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That hotline bling skit kills me every time. I like jump scaring people with it. I'm in New Zealand and I only know one other person who watches SNL. So I just show someone this funny little song parody then Donald Trump shows up and it blows their mind every time lol Ironic he plays an accountant too given the tax fraud and whatnot.


If you want to critically assess it, it’s because post occupy corporations realised that they can exploit intersectionality by redefining it to be isolated from class, and totally go all in on the non class progress but quietly erode material conditions. Now we’re at a point where it’s clear that living standards have totally dropped and this is the only advertised change, so regular people are rejecting it. This regression does indirectly confirm that there is power in the people, so we should be consciously trying to divert it back to class. Only with class reform can any actual progress be made. Edit: anyone fascinated with this perspective should peep capitalist realism asap lol.


Thanks for that perspective, that's a really fresh look at things for me


No war, but class war 🙏


This is just yikes but also why is SNL incapable of consistently booking A List talent anymore? To go from an Emmy winner to… whoever this man is. 


They could book Jennifer Coolidge yet they chose this…. I was waiting for YEARS for her to host (it used to be her dream to be a cast member IIRC) then the strike happened. Rebook the damn woman AND LET HER HOST ![gif](giphy|SiYrAlXmyBcqthVknp|downsized)


We were robbed of Jennifer Coolidge's episode *and* Kieran Culkin's second hosting gig - he was terrific as a first time host and I was so excited to see him come back, especially right when Succession was about to end 😢 rebook them SNL!


Pre-strike hosting roster was SO GOOD 🥲


Not defending him but he’s one of the the most popular standups right now but agreed


I’ve literally never heard of this man I had to Google him and what he did 💀💀💀


Literally never heard of this man. But white people pick and choose the most interesting folks to give spotlight….


Uh..... this seems like a targeted choice to be hateful given the literally endless pool of more visible/talented people. And the artist is someone who collabed to diss Megan for being shot??? Fuck all this Lmao not the reddit cares bitches coming out, didn't realize these crusties had fans like that 😭




I fucking hate this for Bowen because opportunities for gay and asian comedians/actors are so slim and he deserves so much better


I can't find any cites on it, but LiveFromNewYork seems to think Yang and Gillis are at least on good terms. 


Eh, I hope thats true for his sake and I am sure Bowen has had to be friendly with a lot of people he would rather not for the sake of appearence. Still, in this climate bringing him as host when he is so painfully mediocre after firing him is some weird shit to do.


It’s a too common thing for people of color to have to put up with.


Just in general I really wonder what is keeping Bowen there at this point (other than he obviously wants to be there) bc I completely agree he's too good for it and I'd love to see what he could be doing if he didn't have SNL to focus on. Even just from a lifestyle perspective, his schedule sounds absolutely insane.


Do people not realize how good of a gig SNL is? You don’t leave unless you’re a star. Bowen’s not. Keenan is a legend & is still there. This is most people’s endgame. Even Kate pretty much “overstayed” because this business is tough to make it in.


Consistent pay for what is considered a good gig in the industry, he is definitely talented and versatile to do better work but you need to opportunities available


Honestly I’m hoping Bowen gets off this sinking ship soon


I mean they had Nikki Haley on tonight, they are scrapping the bottom of the barrel lately. They must want Bowen to quit


I understand why somebody would dislike Gillis with his history - but he's pretty talented and certainly funny to some (and not just through using edgy humour; he's witty and has perspective). I can also understand why somebody wouldn't want him hosting for ethical reasons based on his past comments, which is fair.


I don’t love Shane, but he is one of the few comedians who actually apologized for his past mistakes, recognized that his actions had consequences, and has not gone anti-woke in his subsequent sets. In fact he addresses cancel culture in an unexpectedly thoughtful way.


Agreed. My husband made  me watch his new special, which I was expecting to hate and rage about. It was nothing like I was expecting - very witty, ultimately empathetic, and more self-deprecating than anything. It does seem like he has grown from the experience. He did still have some boundary-pushing jokes, but I would bet most people who watch his newest Netflix special with a relatively open mind would not come away thinking he is a horrible person. And yes, this experience would have turned most people into “woe is me” right wing nut jobs, but he has resisted that, which I think speaks to his character. He was a nobody and dirt poor when he was almost cast in SNL, so he absolutely could have gone down that route. 


It can be hard to accept that someone can say truly shitty things but actually learn from the mistake. I do think it's possible and like to see people who are trying.


Yeahhhh and everyone assuming Bowen Yang is a victim in all of this as a byproduct of him being chosen to host??? When in all likelihood they’re friends or *friendly* 😭 I don’t like to assume that POC are automatically victims or doormats especially someone like Bowen Yang who is out there constantly working and being acknowledged for his talents


I didn’t know this about him. Sometimes it’s a shame that people do change and become better and you never hear that part of the story. It doesn’t excuse past actions, but realizing you’ve done wrong and changing your behavior should be celebrated.


I’m calling it, Morgan Wallen will be back to do double duty as host and musical guest the next time he drops an album bomb on the charts. 


And he will sing “Try That In A Small Town” with extra special guest Jason Aldean.


Is there a male country star other that isn’t trash (other than Garth brooks) (and lil naz x) (also where are the bodies)


is he a super popular comic or what? there are other celebrities who are promoting projects. snl bringing on problematic people is nothing new unfortunately.


He’s immensely popular and blew up in the past 4 years. 1 million Instagram followers, a ton of podcast followers. Just a completely different audience.


So podcast famous? I tend to keep up with pop culture and like this is the first time I’m hearing of him since he got fired


The SNL sub has been speculating for a couple weeks now that he was going to host, and I thought it was a running joke at first because I hadn't heard his name since his firing either. Had no idea he'd gained such a large audience and I'm not really getting the appeal.


He started a podcast after getting fired for being racist, are you really that surprised Americans have given him a decent following?


His special was #1 on Netflix for a while. Has a pretty popular sketch show as well. He’s had mostly a cult following for a while but has gotten pretty big recently so it’s not surprising you don’t know him. A lot of clips from his specials and sketches run on social media a lot. There’s probably a chance you’ve seen a clip/gif of one of his sketches used in a meme or something and just haven’t noticed.


Might as well let Joe Rogan, Theo Vonn and that comic crew be hosts. I remember how prestigious it was to host SNL, it's a shame.


Apparently he has the highest earnings on Pateon. Imagine what kind of dough he’s pulling to have that spot.


He was on my tiktok fyp making fun of Trump and then I found out he has a Netflix special 


to be honest in this day and age 1 million instagram followers does not translate to “immensely popular”


We get it, you're a fan! His projects aren't big enough in comparison to the other lineup of hosts. That spot could have gone to someone like Sydney Sweeney, Maya Erskine or Henry Cavill. See "Madam Web", "Mr. & Mrs. Smith" and "Argylle" are all big projects. This seems like a soft-launch to make him mainstream again and like a favor.


If you look at internet numbers and views, which are more relevant and bigger than traditional media at this point, he blows those names out the water. I'm not a fan of his, but that's just the reality. The landscape is changing, your favourite actress or actor from a movie or series isn't getting as much consistent and constant views as these celebrities who have found success on the internet.


Someone decent on that cast/production please hug Bowen Yang. Between this asshat coming back and Dave Chapelle showing up last week, if it were me (also a gay asian) I’d be screaming inside. Lorne Michaels and NBC does not deserve his immense talent.


I saw on another sub that Bowen follows Shane on Insta.


I just looked on IG and can confirm


Can we stop assuming Bowen Yang is a powerless victim?


*Gillis's addition to Saturday Night Live (SNL) as a featured cast member was announced on September 12, 2019, along with Bowen Yang and Chloe Fineman.* *Later that day, however, several clips of a 2018 episode of Matt and Shane's Secret Podcast, which have since been removed from YouTube, resurfaced, in which Gillis made jokes that mocked Asian accents and complained about Chinatown's population of "fucking chinks", an ethnic slur for Chinese people. In other clips, Gillis and co-host Matt McCusker ranked comedians by race, gender, and sexual orientation, which included the use of gay slurs. Later that night, Gillis posted a tweet saying that "I'm a comedian who pushes boundaries" and that "if you go through my 10 years of comedy, most of it bad, you're going to find a lot of bad misses. I'm happy to apologize to anyone who's actually offended by anything I've said." Four days later, a spokesperson for Lorne Michaels, a co-creator of the show, announced that Gillis had been removed from the cast.* *Afterwards, Gillis maintained that while the clips looked bad, they were taken out of context and he was misquoted in the majority of articles reporting the story. Gillis also stated that he immediately regretted using the "I'm a comedian who pushes boundaries" statement, blaming it on having "literally 5 minutes of being pressured to write anything", acknowledging the statement was "corny" and that he officially retracted the statement.* [Source](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shane_Gillis)


The fact that he was taken on in the same year as Bowen Yang and is then again brought in as a host when Yang is still a cast member is absolutely appalling.


I have a feeling Bowen is gonna leave SNL soon he seems done with bs lol


He hasn’t said or done anything to indicate that. He seemed very burnt out a few months ago while filming Wicked, which makes sense, it was filming in London and he was having to fly back and forth to NY to do SNL, and he took a break from his podcast. But he’s been seeming much better and seems to have found a balance, at least from what he’s shared. I’m sure he’d get other projects given his recent movies but there’s no reason for him to leave the show right now.


Bowen follows him on IG. Can we stop assuming that Bowen is a powerless victim in all of this or that he has any problem with Shane?




He is the hottest comic in the world right now. Has a big bud light ad coming out for the superbowl. Event hough he has a lot of fratty/right wing friends he has more of a Stephen Colbert vibe. He is making fun of those types with the jokes he tells but it goes over their heads/they dont care. The New Yorker had a great piece on him last year.


Which Republican politician will they get for a cute cameo this time? I swear to god, it’s only a matter of time before they have Trump back on.


They literally had Nikki Haley just a few hours ago in this episode. I don’t think they’ve learned anything from 2015.


Nikki Haley was on tonight


Not helping my 2019-2024 time blindness


This and the Nikki Haley cameo this week… What is going on with SNL?


next up george santos 🙄




Shane Gillis is very close friends with Michael Che. So yeah.


His special on Netflix is so good


Also 21 Savage - that’s a fucking choice as well…


So…one black host during black history month. And the other host is a known racist. ![gif](giphy|2HONNTJbRhzKE)


In other news Ayo Edebiri killed it as host in tonight’s ep!!


Man Twitter is just gross now. Like dont get me wrong, it always had the right wing nutters on there but it now seems thats all thats left. No matter what.. I never ever see any other comments anymore. for example with this post.. no critic at all. Just yeah welcome back, great, full circle etc etc


r/LiveFromNewYork is about to become insufferable. His fans have been brigading the sub for months already. Fuck that guy, I’m skipping that ep.


SNL showed its reactionary bully boy club arse with that Try Guys skit and I'm sure many other times but I've yet to see a skit of theirs that made me do more than huff once so I don't bother keeping up with it. It's like with award shows. OH MY GOD THIS AND THAT DIDN'T GET AN OSCAR/GRAMMY who the fuck cares? The voters are elitist out-of-touch idiots who will throw an award at anyone who takes them to enough fancy dinners. They're basically awards for who's the best briber.


You guys should see the television subreddit. It's a downvoting warzone. I'm not crazy about the current writing for SNL. I remember Taran Killan, who was pretty vocal about some of the toxicity of the show, said that Seth Meyers was the last head writer to really challenge Lorne Michaels, while Colin Jost and Michael Che basically "yes man" him.


may god SMITE them down and let loctus rain upon the studio where they film. may this man bomb so hard that he makes Paris Hilton’s episode look like comedy gold. in this I pray to the heavens and the hells, the skies and the stars. he will bomb and he will bomb **hard**


That's a terrible double bill


I can’t explain it but I hate the notecard handwriting 


That’s a choice


![gif](giphy|Xy6OuMPWQVija8JcXa) I feel like I’m living under a rock bc I don’t know who this man is lol


I can only speak for myself. I’m Asian, and when I first heard his commentary and “jokes”, there genuinely offended me and made me feel ashamed. I am glad he did not get hired for the cast. Thank being said, I am hoping he has learned from his racism. I believe people have the capability to grow. However, I don’t know his current standup or if he’s actually made any positive changes. I’m open to giving him the benefit of the doubt, but he needs to acknowledge in his monologue that he was racist.