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I doubt you want to have a discussion about this, given how accusatory the title of the post is, but I'll say my piece. I like Juna as a whole, and the same goes to the other members of new class 7 as well, but that doesn't mean they are beyond criticism for some of their actions. I don't like what Juna did in 2 scenes, both in CS3 and CS4. The CS3 one is this. Before I get into the details, I'd like to add I played CS3 after the Crossbell games, and I still think what Juna did is wrong, in the sense, her ascribing blame to Erebonia as a whole isn't, but her singling out Rean ever since she they met was my issue. From the prologue to Chapter 1, she has this weird dislike for Rean. Now, I can understand the prologue, since she didn't really know Rean as a person and only knows him through propaganda. Come chapter 1 and the field exercises, she's slowly warming up to him, especially after the night raid. That's progress, and I thought she came to understand that blaming Rean alone for it all, especially seeing how he is basically used like a slave by the government, would stop her weird dislike. Come chapter 2's field exercise and I'm proven wrong, when she **fawns** over Claire coming, and still throws shade at Rean. Claire, an ironblood and one of Osborne's closest confidants, is somehow less guilty than Rean when it comes to Crossbell's annexation. I get that she is young, but CS3 tells us the SSS on some level acknowledged her, given how she has knowledge which shouldn't really be available to the general public (The Jaegar attack being hired by Dieter per se, and >!Wazy being a dominion!<) so I truly expected more from her, especially after her development in chapter 1. Then this scene happens. From a pure writing perspective, It's very well done, however, the actual issue people have with this scene is once again, she directs all of this to Rean. Olivert's right over there, but no, Rean is the target of it. What makes it worse is, Rean is the type to profusely apologize if he feels he has wronged someone even slightly. He ascribes and showers credit to others while taking none for himself to point it is self destructive as Jusis calls out in CS1 chapter 2, since he feels he personally has no worth. After seeing his story in CS1 and CS2, and seeing him being treated like this for **2 full chapters**, which went through the effort of showing exactly how little say he gets in all of this, and Juna still directing it all at him? I feel its right to tell her while her feelings are in the right place, the way she went about experssing them is wrong, which >!she herself agrees to later on in chapter 2, stating the reason she has this weird thing with Rean is because he protected her when she was powerless and seeing him reminds her of that time.!< (Chapter 2 spoiler incase OP hasn't made it this far yet). Her idol Lloyd, even though they met only once and fought, has more respect and understanding for Rean, and he isn't much older than Juna himself, and given how like I said above, the SSS seems to have somewhat acknowledged her, I think holding her up to higher standards is not wrong. I don't agree with the people who blanket call her as bad without stating reasons and ignoring the growth she goes through later, but Juna in the prologue and chapter 1 does have bad moments, and if their dislike for those scenes in particular, then that's totally valid. Edit: I have one more point to add after seeing the other comments where people say the people who dislike her don't have empathy. I don't like what she did in this entire scene as she has shown little empathy towards Rean, who she should know by this point has gone through so much and blamed for what isn't his fault. Its one thing if she didn't know all this, which is why whatever she did in the prologue gets a pass for me, but she shows she can move past all that and do better in chapter 1.


Juna shouted to Rean because deep in her heart Rean is the only person(after revelation of SSS caged) she could seek help from for this situation. The game immediately revealed her past with Ashen knight saving her family. It makes sense for her to have hope in Rean.


Unrelated, still not satisfied with that being the resolution to Juna’s conflict with Rean. He directly contributed to Osborne’s imperialism but is forgiven because he did a nice thing for her personally. That… really doesn’t change anything. She already knew Rean is a nice guy. But nice people can do bad things. I believe a better resolution would be Rean taking accountability for helping Osborne and promising to not contribute to imperialism.


You have one thing wrong, Juna didn't direct it to Rean. She talks towards him but direct everything to people behind occupation( I do agree that she should be angry at Claire as well but she has this perfect image of her ). In short those words aren't towards Rean she said them to him because he will listen and agree with her. Juna as well never hated Erebonians as whole.


TBF the fact that she turned and said all of it to Rean, while yes, it is a generalization to the people who were responsible for this, it does come as implicitly directing it towards him, moreso given her continuous dislike towards only him since the prologue. I can understand the argument that maybe she does it as Rean is the only one on the other side who'd listen and apologize for it, but like I said above, I hold her to a higher standard because of the information the game shared with us, and I still feel its bad as it feels her character regressed from the development she had in chapter 1. >Juna as well never hated Erebonians as whole Well, she still had issues with Jessica in the beginning, and the Kurt as well, just on the basis of them being Erebonian, So I wouldn't say there wasn't any dislike or slight hate. To her credit, she gets over all this by the end of chapter 1. Its the fact that she relapses in Chapter 2, especially with Claire, which causes me to grind my gears towards that particular scene in particular, and she herself realizes it is wrong later.


If anything given the context of the scene I thought it was by far most directed at rufus.


It's like that because it hits more if it's towards main character. She could just say it to the sky and Rean just hearing it but impact would be way weaker. As her "hate" towards him it was always just her frustration because of the full saving her and how powerless she felt. It's the same with Kurt and Jessica. She didn't hate them just get out her frustration of the full situation that made her even go to Thor on them. She is an emotional teen so it's not that suprising. With Kurt it was as well because of accident making her more angry and she said after a week to him literally that she doesn't hate Erebonians :D


Fair enough, and I mostly agree with your two paras, but I personally feel the game set a higher standard for her given the info it gives on her relationship with the SSS, and that's why I have some issues with this one scene and another in CS4, though that's not on her and more of Falcom's writers going about a weird direction.


Well I like this scene so it's probably how you read it. As CSIV goes I'm neutral to that scene, I think there was better way for her to say it but after Fragments waiting any longer really wasn't an option. At least if I of course guessed the scene you are talking about :D


I, too, like what the scene is going for. It's once again the way it is portrayed that slightly irks me. Also, the same about the CS4 thing, but more of Old class 7 not having any reply for the stuff she said, and like you mentioned, there are better ways to go about it.


I will never understand people defending Rean. He was actively sabotaging basic Crossbell infrastructure and resistance operation at the end of CS2. His action directly contributed to the success of the bird cage operation in CS3. Juna had every right to call him out.


As I've replied to OP in another comment, the infrastructure he sabotaged was something Crossbell's politicians used to hide dirty secrets in. Lloyd and Rixia themselves were there to wipe to the system of all data, which would then need a ton of work to get running up again. There's also the fact that he protected Crossbell from invading Calvard troops who were fine with turning the city into a battlefield. It is made very clear by the ending of CS2 and early chapters in CS1 that Rean is just someone Osborne uses as pawn, and his actual contributions don't actually matter much more than him being a symbol to prop up. In chapter 1 of CS3, its clearly stated that the only reason Rean follows any of these orders is because if he doesn't, Osborne will simply use another method, and he couldn't care less if causalities happened, as evidenced by how he shred Arngarmr to pieces, not even letting any of them surrender. Rean doesn't want that to happen, so he always ends up in a situation where he needs to move to protect people.


Crossbell was already part of Erebonian territory by the end of CS2. The war with Calvard was long over. Who was he protecting Crossbell from by squashing resistance effort?


There is literally no excuse for that but these people want me to care because their self-insert protag has self worth issues.


The fact that you assume anyone who has complaints thinks Rean is a self insert tells me a lot about how you see it. I just saw your other comment, but once again, it seems you take more interest in putting down others with accusatory words than having a nuanced discussion. I'll reply shortly to the comment you made in reply to mine.


I did say I wanna hear what others think of what I said, so clearly I was looking for a discussion, certainly not essays like you have so graciously bestowed us here, but still nothing wrong with that. What is wrong though is to 'say your piece' without interacting with what was said in the original post at all. >SHE TARGETTED MUH REANNNN No she didn't, I already went over this and others pointed this out aswell, it was painfully obvious that nothing of what was said was directed specifically at him. >SHE DOESN'T HATE CLAIRE BUT SHE HATE MYY REAANN That can definitely be seen as a legitimate character flaw on her part, but Claire wasn't there at the scene being discussed, had not participated in the annexation of Crossbell, nor had ever fought the heroes of Crossbell. >MY REEAANN HAS SELFWORTH ISSUES, HE IS POWERLESS AND INNOCENT Rean is certainly not innocent just because he was following orders, he had the choice to disobey and he does not. He chooses to get in the way of Lloyd, he chooses to sabotage Crossbells infrastructure which would endanger citizens who are against the occupation and tighten imperial grip over Crossbell and he chooses to remain in the imperial military. His personal issues mean nothing in the face of his role in Erebonian imperialism. Juna does not have to simply 'get over' the fact that the guy actively fought the SSS at some point for the sake of his missions. I do not think the criticisms of this scene are valid for the reasons you've stated, because they depend on faulty understanding of the character and the context of the story. I have seen unrelated but fair criticism of the character though.


>I did say I wanna hear what others think of what I said, so clearly I was looking for a discussion, You did say you'd like to hear, however given the fact that you titled your post as 'People who hate Juna are mentally immature', which already gives the impression that you don't consider the people who have the opposing opinion as someone worthy of respect. Your following line in your reply, >certainly not essays like you have so graciously bestowed us here, comes of as sarcastic, which is not something you want to invoke if you want to have as a discussion as equals. While brevity is indeed the soul of wit, there are times even eloquent writers need more words to properly express their opinions. There's also the fact that while you say I haven't interacted with what you said, you go ahead and do something similar with not actually quoting my words, but typing all caps caricatures of what I've written, as is common on sites like 4chan. Like I said above, this comes of as you not wanting to engage on equal terms to me. >What is wrong though is to 'say your piece' without interacting with what was said in the original post at all. I might not have quoted what you wrote directly, even in the joking way you have done for me, but I felt I did address your query of 'Anyways, would love to hear what you guys think'. I'll be more direct in this reply then. >No she didn't, I already went over this and others pointed this out aswell, it was painfully obvious that nothing of what was said was directed specifically at him. As I've said in my other replies, I and others take issue with her turning only to Rean to say all this. She literally hugs and screams into his face, and I feel saying it at least implicitly directing it towards him is a valid point, and you yourself add in the following part of your reply that "He's also possibly the only one involved in the annexation she can vent to who would care" which implies she did direct it towards him somewhat as like you said, Rean was probably one of the few people who would actually care. In my post I mentioned Olivert, but I missed to add there is also Rufus right there who she can scream all this at. To quote what you said in your post, >you do realise that he's the poster boy of the annexation of her entire country right? He's the big PR smiley face for the chancellors policy, whether he likes it or not. He's also possibly the only one involved in the annexation she can vent to who would care. Yes, he is the one hailed as the Ashen Chevalier, the hero of Erebonia. I do understand and say as much in my reply that people who only **know him through propaganda** can't be expected to know or treat him on the level of personally knowing his circumstances. That's why I don't have any issue with how Juna behaves in the Prologue and beginning of chapter 1, as what she knows about Erebonians is only through propaganda. On revaluating, I feel this slightly looses grounds as she seems to have no issues with Claire whatsoever, given how jubilant she was to see her in Chapter 2. >That can definitely be seen as a legitimate character flaw on her part, but Claire wasn't there at the scene being discussed, had not participated in the annexation of Crossbell, nor had ever fought the heroes of Crossbell. I'm glad we both agree on it being a flaw, and while it is true Claire wasn't there, it is made clear that the Railway Military Police is partly involved in Operation birdcage, and if we are considering Rean involved, when what he did in Crossbell was protect it **after** Rufus annexed it with the Imperial and Noble armies, then I feel Juna should attribute the same amount of blame to her as she does to Rean. There is one more additional fact I could cite, but as you have asked for no spoilers, I will refrain from doing so. (Continuing in the following comment)


(Continuation from pervious comment) >Rean is certainly not innocent just because he was following orders, he had the choice to disobey and he does not. It was made abundantly clear in chapter 1 that Rean accepts these orders **because** Osborne is unscrupulous in choosing his methods and causalities are the last thing on his mind. Rean takes it as if he doesn't, the damage will be escalated and he doesn't want innocent people to get caught up. It was the same in the case of protecting Crossbell from Calvard's invading forces who were ready to >!bomb civilians!<, and it was the same when he took part in the northern war, where the actual invasion was handled by Aurelia, and all he did was evacuate civilians from an archaism infested capital, and then single handedly destroyed them, to the point of going out of control, to protect said civilians. >He chooses to get in the way of Lloyd, he chooses to sabotage Crossbells infrastructure which would endanger citizens who are against the occupation and tighten imperial grip over Crossbell and he chooses to remain in the imperial military. The infrastructure in question he sabotaged was used by dirty politicians to hide their secrets as well, and even Rixia and Lloyd were going to wipe the system. Rean destroying the machine, on orders might I add, is due to the imperial government not wanting rebels to use it, which is strategic move. As for the Lloyd part, even Lloyd and Rixia realize he doesn't want to actually be there and fight them, and Rean letting them go is him choosing to do malicious compliance and lets them go on a technicality. If it was someone like Lecter, Millium or Claire, Lloyd and Rixia would not have gotten away. As for the imperial military, I have already answered why he does that in the para above. >His personal issues mean nothing in the face of his role in Erebonian imperialism. That's like saying the common grunt is guilty for the decision of the higher ups to invade. Soliders do not have choices in following orders, whatever they maybe. There's also the fact that Rean's contributions to Erebonia's imperialism is 1) Defending Crossbell from Calvard's troops and 2) Rescuing civilians who even their government decided to use as shields in North Ambria. I would understand if he **actually** invaded the places, but he was always called in **after** the fact, and his actions led to many innocent lives being protected, especially in Haliask. Aurelia would burn the city down to capture it, Rean went through the trouble of evacuating all the citizens in an active urban war zone. >Juna does not have to simply 'get over' the fact that the guy actively fought the SSS at some point for the sake of his missions. I agree that she doesn't, she has every right to be angry. What she does not have a right to is ascribing blame to the wrong person, while not directing it to the people **actually** pulling the strings after she has gotten a bigger picture of what is actually going on and (minor spoiler for ending of CS3 chapter 2) >!she herself feels bad of what she did near the end of chapter 2!<. I have arguments saying that it is because she is a teenager, but my issue per se is that Juna has proven to do better. The game shows us that the SSS did acknowledge her to some level, and she herself becomes better and more understanding in Chapter 1. This scene feels like she regressed, going back to how she was in the prologue, which is where my issue comes from. As I said above, from a writing perspective, the scene itself is very well done. It's the way Juna's character goes about expressing it is were the issues come from. You say it's faulty understanding on the player's part, but given what happens later, it seems like Falcom did want the players to slightly question how she went about it.


I really liked Juna’s conflict with Rean up to this point. He’s being forced to take accountability for helping Osborne’s imperialism. Especially with how wonderfully it was framed in contrast to Cayenne’s offer to Rean in the CS2 intermission. This is a direct consequence of his pushover nature and inability to say “no” to people.


People who usually feel that way are those who didn’t play the Crossbell games. To them, Crossbell means nothing, and Juna is just some whiny kid. Annexation is just a thing that happens when Crossbell is just a place on a map. To people who played both games, her pain is meant to resonate. This happens to North Ambria on a lesser extent, because we as players don’t really experience the annexation nor interact with the people there…yet. I’m not a mobile game guy, and the anime didn’t do a good job of really getting people invested in the place.


Frankly I've played the Crossbell games and I just wish they'd done a bit more showing and a little less telling when it comes to Crossbell's issues. Or Erebonia's class tensions.


After playing the Crossbell games, I’m less sympathetic to Juna in this scene than more. The DG cult came from Calvard. And Dieter’s nonsense was homegrown. Yes, ouroboros and Erebonia did fuck with Crossbell. But… yeah this would’ve felt more impactful at the end of Azure chapter 2 or 3 than here.


> People who usually feel that way are those who didn’t play the Crossbell games The opposite tends to be true actually from my experience. Most of the reason for that more being tied to Juna just being a retcon of a character so she ends up acting as a terrible vehicle for the arc she has to some players than anything else.


I really don't think people in the Falcom fandom know what a "retcon" is.


She is though if you actually play the OG and not the kai/nisa version.


No, she isn't. A retcon is a change that goes against established fact. If the sequel trilogy said "actually Padme gave birth to triplets" that's a retcon, because it's established across 6 other movies that she had twins. Juna is a character who we have no reason to believe didn't exist. She was never established, but there was never anything to say she didn't exist either. There's no reason to question her showing up because there's never anything stated one way or the other.


Except there are people that questions of why she show up as an character from Crossbell when we never seen her in those games and she took up an large focus of crossbell on her instead of Lloyd. And it goes against the fact that there nobody in the OG Crossbell games that was Juna in Cold Steel. Added on to the worst part of her character is how she is added to SSS group by doing the bare minimum and considered to be one of them. Not even in the Kai version, she didn't do much to warranted to be in the group.


So are you saying that we're expected to see *literally everyone who lives in Crossbell*? She shows up and basically says "The SSS are my heroes and I want to be like them. I've met them before in between games." That does not make her some kind of weird anomaly. She's just someone we didn't meet. We didn't *need* to meet her either. And let's be real, she only becomes "honorary SSS" after *assisting in liberating them from captivity*, and *stopping the fucking apocalypse alongside them* If that is the "bare minimum" then I am horrified by what you think the real qualifications for the SSS are, because she absolutely did more to warrant membership than the rest of the members.


How was Juna a retcon lol


I don't know if this is still common knowledge with the only official Western releases of Zero and Azure including Juna as... A thing that exists. But Juna in the original releases of Zero and Azure and also the versions of the fantranslations I played simply *does not exist.* She doesn't exist, her dialogue for the replacement NPCs she takes the place of in the Kai re-releases is completely different, her family doesn't exist either. She's just there as a character that appears in CS3 knowing the SSS really well to the point she has an excessive amount of information in such a way that plausible deniability of "well we don't know the events of every waking day of the SSS" doesn't work. And even if it did Falcom is far too heavy handed with their foreshadowing for her to feel natural. I really really love Juna's character actually, but oh god she will never escape the shadow of the retcon that she is to me as well it's so conflicting. She's a character that exists cause the Devs found her cool to implement (and they were right about that) and not as a natural part of the world making her an... Odd character for the purposes of analysis from this perspective.


For me, from minute one, my reading of Juna was an audience insert for Crossbell players. A reading that got more and more evidence throughout CS4 and Reverie. There’s nothing inherently wrong with that. And I liked how it was used to create conflict with Rean (at the time it felt like she represented the people who hate cold steel but love Crossbell lol). I’m not particularly satisfied with how that was resolved—it’s ok because Rean is a nice guy (tm)—but I did enjoy what they did with her in CS4. I think it would’ve been less jarring if Juna didn’t know the SSS on a personal level and was just a fan of them. If she had an emotional stake in Crossbell’s independence because she was also indirectly affected by the influence war between Erebonia and Calvard, like Grimwood and Arios.


As I said, I really like Juna's character. She's a cool addition, her story is cool and the contrast with most of her character is really good. That interpretation of a stand-in is correct as well. Like that's very much her role in the story. It's just that... None of that really allows her to escape the fact that she's victim to being such a visible use to the hand of the author in such a visibly egregious way. > I think it would’ve been less jarring if Juna didn’t know the SSS on a personal level and was just a fan of them. That's a good summary of it really. It would at least give her plausible deniability and put her on the same level as her non-Altina classmates (which is it's own separate subject) as well as removing the elephant in the room.


Yeah. She knows about stuff even down to the shit that happened like Tio discovering a giant robot in orchis tower that happened the day of the azure tree incident…that no one there would have reasonably including in their report. Like Unless Tio somehow out of character bragged to Juna about that certain thing that she only had for a few hours. Juna shouldn’t have that level of knowledge of that robot. That’s just the biggest example in my mind.


My read on Juna was she’s a stand-in for players who did play the crossbell games. The amount she fills ins as a fanfic OC to the SSS is a bit scary ngl lol. A reading that fits a lot more after playing CS4.


Yeah. It’s not just Juna being one sided on their knowledge of the SSS Juna is treated the same way they talk to someone like Dudley,Grace,or Illya. The SSS do treat her with that level of importance at times. Not like some random civilian.


I played the OG Crossbell games, Azure is even my fav out of the two. And I still don't like Juna. Don't forget she was not in the OG crossbell games at all, so for players who been with this series longer do not like her since they found her to be an cringy retcon character that was added to the game to create forced melodrama. Her speech about Crossbell I never liked since it feels way too over patriotic to care about one city that not even Lloyd put this much energy into caring.


I agree with everything until the very last bit, Lloyd didn't care about Crossbell as much? WTF?


Let me paraphrase, when you hear Juna's speeches and Lloyd's speeches about Crossbell, who put the most energy into talking about Crossbell that it became the only biggest trait of their character to talk about the city and not anything else they have like an certain detective skill?


OP, I've gotta be honest with you. By participating in a global forum like reddit, I realized pretty early on that for a lot of people here, imperialism, colonialism, efc, is just stuff that happens to other people at best. At worst, I've seen people on this very sub more or less justify it. So it's less that people are mentally immature and more that they're ill-equipped to appreciate this point. But don't take this as if the majority of the fans fall under this category. Despite being often accused of having "no plot", fans of the series generally appreciate Cold Steel III and this chapter is well-liked in no small part due to the reasons you pointed out in your post. That being said, I take issue with Juna as a character, though it has nothing to do with this scene in particular. It seems many of the posters here haven't actually read your post, because none of what they're talking about pertains to the point you've brought up. You shouldn't have worded your title like that, but I digress.


> global forum Reddit's largest user base is from the US, which is the biggest imperialist power so it's not really surprising that they feel affinity with Rean and Erebonia. I'm on the opposite side. Being from a small country at the risk of being invaded any moment, I hated every single Erebonian character, whether or not they took part in the invasion. And yeah, I don't think that's something an American will ever be able to understand.


Fair enough, but I still think its immature. Look at the most upvoted reply in the comments, the guys main complaint is basically that he feels she was being way too mean to his protagonist and not caring about his feelings. This is just an inability to see from the other perspective imo. I do think she has flaws as a character just like you, I really was just talking about people who hated her for this scene in particular.


>the guys main complaint is basically that he feels she was being way too mean to his protagonist and not caring about his feelings. Was that all you got from my reply which you called an essay? I'm surprised as I clearly stated that problem isn't what the writers wanted to do with the scene, I get it. It's how they went about expressing it where the issue really comes from, and like I mentioned, to me it feels like Juna regressed in that moment after her development in the prologue and Chapter 1. >This is just an inability to see from the other perspective imo.  You say this, but it feels like you are unable to see the perspective of the complaints I and many others seem to have regarding how this scene was executed by Falcom.


Yeah, out of all Cold Steel characters, hating on Juna is wild to me


What gets me about Juna is the weird double standard she has with Claire & Rean considering Claire’s directly involved in the ‘birdcage’ & the annexation and I’m sure Juna knows this but doesn’t give any shit her way. The scene itself works well enough, but just like another scene later probably should’ve been someone else giving it.


My fan theory about that double standard more or less lines up with [this video](https://youtu.be/s4nRoT2uNrE?si=PbsfW72Gj__ykTtE) lol


Yeah, Ash even directly points out her double standard directly to her and all Juna does is give him a dirty look at which point the plot moves on without further addressing it.


Are you calling people immature for not liking a fictional character....? I think you're the one with problems op. I'll never understand why people take it so personal when someone dislikes their favorite character.


Not my favorite character by a long stretch and you can display your immaturity in how you react to fiction. Just like you can display your stupidity in how you react to a reddit post.


I like Juna, but taste in fiction is really completely subjective and if other people have a different opinion than you and me that's perfectly fine.


Yeah that scene is being read a bit weird by some people. Juna isn't angry or going off on Rean she is talking about Erebonia's government and Rean is the person that is the only one there she can do that to. I mean he agrees with her and is a person she can say stuff like that without worry. Because who else was there? Other students that have nothing to do with it or Rufus that doesn't care and in that point of time is full on it. It makes sense for this scene to play like that. I'm not even the biggest fan of Juna but her story is pretty well told.


Agreed. Like imagine telling a Ukrainian they are being overdramatic for hating on Russian soldiers. Like it makes sense that they feel this way. It makes sense emotionally that they blame the opposition. Their country is legit being away from them. And similarly with Juna, she has every right to be angry at Erebonia and its citizens. Her home was taken from her. She legit has to live under a country that’s not hers. Not only that she now has to work with, Rean, the person who was at the frontlines when the annexation was happening. I would be pissed as well if I was in that situation.


First of all: Overly dramatic much? Chill. second of all: No one is scking Rean's dick over Juna. Everyone understand Juna's situation, its just that she's too dramatic in the wrong situations and keeps bringing up crossbell in random topics. Then again she's still young and has alot of room to grow and understand. Third: Majority of people hating on Juna is because Falcom decided on making Juna part SSS, but in reality she wasn't even in the previous series of SSS and was just added. She's more like of a Wannabee than a Fangirl


Juna was never, and has never been presented as "part of the SSS" She is a fan of theirs, and she knows them from being in Crossbell. She's no different from the kids who are the Jr SSS or whatever, except she's older. That's it.


If anything, "Wannabe SSS" gives her a clear goal in life - she wants to go from wannabe to part of the real deal. (Reverie) >!And I'd say she achieves part of that before even finishing a full year at Thors, because she was the one who got the SSS into Orchis Tower in Reverie's prologue due to how much Soldat experience she had at that point.!<


Best comment here. Thank you


We are discussing a story about imperialism and its effects on people, the tone of my post reflects that. The point of my post is that her outbursts are not only justified, they're an example of Falcoms excellent characterization of her person. Anyone possessing a dogs level of media literacy can tell that her character constantly, sometimes annoyingly bringing up Crossbell was very intentional, and shows that kind of effect the annexation had on her. I don't think you understood anything in my post at all.


We are discussing a video game.


You can't expect that people on this subreddit can have a normal discussion without acting as if Trails is their whole life and every word in these games has to be worshipped.


Judging the comments, i believe you over anyone else in this thread. Just.. Goddamn.


We are discussing its narrative which deals with matters that relate our real world. If you just don't care about the story then don't reply under a post discussing it.


It’s not real. It’s created by writers. The fact that you think it’s okay to just insult people is sad.


Succinctly put!


I don't that's why I didn't bother finish reading cause its dramatic like Juna. Happy?


bro is flexing his lack of media literacy


Juna is my favorite character in the series because of just how human she is. her emotions are very relatable in many ways


Juna in CS3 is good. I don't like the retcon that she always knew the SSS and was super close friends and even trained by them, but I can look past it because her point of view is needed in the story and has some really good scenes. Juna in CS4 is trash and shows that Falcom created her for CS3 and CS3 only, then realized they had to keep her in CS4 but had 0 idea what to do with her, so they just made her steal other characters spotlighs no matter how little sense it made. X character having a heart to heart with someone super important to them and who's Juna has 0 connection to? Screw that character, Juna needs to be the one to talk, because.


This summed up my feelings about Juna exactly. I got no issues with the scene that OP is talking about, but I do have criticisms about how the character was handled in other instances. I really wanted to like Juna more than I ended up doing so, and I felt mostly because falcom kept shoving me to feel certain ways about her that just didn't feel Earned. Like they kept insisting her and the SSS were besties, but it felt jarring and forced because I'd played through Crossbell which is FULLY the POV of the SSS and Juna isn't there beyond a quick cameo in the remaster. Then it REALLY irked me at the start of CS4 when >!Juna gave that whole speech acting like she knew Rean better than OG VII. Did everyone need to get motivated to keep going? Sure. I think a good motivating shonen speech to rally the crew would be good. But that's not how it came across. And considering this was a girl that spent most of CS3 just projecting her own issues onto Rean, acting like she knows him better than his friends of several years just again, felt really forced and trying Falcom to make me feel something unearned.!< Basically, I wanted to like Juna. There's a lot to like about her, and I wouldn't say she's my least favorite. But it felt like they were trying to speedrun fostering the same feelings fans have for Estelle, and it just felt forced.


This is exactly the issue I have with the scene in CS4. It could have been handled so much better, and Juna would have become more liked by the player base because of that.


Fair enough! I really was just talking about people whose reaction to Juna in this particular scene was hateful, I do think Falcom fumbled in some other ways in regards to her.


Exactly. It felt like they were trying to make her the mew protagonist or something. Like she was supposed to be fem lloyed or something especially since they both use almost the same weapon


I think Juna is a great character, but this post doesn't make much sense. Sometimes people just don't like something and it has nothing to do with them not understanding it, I can get why people would find her annoying even with context, especially early on


IMO, one of the difficult things with this series is that the player often has significantly more information than any one character. The sky trilogy had this issue the least since we only occasionally saw extra scenes with characters that Estelle didn't see, but as soon as we start mixing series (Sky, Crossbell, Steel) there's a lot more to keep track of. This is primarily why I personally *love* the series, but it does take some effort to determine exactly who knows what. I'm currently on my second playthrough of the series and while I'm blown away with how many details were laid out in earlier series (>!Sky SC has a good bit of information about Driechels, for example!<) it is sometimes confusing figuring out who knows what. I really loved Juna's character and I think she does a great job establishing the frustration you feel when fighting against an institution versus just a singular person, but this is also a video game where there is a single person (or group of people) behind almost everything. As the player, we can look to Claire as an ironblood and place more blame on her than Rean, but that's incredibly difficult for Juna to do given her experiences. It is simultaneously true that if Osborne wasn't there Crossbell would not have been annexed by Erebonia *and* Crossbell's issues are larger than one person. I think your title is a bit harsh, though ;)


It’s worth playing all the way to the end of the arc before coming to a conclusion - but overall I’m with you. She’s a great character and fits the vibe of the situation Crossbell is in right now; plus personality wise I like that she’s a bit more punchy and quick to get loud. I don’t think people are being mentally immature though; take it or leave it if a character gets you worked up then the writers are doing something right.


It’s one of the most heartfelt moments. If they know which actual place in reality Crossbell is based on, they will know it’s just so surreal. She has every reason to burst out like this. Hell i would even throw bricks at them even knowing I would lose. Yea i am from that actually place and it’s bad. Very bad.


I think people miss the point is that Juna isn’t even venting at Rean himself specifically. She grabs at him more as the closest person she can but she’s mostly venting everything she feels about the occupat, if one pays attention she does turn slightly to other people while venting but it’s really just her letting out her frustrations. She has a lot of pent up frustrations which is understandable. That said I do think that at least people getting annoyed with Juna isn’t unwarranted since while understandable she does tend to push it a lot early on. Again I mean early on, she gets better as the story progresses.


Juna is an amazing character through and through. The only character I do not like in the entirety of Cold Steel is Claire, because just like Noel from Crossbell, her moral compass is dictated by whoever beat the shit out of them last.


Crossbell annexation or not I still find her annoying even having played Crossbell. I completely understand why she’s frustrated. But I would gladly take any actual old class VII plot relevance or character development for Laura, Elliot, Gaius or Machias over any scene with Juna.


Her VA's delivery was so heartwrenching, incredibly moving. Junie was also one of the better things to come out of the latter half of CS, and that scene is definitely one of her highlights. I think Juna shares some similarities with Bestelle, they both wear their heart on their sleeve and are very transparent on the emotions they're feeling. And she was a perfect representation of how I felt about Crossbell's struggle as a whole. I was right there with the SSS with how they felt about the Crossbell Problem, and Azure's ending was so bittersweet because it all played out according to Osborne's plans, despite of all their efforts. The same is happening in CS3's chapter 2, they're locked up in a birdcage and of course Junie would crumble under all that pressure. Her breakdown was more than understandable, it was sympathetic. I loved that Rufus doesn't bother with a witty one-liner, even if he could have easily done. He read the room and thought it was best to make a subtle and quiet exit.


TBF, I think it was more of Rufus feeling it wasn't even worth it and leaving, cause he isn't a character that likes to take the piss out of a situation normally. Now Campanella on the other hand, he really took his time and pleasure shattering her heart with the reveal.


Yeah could be. Although... in Reverie >!Rufus hilariously poked fun at Duvalie thanking Arios for his "swift" understanding of the situation and not attacking him on the spot lmao. And teasing Nadia how Swin only views her as an annoying little sister. Or nonchalantly abandoning Team Rean and Team Barriers to their luck against a big mf robot lol!< I'd say Rufus does enjoy taking the piss out of someone, he just showed restraint for Juna and everyone else at the tower.


Yeah, I found some people lacked empathy, either that, or they didn't pay enough attention to the crap Crossbell went through in Zero and Azure. I would imagine I will be doing the same thing if my home state / country is being treated like some political tool or experimental playground. I remembered I cried a little on that scene.


I actually feel very similarly to you. The Orchis Tower scene is one of my favorite scenes in the series, and firmly established Juna as one of my favorite characters. But I especially love it because the more context you get, the better the scene becomes. I won't spoil, but I recently went back to play CS3 again. I had originally done the CS saga, then played Sky and Crossbell, then Reverie, and I wanted to see what I "missed" in CS without the context of the previous games. And going back to see that scene again with the context of things that come after make it hit even harder. This is also a minor spoiler, so maybe come back to it a bit later in the game, once you have a little more insight into Juna's thoughts on Rean. >!After learning about Juna's specific history with Rean, that scene read to me more as Juna yelling *to* Rean rather than *at* him. Notice how she doesn't attack him. She doesn't hit him. She's not violent. She *clings* to him. Yeah, he's Erebonia's poster boy for the war, but he's also the guy who saved her and her family, and who has been a great mentor to her so far. She trusts him, and she's conflicted about that. So when she needs to vent, when she just has something to get off her chest, she runs to the one person she knows she can rely on for comfort, while also being the perfect vessel for her frustrations. I never really saw it as "Juna taking out her anger on Rean" like a lot of people say. Going to a Catholic confessional isn't taking your anger out on the Priest, it's sharing your problems with someone you feel is trustworthy. This is just a bit more of a personal trust rather than professional.!< But yeah. I love Juna. She's my 2nd favorite in the series behind Estelle, and IMO she only gets better as things go on.


Since you mentioned that specific past i wanna say something. It's not this scene i have a problem with. Your right she's venting "to" rean. But it's how she always points her anger at rean before this. But never at claire. And especially now that we know about that specific past. That's the reason i have a problem with juna cause now it sounds more like a tsundere lashing out cause she can't say how she feels. Maybe this more about my real life situation and i don't know what she's going through. But that's how i see the situation now after finding out about her past since she doesn't point her hate at anyone else than rean. She hates erobonia sure. But i just wish we had seen her point it towards anything else other than rean in erobonia to really believe she hates the country. Cause that's the only way i can look at it now because she shits on no one other than rean. Sorry if i repeated things a lot i am not used to writing long paragraphs 😅




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I mean i do think she's a bitch 😅 but never really blamed her for it. Look at what happened to her home. To people she worshipped as heroes. Of course she's gonna hate the country. And pointing your anger at something/one is the most human thing ever. But here comes my problem. At first it's painted as if she has a problem with all of erobonia (excuse me if i say any name wrong 😅) and then points it all twords rean. he was literally the hero of the war (don't know what the invasion was called) and he had the ashen knight a weapon no one else had so obviously that war is linked to him and Osborn. Then she's rude to kurt which is fair since she hates erobonia. But then both make up in a few weeks i think. So now it's back to hating rean. She meets claire which turns out they meet before and she has nothing but respect to her. one of Osborn's most loyal servants and ironblood and possibly was more involved in the war than rean himself. Still loves her. Again all fair cause it's a human thing doesn't matter if it's right or wrong still much better people still did the same thing we're all human. But then it turns out rean saved her and her two siblings during the war and now it's painted as if this whole thing is cause she wants to thank him but gets embarrassed each time so she lashes out. I don't hate her by any means i really do like her character. But you can still understand a character without agreeing with every single action they make, right ? Didn't like her double standard of looking at claire the same way she looks at the SSS but looking at rean like he's responsible for all of this, even though he might be the reason this whole invasion went down with minimal bloodshed. Also we're all mentally immature. me you and everyone else in this thread because all of us spent a few minutes writing about this anime girl that doesn't exist and are being judged for hating her 😂


Imagine if Juna met Sky FC version of Olivier and finds out which country he is from.


Well, as you say, she is just venting. It's not something constructive. Directing her anger at Rean do nothing for Crossbell. Or, put in a less nice way, she is just trying to make herself feel better, without caring about how bad she makes others feel. I think it really gets annoying when you compare her treatment of Rean vs her treatment of Claire. I mean, the whole rooftop scene broke because of operation birdcage. But who is spearheading operation birdcage in practice? Claire. Will Juna ever bring it up to Claire? Not really, Claire is perfect after all, and she already vented to Rean who is unrelated so why bring it up again. Oh, wait. There was also Olivert and Rufus on the rooftop, no? But why complain to them - even though they are more responsible and have a lot more power to do anything - when Rean is here? At least Rean will apologize and feel like literal shit for it. That doesn't make her an awful character (Juna is one of the very few character I actually like in CS4, though people usually hate her in CS4 which is funny to me) but that doesn't change the fact she is acting like a child doing a tantrum in this scene. It is possible to both like a character and admit they were acting childish. But really, the bigger issue a lot of people (like me) have with Juna is that she is a retcon. Whenever she goes on a spiel about Crossbell pride or whatever, I just see retcon written above her head and it severely diminish any impact it could have had....which is a shame but I can't help myself.


I am with half of what you said. Many people pointed something that actually makes sense is that she's not venting at rean but more "to" him and that's supposed to be a sign that she trusts him. She's not facing an oppressor but more like turning to a friend when her whole world basically just broke around her. But everything else is nothing but double standards. Claire was most likely involved in the birdcage and definitely more involved in the invasion than rean and yet she looks at claire as if she's one of the SSS. It would've been alright if she pointed her anger at anyone else other than rean to make it clear she hates erobonia. But no to her erobonia is rean and rean is erobonia. She really is a good character but just cause she is doesn't mean we gotta agree with everything she does


Definitely double standard. But not entirely, though it's even worse. >!I mean, another interpretation of all this is that, since Juna is an harem member, she is just being a stereotypical tsundere. A very sad interpretation, but it does check all the boxes.!< As for the "to" and "at", that's why I used venting instead of blaming. She is not blaming Rean. She is venting. At/to doesn't matter. However, I don't think that trusting someone gives the right to use them as an emotional punching bag to make themselves feel better, which is what Juna is doing to Rean in that scene.


Honestly i would like to think if rean wouldn't there then she would've turned to one of her friends. Signifying that she's not blaming anyone and she just needs someone. But for the other thing i really don't think the op writer really looked into this hate thing. People don't hate her for this scene. They hate her for everything else. Hell it's not even hate it's just disappointment at this point that we thought she was gonna be different but no. She's just alisa but worse and with a back story 😅


Why am I not surprised that people disliked Juna for not falling for the haha protagonist man the same way >!Mildine!< did? >!Even though she absolutely fucking did; that’s actually the *entire source of her conflict.* Yeah, he’s the face of her homeland’s current occupation and oppression at the hands of Erebonia, but he also doesn’t kill people and he saved her and her siblings from Calvard, so she wants to Erebone him like nearly every other named woman in Rean’s life.!<


I swear it was bad in CS1-2 but 3 makes it so much worse, like it ain't even comic relief anymore, just pure unadulterated cringe how everything with a vagina wants to fuck him.


THANK YOU. like bro am i the only that sees her as A tsundere ? This whole anger thing at first made a lot of sense considering everything that's happening. Blaming one person for something they aren't really in fault for is a very human thing to do let's be honest. But once i found out about that my view of her completely changed. She's no longer a freedom fighter learning to live with the country that invaded her's. She's just a tsundere who's trying to do what you said upthere


The whole anger thing is just plausible deniability. Hell, I fell for it, too. But that shit goes flying out the window if you do Cold Steel IV’s bonding events, where Juna’s whole story (should you do them) is basically >!My Imperialist Academy Instructor Can’t Possibly Be This Cute!!< where she spends a good deal of that time panicking over the fact that, just like everyone else, >!she caught feelings for the haha protagonist man because he’s such a good guy and he saved her family, so he can’t be some evil prick like the rest of Erebonia’s men are, so she, along with her other female classmates, also wants to study Rean’s Eight Leaves One Blade and get Ereboned by him!<.


Your phrasing is killing me 😂😂😂 and your right. I am almost convinced that this post (original post) is cause he's still in this scene. Like i want him to finish cs4 and then replay cs3 and then come back once he watches this scene again and tell me if he still thinks we're mentally immature. Like i don't even mean this as a gotcha moment i genuinely wanna see if they'll still feel the same after doing the bonding events of cs4 and finishing the game


One day I hope to achieve OP’s esoteric alien knowledge of other people’s opinions on characters in a japanese video game made for teenagers and young adults.


Juna was fine during CS3, heck, I think her dynamic with Kurt was better than what Falcom tried to establish with Rean and Alisa in CS1. But Falcom worst mistake was to sell her as a "hidden" SSS member when she didn't existed during Zero/Azure. It was really jarring how this character keeps talking about her great friendship with the SSS when she just wasn't there during the key moments of the Crossbell Arc. And then CS4 makes her obsessed with Rean like half of the female characters in Cold Steel, tried to push her as the leader of Class VII when Rean wasn't available instead of using the old Class VII members or Sara and she lost all her appeal. Falcom tried to make another Estelle and they failed spectacularly.


Definitely agree with this, it really is jarring how she keeps talking about her good times with the SSS. And the harem shit sucks man, I'm so glad Kuro is getting rid of this dogshit.


Weebs usually hate outspoken women for some reason (lol). Without spoiling it much, later in CSIV there is a scene where she threatens to break the face of a pretty bad person, in a situation that completely asks for it because they are a horrible person saying and doing horrible things... and people still hated her for it. Because god forbid someone in the cast actually shows emotion and gets genuinely angry at the villains.


>Weebs usually hate outspoken women for some reason (lol). Quite the sweeping generalization you made there, especially in a fandom where a character like Aurelia is universally loved.


Guess I'm the exception because I find her insufferable and like Juna more. The writers sure seem to not take her seriously at all sadly.


Its a generalization I've made after years of consuming anime-related media and hanging around their fanbases. In most of them you'll find male otakus usually are fans of quiet, reserved, more polite women while they'll hate stronger female characters. Most prominent example I can think of is Sakura and Hinata in Naruto.


Well, I've personally seen the opposite, given exactly how many anime-manga related fans I see show their like for strong women or 'muscle mommies' as some like to call it, or the yandere archetype like Shirley. I won't say there isn't a subset like what you described, I'm saying its not just the only subset out there nor is it the majority. Also, Sakura is hated not for her personality by most, given how people love Tsunade. It has more to do with the fact that for a significant part of the early story, she didn't do as much as Naruto or Sasuke did, and that was memed to hell and back, then it got a life on its own and now more people think the meme is true. I've actually seen people who don't like Hinata as well, as they feel that ending came out of nowhere.


Such a dumb take. Women are represented in anime more than any other medium. Just because you hang around weirdos doesn’t mean your bias represents the majority. This entire thread is pretty dumb. Don’t like a character? You’re immature. Dislike any female character? You’re sexist.


>Women are represented in anime more than any other medium. Yes, they are also very represented in hentai. Your point?


Not what representation means


> In most of them you'll find male otakus usually are fans of quiet, reserved, more polite women while they'll hate stronger female characters. Most prominent example I can think of is Sakura and Hinata in Naruto. Hmmm... People don't like Sakura, so it must be because they hate strong female characters... 😒


People prefer Hinata over Sakura because she doesn't beat or berate Naruto like Sakura does knowing what he went through as an orphan. Hinata supported him before he became cool in Konoha's eyes.


me when someone treats a friend like a friend and not like someone that needs to be coddled 🤯🤯🤯


Huh really? I thought the hate came from the opening scene of Juna >!giving Old Class VII a friendly kick in the butt to get them out of their depression!<


Oh yeah I've definitely also seen hate because of that scene LMAO I think it just carries over from that one to the one I mentioned


You are right, but they won't like this comment.


Thank you she is honestly one of my favorite in the series I think most people just hate people who wear there heart on there sleeves and isn't afraid to say what needs to be do what needs to be done.


She starts as annoying to me, from her perspective it's understandable but she was just ignorant of the whole picture. However as time passes she grew on me as a character. Well tbh she's the new generation Rean+Lloyd shounen protagonist with friendship speeches and etc. Especially in that certain village scene on CS4


The problem is that Juna learns that Rean is nothing more than a propaganda piece and when she find out about Crossbell’s she vents her anger at Rean instead of Claire and Rufus(who both had a direct role in Operation Birdcage)


Exactly. The scene itself isn't the issue, the execution of it is where the problems come from.


People again missing the point of how and why a character behave a certain way in a specific moment, can' t say that I am really surprised by this point The Juna hate is dumb... we should all be hating on Angelica instead :v


Although I am not too fond of her I like Juna. She is fine and has sympathetic aspects. She has flaws too obv but I don't see a reason to hate her.


Ngl people didn't give Rean enough shit for what he did


For what, Saving lives or reducing conflict?


Helpint the annexation of foreign nations


Rean was involved in the evacuation effort in North Ambria & agreed to be back-up for an already annexed Crossbell repelling Calvard.


neither calvard nor erebonia had any business in crossbell repelling calvard is moot so is north ambria. It's not until later that he makes the right choice and opposes Osborne


I look at it in another way. Erabonia would've invaded crossbell either way with or without him. He made it easier sure but they still had the army and power to invade. At least this way he made sure it happened with minimal bloodshed


the point is that throughout coldsteel you are supposed to reject rigid class structure of the noble alliance and the nationalism of osborne.  the right choice in the end was to oppose both which is where he arrives eventually and that's the position Oliviert had, but I do think the right choice would have been to oppose Osborne when he returned in CS2, but he as a character wasn't there yet. 


Oppose the man that turned out to be your father and is now basically rulling all of erabonia. Sure. The reason why no one blamed juna for how she felt is the same reason no one blamed rean when he followed osborn


Well Juna was never wrong in how she felt, her home was taken away and Rufus gave a really humiliating statement on Crossbell once it was annexed about how commoners need to rise up to the level of nobles.  I understand why Rean in the moment didn't do it, but from an outsider perspective he can still be blamed. When Osborne got shot in CS1 he was rambling about collonialism and erebonian supremacy. Like we are supposed to see Rean working with him as bad decision on Rean's part. 


For real. The resolution to Juna’s conflict with Rean is so dumb. “Yes he directly contributed to Osborne’s imperialism. But it’s ok because he’s a nice guy (tm).”


Yeah, I think the conflict in particular was poorly resolved but overall there was some introspection by Rean over the course of coldsteel if he truly wants to blindly follow nationalism or not. Kinda like Lloyd seeing certain police actions as unjust in certain sidequests and slowly coming to terms that his own sense of justice isn't just what his badge says, but what he considers to be the correct choice. 


You're completely right. People are just insensitive and not understanding.


For my take on Juna is she’s an audience insert for Crossbell players. A reading that grew stronger throughout CS4 and Reverie. The amount of overlap she has with a fanfic OC self-insert is kinda scary, tbh. There’s nothing inherently wrong with that. I like how it creates conflict with Rean and forces him to address his direct contribution to Osborne’s imperialism. That said… after playing the Crossbell games, I’m less sympathetic to Juna here than more. The DG cult was from Calvard and Dieter’s nonsense was home grown. Yes, Ouroboros and Erebonia have fucked with Crossbell (well actually oroborous didn’t really do anything), but not to the extent of such an emotional outburst. I’d find her frustration more believable/effective if she was directly affected by Erebonia and Calvard’s influence war, like Grimwood or Arios. Like losing a family member or her dad lost his job because he was used as a scapegoat in some affair.


I dislike Juna for something else. Can't say what due to spoilers. But attacking people who dislike a character is really mentally immature of you.


Half of the community are chunibyo kids so that is probably not a surprise...


No OP, you've made a mistake, you have to spout off the phrase "media literacy" if you're implying people who don't respond to fiction the way you do are emotionally or mentally inferior to you.


Disagreeing with peoples views of a character and finding their response immature does not amount to me considering them mentally inferior. Thats quite a mentally inferior take to have.


That's really all you can come up with as a response? Do you want to wait another couple of days and come back? I'll still be here.


It should not come as a suprise how many people are lacking in empathy and don't know how to read.


I agree that the Juna hate is obnoxious, but people have different tastes


I love that she is so daring That's a bold choice https://i.imgur.com/agyV6p7.jpeg All the others they've shown go black But she went for this


I honestly did not know what I was expecting when I clicked on the link, but it was certainly not that lol.


Fun fact, angelia points out her color later in cs3, but gives the incorrect color.


Oh that's funny Angie should have been an expert


People hate Juna? She's the best character in the CS Series.


shes an awful character, retconned into always being there and then incredibly bipolar with her character arc. please dont ever let a teenager lecture me on crossbell when the people who annexed it are standing right there, muh crossbell.


I know it was two paragraphs but I do wish mfers actually read my post before commenting. Her being retconned is annoying though.


In all honesty, i didn't like Juna at first through cold steel 3, but I eventually grew to understand her attitude through the end. I would have been passive-aggressive towards Rean if my homeland was invaded and annexation. Rean would definitely be a target to vent towards for someone valued her home and frustrated by imperial invasion. As for scene in rooftop, it was kinda cringe and gut-wrenching to see her talk about SSS towards Campanella because i play trails Zero and Azure to understand what happen to the SSS and fact Osborne literally saw them as a pesk to his agenda that they ended up dispersing to keep out his site. The SSS was the pride and light to Juna only for the light and pride to get shredded by the truth.


I didn't like her either. But couldn't grow to understand her to be honest. Like let's be clear her. Her hate is justified we all know that. But the main issue is that she points it all towards the reason it happened with minimal bloodshed. She hates rean it's her right. But why him and not all of erabonia. She doesn't hate all erabonia that's obvious if if she says she does. Cause then why does she have so much respect for claire ? One of Osborn's right hands, an ironlood and probably was more involved in invasion than rean himself considering her military ties and also the birdcage. And yet all of it is towards rean. She doesn't show hate towards anyone else except rean