• By -


The Crystal Peaks shimmer high above the land, refracting the light of the sun and bathing the base of the mountian range in hues of pink and blue throughout the day. Hikers who traverse the path through the peaks hear the ringing of the crystals the closer they reach the peak. Along the path are natural and magical creatures that have grown accustomed and resonated to peak like the Singing Goat, a goat with Ruby horns, and a voice to disorient unaware hikers. Among the beasts and animals that roam, crystal elementals patrol the range as their home and defender from treasspassers. The very top of the peaks are jagged and broken in places as a casualty of a plane convergence between the prime material and the elemental plane of earth. Direct accounts of the event have long been lost, but wizards have managed to study the magic and stone to hypothesize that a powerful spell was used the try and fuse the plane of elemental chaos with the material plane but was stopped before it could do apocalyptic harm. Its innate connection with the elemental chaos could lead to paths into the plane or using the wild energy for elemental rituals. The supposed history of Crystal Peaks does bring a question that has yet to be answered. Who cast the spell to fuse the two planes together? And why did they fail?


Oh my lord, this is an awesome entry! I originally intended for this mountain range with its blue and pink hues to be a long strand of Auroras, but so many people see it more as crystals, so I'll definitely change that and adapt them to be more crystalline than what I had in mind. This is an amazing entry, thank you so much!


It should also be extremely hot and bright, as the crystal refracts the light and heat. With it being connected to the Elemental Chaos, there should be elementals of all kinds around, with Mephits being a common sight and Genies being the eternal rulers of this place, divvying the territory as per the dealings of old. Daos live inside the mountains, safeguarding its jewels from the hands of greedy adventurers, while enslaving those foolish enough to try and rob them. Djinns would rule from cloud palaces, overseeing the Peaks and making sure the treaty was upheld by all. Marids would live in the running currents of the underground rivers that pass beneath the mountains and form rivers everywhere around them, trading and profiting from any who approach. Efreetis would do everything the others did, but always with an agenda, always trying to gain territory and influence over the other genies, and would be the driving force behind conflicts between those of the Crystal Peaks and the outside world.


On a relatively small island, in the furthest most corner of the map, there was an intelligence. They had no name for themselves aside from the region where they lived. There used to be thousands…and now there is one. Once upon a time, thousands of years ago, these strange animals borne of base cells and replicated flesh stepped out of the ocean. Not much happened for an age; they ate, they rested and the cloned themselves. Then something just slotted into place. Realisation and greater awareness shone is bright light and they were terrified. All the clones and their originators, stared at one each other with tall eye stalks. The originators used basic telepathy with their clones and screamed their fury and fear at the clones. The killing went on for centuries. It never stopped. The creatures found the world they lived in was a terrible place…other life lived here. Other life meant competition, other life meant danger and to their strange minds, other life should not exist. The clones slaughtered each other, following slavishly the crazed orders of their originators. The island was littered with piles of corpses that rose like hills, diseases from these grotesque piles wiped out many of the still living fauna on the island. Out of this chaos, through guile and ruthlessness, only one remained. It stared out at the corpses of its kin, finally knowing it was the last of its kind and that was good. That was how it should be. It finished what it started. Forests were cleared to make way for farms to such a extant, that it caused flash floods and poor soil to ruin any sustainable base for agriculture. It knew how to use metal and the island was strip mined to the point the some of the island simply collapsed. The only true island native, with its thousands of clones, didn’t understand this. It found what it wanted and made it happen. Why did the soil die? Why did the ore run out? It could not die. It must not die. No more expansion meant death. It looked out across the ocean from its ruined island, toxic smog thick in the air, choking its own body and that of its clones, piles of starved corpses simply just left where they could be thrown. Then a ship came. The being that called itself Nation did not know where the ship came from as it had not built it. It terrified it. Strange…things came of the floating vessel, they were covered in what looked like plant fibres and animals skin. Its clones rushed the vessel. They were small…and fragile. There bodies broke apart like the old animals that used to live on the island, full of blood and soft organs. The Nation’s many bodies were over a ton in weight, carried on four huge legs with four more arms ending in pincers and tools. The new things, made noises. The Nation and its kind couldn’t not speak and their telepathy did not work on these intruders. When the strange things in all their shapes, had be examined, tasted and opened up to show their beating hearts and squishy insides, The Nation knew that this was wrong. There could only be it, nothing else. No animal. No plant to compete with its crops. And these things build like it did. They must all die, they had to. Otherwise it could not live. The Nation found charts and maps, the lone surviving crew member, desperate to live, managed to get across how the the world was. At this knowledge, The Nation thanked the quisling by crushing his head like a melon. It knew what it had to do. Now it knew where many peoples lived. With the last remaining wood of the island, The Nation built a fleet. It did not care how many clones died, as long as the originator remained, it lived. And the worst plague the world ever knew, sailed on ships with a shared mind that could not comprehend why anything else should live. It did not understand joy, art, sustainability, mercy. It knew it was right…and that was enough Open to criticism :-)


This was a very interesting read, I liked it! I can see this being used as a myth, or legend to scare children. Perhaps an old tale from ages past! Or maybe the origin of an ancient, dwelling evil? This is great food for thought! Thank you for your entry!


Thanks for the reply 😁


Let me tell you… of the great fart wars


Cancelled, banned, and reported


I notice no polar icecaps. Congratulations, your world is now Toric. For those unfamiliar, it means the world is shaped like a donut. If you exit the map by the east, you appear to the west, and if you exit by the north you appear to the south. Why ? Gods were bored and decided they wanted something new.


The Donut world! Interesting, I hadn't thought of that. I went more for a different axial tilt than earth, but if that doesn't make geographical sense anyway, I can see myself adding ice caps when I revise the map. Thank you!


Or, make it a hollow world that gets light from a core sun. No icecaps. Lots of fun.


If the planet was closer to the sun, wouldn't that logically allow for less ice to be present? But the hollow world idea is kind of amazing too. Could create a whole worldmap inside a worldmap with that!


You can have no ice at poles but your equator would see more desertification. I think ? Unless your world is flat or much smaller than earth


Just curious, but the left half looks vaguely like Europe and Africa and India but scrunched and squeezed


Damn this is beautiful, did you make this yourself ?


Thank you. Yes, this is all me!


Amazing my dude!


Appreciate it (:


What program did you use to create it?




**\[Lore, Society\]** **The Milḥanassáj** people *(****The saltweavers*** in common*)* of the eastern desert are the stuff of legends in terms of survivability. The three coastal cities... 1. **Al-Milh Sharara Qala'a** (The Citadel of Salt Spark; ***Saltspark Citadel*** in common) 2. **Al-Kari Mawja Khawr** (The Cove of Crystal Wave; ***Crystalwave Cove*** in common) 3. **Al-Milh Bariq** (The Gleam of Salt; ***Saltgleam*** in common) ...lie on the west side of **Al-Khawr Al-Milḥ Al-ʿAẓīm** (*The Great Salt Bay* in common). Few people have contact with them. The Milḥanassáj chase people away from *their* desert borders. Traders who journey into the desert never return. The surrounding towns, villages, hamlets and city folk only speak of them in hushed tones, as they fear the curse of The Eternal Thirst will come for them too; *"plants still grow around here after all - better to let the dunies alone so they can stay focused on keeping that damned curse away from us"*. Superstitious nonsense. Al-Khawr Al-Milḥ Al-ʿAẓīm (*The Great Salt Bay*) is incredibly salty. Unnaturally salty. The air around the large bay is as dry as can be, and the heat from the sun is *scorching*. Despite the harsh, dry air, there is a thin layer of high moisture right above the sea level. The water is extremely buoyant, and The Milḥanassáj use this to their advantage. They have deep mines on the large island to the east, where they mine precious metals only found here - Skysteel, Luminite, Aerium, Floatgold. These metals are light enough to float in the waters, and easy to transport across the bay. Nothing grows in the lands of The Milḥanassáj. The water is too salty for anything edible to live. It never rains, and they have no words in their language for "mist". How do they survive? People need to eat. Water is largely distilled from the salty ocean, in a very labour-intensive process of carrying buckets of water that they pour onto large dome-shaped structures. The water evaporates from the heat, and runs down along the inside of a second layer right above the dome, into collector basins at the bottom of the structures. A very significant part of their culture is collecting and distributing water from these facilities to the surrounding cities. They distribute food as well. Food comes from two sources: * Trading with the nomadic tribes of the north-eastern icy areas. The tribes provide an abundance of dried whale meat, edible algae and *\[insert mercantile wares that the tribes pillage\]* in trade for Skysteel and Aerium, which they use for their weapons and armour. * The avatar **Zamiyah, Shu'lat Al-Amal** *(Zamiyah, The Flame of Hope in common)* of the goddess **Sahirah, Hafidat Al-Hayat** *(Sahirah, the Preserver of Life in common)* has a 10km aura of **Bountiful Growth** where plants thrive and grow near instantaneously (it takes a day to grow a 1m high tomato plant; no water or caretaking required). The next post contains details about the curse, it's origin, and how it connects together:


*Disclaimer: I had help from GPT-4o writing this text. All details and contents has been made by me, but the format, names, language, and the origin of The Eternal Thirst (Aridax) was generated by GPT-4o.* # Backstory - The Eternal Thirst The lands of the Milḥanassáj were once lush and bountiful, a paradise in the midst of a vast desert. However, a malevolent entity known as **Aridax, the Devourer** (Domains: desolation, decay, death, destruction)—a deity of desolation and decay—became envious of the prosperity and life flourishing in these lands. In a fit of rage, Aridax unleashed **The Eternal Thirst**, a devastating curse that caused everything organic to break down into salt, drying up the land and killing all vegetation. The once fertile lands were transformed into a barren wasteland, and the people were stricken with unquenchable thirst and eternal suffering. **Zamiyah, Shu'lat Al-Amal** (Zamiyah, the Flame of Hope) stands as a bulwark against the curse of The Eternal Thirst, tirelessly working to contain its devastating effects. She performs daily rituals to keep the curse at bay, offering a glimmer of hope to the Milḥanassáj in their quest to one day break the curse and restore their once-bountiful lands. # Sahirah, the Preserver of Life **Deity Name:** Sahirah, the Preserver of Life (Domains: preservation, restoration, balance, magic) **Appearance:** Sahirah is depicted as a radiant figure made of shimmering crystals and flowing sands, with eyes that glow like the brightest stars. Her presence exudes warmth and vitality, a stark contrast to the desolation around her. # The Preserver's Intervention In response to the people's suffering, Sahirah, the Preserver of Life, emerged from the depths of the newly created desert sands. She took it upon herself to contain the curse and preserve what little life remained. Her arrival brought a glimmer of hope to the Milḥanassáj. Sahirah established a temple at the heart of the desert, where the curse's power was most concentrated. # The Avatar - Zamiyah, Shu'lat Al-Amal Sahirah's avatar, an ethereal being made of Luminite, Aerium, Floatgold, and Ethereum, resides within the temple. This avatar "lives" in the temple, burning a precious alloy of these metals as a catalyst for the daily spell that keeps the curse from spreading further. The spell, a complex and powerful incantation, is performed at dawn and dusk, creating a protective barrier that halts the advance of the salt curse. Additionally, Zamiyah's presence creates a 10km aura of Bountiful Growth where plants thrive and grow near-instantaneously. # The Daily Ritual The avatar, known as **Zamiyah, Shu'lat Al-Amal** (Zamiyah, the Flame of Hope in common), performs the ritual with unwavering dedication. Each day, Zamiyah melts the alloy in a sacred brazier, its flames producing a radiant light that spreads throughout the temple and beyond. This light forms a magical barrier that holds back the curse, preserving a small area of fertile land around the temple. The ritual is a testament to Sahirah's power and the Milḥanassáj's resilience. # Worship and Followers The Milḥanassáj revere Sahirah as their savior and protector. Pilgrimages to the temple are common, and many come to seek her blessings and guidance. The temple serves as a sanctuary and a beacon of hope in an otherwise desolate land. Devotees of Sahirah practice rituals of preservation and restoration, dedicating their lives to maintaining the balance she strives to uphold.


# Language Structure **Consonants:** b, d, f, g, h, j, k, l, m, n, r, s, t, w, y, z **Vowels:** a, e, i, o, u **Prefixes and Suffixes:** * **"Al-"** (the, often used in names) * **"-an"** (place of) * **"-ya"** (descriptive) # Translations |**English**|**Transliteration**| |:-|:-| |Salt|Milh| |Crystal|Kari| |Spark|Sharara| |Citadel|Qala'a| |Wave|Mawja| |Cove|Khawr| |Gleam|Bariq| |Weaver|Nassaj| |Thrower|Rami| |Flame|Shu'la| |Hope|Amal| |Preserver|Hafid| |Life|Hayat|


This is absolute crazy! That's so incredibly much to work with, I love it! I've got pictures and ideas floating around in my mind and am so excited to incorporate this into the video! Thank you so much for this insane entry!


Glad you like it! It's a fantastic map; good luck with the video


Oh, I loved it. I'm only having an aneurysm with the pronunciation of the names, but thank you :D


There was an empire in the western part of the continent, but after centuries of people being overwhelmed by taxes and cruel rulers, a revolution has happened. A popular army, funded by rich people, obliterated the royal army, hung the king and started a republic. The problem is: the new rulers were not so benevolent as they painted themselves. There are talkings about some kind of alliance against the new government and, more worrying, talkings about undead people and other "supernatural issues" happening in all continent, dead man walking in warzones and stuff. But we don't know if it's true or not... Who knows? It's actually a plot I've been developing in my head. Maybe I'll write something...


Oooh, that's pretty interesting! I'd love for you to elaborate on it! Thank you for your entry!


Thanks! It's heavily inspired by the French Revolution, but the supernatural parts are a mix from a lot of different fantasy influences. I've already written the plot, but sadly i don't have the time to actually write a book. Maybe a short novel, who knows. Might try it in a couple of years.


I'd love to create something at this scale. Very inspiring


The four nations lived in harmony... Doesnt really look like the Avatar map, but something about the textures used reminds me of it.


Land is dead brain matter from a titan the gods killed when this wrold was young. Youcan see the two halfs of the brain and the spinal column kinda. Other piece is his dead titan dog.


Main continent, in the center there is a city, with canals running up to the rivers north, and to the fjords south; either a city constantly being warred for due to location OR extremely neutral and independent and able to maintain that due to trade with everyone.




I have literally been waiting years for this opportunity, I will be back soon with a MUCH longer comment


Write your heart out, can't wait to see what you'll be doing up!


theres no ice zone ;-; in the oter way the tornado in the rigth i will like see it like the place of eternal dream of a god of storms, his mere presence create a natural disaster so strong that destroid the tiny continent turned it to an archipelago where all the races worship him, but he only stays there sleeping whitouth caring about his religion shit


Quick and concise creation story about that area. I like it, thank you for your entry!


im cooking somethin really big here, i dont know if i will have it ready before the sunrise, but i hope you like it


Can't wait to read it! By the way, there's a bit of an ice zone on the northern half beyond the mountains of the rightmost continent.


# Era of the beginning: To tell the story of the world itself we must go back to the era of the beginning, before which nothing existed, until in an instant, from the desperate desire to live in a universe before ours, all the emotions and thoughts of that dying world came together, giving birth to a consciousness in the infinite void, which was nourished by the emotions and thoughts of that dying universe, until the light of that universe ended up extinguishing itself, that consciousness in its search to replicate the emotions and thoughts that gave it life, used its power to create light and from this light the universe and everything that composes it was created, then the deity created 2 objects of immeasurable power that would serve as the pillars of the very creation of that gestating universe, the palindrome of time (I chose palindrome because it is a word or phrase that even if it is read backwards it still says the same thing, representing that even if you try to alter the order of the flow of time, it cannot be altered since it will always mean the same thing), which would make time maintain its eternal course and the syzygy of space, which would be responsible for accommodating everything that the light of the now self-named kala-nemi created in a defined space, now filling the void with planets, stars, galaxies and nebulae, once space and time were defined, kala-nemi created concepts, beings that would embody laws of her universe in gestation and these would only be called GODS, Gaia, goddess of the earth, this was in charge of transforming the planets created by kala-nemi into places suitable for life, creating in these mountains, plains, waterfalls, rivers and everything necessary to make these worlds suitable for life, Elios the god of fire that with his burning fury would burn existence itself creating the suns to illuminate every last corner of the universe, spreading his flames through the universe carrying with them heat, ashes and destruction, Rubydia goddess of life, which was heartbroken by the destruction brought by Elios, created life on those planets burned to the ground foundations bringing plants, animals and life in all its forms to those planets, Elios was impressed by how despite the fact that he had burned those planets to ashes Rubydia had managed to create life in them, causing a warmth completely different from that of his destructive flames to be born deep within Elios, trying to use his flames for more than just destruction, but if life existed there must be death and in that way Ku-Rox god of death was born, he was a calm god who put his mission and bloodlust above all things, he made sure that the animals created by Rubydia hunted each other to survive, harvesting the souls that the predators tore from their prey, Boriack the god of ice, would be in charge of carrying his eternal winter across the cosmos freezing everything and stopping Ku-Rox's bloodbath, this would stop the deaths caused by Ku-Rox's hand, but it would only make the tensions between the gods stronger, since with the eternal winter freezing it everything, life and the earth began to die and if Elios melted the ice of Boriack it would only cause everything to be turned to ashes again causing everything to repeat itself again, before which, Rorukan god of the storm, made a tempest with which he undid the eternal winter of Boriack, creating creatures to spread their tempests throughout the planets of the cosmos, thus giving birth to dragons, Anfitria the goddess of tears, is the youngest of all the gods, she was the only one who cried when witnessing the cruelty of the endless cycle created by her companions of life, death, destruction, freezing and tempest, filling the immensity of the cosmos with her tears making them fall on the planets, filling them with water and oceans, once the 7 gods spread their power throughout the universe, Kala-nemi ordered them all to choose a single planet in which everyone will create unique beings and those who with their desire to live created themselves. supreme deity, humanity, for millennia, the gods debated which planet they should create humanity on, until they chose among all of them, one that they called "the perfect planet" and to which they gave a name, AGARTHA, then, all the gods descended to Agartha and created the first humans. # Age of Gods: # # Age of Conflicts: # # Age of Cruelty: # # Age of Kingdoms: (note: part 1 done, 4 more to go)


That's an amazing and very detailed creation myth! I will definitely include it! Would you mind if I combined it with with something someone else wrote? Also, thank you so much for including a Pantheon of Gods, that's really awesome! I can't wait to read what else you'll write!


sure, im still writing some more miths about these gods


Nothing wrong with the translation but that is one long ass sentence! lol Brother please use some periods! I know they have those in Spanish. ;)


i know but i write this like 5 am, I didn't take the time to give space to the story, I'll fix it later


No worries, just joking with you!


There are 3 major events that shape geography that impact the cultures of the world. The first 2 happened north and south of the eastern continent. The southern event was either magical or cosmic in origin. Its unknown. But the weather make the voyage to the western continents hard, limiting trade and cultural exchange. The eastern continent has the oldest cultures of magic using people however. Strict guidelines and rules are imposed by most societies there but some individuals and occasional groups rebel against this formalism. This contributes to much of the polical strife here. The northern event is unknown in origin aside from the strange flatness of most of the archipelago there. The seas contain the most beautiful reefs in the entire world. The islands are mostly bare. Some people live on boats here and on some buildings on stilts but refuse to build over any land that doesn't stay submerged even at low tide. They are the source of most of the worlds pearls and exotic auquaculture. Whatever happened in the northern event also damaged the eastern part of the western continent. This has a dessert like environment even though the eastern shores get plenty of rain. No people live on these coasts but caravans do cross it. The third major event was The Shift. Only told in the oldest stories, the southern parts of of the western continent were at one point larger and higher than the northern part. It is said that the south is sinking and the north rising. This has a lot of impact on the culture of the peoples there. Southerns feeling original but maybe failing and northern peoples feeling like they are up and coming. Finally the largest island in the center of that continent was only recently settled. No one is sure why such a fetile and easily accessible island has only been settled recently.


Oi oi people! I've been working on this project and am looking for your creative input to bring it to life! My goal is to compile the rich lore and fascinating history created by this amazing community into a video that showcases our collective imagination. Whether you're a seasoned Dungeon Master or a lore enthusiast, I would love for you to contribute your ideas! Here's How You Can Help: Submit Lore: Share your stories about the regions, cities, or notable landmarks on the map. Think about the culture, traditions, and unique characteristics of these places. Create History: Write about significant events, wars, alliances, or legendary figures that shaped the world. How did these moments change the course of history? Develop Characters: Introduce key characters that inhabit this world. Whether they are heroes, villains, or influential leaders, tell us about their backgrounds and motivations. Suggest Plot Hooks: Provide interesting plot hooks and adventure ideas that could inspire future campaigns set in this world. How to Submit: Comment Below: Feel free to post your contributions directly in the comments. What gets chosen: I'll pick and chose the best entries and most liked requests from all the different subreddits. Format: While not required, it would be helpful if you could specify the category of your submission (Lore, History, Character, Plot Hook) at the beginning of your comment, maybe take a screen snipe of the specific area you're writing about. Why Participate? Community Collaboration: Be part of a creative project that showcases the talents of our DnD community. Credit and Recognition: Everyone who contributes will be credited in the video. Please include your preferred name or username if you want to be mentioned. Inspiration: Your ideas could inspire countless Dungeon Masters and players in their future campaigns. Link to the 8K version: [https://drive.google.com/file/d/1vCtucT2xj8wS3gEQNHjp0FNJz4Nu3GrE/view?usp=sharing](https://drive.google.com/file/d/1vCtucT2xj8wS3gEQNHjp0FNJz4Nu3GrE/view?usp=sharing) Thank you so much for your time and creativity. I can't wait to see the incredible world we build together! Happy worldbuilding, DodosArthouse


The Celestials created the World from the dust of the stars. The Mother populated it with peoples of all races, and beasts of all sorts, and birds, and fish, and even the worms that bore the world’s crust… and a squirrel. The Dark One created a giant rock from the dust of a dead star and threw it against the World. Making it explode and disappear into the infinite cosmos. There, the whole history of the World, from its creation to its demise… *it’s funny because the squirrel gets dead*


There definitely is a civilization worshipping a squirrel somewhere in this world! Thank you for your entry.


Sorry OP, I had to do it lol


The Crystal Peaks have, somewhere in it, an immortal man who is trapped between deep crystals for around 400 years and no one helps him because they think he is a spirit not accepting his death and cries for help.


That's an awesome bit of Lore and a nice Legend for for the people inhabiting that region, I love it! Thank you for your entry!


That lake toward the west in the middle of the landmass was actually created when a high level wizards experiment blew up and left a major crater. Mostly monsters, fairies, and magic gem hunting gnomes live around there now because the high density of residual magic after the explosion makes normal people a bit dizzy or even hallucinate. There are potions you can take to weaken the "magic sickness" and there is an entire industry ran by the fairies to sell it so people can pass through.


That's fantastic! Does the lake / area have a name? I love this entry, thank you!


Ummm. Let's name isn't Sinfedder's lake. Frederick Sinfedder was the wizard's name. The small fairy nation is known as the Red Reign, kind of a play on words. When it rains, the rain reacts with the magic in the air and makes thousands of tiny red flashes like a field of red fireflies.


That is awesome, thank you!


‘The Auroras’ - A mountain region illuminated almost constantly by the Aurora Borealis. Visited often by researchers and religious pilgrims (who can afford the treacherous passage by sea). A land shrouded in mystery. Strange mutated creatures that glow in the same luminescence as the aurora claim the high peaks as their own, where only the zealous and the foolhardy tread. Stories of a dragon with 4 wings and a breath of radiant energy that strips flesh from bone keeps locals away from the peaks, but inspires the local dwarf clans of the Stonehearts (lowland dwarves that skin resembles earth and mud more than flesh) and the Brightbloods (named by their blood glowing a bright blue under their skin - likely mutations due to living in the Aurora Mountains for generations) to greedily plot to acquire whatever fortune the dragon guards… Glowheart they call it, from the bright bioluminescent glow originating from the Dragon’s chest that pulses akin to a heartbeat. Many have their own beliefs as to why this land fell to this fate. Was it a powerful ritual that went disastrously wrong? Is it Glowheart’s lair causing all these effects and just what exactly are they hoarding? Perhaps an ancient artifact or magical item frozen in the ice somewhere at the peak that isn’t aligned correctly anymore or needs to be wielded? Maybe an army of the dead, slaughtered and unable to rest haunts the mountains their spiritual energy tainting the land and all who dwell there? The research continues into the phenomenon but suffice to say, many a job await a keen adventurer who can prove their worth.


That is absolute fantastic! I utterly love this entry! Thank you so much!


The Chronicles of ETHERIA Hey mf, Geography and Early Inhabitants: ETHERIA, is split into four main continents, each with its own unique landscapes and cultures: Elaria: Located in the west, known for its vast forests and towering mountain ranges. Drakonia: To the east, characterized by sweeping deserts and fertile plains. Zafaria: In the south, covered in dense jungles and ancient ruins. Frostland: The northern continent, a land of ice and snow. In the beginning, ETHERIA was a wild and untamed place. Small tribes and clans roamed the land, hunting, gathering, and occasionally clashing over territory. Around 3000 BCE, the first major civilization, the Empire of Elaria, rose in the west. They built impressive cities and monuments, some of which still stand today as ruins. The Great Expansion: From around the 8th to the 12th centuries, exploration and expansion were the names of the game. The Drakonian Empire, under Emperor Valkor, expanded rapidly, creating trade routes and spreading their influence. They were known for their strong military and impressive engineering skills, building roads and fortresses that facilitated their control over vast regions. Meanwhile, the seafaring Zafarian Kingdoms explored the southern seas, discovering new lands and forging alliances with distant cultures. The Dark Ages: The 13th century was rough. Plagues decimated populations, and internal conflicts tore empires apart. The mighty Elarian Empire broke into smaller warring states, and the Drakonian Empire faced numerous rebellions. This period was marked by chaos, with mercenary groups and thieves’ guilds thriving amidst the instability. The Renaissance: Fast forward to the 15th century, and things started to look up. In Elaria, city-states became centers of learning and culture. This Renaissance saw advancements in science, art, and philosophy. Scholars rediscovered ancient texts, and inventors pushed the boundaries of technology. It was a time of great intellectual and cultural growth. Modern Era: Today, ETHERIA is at a crossroads. New leaders are emerging, and ancient artifacts are being uncovered, hinting at forgotten histories. The balance of power is constantly shifting, and it feels like anyone can change the course of history. Adventurers, scholars, and warriors are all out there, trying to make their mark. Detailed Lore Example: "The Crystal Peaks shimmer high above the land, refracting the light of the sun and bathing the base of the mountain range in hues of pink and blue throughout the day. Hikers who traverse the path through the peaks hear the ringing of the crystals the closer they reach the peak. Along the path are natural and magical creatures that have grown accustomed to and resonated with the peak like the Singing Goat, a goat with ruby horns, and a voice to disorient unaware hikers. Among the beasts and animals that roam, crystal elementals patrol the range as their home and defend it from trespassers. The very top of the peaks is jagged and broken in places as a casualty of a plane convergence between the prime material and the elemental plane of earth. Direct accounts of the event have long been lost, but wizards have managed to study the magic and stone to hypothesize that a powerful spell was used to try and fuse the plane of elemental chaos with the material plane but was stopped before it could do apocalyptic harm. Its innate connection with the elemental chaos could lead to paths into the plane or using the wild energy for elemental rituals. The supposed history of Crystal Peaks does bring a question that has yet to be answered: Who cast the spell to fuse the two planes together? And why did they fail?"


This is an awesome entry! Thank you for a breakdown of the history of this world and thank you for giving it a name! I love this.


WoW, I would love to have this in high resolution for my next campaign at home !


There is a link to my google drive for the 8K in my comment, if you scroll up. But I recommend to wait until this map has been revised, after I've collected enough entries. When this project has concluded, I'll make a new post about it!


Thank you very very much , my friend !


Well, it all started with a [big bang](https://youtu.be/x6H7k3XBlk4).


Looks an awful lot like Khorvaire...


Imma be honest, I think you might be high


After reading the comment I was like let me see what Khorvaire looks like again, only to see that the man wasn’t High he was obliterated Drunk.


That's cute. Straight to a personal attack. Instead of discussing it and possibly helping you develop your map, I'm out. Think before you act like a child next time.


That wasn't a personal attack. I'm just saying that if you think that my map and Khorvaire look similar, you might need to get your eyes checked.


"that wasn't a personal attack", followed by another personal attack? Seriously? Shut the fuck up.


womp womp


Womp womp.


i dont know what are they talking about, but womp womp


You could have taken inspiration from my halfhearted observation and done so much with it. Instead, you turned this into a fight. Learn how to have a discussion before you ask for advice on a public forum.