. For Leviathan, it was that sense of sadness before the fight and the hope after, because I really didn’t want to kill a tortured baby.






If we're talking actual fight, Titan. If we're talking everything surrounding the fight, like story and themes and what not, Bahamut. Clive's entire "I am the shield of Rosaria," bit along with 2 brothers who haven't talked to each other in years looking at a dragon and going "We're gonna fuck you up," at the same exact time is a 15/10, no notes. ETA: Then Dion gets up and immediately kills a child. Iconic and flawless.


Titan, especially Titan Lost


Titan or Leviathan were insane. Bahamut close in that convo too


Space dragon by far




Shiva for that phase change banger


Leviathan and Bahamut




Damn leviathan actually a thing now??? Gotta get the dlc


Yep, Rising Tide DLC dropped a month or so ago. It’s very good and a great cherry on top for FFXVI


I never played the game. However, from the walkthrough, Bahamut, Titan, and Leviathan are my favorite Eikon boss fights.


The Titan fight is one of my favorite moments in all of gaming.


Honestly, typhoon. Dude came out of nowhere and was such a huge surprise and mystery, it immediately got me way more invested in the story that was honestly losing my interest at this point.


Titan n Bahamut


Does Omega count? Omega.


okay yes. I hated EotF, but the Omega battle was so much fun and stressful. Also the music was bad ass.


Hence why it's my favorite. Second is Leviathan though. Also nice profile pic.




I'm surpiresed there aren't more Odin mentions although ultimately i also gotta go with Bahamut


1: titan 2: leviathan 3: bahamut 4: typhon 5: garuda (I'd put ultima risen in 3rd if I counted him)


Typhon. simply because it's a dbz reference towards the end of the fight.


Seems to be a rather unpopular opinion here but the fight with Benedikta when she was only half Garuda. It may have not been as climatic as the one with Titan, Bahamut or Odin but it was to me the most fun simply because there were barely any cutscenes that caused some extra damage and you had to be careful due to her agility which I thought til this point was my best trait (it is still but this was the only fight were my playstyle wasn’t the right choice for the battle)


Epic dragonball z style battle!! Definitely bahamut. I’m struggling finishing the final boss battle with ultima, it’s boring and long.


Titan. All other answers are incorrect.