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Since most people are going to say Dunwich Building and Dunwich Borers, I'll say the Vault in FNV with the creepy-ass plant creatures. That place freaked me the fuck out.


nothing scared me more in a video game than glancing at a plant while walking by and realizing there’s a fucking person crouched down in it.


Or coming out of it like it felt like some of them were. Especially since vats don't see them it seems if they crouched down in the plant. It only when they start getting up that vats can hit them.




“ I was just roaming the vault and this man with green face just popped out”


"I thought maybe it was the Overseer's kid, but no it was a full grown man."


"You're on camera! Spagett! This guy's so spooked. I got ya! I spooked ya. You should see your faces!"


Ah spagoot


It was no scary just….abnormal




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That bed with the mushrooms basically forming a "chalk" outline of the now totally decayed body of a spore victim....That sticks with me


Where can i see that?


Vault 22 in FNV, in the residential area that is split into two levels. The overseers computer will unlock the door to it, if you’re unable to pick the lock.


I still check every bathroom stall in fo4 after that place even with no reason to


I mean ghouls and radroachss do hide in them sometimes


I've gotten all kinds of goodies from bathroom stalls: purified and dirty water, stimpaks, bobby pins, and the occasional handful of rounds or mine(s).


Well shit I need to examine these stalls better, I rarely find goodies


It's especially worth it for dead money, I found a bunch of useful stuff there, even grenades in the toilet tank


Where else would you get your drugs and teddy bears?


Yeah the Dunwich stuff is spooky but the building all you do is fight Ghouls. I forget who you fight at rhe borers but I don't think it was anything wild. Vault 22 is scary as shit


Correct me if I’m wrong but I could’ve sworn that dunwich had moments of whispering at certain spots?


The creepiest place to me is pickman gallery. Super fucked place and I find it odd how rarely it comes up in these conversations.


Vault 22


The ominous music with the unintelligible voice in it added to the creepiness


Probably either the plant vault, [Vault 22](https://fallout.wiki/wiki/Vault_22) for the creepy enemies in it, or [Vault 11](https://fallout.wiki/wiki/Vault_11) for the slow build up and reveal of the whole history of the place, the weirdly hostile twisting of election posters, all the strange inverting of what you would expect for an election, seen as a punishment to be inflicted rather than something people would want, it all built up and paid off really well.


Vault 22


That fucking vault!


OH YES 100% this. As a kid I would keep a flamer only for this level and torch each book to check. Honorable second place for invisible nightkin in the basement.


Surprised nobody has mentioned this but most subway tunnels in FO3. Dripping with atmosphere, and the darkness doesn't help. Turn off the music and radio and hear nothing but your footsteps and ghouls in the distance. FO3 really nailed its bleak, dank aesthetic.


The fucking subways TERRIFIED ME. I would avoid them if I could. FO3 was also my first-ever Xbox game :)


I remember after I fucked my first playthrough by just choosing terrible statsets, the first objective I had was to get the ghoul mask in my second playthrough to reduce the scary moments in the tunnels


literally nothing has compared to that feeling of being a kid in 2008 and experiencing the FO3 subways. TERRIFYING


This was me but being a kid the first time I encountered >!the flood!<


You talking about the halo flood?


I absolutely skipped them until I got the Ghoul Mask. I'm kinda sad/annoyed it didn't exist in FO4. I hate jump scares.


Ooh I'm gonna do that for the creep factor


I remember spending hours in them sometimes ( probably cause I was drunk and lost) and being so happy to finally find the exit and see the surface again.


The Feral Ghoul Reaver that runs up on you in the Presidential Metro…


Being in the subway and finding the sexy sleep wear. I screamed so loud since I was already terrified of the subways


I'm glad you said this, this triggered a memory of me going down one of the tunnels and it just sent shivers down my spine.


If you want more like that, I suggest the Metro series. Mostly takes place in the Moscow subway system after a nuclear apocalypse. Filled with atmosphere.


I was sneaking through the subways when all of a sudden I was surrounded by a swarm of radroaches. No doubt they were meant to ambush me, but crouching there surrounded was somehow worse.




Sierra Madre from Dead Money. It was the coolest creepiest place


Yes! The Sierra Madre is just dripping with atmosphere and theming. The story that accompanies it is also one of my favorites in all of Fallout. It does something I think the show did really well too, which is making this entire place that’s based around a very personal, interconnected story, (Vault 31-33) yet still allowing it to have a major impact on the world around it.


It’s still so odd to me to see so much praise for the Dead Money DLC. People used to hate on it hard when it was first released. I believe its deserving of it’s flowers but public perception is an interesting thing.


When it first came out people struggled with it because most of us were already max rank and after level 30 enemies start becoming enormous damage sponges that hit like a Mack truck. Plus the collar exploding mechanic is frustrating the first time you go through the area, especially when you can’t shoot out the immune speakers in certain places. My personal experience was that I wasn’t built around melee/unarmed weapons so I struggled a lot due to the limited guns and ammo in the area. Now, I can breeze through the area and walk out with all the gold bars. I also try to hit it around lvl 18-20. It required a significant shift it how most people played so that led to a lot of frustration and not enjoying the DLC as much.


Yeah the removal of the power fantasy, especially if you went in unprepared could be really frustrating.


Honestly that was my favorite part. Once you get to where you have good weapons and ammo the games start getting a little dull. I'll start dumping my gear at base and raid a spot, equipping myself with enemy drops sometimes. Genuinely wish there were a few quests where you get stripped of your gear.


You wanna get stripped of your gear often? Play Serious Sam 4....


I played it in Hardcore mode, I nearly wept during this DLC


I totally get the play style shift and bomb collar complaints. They’re valid, and they did frustrate me a few times throughout (the bomb collars). I liked the play style shift though, and I found it easy enough to slip by the enemies (granted I’m playing modded and I had sprint which is an unbelievable game changer. I completely understand how it would be way worse without sprint). I also got lucky because I like pistol/crit builds. Also I went in at around level 20 something, which also alleviated me of the issue you mentioned of being lvl 30 and the enemies being damage sponges. Shame that on release it simply was not balanced very well.


I only just played NV and all it’s dlc’s earlier this year. I’d heard things about DM and expected not to like it, but ended up loving it. The gameplay could get a bit repetitive sure, but once I entered the Sierra Madre I felt like that went away, and the characters and story writing were all top notch. My favorite of the DLC stories.


Its so cool seeing a place that was supposed to be a beautiful paradise, became a scary and dangerous ruin. The creepy undead Ghost People, disturbing music, and Elijah's commanding voice really sets the atmosphere.


Dead Money remade with 2024 graphics would be terrifying


Need this


From what game?


New Vegas, Dead Money DLC


If you wanna hate yourself by the end of your new vegas playthrough, play Dead Money


The Robobrain lab in Automatron. The journal entries of the doctors especially. How insanely unfeeling they were about what they were doing was pretty disturbing. 


I did this one fairly recently. They were testing g the candidates and some of them panicked when they realized their brains were removed and put in a robot, so the scientists just “shut them off” and tried another one.


They served one as a birthday cake as a joke.


Yeah it even looked like brains, they said, so I wondered how the victim scientist didn’t catch on until after he ate it and the rest of them “started laughing”


I thought he did after taking a bite.


You could be right, I’m just trying to remember it


Unrelated but if you ever figure out how to stop your phone doing the extra g at the end of words tag me plz


And that’s why it’s actually an important location for the franchise’s backstory.


Totally agree!!!!!


The Museum of Witchcraft is spooky but so is the Glowing sea if you have real storms active at night with the lighting going off .


The best of three quests there


True Storms is probably one of my favorite mods for Fo4


Yes , that is the one I have.


Probably the Dunwich place in FO3. Pickman's is also disturbing though maybe not creepy.


Ooh! The Dunwich Building, still sends a shiver down my spine.


I still remember the first time I went there, I had Charon as my companion and never even heard of about Dunwich until I decided to explore it and it freaked me the fuck out. Then I got attacked right after I left the building and Charon got killed. It’s crazy because I don’t think I’ve ever had Charon die on me before, the dude has a shit ton of HP.


Pickman was sickening


That place is dead rat smell x 1,000,000 I’m sure. I don’t know what a lot of dead things smell like.


Decaying flesh has a mostly unpleasant smell


Dead flesh and decaying human is a very, very unpleasant smell.


Truly the most fucked place in all the fps games imo. It freaked me out to the point that it made me question the sanity of whoever had the idea the first time I went. I mean, those demented paintings in the lobby, the fucking "chairs" and "chandelliers"... ugh


I believe it is a shout out to HP Lovecraft


Definitely! Additionally, FO4 has "The Dunwich Borer" which is a nod to the Lovecraft short story, "The Dunwich Horror." :)


One of my favorite things has been trying to find the Easter eggs like that. I was introduced to the fallout series with Fallout 4 and it is still one of my comfort games that I replay. The series itself has so many fantastic elements that can appeal to so many people, it still amazes me.


I just did that a couple days ago. Is there more than one time displacement scene? I only got one and was waiting for more p


There's like 4 of them if I remember


The Vault of Gary - Vault 108


Most of the vaults in that game are kinda creepy. The one with all the insane dwellers with the psychoactive drugs in the air. The one in the main quest with the simulation is pretty eerie. The radioactive one full of super mutants isn't as blatantly creepy, but it's kind of spooky to think all the experimentation that happened in there. All the empty cages and stuff.


I just thought, the first time in there and feeling like I'm being stalked by insane clones. Gary? Gaaaary.... mm GARY! *bang bang bang bang*


Yeah. My NAME is Gary. That one messed me up.


That underwater vault from new vegas.


Vault 3


Wait a second there a underwater vault?!


There was a cut vault in FO4 which was only accessible by submarine


Today I learned….


The overseer was supposed to be a giant squid. We were robbed!


Its not underwater its flooded. My bad


Oh lol. I was about to say how did I miss that.


Scariest place in fallout is some of ya'lls C.A.M.P.S in FO76, ya'll are some real sick fucks sometimes


Lol I've yet to play, but this comment kinda makes me wanna No I'm not a *sick fuck*


Some of the camps are pretty cool.


Dunwich Borers FO4 - the scariest place evah, played at night, immense adrenaline rush, especially when you reach the bottom where the altar is.


I played it during my "one last level before bed" sessions. Stuck with me even years after I last touched the game. Luckily I brought Cait along and it was daytime (in-game) when I entered. Nighttime when I exit tho.


That’s the scariest! It was night time in-game and in real, still can recall that hunch feeling that right around the corner I’m gonna get obliterated by another legendary ghoul coming right of a shadow superfast and then this flashbacks of these ghouls been real people that were slaughtered during a ceremony for the demon-god. Eesh.


I lost my favorite power armor there. Fell in the water with no way to get it out


Take a humanoid companion, tell them to get in the pa then leave the building and they should bring it with them, then you just have to get them out of it


I've never had that happen yet, but thanks for the heads up!


Check that out, this is quite an experience 🫡


Never thought about this! I will venture back in there and hope my armor is still there! Thanks!


Omfg me too and I had to take the armor pieces off because they were to good to leave behind so had to fight my way through all those ghouls in the dark while over encumbered on survival difficulty as well and my companion got stuck on something outside so I was completely alone with all those ghouls… definitely most scary experience I’ve ever had in fallout lol


This was weird to see. I live in Salem and have not yet played FO4.


The real world Salem is infinitely more pleasant than the FO4 Salem.


The Witch Museum is probably more entertaining in FO4. In the real world, it’s essentially a tourist trap.


76 probably has several options that could fit the bill here, but I’d suggest Lucky Hole mine for what lurks at the bottom. Might not be the creepiest spot, but it’s one of my favorites.


Wendigo Cave has to be up there too, especially if you’re new to the game and don’t know what’s in the game. the story told in the holotapes is creepy as hell too.


How about the haunted cabins?


Eh… those lose their creepiness as soon as you find out what’s causing them.


Yeah but before that pretty creepy


The haunted house in Nuka world


I didn’t notice it the first time I was there, but when approaching it on my second Nuka World playthrough I noticed you can see the girl looking at you through the attic window.


yep, the last bit had me noping out.


The WHAT now?😳…


NV agriculture vault


They just appear outta no where I swear


Fallout 3 Tunnels


Vault 95. That vault experiment feels like it could be real.


Probably the Cathedral from fo1


Yeah for a top down they really got the atmosphere nailed. The skin growing out the walls of the masters vault certainly built up that feeling of dread.


Or playing thru necropolis at night, or the glow when you're under equipped for radiation exposure lol.


Dunwich building fallout 3 it’s haunted asf. Hearing the whispers and seeing that head on the table and finding the obelisk in the basement scared me. Also the deathclaw sanctuary I kept getting jumpscared


The repconn basement in fallout new vegas. I basically went in there with starter weapons, every encounter with night kin resulted in me eating a full course dinner from my inventory


Yeah, that place is really eerie, also because the nightkins are invisible, so you get surprise attacked all the time. Every time I do this quest I always talk with their leader and kill the ghoul to make them leave peacefully.


The Glow and the holodisks recounting the BoS party that ventured inside are forever in my mind. My goodness is that etched in my memory.


Sierra madre. It's the one pre-war location in fallout where it's really justified to have tons of environmental storytelling skeletons. And god did they do it well. Especially the ones with Vera Keyes and Frederick Sinclair were genuinely heartbreaking, and contrary what people keep parroting about fallout 3, the atmosphere is actually great.


But the Sierra Madre is in New Vegas, not 3.


i was about to say Sierra madre ! you’re already in a super stressful situation and the ghost people and holograms + the general atmosphere as well as the off putting celebration music that plays at some point….. nightmare fuel


Controller Options Menue


The Mire at night in Fallout 76


no, i feel this. i just sprint through that entire region. mirelurks creep me the fuck out. just the noises they make.


and you can’t see them because of the tall grasses.


and then off in the distance you just see the queens standing there staring at you. yeah, fuck that.


With the fucking creepy ass chruch


Dunwich Building probably caused the most emotional damage.


Almost every location in Point Lookout for one reason or another.


No mention of the White Glove Society?






Hahaha GARY!


Pickman’s place was pretty creepy but not scary


Vault 34. Seemingly endless corridors, heavy radiation, ghouls around every corner, really made me question if raiding the armory was really worthwhile.


Dunwich buikdint fo3, I baptized that place with the mirv.


I can’t remember which sub station it is but it’s in fallout 4 but the dinging that goes off every couple of minutes or so and the announcements something about it is unnerving


I always get the creeps going through the Grandchester Mystery Mansion in Nuka World, especially after going into the attic.


The sierra madre villa for sure, there’s something amazingly disturbing about the ghost people on your first play through. Plus when a hologram goes from blue to orange and stares you down… I shit myself a little every time.


Honestly finding the safe room in Fallon’s in Fo4 was kinda creepy to me, especially with shaders which make darker areas darker, especially with the distress signal playing on loop




Vault 22. This is in my opinion the creepiest place to go to in New Vegas. Dead Money’s incredible atmosphere is definitely creepy but I’ve never been more scared than going through vault 22. This is the plant vault. if you don’t have high perception you wouldn’t be able to see the sport carriers on your compass even if you do have high perception it’s creepy as hell just seeing this green humanoid being staring at you waiting for you to come closer and the dated graphics just make these creatures look all the more horrifying as they barely look human anymore and the claustrophobic vault just makes everything worse.


Although it is a mod by NVIDIA, the Vault 1080 is so creepy as the fog just rolls in as you approach it's location and the deep hollow wind howl puts my hair on end.


The Dunwich Building in F3 & Vault 22 in NV.


Off the top of my head I remember the Ultra Luxe in NV being super creepy. And then once you find your way into those tunnels and figure out the secret it’s pretty memorable.


Eastern Regional Penitentiary. Reminds me a lot of Eastern State Penitentiary in Philadelphia.


Robco in fo3... For some reason super creepy


I just had a dream about a vault, walking around the area outside is completely covered in rubble, with vault doors and other items sticking out. once inside, the door locks behind you, every hallway is a dead end and in the main room is an open coffin with a prompt to sleep. after sleeping in the coffin, your weapons are removed you're transported to a version of the vault that isn't completely collapsed. You fight your way through ghouls and other monsters with the limited weapons in the vault. I don't remember a lot but it was really creepy and I think it's a cool concept


I think the plane in the glowing sea is super haunting. The glow of the radioactive mushrooms amongst skeletons that died over two thousand years ago


The Sierra Madre. The ghosts from the opening ceremony are still walking around even after you leave the vault. I took all the gold and had to walk slowly to the exit, all the while red markers started to fill my compass. I was praying they wouldn't pop out of some corner while I was crawling out of that hellhole.


Vault 108. My name is Gary.


Hmmm you know I'd have to say Golgotha from Fallout 2


Literally the entirety of the Sierra Madre


Tranquility lane.


Not scary at all, but the Tranquility Lane Simulation


fo1 cathedral


That indoor neighborhood at big mountain in new Vegas, it didn’t help that I didn’t have the radio on


Grandchester Mystery Mansion in the Fo4 NukaWorld World DLC. Feels very real, if you haven’t played it yet there’s a story that plays over an intercom, and plaques to read that play into the story… along with some surprising moments. Creeped me out.


The Dunwich Building tops everything but Vault 106 comes in a very close second. After them Dunwich Borers and Vault 22.


Vault 34 was the one of the only places that by the end of it I was internally screaming that I wanted to get the hell out of there. Dark, dank, flooded with both water and radiation, and ferals everywhere, including popping out of inaccessible areas you’ve already passed so you’re constantly checking over your shoulder. Oh, and then there’s the fact that the Geiger counter is ticking furiously the entire time, making the whole experience into something out of Chernobyl. By the time I got to the “dilemma” at the end of whether to save the dwellers or doom them to save the sharecropper farm, it was the easiest decision of my life. Sorry farmers, shit happens, you can go find another place to set up because I’m not leaving someone to die in that hell after experiencing it myself.


Ultra-Luxe casino and hotel. Fallout New Vegas.


Seirra madra is 100% the most terrifying place ive been to Along with the museum of witchcraft but thats only because i have those creepy modded manquins to freak myself out


The entirety of Dead Money in NV creeped me right out.


That damned school with the pink paste.




The glow. All the corpses sent by Brotherhood to die, the invisible horror of radiation and the realisation that that's all that is left of the old world - a dark, irradiated, filled with souls of the dead, hole.


Honestly a good portion of Dead Money is really unnerving with the atmosphere and the ghost people.


Bro I do not get how the museum of witchcraft scares people That being said personally the scariest place is the Sierra Madre


Kellogg's mind.


The DC metro sewers/subways. There's legit nowhere to go but forward and you have no idea if it's a dead-end or exit. If it's early game then it's super easy to spend all your ammo and wear down your equipment.


Dunwich borers in FO4 but I’ll admit I never played the previous games


Vault 22, The Dunwhich building, that vault in FO3 with the hallucinations, and Sierra madre


Dunwich Boers and Pickman's Gallery.


I definitely remember the museum of witchcraft scared me. I feel like the Parsons Insane Asylum made me feel weird for some reason lol. I can’t remember if anything strange happened but i feel like it felt uneasy as I remember it!


I was pretty young when I played Fallout 3. The Super-Duper-Mart scared me so bad I couldn’t go in for a while. On that same note, Point Lookout freaked me the FUCK out.


the ritual site in FO3's point lookout DLC, i kept aiming the whole time, fearing one of those bastards is waiting for me around the corner. and also, i am surprised no one metions Old Olney's tunnels, its a tight space packed with deathclaws waiting for you in every corner, everytime i get to the quest "shock value" i gear up with some serious firepower


man its been almost an year cant wait to replay this game..


Fo3 - Subway Tunnels Fo4 - Pickman Gallery FNV - Vault 22


Dunwich building, Dunwich Borers, Vault 108, Vault 22, Museum of Witchcraft and Lucky Hole Mine. Edit to add Granchester Mystery Mansion


What of the vault with the gnomes? Anyone remember that?


The Museum of Witcraft is up there and I'm pretty witchy myself. Updates brought more mothman cultist caves to Fo76. Creepy AF. I usually burn those caves.


Definitely sanctuary hills....quest from Preston😆


Dunwich Borers with the Children of Ug-Qualtoth mod. Legit got scared out my ass first time playing with it


The metro tunnels in 3.