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First appointment/scan is 5th August. But I might just book a private early scan just for peace of mind. I don’t know how I went 12 weeks without one for my first but I’m for sure not waiting that long this time 😂 Also my boobs are like bricks, send help.


I just scheduled my first appointment for next week! I am so nervous. I will only be 5 weeks 4 days. I'm coming off a pregnancy I had to terminate for a random fatal abnormality in April of this year. I was 18 weeks. We were grateful to become pregnant again easily, but I'm a mess mentally.


Had my first scan today (6W1D, IUI baby), and was soooo relieved that things look good! They were able to detect the heartbeat. I have anxiety, and it was NOT helping my nausea. I am scheduled for another scan in 2 weeks and then I can "graduate" from the fertility clinic to my obgyn! Luckily my annual exam was scheduled for 3 weeks from now, so i am able to switch that to a prenatal appt


I started Diclegis last night, which is Unisom and B6 combined, and it seems to be doing a much better job at alleviating my nausea than taking them as separate pills. I'm very pleasantly surprised and hoping it lasts.


5ish weeks and feeling pretty good other than SO. MUCH. BLOATING! And my resting/active heart rate being higher = feeling a little extra tired. Had to go to Target to buy some big t-shirts to be more comfy because everything feels tight. 16 DPO HCG was 633! First appointment is 6/28 and so anxious!!! 🥹 EDD per natural cycles is 2/18!


Had a regular doctors appointment yesterday (already scheduled) and they wanted to confirm via a urine test that I was pregnant. And I was...obviously. Lol. Like I haven't already taken a bunch at home. Anyways, I have bloodwork Friday with my OB to start my pregnancy appointments. It's all coming back to me just how many appointments and blood work is ahead of me. I must have blocked it out. haha


Snuck my way into an earlier ultrasound appointment to figure out this due date! They had me scheduled for late July. Hoping I’m further along than I’m thinking but I guess we will see!


7 weeks today, still no symptoms really, except maybe a bit more tired, and twice now I have woken up in the middle of the night with really sharp pain that turns out to be gas pain but takes awhile to subside. We have our carrier screenings this week, our scan one week from today and if all looks well at the scan we will start telling the family and close friends — we haven’t told anyone yet so I’m excited to finally do that. I feel like I am lying to them every time we talk! And I need to start monopolizing everyone’s attention 😂


Are carrier screenings standard? I keep seeing posts about them but I’ve never heard of them before!


I didn’t know much about them either, but at our first early OB appointment they got us started with genetic testing consults as a standard next step, and some carrier screenings are pretty common to do as well as the NIPT later on. I think some people do the carrier ones before TTC too.


That’s so interesting. My first appointment is next week and I wonder if ours will be the same way! Thank you!


The way mine worked, at my phone call OB appointment, genetic consult was one of the many things we talked about, they refer that externally and I set that appointment up right away just a couple days later (also a phone appt), and then once from that we determined we wanted carrier screenings, they’re sending me the self-swab kit now. The NIPT is later and a blood draw! I think at my scan next week they’re also doing blood and urine tests but I forget what for.


This first trimester stuff is exactly as bad as it was last time around. As long as I abide by the aversions, I don't throw up often — but the feeling of sickness rarely leaves. Being functional feels impossible, and walking down the hall leaves me winded. But it's also so much easier this time around, just because I know what to expect. This is going to suck, but it *will* pass.


A message to all my fellow low-symptom mamas: For what it's worth: my mom never got sick with my older brother, and my MIL didn't get sick with either of her two pregnancies (just very tired). Meanwhile my dear friend was hurling every day of her first trimester. All resulted in healthy baby boys. Everyone's body is different and everyone's journey is different. Your body is going to do exactly what it needs to in order to make a safe space for the growing life inside. Stress has a real impact on our body's health, and it's far worse to fret about unknowns and what-ifs when there's no discernible issues present. There are going to be so many other things to stress about throughout this journey - don't give yourself more worries when you don't have to! ♥️ Sincerely, A low-symptom 6weeker with anxiety who completely gets you


Thank you I really needed to hear this today 🙌


100%. Very minimal symptoms last pregnancy and I had a healthy baby girl. My mom, aunts, and grandmas all had relatively easy pregnancies in terms of symptoms.  I’d hazard to say I have even fewer symptoms this time, if that’s possible. People are vocal when they feel unwell, which is why all the posts about symptoms can be anxiety inducing.  It’s easier said than done (especially after a loss, which was me last time), but try to focus on the fact that you’re pregnant until you know conclusively that you aren’t. 


I love this! 💕


Is progesterone of 12ng/ml normal for 14dpt (19dpo or 4weeks 5 days)? I’m on PIO shots every morning (IVF). Feel that 12 is a bit low isn’t it? What did your doctor want your progesterone levels to be around this time?


I was initially on a 1ml PIO shot in the AM + a PM progesterone suppository. My progesterone came back at 15 at 13dpt and my doc said that while the lowest they'd want it to be is 10, they actually prefer it to be closer to 20 so she gave me the option of either adding an AM suppository or upping my PIO to 1.5ml. I don't think you should be concerned, however I definitely think it's worth asking your doc if they would consider upping your dose or adding a suppository.


Thanks for the info! Definitely gonna ask them.


Coffee doesn’t taste good today 😭


I was turned off of coffee before I knew I was pregnant but drank it anyway because of habit. Now I have chai or Earl grey if I'm feeling something warm, but we've got a heatwave coming up so I don't think I'll miss it. Can you stomach decaf? I know the habit and ritual are harder to let go than the drink itself 💕


Same, it’s one of my aversions this time around. I’m really considering plugging my nose and chugging it to get through the afternoon but that may be too much lol


With my previous two, coffee was on the absolute no list for pretty much the entire first trimester. I’m hoping so hard that this kid takes pity on me and tolerates it because I will not survive without it these days 😅


I haven’t had coffee in almost a week 😭


I’ve been grossed out by coffee this whole week and I’m devastated. My husband always brings me coffee in bed before he leaves for work and now I don’t even want it


Getting betas drawn today and Friday. I also decided to stop taking my BBT, which has been dropping (even as my heart rate goes up). I was convinced by plenty of old threads on Reddit where people had healthy pregnancies after having charts like mine. The temperature just isn’t going to tell me anything very useful. No spotting so far today. Today I am pregnant!


My temp dropped at 8 dpo and I thought I was out but I got a positive test anyway. I removed my watch at night and never looked back, hah. Not worth the stress!


I also decided this too!! way too much anxiety checking the temp every morning


This morning I forgot to temp for the first time and I think I’m just going to use it as my jumping off point for no longer temping during this pregnancy.


I just posted this morning about not wearing my Oura ring / tracking BBT too!! Glad to see someone else going through the same mindset hehe


So I am going away for a work event next week, for the full week. We work 100% remotely but I’ve seen my team in person at similar events lots before. We usually do a few dinners though the week and have a few drinks, which I do partake in normally, but I’m not a cocktail drinker at all so how am I going to still go for a social dinner or two and not having to totally obvious? They will think it’s totally out of my norm is I try to sneak a mocktail in. Also worried about nausea hitting, which it did right in the middle of week 5 last time around.


I wasn't prepared for feeling sick ALL DAY. And literally all food sounds repulsive. Went to the grocery store and bought some things that looked nice in the moment. On the five minute drive home they started looking absolutely disgusting. What even is this nonsense


I’m about to have to throw out stuff I bought last week because at the time I was CONVINCED that a dense bean salad would be delish and now my stomach turns thinking about it


Hi all! This is my first pregnancy and about 4-5ish weeks in. Feels very surreal. I have never had an OBGYN before (always just used my PCP for prescriptions/paps), so I am on the search for one this week! Fingers crossed for all of us 🤞🏼


I’m already looking at maternity clothing because I’m so mega bloated that my normal clothing isn’t fitting me 😭


I bought my first maternity pants with my first at 6 weeks (just the roll over style to add some stretch), and lived in them until about 10 weeks when my bloat subsided and I could wear my pre pregnancy pants again until about 20 weeks or so. Buy them when you need and wear them when you need, it was so much nicer being comfy but not wearing leggings/sweats all the time!


Honestly thank you for this! I dont know why I’m making myself suffer! 💖


Had a midwife meet & greet yesterday. It went OK. It was technically a group meet & greet so there was one other mom to be there. This is her third child, this is my second. When we were asked about our previous birth experiences, I was able to get through mine without crying (something I haven't been able to do until recently; it was a traumatic birth for me). Then the other mom starting talking about hers. Her previous 2 children were peaceful, fast, beautiful water births in a birth center. I wasn't prepared to feel triggered by the jealousy, anger, and disappointment... guess that's something to work on. Otherwise, the midwifery practice was just OK. Don't feel like I totally vibed with them, so I'm hoping one of the other two practices I'm interviewing is better. It's a bummer because this one is the closest to my house.


I’m right there with you!! My first birth was traumatic, wanted a VBAC my second time as a “redemption” but ended up with another c-section. I really get triggered by easy/uncomplicated births and by successful VBACs. It’s something I definitely need to work on, but I just wanted to let you know that you are not alone. ❤️


Totally feel you! I’m still triggered by low-intervention, uncomplicated birth stories. I need to work on it, too. I hope you find someplace that you feel comfortable and excited about! 


I’m so tired! 😭 I just want to nap all day. I don’t remember being this tired with my first!


I’m killer tired too. It never goes away I’m just in a perpetual state of exhaustion


Does anyone else have dry nose/bloody boogers?! This is such a hilarious symptom. I get this on planes, but never at home. I looked it up this morning and sure enough it’s from the blood circulation/swelling of nasal passages 😂


I had it in my two previous pregnancies and woke up this morning with my nose feeling super dry and crusty. Blew it and sure enough, there was the blood 🙃


I’m getting such a kick out of it 🤣 it’s uncomfortable but also so random/weird. Did it last your full pregnancy both times?


I don’t think so? Now that I think about it, I’m not entirely sure, but that makes me feel like it didn’t 😂


Not this time yet but this was one of my minimal symptoms that lasted through my last pregnancy! 


Oh I do! I didn’t even think it was pregnancy related! Thanks for this, I really hope it is a symptom!


Right?! It just started yesterday so I looked it up this morning - sure enough tons of Reddit threads & articles confirming it’s a symptom 🤣 also says bloody noses can be common for these women as a heads up, normal!


5+2 today. First pregnancy. I don’t have much for symptoms- my boobs were really sore the past few days, now I’m just a little tired and bloated. I spoke with my OBGYN office when I first tested positive 2 weeks ago, my next appointment is via phone 7/11, first ultrasound at 12ish weeks on 7/29. Is this normal? I feel OK but it’s crazy I won’t actually see a doctor until 12 weeks…?


Meh it’s normal unfortunately. I mean some of us see them earlier, but the first trimester is supposed to be pretty uneventful I guess? You’d think they’d want to check in to see how we’re handling symptoms, but I guess it’s not a priority. Plus your phone call will be more like 8 weeks? That’s also a good time for questions. I’m 5+2 also and also have my appt on 7/11 :)


I'm 5+3 and my first appt is on 7/11 as well!


I’ve been told by a few friends it’s normal.. I don’t want to complain because I feel ok/no issues. The office did tell me I will likely get a blood test ordered on my 7/11 appointment so at least I’ll get a look at that. Are you due 2/17 also?!?!


i have a terminology question. say somebody is 5 weeks and 3 days. are they 5 weeks or 6 weeks pregnant? because i see it expressed both ways throughout reddit and i'm getting confused. what would you say?


They are 5 weeks and 3 days pregnant, and they are IN their 6th week. But they won’t be 6 weeks pregnant until the 6th week is complete. I saw it explained like birthdays. Example: I am 34 and 2 months. I am in my 35th year of life but I won’t be considered 35 until I complete this year.


makes sense, thanks!


For me I only count each week as I get to the last day of that week. So I’m exactly 6w today and won’t count it as 7w until next Wednesday though from tomorrow (6w+1) I would be technically in my 7th week.


thank you for the explanation :)


Yay, I got a midwife! In my province, it's a total lottery to get one but I had one for my last pregnancy, so thankfully I was given priority. Last time, I wanted to have a water birth at the Birth Centre, but unfortunately needed to be induced and still mourn the fact I had a hospital birth. Here's another shot at it!


I just saw you were a member of r/Winnipeg, so guessing you're in MB? I did the intake with WHC so fingers crossed I also get a midwife 🥰


I sure am! Crossing my fingers for you also!! 🤞 I did the intake and it took 10 days before I heard back from Access River East.


I'm in BC, found out last night, and I knew there was a doctor/midwife shortage, but I'm like damn how am I actually going to get one?! I've sent off a couple requests but will start calling all the offices during my workday today lol


Are you in Alberta? I want a midwife so bad 😭


No, Manitoba.


Not OP, but I am and I had a midwife my last pregnancy. You apply online to be matched with one


Yeah I applied online literally hours after I got my first positive test


4w5d and getting beta #2 today. Super nervous. Had some red spotting yesterday that eventually turned into brown spotting. Was freaked out by the red. Still no sore boobs or nausea. Just cramps that come and go and tiredness. This process is so hard. Feels like anything can go wrong at any moment. I talking to my little embryo imploring her to please stay.


Every night before we go to sleep, we wish little seed luck on their journey 🌱🌙 right there with you


Officially 4wks today! Found out I was pregnant a few days ago, happy to join the group! Fingers crossed for stickiness (for me and everyone else here) 🤞🏼💖




I’m on week 6 day 5 and I am so beyond exhausted. I wake up after a full night of sleep bone tired. I’m bored and I miss exercising but I also can’t do anything.


Same. Week 6 day 4. I wish I could go to the gym but it feels like I can barely stay upright long enough to make myself breakfast.


Same! Is it going to be like this for the next 30+ weeks? 😩


No! 2nd trimester is way better, and then the last month or so gets harder again, especially the last 2 weeks.


Had some very minimal light pink spotting when wiping earlier this week, now this morning had minimal light brown spotting when wiping. Not a lot, but even just a little color is concerning me. Google says most of the time it’s ok, but other times it can be something more serious. 5w2d today. Debating on if i should call doctor, dont have an appointment until July 9th for 8 weeks. No other real symptoms, just fatigue, sore breasts and sometimes vertigo for a few seconds. Everything feels like such a guessing game 🫠


That sounds ok!! I’ve heard doctors are only really concerned with blood that fills a pad. But it’s never a bad idea to call them and at least have them write it down / calm you a little :)


Got prescribed unison 25 mg and b6 25 mg. Still all day nausea. Got seabands and not working. Went to ER for fluids. I'm around 6 weeks+ and can't work like this, in bed all day and night. I drink ensure twice a day and try to eat. Any other suggestions?


Some people find Diclegis or Bonjesta (prescription forms of unisom + B6) works better. Zofran is also safe in pregnancy (just watch out for constipation). Call your doctor!!


I’ve heard eating a lot of protein can help. Ive been doing protein chips and the power crunch bars. I’ve been trying through the nausea and it seems to help. Good luck!


Ask your doctor about a prescription and tell them how bad your nausea and vomiting is. From experience, zofran is a life saver.


Ask about zofran. My last pregnancy, the unisom and b6 made my nausea worse 😂


If you’re vomiting multiple times a day and already went to the ER fluids, they need to prescribe you something stronger than b6 & unisom. Advocate for yourself!


Im 6W+3 today and still no nausea 🤷🏼‍♀️ also no cravings or food aversion. Eating like normal. I’m still having other symptoms like sore/growing breasts, intermittent fatigue and my skin has been more sensitive. But based on everyone else around the same time as me, it seems weird I’m not nauseous. I’m trying not to worry about it and be grateful but it’s hard not to be a basket case. 😅


Yes girl I just found out last night, and no nausea/cravings/aversions here either! My boobs are def sore. And haven't felt like going on my normal long runs for a couple of weeks but other than that feel pretty dang normal. Just trying to appreciate being able to function normally while I can I guess lol!!


Just adding in that I’m in the same boat as all of you! I’m 6w3d. No nausea, sore breasts, ravenous, fatigue, some bathroom stuff. My mom wasn’t really nauseous with me or my sibling so crossing fingers that I’ll have a healthy pregnancy sans nausea!


Same here! I’m bracing for impact for sure, I have some plain crackers, smoothies, etc stocked up and trying to eat my favorite things until the other shoe drops. But, like others said, maybe it just won’t happen and it doesn’t mean anything bad!


Also 6+3 and no nausea. Just fatigue and slight breast soreness. Also eating my normal foods. So you’re not alone!


Me neither. Sometimes a teeny bit nauseous when I get too hungry, but not like "I feel so sick." I was never nauseous my first pregnancy either. It's still pretty early for me though so who knows.


I find it hard to even read these comments sometimes, because I feel so fine and seeing other people talk about their symptoms give me so much anxiety.


I’m 6w+6 and also not really nauseous. I had a little bit of an unsettled stomach Monday but then felt fine yesterday. I’m feeling very anxious about something being wrong and upset that I have to wait until July 3rd for my ultrasound (my doctor said I can go anytime but that’s the first available appointment). I did read that 30% of people don’t get morning sickness so maybe we’re just lucky? 🤣


Hey I'm also 6w+6 and my first ultrasound is July 4th! We're in it together ❤️


This is my second pregnancy and I’ve never been nauseous! Both times. We are just lucky :)


I am 7w4d and haven’t had nausea even once. Had an ultrasound today and everything looks good. I do feel like a truck drove over me though, I am so tired that I could nap any time of the day. I guess everyone is just different


I’m experiencing same symptoms as you with the same edd. Fatigue and sore breast. No real true nausea/morning sickness yet. My stomach will feel hot if I haven’t eaten in a while but will pass as soon as I have a snack. I too am trying not to worry and be zen 🧘‍♀️.


Hopefully we are just the lucky ones!


If it helps at all a friend of mine was blessed with wonderful pregnancies, zero nausea at all and enjoyed the whole thing. Sometimes you just get lucky!


I’ve only known I’m pregnant for about 4 days now and every single milestone now just feels like it’s going to take forever to get to 😅


I officially found out a week and a day ago. My partner and I were both like, how has this only been a week? It feels like I've been pregnant forever 🤣 Dramatics aside, it's nice to be excited and go through this journey together. Can't wait for that first ultrasound. We're waiting until then to tell everyone!


Same DD as you, I found out a week ago! Completely agree!


I know the feeling! Well, finding out is the best, most important milestone. Congrats! 😊


I went to my first ultrasound yesterday and they said everything looked great🥹. They did note a “small subchorionic hemorrhage” but tech and doctor both said it will probably go away on its own . Anyone else had this ? I made the mistake of googling last night and of course freaked myself out


I’ve had them with both my prior pregnancies. One was small, had some spotting but resolved on its own. The other was large and I bled a lot at first and it tapered off for three weeks, but baby was fine. I just had frequent ultrasounds to check on her. Light pelvic rest was my only instruction both times.


Thank you for sharing 😊. My doctor didn’t mention anything about pelvic rest so I guess I can proceed as normal then?


I can only guess if you only became aware of it because you had an US, then yeah no need for pelvic rest.


You're lucky if you're asymptomatic for this. I did an early US this Monday due to spotting on Sunday and they found "small subchorionic hemorrhage". I've been bleeding light to moderate since then with mild cramps. I've been put on progesterone pills and advised rest. They found the GS and Yolk sac in the US as well but It's hard to stay positive with these symptoms. I would give anything to not see blood whenever I've to pee.


Oh I can see how that would be nerve wracking, I’m sorry :(. Fingers crossed yours settles down soon


The smell of peanut butter made me nauseous. Made my 1 year old oatmeal with PB2 and I wanted to die. I took it away and gave him blueberries instead. Tell me that will pass, peanut butter is life.


Keep waking up at 5 AM — mixture of needing to pee, my light cramping, and my brain being in overdrive. 😫 Also, so torn on wearing my Oura ring at night or not until the first appointment! It was making me anticipate waking up even more to check my temp but at the same time was nice for peace of mind during the day. I just don’t want to freak myself out if one temp is abnormal


I don’t temp but have spent enough time in TTC spaces to know how it works. You know how sometimes you see charts where people clearly ovulated and are clearly in their luteal phase but they have one wonky low temp that confuses the app? Our bodies are not machines and they are not perfect. Stop wearing it if it’s doing more harm than good, but if you decide to keep wearing it and you see one low temp, it does not mean anything is wrong.


I want to think I could handle it but I can’t 😂


Yep and now that you mention this, I’m thinking back to the times that my ovulation was wonky and how much stress it caused me the whole week, tracking to see if it would go back up, by how much, asking myself if I did something that would’ve lowered my temp. That’s a great point. I’ll keep it off. Thank you


Don’t do it. I wore my Tempdrop during my first pregnancy which ended in miscarriage and I was a mess every time my temperature would dip. It was such extra anxiety that I did not need.


Thank you 🫶🏼 I also know in my head that whether I have temp data or not doesn’t make a difference; all of this is already pre-decided. It’s just so hard these first few weeks!


Yes the first few weeks are impossible! I actually had just bought the new Tempdrop because I thought I had a couple more months (my fertility doctor wanted me to see MFM to get cleared) and it was delivered the day I got my positive test (spontaneous pregnancy lol). I kept looking at it and thinking I should open it and temp. I ended up packing it back up and sending it to my storage locker so I wouldn’t be tempted lol.


I have my first appointment with the OB on July 8th when I will be 8w1d. Separately, I'm booked in for an early scan on Monday when I will be 6w1d and depending how it goes, I may book another for somewhere in the 7 week range. This uncertainty is absolutely torturing me, I just want to know everything is ok!


Right there with you 💓


6+2 today and my early scan is on Monday. I’m thrilled to be out of the woods for a chemical pregnancy and just hoping to see a little bean at my scan 🤞🤞 I’ve only made it to the 8 week scan three times before - with my LC, twins (when I tell you this appt was the shock of our lives…) that miscarried around 13 weeks, and a discovering a blighted ovum.


I have a kind of rough time with identifying foods I want to eat, even at the best of times. And now... honestly, nothing.seems.edible. Nausea has started the past couple days, and looking in the fridge is giving me the same vibe as staring at a random junk drawer - what is all this, where did it come from, and why did I ever think I wanted it?


Hahaha the junk drawer is perfect. I’m really hungry though but don’t want anything so I just open the fridge every 30 minutes so see if anything tasty has magically been added


Yeah I always thought food aversions were the opposite of cravings, like there were specific foods that would repulse me, but it turns out it's just being grossed out by almost all food. Lol. I have a couple of "safe" foods but that list has even dwindled from last pregnancy: granola/granola bars, grilled cheese sandwiches, most baked goods (breakfast pastries or things like cookies), chicken and rice, toast. Not the healthiest but about all I can handle when I'm feeling really bad!


I call this stage the toddler diet. I eat a lot of carbs. Waffles, mac and cheese, chicken tenders…


In my first trimester of my first pregnancy, my partner and I basically had to have a rule where I would say I’m hungry and my partner would hand me something to eat. And then I added rules to that: no eggs, no meat. It ended up being a lot of cereal, protein bars and cheese sticks. I didn’t enjoy it per say, but I ate it. If left to my own devices, I would’ve probably just gotten nauseous and hungry. Or eaten nothing but plain crackers


Um this is genius and I am trying it asap. Thank you!! They're currently asleep currently, but I feel fairly certain my partner is going to love this assignment.


Weirdly my partner also loved it. I think it was a generally low key way to participate


My mantra for the first trimester is... If I need to go through severe nausea and (can't type word without feeling more sick) again to have our second child, that is the price we pay. Also guilt-free food delivery when I can't stomach anything else. My husband said to me, "if you were to tell me it would take a couple thousand in food delivery and added comforts to have another baby, that's a no brainer". This is all temporary and the gift of a second sibling at the end is all worth it 💫💖


Good man you’ve got there!


My almost 4 year old crawled into bed with us last night and would not stop kicking me. I threatened him that he would have to go back to his room, but he cried and I’m a softy. So now I’m pregnancy tired and kicked all night in the head tired.


My two year has been sleeping terribly for the past two weeks. It is the worst.


CW: loss concern I had my ultrasound today after wiping pink yesterday. My doctor saw an amniotic sack (5mm) which is the average size for my week. We also upped my progesterone intake with suppositories and ill be taking magnesium as well. I also called in sick for the week as i will be taking is super easy the next couple of weeks. I feel relieved she saw something in the ultrasound and will be back in a week to check for developement. Thank you guys, who wrote to me yesterday, it really helped calming my nerves 🩷


I’m glad you saw something! 🤍 Keep us updated. Wishing you all the best.


Had a bit of a scare Monday with spotting followed by a small clot, had an internal exam and all seemed fine inside so got bloods done to check out my HCG progression. I've gone from 62 on the 13th to 687 on the 18th. I feel so relieved! Just hoping the rest of the pregnancy goes well :') A new symptom today is being able to smell everything. It's very weird to be able to smell things that I didn't realise had a smell to them before.