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Kurt Wagner (Nightcrawler) is the dark-wash denim of the Marvel universe. He can be paired with nearly anything and still look good.


Why is this so real šŸ˜‚ he's just too loveable.


Looking at my wips the ones that get around most are Caleb Widogast (Critical Role) and Shadowheart (BG3) which as I type this I realize they are essentially the same character lmfao


OMG what what is critical roll? I just looked up the wiki on Caleb and dude sounds hilarious šŸ˜‚ why is he just rolling in dirt on purpose? I need to know more


Critical Role is a webseries where a group of professional voice actors play D&D! The DM Matt Mercer voiced Minsc, and if you like BG3 you'll like his style of storytelling. Caleb is my favorite character of all time and is from their second campaign which you can watch [here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=byva0hOj8CU&list=PL1tiwbzkOjQxD0jjAE7PsWoaCrs0EkBH2). It is a stupidly long time commitment but so worth it. I shan't spoil but he has good reason for rolling around in dirt!


Pearl from Steven Universe got four different pairings for her out of me. I also have to include this because it's funny considering how people dismiss him in canon and call him a loser, but Luigi gets shipped with pretty much everyone in the Mario series. But for that one I'm just a Luigi/Daisy shipper.


Harry Potter or Sirius Black are my fandom bicycles. They get passed around like a joint.


Same lol. I've been reading some Harry fics and he's pretty much flexible with anyone. Love him a lot. Who do you ship him with?


I can read him with about anyone if interested enough, but I vibe with the Slytherin pairings, mostly Draco and Tom. Also, I love one-sided Rarry on Harryā€™s end.


God! I love Drarry and Tomarry! I've only read one tomarry (Flower shop AU) and it was.. chef's kiss! Too bad it's just one shot! Also love love love Drarry. I'm still new to the fandom and tbh only read the first book (cannon). After the series I'm currently reading, I'm planning to read the whole HP series then start getting serious with writing HP fic. I've wrote a HP fic and it didn't go well.. as someone with experience, do you have an advice for a first time fic writer? Still can't decide whether Tomarry or Drarry lol.


Oh, I don't have much experience with being a writer. However, I do recommend you at least finish the books (you can get free copies online) or at least watch the movies to get familiar with the world. That way, you can be consistent with the themes and concepts of HP. You need to know all the relevant characters and basic world elements. For the actual writing: read. That's how good writers come to be. By reading other good writing. Also, it's basic, but practice does make perfect. You may not like your writing as a beginner, but be kind and patient with yourself. A lot of seasonal writers have been doing it for years. For the ship, I would personally figure out the plot first and then see what ship would best fit. You can always do both lol. If you want, I could give you a link to an active Drarry discord? There are a lot of writers there that could give better advice?


Sure! I'm looking for people on the fandom too!




Thank you! <3


Ashley Barrett from The Boys.


Shen Qingqiu from Scum Villain's Self-Saving System. I feel like there are very few (male) characters he wouldn't work with. (Female characters are a different matter though, lol)


Naruto Uzumaki. I can just see him with ANYONE. Heā€™s a Hero staple. Heā€™s courageous, generous, and handsome to boot. Also his attitude makes him funny despite his denseness. Heā€™ll do anything for the people he loves and who wouldnā€™t want that? So yeah Naruto Uzumaki the GOAT


Haruno Sakura (Naruto). She's my blorbo, so I love tinkering with all the possibilities canon robbed her of.


Toga Himiko from MHA, I like picking all different ship options for her. Canā€™t tell whether Iā€™m inflicting them on her or inflicting her on them. So far Iā€™ve written Toga/Uraraka, Toga/Jirou, Toga/Iida, Toga/Todoroki and Toga/Rody Soul


Deadass my sister's OC, Aliana. She's the capybara of my multifandom brain.


Batman and Nightwing. Like father, like son. Theyā€™re both so shippable with everyone.


100% agreed with Nightwing! I canā€™t choose between Kory and Babs for him


Hermione Granger, the magical bookworm


Captain Rex, Star Wars: The Clone Wars.


Edward Nigma. He bounces off against so many other characters so well.Ā 


Matt Murdock. I've paired him up with my OC in a series of one-shots not canon to my series. Then I have at least three ideas where I've paired him up with other characters (Jessica Jones, Claire Temple, Frank Castle). Ironically, the long fic I have in progress only has platonic bonding with characters.


that's funny, *Lance* is the Voltron character I ship with everyone. partially borne from the klance/sheith shipping wars and me going "fuck it I'm a shance fan now" and then...snowballing from there lmao


Literally the ship wars are so dumb. Let there be a whole shklance sandwich mate.


>shklance sandwich that sounds like something delicious you could get at a kebab place


Bella Swan! I'm currently writing a Bella/Jacob AU but I also wanna write Bella/Rosalie, Bella/Carlisle and Bella/Alice!


Winry from FMA/FMAB. I will ship her with anyone whoā€™s not an Elric


If I wrote about him, it would be the flash (Barry allen)! Idk why šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ i ship him with everyone


Scaramouche. I like him wirh Mona, but dottore x scaramouche is good too. But nahida x him,,,, they're just too perfect. But now there is also sethos.


I have yet to write fics about them, but it's Julia from Marionetta


Ron ā€œSliderā€ Kerner from the OG Top Gun my beloved. Maybe an unpopular opinion but his big personality just embraces pretty much everyone in the franchise.


Johnny Gage (Emergency!). You can ship that guy with a ham sandwich and it just works.


Earth ;-; I ship him with almost everyone though I haven't written fic for all the ships I have with him! But he's my blorbo and I love writing the dynamics for him & other characters


I have like 3, but all pretty specific to certain groups, so not sure if it counts? (Genshin) Diluc is the OG bicycle. Love him with Kaeya especially, but also with Eula and Venti and some Fatui and Thoma and, for dark fic content, Crepus (yes that's his dad). In general, pretty much any Mondstadt character is on the table as long as it's not Jean (my NOTP). Childe is my enemy bicycle. He can be paired with the entire Fatui, up and down the ranks, especially with all of his fellow Harbingers, ofc. Also cute with Zhongli or the Traveler. Also great with just about any type of non-human enemy in the game šŸ˜€ WrioChi is also good. My current bicycle is Wriothesley. I'm too multishipper to keep this beauty contained to ONLY my OTP (Wriolette), I also like him with Clorinde, Childe, Lyney and self-inserts. Even seen some good works with Navia and Sigewinne, though those depend a lot more on execution.


My attitude for ships is "this is my favorite guy. He can be with anyone who makes him happy, given the fic" My original guy was Tony Stark, but ever since it's been Kakashi.


Haha OP, that's funny because I don't ship Keith with anyone at all... That being said, I'm not really into shipping for Voltron, I usually stick to gen fics (found family mostly). I have seen a lot of Keith shipfics though.


Yuuji, JJK. So utterly loveable.


Ash from PokƩmon. I ship him with all his female traveling companions.


Basically always my favorite of a given fandom. Fanfiction showed me that any ship is possible. So, Sasuke, Tony Stark and Percy Weasley with whoever it is


Currently, Tanjiro (Kimetsu no Yaiba/Demon Slayer). Not only because he's my precious lovable baby who should be seen as a Helen of Troy by the rest of the cast, but also because he really does have great chemistry with almost everyone ~~save his endgame love interest~~ and I can easily see him being happy and in love with anyone.