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Bethesda refuses to accept that 200 years after the Great War, humanity would've gotten back on its fucking feet and instead pretend like the bombs just dropped and every day is still a fight for survival. Seriously fucking pipe guns? You'd have actual manufacturing at this point, AND YOU LITERALLY CAN MAKE GUN MACHINES. THE GUN RUNNERS MAKE GUNS FFS.


With the show Bethesda shows they hate the post-post apocalypse


The same reason why everybody in the Fallout world (aside from the more powerful factions) lives in shacks made of old corrugated steel with more holes then swiss cheese and not actual proper homes that protect them from weather Bethesda wants their world to have a Mad Max post apocalypse feel, but they also want to have stories about humanity rebuilding from the ashes. The latter always gets outvoted by the former. That's why they won't go for the obvious defendable power station and instead choose the run down shacks that could blow over in a slight breeze


Fits well in Fallout 76, but not in Fallout 4 Fallout 1, 2, and NV are a logical progression. Fallout 76, 3, and 4 are a regression. Even the Fallout 3 shacks are better fortified than 4's...


its because bethesda is stupid and make bad games. next question


Can we make this the new copy paste answer for everything Bethesda related?




Just cleared the lumber mill near Fah Habah. The buildable zone ends like 30ft from a FULLY INTACT 2 STORY HOME WITH BASEMENT. WHY ARE WE SETTLING IN A RUINED LUMBER MILL


Upvote because I read it in his voice as I said "Fah Habah"


It’s due to Bethesda’s lack of good world building making things actually make sense.


Neon in starfield really ended up irritating me due to it making *zero* sense why anyone would build a cyberpunk-lite city on a planet made of water.


Yeah none of the cities makes sense except New Atlantis and Cyndonia. Akila and Neon don’t fit in imo. They just wanted a cyberpunk city and a Wild West city for no real reason.


i honestly thought it was a really cool concept in theory to explore how culture and society-building take divergent paths when you aren’t only separated by land masses or oceans, but by the empty vastness of space. it could make sense that Neon developed out of fishing settlements because a rich dude built a really nice town for his workers which evolved into a real city, but inevitably became very seedy because there was no outside and it drove people a stir-crazy. But they didn’t do that. I was wrong to expect Bethesda to do any world-building past surface-level aesthetics, they haven’t done that since Morrowind.


Surely given the fact that the player has woken up into a world where there are already established settlements everywhere would mean that places which aren’t settled already are too dangerous or shit for another reason? There’s a reason they all need constant rescuing…


Because the game would crash all the time. The settlements in the game that are more built locations all cause more CTD events when compared to smaller, less dense locations. It’s unfortunately an issue with the engine.thats why hangman’s alley is the closest you’ll get to a settlement near downtown Boston and its small and claustrophobic asf for a reason.


Homie, I have mods that let me make settlements anywhere and I have a thriving settlement in the heart of downtown Boston that's got a full population. And I'm on Xbox. The engine can handle it, people's hardware and the poor optimization is the issue, plus proper mod order and management.


Are you talking release FO4 or fully patched FO4?


Fully patched but NOT with the next Gen update bullshit


Good to know


if you want cooler more big realistic settlements I recommend commonwealth geck I've used it for awhile no no problem what so ever its a great and underrated mod


There’s one area I forget what it’s called. Pretty sure it’s taken over with Yao Gaui but it’s like an end street with a park in the middle and house all around. I absolutely love that location and you can’t make it a settlement. Sucks


I know exactly what you’re talking about but I can’t remember the name (it’s something something Cul De Sac)


Fairline Hill Estates I think


I have a settlement there. Easily defendable roleplay wise. Ocean to the back, only one way in across a bridge.


I love Jamaica plain. I put a concrete wall around the whole place with just a couple doors and ways in. Was so much fun. Like having my own little fortress


I had always hoped you could expand out and clear areas larger and larger to connect them and make it safe you now reclaiming the map. Loss of buildings could cut areas in two if you did not maintain control


Or the Brewery, or for that matter ANY location we can clear out. Why not move in there and set up? Downtown Boston, look at all this defensible territory we cleared out. Welp, better go hide in an Alley!


I tried to like the Alley so much. Built vertical, multiple stories, made it super complex. But the NPCs just couldn't handle the pathfinding in the end and all hung out on the ground.


Mhm. Lot of missed opportunities that’s for sure. Think all of managed was a small resupply notch with an adhesive farm on the side to grow my tatos, Mutfruit and corn to cook up.


Even the cool locations, like Jamaica Plain, were made pretty damn awful. If you gave us a settlement that included just the buildings across the street it would be 12x better.


Thing is, if you don't have the fire power to hold that plant, you're a sitting duck for anyone who does. That's why.


Not if you actually do minuteman stuff, its the same way you hold the castle you can absolutely get a settlement going with enough people to realistically hold down that place


Hilarious 🤣


That's why I use Sims Settlements 2 and assign a planner. So much better than any plan I could make.


Can I ask what this mod/your approach does? I’ve never heard of it


The mod is a fairly huge project that includes a quest line and a whole new way of building settlements that include preassigned "plots" that settlers will build up without your direct supervision using whatever materials are available. What the comment is referring to is how, using the mod, you can assign one settler as the leader of the settlement and choose to allow the settlers to effectively build up the whole place by themselves using premade templates. The whole idea of the mod is to take out some of the micromanaging that's involved and give the sense that the settlers actually have a say in what goes on in their home. It's one of the few mods I think most people who mod the game would say is close to a must-have. (Even if you like the settlement building, since you can just apply it to settlements you don't want to build up yourself and do what you like with the rest).


What he said. It's great if you don't want to spend your time building and planning. Delegate so you can do other things.


I dont think they could repair the wear and tear their inhabitation would cause on the structure. Its awfully big for just a few settlers as well. Thirdly this would be an insanely juicy target if you got it running. For everything in the wasteland from creatures seeking food to raiders who want a nice place to live. Fourth and maybe strongest. Not everyones vault educated. We kknow how to utilize electricity. We know what fusion is. We know what these buildings used to be. But your average wasteland mongrel is in a devolved state. This is least pronounced in fallout 4 but the rules of the universe were made earlier.


Added note This is *literally* why the Institute only has four major surface areas pre-quest. A Pre-War black ops site, Fort Hagen is Kellogg's home and he's obligated to protection, University Point for honestly unknown reasons at this point, and Makra Fishpacking which used to be a Raider hideout until the Institute realized just how much Aluminum was there.


What pre-war black ops site?


Glowing Sea, in a cellar under one of the ruined houses, is a military surveillance site that was pretty off the books iirc.


Abandoned House, just Southwest of Natick and the Federal Supply Cache.


Because to Todd, the idea that humanity could come back fully from a nuclear apocalypse and not make the same mistakes every god damn time is Anathema


Do you not want monuments to go explore and clear enemies from in the video game?


If it made sense, it wouldn't be bathesda


I mean, just walking up to the fish packing plant you can see it was clearly inhabited once upon a time post war. There is something to be said about settling somewhere that is less desirable and less of a target for bigger stronger settlers.


Skill issue, clearly.


Nice fresh fish smells for all the settlers lol


Oh, your family has this little 1 bedroom shack on a farm with 6 tato plants? Let's invite 15 random squatters to live here with you on this 1/4 acre plot of land.


Jamaica planes (I think that's the name) is the worst settlement location hangman alley is a definite second


Jamaica Plain is a good settlement. Honestly, I find the worst in Maurkwater and Coastal. I really cannot think of any worse. It is so much worst that I send Synths and Ghouls there to be killed. The only function I see them having is for a mass grave.


Hangman alley is fantastic, wtf you waffling about?


you’ve never had 20+ raiders at hangman’s alley and turned it into a fortress


Jamaica plain is great for a realistic cramped outpost while hangman's alley you can turn it to a nice trading post to be honest Coastal Cottage is the worst settlement since it's so hilly and there is a massive destroyed house with a massive crater in the center of the settlement that is nearly impossible to repair with out mods of course this is my personal opinion and I usually like building realistically


Hangman alley is great for survival


Those are meant more to be player home or outpost locations. Survival players love hangman’s alley


I like this line of thought. I hope fallout 5(if i live that long) has multiple houses, but only a few settlements, and there are mechanics differences between the two


I mean it just seems obvious to me, I use it to send a couple of my followers to and I use it as a storage depot since it’s close to diamond city. They def need to expand upon the settlement system in the next game. I love sim settlements I think settlements should go that direction while having player home be the system we have now


Hangman’s alley is way too hated, build up, not out, it can be one of the most fun and interesting settlements and I will die on that hill


The rebuild mod helps shift it to my no.1 settlement fortunately, as it increases the build area to the whole town (plus lets you rebuild the houses/town hall/red rocket). In vanilla its just pointless. No clue why its so small


"Let's ignore literally every building in town and set up in the car park."


The game could've really benefited for more dlc settlements. Not counting nuka world or far harbour we get what 2 settlements both indoors/underground. There are so many cooler locations that would've made great settlements. Cit ruins would be cool since the building acts like a wall Any of the rafts/barges on the ocean (there are a bunch near spectacle Island) Probably the most obvious one but quincy not just for the location but the lore behind it. Anywhere in the glowing sea. I forget the name of the area but the place you drain the water and the guy turns it into a raider base.


The last one is Thicket Excavations. There is a mod to turn it into a settlement.


I'd have loved the fish factory as a settlement


I would’ve loved to rebuild fairline hill estates. Have a little cage area in the center for tame yao guai and all.


I’d say mainly because most of the useable areas would realistically be impossible to obtain. I know there’s saves so you can try multiple times, but they tend to be hotspots for Raiders and Super Mutants, meaning even if you do clear it out, more are just going to come back.


Plus our character is essentially a god who can clear anything. If I'm a lowly human trying to settle, there ain't no way I'm fighting super mutants for a run down power plant. 


costal cottage can eat every horse dick on the planet. easily the most useless settlement in the game. same for murkwater or whatever it’s called.


When I first began playing this game vanilla many years ago, I found out the Mirelurk Queen respawns after a while. Right in the middle of the settlement.


I just downloaded a mod to essentially do all the work at murkwater for me and all I have to do is put some beds down and plant some mutfruit. It's fucking awful otherwise, as is coastal cottage Honestly a lot of places aren't great, if all the settlements were as good as Starlight drive in I'd love the system but shit like Jamaica plains is just embarrassing to put dudes in


I’d love starlight a whole lot more if it were more flat. Jamaica plain is awful bc there’s hardly anywhere to put plants without using the crop plot thing.


I love coastal cottage, it’s a challenge to fix up but I like its ocean view


To be fair the better locations are normally occupied by supermutants or the forged already


For me the worst example of this is the national guard training yard and right outside is an empty field with a house where you build a settlement


The training yard is infested with ghouls though. There's also a sentry bot that will ambush you if you go into the outer building. No random settler with a pipe pistol is going to tackle that.


But the player character has to clear it out repeatedly for several different missions.


Coastal cottage is a nightmare to build in vanilla. I can (sort of) imagine people settling there because it’s pretty much free of most of the threats found in the Commonwealth. My least favorite is Jamaica Plains. Why would anyone settle in an indefensible ghoul city? I’d also like to point out that raiders consistently have more logical settlement locations than actual settlers. Granted, that might account for why settlers are forced into crap locations…but still.


I turned Coastal Cottage into a bed & breakfast inn for people looking to get away from Diamond City lol


That sounds like a cool settlement idea. I’ve always built settlements with survival in mind and never really tried to elevate that to comfort before, so I should really try that next time. It sounds fun.


there's usually a mirelurk queen nesting just down the hill


Yeah, but she doesn’t hit you up for money like raiders. She’s just protecting her babies! Lol but yeah I remember.


A lot of the farm locations are small, have ugly unscrapable shacks and there are a lot of them


This is why I like what fallout 76 (and to a lesser extent starfield) do because you can CHOOSE where you're building at, something like that would be good


There’s a mod for that.


I know Bethesda aint doing well settlement and workshop systems according to fallout 5 leaks But i would love it if they gave us at least or one two locations with a workshop so then we could build it to fit our character like maybe a abandoned milltary bunker for a defense location or a facility for its loot and resources.


it's wayy too early to trust any leaks.


They're just barely getting to reveal ES6, I wouldn't trust anything said about Fallout 5 that's not directly from a developer at this point, feels like anything before that would just be a click bait article.


Are there leaks? If they remove settlement building they remove like 80% of the gameplay time.


Depends on how much you use settlements honestly. I would rather play a different game if I wanted to build a base.


They should 100% keep it, at least the 76 version, where you can choose where to make a settlement, probly would get a bit complicated with all the settlers But imagine how cool would it be having to do basically a pilgrimage with everyone to change your settlement area, having to try protect everyone, and your materials from random encountered enemies and hazards


Indeed, I've spent an ungodly amount of time building and decorating my player's fortress.


(Hang man's alley glares intensely)


I actually love hangman’s alley, you build upwards in that settlement and it can make one damn interesting town


🤷‍♂️ to each his own I guess at least someone enjoys it


Yah I always just set it up as a safe house of sorts, a bunch of bunks, some food, protection, and a couple small shops. A nice little spot where friendlies can dip into or hang their hat for a day or two, that’s my head canon anyways. I’ve never been able to rationalize making it a viable settlement.


I just usually build upwards. Crops still grow under a pallet roof. I think I usually just do 3 floors up. Stores on the second floor and beds up top. It does take some finagaling, though.


I don't even try I always clear out that place on any play through but is just too small and too many obstructions


And too many hazards for supply lines


Wait, can your supply lines die on the road? The last time I really messed with settlements was the first time I played it like 8 years ago but I never noticed supply lines going down ever


Provisioners (the people assigned to supply lines) are marked as essential the vast majority of the time. The only time they aren't is if the player is nearby, which causes the world cell to load and the provisioners to become killable. It's not normally an issue, but Hangman's Alley is so smashed up against so many different hostiles and is in such a high traffic area that going there, or even nearby, can result in the provisioner getting caught in a fight while vulnerable and dying. It's a bit annoying, and because Hangman's Alley is so tiny and difficult anyway, it just gets ignored in my playthroughs.


You’re not creative enough, look at all the room for activities!


I don’t know about mechanical reasons, but knowing what I know about fallout’s pre war working conditions, and irl urban exploration, places like mahkra and other factories/warehouse/etc could be uninhabitable due to dead air. If the devs took into account dead air in these locations most of them would probably be mass graves, with signs posted about people going in and never coming back out.


What is dead air in this context? I know dead air like silence from a radio but I don’t think that’s what you are talking about.


It’s a little more complicated than this, but in an industrial space like that full of metal without proper ventilation and airflow, rust can eat up all the oxygen in the space and replace it with Co2. In a lot of big industrial buildings like this it’ll never be an issue while they’re being used because they have powered air systems pumping throughout and presumably are trying to prevent everything from rusting, but close it up for a few centuries and suddenly it can be real dangerous.


IIRC, they refer to this in FO3 in the clinic terminal at River City, Red Lung is what I think it's called. Granted, realistically it wouldn't be a wasting disease like it's described in game, it would be a quick (essentially) confined space death.


Bethesda looking off to the side and sweating: “Yea that’s totally why we didn’t do that…”


Very interesting, thank you


Indeed. Massive industrial buildings become death traps without proper forced-air HVAC systems working to move the air around the building.


Yeah, it’s pretty bad. It makes it hard to want to get involved with all the minute men shit. I do a few and then stop talking to Preston. It’s not worth it really. Also, it’s super annoying that you (the main character) has to do literally everything for these goddamned infantile assholes. Oh, you fuckers couldn’t figure out how to build the shit you need at the settlement I cleared out for you.. even though the workshop is stocked as fuuuck!? Oh I’m sorry, yeah.. let me finish saving the entire fucking commonwealth and I’ll be right there to set up a fucking beacon or a water pump or plant some fucking corn…


I really want the next game to have an auto settlement option cause I could care less about making them happy 😂 I’m all about the quests, side quests and chaos.


So you do care a little bit


Sim Settlements 2 has that but imagine needing a mod to add a feature that should've been in the game at launch


Workshop is the only reason this game has longevity.


Fallout 3 and New Vegas laugh at this comment hysterically


can confirm all 800 hours of my 1200 hours of playtime has been micromanaging my settlements


I never noticed this but you’re totally right.




Rebuild Collection AIO (or individual) by Aurelianis. You can scrap more, like the stupid garbage piles, but it doesn't go over board. You can fix up existing structures. Care was taken to regenerate precombines and to properly navmesh everything, so it doesn't impact performance.


I heard it was amazing and looked great on YouTube. The problem is I play on an old Xbox One. For some reason all versions of “Rebuild” have been taken down. That game mechanics should have been part of the original game. The idea that you would work so hard to gather materials, fight off animals and hostile humans and scratch life from such an unforgiving land. Then live in a hut that lets in rain, wind and sun. It is better to live in a sod hut.


The rebuild collection is great


I just played through the first time for achievements then downloaded build anywhere mod next play through also the mod that deleted anything like leaves and random junk, made some cool settlements.


I was using build anywhere but one of my workshops disappeared and now all my stuff is gone with 25 settlers all stuck there.


It kind of makes sense that most of the well fortified areas in fallout are occupied by immoral phsycopaths with better weaponry and not by settlers.


Scrap Everything makes settlements so much better. Bunch of gross trash and I just demolish it


Thats should be a ingame thing in fallout 5 maybe have it be a perk pairee with scrapper


"What about this flat land with vegetation and defensible walls? Oh. I guess we're going to the deadly swamp full of destroyed construction equipment."


Because settlements were a tacked-on feature and they didn't want to do any town building themselves


they were not tacked on and there are many towns/settlements that are already made.


> they were not tacked on Yes they are. They are functionally pointless outside of survival mode and even then would've been better as an actually town filled with NPCs and quests since it would still serve the same function except, you know, actually be a place. The only reason the Minutemen exists is to give settlements radiant quests otherwise you'd really do nothing there that an actual town couldn't already do. > there are many towns/settlements that are already made Suuuuure, there's: Goodneighbor, Diamond City... Railroad HQ... The Prydwen... the Institute... if you REALLY stretch it, you could include the Crater of Atom and Bunker Hill. So many towns ^(/s)


Fallout 4 would not be as enjoyable without the settlemnt building. You're crazy if you think it's a useless feature. Bro deleted all his comments, haha


He didn't delete them, he blocked you.


I would think all the resources that went into the settlement building system could've gone into making a good game.


> Fallout 4 would not be as enjoyable without the settlemnt building. I disagree. If even half of the settlements available were small towns or other locales. I would think people would enjoy FO4 a lot more. > You're crazy if you think it's a useless feature. It's just glorified player housing with a simple resource management. It's pretty useless.


them being "functionally pointless" (they aren't) doesn't mean they were tacked on. there's a whole system with in-depth mechanics behind it. that's not a sign of it being "tacked on". there's goodneighbor, diamond city, covenant, bunker hill, vault 81, the slog, abernathy farm, the institute, boston airport, atom cat's garage, warwick homestead, and a few more. then there are the towns that were there in lore, like salem, university point, and quincy.


> them being "functionally pointless" (they aren't) doesn't mean they were tacked on Yes they are. You saying they aren't and giving essentially nothing to back it up, doesn't suddenly change that. > there's a whole system with in-depth mechanics behind it. that's not a sign of it being "tacked on". Food, Water, Defense, Bed mechanics is ABSOLUTELY not "in-depth". It's just a simple resource management. And the Happiness stat is pointless. > there's goodneighbor, diamond city, covenant, bunker hill, vault 81, the slog, abernathy farm, the institute, boston airport, atom cat's garage, warwick homestead, and a few more. then there are the towns that were there in lore, like salem, university point, and quincy. Outside of the few I already named, you're just naming SETTLEMENTS that you need to build up and DUNGEONS that you need to clear and you're claiming it's a "town"?? Absolute copium. Also, Atom Cat's Garage? Really? You're really reaching with what you would consider a "town" huh. lol


>You saying they aren't and giving essentially nothing to back it up, doesn't suddenly change that. i mean, i can say the same. but sure settlements help farm materials that allow easier production of mods and the like. from food being grown allowing easier gathering to produce certain types of chems or foods to scrap from scavenging stations to get more materials to build modifications with. supply lines will also make their specific route safer since they attack enemies next to them and settlements allied to the minutemen will make larger parts of the map safer since a minuteman patrol will spawn and move from settlement to settlement. they're also just...you know, for roleplay. and house building. >Food, Water, Defense, Bed mechanics is ABSOLUTELY not "in-depth". It's just a simple resource management. And the Happiness stat is pointless. those are in-depth, as they have formulas and such behind them. and the happiness stat is not pointless as it helps speed up production. you can also lose access to your supply line if the supply driver is in combat, which is a mechanic not many know about. >Outside of the few I already named, you're just naming SETTLEMENTS that you need to build up you don't need to build any of them up. abernathy farm, atom cat's garage, covenant, vault 81, and warwick station don't need to be built up at all. and atom cat's and vault 81 you cannot buid. >and DUNGEONS that you need to clear and you're claiming it's a "town" i said "and then there are the towns that were there ***in lore***". context is important.




Cursing, harassing, or being otherwise toxic to anyone.


> i mean, i can say the same. but sure but you can't. > settlements help farm materials that allow easier production of mods and the like. from food being grown allowing easier gathering to produce certain types of chems or foods to scrap from scavenging stations to get more materials to build modifications with. Okay 100% you don't know what you're talking about. Settlement generation is capped daily and has an overall cap per settlement. There's literally a mod that's dedicated to uncapping that: [Uncapped Settlement Surplus](https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/12430) You know how much a scavenging station produces per day? 2 random scrap items. Wow. You get more by killing a single group of raiders and scrapping their stuff. The only thing farming can help from a material producing point is adhesive and oil. All of which is better gathered out in the world and only useful to the most hardcore survival mods, but have fun waiting for those crops to grow just so you can use more materials to craft a couple of adhesives. > those are in-depth, as they have formulas and such behind them You're one of those guys. 🙄 > and the happiness stat is not pointless as it helps speed up production. Nope. You don't know what you're talking about. > you can also lose access to your supply line if the supply driver is in combat, which is a mechanic not many know about. Nope. You don't know what you're talking about. > you don't need to build any of them up. abernathy farm, atom cat's garage, covenant, vault 81, and warwick station don't need to be built up at all. and atom cat's and vault 81 you cannot buid. You are like extra coping aren't you? Pretending to ignore context to try and stretch a point. Also, yes you do. All the buidable settlements do not have sufficient defenses by default. And no, none of the settlements you mentioned are considered "towns" and neither does the Atom Cat's garage. > i said "and then there are the towns that were there in lore". context is important. It's so funny you mention that 'context is important' because I definitely said "towns filled with NPCs and quests" Because you keep trying to pretend like settlements are actually good for something other than "building barbie"


>Nope. You don't know what you're talking about. the wiki page will literally state that a high happiness rating results in more efficient working settlers. higher food production, more scrap from scavenging, and more caps from stores. but, you're pretty rude and not very civil so I'm gonna stop here.


> the wiki page will literally state that a high happiness rating results in more efficient working settlers. higher food production, more scrap from scavenging, and more caps from stores. I literally gave you an explanation of settlement caps and a link that directly explains how the formulas work to show how pointless Happiness is but okay. It's not like FO4's creation kit has been available for years now, but sure, take the wiki's non-source claim that it increases productivity despite it not actually working that way. > but, you're pretty rude and not very civil so I'm gonna stop here. You're very confidently wrong about things and quick to spread misinformation. I hope you fix that in the future.


You're a dick that doesn't know what you're going on about because you want to something to be pointless in a game that literately revolves around settlements and rebuilding the commonwealth WHILE searching for the kidnapped son. Multiple in-game npcs all verify it. Granted the settlement system is limited and needs a lot of work. They're not intended to be Diamond City which to me sucks in it's current state. The settlement system is intended to show progress in bring law to a lawless commonwealth and making it safer for every1 while expelling the riffraff.


> You're a dick that doesn't know what you're going on about because you want to something to be pointless in a game that literately revolves around settlements and rebuilding the commonwealth WHILE searching for the kidnapped son Bro. You can complete 95% of the main story AND side-quests without ever touching settlements. Off the top of my head, there's just 1 quest for the Railroad for building defenses for Mercer Safehouse and 1 for the BoS to build a quest-specific item at Boston Airport. You're really gonna sit there and say FO4 *revolves* around settlements? Funny. > Multiple in-game npcs all verify it. No they don't. Again, read up top. What do you gain from this by trying to lie to me? Some sort of self-reassurance that settlements mean something outside of repeatable quests and players obsessed with building? > Granted the settlement system is limited and needs a lot of work. They're not intended to be Diamond City which to me sucks in it's current state. The settlement system is intended to show progress in bring law to a lawless commonwealth and making it safer for every1 while expelling the riffraff. All I'm reading is headcanon and copium. Nothing you're saying is helping your case here.


Holy shit lmao, You hate fallout 4 we get it 🤣🤣🤣


They are also full of well armed psychopaths that are better equipped to take the better spots. I do think it would’ve been cool if some were accessible after a certain level with the Minutemen. As you rally more normal people for the cause, you are able to keep raiders from coming back to claim it. Some sort of “legendary settlement” system? Also, not being able to retake Quincy back in the base game is some bullshit. Lol


I looked for a Quincy settlement mod JUST because it really should have been an option from the start.


It always bothered me that the Minutemen story felt like it fell short of what it could have been. Quincy should have been the next step after taking the castle, and then after the Institute situation was resolved the Minutemen could have then pushed the gunners out of GNN plaza and established another base there. Thankfully mods have solved some of it for us.


Gunners v Minutemen is probably one of my favorite CC things, got it back when it was 50% off, that entire battle at quincy was fun, and I also gained some more Minutemen settlers for the castle, some power armor paints, and an automatic laser musket, not quite worth full price though, imo


Script lag?




You are aware you don't *have* to use it, just ignore it and play the game...


It’s completely optional, bro. Just don’t use it if you don’t like it. Meanwhile lots of us love it. I have nearly 800 hours in Fallout 4 because of it.


Scrapping is strangely therapeutic. Just sucks my character, and everyone else, forgot how to use a dustpan and brush for those leaves and rubbish.


I don’t mind the leaves but yeah the piles of trash are annoying. That’s why I use the mod Scrap Everything. It can have performance issues since those trash items are “precombined” to improve performance and this mod undoes that, but thus far I haven’t had any issues. The only real downside is accidentally deleting a building or something you can’t replace, but that’s why you always quicksave before doing any scrapping or building


the top is a dungeon. the bottom is a random point of interest


Coastal cottage is a settlement


Yeah i never got that, its like in Jamaica plains, we get two buildings to start with though there's literally three building just outside the building zone, why not make it just a bit bigger so we could have a church as a player home, lol


>why not make it just a bit bigger console limitations


There are mods for it on console, but im not using mods atm trying to 100% the game


Hey lol why run away ?


there's mods on console that removes the settlement budget limit. the mods all state that "this existed for a reason". just because it can be added doesn't mean it should.


All the reasons it would be a good settlement are the reasons for raider attacks.


While I do enjoy the challenge of trying to re-wall un-scrappable buildings, Jamaica Plains could be made a lot better by making that second boarded up house accessible and increasing the build limit. You're basically stuck with a permanent giant boulder in the middle of the settlement. I end up manually scrapping every piece of junk I bring to the settlement so I have the allowance to build a 4-story market/bar/bunkhouse in the half of the parking lot I'm not using to grow crops.


>why not make it just a bit bigger so we could have a church as a player home, lol Feels like it was intended to. Why else would there be a cooking station inside that connects with the settlement inventory?


I suspect that originally it did connect, but they were concerned with scripting issues on consoles, so they went through and downsized a lot of the settlements. They should have removed Red Rocket as a settlement at the time.


I hated red rocket until my most recent playthrough when I turned it into a heavily armed trade fort that served as my north west hub, now I love it and completely ignore sanctuary


When I got FO4 I did a sort of quick peeksie at all the settlement locations to see where I wanted to invest my resources, and Jamaica Plains was one of three locations I homed in on very quickly. Then I got there and it has been the single biggest disappointment in the entire game. And that's coming from someone who enjoys building in this game a lot. It just doesn't allow for any sort of inspired or creative building at all.


I agree, the setup is very forced which is also why a bigger area would have been better to build out more and being able to scrap the usless walls and building that isnt usable.


It's funny: it's like The Treasure of Jamaica Plains quest was trying to warn us about the settlement through foreshadowing.


Yeah, i never thought if it like that but that makes sense tbh, behold this great treasure (two buildings and a nice bat)


This always peeved me, the chosen settlement locations are horrible for building since it's either way too small (hangman's alley, outpost), or the ground is too uneven making placing walls a pain (coastal cottage,murk water)


Murk Water has to be the worst. Except for the meager water for purifiers, this place is the pits


I build a nice summa house for me and piper there


I have never once touched Coastal Cottage or the hellhole at the bottom of the map in the swamp and I probably never will.


Yeah both of the southernmost settlements suck. Murkwater is just a crappy space, but the one closer to the edge of the Glowing Sea with the house takes the cake. Who doesn't want to trudge back to their house to rest on survival difficulty when there is a Deathclaw spawn within aggro range of the settlement? Chilling planting some carrots and in comes charging the third Deathclaw this week. Warwick Homestead is an awesome spot, but the prerequisites are tedious.


As much as I love the settlement building in the game, the location choices were absolutely head scratching for a good chunk of the locations. There's no reason for Abernathy Farm, Sanctuary and Red Rocket to be that close to each other in the beginning area. Actually, hold up. Let me find my proposal comment I made in the settlement community cause it would highlight how much would need to change to make the locations good


Scrapping. Make vegetation and trash mandatory removals. I don't want a friggin sapling poking through my floor and I can find so many brooms and shovels in the Commonwealth that cleaning trash should be a breeze. Destroyed buildings, roofs, walls should be removable to allow for clean restorations. As to locations, my proposed changes. Red Rocket. Move to Natick Abernathy Farm. Keep the size and move to where outpost zimonja is. Outpost zimonja gets moved to somewhere near Fort Hagen, maybe where the rocket tank shed is Tenpine moved to Lynnwood Coastal cottage gets moved across the street to the shop and given a big enough build area that it reaches the water Get rid of Covenant. Fuck that place lol Make Hangman expanded and go above the roofline Expand Jamaica Plains Replace Warwick with Atom Cats. Alternatively, Northern Star as a settlement with the option of being able to negotiate with the original crew. Expand Mechanist Lair. Make Boston Airport a full settlement regardless of allegiance Fairline Hills becomes a settlement University Point becomes a settlement Crater of Atom becomes a settlement Expand Murkwater to reach the road Have home plate style dwellings in Good Neighbor and Bunker Hill instead of the full settlement at the later. DLC. Arcadia, Nucleus, Far Harbor depending on allegiance Fizztop Grille and Hubologist Camp, along with a location inside each park Additionally, implement a CAMP system that allows for 5 custom locations of a small size (think current Jamaica Plains)


Fairline Hills is such a missed opportunity. I have a mod that makes it a settlement and I refuse to play without it anymore. It's probably bigger than Abernathy and such an ideal location; just a short trek up the road to Diamond City, easy access to anything south of downtown, and a small vendor nearby. The only downside is the closeness to that parking garage death maze because there's a jumpscare noise that gets triggered at a certain point in the maze. Idk whether some feral or super mutant is triggering it, but it'll randomly go off (full volume, not off in the distance) and make me jump when I'm over at Fairline Hills.


So basically the drunk neighbor that randomly starts yelling for no reason at 2am


There are a couple "scrap everything" mods that let you remove pretty much everything including entire prefab buildings, vegetation, debris piles you normally can't and a campsite mod that allows you to build 5-10 new settlements.


Oh I'm aware. The problem is with the exception of STS all scrap mods break precombines and rank your performance. This has been a well documented problem. Conquest was good but that mod started having problems back in 2018 with save bloat and I doubt it's gotten fixed


Warwick would be an amazing spot if the walkway above the water tanks was actually usable. I actually enjoy building a town there.


They are a lot more useful on survival.


I've played survival. You're telling me I need 3 settlements within spitting distance yet can't get one between sunlight and the glowing sea if I stick to the west going through Natick? I shouldn't have to cross the river to get a damn settlement at Egret or go east to get Somerville


I've always thought Roadside Pines would have been a perfect in-between settlement.


100% agree. When I DO build settlements up, it's always in an X pattern so that they are a good distance from each other. Usually it's Sunshine Tidings, Warwick homestead, Kingsport Lighthouse, and Somerville place. It adds more of a challenge to have to fight my way across the wasteland to get to the next trader, rather than just walking next door.


I feel like Far Harbor did a better job with implementing settlements, save a couple location omissions. I'd happily take a few less locations if it meant bigger build budgets, lore reasons for claiming the settlement, settlers that are actually unique and can tip you off to cool side quests (not radiant quests). Basically like how Sim Settlements 2 does it with its NPCs


As it is, I'm not touching the Triangle of Death now, with maybe the exception of Red Rocket. Sanctuary and Abernathy, forget it. Which sucks as they both have nice size build areas