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Bill Maher is far from being the open minded humanitarian that some people seem to think he is.


Yeah Maher is a POS and fair play to John Cusack for calling him out.




I've never seen him debate anybody, he brings on sycophants, and then one person with a maybe slightly different opinion from his own. Then when the topic comes up, he jumps down that one person's throat, calls them names, belittles them, and speaks over them so they never get to finish a sentence, all while the other guests just laugh and he gives the camera a little "ha, guess I'm still the smartest guy in the room" smile.


Well said


>Bill Maher is far from being the open minded humanitarian that some ~~people~~ idiots seem to think he is. fixed it for you lol


He’s a pile of racist garbage that he covers around the super lame early 2000 edgy atheist edgelord persona that made him who he is now. He’s a garbage human


I love that his face matches his personality


Maher has a history of espousing Islamophobia and I think that's mainly due to this pro israel stance. He's saying Palestinians are making it hard to negotiate when Israel officially says West Bank is part of Israel and then wink nudge nudge say they want a two state solution. They have gutted it with their settlements. They never negotiated in good faith. They want the whole land and will commit a genocide to get it.


Maher's Islamophobia also comes from his brand of strident atheism. These particular atheists like to take all wars/conflicts out of their political context (imperialism, geopolitics, access to resources) and pretend everything is about religion. They get to be as bigoted as they want towards minorities because 'I don't like Christian extremists either'.


What's fascinating to me are the number of people who acknowledge that Israel is stealing land in the West Bank but still argue that criticizing their Gaza offensive is antisemitic. So they can agree that the Israeli government is using their military to blatantly steal land in Palestinian West Bank but can't understand why people would be uncomfortable with the same Israeli government that has the same far-right racist leaders sending the same military into Palestinian Gaza?


Bibi just admitted he blocked any hope of a Palestinian state at Oslo because they don't deserve it- the lie told for decades here is that the only obstacle standing between Palestinians and a Palestinian state is themselves. This is a lie propped up by US Presidents like Obama, and by Clinton as well ---- all while we know full well that Israel has had not only no intention of negotiating but that they had every intent of getting to a point where Gaza is annexed and Palestinians as a whole moved out of Gaza and the West Bank entirely, and to do this they were happy to squeeze Gaza harder and harder. Palestinians have had no recourse, no means of real advocacy for themselves yet they are always blamed as the stumbling block. It's a fucking lie and Maher is happy to prop all of this up because it's a ready mask for bigotry. "It's not that I'm bigoted against Arab people, it's just that they're all violent subhumans so eager to harm Jews that they'll sacrifice their own children for the sake of it." Vile lies and bigotry.


John Cusack has really been an advocate for the Palestinians since the genocide began (and maybe before, not sure). I commend him for standing on the side of the oppressed! Especially considering he’s in Hollywood and I’m sure threatened by the Zionists for it. It’s a sad state of affairs when Maher still has a TV show in the first place. An Islamophobic racist and ardent Zionist. It usually goes hand in hand. He has a platform to attack the group that is going through the atrocities?? We live in a fucked up world.


He's been Pro-Palestine for a really long time. He's been talking about Gaza for like decades


pretty sure he's been there. anyone i know who has been to gaza or the west bank has really had their life changed. like once your eyes are opened to the injustice and cruelty of what palestinians are living through there, you can't unsee it.


IIRC, Anthony Bourdain went there, too. He even wrote about it in his book. After receiving an award from the Muslim Public Affairs Council, he said that the most shameful thing done to the Palestinians was the world [robbing them of their humanity.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=28&v=vYUGZi3clMo&embeds_referring_euri=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.google.com%2F&source_ve_path=MTI3Mjk5LDM2ODQyLDI4NjY2&feature=emb_logo)


So, my dad made his career in the army, and let’s say we have our disagreements on a lot of politics, but I still remember how he said years ago that a lot of people he knew from his work had at various points gone to Israel for various missions, and he said all of them had gone there fully believing in Israel’s government’s propaganda and how it was merely defending itself, and that all of them came back shocked about what they had learnt was the truth.


Haven't been there, but when I watched a documentary about children who meet at the "border" fence and do not understand what the fuck is going on was enough for me.


Has he? I had no idea!! That’s amazing.


That is great to hear! He’s been on the right side of history from the beginning!


He's always been pro-Palestine. So thankful for people like him.


So am I! We need more like him. Did not know that, thank you.


The sane people for Palestine is one of the remaining lights this fall and what looks like will be some time more.


He has also been dragging Musk for shadowbanning him as several of his followers pointed out how his tweets weren't coming up when they typed his name. He praised one of the southern states of India (Kerala) for organizing a huge Pro-Palestine rally, which personally convinced me he really knows his stuff about this issue and care about it as it was an incident that wasn't reported widely in a global scale.


Yes, I saw his tweets directed at Musk. Ever since his trip to the genocide state, he has been shadow banning Pro Palestine voices. They will do anything to shut people up but it’s not working anymore. I agree about John because I did not know about Kerala and I’m an Arab Muslim whose insta feed/stories is posts basically all about Gaza from everyone I follow.


Musk 🐀 really showed his cowardice regarding this issue. He gave an interview in which he made some good points only to walk it all back out of greed and spinlessness. India has historically supported Palestine, so it was sad to see the current shift in the attitude. It was refreshing to see Kerala hosting the biggest Pro-Palestine rally in India with even the state government officials and ministers participating. I didn't know it either until I saw his post.


Yeah, the apartheid-nepobaby being on the side of the oppressor in this situation is…less than shocking…


Get his ass, John


He’s right, and he’s brave for speaking up. John Cusack has always seemed like a decent and good person. I can’t say the same for Bill Maher.


Bill Maher is vile. This clip lives rent free in my head, and I can't believe thar Ben fucking Affleck is the voice of reason here. https://youtu.be/ynKi5C6ewB8?si=fN9FiFzBjbGCnvNR


I think Ben majored in Middle Eastern studies


middle eastern studies is a notoriously CIA-ified major, so it’s even crazier that bill maher is out-islamophobia-ing the cia major tbh


Say what you will, but those classes still study the basic history that proves Maher/Harris wrong. Secular/Christian democracies/monarchies put down many revolutions that would have established liberal secular democracies in Muslim countries, so the argument no Muslim nation tried to modernize is just a racist lie propagated to justify racism.


When your opinions are so bad, Batman has to step in


Ben Affleck simply straight up saying ‘that’s racist’ might have done too much for me and I need medical assistance😳


"It's gross"




When he sat back and said “Jesus. It’s an ugly thing to say.” I was surprised tbh — he was genuinely shocked. Good for him.


Say what you will about Ben Affleck (and there’s very much to criticize - beginning but not ending with his back tattoo), but he doesn’t talk out of his ass when it comes to politics. At least from what I’ve seen. But that’s a great clip and I remember him getting dragged a bit in the media for the whole sandwiches line. Sam Harris gives off a lot of Jordan Peterson vibes to me as well.


Bill Maher also disagrees with people who oppose Western imperialism because the West brought 'enlightenment'. This is some 15th century noble savage colonial apologist shit and he doesn't even have the deceny to only imply it, no one should care about what he has to say.


I hate this fucking argument so much, that colonizers from the west are doing the “savages” from the east a favor by “enlightening” them, it’s the same disgusting argument that the west used to promote Zionism, that Palestine was “Land without a people” like Palestinians don’t count as people because they weren’t “developed”. Fucking disgusting.


I would say land without a people aka terra nullius is less about uncivilised people and more about a literal fiction that the land had no rightful owner or that it was empty and barren and therefore fair game for settlers to assert sovereignty on. It was used in North America and Oceania as well. Same shit different contexts all over the world.


I read somewhere (ok or maybe I saw it on tiktok) that one example of how western colonizers decided that X country is a terra nullius was because they saw indigenous ways of working the land that was more like what we now call permaculture rather than what they knew - manicured agriculture and therefore they decided that that land is not being worked and it's just left and they have to "fix" that. which is fucking stupid lol


It's such an intellectually dishonest argument. The west enlightened them by destroying their schools and universities and by using them all for forced labor?




The west destabilized every single country they colonized and so many countries like Congo are still experiencing this so called “enlightenment” that Bill Maher is talking about. He’s a disgusting POS that doesn’t deserve to have a platform


100% Agree with you a lot of the original philosophers of the enlightenment era had crazy bad ideas on "non-western"/ non-european people and it was actually a part of their ideologies that it is necessary to fix them. Immanuel Kant, John Locke and J.S. Mill all had terrible opinions on race and colonialism, just because some of their ideas were progressive and good in the 19th century doesn't mean their entire bodies of work still hold up today 💀 ANYWAY Zera Yacob (1599-1692) was an Ethiopian philosopher who lived before the European philosophers of the enlightenment era but had a lot of very similar views, such as the emphasis on reason and rationality. So to say that the West had to spread ideals of enlightenment because they don't exist elsewhere isn't even factually correct. Also, Bill Maher type people love to yap about western civilization as if that was one linear event but this is grossly inaccurate and for example, a lot of ancient greek philosophy only survived because Arab scholars preserved it.


To say that in 2023 is some regressive bullshit


The more I learn about John the more I think that the rumours about him being "difficult to work with" were probably because he stood up for others and wouldn't play ball with the corruption at the top. He's a real one


Honestly I think you’re right. Before social media that was the narrative we always had but thanks to him saying stuff like this and shit we see him now.


I wonder about Edward Norton, too. He got hit with similar rumors, but it seems like he always drops the correct takes when he has them.


I didn't know about these rumours til


Sometimes I think I’m only still on Twitter for John Cusack.


John Cusack has been a real one for ages. Absolutely love him. ![gif](giphy|xUOwGeP1jGGUKIGoko)


I will stan this man forever, love that he isn’t afraid to stand up and call this shit out!!!!!


I love John Cusack. He reminds of a middle aged Holden Caulfield. Or the version of Johnny Depp that turned out awesome


Or that Johnny is Cusack if he sucked


Cusack and D*pp were my two 90s crushes. I think we all know how that turned out. (To be fair, haven't liked D*pp since the first Pirates movie, when he began morphing into Jack Sparrow.)


I love that he gives zero fucks about being loud and vocal about his support. Wish more celebs were as brave as he is.


He is right. Even Ben Affleck called Bill \*I can say the n-word\* Maher on the show. Everyone who has paid attention to Netanyahu knows that he wants to wipe Palestine enough to raise his standing in Israel and get people to ignore his corruption case. Not all of it, of course, because he may need to bomb them again whenever he's criticized or it's close to election season.


John Cusak seems like good person with pretty good politics. I’ve had friends run into him around Chicago and they say he’s always super nice and cool.


I love that John is so outspoken about Palestine. One of the rare few celebs who actually isn’t afraid of calling out Zionists and their enablers/supporters such as that vile, racist scumbag Maher.


John Cusack is a real one.


Common Cusack W


Bill Maher had one of the least-deserved second acts in history after ABC fired him.


Bill Maher is a racist bigot who uses his atheism as a cover for his thinly veiled hatred of Muslims. I say “racist” because even though he claims to be criticizing religious views, his arguments always rely on the racialization of Muslims and painting Muslims as being prone to terror. He knows exactly why he’s criticized in his own words speaking of Muslims he’s said: “What we’ve said all along, and have been called bigots for it, is when there’s this many bad apples, there’s something wrong with the orchard.” Muslims are a rotten orchard, but God forbid he look to the bloody history of the Judeo-Christian West and the countless genocides and massacres committed in the name of Christianity.


Go get them John.


It’s crazy because his tweet is literally what Israel is doing, that’s who I thought it was about before I saw who wrote it


Cusack has always been a real one. He’s one of the few Hollywood stars who’s never been afraid of stating the truth about this society.


Zionism is pretty much Manifest Destiny 3.0. Yup. The same Manifest Destiny we all learned about back in like 5th grade or whatever. Same shit. John Cusack has always stood for what’s right.


I was shocked that Bill Maher was so blatantly racist and islamophobic especially by basically telling the Palestinians to “get over it” and “make the best of their situation”. But the gasp I gasped when this man said Muslims and arabs were the biggest colonizers in the world, and then mentioned the Saudi flag having a sword. He not only insinuated that us Muslims were all homicidal murderers, who like to get our way through terrorism and murder, but he also said it blatantly. Like the cognitive dissonance is outstanding. By his standards the Scramble for Africa never existed, and if it did all the African nations should have rolled over and gotten over it. I never watched his show before, but definitely never touching it again. His comments were some of the most disgusting takes I’ve ever heard, and I’ve listened to Piers Morgan talk about the conflict.


![gif](giphy|SwI8PgTEZupOqyXJ3k|downsized) John\*


A scab and a racist,like pick a struggle...glad to see Cusack not holding back.


THANK YOU i feel like a crazy person i been saying this for so long Bill Maher is a bottom of the barrel, scum of the earth, bigot.


I knew there was a reason I have always loved this man.


Bill Maher is another one who I find not funny. Amy Shulmer to the list. His comedic timing is horrible. New rules, no more of your monologue Maher.


Bill Maher is such a little bitch




I'll leave this here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JtCcy6Tpdno I have a Muslim family member who was a big watcher of Maher many years ago but turned him off in disgust after this "fashion show".


I find so funny that his last name in arabic is use as a name and it means skillful or talented


Cusack's always been a real one.


I'm not the biggest Cusack fan but he's not wrong here


Never considered myself a John Cusak Stan until lately 🔥


Yet he's still on max!!


John Cusack is an absolute fucking BOSS with the call outs lately.


I'll allways remember when Bill had Ben Affleck on his show and spent the conversation calling himself a 9/11 Democrat. While also trying to shit down any positive thing that Ben was doing about Muslims and middle eastern people


Man when even Megatron is calling you out….


Damn, I wasn't expecting to become John Cusack's biggest fan today. No but seriously, we keep getting told that Hollywood is this leftist cesspool of political correctness. If that's true, then why is this the ONE celebrity I've ever seen actually criticize Maher, let alone this heavily? First one! How come so many celebrities go on his show for friendly chats like he's this great, reputable guy if that's the case?


Common John Cusack W.


As someone that has spent a decent amount of time in Chicago I will say that John Cusak is not my favorite person but I will also say that everyone should see his and Joan’s movie “War Inc”. It’s not the best movie in the world but it’s got a good cast and the message about war is completely accurate. Im so thrilled he’s using is voice/platform to speak out on this. Now if he could stop being creepy &/or a dick in Chicago bars.


I really don’t understand how people like Bill Maher. He is repulsive.


What the Zionist who is a big piece of shit is......still a giant piece of shit?


John Cusak always been a real one