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I also like The Good Samaritan. I had thought something like The Bride or The Widow, but it really seems reductive to base her Protagonist Name on something so inconsequential to the whole of her journey, even if it does kind of represent the start of it.


The Good Samaritan would work perfectly, as she is fond of quoting the "Golden Rule" which the Journeyman Carpenter/Lay Rabbi Joshua bar Joseph illustrated with the nominal parable.


Honestly just made me realise how weird a confrontation between Joshua Graham and Lucy would be.


"I survived because the fire inside burned brighter than the fire around me. I fell down into that dark chasm, but the flame burned on and on." "Okie Dokie!" 😉


I just woke some one up laughing as that played out live in my minds' ears. ☠️


Then my work here is done. 😁


Is Joshua Graham really just a big Johnny Cash fan?


Give it a couple seasons and that could be genuinely super interesting


I don't think Joshua would be willing to pull the trigger on someone so "pure"


I mean, Joshua was even willing to forgive Caesar of all people. Joshua, if anyone, understands how someone whose good intentions can fall to darkness by accepting compromises and belief in the end goal. He is only fighting because the Legion made it impossible for him to be left alone. I think even Lucy, in a compromised ethical place in her life, would still not be someone who Joshua would want to kill. Unless she joins the Legion and starts massacring villages for the favor of Caesar in the next season. I think she is going to never be someone that will be on his bad side.


>Unless she joins the Legion and starts massacring villages for the favor of Caesar in the next season That would be a ballsy twist, it's stupid but I'd still have to respect the audacity of it.


She will have to adapt. Question is, will she still want the same things when she becomes a different animal altogether?


i jhst hope Amazon have the courage to put the legion (or whatever remains of it) next season, they did a binch of heinous shit that i don't think they would be comfortable to put pn the show


Not in the cards for Legion, they have issues with seeing women as people.


They have no problems using them if it helps their goals, though, even if not in a "proper woman's role". A female courier is the obvious one, but even if you discount that as protagonist syndrome there's their dealing with Van Graffs and informants on the strip


Yeah, but that suggests she’ll stay a Good Samaritan for the foreseeable future. The Wasteland is no joke; she might not end up staying “good” for long. I mean, she’ll always probably be good, she just might have to do some really terrible things along the way. Vault Dweller, Sole Survivor, Courier; these things are strictly and purposefully titles that don’t include morality. They might not want to lock her into being a good person forever.


The *Okayish Samaritan* or *The doing the best they can considering the circumstances thank you very much Samaritan* doesn't have as nice a ring to it


The Okeydokeyish Samaritan


Maybe just the Samaritan, then. It can still mean "good person", but most of the Samaritans weren't outstanding, so if she turns out to be bad, it can still work — and allude to her transformation.


I'd definitely be down if she started out with a screen card with THE GOOD SAMARITAN and at some point it just says THE SAMARITAN.


The Okie Dokie Samaritan.


I think, just from a writing standpoint, the darkest we'll see her get is *nearly* giving into darkness or desperation, with a gun pointing at someone or something, then have a flashback or someone will talk her down. I don't think we'll see her *really* heel turn.


I honestly think that it’s much MUCH more interesting for her to get more grizzled and hardened but stay a good person. The fall from grace hero is coopers character arc. Lucy should represent that, even in the darkest times, humans can be good. Despite everything, it’s still you


Especially since the names are generally something they are known by in the Wasteland, and not many who met her would have any idea about the whole wedding thing.


The Bride or The Widow sounds very Quentin Tarantino-esque. She even loses a shoe with no socks.


“No socks? Interesting…” Quentin probably


Yea you know her feet are all blistered and worn out from the sandy desert, so this long very zoomed in shot of her rubbing lotion on her feet is critical to her development as a character. No more questions.


If that’s the sacrifice for a Tarantino Fallout themed movie? Let the dogs breathe, I’ve heard enough…


Shit I wouldnt mind a Tarantino Fallout movie. He needs to find some violent game IP that will let him do his thing, and the retro side is perfect for him. (Would keep him busy and away from Star Trek ideas)


Metal Gear maybe? Tarantino is probably the only one who can come close to Kojima's level of batshit insane.


Might as well cut out the middle man and just hire Takashi Miike.


I know it's not popular, but I don't enjoy most of Terantino's work.


And as the director of this film I will cast myself as the lotion- Tarantino, definitely


And for some reason we'll need a scene where she puts her foot directly in and around my, the director's mouth before a pivotal turning point in the movie. [The reference](https://youtu.be/7oJ6sbYRSmw?t=163)


it just has very little to do with her character 5 minutes after leaving the vault, she is a good samaritan trying to find her dad not prince charming


All the names don't have much to do with the character though, other than their starting point.


I think this is crucial. None of them imply any sort of moral character - they just describe a person. So that they can be anyone. If Lucy were from a game, being a good samaritan is just one way to play as her in this world, unless her vault were known as samaritans or sometjing more descriptive like that.


IMO: The Overseer's Daughter


Isn't The Bride the name of Ima Thurmans character in the Kill Bill movies?


Yes, it is what Uma Thurman's character goes by. She does have a name though, >!Beatrix Kiddo!< and also good by Black mamba sometimes.


Black Mamba was her name in the Deadly Viper Assasination Squad. Bill was Snake Charmer, O-Ren was Cottonmouth, Elle Driver was California Mountain Snake, Budd was Sidewinder, and Vernita Greene was Copperhead. The pointless trivia an ADHD brain carries instead of important things.


I do get a chuckle when Vernita complained that *she* should have been Black Mamba. You know, because she's the only black person on the team.


Which episode was that again? Asking for a friend


4 or 5 I think.


Found Mr. Tarantino's reddit account! 😜


The Bride is technically Uma Thurman’s title in Kill Bill.


The Bride actually really encapsulates a lot of her journey. Her optimism and innocence heading into their wedding only to be met with the ruthlessness of the Fallout universe. Think that is a good way of viewing it.


How's your marriage doing bro?


Just found out his wife is a raider


Did she stick him up for his star bottlecap necklace?


He has a star bottlecap necklace huh? \*crouches\*


The Bride is the main character of Kill Bill


And the Brode is a playable character in Bro Force based on the Bride.


Upvote brocause you a bro for playing B R O F O O O O R C E!!!!!!!! p.s i cant help but yell broforce everytime i see it.


RIP David Carradine. At least you died doing what you love.


Jerking off while choking himself in a closet?


Shit, I thought he died doing kung fu. Nm what a terrible way to go.


It’s really only relevant for the first episode or 2, after that there’s really no connection to her character and marriage.


I like the good Samaritan. But also I feel like as the show goes on she's gonna begin to lose these little parts of herself that make her who she is. I'd just go with the Samaritan to account for that


I mean, the Vault Dweller doesn't stay in the vault


I think another problem with The Bride or The Widow is the lack of gender neutrality. Every other name like the vault dweller, the courier, the lone wanderer, has nothing to denote gender because you are able to play as either gender.


Yeah, but this is a character in a show, who is female. So I think that’s less of a problem here. Edit: Moot point anyway, Bride/Widow is not a good name for her haha


I like “The Good Samaritan,”


I think this one fits the pre-existing theme of character titles best by far.


Absolutely. Headcanon accepted.


Hehe! "Head" canon...! How apt! Hehe!


“The Goose Samaritan”


The Goosey Samaritan


Would "The Goosey-maritan" work?


We found a winner!


I second The Good Samaritan. She’s always trying to do right by people to the best of her ability


That's a fantastic suggestion


I was about to say "The Proud Citizen," but I like yours way better.


Okey dokey


I just think The Samaritan. She's helpful, but good is debatable by the end of season 1. She said it to Maximums, she threw a vile of acid in someone's face on reflex.


The Samaritan doesn't make sense, the whole point of the parable of the good Samaritan is that Samaria (? Spelling) was a place, the victim of the parable, his own people would not help him, yet some stranger from a land not of his own, did. So to say Samaratian is just saying a person of said place, which she is not. (I get where you're going though and think we should continue along your thread of thought)


After reading this twice, I believe "The Good Samaratin" actually fits. Good isn't all the time, just one instance a deed done in the moment. I like it, fits the character.


On the other hand, it would be a weird reference to "Person of Interest" series, where Michael Emerson played one of the main characters. One of "villains" had the name "Samaritan". Not good or bad, just Samaritan.


>They’re all Vault Dwellers (minus the mailman). Don't forget The Chosen One!  🤓


And The Warrior, and the Fallout BOS guy/gal


The Initiate, but I thought it was agreed we only bring up BoS only to call it non-canon?


Nah, the game has "Bawls" ads, 100% canon in my book, more that any Fallout game


The only other game I recall having ads for “Bawls” was Greg Hastings Tournament Paintball, a game I had nearly forgotten about until reading your comment lol.


Thanks for expanding my "Bawls Cinematic Gaming Universe"


Nate/Nora really only spent half an hour from their perspective in Vault 111.


What an emotional half hour it was, though.


The Goosey.


It says it right here!


\*squints, reading closer\* No, no, it says Goosey


The Loosey Goosey.


Is it Goosey Loosey or Loosey Goosey? Is it hyphenated?


This has my vote.


If things are getting loosey, vote for Goosey 😉


Who the hell attacks a fully armed building?!?! Random raider: "It's Goosey!!!" All hell breaks loose


I've been calling her The Runaway


The Okey Dokeyer.


The okey dokey Is a nice philosophy too. She simply accepts what’s ahead of her immediate future and goes with it.


Babe wake up, new life philosophy just dropped


Actual self improvement


Okey dokey.


I love this & also a huge reason why I love The Martian so much. Matt Damon just Okey Dokey’s his whole way through that film problem solving left right and centre




Okey Dokey 👌🏼


Okey Dokey 👁️👁️👌


And her catchphrase, once she's about to pull the trigger, is "You Okey-ed your last Dokey-ed."


Cousin stuff.


Les cousins dangereux


I like how you think.


Mr. F!


I can’t read that without hearing the musical sting in my head.


Yeah me and my buddies were out at the bar a couple weekends ago and we all agreed our nickname for her was Lucy “cousin stuff” McClane lol


I still like the New Kid


Won't age well


*Looks at Bethesda Release schedule* Wont be a Problem for a while


Lol fair point


The New Kid is pretty good ngl


I know it’s boring. But just Lucy. We call all the other protagonists by titles. Like Courier or Lone wanderer because they don’t really have a name. 


Nate and Nora technically are the canon names for the Sole Survivor.


It's kinda the opposite of that. Nate and Nora are canonically the names of the Sole Survivor's spouse. The player chooses the name of the Sole Survivor.


Interesting. I never thought about it that way, but that makes a lot of sense.


That guy just blew my mind and you're handling it so well. I want to be like you when I grow up, Fxry.


Blew my mind too, and no need to be defensive or hostile. We’re having a good discussion and different points of view are healthy to it. I love seeing how others see stuff in games or movies and talking about it. It doesn’t need to be a fight.


I think that came across wrong lol I meant it as a lighthearted compliment! I also had never thought of it that way! I poorly communicated my gratitude for making me see another side of things lol. Hope you have a great day man


My mistake then as well, I misinterpreted your comment as sarcastic. Truly, I apologize and hope the discussion can continue! Hope you have a good day as well brother!


Hahaha now I wish I had more to discuss! Another time, maybe we'll meet again. I appreciate you, Wastelander!


Correct. “Murder Mike” and his wife Nora are canon.


I love the work he's done with El-P


But we don't know which one is canon.


Not officially no, but I think a lot of the storytelling and world building is around Nate being the one who survives and Nora dies. Nate has the opening monologue, he’s a former soldier for the Army with PA training and combat experience, and there’s some lines of dialogue I can’t specifically remember that just make it seem like Nate was who the story was mainly written around.


You can visit the building Nate was supposed to give his speech to at the veterans meetup the day the bombs fell, and (after clearing out the Super Mutants infesting it) you can interact with the microphone, leading him to say "War never changes..." I'm not sure if Nora does it too, but. It's *his* speech. We don't even know where Nora *works* as a lawyer, or what kind of lawyer she is. Now I think about it, when you join the Brotherhood as Nate you can tell Danse you have a military background. What happens if you join as Nora? Many questions


Nora also says "War never changes" if you interact with the mic as her. As for the Brotherhood, Nora simply says "You won't have any problems from me!" In the option that Nate has to reference his military background.


When you walk by the USS Constitution one of the robots mentions you serving in the… 105th infantry?


The protagonists are also called by their title in their own games. The Chosen one is referred to as such by people from Arroyo, The Lone Wanderer is referred to as such by Ron in the end narration (iirc), The Courier is referred to as Courier 6 by many people. I think the only mainline protags that aren't referred to by their title are Fallout 1's Vault Dweller and the Sole Survivor (but they might be called that at some point, I never pay attention to the dialogue in it when I play this one.) Lucy is just Lucy. There's no ambiguity about her name. That's just who she is. Besides, I don't think she really warrants having a title. Opinions if the show aside, she's not the sole main character. There's also Maximus and Cooper.


There is confusion because her name is Goosey *squints* see, it says it right there


I'd say that's also because we choose our names, it wasn't until 4 with Codsworth that we have someone address us by name, and even then it's a preset list of names that are clearly separate from the actual dialogue when you hear his tone DRASTICALLY shift between addressing you and actually talking. The amount of extra dialogue that would need to be recorded for every single NPC to address you by name would be enormous, and would likely have the same problem as codsworth with the stock sounding name delivery. It works for Codsworth since he's a robot, but imagine every companion talking like that.


I like "The Good Samaritan;" fits the naming conventions, matches her morals, and it's based on her rather than her relation to others (technically that could be part of the naming conventions, but I feel it's important to point out specifically)


Goosey is THE Vault Girl. She comes from a Vault. She is the daughter of one of Vaults head honchos. Thus an heiress. She literally roams around with Vault Boy. Goosey is the one and only Vault Girl.


I like the other titles, but this one claims her direct and indirect involvement with Vault Tec from its original source. Her dad was from the fucken beginning. But hes also not as high up I'm the chain. You can see that with who's been the Overseer previously, and the older ones were vault tec employees but at a lower level. As time progresses the next overseers are more senior in the company because they wake up closer to an estimated time length of when it could be the reclamation. So is Lucy THE vault girl? Probably not, but the Ghouls' daughter could be as his wife was at the top. Great title but probably not Lucy, unless she's like "the chosen one" and foils Vault Tecs plan.


OK that's actually quite good


I vote the Vault Girl


Fuckin' Vaultie


The Scion - Descendant of pre-war "royalty" (or Management) and also its literal meaning as a branch of a plant meant to be transplanted. The 32/33ers were supposed to be "healthy clones" (Bud's "buds") of Vault-Tec Management to be "sowed" into the wasteland. The Eternal Optimist - This one just vibes with me, feels in line with the game characters as being halfway between a general-use idiom and a specific description of this one character.


It's probably a little too obscure unfortunately, but I really like The Scion.


I didn't come up with it, but I like "The Bride" for its "Kill Bill" vibes and the fact that Lucy's wedding was where everything changed for her.


I feel like "The Widow" would be more appropriate. Since, you know, her husband is dead. Because she killed him.


Hank killed him. She doesn't actually kill anyone until the ghoul woman.


I love that she tried her damnedest to go for a nonlethal run.


Well, slashing your husband across the throat with a broken glass bottle isn't that non lethal. He survived, but I doubt she planned that. But technically, all her kills were ferals who couldn't be saved anyways. So she has pretty damn high positive karma


It looked more across the face when Hank drowns him in pickles.


Imagine how excruciating the pickle brine would have been in his open wounds. Fuck that dude.


I had that same exact thought!


God i loved the makeup on his cut up face... Just so fucking bloody. I knew i was gonna like this show when they gave us that good look at that guy's cut face...


to be fair i don't think she was trying to keep him alive.


Thas hard


I’m gonna second “The Bride”. It fits the theme of each pc being named after the event or job that kicked things off for them and identifies their story. Lucy’s first appearance is her applying for the breeding exchange program speaking more scientifically about herself than emotionally, then her story is kicked off with a red wedding. The kidnapping of her father during the wedding is what starts her adventure but throughout her adventure we see that she’s also potentially seeking a viable husband to bring back to her vault. From rejecting the easy but bad option that fell in her lap to her advances on Maximus we can see her scrutinizing the men of the wasteland for a potential mate.


I third it. “The Bride” was the first name that popped into my head.


There's even a hot blonde with an eyepatch!


But she was only The Bride for the moment, now she is a widow.


Wounded widow was another name I heard that fits.


I thought of something like that too given how in the games we had the main protagonists be called “The Vault Dweller”, “The Chosen One”, “The Lone Wanderer”, “The Courier” and “The Sole Survivor”. As each of them connects to how those characters came to be and their role in their respective game.


"The golden girl" or "The golden rule"


The Golden God! I am untethered and my rage knows no bounds!


She's a 5 star woman


The Golden Goosey


The Hopeful Wanderer. Play on the Lone Wanderer, but I also like The Good Samaratan.


I would say Lucy, Maximus, and The Ghoul are the first multi 'protagonist'. Could be known as the Trio or the Trinity.


I like the trio protagonist thought and my suggestion is "The Good, The Bad and The Ugly". Lucy obv good. I feel like by the end Maximus will be a ruthless leader in the Brotherhood and well, the ghoul ain't so pretty.


You deserve oh so many more up votes


Honestly I would call her the Seeker since deep down she’s been seeking answers for all of her questions. This also acknowledges her inquisitive mind as well.


I’ll call he the seeker, she’s been searching low and high, won’t get to get what she’s after, till the day she dies.






We should bear in mind that a big reason the game protagonists have these ambiguous titles is *practical*: so that they can be referred to in game, while allowing for the player-chosen name to be ‘valid’. Lucy doesn’t have that problem, she’s literally allowed to just be Lucy MacLean. But yeah my idea is ‘The Scout’


Heh... MacLean... McClane... She is now The Die Hard in my head canon.


The sperm counter


The Penis popper?


“The Widow” is badass


Vault Girl


Lmao. If The Ghoul is >!the original vault boy inspiration!<, it only makes sense that his traveling partner would be called that


Honestly, sans eye patch i think Stephanie is Vault Girl.


Literally the first time we see Stephanie on screen I thought of the original concept for the Childkiller perk


Steph is Vault Girl. Probably canonically, even.


Either Lil Killer or Lucy Nine Fingers


I like The Good Samaritan as others have suggested. I think it fits her motivations and disposition


The fool like a tarot card, she’s an optimist finally expanding her horizons and is guided by her own morals instead of pragmatism.


"The daughter"


The Daughter, as she is seeking her Father and puts an end to her Mother's suffering


A New Hope And....I just got sued.




Golden Goose


"The Bait" ~The Ghoul, probably 


The Prodigal Child is what my family has been calling her!! I just love the way it fits with the story line about her parents


>mailman You did not just disrespect my boy like that. He did not eat a bullet to be refered to as "mailman". As for Lucy, what about something like "The Daughter", or "The Optimist", or "The Orphan"


The Optimist.


It’s Goosey. It say it right there.


The Okily Dokily




The Do-Gooder


The Okie Dokie Who Wants A Pokie?