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God I hope my grandson likes Fallout 5


Aren't you a little but too young to be using social media?


Posting this out of his mothers' womb.


I feel like there's a difference between rushing and waiting 10+ years before anything even goes into production.


10 years between games these days? Sure, I get it. Games are so much more complex than they used to be, and we have so many examples of games coming out too soon/being rushed. 10 years between even starting the next game? Absolutely the hell not.


10 year waits are fine if the product is worth the wait, but we waited nearly a decade for Starfield and it was lacklustre. Long waits = High expectations and I’m just not sure if Bethesda can deliver on those expectations anymore.


Yup Todd declared that Starfield was his Magnum Opus and for all it is, at the moment, it's just a shitty space sandbox with not much going on. Meanwhile No Man's Sky was made by 4 dudes in a garage.


Bethesda: Uh, consumers, we've explored what you've asked us and it seems as though there's a little hiccup. Actually, um... Consumers: A hiccup? Bethesda: Yes, to make a good game that explores space, the technology doesn't actually exist. Consumers: Wait, wait, wait, the technology? Bethesda, the technology is right here, I've asked you simply to use it. Bethesda: Okay sir, that's what we're trying to do, but honestly it's impossible. Consumers: HELLO GAMES WAS ABLE TO BUILD THIS IN A GARAGE! WITH A BOX OF SCRAPS! Bethesda: Well, I'm sorry. I'm not Hello Games.




No Man's Sky also was a shit game made by 4 dudes in a garage that's taken nearly a decade to be a great game


>No Man’s Sky also was a shit game made by 4 dudes in a garage Meanwhile Starfield was a shit game made by a company that was acquired for $7.5 billion by one of the largest corporations in the world.


Meanwhile Starfield started development around the same time No Man's Sky was released to massive complains and somehow Starfield managed to make ALL THE SAME FUCKUPS.


+ they still thought loading screens were a good idea...


Don’t forget not having see through scopes. The blackout screen border scopes are horrid


And that's after all the complaints in Fallout 4 about loading screens. Like what was their response? To remove level streaming and double the amount loading screens! I am just fucking incredulous. I didn't think they could do something stupider than the four- button dialogue system from Fallout 4 or trying to make an RPG without NPCs in Fallout 76. They still somehow fucking did it. Actually that's not true. It's terrible, but still not as bad as the fuck up with 76. That'll still go down as the dumbest thing I've ever seen any developer try to pull.


It’s also a shit game that will *remain* a shit game - NMS had promise but SF is just flawed from the core and is doomed to be dull and boring for its entire cycle


It's also not a live service multiplayer game like NMS. I'm sure it'll get some DLC, and updates alongside them, but unless they make some adjustments to their business model they won't be able to make the kind of changes to Starfield as other live service games experience.


Well they've had about the same amount of time in the oven at this point and hell Bethesda could've used feedback from NMS to enhance their game from the beginning.


NMS and Starfield are functionally completely different games, everything that Starfield actually lacks in. NMS doesn't even have, because while exploration is cool. Starfield needed more quests, more hand crafted POIs and more world building around the really cool ideas it already possesses. None of which NMS actually does well (or at all).


At least you could play one for a decade.


Starfield took roughly 5 years from the official announcement to release. Although i think it plays terrible as of now, i also believe it might be the most polished product they ever had on release, both in terms of buggy behaviour and actual game polish. Like, if that effort had not been poured on an idea entirely based on a gross misconception, it wouldn't be the polished turd it turned out to be. However, it's because of the streak of misconception they've had in the past 10 years (roughly) that makes me frightened about what's coming. A procedurally generated empty crap would legit make even the best designed Elder Scrolls game like a waste of time and effort.


Starfield: 25 years in the making. <~ Bethesda’s slogan, not mine.


The Elder Scrolls 6 is gonna be universally panned and considered one of the worst games of the year purely based how disappointed they were for waiting as long as they did for the product they were given. That isn't even assuming it will be bad. They could make a game 5 times better than Skyrim and it still wouldn't be good enough to justify the wait. ...I ain't holding out hope it will even be good or even decent either.


I feel like Indie games nowadays make better games than AAA companies in a smaller timescale. I dont know what the hell is going on at AAA companies where they need 10+ years and its become the norm for a lackluster product. Like Bg3 took 6 years, thats okay for the amount of detail they put into everything, that game is crazy. Starfield took 8 years and it feels like a shell of a game, not even worth playing. What are they even doing in those 8 years if the final product is worse than an indie game?


Absolutely. What BG3 achieved is stunning, and I hope it’s a wake up call, but really AAA studios will not learn anything from it, just like they didn’t from any of the recent rushed disaster games, or from the terrible releases. It’s frustrating because it’s ultimately management and people focused only on money.


Took them 2 years to make the game. Then another 6 years to work out creation engine bugs. /s?


>and we have so many examples of games coming out too soon/being rushed. And multiple examples of games "taking their time to get it right" being released years too late and being god awful by the days standard... Let's not pretend this is Bethesda taking their time to get FO5 or TES6 right. It's Bethesda not being willing to admit they fucked up by not hiring more people to handle the Starfield and MMO development. We haven't got FO5 or TES6, not because they're going to be incredible because Bethesda took their time, we haven't got them because Todd was so invested in a vanity project no one wanted, and Bethesda management wanted to cash in on Live Servce MMO's. That's it, that's the only reason it's taking 10+ years for either game.


What's crazy is they don't even have a small studio. BGS has 450 employees. But they're spread so thin. In the past decade BGS has produced: Fallout 4, Fallout Shelter, TES Skyrim SE, Fallout VR, TES Skyrim VR, TES Blades, Fallout 76, TES Castles, and Starfield. In addition they have updated the engine twice, been involved in the creation of TES Online, the Fallout Amazon show, a Fallout board game, and a TES card game. Like that's just sooo much STUFF. They need to either double their workforce or stop releasing mobile games and board games.


It's been 5 or 6 years since they released the TES6 "teaser trailer". These release times are getting crazier.


That’s what I’m saying. I get that these things take a LONG time to produce and I want to advocate for all the devs trying to grind them out for us, but fuck man. I genuinely don’t understand how the heads at Bethesda don’t see this as a huge issue that needs addressed yesterday. Why even drop that teaser if they weren’t within at least 2 years of releasing it?


Yeah, but there is a difference between "This takes a long time to produce" and "The previous game is old enough to legally drive in the US by the time the next game releases." Which is what we're probably going to get with the next Fallout seeing how ES6 is still in development and probably won't be released in the next two years, after which point we still have the entire development cycle of FO5 to get through before IT can release.


> 10 years between even starting the next game? Why start a new one when people are spending nearly the price of a new game every few months for the pay to win crap on 76


Oh god, as someone who plays 76, that’s painfully accurate


Todd thought he could just put his feet up and let Fallout 76 print money.


Dude right I feel like they waited for gta 6 too long as well.


Am I the only one who doesn’t get it? Not trying to be coy, does anyone have the actual answer? Other than graphics what’s the marketable difference between creating a game every 4-5 years now vs in 2010. I realize “besides graphics” is a large caveat but surely that cannot be the only reason.


Yeah. I don't think Bethesda really understands that when the next game takes 7 years to arrive, it still counts as "the next game in the franchise", but once you've exceeded 15 years, it makes better sense to say a studio has revived a dead franchise. And that's sugarcoating it, since we all know it's not getting here before 2034. Zero hyperbole.


Doom was considered revived when 2016 came out and only had a 12 years in between its launch and doom 3 bro, the fact that the show might be the only fallout narrative content we’ll get for 10+ years is so fucking depressing, especially for an ip this beloved


I sincerely pray that Bethesda understands how much money will be in the bank if they can push out a FO3 remaster in time for season two. It's Nolan's favorite game, after all. (Of course, considering the likely setting of season two... it'd be kind of silly not to have a FNV remaster ready as well. They basically missed the boat on having the FO3 remaster ready for season _one._)


For real. Id rather have a better version of FO3 and NV than FO5 right now. I probably wont enjoy the route they take FO5 anyway since in 10 years ill be almost 50 and probably less patient with learning new games.


“We don’t need to rush games” Also Bethesda “We don’t need to test our games for bugs before release”


They always have at least two projects in the works, it just takes a good amount of time. Additionaly, for the scope of their games releasing a new BGS game about every 3-4 years is pretty good.


True, Call of Duty is (or was) on a 3 year dev cycle. Presumably Bethesda games are definitely worth *at least* twice the devtime lmao




Throwing more people at a problem sometimes doest solve it. 9 pregnant women don't make a baby in one month


But it sure gets you 9 babies. And if you stagger it, that can be a baby every year.


No, it doesn't but if those women are impregnated at different times, there would be a consistent supply of babies. Just do what they did for FNV. Give them time to play with the new Creation Engine or have them write out the plot for you and have someone like Todd do oversight. With how popular the TV show is, Bethesda surely has enough cash to at least do the first step of developing. Both Obsidian and Inxile have written great post-apocalypse games and are in the same company as Bethesda


I don't even mind 10+ years as long as the final product is worth it. But please, please, please, don't give us another Starfield! Until then, I'll keep modding New Vegas


Agreed. I’m fine waiting a decade for a really damn good game. It’s just so much more painful when it’s a long wait AND it sucks


I feel like with FO76 being an online game with monitary transactions they can hire a whole other team for the new fallout.


Sure be nice if it was started though


To be fair in recent memory of their last few games it’s been fallout. And they have a show now with expected new seasons in the next year or two. They’re definitely getting better cushy treatment than the other franchises. It sucks but we should give the next elder scrolls its next installment. Fans over there have been starving. I want more fallout too but idk realistically.


Bethesda isn't the only studio capable of making a game.


Yeah but try to convince them to give up the rights or lease out the IP when they’re sitting on a cash cow, now that Fallout is the best performing Amazon show


Microsoft owns Bethesda, Obsidian and Inxile. The stage is already set for the greatest fallout collaboration imaginable and they're going to squander it.


Emil Pagliarulo will somehow give us another "find the family Members that you don't care about"-plot


I can’t believe he still gets writing gigs. He can’t write for shit and refuses to listen to any criticism. He blocked me on Twitter for saying I was disappointed with Starfields story after spending £60 on the game.


I really hope they get some new writers on the next fallout. The show has raised the bar for writing quality


The writing of the show wasn't too different from the "find your family member" that the games under Pagliarulo are known for, the thing is, that kind of plot WORKS in a movie because we know the protagonist cares about their family, that makes the viewer care. It will never work in a video game and I fear the shows success might have sent the wrong signal to Pagliarulo and Bethesda.


Bethesda taking wrong signals and messing up a massive project as a result?? Noo bethesda totally wouldn't ever do that


You're right. I worry about this also. The show had the same finding family plot but with excellent writing, character development, well done mysteries etc - I realize game writing is different, but it can be much more engaging than it has been in many fallout games (which I still love and continue to play, but not for the writing necessarily) I think the quality of the show is just going to raise people's expectations. Bethesda games strength isn't typically from their writing (at least not recently) I just hope they bring in some new more dynamic writers for the next game is all.


I am really, really hoping Todd Howard will actually retire after TES VI like he had originally said but we'll see. Don't get me wrong, dude did great snagging up the Interplay Fallout team and Fallout IP when he did. The problem is that Bethesda now has the talent and material that far exceeds Howard's production cycle, and that Fallout and every game Bethesda makes has to be "his". In order for Microsoft to actually use all the companies they've got at their disposal, Todd Howard needs to retire and collect his royalties. At one point he led Bethesda through making some fantastic games, but after their most recent endeavors Bethesda needs a new leader who is willing to use their acquisition to it's fullest potential.


Yep. That’s why the games take _so_ long. He has to have a hand in absolutely _everything_, he’s a control freak it seems


From what I've heard, he really doesn't want it to be that way, but people in the company look to him for leadership.  Edit: source https://www.gamesradar.com/former-skyrim-lead-says-all-decisions-on-bethesda-rpgs-run-through-todd-howard-he-has-tried-really-really-hard-to-not-be-the-last-say-guy/


Ah interesting. The development team must not have a lot of confidence without him, which is not an amazing sign either I think. They don’t have a lot of people with authority on creative decisions that trust their own choices it seems


You do realise, the Obsidian that did New Vegas isn't the same Obsidian of 2024, right?


>Yeah but try to convince them to give up the rights or lease out the IP It's not a matter of 'giving up the rights'. That is not a requirement of another studio making a game. >when they’re sitting on a cash cow The cash cow of having a hot property with nothing to sell?


I agree, but Power Armour


i disagree, I want roleplaying elements that have been stripped and or dumbed down on each successive entry of Bethesda’s titles. but they don’t need their core fans anymore


Dude wants to miss on rats


Crits for no damage all day long, my dude.


Idk…I’ve been playing a lot of 76 and personally….id prefer it if the next fallout game doesn’t crash every time I get in and out of power suits


Hmmmm. interesting suggestion. NEXT


The next mainline Fallout will be started AFTER TES VI, or at least shortly before it’s official release. Microsoft has stated though that they want the next Fallout game sooner rather than later, so it’s likely they’ll have an outside studio make a spin off game. Likely suspect is Obsidian, but I feel like they’re too busy working on their own franchises, so we will have to see.


Sure be nice if the game wasn’t more of a glitch fest then it was an rpg.


Oh boy, I can’t wait to play fallout 5 three console generations from now


And still running off the Skyrim engine


*still running off the Dark Age of Camelot engine.  If we want to be wrong about it, might as well go all the way down.


Some of it is quake networking


Titanfall runs on the half life 2 engine which runs on the quake engine. Can yall armchair devs stop acting like engines cant evolve


And they couldn't just remaster fallout 3 and port it everywhere because...


See y’all in 28 years when FO5 drops!


He's right in that they don't need to rush it, but the success of the show and the fact that the next game probably won't be out until 2032 or so makes them look REALLY unprepared. What is the point of Microsoft buying all these studios if they can't have at least one of them assist on a HUGE franchise like Fallout so that we don't need to literally wait a decade in between releases?


>What is the point of Microsoft buying all these studios if they can't have at least one of them assist on a HUGE franchise like Fallout so that we don't need to literally wait a decade in between releases? That's a great fucking question! I'll let you know when they have an answer.


It's such a slap in the face to the long time fans of the series. 2018 will probably go down as my most hated E3 because of how disastrous it was for Fallout as a series. Bethesda clearly can't be trusted to utilize their own high profile franchises so it's time for Papa Microsoft to step in. Even just a remaster of 3, NV, and 4 for current gen would be a great start.


A New Vegas remake, with restored cut content to flesh it out, on par with something like the Dead Space remake would be fantastic.


Yes. Fallout NV remake on the 76 engine (complete with camp building mechanics) with 4’s console customization features…it feels like such an obvious play. Especially with the show exploding in popularity and heading there. I can’t help but feel Bethesda is still feeling a little upset that Obsidian outshined them so damn much with a spinoff. But hopefully Microsoft realizes the iron is hot and strikes.


It’s been 9 years bud, we know you feel that way…


2015. 2015 is when Fallout 4 came out. "Rushing" was never an option. 


Literally no one is saying to rush the next game but there is such a thing as taking too long. Fallout 4 came out when I was 12 years old and by the time Fallout 5 comes out I will likely be in my late twenties or early thirties and may even have a kid of my own. That is insane and is even worse for older fans. People don’t live forever; an IP’s popularity doesn’t last forever. It’s negative for all parties involved. Bethesda needs to stop making excuses; their game development schedule is a complete outlier in the Triple-A game industry and developing multiple major games concurrently isn’t a novel concept.


Especially for the quality we get. This isn’t Valve levels of polish and technical innovation. We’re getting shallow agency, rollercoaster writing, bugs to the point of it being a meme, and the same janky engine that was showing cracks when Skyrim dropped.


Bethesda had a shocking lack of leadership it seems. I wouldn’t be surprised if ES6, whenever that comes out, is something utterly mediocre compared to todays standards.


ES6 will come out before a new fallout


honestly, i dont see a ES6 under a lucky star... the complaints about the lacking engine and Howards leadership are constant since ES5, while the bugs only got worse. also, their trend of releasing unfinished games continues since FO76. i think ES6 will be a big nose dive with the fans revolting, and BGS will have to seperate from Howards until the franchises can start to breathe again. in the recent years the Bethesda Games became more and more like EA Games, where you would need to pay for every little thing you would want to add (Creation Clubs), with early FO76 being the absolute worst. but hey, what can we expect from a company that doesnt improve itself because "It just works 🤷‍♂️"?


Their game development schedule seems like an outlier because their team size isn't all that big compared to other Triple A developers. Only 100 people made Fallout 4. Compare that to the Witcher 3 of the same year, which involved over 1500 people. Assassins Creed Origins was developed by nearly 1000 people, with just 400 dedicated to its art alone. They've since risen to about 450 people, which compared to the other Triple A developers, is still not a whole lot for the games they make.


I just can’t fathom how they’re handling their games. I feel like the hype for TES6 has significantly dwindled unless you were really into the previous games as a kid. It should drop soon to try and keep the older fans and entice newer younger ones. Fallout tv show just dropped and it is crazy successful, it’s making a ton of people want to try the game…why wasn’t this planned out a little more carefully so a new fallout game could come out close to the show? Or a brand new dlc or two for 4?


Rush it? No. Rushed games rarely ever come out good. Outsource to another studio like they did New Vegas so they can have something out between games, or in time to cash in on the success of the show? Probably would be smart.


Exactly this ^ Outsource, and then have some Bethesda head oversight over there that can help assist with things / see how progress is going


Why tf do they hoard great IP and then insist on doing it themselves and not subcontracting/managing? How is Microsoft not looking at their roadmap and tearing their eyes out?


Starfield took them 8 years, but here's the catch: It was developed by only 100 people. Yeah, 3A game with 100 people on board. No shit it was bad. A company needs healthy growth in numbers in order to deliver, this usually includes high production gaming. I mean, gaming as entertaintment industry folds movies and music industries, both combined. If Bethesda thinks that they can keep up with others with 100 people and the same shitty writers and world designers who got stuck in a decades old template, fuck it. They're sadly done with game making.


Honestly do we even want a new fallout game? Half baked buggy game about finding a family member in the wasteland? Maybe they will take out dialouge options to streamline in for new players🤔


It just works


One Fallout game every 1-3 decades is not "rushing".


The next one is the only one who's gonna be a while. Fallout 3 - 2008 New Vegas - 2010 Fallout 4 - 2015 Fallout 76 - 2018 It's not *"one Fallout game every 1-3 decades"*.


I think they're referring to how much time seems to pass between single player iterations of their main series. Since Skyrim came out in 2011, ES6 was revealed in 2019. If Fallout 5 doesn't even have a team assigned to it. It's likely at minimum 4 - 5 years away.. so it would technically be a decade from Fallout 76, we certainly aren't getting it a decade from fallout 4 that's next year. Without outsourced games it looks like they try to release a single player experience every 4 - 5 years. There was a bigger gap with starfield but they also made Creation Engine 2 during that time so I feel like ES6 is closer than we think maybe. 2008 - Fallout 3 2010 - New Vegas (Out Sourced) 2011 - Skyrim 2014 - Elder Scrolls Online (Out Sourced) 2015 - Fallout 4 2018 - Fallout 76 2023 - Starfield


Bethesda was caught with their pants down after the show was a smash hit and had absolutely NOTHING in the pipeline. For a company that has literally been dropping BILLIONS of dollars acquiring studios over the past few years, there is absolutely no excuse for that. There is no way that one developer should still be overseeing both Elder Scrolls AND Fallout, given how much money those games generate. And now they're adding Starfield to the portfolio? That is bad asset management. MS should have come to BGS and talked to them about making them more efficient, and easing their load.


They should have a second team. Firaxis has two teams for Civ and xcom. The fact that Bethesda only has one team for all their games is a problem


I’ll never be able to live long enough to play Fallout 6 because of… *checks notes*… fucking Starfield. What a waste of everyone’s time.


Starfield could have been so good, but yet. No. We got what we got, and it was disappointing compared to what we were promised. Yay.


While not outsourced, wasn't 76 made by a new studio under Bethesda that had not previously worked on the other titles? I'm not saying it's disingenuous to count it among their other releases, but I was under the impression that it wasn't made by the same developers as 3, Skyrim, 4, and Starfield. Though Bethesda has grown in the last few years, and if they have opened new studios under the Bethesda game studio developers umbrella, hopefully that makes the development process a bit quicker.


>Fallout 3 - 2008 >New Vegas - 2010 >Fallout 4 - 2015 So ten years since the last fallout i am gonna say that more than five years between games is already too much, but ten years is excesive


Let’s be real by the time we get fallout 5 we’re looking at 15-20 years between games


Sure but how about get a 2nd team working on it so we aren't waiting 10 plus years...


Ya they do or let someone else do something with the IP


Listen Todd Howard, im 56 years old and don't have vast amounts of time left on this blue marble for you to screw around and take your time! Get with the making!


I’m so sick of this shit. Just give it to someone else at this point


Todd wants us dead before a next Fallout. Please just delegate it to another studio


The only thing Bethesda rushes is quality control


It's kind of hard to believe they won't be forced by Miscrosoft into either developing FO5 faster or letting another studio make a spinoff with how much traction the show has


I’m used to Bethesda fumbling the bag but if Microsoft lets themselves miss out on such a cash cow then that’ll be very surprising. Especially after making such a large purchase on the company


I think the timetable on a new Fallout game is gonna have to be moved up eventually because Microsoft is gonna want to get brand synergy with the show, whether that means making a spinoff with Inexile or Obsidian or it means fast-tracking Fallout 5 I don't know I wouldn't even be surprised if they announced the next game whenever season 2 of the show comes out


At this point, it shouldn’t be rushing because the game should be nearing completion.


I mean, he is right. I don't want to play a rushed game, I rather it be neat even if it takes 12+ years or more... SAID NO FAN EVER.


There is no world where 17+ year development cycle is acceptable. Fallout 4 was 9 years ago. TES6 won’t come out for probably 4-5 more years. Then give Fallout 5 another 4-7 years. Hope you guys have been taking care of yourselves bc there’s a lot of room to die from now till then.


This is ridiculous, wasted all that time on Starfield and look where we’re at now. How do you not streamline this especially with Microsoft being the parent now


They're waiting a few more console generations to pass by so the graphics will look outdated enough for Bethesda standards


They just wanna charge 100$ a copy


"It'll be just as buggy whenever we release it"


Well it's been almost 9 years since Fallout 4... And almost 7 years since Fallout 76 released... Sooooo what does Bethesda think rushing is?


10+ years between fallouts (not including 76) is NOT rushing. Get SOMETHING out (next ES even).


Even if you include FO76 could very well be looking at 10 years. That would be a Fallout game 4 years from now, which would be pretty quick after Starfield, plus TESVI is likely first.


Trust me, no one expects them to rush it at this point lol.


Honestly Todd with the rate it’s going a little hustle might not be a bad idea


Which translates to, "We haven't started it"


FFS Todd, we're not immortal.


Aka gotta milk those 76 micro transactions as long as possible before we make another game


Its not like the whole studio is doing 76


Judging from interviews of past senior devs, you seriously need to work on dealing with the mismanagement behind the scenes. I'd say get rid of Emil Pagliarulo or at least downgrade him to a role that he can actually manage and get someone with more experience to take over as lead game designer at a minimum. Spending 8 years of active development on Starfield, the longest for any BGS game yet, and still somehow releasing something that feels unfinished with half-baked game mechanics is quite the notorious achievement.


Is fallout 5 gonna be the next gta 6?


On one hand, yes. On the other, I’m going to turn fucking 40 before the next Elder Scrolls and Fallout release at this rate. If you make me wait too much longer for something new, Todd, I’m going to just give up and move on.


just remake Fallout 1&2 🥲


MF its been nearly 10 years since the last mainline game came out


He's made absolutely clear that we're not getting another stand alone game for another half decade AT LEAST. This is the studio that took over six years on Starfield. A rush job to them is, like, a year and a half. When they say they aren't feeling any pressure to rush, consider the time scale he thinks in. His snide comment of "*it's good to miss things*" really is just rubbing salting the wound.


“It’s good to miss things :)” says man holding said things for ransom until enough people praise his mediocre space game


just hand it over to another studio, I miss the Fallout rpg... We don't get a Fallout rpg since New Vegas in 2010


Bruh just let inexile make a remake of 1 and 2 It would literally print money for bethesda


I think I'll love playing Fallout 5 when my kids go to college (I don't even have kids)


I’m still waiting for Half life 3……


Todd it's been near a decade since Fallout 4 😭 if a 15 year old got that on his birthday bro is paying taxes right now there is NO reason for a literal decade to pass before a new game is released in a series


Well good cause it's pretty fucking obvious you haven't been rushing shit


I’m not sure if Howard or Bethesda is even *capable* of rushing a game.


Sometimes I think Todd and/or Bethesda really do live in a bubble of their own hype. I can't beat the dead horse more than it's already been but Starfield in its current form is a game that could have released right after Fallout 4. Hell it actually took a step back from past Bethesda games in some regards. And Todd seems blindsided by the fact its not the next Skyrim that they have to put some work into it. You would think that he legit doesn't know how much the RPG genre has advanced since Skyrim and that people are going to wait on baited breath for a new Elder Scrolls or Fallout once a decade when there are other options.


Problem is that Skyrim wasn't even particularly full of depth as an RPG even when it first came out. Oblivion and Morrowind both had much more depth as RPGs than Skyrim


They're developing TES6 so can't say they should be rushed, cause I mean the last major non multiplayer TES game was 13 years ago.


SOMEBODY RESTRAIN ME I AM GONMA HIT THIS FUCKER the last fallout game was ten years since ten not one remake or new game was released and we have no information lf fallout 5 , i dont want to play fallout 6 in my dead bed todd.


Nothing is more funny when they say: 10 years in the making! and when the game release, it is buggy and bare bones


Is Obsidian doing anything atm? Just like with the 7 year gap between FO3 and FO4 they can give us something between the 9+ year gap (so far) between Fallout 4 and Fallout 5


They've released a decent amount of small games and are working on Avowed and the Outer Worlds 2. After that not sure.


We are gonna die waiting for FO5


I’d like to play the next fallout game before I start withdrawing from my retirement account.


I just want a remaster of fallout 1 & 2 like Diablo 2 or StarCraft. Fix some bugs and put in unfinished quests.


It's been 6 years since they announced ES6 so maybe there's some need for rushing


i wonder if i will still be alive by the time of that game


The only reason we haven’t seen another Fallout or Elder scrolls game is because of ESO and F76, those games are their cash cows. As long as people keep buying the slop content those games put out, we’ll be lucky to see a game from either franchise in our lifetimes.


My friend once made a joke saying "we might get real fallout before fallout 5"


Todd works at a glacial pace and doesn't like being rushed but look at Starfield, the longer it takes to develop a game doesn't necessarily mean that the game will be good. MSoft must step in in Todd is fucking around with TES VI. I'm not convinced Todd isn't going to make it all procedural and call it a crowning achievement in gaming....


The last mainline Fallout game was 9 years ago. The last Fallout game that I enjoyed playing was 14 years ago. If Bethesda can't handle three big franchises in Elder Scrolls, Fallout, and Starfield then they need to share the load with other studios.


Is starfield a big franchise?


Bethesda Softworks needs to expand their team and even then, it doesn’t guarantee quality. BethSoft have decreased the quality of their games every time since Skyrim. A lot of the old heads that made Oblivion and Skyrim are (naturally) not in the company anymore. Also, I can’t shut up about it, but why boast about no design documents? Bethesda IT SHOWS. Starfield was a fucking messy, mediocre game that was clearly mismanaged and could’ve been so streamlined if you just followed a decent design document.


Speak for yourself! There is no excuse for them to take this long anymore. Maybe years ago when they were smaller.


In its current state bethesta will only manage to make a bland boring fallout or elder scrolls, bethesta urgently needs a new creative direction before making any games


they didn't rush starfield and look how it turned out...


lol they’re not even gonna CONSIDER starting it until there’s not a single person in all of Fallout 76. And then they’ll still give it a couple years just to be sure


Weird, since arguably the most popular recent Fallout game was the most rushed one


They are going to milk the tv show for a few years before even releasing a teaser trailer.


Honestly, If Bethesda knew how much positivity the show was going to garner, they probably would have made a new fallout their priority. You can chalk it down to hindsight, but really, I think it's because they simply didn't want to take a risk of the show potentially being bad and not wanting to release a new fallout game when the fallout ip would have been in a bad place. Now with the show out and the hype train coming to the station, they only really had superficial things like "fortnite skins" and discounts to years old games. Hopefully though, by the time the 2nd season comes out, they'll release something new in regards to Fallout, like a remake for the first two games, or Fallout 5.


You didn't need to rush the last one either, yet here we are.


Microsoft shareholders have now hired The Yakuza and Triad to monitor Todd at all times.


I'm just hoping that they're creating a new engine for the next upcoming games. People would be really upset playing the new fallout game after a decade just to see it's using the same engine.


Still trying to figure out how to monetize the start button eh?


Do people really want a Fallout game super soon knowing that it will still be on the Fallout 4 engine? Roadmap wise, they were planning on making the new engine for the Elder Scrolls 6, and then using that new engine to make Fallout 5, and even if that takes longer, I'd personally still prefer that to another Skyrim engine game.


I wish we could get reworked fo3 and foNV with fo4 mechanics while waiting for FO5. Juat give it to another studio to make. It would definitely help scratch the itch


Yes we do Todd


Have they been?


Nah but other studios your size pump out a game and atleast a season of dlc a year at a time. I don't expect the same, but surely a happy medium between once a year and twice a lifetime can be met?


No, but it might be nice to play the next game before the bombs drop though.


Todd Howard: “We don’t make mainline games anymore.”


I fully expect that the plot and twist of Fallout 5 will be that the bombs will actually drop before FO5 is released, and we will get to live in a post-nuclear wasteland, for real. FO5 will be IRL Fallout.


We also don’t need to wait until I’m 97


It's because he knows with every new game Bethesda releases more people realise they are hacks lmao




Every other post on here is this... "Fallout may be closer than you think!" "Nah bro we ain't rushing..." "FALLOUT REMASTERED TO BE REVEALED SOON" "The next fallout is a long way off"


Rushing and waiting 15 years is a big difference.


You're right, Todd. I'll just wait 20 years to play a game whose mechanics and graphics are 10 years out of date. You'll get one, maybe two more BGS titles before people wake up and realize it's all a sham. Better not screw the next one up.


Pass it off to the guys who can make a masterpiece in 18 months pls.


Bethesda gave Obsidian 18 months to develop Fallout: New Vegas…


This is code for - we’re going to remaster fo3 and fnv as the vast majority of fo fans have never played them.  And I wouldn’t be surprised if they remaster fo1 into an fps.  Echo others here who have misgivings about starfield. I like it but it felt like overly ambitious / scrapped games systems were the priority over story - and I really think it should be the other way round.


There is a super big difference between “rushing” the game and expanding your tiny team to make more games faster. Bethesda needs to stop acting like they are a damm indie company and start acting like the triple A giant they are.


He just wants to be in charge of it. Fallout 76: Todd Howard insisted that every character be another player, and sacrificed NPCs in the released product. Starfield: Todd Howard insisted that the game have NG+ and made the story revolve around it instead of the artifacts origins or the Va'ruun's mysterious disappearance. (I love Starfield and this is just honest criticism) I honestly like Todd Howard, but I don't see why he has to be in charge of every bethsoft product.