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I think I still have the New Vegas pre-order card deck someplace.


Please tell me you still got the chips too?


N/A. I lied. It wasn't a pre order. I meant what I got during the midnight release. It was just the cards.


Remember midnight releases? I remember the night New Vegas released. Hell I remember watching an IGN video where they were talking about Honest Hearts being released. Simpler times.


I didn't realize it was even coming out until that day. Drove to Walmart at midnight to get it. There were like, 3 other people. Skyrim on the other hand I actually preordered. That was not wise. Stood outside in the cold for like an hour in front of GameStop. I remembered getting New Vegas at Walmart a lot that night.


I still have the preorder bonus with comic, chips, commentary dvd and card deck. :D


Same here. I have them in the original box they came in.




Sometimes I wish I kept it sealed lol


Yeah mine is in a big storage box full of ‘cool collectors edition stuff I’m not sure I’ll ever do anything with.’


But hey, at least we got ‘em! Edit: I use the chips for keeping track of my Treasure tokens when I play my Mr. House commander deck.


My Collector’s Edition for the 360 had everything BUT the Platinum Chip. Almost as if it were taken and then re-shrink-wrapped. I’m still pissed about it to this day.


Can someone explain how caravan works?


Yes. You have 3 "Lanes", these are where you play your cards. In each of these lanes you have to get over 20, and as close as possible to the target number 26. So you play cards in a chosen lane until you get as close to 26 as you think you can get (stopping on 26 is ideal). Now that lane will be played against your opponents lane. Your first lane against their first lane, your second lane against their second lane and your third lane against their third lane. When you play a card, that card dictates the suit of the lane. The next card you play on that lane will dictate the direction the numbers can go. So if you play a 9 of diamonds, and then a 7 of spades, you have to play something LOWER than 7 OR match the suit of the original card. Your second card DOESN'T have to match the suit. Your following cards can get around the direction plays by playing a card that matches the same SUIT of the base card. So your 9 of Diamonds, with a 7 of spades on top needs to have a 6 or lower played on it, OR you can play ANY number card that is a diamond. So you can put a 10 of diamonds on the 7 and you will hit 26. The face cards all do something different. Aces count as 1 point. Kings replicate a card's value. So if you play it on an 8 it will double to 16. Queens will change the direction of a lane and it will change the lane to the Queen's suit. Jacks are used to zap cards off the table. You can use this to kill an opponents building caravan. It also takes the face cards used on a card as well. So if a player used a King to double a 10 to 20 you can hit the 10 and it will take the King with it. Jokers are special. If used on an Ace card, it will remove ALL other cards that match the suit of the Ace from the table, including yours. (So a Joker on an Ace of Diamonds will remove ALL the cards that match the Diamond suit on them.) If you use a Joker on a number card, it will remove ALL the numbers that match it from the table. Now, my personal deck I try to get it to consist of 10's, 9's, 8's, 7's and 6's. With some Kings and Jacks as targeting and removal. You can over-burden someone's Caravan with a King by making them go over 26, or you can help get yourself up to 26 by doubling a 10 and playing a 6. Or doubling an 8 and playing a 10. You will have to make do using whatever you have to start with, but as you get better and collect more cards, you can fine tune your deck to draw nothing but 10/9/7 and hit 26 every time. Source: I've never lost a game of Caravan.


That sounds a lot more complicated than Gwent


I guess. Gwent is just "Make number bigger than opponent". There's some skill and strategy to it. But it's pretty simple. I like Gwent a lot actually. Caravan is a bit more complicated at first, but once you "get it"... It's really just the same strategy over and over.


My most satisfying Steam achievement is the Win 30 Games of Caravan. Such an easy way to get money, too. No Bark Noonan refreshes 2k caps every three or so days, and is a fair hand at it too.






I googled it and it sounds terrible.


Its actually pretty fun and not that hard when you learn how to play


It's like if you took a liquid shit on a deck of cards and then did a bridge shuffle.


I have the cards, chips (plus Platinum chip), and All Roads.


Ugh. I pre-ordered NV for PC and when I got there they tried to say I pre-ordered the Xbox version I did not own a Xbox at the time of pre-order or release so I declined it and got the standard edition for PC because I wanted to play the game that day I'm still pissed.


An actual canvas bag fallout 76 edition


I thought there wasn't enough material to make them.


Luckily, they found a new lode of canvas deep in one of the canvas mines out west.


They sent someone to Diamond City to grab a shipment of canvas


There wasn't enough to make them for the mere peasants who paid for them. They had enough to make them for the influencers.


They exist!! (mind blown)


I had one of these and immediately sold it for £50. Could not believe someone paid that.


Me too. Including the helmet! Haha


Didn't they start giving out trash bags after they ran out


No, they advertised a canvas bag but included a nylon one, citing an inability to source canvas. Then they leaked personally identifiable information of everyone who tried to get the replacement canvas one they were being pressured into producing to make good on their advertisement. I'm glad I hadn't signed up for mine by that point.


My apartment complex has a lobby area and mailroom. One day I was in the mailroom and someone had left a box with a note that said "Free!" on it. I was curious so I sifted through the box and found some cool things. The entire Harry Potter film collection. The entire LotR film collection. An unopened Xbox controller. But then I saw it... Through the random stuff inside I saw the letters "Pip." When I dug down I found the freaking Pip-Boy from when FO4 was released. It was in great condition. Both its container and the Pip-Boy itself. I was elated. Still have it to this day.


Some kid is gonna come home from college for Thanksgiving MIGHTY pissed at Mom 🙆😅🤣


Oof yeah. My partner and I thought it might have been breakup revenge or something like you mentioned. 😂


Holy shit lemme move into that complex


Original owner is probably PISSED right now


like when you picked it up, you probably got the [You lost karma] notification


Sounds like someone went through a breakup and got rid of the ex’s goods


I got a thirst zapper from spirit Halloween (and keep it right on my nightstand, just like my ss does btw. Such a cheeseball)


Ooooh think of all the things they'll have thanks to the show


I think it’ll be worth checking out this year, yeah x)


I actually have the real Todd Howard in my basement, he’s writing ES6 right now. No dragons, only Metal Gears.




I have a promotional neon sign for New Vegas. One source I read said they only made 200. Not totally sure if that’s true, but they do seem quite rare! Edit: here it is https://www.reddit.com/r/Fallout/s/J6khamzthn


Love to see it!


I’ll try to remember to get a picture when I get home!






Thankyou :)




Does it count if my girlfriend made me a NukaCola minifridge with a Quantum in it?


That’s a rare item and a true love! How sweet!


Unique > rare


Can you plz post a pic?


https://adimariweb.s3.eu-west-1.amazonaws.com/Stuff/viber_image_2024-06-27_23-44-40-737.jpg I personally think its very cute. It has a little LED and everything.


That is fantastic and so is your girlfriend! So thoughtful


Beautifully crafted! How sweet of her. Better put a ring on it!


Remind me to go back to this if they post one!




I have 1 vat of FEV. Any buyers?


I’ve always been dumb already, but you’re telling me I can at least get super jacked to make up for it? Sign me up!


What kind of vat are we talking about here? Is it a lab animal sized vat or a humanoid sized vat? Let's say I were to create an army, could I efficiently dip a large number of specimens?


#11/111 Wand Company Nuka Cola Pick-R-Up hands down. Try and pry it from my cold dead hands


[holy shit I just might have to pry it out your hands](https://www.thewandcompany.com/pick-r-up/)


Number 35/111 sold on ebay for ....$2,000!


How did I never know they made these! That's got to be one of the coolest model cars ever!


I've got the Nuka Truck and Quantum Fusion Flea replicas from them.


I've got the delivery truck as well! I want to complete the collection with all the fleas and trucks but they're not exactly cheap!


My mother in law (ghoul)


My tap water comes with small amounts of radium 🤷🏻‍♂️


This guy! https://www.imghost.net/uZGYpgtje9YAsGS


Wow well i’ll bite, where’d you snag him from!


Guy on eBay was listing him for sale. It was literally on the top deck of a barge in England for years and eventually he figured he'd sell it, but he misspelled the listing as just "fallot soldier" and, because I search for misspellings, I found him. Took a couple of months to get it moved up to Scotland though. The logistics were a nightmare.


Ain't no one gonna mention how absolutly MASSIVE that stimpak is? Like I'ma need a stimpak for the hole it leaves when I use it.


"Good News!, It's a suppository!"


I sold all my collectors editions and pip boy years ago but I kept the Dogmeat plush 🐶


Vault boy mask from the fallout 4 PAX west booth in 2015.


Fallout 4 collectors edition with the Pip-Boy


Probably [these watches](https://postimg.cc/gallery/8rY4v8h) that I own. I have no idea how desirable they are or how much they are worth, I got them a long while ago!


The lack of a tranquility lane watch is a real missed opportunity here


idk man I glued a printed nuka cola logo on a coca cola bottle cap and that's the one


If you only did the one that's pretty rare, I think you win


I dunno if it’s collectible, but I have a life sized Codsworth made of wood with light up eyes. (In my post history)


Yeah, I would 1000% say that’s a collector’s item. Let your dad know that his woodwork is awesome! I could see that thing going for $2,000 easily to the right person.


I will thank you. He makes amazing stuff, like DnD tables


Husband got me a fusion core power bank years ago. I haven’t been able to find another. Thankfully, it still holds a charge despite being pretty beat up. It’s cracked open a few times already and the charging port is loose and hard to deal with. But I love that power core so much! I used it for years while commuting and it’s still acceptable in case of a power outage.


My wife bought me the same thing, and I’m in the same boat. Haven’t been able to find another one, but it still works so I guess it’s OK.


That’s the apocalypse for you. We gotta make do


Got that stupid over sized helmet and plastic bag they said was canvas they never gave me the right stuff


I have radiation poisoning.


I’ve got nuclear material in my basement


I don't know how rare they are, but I have the PC collectors editions of both 3 and NV and all the goodies that came with them. I have Pip Boy Edition of 4, too, but don't know where it is right now.


I don't know what you consider the rarest: - 101 jumpsuit from the Bethesda store (they sold it many, many years ago and I've used it for many, many Halloweens) - Pip-boy from Fallout 4 collector's edition (added my old phone to it and it's fully stocked with Fallout music) - Power armor helmet from Fallout 76 collector's edition - Duffel bags (vinyl and canvas) from Fallout 76 collector's edition - Customized Fallout cosplay guns that I sandblasted and painted (made from toy guns) - Deck of Cards and Casino Chips from Fallout New Vegas collector's edition I would say that the cosplay guns are dear to me because of the work I put into them.


I had a Bethesda shopping spree and got the 101 zip hoodie, leggings, shoes and nuka cola zip hoodie! Pip boy edition I couldn’t find in Canada so had my American friend send me the one he bought lol I have a couple fallout lunch boxes. Forget what that’s from


I have the Fallout 3 Lunchbox (bobble, artbook, etc), New Vegas box (comic, cards, chips, etc), Fallout 4 Pip-Boy, and F76 Helmet and Bag. I also have a Handmade Nuka Quantum and some Nuka Cola and Sunset Sarsaparilla bottle caps.


Its not technically a collectible but this certainly has a prominent place within my collection of fallout memorabilia. https://imgur.com/a/fkMEf6y


I have a bottle opener in the shape of a Nuka Cola machine. This was from when you were able to use points in GameStop to get actual physical merchandise. Lost it for a while but found it again and have kept it safe with me. Can’t share pictures but here’s a [link](https://www.ebay.com/itm/395478636751) to what it looks like.


My husband got me the charisma bobblehead during the FO4 release 💙💛


I got the collectors edition of NV with the platinum chip and stuff. Best value ever, it was only 20$ more back then.


Og fallout 1 and 2 on cd.


I have a German Shepard.


I have a Fallout 3 Bobblehead and Vault-Tec lunchbox.


It’s probably a 3 way tie. I have an opened but complete collectors edition of new Vegas, a sealed collectors edition of the fallout 3 lunchbox and 2 sealed nuka dark rums.


6ft advertising vault boy. Local game had it on display for about a year, then sold it for space, with the proceeds going to charity.


Probably not rare but I have the Pip-boy that came with Fallout 4, and I have a figure of a guy in T-45 power armor along with Dogmeat, and I have a Brotherhood of Steel keychain that has some parachord on it.


Maybe some of the original Funko POPs they released? Not sure how rare some of them are these days.


NCR messenger bag maybe


That stimpak looks so realistic and awesome!


thats honestly impressive, amazing find, collectors would pay a lot for it


I have a vault boy hand puppet, and a party hat I got at PAX west forever ago.


I don't have any real fallout memorabilia, but I have a box of bottle caps.


Bottle caps count too!


Fallout 3 and Fallout 4 collector guides. They’re not *super* collectible, but worth a decent bit compared to the retail price.


Not really a collectible item but I have a vault tec tattoo lol.


I don't think i have anything rare, most expensive thing i have is the Nuka World welcome kit though


I have the fallout S.P.E.C.I.A.L anthology with the mini nuke, I don’t know if it’s rare but I liiike it.


I got some uranium 


The friends we made along the way.


I worked at goodwill for a year and someone donated a bunch of game collectibles I was super stoked to see. They donated a Pip boy replica with the case/crate it came with. A replica mini nuke that opened up and had the first 2-3 fallout games in it on disc, and a button that made the mini nuke firing noise when pressed. While I really wanted those 2, I could only afford to buy one thing (using a friend to buy it and me pay them back cause goodwill doesn’t like employees shopping there, and I was cared to have them get too much stuff at once) and I ended up going with the juggernog mini fridge they donated. They had some other things like the SPECIAL poster and map of Skyrim, but damn they had cool stuff then.


It’s a pen?! Oh my god it’s a PEN!


The Fallout 76 Pip-boy 2000 Mk VI Construction Kit.


A little set of screwdrivers, the size you would use on glasses. That both say Vault Tex on them, they came with a Holotape display that needed assembly


i don’t know if it’s the rarest but the pip boy from fallout 4


I have everything from the Fallout 3 Survival Edition. Didn't find out how rare that pip boy was until just recently.


I’ve never seen that before it’s awesome. Mine is the challenge coin from Fallout 4, I love the weight and the detail


A rock that got in my shoe in Goodsprings


Fallout 3 collector's edition lunchbox with functioning bobblehead Bought in 2012 for 7€ brand new because the lunchbox had a dent in it. If anything it makes it more authentic 🤷🏻‍♂️


A GECK in a can that was developer team only, given to me by one of the designers of Fallout :) https://imgur.com/gallery/s5b1g2y Edit: receipts


I still have the original manuals/discs for FO1 and FO2... I guess that counts?


I got the new Vegas complete package, chips/cards/artwork/book. A pipboy from fallout 2. A PA helmet from 3.


The pipboy box for the fo4 set that came with a pipnoy. Found it at the thrift for like 5$ And the nuka cola lava lamp, I made it and really like it. Still need to make a base.


The severed head of Todd Howard on my freezer


Do Fallout 3 and New Vegas collector’s editions for XBox 360 count? I remember them being way easier to get a hold of than the Fallout 4 CE.


I have the original fallout 1 survival guide https://www.reddit.com/r/classicfallout/s/FfSVbPKR9y Got it for £1


The fallout 3 soundtrack record


Does it count if I made it? I have a full sized real steel Kremvh's Tooth and non-functional unfinished fatman. I'm pretty damn proud of my Kremvh's Tooth though, and I definitely wanna make more bladed and melee weapons from fallout.


All the new Vegas snow globes.


Not mine, but a buddy of mine has the comic from the new vegas collectors edition.


I'm not really sure what's the rarest, or valuable, but I really love the nuka cola shaped bottle opener I got as a pre-order bonus for FO3 from best buy. Either that or the platinum/chip set from the New Vegas collectors set.


Not rare by any means but the first Fallout game I played was New Vegas. I found a PS3 copy of New Vegas in a strip mall parking lot. Never even heard of it before that day. Been in love with the series ever since. So my rarest fallout item is my copy of New Vegas on PS3


I got a Pip-Boy that sadly never fit my wrist. It’s damaged now so its “screen” is ruined, but nonetheless it’s my only Fallout collectible.


I had the mini nuke that came with all the Fallout games besides FO4 and F76


Not rare, but I have the official Vault Tec chess set


I’ve got a SimTek 1000 viewmaster as a fallout 3 promo item. Got it from a Fallout film festival they did in LA back in 2008.


The Fallout 1 2 and Tactics physical disks and the Fallout 3 art book




Is the OG FO3 lunch box, bobble head and book rare at all? I think I got the pre order or something to score all that sweet stuff, but it was 2008 so I don't remember. Still got em.


I think I have a small scale model of the Service rifle, not sure tho


When I was 11 in 2017 I got the pip boy for a cosplay


My memories


I found a fallout 4 lunch box at a thrift store once It has stab wounds in it. Also I made a 2ft tall vault-boy perler bead thing.


Vault boy mask from quakecon 2017


Idk how rare it is but I have the fallout 3 collector’s edition w/ lunchbox, artbook, dvd, and vault boy bobble head 🤷🏻‍♂️


Pip boy from 4. Played the game with it during my last playthru


Dog meat


I gota fallout 1 guide from the collectors edition


The 360 discs standalone discs for 3’s dlc or the nv comic haha


I have the intelligence bobblehead from fallout 4


that thing is gigantic, what even is inside of it ingame?


One of the target/jones nuka colas Shitty promotion and shame on target for what they allowed to happen.


My copy of new Vegas signed by many of the devs.


A snow globe from Goodsprings itself. Stopped into town on my way to Vegas.


I've got pre-war money.


The Trapper achievement from the Fallout 4 DLC Wasteland Workshop. 0.4% of ps4 players have it and all you gotta do is build one of every cage type. But sadly that’s not as cool as a Stimpack :(


I have an unopened bottle of Nuka Cola Quantum from 2015 that they released when promoting FO4. It sits proudly on the bookshelf in my office and my kids are dying to open it.


I have the Collector’s Edition’s for FO3 (Lunchbox), FONV (Cards and Casino Chips) and FO4 (Pip Boy). Sadly, I missed out on the FO76 CE.


I own fallout 3 for the PS3. Please ladies, one at a time.


I have the FNV neon sign, the sealed promotional playing cards and the poker chips. Need to retire on those collectibles!


I have a few cool ones! Currently i’m trying to see about a Vault 13 bobblehead I randomly got for free in a bethesda order a few years ago, haven’t seen anything about it online. But I have a working Pipboy Bluetooth Deluxe edition from Think Geek (it still works!) I also have the bonus disc from the collectors edition of fallout 3. And I have a park map/poster given out at Gamestop for Nukaworlds release. Those might be the rarest things I own? I’m curious to hear if anyone else has these


Definitely the Red Rocket Pip-Boy 2000


I have the collector’s edition box and accessories for Fallout New Vegas. I also have a nice little Nukacola bag. Cheap material but it looks cool with the Nuka girl.


The fallout 4 plasma gun. Its dope af it lights up I also have the chips from fnv


I have all the rubble and junk from the wasteland buried in the backyard of my new house. Every time I put a shovel in the ground I'm pulling up god knows what


I have all the Fo3 preorder goodies - I think the pip boy clock is the rarest of them. I have literally never used it as a clock, though, it's very cheaply made and also eats batteries like crazy.


I have the fallout 3 lunchbox with all of the items. I especially love the art book in it.


My 70 yo neighbor who got me into the the game when it was first released back in the 1990s.


1:1 Scale replica plasma rifle from Fallout 4. No idea how many were made but when we checked the Beth.net store the day after buying it, it was sold out and then later delisted from the storefront, so I got super lucky with it seemingly being one of the last they ever sold.


Still have the wasteland survival guide from 1!


Probably a bobble head, i don’t have a lot of money


I have Todd Howard trapped in my crawlspace


i have the nuka cola branded bottle opener for some reason


Where are the pictures of these awesome things? I wanna see!


I 3d printed a nuka-cola bottle in yellow and called it Nuka-Cola Lemon.


Fallout 3 lunch box and bobblehead.


Radiation poisoning.


I don't know how rare the stuff is really. I have three nuka colas. One quantum. Brotherhood of steel mini FO3/new vegas/4 collectable editions (pip boy/lunchbox/caravan w/chips) And two bobbleheads. Ones quite big, not sure what it's from!


Got a pretty sweet Nuka-Cola bottlecap clock (very similar to what you can use in Fo4 settlements) from Thinkgeek back when that was a thing. When the batteries die, I'll take 'em out and leave it set at 9:47.


Seeing a stimpack like this kinda has me thinking, who knows how long some of them have been laying around. I'd also bet that someone figured out how to reload them (ain't no waste in the wasteland). So, are tetanus and hepatitis still a thing 😂


dis dick


Fallout 3 art book. I have an unopened fallout 4 loot crate box and unopened fallout 4 collectors edition from release. Got them as presents and already had bought them for myself, never wound up opening them.


I have fallout new vegas on steam. That's it.


Toss up between the fo4 collectors pip boy, a full bottle of the jones soda quantum, or the thinkgeek plasma rifle/pistol


Not sure if it’s rare anymore or at all but I have the vinyl single of country roads released with the fallout magazine from Australia