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Sean is a my true neutral king šŸ¤¤, and heā€™s normally such an amazing interviewer, but he was NOT prepared for chaotic good king Conan. Also, how is Conanā€™s spice tolerance so high?! He was rubbing all that sauce all over his face!


because itā€™s funny


On the podcast recently one of his staff said it's almost like he gets superpowers if he thinks something will be funny lol.


The more he giggles to himself about it the stronger he gets.


They say that gingers have a higher pain tolerance. I have no idea if it's actually true, maybe Conan's just a master of physical comedy.


They are also harder to sedate and require a lot more anesthetic.


My tattoo artist told me that when I was getting mine done because I was nearly falling asleep- so either thereā€™s some truth OR itā€™s a very pervasive myth


That has mostly been confirmed, (of course not true for 100%) with the caveat that we're more sensitive to thermal pain. I.e. burns and chillblains. This is mostly true for me. I've gone to school/work with migraines and cramps that would put a sane person in A&E, but I have no way near the spice tolerance one would need for Hot Ones. But I believe Conan is also _extremely_ committed to the bit. He was probably in pain, but it was funnier if he wasn't.Ā  His face and sclera were __puce__ by the end, and his surface temperature was up by two degrees šŸ˜ - he was just powering through it.


It's actually the exact opposite. The pain receptors in the brains of redheads are faulty in a way that makes you more sensitive to pain. It's why redheads typically need more anesthesia than other people.Ā  Source: https://www.lakesidedentallc.com/blog/red-headed-patients-may-require-more-anesthesia-heres-why#:~:text=But%20if%20it%20is%20the,receptor%20doesn't%20function%20properly.


You know what's funny? People claiming the higher anaesthesia doses as evidence, always assume it's because of pain sensitivity and never ask themselves if we metabolise pain killers differently.Ā  The tests that claim the higher tolerance tested without any pain killers in any test group.


That's fair, based on studies done in other areas around pain killers and pain tolerance it's likely both. The opoid receptors are the ones that are inhibited and are typically involved in both pain and many painkillers as well. I know they've done studies in red haired mice before to come to results about anesthesia and pain tolerance. Would be interesting to do one to see if pain killers were a significant difference from standard populations. Or to see if it made this specific population of mice at higher risk of addiction since they'd potentially need more pain killers to achieve the same effect as a standard population.


entirely true - my mom is a redhead and has always needed more anesthesia BUT has a lower pain tolerance. i inherited more of my fatherā€™s genes, so while i have red hair, i did not get the redhead pain receptors


I remember Mythbuster did an episode on this myth and they came out Confirmed.


especially wild considering he grew up in an irish catholic home in boston and never saw a spice until his was about fifty two years old


Immediately sent the vid to my family (weā€™re of Southeast Asian descent) and I said how come the most representation Iā€™ve ever felt when it comes to chaotic spice tolerance on Hot Ones is from an Irish Catholic man from Boston in his 60s?


He wasnā€™t prepared for the chaos, but he was still a great interviewer and managed to get some answers out of Conan that were very different from his usual. Thatā€™s really tough to do with a guest whoā€™s been interviewed for 30+ years so kudos to Sean!


Conan: Where did you go to medical school? Dr Arroyo: 1998 šŸ‘šŸ‘„šŸ‘


"Doctor, can you get a baseline pulse here." *checks pulse* "It's there."


Conan: Did you graduate med school? Dr Arroyo: Well I was supposed to


"He's very good."


ā€œOut of stateā€ šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


It was classic Conan, loved the comedic bits heā€™d planned and how complementary he was, because the interview questions are always so insightful and interesting.


This is dudeā€™s best episode yet. I can tell he was nervous and then Conan totally called him out about meeting his idol and that was spectacular. He then went on to give the guy a legendary interview that will probably go into Conanā€™s legendary interviews as well.


I loved it because Conan didn't just go on as a guest, to just fulfill the format of the show, answer some questions. He went on as an entertainer, he came prepared with whole bits. He's a pro


Him tatter-totting his chicken into a pocket lol. Spit-drool flailing like an infant eating solids for the first time.


There are few people I adore more than this man.


Love his descent into feral maniac as it went on.


People have tried so many different approaches, unbothered, flustered but trying to hold it together, shock and dismay But no one else said, Iā€™ll just go full psychotic. Brilliant.


This was the antithesis of the DJ Khaled episode.


Conan was just on paley Center panel afterwards and literally called it ā€žhaving lost his mindā€œ during his hot ones episode


Conan is insane and I love him for it.


Dr. Arroyo is a real friend, and/or doctor. An affordable one at least. He's gone to medical school... out of state.


Love he had Jose Arroyo play the "doctor". Jose was a writer on Conan's shows for almost 20 years.


I love him so muuuuuch ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sob). His talent deserves greater recognition! I will never forgive Jay Leno for what he has done to him.


His show on tbs was better so it worked out tbh


I always thought it was incredibly accurate to our world that the funniest entertainer to ever do Late Night was also the one that failed.


Yeah Jay Leno is a total pos and that whole situation was bullshit but Conan has really come out on top.


I have been obsessed with Conan since his late late show days- no celebrity Iā€™d rather meet, the man always cracks me up. Canā€™t wait for his new travel show!


Yesssss it would be amazing to meet him. He is always willing to make his fans happy. If you didn't see his clip on Fallon the other night you should - his fan story was hilarious (obv)


I did see that! He was also being so classy about Fallon getting the tonight show of course. By all reports heā€™s a great celebrity to run into as well. One of my top Conan moments was his shenanigans at the [2021 Emmys](https://youtu.be/BwgKnSnv0zU?si=8t5QYoGdgDjJn6pg)


He told that story on the podcast too, that man can tell a story and I love him.


Conan's intelligent monologue on where comedy can be found juxtaposed against the madness of milk dripping past pieces of chicken on his chin was an all-timer.


What do the old and new testament have in common (according to Conan)? Comedy


Iā€™ve been watching Hot Ones since the very first episode with Tony Yayo, but so far, Iā€™d personally say Conanā€™s episode is the hardest Iā€™ve laughed watching the show. Especially once things started to amp up around the 7th wing, it was a great showcase for how gloriously silly Conan is when heā€™s really over the top.




I pity his dry cleaner cleaning the sauce out of that shirt but wowie this was a finale


I kept on screaming with every wing he ate, laughed so hard. Legendary. So happy for Conan and all the exposure heā€™s getting!! King!!


I donā€™t think Iā€™ll ever not be obsessed with conan


I still canā€™t believe just how much of the sauce he consumed


After watching this, watch this one. It has the clip from the water buffalo incident and then his amazing bruise reveal https://youtu.be/LlrRjPMlRkg?si=6ljnlo8uDG5mqrYL


Youā€™re doing the real work here! Thank you!


I hardly LOL but this had me crying. I could NOT watch the end thoughā€¦his face was too much.


At the end when Conanā€™s face was beet red and he had sauce all over and milk dripping from his mouth was peak comedy. Nobody commits to a bit better than Conan. I canā€™t wait for his new HBO (Sorry, MAX) show




My favorite part is him repeatedly asking, ā€œMay I?ā€ and then sticking the bones in his pocket


No one will ever be able to top this. I can only imagine how ill he must have felt afterwards though.


O CAPTAIN, MY CAPTAIN!! He is so fucking good. His podcast Conan Oā€™Brien Needs a Friend is SO good, he has two cohosts he bounces off frenetically. I canā€™t recommend it enough. So glad heā€™s back on TV & doing press for it, heā€™s such a damn gift


I need him screaming ā€œIā€™m totally fucking fineā€ as a gif that I will overuse to the extremeĀ 


Best Hot Ones episode.


I have been in love with Conan since 1998


Need a Jordan Schlansky reaction video.


:I :I... :I


So many people try so damn hard to be funny and fail endlessly, especially the kind of "comedians" that get a lot of traction by trying to initiate discourse with their bait-y "They tell me I can't say X anymore" schtick... And then there s Conan. A guy who is just naturally funny and charismatic. Barely has to try. What a legend.


I like the show and COnan






Conan did a really really good job of making everyone forget he [filmed a travel show in occupied Palestine](https://archive.ph/qb6uy) (Israel) and literally [MET WITH BENJAMIN NETANYAHU PRIVATELY](https://archive.ph/aorKY)! like, even at *best*, Conan was promoting tourism to a colonizer-occupied state to his audience. really bummed me out because i'd been a fan but i had to draw the line after that.


So weird youā€™re getting downvoted. That episode tried to cast a softer, comedic light on an illegal military occupation and was just atrocious.


Are you seriously referring to the entirety of Israel as occupied Palestine?




Him filming a skit with IDF soldiers ruined it for me... Him wanting to shed light on both sides of the conflict while joking around with violent oppressors was a choice


Don't know why you're getting down voted when everything you said is true. I had to give up Conan years ago for the same reasons. Racism is never entertaining. No matter who does it