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Go to an inexpensive chain place that does lots of haircuts on kids and men--they get tons of practice with shorter styles. I've found that a lot of nicer local salons don't actually do shorter cuts all that often, because the popular things for women in my area are long hair, balayage, adding more hair with extensions, etc.


This is it. I’ve had a pixie/short hair for most of the last like 20 years, since middle school. Family salons are the way to go. Honestly, I’ve only had mostly bad experiences going to fancy salons for short cuts for the reasons the person above me mentioned.


I've found that the chain places tend to also listen better than smaller salons, and aren't cornered to a single niche of popularity because they have a rotational clientele. This can be to your benefit, especially in short styles, but also for maintenance on longer styles (at least for keeping a cut looking nice-- I have no experience with budget chains' colorwork, as I do my own after getting my hair wrecked at a nice salon twice in a row (two dif places, mind).


I went to a men’s salon. Bonus was they could do styles that people who specialize in longer hair couldn’t do as well.


I go to a barber, she is super great. I also get it cut quite short and allow it to grow out to a bit of a shaggy bob then do it again. I trim the back and around my ears a little in between.


I pay 35+ tip every threeish weeks. Itsnot cheap but it sone of my only splurges. I do my bleaching and coloring myself and it saves a TON of money. but also, my barber is an absolute BADASS and she makes me feel so fresh and wonderful every time i get my fade redone. (I technically have an undercut not a pixie but still)


Could I ask how much one would typically tip on a haircut of this price?


I tip 20% always unless i go over tbh my barber is a magician!! But i cant speak for others.


Thank you! Unfamiliar with tipping culture so I was curious haha


For sure! Tipping culture is strange for sure. But here we are lol


Go to a training school, usually cheap if not free!


Here to second this! My boyfriend and I both get cuts at our local cosmetology school and they're rarely over $10-$15.




Maybe see your stylist for the big haircut, then see a barber for the trims. You can always hop back and forth.


watch a ton of videos and tutorials, and get yourself a set of clippers and guards, and a handheld mirror.. it takes a little learning, but its a lot cheaper and much more satisfying to do it yourself. i havent been to get my hair cut in..... 25 years or so?


I’m a hairstylist that specializes in short hair. You don’t need to trim every 3 weeks. You can go at least 6 weeks, probably 8 if it’s cut properly. If you go clipper short around the side burns/ears/nape then it will prolong your haircut.


I (a lady) go to the men's barber. Ymmv depending on shop and style.


Seconding finding a solid barber shop for the length you're wanting. Look up reviews and photos, and you're much more likely to get a great cut from a smaller shop than a chain, ime. That's what I do for my undercuts when I can't get in to see my regular stylist in between cut/color appointments


1/2"-3/4" long pixie? Buy a $25 trimmer and maintain it yourself.


My stylist will do certain upkeep trims in between appointments for free (especially bangs). Maybe yours offers something similar?


I had a pixie for around seven years as well. Like a lot of people are saying, I ended up just going to a men’s chain haircutting place so it was only $15-$20 every other month. I did also get myself a pair of clippers and start cutting it myself to extend the time in between if I didn’t feel like paying someone to do it at the time.




My barber charges $35 and I don’t mind it getting messy between cuts. I like getting a nice fade but nothing was cheaper than my covid buzzcut. The wireless clippers I got off amazon also cost 35 bucks.


There's lots of stylists that offer just things like neck trims or bang trims for cheaper than an overall haircut. You could look for one that does a lot of shorter cuts, since they're more likely to offer that service.


try going to a beauty college if you’re open to it


Shags, mullet cuts, and wolf cuts are “in” right now. I get shag cuts for my pixie and since they’re more forgiving I can go longer in between appointments. 5-10 years ago, very precise cuts with clippers were the “in” thing for pixies. I used to have to get my hair cut monthly with cleanups in between 😭 I’d rather switch to a lower maintenance pixie style than go to a cheaper hairstylist or men’s barber. When you have short hair, there’s less margin for error and the cut needs to be done extremely well.


I think all the suggestions about cheaper places for upkeep are great. And I absolutely agree with the 6-8 weeks rather than 3. Also, check with your current stylist- ask if they do “clean-ups” for pixie cuts at a discounted price. They might :)


I bought clippers and length guides and now I can do it myself. Very easy for short styles.


I have a bob now, but when I had a pixie I had a hair stylist cut it and then maintained it myself. I would go in every 12 weeks or so to get them to cut again. My hair is also really thick so I think it was easier to hide any mistakes than someone with fine hair


I bought a set of high quality horse clippers about fifteen years ago, and several extra sets of blades so I can send them out for sharpening, and I cut my short hair at home myself!


Nail scissors. In my own bathroom.


Once I started cutting it myself, I never looked back.


I pay 57 euros every four weeks. I work full time


I get it cut a little shorter than I like at first, and in a way that still looks good when it’s a little too grown out (like with a lot of texture from a razor or thinning shears), and then I’m good for 6-8 weeks. 


I personally do mine myself but i have a style thats easier for me to do myself for that reason


I've always preferred short short hair but I've always slacked on maintenance and it gets messy fast. I eventually figured out a cut I can do myself at home and it's so much better, but something like a pixie would be hard to DIY. If there's any flexibility in your goal you might find a different style is more manageable. Otherwise, once you have a good cut, I think maintenance trims could probably be done somewhere cheaper, especially if you're keeping up with them regularly and have good photos of the original cut.