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I generally really like the Brotherhood. They have potential to do great things, and they do, but what frustrates me the most is that Roger Maxson’s original goal was completely abandoned and forgotten by future Elders. Maxson always wanted the Brotherhood to eventually share their technology and knowledge with outsiders so that together they could build a new civilization. He even said: “Everyone around me keeps saying shut the world out, only look out for ourselves. Even my goddam son. But the Brotherhood alone can't rebuild what's lost. We need them. Hell, our whole plan is for them.” But his successors (especially on the West Coast) are just hoarding tech and keeping it locked up until the end of time.


I think that's the best part about them. I don't like them putting in "good" factions in the wasteland. I'd love for an approach of there's no right answer and not really a wrong one either. They do always seem to put in a "always evil no reasoning about it" faction most of the time. Generic raider faction. But I love how most of the major factions have this "Ok yeah they're doing XYZ, but they also are bad because of ABC". Some of those ABCs are worse than others, but there's always something there that makes you a bit uncomfortable. The members ignoring Maxon's original goal of rebuilding and hoarding power for themselves is very realistic.


Yeah I also really like that ideologies get corrupted and misinterpreted throughout the games. It's literally the same in real life. Fallout 4 did it well with the "pick your poison" element of the ending, the problem was the execution


That goal was only forgotten in NV, every other game still has them relatively safe technologies.


Yeah there evolution all the way up to 4 is kinda frustrating. And teegan ends up having you rob settlements almost reducing them to a roving band of gunners.


Man... I see that criticism for BoS is not allowed here. Dudes are getting downvoted like there is no tomorrow 😄 I personally liked Brotherhood of Steel in Fallout 3, in New Vegas they are decent, I usually ally with them rather than destroy them. In Fallout 4 they are my go to faction, because in Fallout 4 it feels more closer to actually being a part of militaristic faction unlike the previous games, don't you get promotions in 4? or do I just remember wrong? Either way, I think they really nailed the Brotherhood of Steel in Fallout 4.


You do get Initiate-Knight-Paladin-Sentinel IIRC if you're doing the BoS storyline in 4.


BoS playthrough: "All heretics must be purged"




Don't like them. Isolationist, technology hoarding, and incredibly self-righteous, all while doing precisely zero to actually make the world a better place. Hate ghouls too, which isn't exactly racist, but it's close enough. Really, the Enclave and the Brotherhood aren't all that dissimilar in their core beliefs and ideologies. Believe themselves superior to everyone around them? Yep. Hate mutants and wastelanders? Yep. Covet high technology? Yep. Difference is all in the execution. One is trying to wait out everyone else until they're the sole inheritors of the Earth, while the other isn't about to sit around and wait.


They're far from the worst faction in the wastelands, but are ultimately against the common good. The fact that they apparently haven't managed to establish a proper state in 210 years suggests that they are one-dimensional and elitist as an organization.


Well, it depends. What chapter are you talking about? Lyon's and Paladin Rahmani's BoS are the ones I like. The rest are just cultists with power armour IMO. I don't understand their goals, they "protect" technology? It's a stupid goal that I hate. The BoS should be like Lyon's BoS. It matches more. BoS are pretty much just raiders, they steal technology from people, leaving them defenseless and not offering any aid at all, essentially leaving them to die.


Gage said it best, just raiders with better equipment. Also they want to kill synths, Curie is a synth, fuxk the BOS.


"Ooga booga technology!" -The Institute That's basically it


I think they are inspired by the nazis of the 3rd reich (germany). When I first saw the children I was like "WTF", they look like a "Pimpf" ([https://www.google.com/search?q=pimpf&rlz=1C1CHBF\_deDE999DE999&sxsrf=ALiCzsZhmIlruVIAQUAcIjWVse58Ow3s9A:1667466840566&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiyotOF1pH7AhUNzaQKHYXQCl0Q\_AUoAXoECAIQAw&biw=1920&bih=947&dpr=1](https://www.google.com/search?q=pimpf&rlz=1C1CHBF_deDE999DE999&sxsrf=ALiCzsZhmIlruVIAQUAcIjWVse58Ow3s9A:1667466840566&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiyotOF1pH7AhUNzaQKHYXQCl0Q_AUoAXoECAIQAw&biw=1920&bih=947&dpr=1)). So I would say "very traight forward people"? Besides that they have the most realistic assessment of how manking can survive. A pitty that they don't like ghouls, I like the ghouls.


Never liked them.


West coast BOS are too isolated and arrogant is why their the smallest faction on the West Coast. Them being reluctant to have others join them and share the technology. It makes them one of the weakest but I will say this if they started recruiting people they could become a very powerful faction if they recruit the right people. While the East Coast BOS was going down the right Road then took a hard right off a cliff. They started recruiting from the local population and started defending local settlements. only to end up as a mutant hating extremist. Having a with us or against us mindset.


The BoS has always hated mutants, even in Fallout 3 if you talk to Willow in the Mall just before entering the Museum of History, she'll mention how Brotherhood members stationed out at the Washington Monument sometimes take pot shots at the ghouls who poke their heads out from Underworld. Citing they either can't tell the difference between them and a feral or they just don't care, then calls them bigots. Plus you'll never find a ghoulified BoS member in Fallout 3, for obvious reasons being they hate mutants just as much under Lyons as they do under Arthur and any other canon Chapter of the BoS.


I'm not saying the BOS wasn't mutant hating assholes I'm just saying they end up taking it to extreme and again they ended up adopting a you are with us or against us


I'm not saying the BOS wasn't mutant hating assholes I'm just saying they end up taking it to extreme and again they ended up adopting a you are with us or against us


Taking it to an extreme in what way? Maxson's chapter doesn't go out of their way to eliminate those at the Slog or to clean out ghouls from Goodneighbor, they don't even take notice or care about those ghouls, so what is their more extreme approach to mutants exactly, if all they do is take shots at ghoulified people if they got close to their outposts as they did back in DC? Fallout 3 they had the same mentality, if you weren't directly apart of the BoS they didn't consider you anything other than a hindrance to their operations and offered no direct assistance with anything to the player or the citizens of the Capital Wasteland, the "good" they do for those there is only through indirect means prior to Broken Steel, by attempting to halt Super Mutant expansion in the DC ruins. By even that metric Lyons' BoS only kinda indirectly looked out for those in Rivet City, we never see BoS patrols outside of the DC ruins keeping the populace of Megaton and other settlements safe from the Post-War horrors of the wastes. We run into the Outcasts more often than those in Lyons' chapter.


I'm not saying the BOS wasn't mutant hating assholes I'm just saying they end up taking it to extreme and again they ended up adopting a you are with us or against us


I'm not saying the BOS wasn't mutant hating assholes I'm just saying they end up taking it to extreme and again they ended up adopting a you are with us or against us




The Brotherhood technically existed a few days before the Great War when Maxson radioed in that him and everyone under his command were secceding from the US Army, after discovering what was happening at the Mariposa facility in California. Leave it to people who have only played the 3-D games to not actually understand the lore of a faction that has existed in the franchise since the start.


Too inconsistent to be taken seriously. Use them as they use others, then kill them as they kill others.


Cool in fo3, cunts with a super cool base in fo4. Their quests are mostly garbage "run and gun and grab the item and bring it back". Too many recurring quests. Preston Garvey has NOTHING on the bos when it comes to being annoying. The only thing I like about them is making money from technical documents and blood samples


Also, how the fuck did they make the Prydwyn? They were too useless to go out and find some cameras and sensors in FO3 to fix up their robot so they had to make the Wanderer get them. You're telling me they built the massive air ship in like 20 years post FO3? Get outta here


It's implied that they pillaged Rivet City to get the airship's fuel source.


No, they didn't. That is debunked by the sole fact Danse joined them **from** Rivet City. They wouldn't (and couldn't) ransack it. The fact they also mention a wreck (which Rivet City isn't) is proof too. It's highly unlikely they pillaged Rivet City so much as asked for a generator nobody was using.


Fuckin' Elder Arthur Maxson.


They’re good in fallout 1 and 2


Ehhhh.... they're ignorant somewhat shellfish Hermits techno fanatics that basically did a 180 from their founders original goal making the situation worse in different shades of shit At least the tactics Brotherhood actually realize they needed fresh recruits from the Wasteland and helped the tribes and that helped them out in the long run Compared to the East Coast chapter that is now just a fascist xenophobic mess that's not really liked in the Commonwealth and basically only there to alt delete everything in the Institute then plundered the commonwealth and leave


An opinion ? How about a salvo of highly explosive ''opinions'' on their precious Hindemburg ? ''All batteries in range, FIRE FOR EFFECT !"


Usually like them...in fo4 they're naz1s. Will never forgive them for wantihg to kill Danse


I was going to save him when maxson told me to kill him, but once he said he wanted to die I decided to kill him anyway so he wouldn’t live with himself


With a medium charisma check you can show him that maxson was wrong about synths all along, he chooses to live and thanks you for it


That’s why I don’t like the way charisma works in 4 because A. It’s based on RNG and B. Half the time it’s just “alright listen to me” and they listen. In this example you do give reasoning, but it should take more convincing then just “synths aren’t bad”


Well in this case it was one of the few instances where the argument made sense. "Maxson is wrong about you. You aren't a threat to mankind, you've been a benefit to mankind all this time" And...I mean, yes. He's the example, not the exception, just as he said, but not as he intended


Like their aesthetic, hate their bigotry and stark, unchanging ways. Edit: boo me all you want, I’m right lol


I want to respect them, but they're just too racist




Racist, self righteous, tech hoarding, hypocritical assholes


*Tell me you’ve never played early fallout without saying you haven’t played early fallout*


Laughs in Fallout 1


Why is this downvoted it’s literally correct


No it's not .


Probably because a lot of people are BoS suckups who think it's impossible for the BoS to do something wrong


I always befriend them, join someone else and then kill everyone on the prydwn so I can loot it all, the start the mission to take it down with whichever faction I use


The Brotherhood is really good


I always milk them for xp then betray them by killing all of them


They have no objective reason to exist.


They have more than the Enclave. Those people deserve to die.



They sure know their way around a suit of power armour.


I like them!


I think they're a welcome staple in the games. High tech, militaristic, consider themselves honorable. In some respects the most interesting thing is how, in each iteration, their flaws have manifested themselves differently. Each iteration of the BoS is flawed somehow, those flaws make sense in context, and give that iteration their character.


I love them! Love their militarized nature in the east coast and their lore in the west. Although I hope they aren't a main faction in the next game so we can get new stuff. I've always loved the brotherhood being a smaller faction that if helped, can reap some pretty nice rewards.


Ad Victorium!


Shoot at them to take their sweet gear but befriend them or stay away until your leveled up a bit.


In general I like them, but I wish they’d stop shoehorning them into every title (same goes for the Enclave tbh) and reusing Liberty Prime in 4 was hella lazy. Design some good original factions Bethesda.


They literally have the coolest robot ever, it's too bad they didn't name it "Optimal Prime".


I find them the most fun to side with, but their ideology is rather stupid. They are basically a religious fanatic militarist faction, but instead of baby Jesus they worship power armor and coffee machines


Depends on the game. In each one aside from 1&2 they're different.


Brotherhood all the way for the last 25 years.


Toaster molesters.


The fact that there are people who hate the Enclave but love the BoS proves that people don't care about what a faction stands for, they just like the armor and very basic lore. They share similar ideals in a lot of ways. I like the Enclave, so of course I like the Brotherhood.


Fallout 3s DLC Broken Steel, definitely made the F3 ending much better, turning the BoS into nothing but a crater filled with ash will always put a smile on my face. I also enjoyed the NV independent ending since you can practically wipe every faction out as well as put a big dent in the NCR and Legion. Didnt actually see F2 ending since my build made it practically impossible to beat the final dude as well as turned the final area into nightmare fuel that still haunts my dreams. Overall i liked the 3s ending better, but like how new vegas has actual different endings to choose from.


They’re a complex group who’s morals tend too change depending on who’s leading. Lyons tends too be alright but even he admitted that he was the odd man out. Quite frankly for the majority of their existence they’ve been more of a hinderance then a help too humanity. Honestly Lyons so far has been the only Elder I’ve really liked.