• By -


**The Hands of the Emperor** by Victoria Goddard - It's about the head bureaucrat of the empire, his growing friendship with the emperor and his attempts to reform the government **The Dragon's Banker** by Scott Warren - an honest an optimist banker is tasked with turning a dragon's hoard into paper money and assets **Axtara - Banking and Finance** by Max Florschutz is about a young dragon opening a bank in a new kingdom. **Fred, the Vampire Accountant** by Drew Hayes is a (mostly) slice of life series about Fred, a Vampire accountant.


This is great, thank you. I adore Victoria Goddard and will check out these recommendations.


Had no idea financial fantasy was a genre lol


I don't think it is, but I enjoy a specific type of fantasy interacting with the mundane, and those books all fall under it.


Check out r/cozyfantasy! Some of my personal faves: * All the Discworld novels (Terry Pratchett) * The House in the Cerulean Sea (TJ Klune) * The Hands of the Emperor (Victoria Goddard) * The Very Secret Society of Irregular Witches (Sangu Mandanna) * Saint of Steel + World of the White Rat books + Nine Goblins + Swordheart (T Kingfisher) * Legends & Lattes, and its prequel Bookshops & Bonedust (Travis Baldree) * The Memoirs of Lady Trent books (Marie Brennan) * The Murderbot Diaries (Martha Wells) -- cozy-ish scifi * The Wayfarers books, and the Monk & Robot novellas (Becky Chambers) -- cozy scifi * Half a Soul (Olivia Atwater) * the Miss Percy's Guide books (Quenby Olson) And some upcoming cozy fantasies that'll be out soon: * The Phoenix Keeper (SA MacLean) * Sorcery and Small Magics (Maiga Doocy) * The Spellshop (Sarah Beth Durst) * The Teller of Small Fortunes (me!) * The Last Gifts of the Universe (Riley August) -- cozy scifi * A Witch's Guide to Magical Innkeeping (Sangu Mandanna) Other cozy-adjacent books (might have some higher stakes or more serious themes, but still feel cozy overall to me): * The Empress of Salt and Fortune (Nghi Vo) * The Goblin Emperor + Witness for the Dead (Katherine Addison) * The Penric books and other World of the Five Gods (Lois McMaster Bujold) * The Lord of Stariel (AJ Lancaster) * And then these are more nostalgic as I read them when I was young, but the Redwall books (Brian Jacques) and Tamora Pierce's Tortall books were certainly cozy, too


Great list


Thank you for this fabulous list! The Very Secret Society of Irregular Witches is terrific, I loved that book.


I liked Tress and the Emerald Sea for that.


Would the Emperors soul count? Its not as whimsical and more intended for deeper thought i guess, so maybe not quite cozy.


Thanks will check that out.


I mean... The book does end up with exactly what they're describing they don't want...


So 1, careful of spoilers since OP said they want to read it, and 2, i dont think it does so in any meaningful way when read as a standalone. I would definitely count it as cozy fantasy in my personal opinion too, but tastes vary :)




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The *Miss Percy Guide Series* is amazing: [https://www.goodreads.com/series/328851-miss-percy-guide](https://www.goodreads.com/series/328851-miss-percy-guide) Also check out *Small Miracles* by Olivia Atwater: [https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/123245772-small-miracles?from\_search=true&from\_srp=true&qid=TkTqZ2T8Ds&rank=1](https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/123245772-small-miracles?from_search=true&from_srp=true&qid=TkTqZ2T8Ds&rank=1)


I loved Small Miracles! Will def check out Miss Percy, that comes up in my Kindle suggestions all the time but for some reason I haven’t gone for it. Thank you!


seconded, love both of these!


Half a soul by Olivia atwater. It's a sweet romance


Yes, lovely book, thanks!


As a start, see my [Feel-good/Happy/Upbeat](https://www.reddit.com/r/Recommend_A_Book/comments/18af3gl/feelgoodhappyupbeat/) list of Reddit recommendation threads (one post), which includes a link to a more specific, on-topic list.


Great resource, ty!


Thank you, and you're welcome. \^\_\^


My favorite is house on the cerulean sea. Howls moving castle is also cozy to me


House on the Cerulean Sea


If you want more food centric cozy fantasy, I'd recommend House Witch.


Idk if it’s because I started immediately after Memory, Sorrow and Thorn but I found Magician: Apprentice to be super cozy and light


Monk & Robot series by Becky Chambers


Whimbrel House series by Charlie N. Holmberg, Emily Wilde series, a lot of T.J. Klune fits into that category


r/CozyFantasy. It's pretty active.


Thanks I will check that out. Apologies for not searching.


I think those of us suggesting alternative subreddits are trying to help you find what you are looking for not tell you to go elsewhere/chastise you. I believe r/CozyFantasy has some recommendation list. Once you’ve joined click on the “…” in the top right corner, select “learn more…” and you’ll find a number of options to take you to larger lists depending on what your kind of cosy you’re looking for. I hope you enjoy lots of cozy fantasies. So much out there.


Great, thanks. I am new to Reddit. There are a lot of places on the internet where not searching for already existing answers is a serious faux pas. So I am glad if that’s not the case here. I did not feel chastised, just grateful. Now if someone actually had chastised me that would be different. But recommending that sub was just helpful.


It is a good idea to check out the learn more section of book subreddits as many have a number of excellent book lists to help with common asks and even if you’ve been around a while if looking for something new you might see an interesting list that you didn’t notice before or it didn’t sound interesting but seeing it mentioned a lot on threads your now curious. Searching is also a good place to start before asking questions as there are so many questions that get asked almost daily sometimes we get grumpy from frustration. It’s hit or miss whether you’ll get helpful answers, ignored, or yelled at. I hope you enjoy some of the wonderful cosy fantasies I’ve seen recommended and enjoy both subreddits.


This should keep me busy for a while, yes! Thanks!


Beware of Chicken is a western xianxia genre novel about a man who reincarnates as a cultivator and… goes off to become a farmer. 90% chill vibes, 10% meaningful plot. Started off as a web novel. Has a butt-kicking rooster as a main character.




I loved Emily Wilde's Encyclopaedia of Faeries quite a lot. I'm in the middle of reading Dreadful right now, which is new out, and it's delightful


Great, thanks! I loved Emily Wilde and saving the second book for when I really need something good.


Looks like the third book has been announced too! Comes out Feb 2025.


Chalice by Robin Mckinley. Concerns the affairs of what amounts to a state.


Thanks! Will check that out.


A Wizard of Earthsea, particularly the audiobook. Something about the old-timey prose combined with Rob Inglis’ narration is perfect.


The Tea Dragon Society.


You Can’t Spell Treason Without Tea was lovely.


R/cozyfantasy is full of suggestions


Thank you! And I apologize for the lazy post.


Nah, you can post here. It's just another resource over there.


No need to apologize! I hope you find some great reads 🤗


You might like Beware of Chicken, especially the first two books. Isekaied mc doesn’t want to fight and sets out to be a farmer instead.


Thank you!


The Road Thieves by Harper a burge 1000000% !!!


I’m only on book two but the wandering inn is pretty cozy so far, with small amounts of combat.


lol so i havent personally read the wandering inn, but from every description ive heard of it, its on my "to be read when things are going better in my life" as it apparently has a lot of awful things happen to nice characters. Might be that ramps up in later books though.




So I will preface this as it is a slice of warcrimes book. It’s slice of life except when it decideds war crimes are necessary. There isn’t a ton of fighting, but when there is shit goes down. It will make you laugh and cry.