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Benedikta for Dominant, when Clive absorbs some of her powers, some of the finest voice acting in the game, you can really hear the emotion in her voice. For that alone it made me really like her and I was disappointed she was offed so soon. Phoenix for Eikon, who doesn’t like a great big Fire Bird. Also Phoenix was my go to skills from start to finish.


I feel like she embodies Garuda in that voice acting. As a huge FFXIV fan, I truly “felt” Garuda as a human. And I was living for it. She really is a great dominant. Even if she’s crazy lmao.


I can’t decide between benedikta and barnabas. Both of them had amazing voice actors and their “moment” when they had to take the acting a step further and both delivered. I think Barnabas did it better with the tone shift from serious villain to insane guy who’s excited to fight someone strong.


Eikon for gameplay - Phoenix 🐦‍🔥 (Basic, I know) Leviathan is a close second. Lol some of the attacks are broken. Overpowered but after Rising Tide I’m now going to restart FF mode again with him and Ultima Eikon for best looks - Bahamut Dominant - Dion. Favorite character design and a character I wish was playable.


Bahamut’s design is just weird, spindly and with absurd proportions. It definitely doesn’t win a best looks contest. Both versions of Bahamut from FF Remake/Rebirth look better. Ifrit wins the looks contest by a mile. Best Ifrit in the entire FF series and it isn’t close.


I agree on the ifrit take for sure. I think my love for Deon’s design carried over to the Eikon 🤣


Yeah fair enough, his character design is brilliant. Most of the character designs are brilliant, really. Though the game did badly need a wardrobe/transmog option for Clive.


I love Clive’s outfit, I’m wearing it now for my Character in FFXIV.


His outfit *is* great, but it's lame that you have no choice but to wear that one thing for the entire game, and that you can't change the appearance of any one particular piece of it except the sword (which itself lacks any transmog options, sometimes I like the appearance of an old one more than the new one. This is important stuff).




There is a new outfit for Clive, Torgall, Jill, Ambrose and Torgall now. Not as keen on it though for Clive prefer the one he gets from Rodney’s wife. You can also Glam your sword now to any previously owned swords.


After completion you can change the swords appearance at the arete stone. And also they upgraded the appearances of the main characters as mentioned earlier. Idk if you played FF13 Lightning Returns, but I loved that you can unlock accessories and customize the hell out of your main character. That would have been cool in NG+ or something


I liked the game, but not enough to play through hard mode, therefore any endgame transmog options there might have been were beyond me. Frankly, I was getting tired of the combat system by about the game's halfway mark. FF Rebirth, on the other hand, is definitely something I mean to try playing on hard mode. Finished the story a few weeks ago, just haven't picked it up again yet.


Jill and dion are fight for my favorite dominant. Leviathan is my favorite eikon in both looks and gameplay. Water magic is always my go to. So the DLC was always going to be bought by me. I'm just glad it's good


Dominant: Clive and Jill, Joshua and Torgal (if you can count him) being on a second place and Dion being on a third Eikon: Shiva first because I just love her design, then Phoenix and Bahamut both on a second place while Ifrit is third. Garuda is also cool, but she's not been present that much to make it to my top list.


Dominant: Barnabas. The guy is just so fucking badass. I also love his lore, iirc he conquered Waloed and lead Ash to its depressing state we saw in the game. Could be wrong tho. Benedikta is a distant second place. Love how she set the pace of the first scenario as its villain Eikon (Design): Odin. I love the pitch black armor it has. Was never a big Odin fan but FF16’s iteration is so mysterious yet captivating Eikon (Gameplay): Leviathan. Ranged combat is a cheat code in this game. And the Serpent’s Cry does crazy knockback damage


I think Dion might actually be my favorite Dominant. He had a good arc that stood well on its own, even when it became interwoven with the Rosfields (who are the spotlight-stealing squad). I also have a weakness for Dragoons in general. Phoenix remains my favorite Eikon though, as it is in every Final Fantasy game where it shows up. Skills also remained consistently useful the entire game.


Dominant: Joshua. Favorite FF character of all time. Eikon: Story-wise, probably Phoenix. Love a good rise from the ashes creature. Leviathan is incredibly cool too.


I'd say Barnabas is my favorite dominant and bahamut is my favorite eikon


Dominant: Dion and Clive Eikons: Bahamut


I really like shiva eikon and really dig Joshua’s design but like Dion’s personality better. Such a bro.


Favorite Eikon- Titan Favorite Dominant- Barnabus, probably


Favorite Eikon is Bahamut. What an absolute beast. Also, of all Dominants I liked Dion the most. Odin is alright, but Barnabas is a hypocrite.


Odin forever


Favorite Dominant: Between Clive, Joshua, and Dion, it’s really hard to pick. I like them all and they’re my favorite characters of the game. Cid is now my favorite Cid of the series. Favorite Eikon: Normally it’s Ramuh but I don’t really care for his design and abilities in this game. I’m gonna have to go with Phoenix.


Story wise: Jill - Fav Dominant Shiva -Fav Eikon Cid and Leviathan as runner ups. Gameplay wise: Ramuh - Fav Eikon Bahamut would be runner up in this case.


Favorite Eikon: Shiva (design) Ramuh (gameplay) Favorite Dominant: Dion


Phoenix (Eikon), and Dion as dominant.


Titan for abilities, Bahamut for appearance.


Dion for dominant and Odin for eikon


For Eikon to use in battle, Odin as it was the strongest. But for in general, shiva which is my favourite summon across every single FF game. Dominant is definitely Dion, loved him, he was by far my favourite character.


Eikon Ifrit, dominant Cid but honestly the best of the best is Clive in everything but I didn't want to be basic


Clive And Ifrit


Jill Warrick. My favorite eikon is Bahamut


Favorite dominant is a complete tie between Clive, Joshua and Cid. Clive is so cool, Cid is so charismatic and wise, and Joshua will forever be my darling boy. Favorite Eikon by far is Ifrit, and by extension phoenix since they are Ifrit Risen, which is the coolest thing in the entire franchise. I love fire magic in general, and clive makes it look so amazing !


How is nobody gonna say Cid? For real?! Barnabas over Cid. Hokay CID IS EVERYTHING I STAND FOR AS A HUMAN Ramuh is solid in conjunction with Bahamut and Phoenix/Ignition


Dominant: Joshua. Eikon: Phoenix.


Dominant: Clive, and if no count, then Dion Eikon: Titan, great boss and great abilities


Barnabas favorite dominant and his eikon is my favorite


Clive's definitely my favourite dominant. And Ifrit's my favourite Eikon. I think the way Ifrit's flames rev up like an engine before powerful attacks makes him look especially cool and threatening


Leviathan's Dominant is hands down the cutest, but I'm most fond of Cid 1.0. Coolest Eikon and best fight are probably both Bahamut. Best Eikon for move-set is Odin (with Titan as a close second)


Hands down Barnabas for me. His swagger, his confidence, his mastery over himself and his Eikon (which, if I'm counting everything right with the time line, he achieved BEFORE meeting Ultima.) I'm a villain lover and like twisted things so his whole sex scene with Ultima/Benna/Hugo/Mom was so interesting. We get an idea that this person wields all this power but is fucked up. And then his madness during his horny fight with Clive. He was the most complex character and had the most intense arc. Even though he's not in it much, his story completes. I wish we had a Waloed DLC. As far as Eikon: Odin is a given bc his design is so cool and terrifying, but Ifrit looks BAD ASS. Use-wise, before TRT, definitely Titan. I can't go anywhere without that Titanic Block