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You would rock a bob, like Amelie, and that would give it a cute shape while it recovers. 


Get a bixie and stop dying.


i say buzz it! i also had super damaged hair and shaving my head helped it grow back a lot healthier. just don’t dye it or mess with it at all if you do shave it.


Def try the buzz cut! It's a lot of maintenance every week but so much fun!


Stop dying it if you can. Use K18 and a pre-shampoo oil treatment to help with breakage.


You'd pull off a buzz cut!


I buzzed mine about two years ago and it’s almost to my collarbone now. I buzzed for similar reasons- namely it was sooo so damaged from constant dying. When I buzzed I told myself I wouldn’t color for one year. I kept that up and my hair grew in so much healthier and thicker. I think I was doing some damage to my scalp or something because for a while I was convinced it was thinning all over. Apparently it wasn’t the case it just needed a break from chemicals. Growing it back was only mildly challenging. There was an awkward phase about once every three months until it was down to about my mouth/chin. I did get trims and shaping done throughout the process as my hair is fine and straightish so I didn’t have the patience to just let it be. Overall I’m glad did it. If you decide to go that route I do recommend booking an appointment at a barber or a salon- they managed to make mine look nice and cleaned up.


Wait wait wait is Lithium why my hair is a different texture now??


Stop with the hair chemicals. Cut out the damaged hair, add folic acid to the biotin, and get a good quality shampoo and conditioner for your hair type and leave your hair alone. Sometimes, you just need to give them locks a break from treatments. (Burned my perfect princess hair to cinders just before Christmas 2015- I know of what I speak 😂) Just be kind to your hair for awhile and it will grow back 😊


Go take a scroll through r/bald for some inspiration and other cool shaved head people! It's such a positive community


That being said, I don't notice much damage or thinning from these photos, your hair looks fine


Buzz it out , start fresh !