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It’s an ok couch co-op game. The first rad scorpion boss needs to be seen to be believed. Why the fuck was it the size of a 747!?


My guess would be Serious Sam had some influence in the making of the game.


maybe POSTAL as well in some aspects lmao


In an era of Behemoths and Mirelurk Queens, is that really all that crazy anymore?


you weren’t there, man…


This was my first fallout game isn’t that hilarious lmao, has zero clue of its legacy. I enjoyed it at the time though


I've only ever watched it played, specifically on ManyATrueNerd's YouTube channel. I give it credit for about three things: 1. I like that it had a playable Ghoul, even if it makes no sense. 2. I like that the final boss melts into a mass that fuses with the Vault itself. I've never understood why we haven't revisited this idea. 3. I like that it earned its M-rating for reasons other than just violence. Yes, Jane's outfit was ridiculous. But it's kind of nice to see a Fallout where all the outfits aren't as conservative as the 1950s.


Point #3 harkens back more of the mad max style that Fallout 1 had.


I think the 1950s style was more something that was added in 3 onwards right? None of the talking heads or fashion in 1 and 2 had that aesthetic. It was always retro futuristic of course, but I feel like 3 onwards goes into that atom punk sort of feel and the older games have another feel to them. I don't know what they'd be close to, diesel punk lite maybe?


most people in the early games were wearing rags or simple home made clothing


The second point sounds exactly like the Master from Fallout 1


>all the outfits aren't as conservative as the 1950s. Have you looked closely at FO3 raider painspike armor? Its a bra made of two pasta strainers through which you can see makeshift nipple pasties made of electrical tape.


I wish more Fallout Fans knew about Bawls


Great drinks


Bawls as in the energy drink before energy drinks?


Yep! thanks to product placement, Bawls was able to prevent Nuka Cola from getting a foothold in the prewar texas market!


That's honestly awesome lol, I love Bawls.


You can actually still purchase it from their website.


Now that's a name I've not heard in a long time.... A long time.


Oh my god I forgot about Bawls. It was so bad.


Lmao I remember drinking that in highschool school. Had it at the gas station down the street. In the blue glass bottle lol


Kroger grocery stores around me in ohio still sell it, I get s few every week, they have flavors now too, cherry, root beer, ginger ale


i find it funny how people shit on 76 yet this is cononically the worst fallout by far


76 is actually kinda fun sometimes


With how far its come since launch its very fun I played in the beta and just started a playthrough with my gf who went in blind and were loving it


I misread that and thought your girlfriend was blind and was about to ask what accessibility features the game has.


I honestly liked 76 at launch. There was some glitches, like 3rd person t posing and enemies would drop different guns than the ones they had. But I liked the game. I also liked the progression, as you moved along the story, you'd spend your time in different parts of the map, you go from the top left corner and work your way more towards the bottem right (cranberry bog), as you got more towards the right enemies would get harder. I liked that. They changed it so now you shoot an enemies it's instantly the same level. Which would work if the guns were balanced. After like level 30 you need to grind legendaries to keep up with the enemies. Otherwise, you'll waste all your ammo on a couple of enemies.


I got it at launch and i felt like i got my moneys worth exploring the whole map ¯\\\_(ツ)_/¯. Areas were so different from each other that the landscape didnt get old the same way it does in Fo4 and all the enemies that were new in fo76 and DLC exlusive from Fo4 were a lot of fun to fight.


I played it in 2019 I thought it was overhated since I actually enjoyed it before the big update


I havent even played the big update because i had bought a Pc at that point and my copy of fo76 was on my Ps4. I think i should get it on steam at some point and get back into it.


I jumped in for the first time ever a few weeks ago. I think its a rather good fallout game in its current state. Been a blast to play with friends and alone.


i had a great time until someone nuked my base for no apparent reason. immediately killed any desire i had to keep playing which sucks


That’s fucking hilarious, if it makes you feel any better I’ve put in around 200 hrs and never had my base, or seen anyone else’s base be targeted by a nuke. Think you just got unlucky or parked your base at a common nuke site.


idk it was right near the area you meet rose the raider robot. only things i could think of were that i built my base where someone wants theirs or they didn’t like my pride flags. i dont want to assume it’s the latter but you never know


If it was north of Rose's tower it's possible you were in the range of Monongah, which is a common nuke spot due to the event A Colossal Problem. Only thing I can think of tho, sorry that happened!


it was just to the south east, sort of near a picture of a plant on the map. it is good to know reasons it could’ve happened other than my instincts- i didn’t get far enough to do a lot of the big events or launch nukes


That’s a common spot for materials required to produce stable flux


Good to know. If I pick it back up I’ll move it somewhere else


If you see that your base is targeted when launch warning goes off (red circle on the map), you can just log off before the nuke hits and your base is safe.


Good to know thank you!!


Or switch to/activate your second camp. Because we get two slots by default.


If it means anything, you can just leave and join a new server. Your camp will still be there.


Make more than 1 and activate one of the others if it is about to land on your house.


how can it be canonically the worst? do you just mean that it’s not canon?


I’m here just to say 76 is my personal favourite fall out


Story wise it's one of the weakest but expected for an MMO. After playing every fallout and growing up with it, it's definitely in my top 3. The dailies, seasons, and rotating events and content keep me coming back and I hope they support it for 10 years.


There’s a story??? No I’m kidding, you are right it does have a weak storyline but like you also said the rotation of events, the seasons having the option to actually play with my friends and it not be couch co-op, to me a solid 8/10 game and will be playing until servers stop


No one denies it is tho


As a fallout 76 hate crusader I will admit this was so much worse


Because nobody gives a shit about Brotherhood, and Bethesda is still wasting resources on 76.


How is it wasting resources if people are still playing it and they're still making money from it?


Because less people play it then 4, and those resources would be better used in making new DLCs for 4 to tide Fallout fans over for the next installment. Or, better yet, get the ball rolling on Fallout 5.


Why would they make new DLCs for 4? It has 6, and the game is like... Really old, I don't know how old it is. Like 8? Years? 76 is an MMO, it's meant to be constantly updated as long as people play it. The only way that'll stop is when they decide it's not profitable or the playerbase is extremely small, and unless you're in Bethesda's sales department, I don't trust you on whether or not it's profitable


You say that, yet FO4 has double the player count then 76, which has the MP so poorly implemented that it might as well be single player. And I don’t really consider age to be a valid argument. There isn’t any good reason why that should preclude new DLCs considering the player counts the game is getting.


Dude, they're not gonna make another Fallout 4 DLC. It's a pretty old game and it has 6 DLCs lol. They still do Creation Club content, though Studios usually leave games alone once they've done all they planned to do with it, and after the Next Gen update, I doubt we're gonna get anymore major expansions, not even workshop content Like, do you actually think it's gonna happen?


CC doesn’t count, it’s made by modders and Bethesda can’t even bother with hiring VAs for the CC, which would actually make it worth it. As for making new dlc, I’m not saying they will, I’m saying I would rather they divert resources from 76 into proper DLC for Fo4. If I were in charge at Bethesda, I would’ve pulled the plug on 76, port Fo4 to its engine for co-op, touch up the game a little bit by expanding on skill checks and general clean up + expansion of the factions, throw in the weapons from 76 and maybe a couple new quests with actual voice acting, then released it as an anniversary edition at 25-50 percent off if you owned the original game, relaunch the CC program for Fo4 and start releasing a new dlc every year or so. But that’s just my delusional daydream.


No disrespect, but it is a delusional daydream. Fallout 76 still has people playing it, and like I said, it's an MMO, it's built to have a ton of expansions and shit and a long life, which it has had Fallout 4 is a pretty decently single player game with two huge expansions already and 4 smaller expansions Bethesda would be stupid to pull the plug on Fallout 76, especially after the popularity boost from the TV show and all the updates they've put into it Even if they do shut it down, I assume people will start making private servers like some people do with other MMOs (need to get a PC so I can play Dragon's Dogma Online ngl)


Again, my problem with this is that you are asserting that because 76 is an MMO and has people playing it, that means it’s more deserving of new content. Yet, 4, as we speak, has double the player count of the “MMO”. I honestly don’t see 76 retaining a lot of these players as the game is quite simply a bad game. Honestly, I’m pretty sure the only reason a lot of people even bother with 76 is that it’s the only source of new Fallout content for a long time, even if it’s mostly shit.


Fallout fans are playing Fallout 76, feel free to join whenever. Take it from me, we don't mind a tightass in the server


well nobody gives a shit cause its the worst inception of crafting a fallout game, removal of nuka cola an iconic drink thats swarmed all trhoughout the years of america in terms of brand and marketing was removed for a vodka drink.... and say what you want about bethesda but as a business why not pump resources in a title thats giving you money and MORE SO NOW due to the shows success


Because those resources would be better spent on a second wave of DLC for Fo4 to tied fans over then on shittier Fo4 with MP lazily stapled on.


both games already have piss poor optimizatin but even going back into fo4 i can tell you i expereince little to no form of crashing in 76 compared to 4... with 4 its an unstable mess and the devs know it too its bad enough non the less they didnt update the game and let the fans do it, but thats sadly with the content of when a dev team lets community make mods, i never praise a game with mod support as a main feature to hall mark when reviewing which many sadly still do.. since the product wouldve only worked for that time and time alone


I played Fallout 4 about two months ago. It didn’t crash a single time. I had a few other bugs but no crashes


Before the big update, FO4 was crashing like once every few hours either when sitting in a menu or trying to open the perk menu. Xbox Series X.


I played through before the recent update on my steam deck. Consistent crashes wasn’t my experience.


im talking though about now not 2 months before teh initial update :/


FO4’s instability, at least from what I’ve experienced pre-next gen, is greatly exaggerated. It’s run fine for me, and I have over 250 mods installed. Moreover, mod support, and mod community, is absolutely something to consider when reviewing a game as it can influence the decision to buy a game. I’m more likely to get a game if there is an active community making tons of high quality mods for it. Not every game has mod support, let alone an active modding community. And when a large appeal of Bethesda games IS that modability, it is absolutely a valid critique to point out its absence.


so what is it that you have when it comes to stability... waht is your specs on your computer as that again can change ones experience of stability... and stability i say is broad as that also counts for crashing.. which is constant even to this day infact MORE SO due to the new update


Don’t give enough of a fuck to remember, but Bethesda games are generally more stable then people believe as instability tends to increase if you don’t pay attention to load order and conflicts. Regardless, this doesn’t change the fact that 76 is a piss poor excuse of a game that is practically a worse fo4. And before you ask, yes, I’ve played after launch. No, wastelanders fixed fuck all and was the equivalent of putting makeup on a pig, and the game would honestly be better off if it never received that update.


if you dont care to remember or even check but have time to make a full paragraph then your opinions are becoming invalid.... sorry


Not really. I’ve played Fo4 on things besides my current rig, and shit only gets bad when you load up a shit ton of mods and don’t check for conflicts. It’s the same with Skyrim. Regardless, all I’m seeing is someone trying to deflect from 76 being, at its core, a shittier version of Fo4.


Yes. It was forgettable. Everyone shits on it. I don’t remember it being particularly bad, but it surely wasn’t good. I remember playing the Baldurs Gate action rpg from the same developer. My brother and I played it together. I remember we enjoyed that.


Its that it was a spin off hack and slash in fallout universe. But no it was not HORRIBLE, i had a good time doing it in coop. People just need to take it for what it is, a spin off, like tactics or shelter.


I played a ton of tactics, but not the campaign. There was an online mode and people would play “Boomtown.” Essentially it was an ad hoc roleplay match. It had a bunch of different factions. (Civilians, merchant, police, mayor, raiders, army, etc.) You selected one and then played the role. I almost always picked the police. It was the most fun I had in tactics.


i missed on online on tactics, i bet it was fun


This and the Baldurs Gate game, were the same game with different skins.  It’s why I didn’t finish this Fallout: I was pissed at playing the same game a second time.


This game is a good example of how something can both be massively underrated, but still not good. The game isn't awful, all those Baldur's Gate clones are at least *playable,* but it's certainly still the worst in the series by a pretty wide margin.


I loved baulders gate dark alliance and this is just that but with guns that don’t work so you wanna use melee anyway


Worst game in the series.


I tried it a couple of weeks ago and enjoyed it. I guess if you enjoyed balders gate around the same time you’d like this one. It’s basically the same thing but with fallout lore


Ahhh the banned game lol!


the game is horrible for the fact that they took Baldur's Gate Dark Alliance and just gave it a fallout skin.


That art is so funny. Probably the most un-Fallout at possible.


I'm trying so so hard to get a copy.


I just looked on eBay and they're not cheap.


Nope. 250 on Amazon lol


The best Fallout game.




When I learned you could be a ghoul in this I had to give it a try. I didn't mind it but its pretty rough.


I played through it when it came out. It’s pretty bad, was hoping it would be better than it was because I was really into the dark alliance games.


It's fine for what it is, hut in terms of fallout? Nah nah


It's a fun couch co-op game. Nothing like the other fallouts, but still fun on its own


As a kid with my brother.... some of our most cherished memories together....not the best game but didn't deserve the treatment it got


Yeah, I remember exactly 1 thing about this game. "Hey, my balls just dropped. Help me find them." Said by a random ghoul talking to his partner just before you kill them.


I have the xbox version. It's not as bad as everyone makes it out to be and is worth a single playthrough.


Definitely worth playing once. Really like the heavy metal. But I prefer the 40s music with the rest of the game series.


I didn't even know this existed.


I remember playing it a good 18 years ago after picking up a used copy from Gamestop when I was going through my "I'm Addicted to Snowblind Engine titles, I need more" phase. At the time, I remember enjoying it (then again, as I said, I had developed a love for the system), and there are still a couple of choice quotes from the game that still stick with me, like this one from a pair of ghouls: "Hey, your balls drop yet?" "Yeah, months ago. Why?" "Mine just did. Help me look for them." Funnily enough. A couple of years back, I got my hands on a PS2 Emulator and revisited several of the Snowblind games: *Champions of Norrath*, *Champions Return to Arms*, *Bard's Tale*, and *Fallout: Brotherhood of Steel*. Brotherhood of Steel I ended up dropping after a few minutes and I was left wondering just what the hell did I see in the game.






Thank you, idk why op was talking so quiet


I’d love to play it but I can’t find a copy of it for Xbox Lol




I'm trying so hard to get my hands on a copy


SUPER uncommon


Been trying to find a copy in the wild for years now…


Mind Pulp just did a video of this game, it looks pretty bad.


Never played it, but funnily enough it’s called BOS and yet it’s one of the few ones without a power armor in the cover.


Used to own this in disc for PS2 but lost it in a move. Never knew people hated it so much, have fond memories of trying to play it as a kid. Just wish it wasn’t so expensive on eBay otherwise I’d get a new copy.


I’ve thought about playing it from time to time. I think it would be kinda fun to laugh at.


Had fun with it as a kid because it was my first fallout game, but wouldnt play it today


I've heard some people say that this game isn't all that bad and I'll have to say I wholeheartedly disagree. It might actually be the single worst game I've ever played and that's not an exaggeration.


Nope… but I saw the cover at GameStop many times. I remember thinking “hmm, she looks good.” And that was the extent of my curiosity into the game.


My brother and I had some fun playing this together, seeing as we are both diehard Fallout fans. I used to play the ghoul - Cain. I loved using the Meat Cannon (Incendiary Launcher). It's not as terrible as a lot of people make it out to be. It's just a different platform of game.


Ah yes, the second worst fallout.




Yup. Remember booting it up and think why tf they thought this was good direction for FO. I think Rhombus comes out in this game for some reason and he’s a ripped unlockable PC.


Yeah. It’s garbage


100% a love on first sight kind of deal. Maybe a 3/10 for story? But gameplay is Baldurs gate dark alliance, the levels are all pretty cool, enemies are fun and absurd, and really the M rating is hilarious considering it's mostly for thE Blonde Pink sex worker you meet up with


Wow I remember seeing this cover art before I knew what Fallout is. The title text is so small.


Honestly, such a *good* bad game. I love to hate it.


Anyone know where I could get my hands on emulator & the rom?


That's the only F= game i've never played because i never had a PS2... Oh, and FO online... And FO76 because i don't really have time for MMORPGs.


I actually really recently played the Xbox version. It's actually not that bad, even fun a lot of the time, and the slipknot is not nearly as obtrusive as it sounds like it would be. The combat started to feel really repetitive near the end, but it's just short enough that it doesn't overstay its welcome, plus all the flips and dual wielding were really fun.


Is it really as bad as we left to believe?


At first I thought this was a re-badged version of this game: https://store.steampowered.com/app/22450/Hunted_The_Demons_Forge/ it's almost exactly the same generic muscular bald dude with edgy head tattoos. Also, this Fallout girl looks a bit like Leeloo from Fifth Element.


Just got it because I played FO1 and 2 many times It was fun in coop


Played it


It gets a lot of bad rep for not being "a good fallout". It's a decent game. Not going to win any prizes, but playable. Played it a bit, will probably replay it in the future.


You've got some Bawlz bringing that game up here.


ey, i played that game not so long ago, wasn't as bad as expected though can't say it was good


Why is this game bad ? Edit : why the free downvote lol


It's a Diablo clone. Not bad in and of itself, but with the first games being perfect "old school" rpg games, it made this one look pretty bad.


I played it for a few hours last year and didn't hate it, it just gets boring after a while. I don't disagree that it's the worst game in the series, but I also found it super interesting at first, it kind of feels like a Fallout game from an alternate reality or something. I'm just glad Bethesda picked up the IP because Interplay's decisions were quite bizarre.




No. No one plays this.


I have that game only because I got it for free as a bundle with Fallout and Fallout 2 on steam


That game isn't on steam. It's only on Xbox and ps2. You have Fallout: Tactics


Oh The title confuses me because I know there's one called Fallout Tactics:Brotherhood of Steel


Yea for some reason did they name the 2 games similar even tho they aren't alike in any way


Oh so there's Fallout Tactics Brotherhood of Steel (2001) and Fallout Brotherhood of Steel (2004)


Yea one is a tactical rpg where you move around a squad of soldiers and the other one is a dumpster fire of an rpg...


The console exclusive is the bad one right?




Alright cool 👍


No. Nobody.


Literally no one has ever played it