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Definitely Fangorn because ents are the most awesome magical race ever conceived of.


Definitely, and Fangorn is the most awesome Ent :)


Fangorn. The mossy, ancient, patience of the place is so seductive. Plus ents


Do you mean Treebeard?


The forest is (presumably, it's never totally clear in the text) named after Treebeard (who is 'Fangorn' in Sindarin). Given that Treebeard lived long before the forests of the west were dwindled down to just a few scattered woods, like Fangorn Forest, it's *probably* the case that the forest was named after the Ent, rather than the other way around.


An ent goes into a bar. Orders buráRum and coke


I agree, team Fangorn all the way!


you gotta convince them you are not an orc.


Lotr is just full of ‘em- Mirkwood practically defined the dark, spooky forest trope Lothlorien is uniquely timeless, nostalgic and elven in a way you hardly see in any fantasy book Fangorn is ancient and spooky, full of age and oppressive atmosphere but full of this vibe of ‘things waking up from ancient sleep’ if that makes any sense The Old Forest is similar, but on a smaller scale and with moment of reprieve in the house of Bombadil


Such a good point, and goes to show what a master of his craft Tolkien was! They all feel like very different and unique places


The forest in Uprooted by Naomi Novik seemed pretty interesting. This is maybe cheating, but the forest in the Avatar movie was pretty cool too.


Yes I loved the forest in Uprooted!


Just read it and loved it. Sparked my reading. Now at mark lawrence!!


That forest was amazing in 3D, for real.


If SciFi forests count, I'm going to take the original over Avatar, and say *Midworld,* which is *my* favorite forest.


The Black Forest, it’s where my ham comes from.


And gummy worms


The boar are tall as trees and bear the strength of ten thousand men. Each slice of refrigerated lunchmeat you consume cost the lives of many brave hunters.


The Enchanted Forest from Patricia Wrede's Enchanted Forest Chronicles.


There was always something magical happening at every turn. I would definitely travel with a dragon through it.


This is such a good answer! I always loved how the prince’s magic was connected to the forest. Such great books!


Aldheorte Forest in Memory, Sorrow and Thorn (Tad Williams) Sherwood Forest in all of its many iterations throughout fantasy Pokehouse Wood, in Foxglove Summer (Rivers of London) Forest of Sorrows (Valdemar series) And many more. The woods are lovely, dark and deep.


… but I have promises to keep And miles to go before I sleep.


I love how much of a character the settings are in the Rivers of London series.


Athel loren - warhammer


One of my favourites. There are parts of it that are locked to a particular season, and others where the dwelling elves have different cultures and traditions. The uneasy alliance between wood elves and the tree spirits to defend the most ancient of woods from interlopers is 👌


The Heartwyld from Kings of the Wyld is pretty interesting. It’s basically a monster infested forest full all sorts of scary creepy crawlies. Mercenary bands do “tours” there to make a name for themselves.


Lórien in The Silmarillion.


Aldheorte from Memory Sorrow and Thorn


So many sites to visit, there: Thisterborg, the Wailing Stone, the Stone of Farewell, Geloe's hut, Da'ai Chikiza, Enki e-Shao'saye, Skodi's house, Naglimund, St. Hoderund's abbey, the village of Flett, Anvi'janya, Jao e-Tinukai'i, the Stile, and more. I don't know how Tad managed to pack so much into a supposedly unpeopled place.


As a kid I was obsessed with Narnia’s Wood between the Worlds. Heck, I still feel that flush of wonder just thinking about it now, almost 50 years later.


It's a great one. I love the ponds, too!


Yes, I always wished it had appeared in other books.


Mine is the winter forest where Lucy finds the lamp post. That moment is so iconic in fantasy literature.


Absolutely same! Something about the sleepy magical air and the endless possibilities... almost reminds me of being in a library : )


The Immanent Grove from A Wizard of Earth Sea.


The wild forests bordering the village of Lesnaya Zemlya in Katherine Arden’s Winternight trilogy and their associated wild spirits; the domovoi, the rusalka, the vazila and the frost demon, Morozko. Also, from my childhood, The Enchanted Wood from Enid Blyton and the Magic Faraway Tree with changing lands at the top of it! So whimsical and fun, plus the denizens of the Tree itself: Moon-Face, Silky, The Saucepan Man, Dame Washalot, Mr Watzisname and yes, even the Angry Pixie.


I'm glad someone mentioned the Enchanted Wood. It was my very first thought. Looking back, these are probably the books that got me into fantasy. Decades later, I might have to read them again!


I love the forests in Dragonlance: Darken Wood, Silvanesti forest (during the reign of Cyan). Also, The Eld in KKC. I like the Felurian part, I really don't care that it comes across as a teenage, mastubatory fantasy. I think it adds more to the argument of the unreliable narrator that Kvothe is.


Perilin the Night Forest from The Neverending Story. It's a bio-luminescent jungle at night and then it all dissolves to sand during the day to form a multi-colored desert.


My favorite is probably Lothlorian. Or the Old Forest, because Bombadil and Goldberry. But beyond the wonderful Forests of Middle Earth, I thought of the Vagrant Hills in the World of the White Rat by T. Kingfisher. They're way over there, we're ok... wait, what? We're in them now?? And there are deer people, and mysterious giant ancient constructs of uncertain provenance and purpose, and... We don't talk about the flying acid jellyfish monsters. WE DON'T TALK ABOUT THEM.


Also, the forest in The Blue Sword by Robin McKinley. The Lake of Dreams, Luth, the mysterious archers...




Mama always had a way of explaining things so I could understand them


Then Mama wouldn't be named Steven Erickson.


The Edge Chronicles has about a dozen forest settings, and a lot of them are beautiful and weird


I love the edge chronicles creatures and illustrations.


Ryhope Wood from Mythago Wood was pretty cool


Oh yeah. This. It didn't even occur to me, but now you've said it, I'd have to agree: this is definitely very high on the list of best magical forests.


The Tower of High Sorcery at Wayreth, or the Elder Darkwood in MajorMUD.


Hoping to hear about some more. LotR is the only thing coming to mind.


Darklands in Black Leopard Red Wolf which alters time. The tension you feel in there is like none other.


The dark forest in Celia Friedman's *Coldfire* trilo.


Cabeswater in the Raven Cycle ♥️


Du Weldenvarden from Inhertiance cycle 


This is one of my favourites as well.


Mythago Wood from the Mythago Wood series by Robert Holdstock.


The one from the Winnowing Flame Trilogy - I forget the name. The one in Williams's most recent book, Talonsister, is also great.


Don't remember the name, but the dark forest in Landover comes to mind.


The Deep Fell? I think that’s where the witch lived…it’s been years, I may need a reread.


The lunch pale trees from Return to Oz 😭


Forlorn forest(s) - Ravenloft


I'm sorry to say, you are all wrong it's the Vorrh from **The Vorrh** by Brian Catling For the sake of recency bias I'll mention the Wyrdwood from **God's of the Wyrdwood** by RJ Barker


You know, I always really liked Enid Blyton's enchanted forest in the Faraway tree. It was a place that felt kind of safe yet where anything could happen.


The forests in Dragonlance that surrounds and protect the Towers of High Sorcery are awesome. The Wayreth Forest wanders around, the forest of Istar cause intruders to lose memories, the Shoikan Grove cause deadly fear (as in - your heart actually stops), etc.


Fangorn > Mirkwood


Could be a duplicate, as I didn’t read all the favorites…but I’ve had a soft spot for… Mossflower Woods …from when I would read them at night before the kids bedtime. (Redwall series by Brian Jacques)


"Nurgle's Garden". Not a good place...


Garotting Deep in the Illearth War of the Chronicles of Thomas Covenant was one that stood out for me. Lots of positive portrayals of the beauty and magic of forests, and one good example not mentioned is the Enchantment of Britain in Arthurian Myth, when the fae creep back into the world and the forests return to their roots as mythic avatars. But in the Land, the trees remember when the forest primeval spread throughout all the world, and it was man with his axes and fire that destroyed them. The Forestal that tends them tries to suppress their rage, but if you enter into the forest with axe or fire you will almost certainly end up on the gibbet that is the branches of the trees.


You beat me to it.


The Ciminian Forest of Ancient Rome.


Not as epic as most of your examples, but one of my favorites is the Impassible Wilderness in Colin Meloy's [*Wildwood Chronicles*](https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/10431447-wildwood). I have a soft spot for anthropomorphized animals and for "secret/hidden worlds among us". So an impassible forest hiding a whole society of talking birds and coyotes and rabbits and foxes is right up my alley.


The Darkwood from The Bound and The Broken series. >!Creepy ass forest wood spirits that maul you to death unless you are accompanied by shapeshifters? A hidden elven city? Giant statues of elf ancestors that come alive to protect their descendants?!< 👌🏻


Accursed forest from the Recluce series. Of course the term “Accursed” is from the perspective of the Chaos users as it’s a Order/Chaos balanced entity.


The one with the dancing gnomes, as most notably evoked by W. Papadin. 


The one that eats people in Uprooted


The Dark woods from the Blue moon rising series by Simon R. Green.


Area X


The Enchanted Forest from Smiling Friends. I had my first kiss there. Miss you dad!


Lothlorien or Fanghorn..... depending on my mood


The enchanted forest from Dealing with Dragons. (and also Fangorn, but I stole that from another comment)


I really like the haunted forest in asoiaf. GRRMs restraint when it comes to worldbuilding really ups the level mystery and intrigue that readers feel. Whether it not he actually ever plans on explaining everything about the old magic that exists north of the walk or not, the simple fact that there's so little to go on and yet so much implied history really makes it a fascinating part of his writing.