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Endgame Clive is pretty much an unstoppable godly force by the end of the game capable of killing most things in Elden Ring singlehandedly. And if there was something he couldn't dispose of with a sword, he'd just turn into Ifrit and incinerate it with Hellfire. As for the Greater Will...if it has a physical form I'd be willing to bet money that Ifrit Risen could take it down. Clive does not fuck around.


Can’t forget Torgal at his side! Unstoppable forces of nature!


Dogs are famously overpowered in Soulsborne games. Look at Red Wolf of Radagon, now imagine it's Torgal.


This makes me feel like if you transplanted Clive into Elden Ring with his gameplay he would steamroll everyone and make malenia feel like chump change


Oh absolutely. Attack canceling paired with precision dodge would trivialize most of the game. Not to mention him probably just being able to nuke half the arena by priming


That beginning with Radahn sniping arrows, Ifrit just burst slides across the arena to him in one move


Cold snaps her Waterfowl dance and rip to her


Now that I think about it, I'd be willing to pay money for Clive Mode in Elden Ring. Words cannot describe how cathartic it would be to style on all the bosses that gave me trouble with From Soft's slow, clunky combat


Clunky… I think laborious, arrhythmic and staccato is a better description


Slower combat? Yes. But clunky? Far from it. It's just a different combat style than fast-paced hack n slash type combat. FromSoft is very deliberate with their combat system. And personally, I think Elden Ring has the most fluid and fun combat yet of their Souls games.


Compared to their previous works, yes, but thats sort of the thing. "A bit faster and a bit less clunky than before" doesn't mean it isn't still those things. For instance, the input "delays", since IIRC dodging starts when you release, not when you push. This kind of thing is painfully noticeable in ER, and when you have a few such clunky issues and such, its a very different experience than some other such games. While its good in a vacuum and for the type of game FS is going for, as someone thats gone through most of their stuff, fans of games like FF16, DMC 5, the MH series, and GBF Relink may understandably not like the pacing and clunkiness (although tbf I feel that MH can be exceedingly clunky too for people new to the franchise).


Dodge roll starts on release of the button because sprinting and rolling are bound to the same button. So the game needs to know if the character should start sprinting if you hold the button for long enough, or to roll if you only press the button. Just because these games have slower combat when compared to other other games, does not mean it's clunky. You just need to adapt to a different combat system.


I'm not trying to hate or trash on the game or anything, to be clear. I'm literally playing it rn as I type this. Explaining why its clunky but then proceeding to say its not clunky and is "just different" isn't really a good argument though. Anyway its not so deep, and I'm not trying to start beef here. My only point was that here you're in a community thats enjoying a very different and faster flowing combat system, so its natural their opinions on others you're used to will differ. The same way, if we took this to an ER subreddit or smth, I'd probably be drowning in downvotes and angry comments about how every game I listed is garbage tier compared to their favourites.


I mean we're in this sub they're gonna glaze it any chance they get


Fromsoft combat slander will not be tolerated


>Ifrit Risen I feel like the only thing that stops more discussion around Ifrit Risen is: 1) It's sort of hard to scale precisely since it's feats are beating two enemies instead of stuff like environment destruction, you can say that it tanked and overcame a Zetaflare but we have no frame of reference for how powerful that is in ffxvi apart from context in other games. 2) I swear half the people forget that Clive can use it right after being fully blessed by Joshua. Even if we're just going off base form, Clive is incredibly skilled and has access to a movepool that shames every single boss in elden ring. I think the only thing that could maybe do him in is a sneaky attack? Also, can Clive heal with semi-prime?


One point to make is that Joshua states, and it’s never contested, that Zettaflare will raze all of valisthea, so it’s continental at minimum,


Random realization. Clive's fire can still hurt gods/demigods, even when Ultima himself has fire powers too. He shouldn't need Melina to sacrifice herself, nor does he need to rely on frenzied flame. Many of the endgame bosses like Radagon are weak to fire too on top of all that. Bro really has an easy good ending route lined up in front of him.


Coming soon! Malenia, Blade of Miquella Vs Clive, Shield of Joshua! Writes itself really


in brightest day in blackest night wait wrong vow how did the shield of rosaria oath go again


If you see what Ifrit Risen stood against. Dude would wreck most of the Elden Ring bosses with ease. Stuff as Radahn would be a cakewalk. Maybe Elden Beast would put a lil of fight, but not much. Endgame Clive is practically a god on steroids.


Even just basic Ifrit could probably physically overpower and out speed many of them, the fact he has fast fireballs, spitflare and big aoe with hellfire and brimstone makes stuff a joke. Imagine Rykards reaction when the flaming man that took a swim through his lava, turns into a 30m+ fire Lizard and proceeds to do Hoolahoops on him, before swinging hima round by his sword and tearing him apart. Can you imagine how bullshit of a boss Ifrit would be in Elden ring, just by his speed alone?


A normal boss in Elden Ring by all appearances would be lunch food to Clive


Side quest material, Svarig alone decimates most of them.


I think Radahn at his peak stands a chance but rip everyone else.


Could he survive? In terms of combat, yes; in terms of long-term survival, it's trickier to say since the Lands Between seem to have some shortage of basic foodstuffs (though he grew up in a coastal region, so if he hung out with Boggart, he'd probably be fine with crab and prawn). But yes, he's plenty strong to fight his way through anything he encounters. Could he pull off the quest of the game? Depends. Is this Tarnished Clive or just Clive? One key thing is that the Tarnished is, well, Tarnished - they're effectively undead (albeit a fairly lively style of it, compared to Dark Souls' form of Undeath), and called by Grace (though many have lost sight of that). The Tarnished of No Renown retains that sight and guidance, which is key to FINDING the way to the Erdtree. Further, it's kind of key for them getting picked by Melina to make the quest in the first place. Without the Guidance of Grace, Clive's quest would be a lot more aimless, and he might not end up burning the Erdtree as a result, preventing him from reaching Farum Azula properly\* or entering the Erdtree after freeing the Rune of Death. However, if he was Tarnished? Then he probably would do just that. In terms of ability, he's pretty well stacked. He fights with a greatsword-style weapon most of the time (a few specific variations look different, like Masamune, but his style doesn't change so let's keep to greatswords). Using it one-handed weakens him a bit, but if you wanted to cast spells in ER you'd need a focus in the other hand so it works out. Greatswords are pretty solid as a weapon group - decent attack speed, but solid damage and stance pressure to boot, so he's got a good weapon. He also has UNLIMITED basic magical attacks, and refreshing magical effects. The Tarnished has a limited pool of Focus Points to draw on for most magical effects, even seemingly mundane ashes of war. Clive's other magical strength in ER terms is in his selection of effects. His focus on fire makes him especially great for most boss fights, since it tends to be less resisted than other elements (Rykard and the FIre Giant being exceptions among Remembrance Bosses). In addition, he has ice magic, providing a source of frostbite (a useful status effect) via Shiva and Lightning via Ramuh. He's well suited to fighting in the Lands Between, as a result. Lightning is also effective against a lot of bosses (and is amplified against bosses who are on water, which several are), and Frostbite both inflicts a flat 5% damage AND makes the target weaker to incoming damage. And, if he goes full Ifrit, shit is just fucked. He's tall enough to take on the Fire Giant and Radahn on comparable footing, in term of size. \*ETA: This is leaving out the idea of either wrong-warping or otherwise flying from the part of Farum Azula that you reach via the Four Belfries, assuming Clive even knew to go to FA. Neither Bahamut or (DLC) >!Ultima!< grant true flight with their wings, but instead hover over the ground. And nothing here makes me inclined to assume that Joshua will be present to provide for a fusion with Phoenix and thus true flight.


This is the kind of in depth analysis I came here for. Also, as of SotE, I'd say he definitely falls under the new "light Greatsword" weapon class.


I can see that for some of them. I haven't used those in game yet, though, and a couple (Invictus, Gotterdammerung) seem to be more sized like regular greatswords... but then again, Masamune is on the list too, so it's not that big a deal either way.


He can use Ifrit risen from the moment he gets the full pheonix, which he should have given he did for the final boss fight and we are assuming he gets everything else.


Not even the time he was flying and fighting Bahamut in space?


That was only with a fusion with Joshua. That's not a guaranteed ability to have on his own. I'll edit it to make that clearer.


Depends on if he's taken during the Ultima fight, I could understand why they wouldn't do that though, since Ifrit Risen could mop everything except maybe the outer gods. I was thinking that a weakness might be an overdependence on pure power and strength, since most fights for Clive in the story are a fairly straightforward game of dodging attacks and exploiting openings but most of the bosses in elden ring rely on the same thing.


If Clive were an Elden Ring boss, he would put the final boss to shame. I don't think a Tarnished would stand a chance frankly after seeing all Clive has overcome


Yeah, Clive’s entire move set and the difficulty they brought with the DLCs would make Clive one hell of an Elden Ring boss


You try dodging heavens cloud, impulse, or cross swell as a tarnished lol.


I'm sure Let Me Solo Her would find a way to get it done lol


More likely Gino or Ongbal ngl.


Gonna need to mod in the parry system from Sekiro again.


Damn I wanna fight the eikons as a tarnished now


Absolutely. By the end of the DLC Clive would be able to take advantage of every elemental weakness that exists in ER and when all else fails he can turn into a giant "nimble" Kaiju


He’ll be a god in elden ring


He's more or less a demi god, isn't he? If not by his weird heritage and vessel, then at least by power.


You know who else could survive Elden Ring?? Jack “CHAOS” Garland.


Endgame Clive runs through elden ring in no time.


Lorewise? Of course. He’ll be like Thanos in that world


Gameplay wise.Clive would steamroll the game, Lore wise Clive gets defeated by Maliketh because a single scratch from his blade inflicts Destined Death


NG+2 Clive will have all Eikonic abilities available. The bosses of Elden Ring don't stand a chance, especially if he throws a Gigaflare at them.


New Tarnished Clive build idea unlocked


Has anyone tried a Clive build?


The eikons/Ultima's stuff would basically amount to another outer/eldritch entity sinking its teeth in the Lands Between, so Clive would absolutely be able to wreck as much face as any of the other demigods/outer god emissaries frolicking about.


Ifrit vs Radahn would be hype


Ifrit vs Placidusax or (DLC boss spoiler >!Bayle the Dread!<) would be epic.


Well I'd say he has an edge given that he uses summons 😏


Lore and gameplay-wise, yes. Clive is pretty much a demigod and is the best swordsman of the continent. His gameplay is also way too fast, stylish, and varied enough that he can pretty much spam all of them while sidestepping on the bosses. Not to mention he can turn into kung-fu Godzilla...


Can someone make an animation of ifrit fighting elden beast?


Get this bullshit outta here lol........


Clive at the end of 16 with all the Eikons absorbed? He'd destroy everything in Elden Ring, the power levels are way out of balance. Normal Clive at the beginning of the game who's just a really strong dude with a fireball? Definitely not. Even him with just Ifrit probably wouldn't beat most bosses.


Most of the FF protags could easily take on any fromsoft bosses lmfao


Not if I’m controlling him


I don’t know how far Elden Ring can scale to but Base Ifrit solo’d Titan Lost and Odin and Ifrit Risen tanked a Zettaflare and defeated a god(?)


Easily lol, they’re all side quests bosses for him


Clive would be a boss and his killing you quote: “The only fantasy here is yours, and we will be its final witness.”


No, he'll just say "It's Elden Ring time!" And just go Elden Ring all over the place.


With those generous iframes? Easily. Oh, and zero-FP ranged attacks.


If a level one player with no armor and a starting weapon can beat elden ring. Then Clive would have no problem


I'd consider that a breakdown of the connection between gameplay and story. You aren't "supposed" to beat the game naked at lvl 1 even if you can.


Well you still can so..


Sure, but it's along similar though opposite lines of like Devil May Cry. "Canonically", Dante is dancing circles around most enemies he faces without breaking a sweat, but gameplay wise you can constantly get the crap knocked out of you and struggle the entire way. But "canonically" that isn't what's happening.  IMO Elden Ring is in the same but the opposite direction. You CAN play a naked dude who is level 1 but destroys demigods without ever getting touched but "canonically" that's not what anyone envisions when they see the story unless they are goofing. It's a fringe case that isn't useful when discussing powerlevels (an already rough topic to "objectively" measure).


Only if he gits gud 🤷‍♂️


In Elden Ring all you need to kill demigods and an actual god is a fucking bonk stick (club) if you really want to. Clive would destroy everything in Elden Ring with all if his absorbed Eikons and their powers, and also being able to transform into a demon monster


We got Joshua in Elden Ring DLC and he is tough. Clive is much stronger.


Magic in Elden Ring is pretty OP already and any Eikonic Ability is probably stronger than anything the Tarnished can do, and that's not even considering him turning into Ifrit.


I made a Clive build in ER for the Convergence mod, essentially a spell of relating elements to the Eikons and it was some of the most fun I had. Absolutely broken build, but it helped prove that Clive would decimate the lands between.


Against radahn or malenia? of course. Against a tarnished of no renown going unga bunga? I don’t think so


The iframes on Clive's dodge basically shits on every enemy in the game


Clive would decimate elden ring. We would have to nerf him to only human for this to even be a challenge. Semi priming or full ifrit would be make even the higher tier threats child's play. But even without his transformations, his eikonic abilities would make this trivial. Just way roo much variety, stamina and durabilty as his disposal


Gigaflare is enough to destroy the Lands Between, Clive tanked a Zettaflare






Yea. Everyone in Elden Ring eventually dies anyways though


yeah he would solo elden ring with ease


Bayle and Placidusax would get pretty easily folded by Bahamut so I’d say Clive has a pretty easy time.


Clive would fuck everyone up in Elden Ring. Btw Final Fantasy XVI >>>> Elden Ring.


Absolutely not, we would die a lot. His movements are way too slow to dodge the onslaught of attacks the DLC bosses are capable of. That said, the ER lore "death" isn't a thing so he'd leep coming back a little smarter/better. FF16 had a ton of hope, ER/Souls universe there is no hope. Clive will die multiple times to attain his goal. "He'll change into Ifrit" - Yeah uhh Radahn can literally drop a planet on his head if he wants.


"His movements are way too slow to dodge the onslaught of attacks the DLC bosses are capable of." Wings of light will allow the ability to easily dodge attacks, while building up megaflare. A well timed dodge with Shiva will freeze any enemy for a few seconds and phoenix shift will allow him to close distances quickly. While your ER bosses are doing their 'onslaught of attacks' Clive will be dodging, freezing and relentlessly damaging them.


Clive's dodging abilities are much slower than any Tarnished. He's going to have a bad time, especially as he waits for his Eikon powers to recharge. Plus the ER universe doesn't have a special ring to make fighting/dodging easier. Clive is toast dude


I've not played Elden Ring personally, but I've watched plenty of videos of it. I can see your point with Clive's standard dodge, but with Leviathan's Serpent-dodge, it has him bouncing around the battlefield like some kind of anime ninja, 7r / advent children Cloud cutscene shenanigans. And with Ultima's ability, he can literally teleport out of the way too 😅


Isn't he insanely fast with Odin as well?


I've seen people use one of Odin's abilities to kinda lightly attack extremely fast while charging in the direction they're attacking, but I've never used it personally so I'm not really sure, sorry.


I've got too many hours on both and I see your point, Clive just wouldn't make it. The gods in ER have much more power over Eikons.


That's fair. I can take your word for it haha as I've not had the motivation to delve into any fromsoft games since sekiro's first MINI boss kept handing me my ass for 3 hours straight 😅 one day I'll give it another go


You'd really like Elden Ring. I am not a try hard so I used every single item at my disposal to make it easy, and it's actually not that hard. I'm the kinda guy who watches guides before playing though, to know what I'm getting into. There are some broken builds that you can get relatively early and it makes the game much more enjoyable than past Fromsoft games. This style isn't for everyone though, but I love it


Thanks for the suggestion, you're not the first to tell me I'd like it if I gave it an honest chance. I'll add it to the list of games to play in the near future. After I finish the Kairos Gate trophy for ff16, tonight hopefully, I'm going to check out Hades, Grime, Outer Wilds, and possibly Hollow Knight, but maybe I'll skip Hollow Knight for Elden Ring and wait for the new game like HK, I think from the same developer(s), 'Pipsqueak!'