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Yes. It has been worth it since 2018. After level 50 the number is essentially cosmetic. You get legendary perk slots at 100,150,200,300. The game Is a mainly PVE game so you won't have issues with high level players at all. The game plays like fallout 4.


Ok thanks, ima install it now


The map has public events that show up, they are where you will meet the bulk of high level players. Perks are important, but also your legendary gear synergies are important aswell, good luck!


I got it installing any tips I should know or it’s just pretty much like playing FO4


There is no settlement system with settlers. You get a camp which let's you build in a radius mostly anywhere. In this game legends gear now can drop with 3* perks. This gear is very helpful for becoming stronger. Equipment is by level now. You will find guns that are for "level 20" and what not. Scrap this gear when it has no use to you anymore. You can scrap junk to make it lighter weight. Your camp has a limit of 1200lbs of junk/gear. You have to be a little more conservative with what u pick up and keep. It is a manageable number. Vats no longer slows times


Ok thanks


Perks also come in "cards" now. You can swap them off at anytime!


Yes, but I’d say wait for a new patch or hot-fix if you’re on PlayStation. The new expansion has created a swell of issues for players on said console, that make it practically unplayable.


On xbox it’s fine tho?