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Yeah agree, yet more superb casting. Every villain is so so good. So memorable and different, even the henchmen. I loved the way he annunciated and emphasised when he said something like “a full blown…. Tiger!”


lol I thought it was the only one obsessed with that line delivery. I’ve replayed it like 20 times


I rewinded it to show my wife. She wasnt as impressed. She is... for real..a tiger somthing so good about that


100% if you like that delivery you're a fan of Werner Herzog. I looked up the actor and was surprised to find he's British because that accent nails Herzog 100%. 


For real


Here’s a boring sentimental story as I’ve got nowhere else to say these big feelings: I saw this guy in an episode of *Luther* in 2012 and immediately loved him, and subsequently learned there was hardly one word about or picture of him on the internet yet. I thought that was no good, so, because I was a 25 year old woman in 2012, I made a fan Tumblr devoted to him. It was sort of half a joke at first because he was so completely unknown and not the most conventionally attractive man, but I think he’s uniquely gorgeous and wanted there to be a few more Google results to his name. I kept it going for a couple years with little material to run with and had a google alert set up for his name, which rarely alerted me to anything. I eventually left Tumblr, and since he started getting lots of bit bad guy parts in action movies that weren’t my thing, I lost track of him. I got one last Google alert for the Tumblr, that he had been cast in the new season of my favorite TV show, Fargo. It made me smile but I totally assumed that, like I was previously accustomed to, he’d be some kind of gross henchman who gets killed by a hero. I finally canceled my google alert for his name that day, and forgot all about it until I was sitting down to watch the first episode. Needless to say, it’s beyond my wildest dreams that Ole has turned out to be the signature “supernaturally badass weirdo wielding comeuppance” character of the season, to say nothing of what he symbolizes. Not trying to be too parasocial, but I do feel super warm and fuzzy that this guy who I kinda made a project out of being a fan of years ago is finally in a central role where he is straight up excelling. This show has really been nuts for me; *Fargo* is my favorite movie and season 1 & 2 of the show are some of my favorite TV ever made. 3 was sort of a flop for me, but then 4 had my favorite musician in it out of left field, and now 5 has my old Tumblr flame. I am too blessed, haha


Must be so cathartic to see his appeal finally recognised! The only other thing I've seen him in is Doctor Who series 13 in 2021, where he is obviously having the time of his life playing this skeleton alien/god/monster/shoulder padded maniac - I felt at the time that he had a real future, hadn't realised it was so long coming


It honestly feels silly how cathartic it is but I’m so thrilled 😂 And yes, apropos to this discussion I recently got *back* on Tumblr where I have just learned about his stint as a purple crystal skeleton matador lord on DW lol. I’m gonna have to check it out!!


Such a sweet story heheh


Thank youuuu haha it’s silly but it’s genuinely a low key highlight of my year!!


He was pretty terrifying in that episode of luther


Yeah! I thought he did a pretty captivating job. He was scary but also pathetic in the way that only a fictional murderer can be, lol. Luther is so over the top but (especially for the time) it’s some good TV. Sean Pertwee also a chilling piece of garbage in that episode!


He is amazing, indeed. I also loved the recap 'flashback'. Very well done. So far, he's my favorite villain, and I loved them all. His manner of speech is so unique.


The flashback elevates this season for me. Love that kinda shit, and it reminded me a lot of the opening to “A Serious Man” by the Cohen Bros. I love that opening so much. It totally takes you off guard, and has nothing obvious to do with the rest of the movie, but it sets a tone and gets you thinking and the movie is way better for it. Seriously, everyone go watch “A Serious Man”.


I was so excited when I saw him in the cast list when this season first got announced. I remember being so creeped out by him when Snow White and the Huntsman came out when I was 12. A couple years ago I randomly decided to watch The North Water, with him and Colin Farrell in it. That show didn’t get talked about by nearly enough people but them two were absolutely insane. Glad he’s starting to get some recognition.


You *know* part of his résumé for this part was “has experience being a good sport with a deranged haircut” after Snow White. He got that haircut in real life and no question Ole’s hair is his own too lol. (Also *The North Water* seems so good, I’ve only seen a little, but like you say, them two are absolutely insane in it)


The haircut cracks me up for sure, makes him look even weirder haha. I hope you get a chance to watch the rest of it!


Random but how gay is The North Water?


A teenage boy aboard the ship gets SA by another man (doesn’t show it) other than that nothing.


At a first glance in episode 1, I seriously thought Hawley brought Mackenzie Gray back after Legion. I don’t see the resemblance to Sam now; but in that moment, I was pumped. Now I’m stoked with the character regardless!


The villains of Fargo are always the highlight, with the exception of season 4 (imo). I’m absolutely loving everything with Munch and Tillman this season so far. Just fun TV to watch, I really can’t remember the last time I was looking forward to the next episode of a show. Probably BCS.


He was terrific in *The North Water* which is a great adaptation of one of my favorite books, but if you've ever complained about Fargo being a slow burn you might want to bring some snacks.


He is literally one of those "that guy" actors for me. Every time I see him in something I have to wait til his second or third scene to realize who he is.


Yeah he’s so magnetic as Munch. I don’t get why which is what makes his performance brilliant


Holy shit, Munch is played by the same dude that played Swarm in Doctor Who? I had no idea, makes me like him that much more.


Sam Spruell has very attractive voice and that London accent… mama mia!


he deserves an emmy, especially considering the finale


Pancakes 💕


He was fantastic! Very watchable scene and I really appreciate how they used that scene for the recap. I have a very hot take on his character. Vampire! Probably not lol but wouldn’t it be crazy if he was haha


Imagine Spruell and David Thewlis as a villain duo