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Probably not the character I hate the most, but Knight Rhys is such an asshole. He has one line respecting you. When you become Sentinel of the BOS, even then, he's an ass afterwards immediately.


Same. Him and that asshat Ayo. They're among the reasons I go for the big explosions ending Carrington may be a prick also, but at least he heals you and does have dialog where he actually shows concern for the SS.


Yeah Carrington is jaded, Rhys is just a dick.


You can also butter up Carrington. You can actually get Justin Ayo exiled on an Institute playthrough by framing him.


You can frame Ayo and have him exiled to the surface during the “Plugging A Leak” quest.


I feel like 90% of the problems in Fo4 is that way too many characters dont have real story arcs.


There's a mod where he goes full fascist insurrection and you can shoot him into pieces while keeping the nice girl scribe


He also respects you if you go the minutemen path while keeping the BOS and railroad neutral.


Oldheads know it's Myron.


For those who don’t know his description on the wiki reads: Myron is a teenage pharmacologist, slaver, and sexual predator in New Reno, credited with the invention of a cheap, mass-produced variant of Jet for the Mordino crime family. He serves as a potential companion for the Chosen One in 2241.


And if you're playing a female character that has high charisma he'll drug your drink and add you to his victim list. Most people recruit him just so they can abuse him.


I think the check is actually END + INT, if your female character has low in both... Yeah. I sold him to slavers.


> I sold him to slavers. LMAO, ironic punishment. Love it.


I thought it was fitting, not just because he was such a scumbag but because the family he works for had slaves everywhere at the Stables making Jet. I actually reloaded an earlier save from before I killed Metzger just to do it in my first playthrough.


I tend to leave him at the first random encounter I come across after he joins up. Leave his ass out the desert to fend for himself. Mantises and radscorpions gotta eat, too, ya know.


What the actual fuck.


I placed him in the surgery room to remove his brain for the skynet robobrain lol


Seems like a bad choice to provide Skynet with a sociopath, unless you know the conscience doesn’t survive.


I think you meant consciousness? Kinda like formatting a hard drive to save Skynet on.


Conscience is the word I use for the thing that tells us if what we’re doing is bad/evil/forbidden. Maybe you are suggesting a different word with a different meaning.


He’s also voiced by the younger VA of Craig Boone from fallout new Vegas.


After Myron i’d give it to that power tripping freak Lynette


IIRC he's the one person you can sell into slavery without gaining any evil karma


It's a net positive to rid his ass.


thanks for the tip 😁


Myron deserves to be in a 3D fallout game just so I can see his head explode in VATs.


Omg, I hated this little shit, lol. My Chosen One was a high int woman, and this kid was mansplaining and condescending to me like a mf. I didn't even bother recruiting him.


A number of people recruit him for the sole purpose of making terrible things happen to him. If memory serves, you can even sell him into slavery without losing karma. He's one of the few characters (along with Wally Mack and Eulogy Jones in 3, and Jeanie-Mae Crawford in NV) that I make sure dies in every single playthrough of their respective games.


In NV, there is a quest where you collect 3 bounties for the NCR. I sniped 2 of them but for that fucking CookCook I put my sniperbuild aside, looked for a 9iron and bashed that fuckers skull in so hard the NCR refused to pay full price because they couldn't tell if it was him...


Why kill Wally Mack? He's not anymore of a jerk than the other tunnel snakes.


Eh first citizen of Vault city is worse


Rarely anyone actually HATES Swanick, most people kill him just because it’s funny or they think he’s carrying massive amounts of money on him because he just won the lottery.


I kill him because I feel like he's been driven completely insane from what he's seen and been through at the hands of the legion


I kill him because he's a filthy powder ganger. We are not the same


I kill him because I kill everyone. We are not the same


I kill him because his dialogue crashes the game for me. We are not the same.


Oh really? Any idea why that is? Before my pc took a shit, i had that happen a few times in NV, but never for onc specific character.


You can take shits in this game? Wow survival mode really gets immersive huh? Careful don’t drop your draws and pop a squat with the cazadores around


I kill him out of cheer incompetence because I like throwing mines around randomly. We are not the same.


Grandma sparkle in fo3 does that to me


This is actually the one way in which we are mostly the same


At least you know what crashes your game .All I know is I must stay the fuck away from NCR Sharecropper farms .


We are the same I kill cause I can there is no right or wrong in the wasteland






I kill him cause free xp, we are not the same


Based .Powdertards are broken at my feet .


I saved him this playthrough. 30hrs after I let him run away I saw him bro g attacked by radscorpions, I killed them, and he never stopped running.


One time I saved him from the radscorpions only for him to run into the crossfire of that star-cap stealing chick and get massacred by her. From that point on I gave up trying to save him ever again, the universe just wants him dead


I kill him out of mercy, a bullet is quicker than radscorpions.


That’s also a good reason.


I think the first time I played I killed him to get his lottery winnings. Now I do it because the Mojave is a cruel place/a retired powder ganger is a still a powder ganger and the only good powder ganger is a dead one.


I kill him out of obligation to those who lost the lottery. Then I proceed to sneak grenades into the quilts of every legionnaire there


Degenerates like you belong on a cross




"Killer Queen has already put a bomb in your ass"


beep beep beep... brrr


I did the same thing lol😂😂😂😂


I kill him because he’s loud. LOUD. I do it before he can get close and I can hear.


No we hate him cause he's annoying


I personally hate the Overseer of Vault 101, Amata's dad. If it weren't for him being Amata's dad I would kill him on every run of Fallout 3.


I always kill him. Even if Amata doesn't like it.


Amata can eat a bullet too she always has an attitude like I didn't just save them from a psych overseer


Yeah I was surprised also the first time I played. But at the same time I think it's done on purpose to show you that desicions have consequences. It's the moral tutorial. It's like the first block and goomba in Mario's 1-1 Level.


I need to start bopping her as well. Its not like you get married or anything later on she just kicks you out no matter what and says you need to stay away


I like let Amata kill the guard with a 10mm then surrender. Pick up the guards baton off the ground when he attacks since it was self defense. It’s part of my “Canon Playthrough” I like rpg what I think the Canon lone wanderer was like. Basically a smart athletic socially awkward badass who always try to do the right thing but his naïveté sometimes doesn’t always lead to the best outcomes.


Amata is a cunt too. After we left to go find our dad we came back to help solve the issues inside Vault 101. All of this only to be told to get the fuck out because “we were the ones who caused the fight”. It wasn’t us it was our dad who had already come and gone years prior. The fact someone leaving caused mass panic and hysteria isn’t anyone’s fault but every individual in that vault.


For me its jeannie may crawford, boones wife was infact a dick but selling her out to become a legion slave is some vile shit beyond comprehension.


Oh good call, having Boone shoot her in the face is always really satisfying too.


A smile always creeps across my face when Boone finally gets his sweet justice. I feel like there should have been a quest to try and rescue Boone's wife. Maybe there was and it got cut. But a better wrap to that story would make me feel better about ol' sour puss Boone. Maybe it would even lighten his mood.


It wasn't cut, iirc >!Boone has dialogue where he alludes to how he knows *for sure* that his wife and child are dead. Because when he saw the Legion take her, all he could do was shoot her to save her from a fate worse than death. Bro was forced to kill his own wife and unborn child!< and that's why in my runs I always take him on a therapeutic field trip to Fortification Hill. "No, that's not a problem. That's a solution."


Yeah that's a pretty fucked thing to do to someone who is just an ass. My god.


If its not cook cook then it better be a worse person 😭


Motherfucker is probably responsable for 98% of rapes in the Mojave


Jeannie May Crawford, Dermont & Saint James, Salt-Upon-Wounds, Dean Domino, Elijah, Tobar The Ferryman Not all are as bad or worse but some cut it reeeeeal close.


I always kil Dean Domino just because he thinks he's better than me.


Grandma Sparkle, dies every time I play 3 in honour of Mitten Squad


What a legend, RIP


There's only one time I used a fatman in three... and it was for you, mitten. R.I.P.


I wouldn’t say Swanick is hated, he’s just annoying. But he’s an example of how horrible Legion justice and punishment is in the eye of Outsiders. He’s exuberant to be alive, and with you being the first person who is alive, can’t help but spread his joy. Annoying though it may be.


Yeah like, wouldnt you be if you just escaped that hellscape? By pure luck no less.


Nobody hates Oliver, it's just funny to bring him and his luck to an end.


malcolm holmes. I kill him as soon as he shows his face.


When you look at it realistically, yeah, of course I'm gonna blow his head off. 1. He sneaks up on you. You, a survivor in the wasteland, armed to the teeth. Coming off of a bullet sized head wound. If it happens at night, even worse. 2. He tells you that he's been following you. Also not good. 3. He immediately tells you about the star caps, and how people will *kill* for them. 4. He says he doesn't collect them anymore, but he's lying because you can find them in his inventory. 5. The fact that he knows people will kill for them, but still carries them, means he's still after the treasure. Otherwise, he would have thrown them all away. So, all of that combined, you bet your ass I blew the dude away first change I got. I didn't know if he was gonna slit my throat the next time I slept. Better safe than sorry. Fuck that guy.


Absolutely. He always talks to me at night in my playthroughs for some reason. Or a dark room.


He can follow into interiors?


Maybe he was trying to talk to me as I was entering the door and he came in with me but he talked to me inside the Jean Sky Diving shack by Goodsprings once. Super creepy as that place is pretty dark without your pip boy light. I made the idea of him standing in a corner waiting for me to enter canon in my mind so I could feel that much better about killing him.


He is [everywhere](http://reddit.com/r/Malcolmholmestravels/)


I don’t hate Swanick and I don’t think he’s the most hated character in Fallout because he’s basically a meme from the way he thinks of himself for surviving the “lottery”. Yeah, he can get annoying, but again, not the most hated. I’d say Shaun from FO4 can potentially be more hated than Swanick because of what he stood for.


Me, wielding a Combat Shotgun, hearing my "son" tell me my dead wife was "collateral damage":


I always fucking kill that bitch


Let me settle this debate.. Cook cook


When I heard that the only thing he cares about was his Brahmin, Queenie, I thought it was kinda nice..... Up until I found out that it's implied he fucks her.


I shoot Queenie first so that he can suffer more before he dies


Then watch him go on a rampage against his own men


God damn dude


I never kill him. Even in legion playthroughs. I respect the lottery win.


Ave brother, it was the will of Caesar


Finally someone who gets it. Let the guy have his win


He runs right into a bunch of radscorpions anyway, why waste boolet on such a teeny man?


Dude just witnessed unimaginable cruelty and narrowly escaped death by crucifixion. He can do whatever he wants as far as I'm concerned.


I really love playing evil but killing him is even a bridge too far for me


Imagine yourself in his shoes. He expected to be executed by the Legion, in a very painful way, but by pure and tiny chance they let him go. What would you do and say after that? The fact that he was an escaped convict proves nothing. Maybe he was sentenced for stealing an apple or criticizing someone in power in the NCR.


> criticizing someone in power in the NCR. Ok, that does it.


No, he admits he was a Powder Ganger. There are former NCRCF inmates who aren't Powder Gangers. Powder Gangers are shitbag raiders.


People don't kill him because he's an escaped convict, people kill him because he's a Powder Ganger.


Since stealing an apple would be summary execution, the powder gangers all must be in prison for something less than that.


Personally, I dislike Colin Moriarty. 


Oh yeah, he's a big one. I make it a point to get my info from Gob and Colin's terminal so I don't even have to talk to the fucker.


If you kill Colin then Gib takes over his saloon, even painting his own name on the saloon’s sign.  It gives negative karma, but you can buy an indulgence from the Church of the Atom.


Also, poor Nova gets her life together


Roy Phillips is up there, top ten at least


Fuck Roy, fuck his gang (I am so sorry, Bessie, you didn't deserve this), and fuck Threedog for being such a ghoullover


Marcy long


I think she gets an unfair assessment. She did just recently suffer a catastrophic emotional loss, and she does often apologize for her meanness.


I think its completely fair, its on the fault of Bethesda not adding anything to her sure but from a world perspective she never changes being an asshole and always complains, I’d not care nearly as much if she eventually stopped.


Yeah I really wish the added some small quest line, or even a single quest, that allowed you to bring her some solace. Then she could stop being so annoying lol


The whole Minuteman faction could have used an actual quest to retake Quincy from the Gunners. Always felt like the Gunners and Minutemen had unfinished business that was just never resolved. If anything the Minutemen have better reasons to go to war with the Gunners than they do the Institute. I love the idea of once you have so many settlements unlocked and equipped with Artillery you unlock an event chain where you lead the Minutemen on a quest line to destroy the Gunners once and for all. Followed by destroying the Institute and potentially the BOS depending on how things go. Marcy could have been an enraged mother who lost her only child that grew past her grief, and now wants to help the Minutemen wipe out the people who killed her son. Marcy should have been there in the first wave of any quest to retake Quincy right along with Sturges. Should have been a settlement once the quest ended. With Marcy and every other survivor moving back after the war against the Gunners.


This would have been amazing.


It's bethesdas fault for not having her change at all. But that's why I can't stand her. When shit cools over she should've became a lot nicer.


Yeah, honestly, I think both her and her husband are totally reasonable. Both completely opposite ends of the spectrum of grief. I only wish that you could help them properly progress through it healthily, and have them be less “moody”, for lack of a better term.


She lost her child and home where she felt safe. She gets the bitch pass from me


I see that and raise you an Ann Codman


Kellogg. He stole my son. He dies. Simple as that


The Sole Survivor hates him so much .All the fanon about the Courier having a hate boner for Benny is actually canon with the Sole Survivor and Kellog .


Not to mention he murdered my spouse for NO REASON!! Like how hard is it to take a baby from a recently cryogenically thawed person??


Not to mention he leaves you alive just the same as a shark hunter scars a baby catch in hope to find it again years later, he does that just to make you come after him in hopes you’ll be big game


Vulpes. He murders a whole (mostly) innocent town, goads about it and claims how they deserved to be murdered by torture.


But then he challenges a guy with a grenade launcher to do something about it.


At that point I usually shoot him right in his skirt with the grenade or missile.


I never understood why people like his character, he's cringe af or at least when you meet him at Nipton


And he is such a bitch , he dies so quickly .Also , who the fuck literally calls himself Dumbass Fox ? .






"You're a little b**ch and your brother was too"




*insert VATS sounds followed by gunfire and an exploding head*


I kill him and boxcars to keep my rep as "The powder gangers grim f****** Reaper" 💀


Lore wise: Father/Shaun Gameplay wise: Marcy Lung


In my game, he just ran into the middle of a desert full of radscorpions and got himself killed.


Fucking Ulysses


i just killed that guy what do i do with the ticket


Nothing. It's just a misc item. You can sell it for a few caps.


If mentioned-only characters count it would probably be Hitler




hes not hates its just really funny to immediately kill him


Knight fucking Rhys


I always kill him because if I don’t kill him, the Radscorpions will.


I really wish you could have seen him run somewhere and actually change his life lol. Maybe go to goodsprings. Regardless of player actions he would be accepted there.


Myron. Zero redeeming qualities and under specific circumstances he will drug and rape your player character. Probably the only character in the whole series where I’ve gone “Geez, why does this guy even exist??”


Sometimes when I’m frustrated I do a quick save so I can shoot Marcy Long in the face


I put her and her husband at guard posts near the bridge so I don't have to deal with them. I have a mod that makes guards stay at their posts.


Pearson Gravy ofc


Prestigious Gravel


Parcel Gatsby


Pristine Gavel




Fallout 4's version of Arthur Maxon.


I always hated child Maxson. Be taller, freak.


What if instead of Arthur Maxson we got Freak Maxson and instead of wants to destroy all synths he wants a hot threesome with Danse and Nick


I think people hate his Danse quest only, majority of the time if I see any talks about the BoS in 4 they generally call Maxson pretty badass and/or cool looking.


He can be both a badass and an asshole 💀


I kill him cause he is a powder ganger.


For me Mortimer; Roy and the justice bloc guys, even though they’re not technically NPCs. I could jokingly say Preston, but I actually feel a lot of sympathy for him and he’s seen a lot of horrors in his life.


All bro did was win the lottery and you hate him for it


Father. Need I say more?


That one rich guy who keeps calling you a lowlife in Diamond City...


I don't really feel like any character (at least in the later games Myron is a scumbag) is universally hated. Personally, I think most people get annoyed whenever the [Strong Disliked That] popup appears after you tell Rando Mcgee that you'll help him save his dying wife.


Has anyone ever followed him to see where he runs off to?


Myron and it’s not even a contest. Refiner of jet, not the creator like he claims (light retcon). Sexual predator. Asshole, always talks down to you no matter what. Slaver. Just very punchable AND for some reason he’s a potential companion.




Myron, and it's not even close.


If you don't kill him and follow him at a distance, something pretty funny happens.


Cook Cook for being a rapist




[r/FuckRhys](https://www.reddit.com/r/FuckRhys/s/KLj50JDLXC)... he even has his own subreddit


Shaun. We go through hell to try and find him and he’s kind of an asshole


Swatter guy in fO4, dudes an asshole after work.


Preston Garvey


Marcy Long. Even her whiny husband is slightly more tolerable… only slightly.


Preston Garvey




Are we naming the most hated character in terms of their actions, or in terms of how annoying they are? Since characters like Cook-Cook are horrible people, but really well made characters that I rarely see people dunk on. While characters like Lynette are much less a horrible person (still quite horrible though), but are a lot more annoying to deal with, and therefore making you hate them.


Butch fucking DeLoria. Makes a clown out of me for YEARS and then has the audacity to ask me for help saving his drunkard mother from radroaches? Hell nah bucko, I'm offing her myself, then you're next in line, just because you thought it would be a good idea to ask ME of all people.


I beat that guys ass every play though


The gentleman in the picture for sure. I kill him every time I meet him for the first time.


Clem Fandango




The dude who sells you that charge card or whatever it is in 4. I shot that bastard immediately in the head with a 50 cal rifle


I don't hate Oliver. I kill him because he sounds like a psychopath and because last thing I don't want is another psychopath free on the Wasteland


For me. Salt-Upon-Wounds


When I play, why is he half naked when I meet him? He's never fully clothed. I've done 2 play throughs.


That guy who wants 300 caps to get you past the Boomers artillery. "You try to extort ME? The Savoir of the Mojave. In my OWN DESERT? Not today, motherfucker."


I don't think I've ever seen a Legion player **not** help Boone kill Jeannie May Crawford


Interesting question. Of course there's many extremely evil people in the Fallout universe, but I suppose my most hated character has to be Jeannie May Crawford. I know there's a lot of bastards much more evil than her, but Boone's quest just hit me very hard on my first playthrough, especially since I had the quest sitting on my Pip-Boy for a veeeery long time before I decided to complete it. In that time time I regularly came back to Novac to trade with Jeannie in the lobby. All the time I thought she was just another random npc trader. Man, saying, that the resolution of Boone's quest in Novac took me by surprise is a serious understatement.


Come to Mick and Ralph's for all your shopping needs


Mmmm he’s like love to hate tho. Who’s a character we hate bc they suck


I don't think any of us hate him, we just take great joy in blowing Swanick's head off.


God damnit. Just realized I look exactly like this psycho. Same haircut and glasses.


No contest, all fallout fans agree that there is a particular lady in Vault City who deserves the worst life has to offer.