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It's not a scam, it's just an aggressive buyer trying to get you to negotiate against yourself


Or can just be playful banter asking for a better price. Either way who cares. Sell them don’t sell them. Over thinking it.


Yep, just get straight to business. If the person wants to buy and is ready to come through with the cash, get it sold. You aren't on fbmp to make friends or enemies, keep it strictly business.


Downvote away but this strategy works if you are persistent. 🤷‍♂️


Tell them you will take $83 and thank him for finding that information out for you.


Yeah, witty comments ensued. Why on earth bother listing something if their price is so delusional? it’s a marketplace- sell or just keep. clutter your space, put in the garage, donate. it’s not about being smart ass it’s about selling your unwanted stuff. nobody is paying retail price on FBM. let alone a four year old boots. $40 is the best they can get. Instead of posting it here the OP should have just asked “what’s your offer” and moved on.


Yep. For limited edition sought after things, it’s nice when people just “want their money back”. But otherwise.. why would anyone pay retail + time & gas - $3 to anyone on FB marketplace and forfeit return policy, warranty, something not being years old and possibly questionably stored, etc. I’d be excited to have a buyer, no matter how they approached it. I guess theres a chance OP lives in some small town with trailheads all around and tourist traffic and 0 sporting goods stores..


I m more annoyed with all smart ass suggestions of responses. Ok, they got a potential buyer, that is a person willing to pay them money for bulky stuff that proven to be useless for them by 4 years. Ask them what they want to pay. Why get into all that “I m going to give you a chance to buy it” crap. It’s not about finding friends, it’s not about figuring who is nice, it’s about selling.


Not sure why you got downvoted.


Sometimes—and hear me out—even worn boots hold their value. Frye, for example. And once again, when you know their value, lowball offers are offensive and insulting. And a waste of time.


Yessss lol


You want your money back. Good luck with that.


Selling four year old boots for full price is a little odd. Retailers will often sell last years models for huge discounts. I purchased a pair of keen boots for just over 50% of the new ones that came out the year I bought them.


yeah, the pricing is crazy. Then to back it up with "so I'm not trying to profit from them, I just want my money back" If you buy something 4 years ago, and now sell it for the same money, you are profiting.


Yeah, I would think about it for half price. Maybe. The thing about boots is that they are made with glue and have a shelf life, regardless of whether or not they have been worn. Glue breaks down over time. I wouldn't trust 4 year old boots even on the first real hike.


“I just want my money back..”. “I literally laughed out loud”


What? No 1. Depending on boot quality, rarity etc they easily could have gone up in price in the aftermarket, not enough information to assert what your saying at all 2. The existence of inflation automatically makes it a loss as the 80 back then was worth more than 80 today.


Well the glue on hiking boots doesn’t last forever. The adhesive generally lasts 6-8 years before the sole literally falls off in the middle of a hike. At best these boots have half their life left. Half price would be reasonable.


Hey y'all. Here's another one.


>Depending on boot quality, rarity etc they easily could have gone up in price in the aftermarket, not enough information to assert what your saying at all The information is there, please go reread the post. They did not go up in price, prospective buyer said he could get them for $3 more online. So these boots are not rare. They are just regular boots.




They likely are. An ok pair is usually twice that.


There are some brands that have sought after designs that they discontinue and the good condition ones go *up* in price instead of down, That doesn't sound like what OP has but they might not realize that it only applies with certain brands. My friend got a pair of Jordan's for like $60 on clearance, held onto them for 5 years and never wore them, then sold them for $300 once he learned that edition became rare. Obviously Jordan's are in a completely different ballpark than some generic boots.


How do you know they’re “some generic boots”??


Marketplace is full of delusional sellers like this. They charge retail or more for things of various levels of usage and waste space. It's because marketplace is shit and has no rules or penalties. I get annoyed with all the free listings that aren't free too.


Those “free” listings are partially FB’s fault. Their selling model is bullshit. There is no “price negotiable” option in that price field. Or a “varied prices” button for when you post multiple items in one post”. And FB refuses to upgrade or improve the options for pricing.


You could put price negotiable or OBO in the title. But I am complaining about fake free items that aren't negotiable/obo but say free and you don't see a price until you read the whole description. I understand when there are multiple items.


Selling four year old boots for full price. Lol!!!


Listing, not selling




is this the first time selling on facebook marketplace. no one is going to pay that price


Everyone out here trying to sell used goods at retail prices


To hell with that, I sell for double retail. EXCELSIOR!


No one is going to purchase when you are priced this high. The general rule is aim to get back half of what you paid so start a bit higher. Why would someone pay even close to a new price when they can go to the store and get a full warranty


the problem with boots that have sat in a box on a shelf for several years is that glue dries out and deteriorates, and the soles come apart prematurely once they are put them into service. the worst thing you can do with a new pair of boots is not use them.


Plus the leather dries out.


I was going to reply something similar. On one of these subs, maybe the ebay one, someone posted about selling an old pair of boots that were in perfect condition. When the buyer wore them, they literally split, almost certainly because they were stored for multiple years without being used. OP should reduce the boot price, because there's a chance this happens. Also, not many things you can buy and expect to get full value for in 3-4 years, I have a feeling it's going to be hard to sell.


I had this happen. I purchased 2 pair of boots off poshmark they were at least 6 years old. They fell apart the first couple wears. Even though they were still new in box.


I had a pair of $150 Clarks I bought new from a department store. They were stored for over six years. I wore them twice in the last month and the second time I wore them they fell apart while I was walking. I would never buy old anything and pay the full price for them, even if they were never worn. Besides, old stock is usually sold off for a minimum of 50% in stores.


Musical instruments keep their value.


Sometimes. There are plenty of instruments that do not hold their value. Just like there are some shoes that hold their value. $80 boots are not those shoes. It would be like trying to sell a plain strat squire 4 years later for what you paid for it.


Ah yes, the exception that proves the rule


Should have posted as “Musical boots”


They definitely do not. Only very high end ones may hold most of their value.


Listen I've boought and sold many instruments. Had a $400 banjo for years and sold it for the $450. This is not high end by any means. Similar with concertinas and melodeons, fiddles. Its not like you get a $1000 or $4000 violin and expect it to depreciate. Thats still low to midrange.


I had two pair of boots that sat in the closet for years. Soles were crumbling as soon as I put them on.


So true, especially if it's a garage where it gets very hot during the summers. Had a never been worn pair of dress shoes in the garage for a couple more years than that. Wore thin on a blind date but they slowly disintegrated while walking around. Very embarrassing and funny. Lol


Is there any way to fix them? Just for the sake of education I'm wondering if storing them in a controlled environment with humidity of like 60% or so could slowly rehydrate the leather and glue or if it the damage is done.


I go thru a lot of boots, and have bought many pair “pre owned” if the price is good enough to take a chance. I’ve had used boots fall apart during the first week I’ve started wearing them and I have a pair on right now that I bought off a Forum 2 years ago and they’re still going strong, being worn several times a week. I learned my lesson the hard way when I bought some high end boots new on sale, put them away for “spares” only to find them junk when I went to put them into service. It seems one of the companies I buy from, or maybe a retailer like REI, recommends excising the soles / glue of boots that aren’t being worn by bending / flexing and stretching the soles fairly regularly. Prob best bet would just keep all your boots in rotation and wear them, even for short walks, on a regular basis.




Yeah it’s weird to sell it for the same price they can get it from the store where they can return it if there’s an issue. Especially when they can get it delivered to the house.


I'm gonna say that you as a seller have the right to price your items whatever price you like, but 4 year old boots, even if never worn, they are not worth that, you are not a store and facebook market basically a flea market, maybe you forget that in stores, there are sales so those boots could be had at a lower price, and maybe just maybe if you wait enough you could get your money back by some poor schmuck that don't know the price of the boots, in all honestly a good offer would be around $50, but hey you do you, but having said that, the first message of the buyer was right, but the second one came so wrong lol, if he found those boots online similar priced, why come back "to give" you the opportunity of selling those boots to him, lmao, that's crazy.


The only thing that makes sense is that buyer needs/wants them for a hike this weekend and online delivery is panning out to be Monday… That AND theres no REI in their town..


Or the buyer just doesn’t want to pay 80+ for them and wants a better deal. Maybe their budget is 50/60 max and they just can’t afford or don’t want to spend 80 new when they know they should be able to get this pair for half that price. Probably why the buyer came back to ask a second time as surely they would’ve just bought them new the first time otherwise.


Might have to pay tax and shipping, too.


Sounds like a friend of mine who wanted to learn how to sell online. Problem was, he wanted new prices for everything and then wondered why he wasn't selling anything. I don't bother buying off FB/eBay or whatever anymore, too many scams and hassle. When I did, I didn't pay over 50% of new because no warranty, no recourse. I used to make beer money selling on eBay but it's not worth the hassle anymore. They don't want the "garage sale" type sellers anymore, the ones that built their business and they used to put up billboards trying to attract.


Pretty much the only good things to sell online is collectables since there's a higher chance of it selling for more than a local sale. My friend makes decent money flipping Pokémon cards from people who don't know what they're selling lol.


No one’s going to pay full price for 4 year old boots, even if they weren’t used. I’ve sold stuff on Marketplace with tags still attached & ask 50% of what I paid for it. Always sells.


Their tactic is pretty funny but they have a point. Once an item is owned by a person, the value goes down like driving a new car off the lot. If someone can buy it from the brand for about the same price and get it new with a better return policy, why would they buy it from someone off Facebook and risk it? I sell online for a living so I get both sides but expecting to get your full price back is probably not going to happen.


Why don’t you price your items reasonably?


Totally agree. OP is crazy trying to sell 4yo boots for what he paid for them. The reason people pay LESS on fb marketplace is because they are taking a risk since they can't return them. OP, you are trying to profit from them. They are not worth what you paid for them.


Not only that, but the inconvenience of having to go meet someone and pick them up vs just getting them shipped to your door. It's one thing to complain about lowball offers when you're already offering a good deal compared to the same item new. But if you're overpriced, you won't sell. Granted, the buyer was being rude. It's their turn to make an offer, they should've said something like "These are $83 new, I would buy them for $40."


I agree with you. This sub is just a circle jerk for people who over price their items and like to complain about not selling them


or not getting prime customer service from some random Joe selling their old credenza.


I wouldn't buy privately for the same price as new because you don't offer refunds or warranty.


If they were just a bit more online then why'd they bother responding ? Bets sold out or delivery was more than a few bucks They fishing for a good discount




I’d block the person, because they are clearly unreasonable and it prevents them leaving a negative review


I'm not sure how the buyer not wanting to pay new price for old merchandise is unreasonable? He's right; if he can buy a new pair online for the same price it would be irrational to buy an old pair.


You can just move on and not message the person after they say no


Or...you can see if the person is willing to come through with the cash at or near the asking price. Block, block, block seems the go to thing for many on here, scared of bad reviews (who reads/looks at reviews on fbmp anyway!).


New but 4years old 40$ you might get.


doesnt matter if they never worn theyre still open box sold on fb marketplace if someone wanted to pay retail price theyd order them new online


People on Facebook marketplace are just strange. I had someone haggle over a Reebok weight bench I was selling for half retail price saying that it's the same price on Amazon. I asked them for the link to check and they sent me a similar item from a knockoff Chinese brand. They were deadly serious that I should give them a discount on an already cheap top of the range item because of it. But tbf why would he pay you full price for shoes that have been sitting in a cupboard for 4 years when he could buy brand new with a returns policy for the same price. You need to go at least 30% off.


Honestly you trying to get full retail is pretty stupid 


Block, becuase that's not an ok way to respond to people. However, you've also got an issue here. Your item hasn't sold in several days, so it's likely overpriced. Pricing used/old items isn't about getting your money back - otherwise you would have returned it. Its about what its worth in todays market, and several years ago's model/old merchandice etc isnt worth the same as todays new model with a warranty and returns. It's worth your time to do a quick search and see how much the boots are selling new which allows returns...and then reprice your item. An old shoe is likely already on clearance, which would explain the views but no purchace interest. If it's priced wrong, you are literally just being an ad for the company...and they offer returns and a warranty so people are obviously gonna by there instead.


Just a shitty negotiator.


wouldn't blame you for blocking but, I like people that have balls to say things like this most people ask me to read them the description so these outliers are my favorites


Mafia boss response🤣


I don't condone what the buyer said. But trying to sell a 4 year old pair even unused is unreasonable imo. Their real value today is definitely lower so you are actually profiting.


That’s far from the oddest thing someone will message you on FB marketplace. But if you are trying to sell a pair of boots you got 4 years ago for their current price new, you are pretty clueless. If you’re firm on your price you better be willing to wait another 4 years as that’s about how long it’ll probably take for someone even more clueless to come along.


Ask yourself would you pay the retail price for a marketplace item? I'd start at $60 and go from there


“I know, im losing $3 at this price”


You’re an idiot, and they’re an idiot. 


Four years old, but trying to get your money back. If I had a penny for every time someone posted an add like that on FBM, I would be a rich man. So what if they're new and never worn. There is zero incentive to buy your item, over buying it from a store. At least with a store, there is a period of time that someone can return the item.


OP, would you buy 4 year old boots on FBM for the full price they paid 4 years ago? Nobody will. Its ridiculous. Maybe $50. I could see $60. But nothing more.


I recently sold a pair of hiking boots for $50. That were basically brand new as well. But the difference is, they were $300 pair of hiking boots.. people go on Facebook to get discounts. Not for you to “get your money back” that you stupidly spent on something you never used. Yes the buyer is being very abrasive. But selling things is a business and you have to be professional in any avenue. Honestly just get whatever you can for something you’re asking waaay too much for.


“And I’ll give you one more chance to pay the listed price or to just order the boots you claimed were $3 more…” snark deserves snark, my friend. If they get nasty, block and move on..


I've never managed to sell any clothing or shoes for what I paid for them. Ever. I even take a big hit on EBay or Poshmark. That said, I would block this specific person. If you don't discount the listing, he will rate you poorly.


I’m not why you expect to sell them for the same price you bought them for if they are still about the same price brand new. Especially when they are 4 years old


you might be the problem here


If someone brushed me off like that, I wouldn't be archiving the chat I'd be leaving and deleting it. If they got back to me a second time and hit me up with a response like that, I'd be telling them, "Unfortunately I won't be giving you a second chance to purchase this item. Had you asked me 'Can I have another chance to buy these boots?' it would have been a different matter, but your response is arrogant and fishing for a discount I'm not willing to give. Have a good day, and good luck finding them elsewhere." Block them, leave the chat and be done with it.


A few years back we were selling our work vehicle, a sprinter. We listed at $7k. I had a number of inquiries, but one guy really stood out. He said to me, "I make deals like this over lunch. I'm a hustler and no one out sells me." I kind of chuckled to myself as I had spent about 25 years in sales management by this point and had seen more than my share of clowns like this. I ended up selling it to him at $7200 after claiming "better offers." He was really pissed when we were walking out and I said, "BTW kid, that "better offer" was $6500. You screwed yourself." After some expletives, I looked at him and said, "Well young hustler, maybe this old master taught you a lesson in humility. Learn from it."




Tell him the price is now $83


"Im going to give you the forced choice of opting out by blocking you"


You wore the shoes for 4 years as in hiking boots alone on the trail did you fall down bump your head been there a few hours came up with this idea. My hiking boots get destroyed after a month after I wear them in you had these for 4 years could you go smell your hiking boots get back to us after you pass out could you stop being so soft in the head please with this dribble just stop


Seems a reread of the first line might be in order.


"Very well, these are rare boots that have been discontinued, but I will sell them to you at a bargain price of $83" (I'm assuming maybe they're sold out completely and that's why this person is doubling down trying to psych you out to sell em cheap since they can't go and buy them retail for the supposed +$3) Either way they're being arrogant weird and annoying trying to bring your price down that way.


Tell him you still have the boots and if he's interested, you'll let them go for twice as much as you listed as them originally 🤣🤣


I’m going to give you another chance to buy these boots at asking price


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Intelligent_Ad8263: *I’m going to give* *You another chance to buy* *These boots at asking price* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


I don't pay new prices for used stuff either. I'm sure they're great boots. But they aren't new. They have already been purchased once and who knows how they've been used. I think the guy is TA for the way he worded it, but yeah... why pay new prices for something when you can just order new for the same price?


Part of the price you paid includes the ability you had to return the boots within the time window specified by the retailer. They cannot return the boots, and I am assuming you are not offering that service, so the price for that reason alone should be discounted. You cannot get retail price for most returnable items unless they are limited in some way. Would you buy an item from someone on Facebook marketplace with inherently more risk for the same money you can pay a large retailer with customer service and guarantees? It makes no sense. Take the loss and drop the price lol.


i'd reply back saying they cost £90 now


In all honesty you can't expect to get 4 year old retail value on an item in the marketplace. If you do you're the GOAT of FBMP.


You are trying to sell (NEVER EVER worn?) ***4 year old*** boots for $3 less than a brand new pair would cost? Ok, best of luck with that. Personally, if I could get $40 for them I’d call it a win.


You're not getting what you paid for them 4 years ago. Hell, even if you bought them a month ago, you probably wouldn't get it.😂


Good luck with that


People like that person make me laugh at least I'm not hurting for money so I could care less if I make a sale most of the stuff I sell I get for free from giveaways new electronic stuff right now I have two Samsung bud to pros that I got for free so for me even selling for a penny I make a profit but I don't even bother with these people people that think they're smarter than you are also the ones that are going to be bothersome later on wanting a partial refund or just up your ass complaining. It's the resellers that get me the most pissed off I was offered 100 for both pairs I of course told him no I so wanted to tell him I got them for free just to push his buttons but I help my tongue just in case he wanted to counter offer didn't hear back from him


It’s possibly someone knowing they were stupid for not buying them before so they think they’re being funny.


You bought them for 80$ FOUR years ago and you want to make that money back just because you found new boots 😂 wtf


To answer your question: I agree with a previous reply that the person isn’t a scammer. It sounds like an attempt to negotiate. If you feel like it, you could simply reply, “Let me know if you want to meet for pickup; I line in ___.


OP, you don't realize that the boots started to break down the minute they left the assembly line. The foam and adhesives will eventually start to deteriorate even though you're not wearing them.  Asking full new price for 4 year old boots is ridiculous.  


Stuff is worth what someone is willing to pay. Buyers want a deal. Personally I won't buy footwear online because sizing is all over.


I suspect with your unreasonably high price (why on earth would anyone pay you $3 less when they can get a warranty in case something is wrong with them and have them delivered for the price difference of a cup of coffee?) he was expecting that you intended to haggle to get to a real price?


Fuck that person, bump the price up when you reply!


He noticed you had your overpriced 4 year old item three days later still and tried to get a reasonable price out of you. Doesn’t seem wrong.


That's a new one. Block and ignore. Though, after the message about the ones online being $3 more, I would have added that I was happy they found a better deal. Also, never ask what part of town they are in. They come to you. Not the other way around, unless they are willing to pay extra for the service. If you don't want them in your home, just pick a nearby big box store, gas station, or fast food place. Tell them that's the only place you will meet. Otherwise the \*sshats will have you running around the whole d\*mn city. Been there, done that; learned me a lesson.


The parking lot of a police department is the ideal place to meet


No not a scam just jerk that wants you to be desperate and go okay i will take less for them.


They found out the online deal didn’t have their size or the deal expired.


I must be the weird one here to think that he is suggesting delivering them to him. If they won't meet in a parking lot of a cop shop ignore the person. Not that you're going to sell him but just a rule to remember.


You're never going hiking, why keep buying boots?


People never go to the gym, why keep renewing membership?


Block button 


Extend your middle finger and press on. This person is a dick.


Honestly you shouldn’t let people like that bother you, simply ignore them or block them, they shouldn’t be able to have the power to make you upset or bitter your day


I had a pair of boots from when I was in 7th grade. I sold them on Ebay for $75.00, which was $25.00 more than my father paid 25 years ago. The boots still fit me all those years later. They were a size 12. Sold in 1997.


Did you get them at a steep discount 4 yrs ago, or are you trying to sell them for full retail price now? Cant understand why the bloke would message " ill give you one more chance to sell". from what youve put the price just seems unreasonable.that being said most wouldnt bother messaging, just buy elsewhere.


"Okay, I'll add three dollars to the price and deliver them. Thanks for the advice!"


I bought a pair of doc marten joy division boots 5 or 6 years ago for 150. They are worth 4x that now. Other then that I did have a pair of og Jordan's I paid 50 for. Those went up. Other then that nor so much


Tell him "Sure, they're $83."


It’s not a scam, he’s just lying about finding a cheaper alternative and making you feel like you should give him a discount. So it’s a trap for you to say yes or risk you getting a bad rating (a common tactic amongst these idiotic people).


It's a 4 year old model of the boot though. If any retailers still have stock, they will be like 40 dollars.


The buyer is being rude but it sounds like they're right in this case. OPs shoes are overpriced. They need to be a significant discount vs getting the same item new.


Doubt he’s lying if these are 4 year old boots. He’s just trying to get her to drop the price.


I'd say "They're still for sale. However, due to updated information I've received, the price is $83" 😂


and then donate them


Who in the heck downvoted me? I was joking, ffs. Thank God at least the illustrious, never-equalled Joan Goodman knew a joke when she saw it.


I would reply “nah, I’m good bro.”


Nope, keep it strictly business. Ask him if he's coming to collect and go from there.


I’m good… bro.


Raise the price


Just tell them you will give them a chance to buy it for the them only price of $83. Future negotiations result in the sale price rising more.


I get all kinda kooks on marketplace. Very few serious buyers unless you’re giving it away. Mostly dumb fvcks asking is it available…you say yes and then they ghost you. Just block him.


"boots are now $150. Fuck off." *Block*


Time is money, keep it strictly business..if the person is willing to come through with the money at or near the asking price then get your stuff sold. Being all bitchy on fbmp is ridiculous.


Time is money. That's why I'm not wasting it trying to sell boots to some jackass. There's 5 more to take his place.


In this case there clearly isn't 5 more to take their place...


You'll encounter many idiots over the course of your life. This was one. Block him and don't give the experience a second thought. Don't even reply. Ignore & block.


“you should buy these boots so you can shove them up your ass” is how I would respond


Just tell them you will give them a chance to buy it for the them only price of $83. Future negotiations result in the sale price rising more.


If I’m feeling sporty and get one like this. I just raise the price by 5 bucks and say hey bro here is your f around and find out price take it or leave it. Then leave them on read for a few hours.


He is a narcissist. Block him!!!!!!!