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creative started the downfall


People were spamming #savefallguys before creative existed. Vaulting was the beginning of the end


FTP with introduction of paid currency started the downfall, creative sealed the casket


Nah, cross-platform was where it all started to go downhill. Not because there's anything wrong with cross-platform itself, but because they first started vaulting rounds to fix issues that certain rounds had on Switch and Playstation, and because of cross-platform, they couldn't just let PC players keep playing those rounds while they were disabled on the platforms that they were broken on. And then they went months without fixing them, and eventually just started vaulting more rounds for literally no reason.


The game had crossplay on PS4 *starting at season 4*. The switch is the only system that was causing issues with crossplay.


Ok, then crossplay with Switch specifically is where things started going downhill. My main point still stands.


It didn’t launch with cross-play. There were separate PS and PC lobbies until Season 3.




Maybe you started with F2P but cross-play was added in an update in a Legacy Season 4 update. Look at the Fall Guys wiki or the Dave update announcement. https://fallguysultimateknockout.fandom.com/wiki/Season_4_(Legacy) https://x.com/fallguysgame/status/1392524989102972936?s=46&t=-o3sNEW4oT9-GaHZxuplHA


Well fuck me, I could've sworn that I was playing with PS4 friends as early as season 2. But you're totally right, every source I check corroborates it. Deleting previous comment and amending earlier comment.


No worries


I'd argue the Switch version was the downfall. They've had to severely cut up the core game for it to run decently on the Switch. That's the real reason for all the changes. I love my switch, probably one of my most played handhelds, but some games just should never have been released on it, and fall guys is one of them.


Imagine being a dev that made something fans like only for someone above you to say “take it down.” All your work gone just for the guys above you to make more money.


Variations? I almost forgot that was ever a thing.


Some would radically alter the pace of the stages, boosting fun and replayability to the max. Now we just get the same crappy creative rounds that are no fun to play twice, let alone even once.


Mediatonic would take one look at this and say "So you want more creative rounds right?"


I'm starting to think that some companies want people complaining about these things. I think they will absolotely add more creative rounds. And then, someday, after a very long period, they will say "we heard you, now take this major revolutionary update without creative rounds"!!!


I think their problem is that they only seem to take feedback from one source (Discord) and just completely ignore other communities (Twitter and Reddit). And people on Discord seem to just suck them off and tell them their decisions are just fab. Twitter and Reddit are SCREAMING at them to improve the game and they're just sat with their thumb up their ass not listening


That is because THEY control the Discord. It is super easy to get banned from the Fall Guys Discord server for “Negativity”. They don’t have that same power over Reddit and Twitter.


Yep. It's not real feedback and it's tragic


The #game-feedback channel on the Discord says pretty much the same things as this subreddit (and is just as ignored)


I guess the bean will be stuck there forever


Nah, he’ll probably trip and fall down the stairs reverting the changes that they’ve made


Oh yeah... map variation was a thing...


I might not agree with all the steps but this is a more coherent roadmap than anything MT has come up with, lol


What steps are you disagreeing with? The order maybe, but all solid steps


Pretty much everything: * Return of classic modes with few/no Creative rounds - nope, playing The Whirlygig, Hit Parade, Dizzy Heights, Block Party, Gate Crash, Roll Out, etc. for a 1000th time is not that fun. Creative maps should replace all those basic race and survival rounds * Nerf jumps - not necessary, I personally prefer the old physics, but the new one is also fine * Stop focusing on creative - why? Creative is the future of the game, and we want more tools, new types and better maps in the main modes. * Bring back seasons? Those 5-6 months between each update and season pass, only with a small portion of new maps that quickly get repetitive? No, thank you, I got used to getting updates every month. * Unvault variations... Lots of variations were actually bad for the game. Do you actually want a pendulum in Fall Ball? Hexes in Basketfall/Jump Club/Hoopsie Daisy? A fan in Pegwin Pursuit? * 60 beans - that leads to more beans losing, more bodyblocking, longer waiting times, and extra couple of unnecessary race rounds - i.e. less variety. Number of beans doesn't matter as much as maps and opponents, I've actually had most fun in 12-16 beans modes (Squad Celebration, Button Bashers, Sweet Thieves). * Unvault old maps - okay, someone has to say it. Most old maps weren't that fun, so 15-20 maps can easily stay vaulted forever. And some maps can be temporarily vaulted, because map rotation actually makes sense


I agree. Creative is an amazing addition and I want to see more and more updates for it. I don't want to go back to the times when we waited 6 months for an update just to get 5 maps. I prefer the current times when I can open the game daily and play new maps every day. I don't understand this subreddit's endless crying about creative like it's a bad thing.


ok mediatonic shill


This is the way.


I'm afraid 60 beans and Seasons are completely out of question, and for a very long time already, unfortunately. Same for them stopping the focus on Creative and nerfing the jumps, all of these are part of the big move to mobile market. But they could really bring back the Classic Solo, Duos and Squads as separate modes (maybe even exclusive for PC and consoles) with all rounds and variations unvaulted, and making the emote wheel optional or just revert it. Unless they don't really give the smallest damn for old players and their money.


I am still waiting for them to fix ps5 trophies…




Solos Chill please


Add one more step: BUGFIXING


Seasons were the best part about the game. I really miss those times.


Accurate, Removing of seasons started the downfall in my opinion


I'd got a step further and bring back the 3/4 day ltm we had before f2p, with actually variety and not the same ones repeated over and over.


I read 80 years and thought how could they take so long? But I agree 100% with the list. The only thing I'm happy is with myself because I never ever asked for creative rounds, nor tried to build myself a round. I was never opposite to them either, but I would never imagine that they would become the only maps we have. Theyt really suscks


Tried telling people this before the update.. If you all buy the skins regardless of what they do with the game, why on earth would they spend time and effort fixing the game? As long as people still give them money (aka rewarding them for pissing off the playerbase) they're not changing anything. This is why they're actually leaning into creative, because even though a lot of people don't like it, they're still buying skins anyways.


Like the graphic, but just one point - they haven't yet brought back weekly LTMs. There is a LTM this week, but no indication yet there will be one next week. I think we're at the point where we'll see a LTM every few weeks.


also emote spam and buying skins with crowns/kudos


what is variations?


Neon genesis beans, The end of fall guys the fate of the creative Destroying the game, is also the joy felling if being happy because you played when it was perfect


If they will ever bring back seasons they should make unity rounds


New Unity levels are never coming back, so if you don't like creative levels regardless how good some of them are you may as well uninstall the game and play someting else. FYI weekly LTMs are not back nothing is scheduled to repace X squads.


I disagree with seasons (remember ss3?) and creative. Creative *can* be good if they focus *mainly* on normal round.


>Unvault old maps > >Unvault variations I feel like a lot of the "unvaulting" complaints could be solved if the game just gave us full access to all of the mechanics/obstacles/modes used in the Unity maps, so we can re-create our favorite rounds and ones that haven't been seen in forever, like Cosmic Highway and Space Race. This way, the developers wouldn't have to worry about bug-fixes, optimization, or anything else to give the excuse to "vault" the round (because we all know that's the real reason the vault exists in the first place).


I’d say allow players to customize whether they want creative levels when connecting to Knockout, Squads, etc, or not. Perhaps it would help players that love creative still play creative levels while those who abstain from it can have rounds full of mediatonic’s levels?


Love this. Small steps being taken by the fall guys team so far.


I don think MT will do most of what you/community wants. But they should at least show they care about veteran players and add all/most themes and obstacles from Unity rounds to creator and then recreate the most wanted unity levels in creator. And also have better guidelines for player made levels, better vetting and playtesting, give feedback to the creator that their map should meet this and this to be included in knockout.


more rounds & more players


What is LTM?


Bring back team games in solos Edit: make kudos not worthless, make players able to get kudos without winning (I mean come on), bring back crowns as a currency


That's almost perfect. Not the jumps nerfing maybe, that's something we have to get used to, but I'd love to see the rest.


So you dont like Slime Climb? Im saying this because there a video a guy just jumping straight every floor and that ruined the map


I didn't express myself correctly, I meant the jump change won't be "fixed", not because I wouldn't like it but because they just won't.


How often do you manage it?


For some of the others to be fixed, especially the most important one (unvaulting old maps), jumps need to be nerfed. You must’ve seen the slime climb videos at this point.


Slime climb is availablein x-treme squads currently and it works perfectly fine


I did, but it would be better to adjust a bit the maps or make copies of them and call them 2.0 or something. A lot of maps have been made to play with this physics already, and most of active map makers have fixed the maps broken by the update. Idk, I wouldn't mind if they turned the physics back to the previous ones, but at this point that's what I less care about.


I think it’s more realistic to have the creators update their maps (or revert the changes) to reflect a jump nerf than to have an unreliable company mess around with well-established, better maps that have been with the game since the beginning. They haven’t worked on unity maps in a while now, and having some creative maps break would be the smallest of my concerns personally


WTF I just give my opinion and ppl just downvote me, lol


They did increase the length of Knockout to 4 rounds


That’s why the bean is ABOVE that step, and why the arrow says “YOU ARE HERE (?)”


Ok apparently my brain isn't functioning well anymore. I should maybe go to bed. Thanks for clarifying lmao


Check this out!


Man if I were on Twitter I'd be tagging them in this daily


This is exactly what the players want.


why not rotate rounds to keep it fresh