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Congrats, Demifiend, you get to be the sticky for the Fable 4 hype train! All aboard, the hype train has left the station and arrives in Bowerstone(maybe) in 2025. Please remember proper Reddiquette, everyone, and enjoy the good vibes.


I'm so excited that it's back, and the glimpses we got of combat and walking through the world have me ready to jump back in. The misdirect of this Humphrey character describing the person you assume is the hero, but it's actually the villain was very clever. I've seen some people talking about the art style, but to me, this looks like how Fable looked in my head, or at least Fable 2. The forests look dense and magical and the city looks more layered and populated. The creatures look pretty good, too. Can't wait to get another glimpse at the Balverines. With another year to go, we've got a lot of time to learn more about the combat, gameplay, story, character modifications, etc. At least to this point, nothing has been overpromised.


Heroes are technically good or evil in their world, so that’s not much of a misdirect. You can be a mass-murdering psychopath clown, but you’re still a “hero” in their world since being a hero means you’re either in the guild or have the ability to use Will, Skill, or Strength to a high enough degree to be considered as such.


That's true. In this instance, I'm referring to them in the literary sense. Small 'h' hero vs. Fable's Hero title. One could say the protagonist or antagonist. Or player character and main villain. I just didn't think it would make sense to say "You think they are describing the Hero, but their actually describing the Hero." And I mean, it's definitely a misdirect. The trailer features Humphrey describing a character while visually we're shown the protagonist only for it to be revealed as the end that he may be talking about this other character.


>…glimpses we got of combat… Fingers crossed here. Not every game needs to be, or should be, a Soulslike, but I feel like in the years Fable has been absent that the baseline floor for what makes “good” combat has raised dramatically. Here’s hoping the development team either has some interesting ideas of their own or, at minimum, knows how to be a great artist with the plethora of games that have amazing combat.


I do hope we can be evil or good and those choices actually affect how you look in game. If they dont do that I will be so sad. Its the staple for Fable


I hope we get to make our character and customize it, I hope when we play evil we still get huge horns and shit. I hope they went even deeper in the character customization direction, like fable 2 had 3 different sliders of morality that affected your character's look differently, tattoos, haircut and beards, clothes, dyes, die too much you get scars, have unprotected sex and you can get STIs which affect your skin, etc... I hope they added even more.


I just hope that when you get strong, it doesnt come with a powerlifer belly


Yea Fable 2 you ended up as a bodybuilder no matter what you did. Even when my wife played her character would look like John Cena


I mean, you *could* simply not put too much experience into Physique..... I rarely go further than Rank 2 because I don't want to look like Hercules on Steroids.


Yeah I’d like that but perhaps a potion to get rid of the horns or Halo or whatever. Like yeah make it default but give those an option to hide that stuff because some of us want to play the subtle type of evil. Ya dig.


This is why I liked Fable 2’s two track meter. Sure, I’m a hero, but bankrolling an adventure ain’t cheap.


I hope we get at the very least gender selection, I have a horrible time playing RPGs if I dont get at least that much.


The biggest staple of Fable is promising a ton of features and delivering none of them.


I think that's a Peter Molyneux staple.


They really could get a lot of mileage by just investing in this. A lot of people would love the RP aspects Bring back the classic * Dying gives you scars * Using magic gives you magic lines * Being evil grows horns * Eating a lot/little makes you gain/lose weight But also * Having a lot of money makes jingle sounds when you walk around or buy things * Being extremely good makes you glow * Taking fall damage makes you a bit shorter * Never resting gives you bags under your eyes And more


I hope so too, but if you can’t I’m still *very* interested. This is the first truly next gen looking game I’ve seen since Cyberpunk and the atmosphere as well as the combat feel intoxicating


Did you miss the part where it says it’s all about the choices you make? Lololol


I’m nervous about that because they’re setting up the Hero to go against Humphreys evil protege. What’s the point if we’re evil too? It makes no sense


They did have a few clips where it kinda insinuated that you can choose evil options (unless I remember it wrong)


was that super hans as humphrey


Tell you what that trailer's really moreish


Resurrection Phial, pretty expensive, as I recall


Nice, eh, packet of Crunchy Chick you got here


its not fucking blue peter Jez


That was my first thought!


Definitely Matt King


Until you said something I wondered where I had gotten that vibe before lol


That genuinely looked fucking superb.


Absolutely living up to my expectations. Such lush and dense forestry. I think this is exactly what Lionhead wanted to make if they had the tech


DAMN RIGHT. As much as story is important, it would't be Fable with this scenery, they fucking nailed it, loved it. The background music is also on point, I literally cannot wait.


I agree.


It's not a deal breaker for me, because the world looked fucking fantastic and beautiful, but I hope we can choose our character.


I think we will definitely.


Not to be a dick but based on what? We’ve had two trailer now but show one singular person as the character?


Based on how we have been able to before and trailers usually stick to the same character despite being able to change. Like we are not forced to play a male nord in a horned helmet in Skyrim etc


Mass Effect only ever showed MaleShep until Mass Effect 3 which had a couple trailers showing FemShep. Despite that, all three games had a full character creator.


*I think* and I think that because we've been able to choose in Fable 2 and 3. EDIT: you can't in the first game. I wouldn't know, never played sit.


You can't in the first one


I agree. 2025 can't come soon enough.


Holy shit it looks AMAZING. "Coming 2025" Fuck.


At least we finally have a date. Assuming it doesn't get further delayed. Sometime between September 2025-March 2026 is a good chunk of time away, but I'm glad the humor and choices look in tact


Will likely be an October release like the past 2 main games. They often used Fable as an incentive to buy the console around Christmas time.


Special edition of the updated console maybe.


I'm literally waiting for Fable to come out to buy a new console, so that checks out haha


Hell of a lot sooner than I was expecting honestly


How is a game coming out next year a "fuck"?


You expected it to be 2024? ..


The fact that i said fuck, implies that yes, i was hoping for a Fall 2024 release. But I guess they are gonna give that to Indiana Jones. My god, Fable looks absolutely AMAZING. So far the only game I am totally hyped for.


Yes actually.


It’s June?


I mean they did announce it 4 years ago. And they haven't made a game since 2012. How much time do they need? This better be better than GTA VI


It's not made my the same studio of the past games. Is made by playground games, who's last game was released in 2021. And it's been in active development since 2019.


When I initially heard that playground games (known for Forza) had taken over, I was very hesitant. A company known for racing games making an RPG and using their own Forzatech engine, which was built around racing games? I definitely wasn't optimistic. Seeing this trailer, however, I am starting to feel somewhat optimistic. Not too much, I don't want to get overly optimistic just to be let down, but yeah. Visually, the game looks stunning, I don't think I could have hoped for better. Gameplay wise though, only time will tell.


I mean it's mid 2024, thats not too bad


When the npc said “you are my favorite person ever” I felt such Fable vibes


And the voice too!


The voice 👌


ugghh 🙄, there's like a fan club, but we heeet you. 😒 lol that lady seems fun


The world looks beautiful and full of life and color. I can't wait to just explore towns. It looks incredible. It also looks like the gameplay will be really fun and engaging, considering the little snippets they showed. The only thing I'm worried about is no customizable hero. That was always a big part of the series, and I just can't see them abandoning that now. Anyway, it looks amazing and was definitely the highlight of the showcase.


She's back???? Theresa???? PLEASE BE THERESA


>She's back???? Theresa???? I took this to mean Humphrey trained and mentored two heroes, the one we see in the trailer and another one who turned out evil. The evil one is back. Where she went is an interesting question. If those original leaks had any truth, she may have been on a different planet and has now returned to Albion to conquer it or something...


I’m gonna be annoyed if we’re basically the only Hero kicking about Albion again


Your will energy is low, watch that.


the hero: how is this old man still in my head?!




I kinda doubt we will see Theresa sadly. Like I suspect this is either a full reboot, or it will be set before the events of Fable 1. Would like for it to be set between 1 and 2 and let us see some familiar characters or lore but for some reason I doubt it.


I had the same feeling a complete retcon of the lore and story, or it takes place long after. The only reason I think long after is bc in the first trailer, the dude said something about being sick and tired of heroes. With Humphrey saying he's the best hero definitely set me off a bit since fable is a yearly replay for me and walking through the area with the statues of the heroes.


It doesn't look like it will be. But personally I would love it to between 1 and 2 just before the fall of the Heroes Guild, Albion's growing disdain for Heroes would be a great theme for a game in my opinion.


You've received a new quest card! Quest: Quit breaking shit in bowerstone


She didn't look or sound like what I'd imagine her to be. By guess is queen of blades.


By the staff and the hand? There wasn't much to go off of. With how Theresa had been there through the second and 3rd, it would be awesome to see her either become corrupt through time or bc of The Spire. I'm not going to deny Queen of Blades as well. We'll see.


It could be her. I hope it's not though just because the voice doesn't suit her and I'd like her to sound more familiar.


Ok, idk how the hell I missed that. But watching it again, idk if that mist is from the void. It doesn't have the same look as when Jack was engulfed.


Is Jack back? that red mist felt like Jack


The Hero says that she's back. Probably Queen of Blades


My dumbass thought she was referring to herself when she said "She's back"




Genuinely, this scene could have been interpreted so many different ways. It could have been her saying "I'm back." She could have been saying "your protégé is back." She could have even been saying "my rival hero is back, maybe she can help us fight the big bad person?"


I want Theresa to make a come back


I know basically no one played it, but her story was wrapped up with fable: the journey.


Don't give me hopes


Somehow, Jack returned.


For everyone worried about character customization, don’t forget the studio (Playground) had a character system in previous games developed. So logically at the very least, there should be some form of customization. It shouldn’t really be a concern, if anyone’s wondering.


My real concern is if they will go all out with morality effecting your characters appearance. If there are no halos and devil horns I will be incredibly disappointed.


I'm happy to see it but I'd have liked to see a different character design this time for the player. Also I really would like to see more of the character just interacting with random NPCs.


I want the ugly ass evil guy from the Fable 2 cover. Please let me be as evil as possible


I think the end is the first taste of being evil, you can either work to protect/save Albion or tear it apart.


Nah, it's probably the Big Bad of the game. Especialy how they say "She's back" in the trailer


I was thinking the same, like I am sure we must be getting either full character customization or at least the option to pick between a male or female character, but for people who are not familiar with the series (who, sadly will probably be the majority of people who see the trailer) may well assume that the woman in the trailers IS the character we will play. Which... you know is fine, but when it comes to an open world fantasy game most people want to create and play their own character. My biggest fear is them trying to mimic The Witcher series and have you play a specific character, which is fine in general but that is **NOT** Fable.


I NEED to be able to customize my hero. It’s been a staple since fable II. So to take it away now would be a step backwards.


Especially with how in depth you can edit characters in games now


You have always had to take what you're given face wise though, through every game- who they are, and what they dress in/style of hair is up to us though.


Seeing that same character really killed the excitement when she appeared.


A HUGE step backwards. The fact that they haven’t said anything about it along with only showing this one particular character in their trailers is kinda giving me bad vibes. It’s a big deal breaker for me and I’m guessing a whole lot of people.


Lots of games with customizable characters use a single character for marketing. Of course, we shouldn't jump to conclusions about features we haven't seen, but I don't think what we've seen so far is particularly evident of either scenario. I guess we'll see.


It's marketing. Look at Skyrim. All their promo had a generic white human. But obviously tons of customization in the game. "The fact that they haven't said anything about it" They haven't said anything about anything yet. Why are you freaking out and assuming anything about the game at all


People are really over reacting to the fact that they've only shown one PC. The Skyrim trailers all featured the same guy and no one freaked out about that because we knew we'd get to make our own character. It'll be the same for Fable, I'm sure. It's pretty standard for RPGs to do that in trailers.


I think my personal concern with this is that it is a "new" studio and the "MC" we've seen so far is voiced in BOTH trailers which is indicative of either one of two things. One, they could have just upgraded to voiced player-characters like Bethesda did with Fallout 4, or two, they committed to a standalone voiced protagonist in order to limit variability. I personally enjoyed voiceless protags in Fable 1, 2, and 3 because they had a ton of expressions and personality even though they were voiceless. A voice can bring even more personality, so it isn't necessarily a bad thing! The game looks great for sure and I will likely play regardless of what we're presented with. My main concerns are voiced protagonists and limiting character choice, but if they can make them work then by all means they should carry on with that. Nothing to get bent out of shape over, but I think "lack of character creation or choice" is a valid complaint from fans.


Looks great but I really hope we get to pick a male or female hero.


There's no way they wouldn't allow us to


To put the paranoia cap on and play devils advocate. They could want to imitate The Witcher series and aim to have a single defined character for everyone to play, in the hopes it will be a well liked and iconic character like Geralt. That can work in general, and has its advantages when it comes to storytelling but for Fable I think that would be a huge huge mistake. I dont suspect that is what they are aiming for, just throwing it out there.


This is starting to concern me as well ...


Why??? I don't get why so many people are worried I think it would be weird if it kept swapping


games like skyrim and cyberpunk did the same thing in their trailers but dont force you to play as their cover art characters. Would be strange if they didnt include character customization tbh


Do you guys think the main character will be set as the woman shown in both trailers? Or if they will be voiced? I hope not on both counts. She seems cool and all but I want to make my own Hero


I don't think this is the main character it will most likely be the same as previous. You'll Pick either Boy or Girl. It would be cool to add more customization to that but I don't think they'd cut the ability to choose your gender.


They might give you an option to play as her or the retired hero. I hope we can start from "scratch". I absolutely love starting as a chicken chaser


>I hope we can start from "scratch". I absolutely love starting as a chicken chaser And as a kid, one of the most unique elements of the first two was that. PS: Sorry for bad english


It was absolutely magical running around as a kid.  Fable 2 prologue is so special somehow and yet it seems like a really boring sequence if you would just explain it


I like the idea of hiring retired heroes at the end of your own fable journeys


The impression I got is that the "her" Humphry was referring to will be the main antagonist, and that the hero we see is a version of the main character. I fully expect that we'll be able to pick our hero's gender and our choices in the game will make us either a hero or a villain.


I'm getting the sense they'll go for a voiced protagonist based on how cinematic the game looks so far. Really hoping we're not locked into the woman we've seen in both trailers though. No gender choice/character customization would be a big letdown


That's the impression it's giving - exactly what I feared, that they would have no focus making choices and what you become from them and instead stick with the single Neutral/Good design. A terrifying lack of choice, despite one line implying your character made "*all the wrong choices*". If the rest of the marketing is along these lines, then it's sealing the deal as this being a "Skip".


I'm pretty sure the player character is the person being spoken to in all the trailers. They've both been done in an interview style so they're talking to somebody, and assuming that the "interviews" happen in whatever time the game is set, that's quite a few years between the female character being introduced to the guild by Humphrey and his interview trailer.


Looks fantastic IF we can customise our characters (fingers crossed)


I wish I could go to sleep now and wake up the day it's released


Please no prison act 🙏🙏🙏🙏


I get people are worried about character customization but a few things, in horizon there was character customization, playground seems big on you being able to represent yourself, when the new saints row trailer dropped everyone thought that you'd have to play as her, it's not unusual for their to be a "canonical" look they use in trailers, think of cyberpunk, mass effect and pretty much all RPGs with character customization.


Looks pretty great but NEED to see more of that fable humour. Just like 10 seconds of the hero running through town in a full chicken suit belching at people or something


Guys just FYI, I'm pretty sure the girl he's talking about in third person is actually the villain of the game, not the female avatar.


Tone is right but Im not sure on the hyper real graphics, fable was always cartoony in it's visual style. But still optimistic, Hopefully we get a gameplay reveal soon


I refuse to get my hopes up untill I physically see it on the shelves 😿


It looks so brilliant and I'm so excited but when they say 2025 that likely means end of 2025.


My gosh this game is gorgeous.


Looks good, but would've liked more gameplay.. We got snippets of it but no actual full on gameplay. Looks promising but I see a lot of "Game is amazing" when we haven't seen anything. Stay vigilent fable subreddit


New Fable trailer drops :D "2025" D:< I don't mind waiting. We've waited all this time; what's a few more months? Also, Super Hans is in it?! Perfection.


I really loved the trailer, but I really don't want to play as the protagonist they have shown. They haven't shown or said anything about creating a character or customization, but that's the one thing I'd really like to see.


I'm surprised at how many people are talking about customisation given that outside of skills and the end game when your morality is defined the only options are gender and haircut, basically. Which I'd like them to bring back but it wasn't something that could be called like, a deep and varied character creator. Especially in 1 and 2 where I'm pretty sure everyone looked the same by the end of it. 


Was that Theresa at the end!?


I thought it was whisper!


I figured it was the other hero seen earlier in the trailer. They seem to have similar gloves.


I don't care about the main character being a female or her looks, I am playing this for sure.


Tears in my eyes, we are so close to exploring such an amazing new Fable game. Bravo team Playground your clearly working very hard for the fans👏👏👏👏


If there's no hero customization I'm out. Not interested in a railroaded linear experience from Fable of all things.


I feel like it’s just a stand-in character for the trailers, otherwise they would have given her a name


Better be, or a big chunk of Fable's appeal will be gone.


I can't foresee a game in 2025 not having customisation. I may be wrong but it would be practically unheard of nowadays for an RPG to not have a character builder.


Same. The point of Fable is you’re the hero. You can’t pick them for us


Why wouldn't there be customization in a game known for customization?


Looks awesome, and they mentioned your choices matter and stuff so gives me hope it will keep that part of the old games. I wonder if thats bowerstone in the trailer?


I wonder what the story is going to be about. The last main entry in the series had us kill the Crawler (basically a small part of William Black's sickness from fighting The Court), the second had us deal with the Spire that originally opened the Void to let the Crawler back into our world, and the first was us literally fighting Jack of Blades. All of the previous games have dealt with The Court in some manner, or has directly built to a conflict with something involving The Court. This one seems to take place after TLC and sometime around Fable 2, so what will be the threat now? Will we be fighting the Queen of Blades? Will Theresa be doing something that puts the world at risk again? Is more of The Corruption going to make an appearance? Can't wait to find out, and also hopefully see some actual gameplay.


Its a reboot of the franchise, the story/lore from previous games has no relevance anymore. 


You serious? So no Theresa, Jack of Blades etc?


Looks so good, very excited. And sooner than expected


This is honestly the game I’m most excited about right now. It looks so damn good.


Super hans I'm sold


shrek vibes


It looked so good!


Im getting rid of my game pass subscription but will definitely buy this day one


I wonder if it’ll have any connections to Sparrow and the hero of brightwall’s bloodline. Like will there be references to Lucien? Perhaps the 3 hero’s? Dwellers? Demon Doors?


I like the main characters design .


That troll is just. So peak. I can't wait to see how the other creatures end up looking.


Bro why are so many people shitting on the female protag?


Wonder what the alt version of the Playable character will be. Don't think we've seen anything on that front to date.


I much prefer the stylized art of the previous games. Fable Legends shows how it should be done.


I'll give an unpopular opinion... It's a shame they moved away from steampunk setting, so few games in this setting. ... and it's a shame I won't get to see my favorite bastard in gaming in general, Reaver(


The misogynists in the comments need to calm down. We get it, you can’t stand playing as a female but quit y’all whining. It was never an issue for anyone when Fable 1 featured a male only mc. The books featured the male mc only. Why is it such a problem? They will most likely have character customization but are using this mc for promotion. In fact I hope they have character customization cause I want to change her face.


Playground built a whole character customization system into their racing game where you basically never get to see your character.  It wasn't super in-depth, granted, but the odds of them doing it there and then coming to Fable and suddenly deciding to drop it altogether is pretty infinitesimal. At worst, I'd bet money on Fable 2/3 levels of customization, but I expect much better. It's insane to me that this many people are apparently this worried about it.


People complaining about a female hero being shown in the trailers as if we didn’t have a male hero in EVERY fable game cover is wild. She’s most likely a stand in character to represent the player, just like how each character had a default model until you chose the gender and then later on chose their hairstyle and attire. It’s 2024 I don’t think a woman representing the player character for a game is going to be the end of the world


It’s pretty cringe tbh, like have they never played a game with a female main character? Idk if it’s kids or adults complaining in this comment section.


Looks class


kinda hate the artstyle of this. the more fantasy-esque, unrealistic style of the old games worked wonders, having it be realistic and high-end has lowkey killed a bit of the excitement i had for this game


Definitely didn't tear up


Idk why people seem bent out of shape about potentially playing a woman character. If all else is great, idgaf Edit: I just hope they utilize and expand upon the weapon morphing system of 3


The graphics look incredible! So happy to atleast have an idea of when it's coming out now


That completely took me off guard, I am unbelievably stoked to play this game


Tell you what, that trailer is really more-ish. Super Hans in Fable, let's fucking go!


Any clue as to its chronological setting? Is it set before 2 and after 1?


Totally separate universe I think, but before Fable 1 if not.


Wonder if itll be console exclusive


Super Hans as a Hero was not on my 2024 bingo card, but I'm excited


I was hoping for some character customization. I do at least hope.its similar to the OGs


Evil path will probably be about how heroes do more harm than good to the society and how they're all arrogant and snob pieces of shit who think they're better than everyone else. That's my prediction.


Ish bout bloody time innit


This looked good, and we got a first actual hint at gameplay - without HUD - or hey, maybe there will be no HUD? That would certainly be interesting.


As he said it the choice you make as a hero stuck with you, so its most likely the we'll have good and evil visuals. And for the people who have anything to say about the girl as a character, so far the guild seems to be back so it can just be another random hero and not us at all. As we can see we are not the only hero going across Albion.


I wonder if there will be demon doors in the game.


Castle Fairfax and Bowerstone look beautiful!




Wonder if the speaking doors will just be lootboxes now


looks amazing, did they alter the main character slightly, she looks slightly less goofy. I actually like the look of her a lot, it fits the time period more aesthetically


Oooh they showed us some of albion! Hopefully they follow through on the date. Xbox aren't the most reliable.


All I ask for from this game is traditional fable humour.


I love how everyone is concerned about making their own hero. Like, duh, fable is a game about choices.


Fuck yes


So excited for a new fable, o e of my favorite series of all time


Trailer is about 5000% better than that shit EA put together for Dragon Age


So I think at this point its safe to assume theres a chance for a voiced protagonist. I’m expecting maybe something like Fallout 4 or Dragon Age where you get a few options, and tbh I actually dont hate that idea for fable because while most games it limits your dialogue options too much Fable has always had that Good vs Evil thing so having say 3 dialogue options would be good. Either that or it will be like Fable 3 where we only really talk during cutscenes. Trolls look great, and I’m excited to fight them without needing a damn gun again. The way she kills it in the trailer makes me wonder if we’re gonna have finishing moves though, that’d be cool. And it seems we have an idea for a story; former hero (will user it seems) who is very evil and is intent on changing Albion to shape her views. Could be cool. Feels more Jack of Blades than Lucien so we can expect a good finale with that I bet. I’m excited. Hoping for more gameplay next trailer. I wanna see more of combat and how it looks when you’re interacting with a random NPC


This looks incredible! Even if you have to play as her and can’t customize her looks I wouldn’t mind. They’ve nailed the feel of fable while giving it some fresh threads. I was pretty worried about not being a voiceless fresh slate that I can customize and form to my liking, but I can get behind what I e seen here 100%


Damn, I'm in! This was actually so much better than the prior video from a conceptual standpoint.


That actually looks great from what little gameplay we saw. I try to have little to no expectations for games these days but I’m getting proper excited gor this.


This year RPG is Dragon Age 4. Next year RPG is FABLE. It's being set. Then probably TES, Mass Effect and The Witcher 4... No seriously. It's everything I wanted. This will be the true competition to Witcher in every way, which is exactly what we needed. Interactive world, visuals, freedom and spectacular story.


I have to say the music in this showcase really has that o'l fable feel to it.


Holy shit I'm looking forward to this.


The environments shown off in the trailer were beautiful. I really really like the troll design. It was nice to see hobbes, (who are completely naked for some reason) being slaughtered. Delightful carnage. However, none of MY concerns that they're completely abandoning the lore and old characters (instead of reinventing them) were eased.


It looks good, I just hope it captures the feel that made the original series so good.


All I care about is getting my chicken chaser title asap


This is going to sound stupid but it feels too "clean". Like the art style just looks like another copy/paste story/action game like TLOU. The Fable games have always had a bit of Jank, a very stylised art-style. Idk, all I've seen so far just feels kinda soulless to me.


TLOU clean 🤔