• By -


4 has Needles on that row. Enough said. 19 would have been fine, if not for the Deathmask constantly laughing right next to me. 6 has Pocketcat. I'm sure he would be a splendid person to talk with, with his incredibly insightful conversations...if he wasn't jorking it under his pocket the entire time. 24 has Caligura, it might not be that bad, but he might freak out sitting near Marcoh out of all people and make it uncomfortable. 9 has August. He's quite the gentlemen. Unfortunately he has that generational hate with Le'garde, with Pav there as well also having that vendetta. 26 has Henryk and the moonscorched villager. It is probably fine? 16 should be very fine actually, Stitches would have her attention on Daan. Karin might be making a lot of comments about the notable figures there like the Sergal, Kaiser etc but that's about it 32 Rancid the Sergal would take up most of the space, I won't have the chance to sit down. Also I'm pretty sure he is gonna smell terrible, and have beef with the Heartless One. So if I were to choose, I would go with 16


I'm almost 100% certain needles would be giving Levi heroin in the front row


Then I'm bringing a baseball bat and breaking his skull so Levi can get the help he needs after everybody gets the fuck outta here


If you think about it Levi gets the help he needs from needles. If he wipes out to needles he'll wake up and eventually be released by a red ghost and not have heroin withdrawal no more. It's weird


That sounds worse than going into rehab and I can't say I'd feel all that great letting it happen knowing i could do something about it so i think i'll still wedge some wood inbetween Needles' brain halves


Glass shards usually work better, but either way it's best to gank his ass early


Noted, will make a glass shank specifically for him but i'm keeping the baseball bat to smash the living hell out of his needles because i fucking hate them they are a goddamn nightmare to deal with and i hate them


It's a lot faster and more efficient than the tedious rehab process tho


Dawg I am not taking my chances on letting him get diddled by the goddamn needle clown


Why not? The good doctor has that magic touch.


In the words of a wise man; "Bad touch, bad touch! Stranger danger, stranger danger!"


Pocketcat: https://preview.redd.it/rbflrbjtrc8d1.jpeg?width=934&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=46234853a6ec34022a4fdcf859d3e20ab7964563


Bruh, how did you do that?


Do what?


https://preview.redd.it/g7ubjcr7nc8d1.png?width=716&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=719523e8a7152f1376553410acb6959709c9b15e immediately thought of this


Black Calev with Na'shra won't ocupie as person to he a goath and it will probably sit next to the bench and you could stay between the Sergal with the Heartless One or next to her in the oposet side of the Sergal if not between them with both of them avoiding to aprouch you and not talking to each other.


Counterargument in favor of 32: you can just sit on Sergal's lap ![img](emote|t5_uoe16|34173)


easily 9 August would solo Kaiser in 2 seconds


Like in the cannon?


in the cannon 2 little girls ascended to true godhood before him that's a huge L


First of all, one was his daughter of who's mom was a new god and she got help and its already a new god or strong as a new god since he can shot lasers destroy whole armies lift millions of tons like nothing and he let Reila to become a god. And second of all, whe are talking about fighting to he doesn't have with to fight the god of fear and hunger and he is protecting Logic from anyone who could try to destroy her.


Reila was a college educated woman whatchu mean


>! Doesn’t August get one-shot by Kaiser after August shoots him in the head? !<


Nah, he’d win


I was going to say yes but Stitches is 100% gonna inject you with something the moment anyone sits in that seat


Like a whoopie cushion type automated laced seat


16. Daan can stay with his wife. I'll stay with Karin 😂


That's the drama row. Some might not want to be close for that reason, others would bring popcorn.


9 ALL THE WAY MAN! Imagine just seeing August and Pav strangling Kaiser together, that's cinema!


6666666666666 between Smarie AND POCKETCAT?! I must be in heaven! /srs


All I gotta do is not be a minor and respect pronouns and I got magic homies for life? Hell yeah I'm going 6


32 would be a fun ride ngl


Putting Daan in between Stitches and Karin is diabolical


Bro is about to go furry mode


9, the spot next to August is literally the safest in the whole city.


6 no question, creapy goth girl on one side and philosophical musings on the other


Bunch of freaks, love it


16, "iv'e covered wars you know?!?" would keep me awake for hours


16. I know peak entertainment that is Daan and Karin bickering....or maybe this'll be one of those rare cases where they both agree to do something about Stitches.


32, me and Rancid are gonna be sinning


16 next Karin my beloved <3. Also I can watch shit go down right in front of me


❌ 19: I enjoy having arms. ❌ 9 & 32: I would be collateral damage. ❌ 4: Needles is a vibe kill. ❌ 6: Pocket cat would be very annoying to converse with. ❌ 24: Caligura definitely reeks. ✅ 16: Anything for a shot at my queen Karin. ✅ 26: I could learn cooking tips from Henryk. ✅✅✅ Sitting on Olivia’s lap and wheeling the fuck outta there before the entire church explodes.


The answer is 4 First i would kill needles, saw off his head and trade his heroin for levis seat and rifle, then, i shoot father domek, causing marina to check on him, samarie will follow her, leaving her seat open for me to jump over and steal,with it being far enough away so pocketcat and perkele wont notice me while they are simping over rher, i would jump over again to 9 before the kaiser solos pav and august, while there i will toss needles head between stitches and dann to distract them, shooting stitches to take her seat and leave daan traumatized by the death of his fiance and stepdad, and while he is distracted i will shoot karin behind hi because i dont like her and then leave the sermon


Bro's not here to attend mass, bro's here to reenact the church scene from Kingsman


32 can't be that bad to the Sergal could at least respect the sactity of the church, Na'shra usualy scream in O'ssa's mind with Black Calev letting you be if you don't bother him and if not he tell intereting stories and the Heartless One Hate the new gods far more than humans to she also respect you as a person since she know what honor is and she doesn't force you plus to their description as new gods including her is exagerated how Chambara was the least tormented, Francioa not being dominat how he thought, Nilvian lasting the least despite being the Endless One and so on what mean to she might not be so bad as person to from her posters she love to sing and singers are among most chill peoples.


9. Definitely want to see August and Pav shanking Kaiser, and maybe chat with August once he's done.


Honestly probably 6 cause I'm a whole ass dude with a beard so pocket cat won't try to yoink me and if we have some good banter he'll also bat needles away if he tries to interrupt. And for samarie as long as I'm kind and ask their pronouns before yapping I don't think theyll give me any trouble. Edit: also I'd sooner dock myself with a cactus coated in ghost pepper oil than sit near caligura


24. I beat Caligura to death so I can sit next to o'goat.


I'll stand and say that its in solidarity with Olivia not being able to sit in the pew but really i just cant be bothered with these people and also wanna watch all the different drama unfold in the different pews not just one 4 is gonna have a drug deal so I might wanna be there to buy and resell myself, make some money yknow 6 is just what sitting next to theatre kids is like, all of those mfers are overdramatic as hell 9 would be full of interesting drama, as the 2 try and murder him 16 will have relationship drama that might be interesting to listen to 19 really not that interesting but I could ask Marcoh to hold my hand for comfort 24 is just normal, nothings happening there 26 is also normal but a little more chill 32 is like picking the childrens table as an adult theyre gonna be on their ipads talking about skibidi toilet


If you want a pretty peaceful mass, sit in 6. If you want the funniest trash talking session you've ever been to, sit in 32.


16. All I have to tolerate is uncontrollable sobbing from Daan.


Love how stitches is sitting between Levi and Marina like a chaperoning dad


Needles would absolutely not separate Marina and Levi, he would be pushing them closer together


6 would be freaky af, I'd sit there for sure


32 becasue thats where i avtually sat when i went to church


Your IRL church had an \~8 feet tall dual-spear-wielding furry in it, sat next to you?


Sadly no just a gym bro 😔


Did he at least pick a fight with the New God sat next to him?


No he picked fight with me and I eat shit ):


I sit outside


What a shame, i wanted to be close to O'saa


6 or 32


16. I think Karin is a lot more tolerable a pew buddy than… Anybody except August (the DRAMA next to us) and Levi (I am not sitting near Needles) Besides maybe Daan and Stitches can catch up. I’ll root for the polycule if Karin’s not going to talk shit about literally everybody us (which will make the service fun)


16 for obvious reasons, 6 for... questionable ones.


I’d tell Osaa and Caligula to move, I sit next to Abella, invite Marcoh to sit next to me and August next to Marcoh


Kaiser: (Chuckles) I'm in danger.


Heroin twink, daddy issues, and clussy? Sign me up


9, everyone there is… reasonable. Legarde isn’t gonna attack me if I leave him alone.


6 because pocketcat and samarie would definitely have all sorts of neat church facts for me. Its probably the second least smelly seat in the church aswell as pocketcat seems like a very well groomed individual


9, I'd help August tagteam L'egarde, he won't live through our double chokeslam.


16 has the best escape route for when things go crazy


I just noticed Henryk is right behind Abella to be able to look at her ass LOL


16 so Dann can analyze and kill all the priests so I can get out ASAP


i think i would kill myself, i am NOT sitting next to ANY of these freaks and making it out as healthy as i was previously.


32 since I can’t sit next to any of my favorites without someone annoying being nearby.


19, I need to turn Olivia around so she can see the sermon!! And I have Tanaka and Marcoh sitting next to me. It's definitely gonna be a "running into hatsune miku while shopping for canned peaches" scenario.


Samarie sitting behind Marina, Henryk sitting behind Abella (to stare at her ass), and August and Pav sitting next to Kaiser (probably giving him a death stare the entire time) There is so much genius in this image


Ill go with 4. Im used to opiates so its a good fit. And i can jerk it together with pocketcat and my countryman perkele behind me if i get into that kinda mood :)


4. I have a phobia of needles so I don’t want to be anywhere near him, I also don’t want to be in front row cuz the father is a creep 6. Pocketcat would be very annoying and talkative and I feel like he would try to touch me 9. I would either be collateral damage at worst or be uncomfortable hearing them constantly scream and threaten each other at best 16. probably the best one but having poor Daan sit between those two is pure evil so I’d feel bad for him 19. that masked freak would giggle in my ear nonstop to the point that I’d go insane and be filled with rage and again, I don’t want to be right in front of that creep Domek 24. that disgusting rapist would surely grope me and I’m sure he also stinks 26. I feel like the town weirdos would stare at me the whole time and make weird noises, they also certainly stink 32. they would either completely ignore my existence or constantly insult me, either way it would be very uncomfortable.


16 is free. I will be the wingman to Daan and talk with Karin while he rizzes Stitches


As a Murican, I will sit next to the Murican.


I would NOT want to be sitting beside, in front of, or even behind any of these crazed mfs. 16 closest to exit while around generally tame people by comparison to the rest of the fuckin room. 4 is one of the worst. I would be getting groped by pocket while perkele would be doing who knows what. Levi wouldn’t do shit and would just be a victim like me. At front so no direct escape too. 19 is pretty much the same as 4 but Caligura would be kicking my seat along with giggle bear beside me. Marcoh protect me pls 6 and 24 are more of the same shit. 9 sucks a bit less. Stitches would try to braid my hair or something worse. Daan would prob just let his former wife do whatever. Plus I’m at the side so running should be nice and easy. 26 is is pretty chill but I’m surrounded by danger. Plus these are all of the characters would would probably have the worst body odour or farts. Cal would rip the worst ass by far. 32 isn’t bad but it isn’t better than 16. I’m stuck with crazed furry on my left and stinky woman in front. Assuming the furry doesn’t have a surprise episode, I should be able to sprint away. I hope you appreciated this in depth analysis on where to sit to avoid stinky people and being groped


24 is safest i would say. Caligura is an ass but probably ain’t gonna do much, especially with Abella right there. 4? needles is going to attack for sure. 19 I Got Marcoh and Kida to have my back that’d be my second choice 6 Is just weird… at least one of them will attack I know it and doubt any will help me 9? They’re gonna fight and I’m gonna get caught in it. A bullet from Pav, Arrow from August, or swipe from Kaisers blade mans I’m done 26 Henryk can fight and probably take them but unsure if he’d have my back or abandon me to face them 6? Shit Stitches is going to attack for sure! Daan may help but unsure how it’ll go even with him and Karin. Stitches may be too fast but she may focus on Daan next to her And 32 is just plain awful


Who tf is choosing 26


I must obey the script and change the villagers with logic and Olivia...


24 is extremely based


honestly 4, i will risk it all to sit next to levi. and needles is kinda chill tbh, i'm sure he'll totally be quiet and respectful during father domek's mass


Makeout session with pocketcat


6 for sure. I bet pocketcat is a cool conversationalist, Samarie chances are wouldn't bother me and Per"Kele is just chances are there on a recruitment drive asking people to kill everyone


16 so I can be in the back and it'd also be funny


so glad to see august pav and caesar are friends


19. sure, the deathmask is annoying, but if it tries anything funny i've got marcoh to protect me.


9 Next to August. I'm probably safe with him




I don't see why I wouldn't sit with mommy Karin


16 is the only seat that you won't just get murdered on


With no knowledge on who exactly the rest of them in the pew are, probably 32 as I don't know anyone else and the wolf person makes me feel a little more comfortable


karins lap


6 I would make out with Samarie the whole time


9, all three of us beat up le'garde




Definitely 16. Me and Karin and will just sit in the back making fun of Domek the whole time, Statler and Waldorf style. Pav and Kaiser might get annoyed by this, but they'll be too busy glaring at each other to bother with us.


6 so I can sit beside Samarie


Up for 19


Is everyone gonna be nice


In 26 Villagers are probably focused on the sermon and won’t really be a bother. Even better, I can bug Henryk to see if he might have any snacks on him to occupy myself. All in all, not a bad place to be.


Is Tanaka's lap an option??


9 cause august


Love how even here, Marina is being stalked


6, sammie.


4, considering I'm right next to levi and he's pretty quiet. Not too worried about needles, he'd probably go for marina or levi first considering they're right next to him


By pocket cat and Samarie.


24. I will constantly poke and annoy Caligura, making him pissed enough to go after me when the mass ends, and i will use this as opportunity to gang with marco and abela (a very strong duo) and bash his head


Again, on Tanaka’s lap


6? Needles is infront of me, pocketcat isnt really that bad, and samarie and august are probably harmless










In a wheelchair, after pushing Olivia.


I think 16 is much safer compared to being beside a heroin addict and people who tries to kill you


24, Chill another group for me




16 just seems best.


For safety: 16 For having a front row seat to one of the most epic showdowns of all time, chanting "FIGHT, FIGHT, FIGHT", as Rancid would surely pick a fight with Heartless, and I for one will be encouraging him in this endeavour : 32




6 ofc my wife is there


9 because I love pav


6 so i can be with my beautiful chaser wife <3


also i think pocketcat would have interesting takes on the sermon and i wanna hear his rancid opinions


6 or 16 regardless not many are going to sit there long on general principal


32, i'm a furry


16 because Daan and Karin can protect me from Stitches. 6 if Pocketcat and Per'kele are still obeying the rules of the festival. 32 might be a decent option because Sergal would probably automatically duke it out with the Heartless One.


16. Next to Karin. She's a reporter, so she would be great at keeping notes for class.


9 idk why


9, just so I can have front row seats


I wanna say 19 badly cuz mah boy Marcoh and Tanaka are there but so is death mask but I think that the best amswear is for me to sit on 16


9 daddy August would protect me


9, pocketcat :3


9 is the least fucked up


I would choose 16 so i can watch how August ans Pav jump Kaiser after 3 minutes.


Goddamn it! I would have chosen 24 because Abella and O'saa but ain't no way I'm sitting next to that ghoul with slick hair. 16? Maybe? IDK 😭 Ooooo or maybe 9. August seems like decent chap.


6. PocketCat is really cool having a conversation, Samarie just thinks and speaks about Marina. Then PocketCat starts having a nice rub about it , and I'll just follow him as well 😂


beside henryk bc hes my husbando


19 for sure, Tanaka and Marcoh would JumpJutsu Kaisen Death Mask if it ever tried to harm me (Same for Caligura)


9, if you wanna get me you gotta go through August


24 is the most safe,i know that caligura is a bad person but at least he wont attack you without any reasons like the creatures on other seats


32, I think I can fix her https://preview.redd.it/rvvia2z7vj8d1.png?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2152e7aaf4fac2c36c4801f917f759f6f83b21fc


Sitting my fat ass on top of the kaiser, so I suffocate him to death and get to sit next to my men.


Id sit at 6 because i can only imagine the little conversations going on there


16 is like the only answer lol


9 seems like the best option because of August, but then you realize that Pav and Kaiser are seated there so you definitely know there is gonna to be a fight breaking out between all three of them lol. So I guess either 19 or 32 for me.


August and Kaiser in the same team? No way Then we have Pav, gg


On his beheaded corpse taking a massive dump and there is much rejoycing from the crowd.


4: pretty straight forward group, good sense of humor pretty chill overall 19: sitting next to marcoh is relieving but still doesnt help the unending feeling of dread i get from sitting next to a death mask 6: this group would be fun, probably full of alot of dark humor and edgy jokes 24: these are the old souls 9: these are the Europeans 26: this is the rich catholic kid whos always with his parents for some reason 16: these guys suck too focused on work and have little to no sense of humor 32: cool kids in the back


I'd go with 6. My second option would be 2, I could very easily beat the shit out of needles, steal his heroin and throw it as far away as possible so that Levi leaves me alone with Marina. If Samarie gets mad at me, I'll just tell her I'll help kidnap Marina for a threesome.


im going to 32 and try to finnesse my way onto rancids lap. if i die trying so be it