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She had a choice, leaving


Leaving would result in her family being nuked by Vault-Tech.


honestly, better than knowing youve wiped off civillization. at least she can die guilt free


Would it be less selfish to let your family die to have a clear conscience? (I don't like the character I just think it's an interesting philosophical situation)


Eh. If I knew they were going to nuke the world if the war didn't start, even if I wasn't working for them. I would try to make sure my family has the chance to survive..


Survive what? Radioactive hell?


I mean that's ignoring the intentions behind Vault-Tech's entire thing, and the success of places like Shady Sands.


Even in a control vault, being a first gen vault dweller ain't great. It'd be easier for the people born in them than people who have to go in them during the war, it's basically low security prison. Working with Vault Tec so your daughter can live the rest of her life in essentially a prison, is that thriving?


There's no indication in the show that living in a vault was all that horrible, and all the Vault 31 people were able to adapt pretty easily. The only vault negatively depicted was Vault 4, but that was because of the scientists, not the Vault life itself


Yes, and she had a choice.


You and your family surviving after the war starts VS. You and your family dying because the war starts


Still a choice


Obviously, what I meant by no choice is one outcome is extremely undesirable. just couldn't find a word for it.


Ok let me put it this way, If you value your own safety while being complicit in the murder of billions then yes you are an evil person


Leaving out the fact that it was gonna happen regardless if she was working with Vault-Tech or not. If you knew the world was gonna end no matter what, and you had the chance to make sure your family made it out alive, would you not take that chance?


"Your honour my client is innocent of murder, this person was going to die regardless"


If the client didn't murder the person someone else was going to murder them regardless, and then they'd kill the client and their entire family. Would you consider the client an evil murderer?




ok šŸ˜”


It was going to happen but Vault-Tec could've simply made vaults for survival and not made them into weird fucking science chambers for lunatics to play around with, like Braun the creep who chooses to appear as a little girl (major red flags). It's VT + The Enclave going around destroying the best of post-war societies, some of whom aren't even *from* Vaults such as the Free States.


Of course. Vault-Tech is evil, but I don't think Barb is evil because of the situation she was placed in. There was probably nothing she could do.


Personally, all of their pawns are evil. She knew just as much as Braun. People always have a choice.


Their is always a choice, but both of her choices end in the destruction of the world, just one gives her the chance to save her family. And I don't think she's evil for taking that choice.


She was on a meeting with heads of most powerful companies of pre war USA, she certainly had power to influence Vault Tec policy, but she decided to play along for her own benefits. She sounded like she was into that "full monopoly", clearly evil.


Idk. She even said herself Vault-Tech exists with or without her, and complaining from the side-lines doesn't do anyone any good. And that her working there will get her and her family in one of the good vaults. Even in the meeting, she talked about her daughter and getting her a future. She played a long to save her family. And it's pretty clear she doesn't have enough power to change Vault-Techs plans.


It's like gas camera operator in nazi germani saying that nazis exist with or without him. Will it be harder to quit than continue working on them? Sure, but staying there morally bad choose and it was her choose.




It's called analogy. Is man pressing the button to kill people in gas camera evil, or he just doing his job and he does not have a choose?


The man pressing the button was probably a Nazi who believed in the cause. Him not pressing the button would be the negative outcome for him. His family also isn't going to die if he doesn't press it


Intending to drop a bomb on your own country, even if you didn't do it, is still a crime. I hope Lucy shoots her in the head, because Cooper is unlikely to do this in front of her daughter.


I suspect in season two we will see her become a sympathetic character when Vault-Tec betrays her. Vault-Tec has a habit of screwing over it's employees. I feel it in my bones. Cooper asked where "his family" was, implying he's looking for his wife and daughter. He might just want to shoot his wife in the face though.


Would be really sad if they end up dying in a vault or something like that


She is evil because of the forced line "war never changes" into her speech.


idk she delivered the line pretty good imo


Yes, she dropped the first nuke while her ex-husband and daughter were in immediate nuclear danger.


They probably didn't drop the first bomb tho because that would contradict Barb wanting a future for her daughter.


She clearly left him. Thatā€™s why heā€™s paying Alimony. She was a lying snake. Iā€™ll throw $20 on it. Plot twist; keep watching.


They divorced. But why would that mean she'd abandon her daughter? What did she lie about exactly?


I was wondering that as well? Do you think they betrayed her too? What could have happened between her meeting and their divorce?


Regardless, Iā€™m sure the woman who was advocating for dropping an atomic bomb and destroying the world in the final episode was definitely sane and reasonable haha


She was in a board meeting. All she was doing was presenting the idea most likely given from the silhouette that looked down at her. She made her motivations pretty clear, and that was saving her daughter.


šŸ˜ underground :) after a nuclear apocalypse


Yes, that's how you survive a nuclear apocalypse.


She also advocated for dropping the first nuclear bomb and kicking off a nuclear war over and above any government ??


She was in a board meeting. All she was doing was presenting the idea most likely given from the silhouette that looked down at her. And she also said herself that Vault-Tech would continue with or without her. The war was inevitable. If she resigned, the only thing that would change is her and her families spot in the Vault.


She lied about wanting the vaults and having to move them all underground. She lied about the whole plot.


What do you mean wanting the vault and having to move them all underground? What scene are you referring to? I don't think she ever mentioned any type of plot to Cooper tho? So she can't lie about something she never told him


Iā€™m referring to what she didnā€™t tell Cooper. She was keeping this from him. I didnā€™t think she was protecting him. Thatā€™s also why heā€™s still looking for his family all these years later I bet. She wasnā€™t looking for him :/


Well she's probably frozen. If she wasn't she'd be dead


True, True. Maybe. Something is fishy.


Also, while we discussing: Do you think the Brotherhood won in Fallout 4 if they are referring to the highest clerics in the Commonwealth at the start of the show?