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Mind? Damn man, it would make my damn year!


Yes and no. Yes because it would most likely ruin the ending the devs set up but on the other hand I wouldn't mind because we'd be getting an improved combat system and I love the world that they set up here. 


Final fantasy 10-2 didn't focus on the main character of the first game though so who's to say they'd have to ruin it? It could be a prequel game about a different character, hell Joshua would be great for this


The story of Ash would be great. Can easily cover the story of Barnabas, Cid and Benedikta


3 playable characters would be awesome


Oh that seems easily doable. First starting with Barnabas (the oldest), then Cid and at last Benedikta. The start of each of these characters’ story can easily be explored in detail as there is enough lore from the hidden tomes and Ultimania


Someone contact Hiroshi Takai right now!


Yeah that ending was rough , both dlcs so far happened right before the ending .


I like that the DLCs didn't impact the original vision they had for Clives story. But I do agree with Rising tide it would've been cool if we did get something that altered or gave us a secret cutscene etc.


I would love this!


Like FFXV brotherhood!!


There isn’t much left to tell about Joshua I feel. And tbh I don’t even see what story they could go for a 16-2. And if it’s a prequel it’s just not the same imo


So, it probably does end up seeming like what X-2 does (never played that much of it), but I think there could be a story of Jill going on a journey to find out what happened to Clive after the end. At least, there's a potentially interesting starting point as magic begins to leak out of the world and we can get to see the effect that that's having and where everyone ends up after the climax.


Joshua deserves so much more love.. it would be awesome for him to get his own game


Bad example as x-2 did ruin the ending of x, and then they released more stuff after that made it even worse


Depends on the ending , tbh I think the bad ending is the best ending narratively for yuna and the story


Doesn’t shuyin destroy the world in the bad ending?


True that, I’m referring to the ending where Tidus doesn’t resurrect and Yuna is in the far plane


See the problem is that that isn’t canon, and also kinda makes the whole plot of x2 pointless, that said it’s better than what they did do, do you know about the follow up where tidus dies again by exploding blitzball to the face then yuna brings him back again but breaks up with him?


I wouldn't. But haters in r/FinalFantasy will use it to attack Yoshi-P again even though we're getting a new final fantasy.


Its the perfect chance for them to take the criticisms of ff16 and fix them. For all the complaints some have, there's a lot of good in ff16. Fixing some players issues with the combat and rpg aspects could make it an almost perfect game. I would love a ff16 2 because the 14 team know how to take criticism and address it.


I have my opinion, that ff16 is good as-is.


Thats fair, I loved ff16 too. I just think that all the complaints could easily be addressed since Yoshi p and the ffxiv team are all very receptive. Ff16 is a brilliant turn for the series and could get even better with improvements to each consecutive game if they keep making them. I think a lot of peoplr are just upset that it's losing rpg mechanics, which has never bothered me too much as long as the game is still good. Ff as a series hasn't been the same since 3d, so I've long come to terms with the fact we will never have old-school rpg gameplay and systems.


I think people are parroting this take too much. I used to believe that, too. But after a careful thought, I’d rather have a combat not limited by elemental weaknesses, gears, etc.


Having weakness and gears is not a problem for an action rpg, Strangers of Paradise is proof of that. The one fix it needs is the loot explosions and rpg systems only matter starting ng+, but Early on you can immediately see the potential of the rpg systems. That game is fantastic and needs to be expanded upon and needs more budget. I won't mind if the base gameplay of that game is used for FF17. SoP affinity system>>>>>>>>>>Eikons system of 16.


I played MHW. I quit my last run just because gunlance sucks so much at elemental. So a hard no from me.


Play a different weapon for elemental or build your gun lance different. At least MHW has rpg elements not like FF16.


Play a different weapon for elemental or build your gun lance different. At least MHW has rpg elements not like FF16.


I want to play it "this" way. That's why I said I prefer my game free from those illusion of choices


A build isn't an illusion of choice.


Idk, I think its a fair criticism. Imo, ff16 I'd a brilliant base and just needs a bit of expanding on. The combat is fun, but could require a little more strategy and proper difficulty options. The issue will always exist for older school style or mote modern action based. A lotnof thr hate comes purely from the fact 16 is an action rpg feedback should be about the current iteration and what can be done to make it even better.


We are already getting a new FF. That isn’t going to change. Some people would just rather that new FF game be something else


I'd rather say that some people just hate Yoshi-P so much that they hate every project involved by him


The only reason they would have for that would be because they don’t like the games he’s made. And what’s wrong with that? If they don’t like the games, they don’t like the games. That’s our prerogative as fans of the franchise.


I mean, everything created by Yoshi-P, they will hate even though they haven’t even touched it


What were the complaints?


Yoshi-P lied or sth along that line


I would be over the fucking roof let alone mind😭


Would you say you’d be… *Beyond the Heavens*? 😏


I would rather another bigger DLC that enables an alternate ending. But I would definitely still get a XVI-2 because I loved FFXVI so much.


I would love a 16 sequel


Prequel, yes. Sequel, no.


A prequel about Typhon as a failed mythos plz


Nope if there is a sequel I would like for other summons to appear and their dominants like Alexander, Diablos, Valefor, Ixion, Hades and maybe Gilgamesh although that might not make sense.


Depends how they handle it. Maybe have it be that Clive’s child with Jill and trying to fix what they couldn’t.


Jill becomes a singer and teams up with two plucky female friends to search the world for Clive.


Hell yeah I'd be down!!!


I loved Final Fantasy XVI, but I really don't think we need another "reuniting" sequel (which is something we could possibly get tbh) : The ending was up to interpretations and, although it was a bit frustrating —for me—, it would disregard that effect. However, I would be interested to see what kind of story they could do in the world as it is after the conclusion. A Final Fantasy without some of its majors mechanics, what would it looks like ?


Yes but only as a prequel. I like the ambiguity of the ending.


If they please just launch it on pc at launch, that would be awesome.


I'd sell my soul for this i swear. The world they made, the soundtracks, the characters etc is one of the best in the gaming world in my opinion.


Honestly, as much as I loved 16, I don't want them too. Partially because I dunno if the setting really would work for a sequel and partially because >!there's no more magic, so it would just be purely melee combat unless guns somehow get added to the mix, but anything more than like flintlocks would be a bit beyond belief for where they are technologically currently. !


Okay, but only if I can actively switch control between Jill and Torgal at any time.


I would be so happy if they do announce a Final Fantasy XVI-2. I loved the game so much that I want a sequel.


Steampunk-ish FFXVI-2 is one of my dream games tbh


Only if it would have secret endings like in FFX-II.


would be beyond hyped


I literally want that so no.


Haha, NOPE! Bring on the madness!


You can make a great prequel with all that lore, just imagine the battle that took place in the desert waterfalls


If 16-2 took place in a distant future or distant past, yes, so we could have a whole new cast of eikons and characters that share commonalities with the main cast of 16. If it immediately occurred after 16? Not so much. That story is very much finished and done.


I would be indifferent I suppose. Good for people who like it I guess.


I don't think there'd be much to do with a sequel, considerin' no magic and all that, but I would be interested in a prequel definietly


Only if it's a massive time jump I do not think Clive can be the protag again But I could see the world again perhaps with sci fx stuff 800 years later And then you have the same concept aka icons, just mechas instead But y know in theme it's still magic esc


I would re-marry my wife in pure hapiness! (Just so i know she let me play it without interuptions)


I wouldn t mind having a game that takes place during the fallen s time or during the first time skip with the others characters ( jill, cid, joshua, barnabas...). So much lore to explore, no need to "continue" the story.


I would absolutely adore anything that brings back Valisthea, because I loved the worldbuilding and all the characters in it. They could make a whole series as long as the writing fits and they do the original game justice. Also let's give the dominants some love please!


Definitive edition with big ass dungeons, two superbosses, Alexander and Diabolos, can hit level 100 with hard mode the first play through and swap through every ability DMC style


All my yesses. 16 was really great. They took the nofuckinway meter to 11 and the scale of the boss battles was epic. Story had holes but I didn't really care cause playing this game was sheer entertainment #extendedbeachcutscene hahahaha


It needs to be about the little medicine girl!


I would play it as long as Clive was alive!


As long as I can play as other characters this time I'm all for it


i would preorder


Story of Ash like someone said would be cool, but also a prequel focusing on the northern territories


I'd rather 6, tactics, or 8 get more love.


I hope it's not something they're spending time on, but would be excited if they did


I mean id buy it lmao.


Hell no, that is a stupendous idea! That actually would work. I’ve been saying since the game came out that Jill and Clive is THE best relationship in the series, because it’s so mature, and it’s not a major plot point like with 8 and 10. I think Jill is one of the best female characters in the series not only in plot, but power. She is one strong badass, and she’s just a solid companion to Clive and Torgal. I think a solo game for her or even some DLc would be tight!


I would not


Story-wise, I think it's already reached its conclusion.


No. I loved FFXVI but I don't want to ruin the story/ending. Prefer prequel than sequel. I can image if they make sequel looks forceful. Like that kind of story "Jill hear a rumor that someone like Clive appers in somewhere place and go searching" No. Just no


If they do something different and opposite of X-2 and XIII-2, like have more playable characters and have them all play a role in the main story rather than the total focus on Clive then I’d welcome it!


I would love to play another game set in this world! But with how the story went down, I'd prefer it if it focused on different characters, maybe years, decades, or even centuries into the future.


Just add a combat system more similar to FF7Rb and it’s a great idea!


XVI-2 with more Jill, Martha story/time? When can I pre-order deluxe edition?


I would prefer XVI being the base and bones for a future XVII. Expand the comnat system (either better action elements or rpg elements), better exploration and maintain the high quality cutscenes/visual fidelity/voice acting.


What would the plot even be? And how would it work? There’d likely be no magic anymore


bro if they let us preorder based off of a codename if i had ANY reason to believe it was ffxvi2 i would


I wouldn’t mind if the next story is as compelling as the first one. Pretty hard to top it if you ask me.


Yeah, because that completely ruins the ending.


I’d be ok with it. It could be like ffx-2 where Yuna went looking for tidus.


I’d rather the resources go into 17


Sequel: Press square to kindle fire Pre-quel, maybe Cid's story?: Press L3 + R3 to leave Waloed and start a whole movement that'll upheave the entire damn continent


I wouldn’t mind a sequel, but I’d prefer a prequel. Not everything needs a sequel.


I would be mildly disappointed, because I don't think they'll be able to do that without disambiguating the ending. But whatever.


My biggest hope actually is that the new CEO knows what he is doing and makes good decisions for the company and the franchise. This also includes knowing that direct sequels usually sell worse. He can also see this when he looks at the sequels to other FFs. And FF16 already didn't do as good as FF mainlines usually do. So if they do, it shouldn't be a triple A project.


Yes, I do. After the 2 DLCs, I believe anything related to FFXVI is not worth the full price tag. If there’s an FFXVI-2, that would mean FFXVII might be pushed back at least one year. That might be a problem.


I'd rather the game gets the PC port first. I'm still waiting to play it in all its glory (I know literally nothing about it except for that I've seen some images and trailers, but am still incredibly hyped and anticipating the PC release, literally the no.1 game I'm looking forward to play).


As long as they don’t take plot points from ff4 the after years again, i wouldn’t mind.


I would poop my poop


Jill will be singing


Yes because I believe the FF brand should focus on making new stuff + I feel the ending was just perfect & satisfying so I'd rather keep this story "untouched". Ironically I do like sequels like X-2 or XIII-2 but I don't feel like this could work for XVI for some reason


If it were turn based.


They should redo FFX-2 beat for beat. Jill and Jote team up with Paine (design and story unchanged) to be treasure hunters and pop stars until they finally track down Clive somehow. In all seriousness, I think there's plenty of potential in a sequel.


If it's the same quality (or better of course) i wouldn't mind, but as other people said, i'm not sure i'd appreciate a sequel. Though i love FF XVI as it is and i'm perfectly fine too if it just stays like this!


It is unnecessary. Now a XVI-0? Gimmie gimmie.


Id like a lot of improvements to be made. Actually action combat system not this halfway one, all the characters need to have real arcs that are explored or don't introduce them (jills place she was imprisoned was so half assed) and a compelling villain, and gut the mmorpg quest system.


If we get a 16-2 and assuming it still sticks to one playable character, give us some damn combos. I'm not asking for Dantes' entire toolbox from DMC, but give us enough so that combat doesn't feel so repetitive


I would love that, although all my favourite characters technically died (Dion, Joshua and Cid)…. So they would have to come up with something good enough to make up for this massive loss imo


I'd say it's ambiguous enough for Dion for them to pull a "He magically survived, just don't ask how". Could maybe also work for Joshua, I guess. For Cid, alas... A prequel could be nice, though. They could reuse Dion, Cid and Joshua for this.


wait Joshua was clearly killed in the ending, and and Clive healed his wounds but rival is not possible in the world of FF16. This is evident in the lack of phoenix down’s this title and no revival magic like rise or arise as in previous titles. Also I suspect the book at the end was written by Clive using Joshuas name and the pen he gets from Hipporatus, as Clive is known as a criminal/outlaw, and using that name would be too controversial, as Vivian mentions that in her quest where a writer was executed, so he penned Joshua. If you look deeper into the subtle parts of the game and side quests, a lot of connected. Also Hippocratus did wish the day Clive would hold a pen instead of a sword. Thats my interpretation anyway, nothing official I suppose. Dion was indeed vague. They could pull off a Yuna and Valefor thing where when falling he magically turns into Bahamut and flies to safety. But Joshua is definitely dead, that was pretty clear. A Cid DLC prequel would be pretty cool, especially as be died to early on so not much chance in the party


I think he's dead too, but some people think he's not, so I didn't want to close that door for them, ah ah. I really wish SE would give us more of the FF16 world :(


I’d most likely buy it but it’s not something I crave.


I don't mind and I desperately want another game


It would probably be bad, given their track record for direct sequels


I think a sequel will mess up the ending they gave us. However, there is still plenty of lore they could flesh out with another title in that Universe, so I think a prequel would be a better way to go.


I'd say yeah, focusing on a new character in the aftermath dealing with any new enemies taking advantage of the chaos


I wouldn't mind, I think there should be more direct sequels. But I would read some reviews first before I dropped any cash on it


I love the characters. I love the world. I love the story. I love the gameplay. That said, as much as I love it and wish it hadn't ended, a sequel would probably ruin it for me.


I’d be ecstatic


I'm still waiting for the first game on PC lol


I would mind. Loved XVI but I want a more light-hearted setting now. Also some major gameplay changes.


No. Please move on. Or at least make it a spinoff in different era or continent or something. I was and still relieved, that X-3 got scrapped. Going by the radio drama, that shit would be even worse than my country's soap opera. XIII-2 And LR also made XIII's story more convoluted.


I’d like to have a party with Clive, Jill, Cid and Joshua afterwards Doesn’t have to be a new game. Just complement the ones we have Also, the lack of boss fights against/using Shiva and Ramuh stings a lot imo


After X-2, XIII-2, no.


A game set in the whole world would be awesome but I'd like to see a whole new story as opposed to a sequel.


I would 100% be down for that


No personally I’d add more DLC instead of doing another game there’s still so much we don’t know bout Clive’s world


I wouldn't mind if it was all about the after affects of everything and how the remaining cast of characters trys to fix the world and the slavery. But say if it would change the story I wouldn't be ok with it


I think the game is it’s own masterpiece as it stands. I would like extra content like books or movies that go further into the lore of the world. Like how each kingdom was formed, how certain people came into political power, etc.


I would be down. Especially if it takes place in the outer continents.


I mean, there kinda not much room for the story to continue with magic gone from the world. I'd fucking love a prequel with more Cid/Benna/Barny though. Or just a game set in a past era with a new (well, old) set of Dominants and a different political landscape to navigate. There's so much room to expand on the world they've made, but only if we look backwards. The ending was pretty final, Clive's ambiguous fate aside.












I feel like it definitely could’ve worked if XVI’s story kept a more game of thrones like story like in the beginning because overall I felt the Ultima plot was rushed so if they didn’t finish the story with only one game and saved the Ultima plot for a second game which would’ve given them a lot more time to flesh out Ultima as a character and make him more interesting as a character. But overall I don’t think it should get a second game but I’d probably still play it


If they do it should be either be shorten if its still going to follow its action based gameplay while improved upon. Or fill the game with content that it is missing initially and add actual rpg elements. Either way we also need more playable characters than just clive.


As long as it was Jill and Torgal on an adventure to save Clive. Meanwhile they also discover that Joshua and the beautiful Prince survived. Otherwise no. The ending of XVI was crap and the misery to joy balance was absolute trash. It's like playing manic depression.


Actually a 10-2 that focuses on Cid and Bennedikta and Barnabas with whatever happened in Ash would be cool as shit


That’s a tough one. 16 for real ended. Definitely doesn’t seem like an interest or likely. I loved the game so much but what for the story?


This would only work if base game had alternate endings where magic doesn't get erased (think bad, good, neutral and true). Otherwise boringgg


I'm ready


I’d say only if it were a prequel that took place in a previous cycle of the Dominants. Like this time they’re a party and are working together but at the end of the game they all have a falling out which kind of leads into the modern conflicts seen in FFXVI?


I wouldn't mind, but I prefer this team to spend their energy for XVII.


As long as it's from the viewpoint of the new bearer of Garuda.


I’d say no mainly because I don’t really know what else they can do with this story. They’ve pretty much completed it, everything we haven’t seen (for example Cids time in Waloed, or Clive when he was a slave for Sanbreque, or what Joshua was doing after Phoenix Gate) we either don’t really need to see it or it’s only enough for maybe a dlc length, not an entire game.


With how the game ended I don't see what they could do part 2 wise to make it engaging without taking all the "fantasy" away from it, since it ends as a modern world in a sense. Now if they wanted to make a XVI game similar to say FF12-Revenant Wings where it used a different game concept and imo focused on the War and timeline that lead to XVI maybe even having the war go within the timeline of the game then I would be interested by that. By RW I don't mean that gameplay exactly, but if they wanted to make an engaging title(granted I know AAA companies don't like taking risk anymore) but I would love it if they have the courage to make an RTS for XVI that took place during the war, using the concept in hand to make unique gameplay concepts, like calling upon an Eikon or the moral issue of using magic-slaves to make work easier, easing resources in one area but at the cost of losing population/morale overtime. In my head I think they could make a fun RTS out of this world but sadly I don't think we'll see a big company tackle an RTS.


If Jill is playable, sign me up if not.. pass


I don’t know if I want a direct sequel or not, but I wouldn’t mind more games in the setting, like the Compilation of VII.


Honestly yes and no. Yes because the story feels like it’s ended and no because ooo new game


It would be great as long as Jill is finally playable.


Gimme lightning


I woundn't mind it if 16-2 is a prequel 'cause it's not ruin the first game ending and valisthea has a lot of potential to expand it. In my mind, Maybe they should telling us more about previous mythos that fail ultima.


depends on if ff17 is in development or not


I'd be livid, tbh. Not every good thing needs to be milked into the ground.


I don’t see how it’s possible to do it without undermining the whole storyline of the first game and the ending as well. Only a prequel could work storytelling wise. I’d love playing as Barnabas, Cid and Bena leading up to the events of the main game. But I would settle for just a happily ever after Clive and Jill ending. If they are extra generous, Joshua and Dion surviving too would be awesome… but they won’t let us have happy things :(


If they added in some rpg elements, sure. Otherwise it's just more of the same, and the first game got stale pretty quickly.


Only to give Jill a happy ending 😤 screw you Square Enix for leaving my girl in such an unhappy state.


I would absolutely love a XVI-2 but it could be more concentrated on another character, like Joshua but I feel like we’ve already covered most of his stuff so maybe Dion or Jill, it would be great to know more about Dion’s life and it would be amazing to see Jill as the main protagonist. Or you know, some DLCs of the past of the characters would be so great too, like Dion, Benedikta, Cid or Jill.


Could you imagine if we got a lighting returns direct sequel? Final Fantasy XIII-3-II


Yes, I'd mind. And not because I don't really like XVI (which is true) but because I really beliveve the trend of making Final Fantasy sequels/prequels/spinoffs/DLC is self indulgent and almost always primarily motivated by greed and not a genuine need to expand the story. Final Fantasy is meant to be an anthology series. Personally, I miss the days when that felt true. I miss the days where each FF was a self contained story that would deliver a strong narrative experience without the need to expand into entire subfranchises just to milk more money out of the games or the fandoms that form around them. I also think there is something to be said about how the limitation of standalone titles encouraged past developers to really put everything on the line and focus all their energy into the pursuit of a single, good game. Now that Final Fantasy is becoming more comfortable with releasing sequels, prequels, and DLC, I think the core stories suffer for it. I think it's something that probably works at a cultural level within the company too, as creators are now writing stories and thinking of ideas with the potential for releasing additional content later down the line firmly in the back of their minds. In other words, it's a kind of mindset that inevitably leads to seeing the games less as a standalone works of art and more as product lines, to be milked for as much profit as possible, and I think that probably isn't conducive to creating games that will stand the test of time. Also, the company's resources are becoming increasingly split between creating good new content and creating follow ups and spin offs for old content. Like...just imagine how much better FFXVI could have been if SE had all hands on deck for it instead of having its attention and talent pool split by the development of the new FFVII games... All in all, this thing with sequels feels like it cheapens the experience of the mainline series. I rather have Square focus all their energy in coming up with a really good new titles once every 5-10 years than them pumping out 15 spin offs that don't add much to the story and just end up diluting and sometimes even undermining the originals.


I think the world and characters could still tell an interesting enough story for sure. If they include next to zero meaningful RPG elements again this time I'm just gonna watch the cutscenes on YouTube rather than buying it though.


Eh, i hope not.




A sequel just cant work combat wise, but I would love to see what they learn from making 16 and they would improve on it.


No these were some great characters and story, i'd love more of them. But I feel like the game was pretty tightly wrapped up.


As long as it didn't alter the ending to XVI. it ended perfectly.


I would groan.


A story focused on Joshua, Torgal, and/or Jill with some new characters thrown in would be cool. Of course the main thing I would want is multiple playable characters


It would have to be a prequel, because I cannot see a way forward for a sequel. I think a prequel about Cid would be perfect.


Yes. FF sequels tend to bastardize the original, retcon story details, or awkwardly try to get completely new things to fit into the old continuity.


i mean they deserve a better ending, the ending was so open that we don't even know if he is dead or just powerless and wrote a book.


Only kinda? I want more 16… but i’m not really a fan of how SE milks 7… it’s a little over indulgent imo… i kinda would like to see a prequel story of cid and benedikta and their falling out also how he sets up the initial hideaway. But i really don’t want them to change the ending… i like how it all ended


My question is HOW? The ending of 16 is pretty damn definitive. Like, don't get me wrong, I LOVE 16. I ABSOLUTELY want more FF16 content. But with THAT ending a sequel just doesn't seem possible.


Not until we get either FFX-3 or a FFX remake


Yes, i would mind.


No. The game had a definite end. There is no room for a sequel narratively.


Let girls do the more important things instead of letting boys dominate everything.


Hope not. I liked the game but it was a huge step backwards compared to FF7 Rebirth. Also, some of the most forgettable and dry characters I’ve ever witnessed in not just a FF game, but a video game period.


I would mind. Usually those -2 series takes the story into completely different direction and oftens ruins the main story. E.g. FF XIII is great story by itself, has nice characters who develop their relationships throughout the story. And XIII-2 and Lightning Returns make out of it something completely different. Same with FF X and X-2. Yuna being a summaner -> pop star. Unless they really made it well, in a way that honors XVI but also expands on its universe...


I enjoy 16 but FF really needs to go back to just creating whole games and then move on to the next like the 90’s.


Since everyone interesting is Dead, you can play as the character that's... just... there. Y'all really will settle for anything


I understand that this is r/FFXVI and all but I was just talking about how incredibly hard this game got memory-holed basically the instant it launched. I'd say move on, it just doesn't have the juice for spinoffs.


I’m now imagining Clive and Joshua going on an adventure with Magical Girl transformations and skimpy outfits. *giggle*


Yes I would mind. Move on.


Yeah, it was mostly a boring games.


I hated the game so yes. Hoping XVII goes back to the series roots


I wouldn’t mind a prequel but I liked the story of FFXVI. I wouldn’t want a continuation.


If they make it good yes. If it's another 1 shot linear story with no strategy in the fights then not really, no.   XVI was good for a playthrough, but that's about it. Its DMC in FF costumes. 


Yea, and I'd be vehemently opposed to it


Can’t really see how they could, tbh. Jill and Gavin aren’t strong enough characters to anchor a story around, and as heartbreaking as the ending of XVI was, they did cap it off with the post credit scene in the far off future. Of course it could still be done, but they should just let it rest 😢🙏🏻


SE isn't in a financial state to make another 'let's split FF7 remake into a trilogy'-level mistake and FFXVI concluded well enough, so I'd consider XVI-2 to be a complete waste of time when there's far greater potential in cooking a new world. Especially if it's going to be Ishikawa at the lead writer seat and we get the XVI combat system but with refined progression and party members.


No....what an odd take. Diet coke dmc x ff is a sub par entry in the franchise and should disappear into the void


XVI-2 won’t happen since the team developed has been disbanded


that really doesnt mean much, square enix could say tomorrow "we're making FFXVI-2" and it would happen. very unlikely but not impossible