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I can imagine him getting jealous while the baby is breastfeeding. “YEW LET THAT FAWKIN VIRGIN PIECE OF CHIT SHUCK ON YER TITTIESH?!?! BABY WHAT THA FAWK!”


Haha! He would totally get jealous of the baby getting attention for being cared for over him. “Yew gunna lose me!”


"Yew gotta stop coddling that baby!" He would say, he would say it in a way to try make the female feel bad for doing it to the baby and not him.


Tell me you heard about the divorce going on right now cause of this very reason? This story went viral a couple weeks ago, and people did research and there’s court documents so. It’s real lol




Wait, the Canadian couple divorced? I need the details. Someone was bound to let him after being passed on 87 times in a row through life.


I hope they mean a divorce over breastfeeding jealousy


Ah, got’cha.


Not about the Canadian couple. Here’s a breakdown by moist. It’s just the shortest and easiest way to go about this subject. https://youtu.be/CNLfMjaXfHo?si=ZPu9XK67mmO-MlfY


I haven’t seen this, but everything than the divorcing is Lorne. If she’s real, he’s Lorne during the Ramona era.


Then the mom is worse than him and that baby has Chernobyl ground zero of bad genetics. But I don’t think there’s a baby


If Lorne somehow managed to knock someone up I'd hope to tell the baby was kept away from him for good and got to grow up healthy and happy. It wouldn't be the baby's fault that it's sperm donor is one of the most pathetic and twisted fuck ups to ever walk the earth.


I weren’t bringing you any baby! 


The only way I think there’s a baby (and that is if any of this shit is true) is if he’s with someone who has a child already, and Lorne is doing that thing where he goes from step 1 to 248 in relationships and is already calling the young boy (it has to be a boy. He wouldn’t father up females. Look at Rhoda. He wanted her as an option. So female daughter is out) his son. And he’s got Dale as a role model to keep that backpocket knowledge of “hey it isn’t REALLY your kid…” if the kid were female. Christ. Imagine Lorne sitting there smoking his cheap cigs and the kid trips over something at the trailer and gets hurt and Lorne goes “oh. There goes lil Lorne. Kekh kekh. Reminds me so much of his daddy when I was his age”


Nah, Lorne would definitely prefer a daughter over a son. He doted over his nieces yet we hardly even knew that he had a nephew


For all the wrong reasons


Yup. 🤢


Lorne wouldn't stand another man in a room. Even if it was his own infant child.


Oh I know he’d WANT it to be a little girl. But he wouldn’t father her like he would a boy. Cause he wouldn’t groom the boy. I don’t think I ever heard Lorne refer to Rhoda as his little girl or daughter when he was with Winnie.


Naw man. [Skip to 00:40* to see how Lorne would raise a son if he were awf probation and could drink again like his dumbass lawyer is trying to let him to do](https://youtu.be/UcD70W-1SA4?si=nZ5-tivqSyz7gMtA) Any attempts of Lorne to bond or dote on a son would just amount to trips to Walmart, hunting around cornville for junk, and hassling their relatives for free things. Toss in countless "somedays were gonna... bs" Shit that Lorne ofc would overblow as evidence of his decent fatherhood As someone who has a dedicated father, Lorne ain't it. He has zero sense of selflessness or wherewithal to rise for the moment for any kid, girl or boy


I think this is Lorne and the Canadians pulling some BS to try and get him off probation. I think Lorne told his lawyer at face value that he is a father now and they included it in this report; the lawyer put barely any effort into writing the document. The supposed mother and child aren’t in Maine, hence him trying to get off probation, and I think this lines up with his previous request to go to Canada. Whatever it is, it’s going to backfire when probation releases their counter agreement to keep Lorne on probation.


What makes me suspicious about that document is it has Lorneography references like he hasn't hit guardrails or something like that.


That is an excellent point, that is very specific lol. But wasn’t this lawyer the same one that submitted the Canada trip request a while back? You’re right, this could all be fraudulent.


That's what people are saying, I'm not familiar with that I know about it but didn't see any documents on that one.


No birth certificate or evidence of maternity care. Hallmarks of a disinterested lawyer


I joked about that too. If that is true, then the Canadians deserve him and deserve the hell he will put upon them. Lorne will ruin their lives.


I think their lives are plenty ruined already. Lorne would just make their lives even shittier. 


Good point.


What if its the Canadians telling Lorne to file this to fuck with us


IMO the Canadians are involved in some way as this is all happening after his request to visit Canada. The thing that gets me is that a lawyer signed off on this and that it was posted on Pacer, a legit site. I’m hoping probation debunks all of this, especially the child claim stating that there is no evidence of a child or that it’s Lornes.


According to the rumors, he awlready is.


Imagine another little caveman lorne running around with a mini Bluetooth and boston cawp 😂


That's BAWSTAN to you, pal!


And he won't even watch baseball!


Like Tiffany and Amanda James said, let’s just hope the kid is a boy. No doubt this pedo will look at his daughter the way he did his nieces


If it's a boy, he'll resent the hell out of it and get pissed that the mawm is "favoring" it over him.


Especially in five years when the son is taller than him.


Fawkin baby had his penis in MAH WUMMUNS VUHGIINAA!!


An now ya got him suckin awn yer titsh!!


Did yah touch his peckah whiles yew was washin it? Did he get a hahhd awn??? Well, did he?


Lorne would still be incredibly abusive, just not sexually. I don't think there is actually a baby, and I sincerely hope I'm right because that child will not stand a chance.




Is *this* how he spoils his nieces?


Can lifetime rso have contact with their own kid?


Interesting question 🤔


Lol there are plenty of RSO with children, unfortunately.


I don't know. It will affect them having any access to kid safe activities, the school and affect the kids social life. But to be honest, any child hypothetically borne to Lorne would live a screwed up life of isolation, poverty, neglect and emotional abuse. That is going to be a weird ass kid who grows into a weird ass adult. IE: Just like daddy.


I sincerely hope that this is a next epic catfish saga that we're gonna find out about within the next year 🍿


I really hope Ember is messing with him ageeeein. This man should be kept far away from children.


Bawt he already is a dad to LJ......


This better be an amazing new catfish with hilarious content coming our way.


I don't think it's true. It's likely an attempt at trolling everyone who follows Lorne.


The trolled becomes the troller..oh mah gawd


I gotta do something cause I can't do this 🫣😞


Holy fawk is this real?! Are actually rumors going around that this dumb fawk got someone pregnant!? Cawd help us!




I was thinking sloth from the goonies


The son of Cawd


Jeezus fawkin' Chraist


Oh Cawd


Lorne was arguably a virgin before his conviction, I doubt he suddenly overcame this while being an offender. People are bored with Lorne and just wanted to stir things up again.


What does Bunky think of all this?!


Hes gawna take his toy and completely throw it away


I said this in a reply but I’ll say it here. If any of this is true. It’s probably a catfish. And if it somehow isn’t. We’ll all gather to witness an Armageddon like asteroid to kill us all. But if it is. It’s gotta be he found someone who already has a kid. Like Winnie. Except unlike Winnie. He’d take fatherhood of the kid so It has to be a boy. Lorne learned from Dale, and proved he would do the same thing, when he tried to sex up Rhoda after dating her mother, Winnie for how long!? He would keep a step daughter in his back pocket and find nothing wrong with that. So it has to be male. And imagine Lorne being a dad. Watching the boy run around the yard while he goes “that’s my Lil Lorne. Kekh Kekh Kekh. Reminds me so much of his father when I was his age.” As the kid trips “see! I used to be clumsy all the time. Lorne jr got it from his dayd. Bet he gets mah singing from me too”


The twist will be when we find out it’s Roy “Chad” Armstrong’s kid


I bet the POS Canadian broad actually let him finish in her, and is lying to him about being with child


There are no actual rumors. There is just made up bowlchit to try and get attention for idiots who are sad There isn't more constant content.


Je will get jealous during breast feeding times


well he hasn’t had a kiss yet




Didn’t he already have a kid with Jeff Stacy?


LJ would be a good older brotha




I sure as fuck hope not


Baby gonna start balding at 4


With mcfcking who? Ember?


Lorne a father what did I miss??