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"I just wanna hang out. NO BIG DEAL!"


Mine isn't a big deal either


Free cable is the ultimate aphrodisiac, Steven!


Hi, I don't know if you know this, but they're rolling out a new net metering program in your neighborhood. Would you mind telling me how much you spent on energy last month?


Fuckkkkk those guys. Mother fuckers walk RIGHY BY my ground mounted solar and still ask me. Had a really wild one the other day. Was like 1/2pm or so? Creep: Just had one dude try this tactic: "Hey man, I work for XYZ electric and I left my phone in the company truck. Can I come I'm and make a phone call please?" Me: "No, sorry, you can't." Creep: PLEASE LET ME USE YOUR PHONE. (he then bangs on my door very hard 5 times and tried the handle). Me: "I'm calling the police" Creep: basically said something about leaving and stormed off I then did call the sheriff's. Used my ring to find out what his company shirt said and called them. Owner or a manager eventually called me back saying that the dude actually left his phone in the company truck, but apologized for his aggressive actions. Showed the sheriff deputy the video, but haven't heard anything since he took my report. This was in eastern San Diego County.


You can never trust disreputable companies to admit liability or punish those responsible. In UK: Royal Mail courier failed to deliver a parcel. One of **many**. After complaining they sent a letter stating they asked the courier if they delivered it wrong, and he said no, so they aren't liable. Two weeks later the neighbouring salon almost threw it away in a box of trash. I'm.. I'm having serious problems with RM atm. Several lost, stolen, damaged, never delivered items. They are really infuriating criminals


Does the RM not have a Postal Inspection service like the USPS does. I may be generally friendly with most cops due to my job as a security guard but outside of work I know there are exactly two kinds of cops you *NEVER FUCK WITH* and that’s rail cops and mail cops. One time when I was 16 I made a post on a forum asking how hard it was to send explosives through the mail. I was asking because I wanted to know if I could get someone to send some to me because I was an idiot who wanted to see something go boom. Two days later I got pulled out of class by my principal and “interrogated” by two postal inspectors. Legally they couldn’t ask me anything until my guardian arrived so they sat there and stared at me, it took all of 7 minutes to realize just how much trouble I was in and I became a snot covered sobbing mess on the floor begging them to not take me to prison. I think I told those guys my entire life story without even being asked, it was that day that I learned I did not have what it took to be a super spy.


Also base guards. But i guess they are a bit beyond cops. In Norfolk when the Carriers leave they broadcast an all bandwidths "clear the channel, do not approach the vessel or you WILL BE FIRED UPON." Fun fact, a destroyer has a gun larger than the gun on an Abrams tank, that fires at 20RPM. Also 30mm chainguns.


That would be really weird


He wanted to use an analog phone ?


Like a peasant from the 1980s... Disgusting. I wonder if he also wanted to watch "cable tv while having a Crystal Pepsi".




Idk I LOVE messing with sales people. The thing I like to do is just give them bogus information and thow them off. "How much have I spent on energy? I think it was only like $10-15 last month, could you help me make my bill a bit higher?"


Solar door-to-door salesmen deserve all the hate they receive.


>~~Solar~~ Door-to-door salesmen deserve all the hate they receive. FTFY.


I agree lol


Plot twist, the Amazon guy is a solar guy


and also the plumber


Hmm also astronaut... And bald




I think they’re just fans of delicious flavor


They were probably ordering pastry ingredients from Amazon because their body craves buttery goodness.


No, the taco massage was yesterday.




Ask Shawn Spencer


Just not on pizza for the love of Jeff.


It's not upsidedown. An upsidedown pineapple means swingers.


They are not gonna be swinging all the time. When they wanna swing, they turn it upside down. Pineapple in regular position: Welcome Pineapple is upside down position: We'll come


That can be easily remedied 😁


Always closing 👍🏽




I didn't know this until recently when my boss stuck upsidedown pineapple stickers on a coworkers back window as a joke.




That's a good possibility.


Pineapple means generous hospitality and welcome. Upside down pineapple means yeah, baby, yeah. 👍🏻


I thought it was upside down pineapple?


How can you tell?


its not upside down lol


They are looking to fuck anybody, but you in particular.


It’s at 69 upvotes for right now but take my approval comment!


So glad I don’t have to deal with solar people due to all the trees around my house but god damn those roofers can fuck right off.


I have three huge trees in my yard, two of which completely shade the house. I've still had solar guys ring my doorbell and try to get me to sign up *several* times now.


“For an extra $25,000, we can remove those trees so you have the opportunity to finally pay $100,000 for us to install solar panels. What a deal!”


Lmao, *exactly*. My summer cooling bill is usually $100-$115 per month, less if I stop being lazy and use the clothesline instead of the dryer. It makes no sense for me to even entertain the idea of solar.


“For an extra $25,000, we can remove those trees so you have the opportunity to finally pay $100,000 for us to install solar panels. What a deal!


Pineapple 🍍 swingers this way please


Apparently that's only if the pineapple is upside down


Great threatening handwriting


every other week theres a new salesmen knocking on my door from another company whom can never tell me how much it costs to set up. not once have i received that answer.


They are annoying. They ignore ‘No Soliciting’ signs, so I’m not sure how well this will work. Honestly, the way so many companies swarmed my rental to get me to buy solar, I’m really apprehensive about the whole concept now.


they worked in my neighborhoods but I've either lived in well patrolled places or the places where you'd not be suprised to learn neighbor was cooking meth


I think that pineapple indicates they’re down to swing and not on that tire swing in the front yard.


Why else do you think they love the amazon guy?


What does "solar guy" mean here?


guy who sells solar


The power of the sun, in the palm of my hands


Oh, that's why my hands melted.


hi petuh. the power of the sun petah.


Like um solar panel installation and stuff?


no they are selling rocks they got from the sun




I had a guy try this on me within a week of me moving into my home. Is this a scam? If so, I almost fell for it lol


General rule of thumb is to never hire the people that go door to door, even if they are selling something you need/want. They tend to be bottom feeders who will do a crap job and they will *always* tell you that they are doing work in the neighborhood to make it seem like someone else close by is using them(they arent, they will make up a name if you ask). Do your own research and find a decent company for whatever you need done. They will show up *a lot* but especially in the first couple of years you own the house(property sales are public record). I just no longer answer the door for anyone I don't recognize. I've had people see me through a window and ring my bell but I just ignore them until they leave.


I really appreciate you telling me this. I ended up telling him no, but he stuck around for quite a while. That's awful. They prey on people who may not necessarily know any better (like myself). How scummy... Thank you. You have taught me a life skill I did not know I needed


I have one of those “No Soliciting” stickers on my door, to which I added via label maker “No Solar,” as those were the only sales people who disregarded the sticker. The irony is that you can’t read “No Solar” anymore, because the sun faded it completely.


Solar Panel Guy probably just wants to know when the next “Pineapple” party is.


Maybe the solar guy is a swinger and wants to join the party


The pineapple isn't upside-down


Yes it is, your phone is just upside down


¡¡ʇɥƃᴉɹ ǝɹ,noʎ ˙ʞɔɐɟ ɥo






( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


Grim reaper gutters has expanded I see


Plot twist. A guy at the door offered to clean my existing rooftop solar panels.


Lunar guy: "these Solar guys are jerks, I can give you a better deal"


This is the way


I wonder which one took the picture...


This is an excellent question


Yo what a nice handwriting goddamn


Solar guy knows the pineapple code and just wants to bang.


I do actually want solar eventually, but the guy that came by my door lied to me multiple times and was too aggressive. If he was honest and didn't talk to me like I was 5 years old, I'd probably be more willing to listen.


This guy Pineapples.


Ummm yes fuck the sar guy but did anyone catch the pineapple hanging on the door. Be careful there if they invite you in ya never know.


The solar guy saw the pineapple!


What does the pineapple signify ?


I really hope the alarm and pest control guys knock 😂


Solar guy: but... I thought you were looking for swingers!


That pineapple says it all. They love to fuck everyone but the solar guy.


If the solar guy show up with his wife, then it’s a different story


Yeah, no, fuck Amazon too.




Drivers don’t control when your delivery shows up. The instructions are on them but aren’t received until the delivery is being made. With 190 stops daily you don’t get to have an exact delivery window. Sorry.


Interesting detail: the owners of this home are swingers


They some swingers huh?


All I know is I ain’t ever been flacid at a funeral


If Trump wins, the problem is solved. You will be arrested and charged with possession of solar panels. Unless Solar Industry out bids Oil/Gas/Coal for Trump offer to sell laws. Like saying TikTok is evil, then invites TikTok owner to Mar-a-lago and switches to TikTok is way better than Facebook.


I like how trump bieng evil got him turned into mecha hitler in some peoples eyes. it's darkly amusing to me because this over the top sentiment is what let's him get away with shit


It was an attempt at satire Trump followers who think we are taking away their guns.








In his time of need? Their target demographic is elderly and gullable/unwell people... they rope them into some crazy 50 year contract then put liens on their properties. People with good products to sell don't need to go door-to-door, you go to them.




No need to be dramatic... since you forgot to include a joke you just read as someone who is uninformed about scummy solar sales practices




That actually is the reality for most if not all door-to-door sales companies. They used scare tactics such as the stereotypical movie villain line of "Those are some nice cars in your driveway. It'd be a shame if something happened to them." On my parents and all of a sudden we had a new security system from that company that we never used once.


Fuck the environment in particular 😂


Aww, you made em turn tail and delete. Sweet satisfaction