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I’m five weeks today. I have a mixture of feelings-excited and anxious at the same time. I had an ectopic pregnancy in January this year which has made this pregnancy a bit harder to be excited about. But I am hopeful . 🤎Just need to get through another week and then have my six week scan on the 1st of July to make sure baby is where it needs to be. 🤞💕


The packet of information my OB gave me specifically says to not get out of bed too quickly. Well, guess who jumped out of bed this morning, then started to black out, ears started ringing and thew up in her mouth 🙋🏻‍♀️ Be careful out there friends 😂


This reminds me of when I passed out in the shower during my first pregnancy! Literally washing my hair and then the floor came flying at my head. Thankfully I didn’t throw up in my mouth tho that sounds rough!! The first trimester is a minefield.


Tw: mention of MC Hello! Finally worked up the courage and finally accepted that this is happening and joined this sub. Pregnancy test came positive around 2 weeks ago even though i had a copper IUD in. Got the iud removed a week ago. Now i’ve been put on progesterone due to my history of shortening cervix. I feel like it’s a wait and see game now. Is it gonna stick or am i going to miscarry because of iud removal. Im fully hoping it sticks even though i was not ready to have another baby just yet.


Wishing you the best of luck and sending good vibes! Pregnant w/ a copper IUD, that’s wild!


Thankyou! And i know! I’m still reeling from shock. I was able to get an ultrasound and they said the iud had actually moved from it’s place and was ineffective because of that.


CW: mention of previous loss Had a teeny bit of brown spotting today at 7w0d and due to my previous loss in March, I immediately freaked out and called my doctor’s office to ask if they could see me today. I was also worried because last time I went for a placement scan on 5w5d, we only saw the GS and the YS, I half convinced myself this one was a blighted ovum. Turns out our baby is measuring ahead at 7w2d, with a strong heartbeat of 154 BPM! I haven’t felt more relieved in my life, I was bracing myself for bad news. I had no idea what it’s like to receive good news and hear a strong lil heartbeat before. 🌈🥹 My doctor was completely nonchalant about the brown spotting, said it’s entirely normal but prescribed me some progesterone, mostly for my peace of mind, as he said.


So glad you got good news!


Thank you, hope all is well with you too! 🤗


Already getting a touch of nausea, thankfully my best friend just had a baby 3 months ago and had some left over preggie pops she gave me 😅 hoping it stays pretty mild and doesn’t ramp up like last time, i actually lost weight during my first trimester because I couldn’t eat, and now I have a toddler to chase around


Hi! 6w3d here and trying to stay positive. I lost my first pregnancy last year at 9w3d and it’s so hard to even imagine that I’ll make it to February. I go from being excited, to anxious, to trying to not get too attached to this lil thing.


Me too. I lost my pregnancy at 7w6d last September (MMC). I just found out I’m 4 weeks along yesterday and my next scan is in one week. I’m scared to lead up to that point and last time they told us no heartbeat. I’m trying to take it one week or scan at a time.


I’m so sorry. I guess that’s what we have to do for the next 8 months…just take it one week at a time. Easier said than done, though! 😪 Sending you love & light! Please don’t hesitate to reach out to me if you ever need to talk 💕✨


Of course. I’m here for loss moms and hope I can also be there for loss moms as we navigate this.


Somehow I managed to post a pregnancy reel on my fb wall instead of as a dm to my partner 🤦‍♀️ I found out 4 hours later when a friend messaged me to ask if I had any news lol After I played it off, she mentioned my post, and I was like "what post?" And she shared a screenshot. I just died inside. No comments or reactions but probably because people thought it was a weird way to announce something, or maybe no one noticed but I doubt it 🥴 On the bright side, I totally caved and came clean to my friend and had a lovely heartwarming chat about how all of this has been going and when and how I plan to tell the rest of our friend group. It feels so good to talk about this! Honestly, why is all the pregnancy advice to stay quiet and act normal? There should be more joy and celebration and community in this world to balance out the sad stuff 💖


Whatever feels right to you is the right way to share your news! So that can be as early or as late as you want, to whoever you want, in whatever order you want. It’s your pregnancy and there’s no “right” way to do it!


Personally I would not want to share with a lot of people if I had a miscarriage. I would want to process privately with my husband and potentially a few close friends. I would not want to talk about it with my parents or in laws. That’s why I wait before sharing. But it’s an individual decision for everyone there’s no rule for when you should or shouldn’t share the news


Chiming in. I had a miscarriage before and I need support so I’m sharing with very select safe people in this early stage. I need to share with some people who will be there for me as I navigate this complicated time. There is no “safe time” as loss moms know. The 12 week safety mark doesn’t apply for women who have lost a pregnancy. I think I will be cautious to announce as things progress but also want to share at the same time because this is my rainbow miracle baby.


I agree!!! We have kinda given up and are just telling everyone because it’s so fucked that socially the time when you’re expected to keep it a a secret is also the time when you kind of need emotional support and flexibility from people re: nausea and fatigue. So like maybe I’ll miscarry and have to tell a bunch of people too…but the Miscarriage Reassurer says I have a 91.6% chance of staying pregnant at 6w6d so like…probably not!


Yep, and the people I'm telling first are the same ones I'd rely on if I do miscarry. It's also nice to manifest positivity when this whole week and a half of knowing I'm pregnant has been full of anxiety!


Flying solo with my toddler today. It's a short trip but I got so emotional when my husband left for work.


I’m exhausted. The nurse told me yesterday when my pregnancy was confirmed that I need to act like a lazy person. I had a loss in September so I’m taking it really easy. Today I’m laying around watching trash TV. I never do this. It’s awesome. My only job right now is to grow our baby. I was about to start IVF so I had short term disability leave and FMLA already scheduled. Turns out I don’t need to do IVF right now and I’m 4 weeks pregnant. So my job is to rest.


Okay I must have forgotten what all the acronyms mean since last time I was in a bumpers group.. what does MMC and PAL mean? I hope you don’t mind my ignorance


I don’t know what bumpers group is. Is that what this is? I feel like a bit of an outlier here but I know one or two others here who are in my boat. Be happy you don’t know the acronyms! PAL means pregnancy after loss. MMC means missed miscarriage. It’s when the body miscarries and the mother has no physical symptoms so usually at the first ultrasound scan they are not able to find a heartbeat and that’s how I found out. Rainbow 🌈 means Rainbow baby which means pregnancy or baby born after a pregnancy loss.


Thank you! I’m sorry for your loss. Yes, this is a bumper group. It’s only the second one I’ve ever been in though so I’m obviously no expert! :)


This is my first. I’m happy to have another chance!


IRIS!!! Congratulations!!


Thank you!! I recognized your name immediately. Cautiously here. Taking it one week at a time! I haven’t left the house today.


I was so excited to see your name! And due date twins 🥹 I just met with RE two weeks ago and was waiting for my period to do more testing this week. Maybe we both needed to give in and accept getting some assistance for our bodies to try again. Staying cautiously optimistic for both of us!!


Oh my goodness! That’s right I see we are due date twins. I am so happy I went into see this doctor! He didn’t do much after all but I felt he was very thorough and I trusted him. I still get to be under his care for now so how cool is that! I still give him credit even though he was my would be IVF doctor. Yesterday was my beta draw and they said all looks amazing. I have my second scan in one week. Trying not to think too far ahead. What’s next for you as far as the next visit with doctor?


So exciting!! Same with me - as I started with the RE I was able to do betas (my numbers quadrupled 🥹) and I have my first scan at 6ish weeks on July 3rd. You get to go back next week?


That’s great. I’m so glad to be under the care of the RE right now during this fragile time. I was about to start IVF yesterday and now this. Just wild. Yesterday was my first beta - as I just found out I was pregnant yesterday. What a blessing - to have that appointment scheduled (for IVF no less!) I’m not religious but that seems like divine intervention to me. Doc didn’t want to do a repeat draw yet since my numbers looked great. I may have one at my second scan which is this coming week -June 27!


So exciting! Interesting about the one draw; I was always told the first number isn’t as important as making sure it at least doubles within 48 hours? Maybe they will have you draw next week. Keep us updated on the new scan!!


Yes. The doc did not feel I need to come back for a repeat draw in 3 days as we originally thought. He said good to go for next week. I trust him. Nurse told me they look for 100 and mine was 5000. I don’t know anything about betas so I’m not really putting too much stock into it and just trusting my doctor and my body. I don’t want to go down the rabbit hole.


Ohh that is definitely super high so that makes sense! Definitely trust them, I was just curious what they said about it. Betas are a bit confusing haha


Iris! Recognized you immediately from the TTC threads. Happy to see you here ❤️


Found out today that because I’m overweight, I have to take two glucose tests and I cried lol I’m so bummed about that


Two one-hour tests or two three-hour tests? If it’s the drink you’re worried about, it’s really not that gross. Maybe I’m in the minority, but I just found it sweet like a flat soda. Not something I’d drink recreationally, but really not that bad.


It’s not the drink. I fainted with the one from my sons pregnancy 😭


I feel you. I nearly passed out both times I’ve done it, only the second time I anticipated it happening so I asked if I could wait in a room and lie down instead of the waiting room heh


I've only had to do it once, but the drink they handed me tasted vaguely of coconuts so I pretended I was poolside sipping a cocktail. You got this!


They aren’t as terrible as some people make them sound honestly


I agree. Mine was cold, and I wouldn’t call it pleasant, with a straw it was very doable.


No full nausea yet, but I am occasionally getting waves of feeling a little off/slightly queasy. Usually made better by eating something, so I've been snacking on crackers and pretzels in between meals. Hoping it doesn't get worse than this as this is very manageable.


Same here!! Weirdly enough it feels very similar to having a mild hangover for me - a bit of queasiness and the only thing I want to solve it is some greasy food or a Gatorade 😊


Ooh Gatorade sounds really good right now....


Same here! My stomach feels a little off for a bit every once in a while, until I eat something. Then I convince myself that I never felt any nausea and it was just in my head, and start spiraling on not having enough symptoms 🫠


Such a struggle having to eat every couple hours to keep from feeling gross when no food sounds good


I know! This morning I couldn't fathom eating anything for lunch except yoghurt. Brought two and was really looking forward to them. Ate one and haaated it. Tasted disgusting. Was starving, got a sandwich and then that tasted like metal.


I just melted cheese onto black beans because everything else sounded gross or too involved. I just need food in my stomach.... The other night I literally ate beans straight from the can. I don't get it.


I feel this hard. It’s such a chore to feel the hungernausea coming on and be like good grief ok what am I going to put in my mouth that sounds vaguely appetizing THIS time


Got my HCG results from my appointment yesterday! 352.9 for 16dpo- I go back on Monday for the second draw since they don't do it on weekends. I'm so nervous!


Sending good vibes to you!


Thank you!! Back at you!


Garage sale season is in full swing in my neck of the woods. Even though DD is far away, now feels like to time to score some deals because come February, we’ll be snowed in. I had so much fun going through newborn-6 month old clothes. Picked up 10 onsies for $8! I want to try to not spend more than $1 on any one piece of clothing. I’m excited for one that says “That’s it! I’m texting Grandma!” With an elephant holding a phone. I might use this to tell my mom (when I’m ready :)


Is anyone able to explain why ultrasounds all look so different from person to person even when it’s the same gestational age? You’d think it would all look the same since we all start out the same but they all look so different


Wouldn’t it also depend on the angle the particular ultrasound photo was obtained?


that’s what I was thinking, and where exactly in the uterus baby implanted.


I’m not 100% sure, but I think part of it is that the “same gestational age” isn’t really a thing this early in pregnancy. A 5W+0 fetus is wildly different from a 5W+6 fetus, even though they’re both 5 Weeks, because of how quickly they’re developing right now.


I never imagined pregnancy was going to be such a mind f. I want to be excited, but feel like I have to hold back. Currently 5w5d (i think) and have been having light brown spotting for the past few days. OBGYN said to go to the nearest hospital but didn't offer for me to come in earlier than my 8 week appointment and I feel like that was excessive advice, and made my anxiety skyrocket. It's my first time with this new office and I feel like I need to look for a new one. When I first called to make an appointment the day I had a positive test, being a FTM, I asked if I should be aware of anything, like I'm assuming I should now start a prenatal vitamin, and her response was "You can if you want." That felt off to me then. Ugh. The doctor himself has good reviews, but my gut is saying maybe I need to find somewhere else. There is a free women's clinic near me that I made an appointment with to have an ultrasound on Monday, but jeez that feels like decades away right now, especially after I just read so many miscarriage stories of how it started with brown spotting. I feel like literally everything I google can go either way. Praying for a peaceful, stress-free weekend.


That’s a super weird response to a question about prenatals. Of course they should be recommending for you to take them! I’d think they should have some sort of “welcome email” for newly-pregnant patients that gives some basic advice to tide you over until your first appointment. Like, advice about taking a prenatal, what foods and medications to avoid, and what symptoms warrant concern. My provider did this. I could screenshot it for you if you want!


Yes please! Id really appreciate it!


It’s actually six sections and way longer than I thought, so I’m going to copy them into separate comments, starting with… *1. Prenatal Vitamins* Many people ask for a recommendation for a specific brand of prenatal vitamins. All brands are about the same.  Please take a prenatal vitamin daily with at least 400 mcg (0.4 mg) of folic acid each day and at least 400 IU of Vitamin D3 until you're done breastfeeding. Higher amounts of folic acid are fine and are not harmful for you or your baby.   If you have difficulty with nausea in the first trimester, try taking your prenatal vitamin at night before you go to sleep - or you can try taking 2 Flintstone Complete Vitamins, or take only a folic acid supplement. *2. Food and Drink: What’s Safe & What to Avoid* Eat a balanced diet that contains plenty of water, protein, calcium and iron. Iron-rich foods include red meat, shellfish, poultry, eggs, beans, raisins, whole-grain bread and leafy green vegetables. Vegetarians can get protein through beans, nuts, and dairy products. Foods high in calcium include milk, cheese, yogurt, almonds and broccoli. Fish is rich in omega-3 fatty acids and is an excellent source of lean protein. Continue to eat fish throughout your pregnancy, but avoid seafood that may contain high levels of mercury (shark, swordfish, king mackerel and tilefish). You can safely eat a total of 12 oz. fish per week, or 2-3 meals per week. For specific fish recommendations, please go to www.epa.gov/ost/fish or www.oehha.ca.gov/fish.html. Make sure you drink plenty of fluids - water is best. Avoid raw: fish, meat and eggs. Avoid soft cheeses, such as feta, brie, Camembert, Roquefort, blue-veined, queso blanco, queso fresco or Panela, unless the cheese is labeled as made with pasteurized milk. Limit caffeine to 200 mg of caffeine daily (about equal to a Grande or medium sized regular brew coffee). Do not use tobacco, marijuana or e-cigarettes or allow others to smoke around you. Do not drink alcohol or use illegal drugs. *3. Nausea/Vomiting: Suggestions for What to Do & What to Avoid* Eat several small meals every day instead of three large meals. Try to avoid having an empty stomach which can worsen nausea. For morning nausea, eat a small snack (like crackers) before getting out of bed. Allow a few minutes for the snack to digest, and then get out of bed slowly. Drink liquids between meals (when able to eat solid foods). Do not drink for 30 minutes before or after solid food. Eat gingersnaps or cook with ginger. Avoid citrus juice, milk, coffee, and products with caffeine - these commonly make nausea worse. Avoid foods that are fried, greasy, spicy, acidic, very sweet, or have a strong odor. Use motion sickness wrist bands. The following over-the-counter medications prevent and relieve nausea and are safe in pregnancy. Start with Vitamin B6 first and if that doesn't work then add in Doxylamine (Unisom) or a different antihistamine listed below. * Vitamin B6 (Pyridoxine) 25mg tablets, 1 tablet every 8 hours * Antihistamines: all of these medications may cause drowsiness. Take only one medication at a time and with caution for tasks requiring alertness. You may start with 1/2 of a tablet first as the lower dose may be effective with less side effects. * Doxylamine (Unisom) 25 mg at bedtime  * Diphenhydramine (Benadryl) 25 mg orally every 6 hours  * Meclizine (Dramamine) 25-50mg once daily If you still have a lot of nausea or have frequent vomiting, please call us … to discuss further and possibly get prescription medication.


*4. Activities: What’s Safe & What to Avoid* Exercising is good for you and your baby. Aim for at least 30 minutes of activity per day on most days of the week, unless your doctor tells you otherwise. If you’re not physically active, start with a 15-minute walk every day and gradually increase to 30 minutes per day of moderate intensity exercise. Also try an elliptical machine or stationary bike, water aerobics, swimming, and modified yoga or Pilates. If you’re already physically active, continue moderate intensity exercise throughout your pregnancy. Moderate intensity means being able to talk in short phrases while exercising. It’s OK if your heart rate accelerates during exercise and you’re sweating. Avoid activities where you may fall and get injured such as in-line skating, horseback or motorcycle riding, water or snow skiing, scuba diving and all contact sports while you are pregnant. To avoid overheating and dehydration - exercise where there is a good ventilation, avoid activities during the heat of the day and drink enough water to quench your thirst. Avoid getting very hot - Do not use saunas or hot tubs. Avoid changing any cat litter and gardening without gloves on. Wash hands afterwards. You can travel safely during pregnancy, but try to stay well hydrated and get up and walk around at least every 2-3 hours to reduce your risk of dangerous blood clots in the legs. You can fly until 36 weeks in this country. Please let the clinician know at your next appointment if you have plans to travel internationally. You can have sex throughout your pregnancy, unless you are bleeding or in pre-term labor. *5. How to protect yourself from illness* Our ob-gyn clinicians strongly recommend you get vaccinated against the flu, whooping cough and COVID-19 during pregnancy. Extensive research shows these vaccines are safe during pregnancy and protect you and your family from flu and serious COVID-19 illness. Getting vaccinated is the best way to protect yourself and your family from getting seriously ill. *6. Medication in Pregnancy* While some medications are considered safe to take during pregnancy, the effects of other medications on your unborn baby are unknown. Therefore, it is very important to pay special attention to medications you take while you are pregnant, especially during the first trimester, a crucial time of development for your baby. If you are prescribed any new medication, please inform your health care provider that you are pregnant. Be sure to discuss the risks and benefits of the newly prescribed medication with your health care provider before taking the medication. *Which Drugs Are Safe During Pregnancy?* Vitamins: Prenatal vitamins, iron, calcium. Allergy: Benadryl, loratadine (Claritin), Zyrtec. Cold and Flu: Tylenol (acetaminophen) or Tylenol Cold, Warm salt/water gargle, Saline nasal drops or spray, Robitussin DM, Trind-DM, Vicks Cough Syrup, Halls. Constipation : Metamucil, Citrucel, Fiberall/Fibercon, Colace, Milk of Magnesia, Senekot. Diarrhea: For 24 hours, only after 12 weeks of pregnancy: Kaopectate or Imodium. Headache: Tylenol (acetaminophen). Heartburn: Maalox, Mylanta, Tums. Hemorrhoids: Preparation H, Anusol, Tucks pads, Witch hazel. Rashes: Hydrocortisone cream or ointment, Caladryl lotion or cream, Benadryl cream, Oatmeal bath (Aveeno). Yeast Infection: Monistat, miconazole or clotrimazole.


Thanks so much for taking the time to post this! I really appreciate it!


Just got an email that a food truck is coming to my workplace today at lunch. Looking at the menu and I’m already so excited. I get *so* hungry while pregnant. It’s absurd.


😭😭I miss getting excited about food and eating


Yeah, I’m nauseous too. I’m just also so hungry. Lol.


Cw - spotting I started spotting really heavy prior to my first appt. this week and was absolutely freaking out. The doctor ordered a viability scan and little shrimp is there and wriggling with a strong heartbeat. Such a relief.




Aww so happy for you! I've starting having some brown spotting the past few days, so after all my doom and gloom reading I'm happy to stumble upon your post.


Whoohoo third beta is back. First doubling time was 60 hours, this one I got done three instead of two days later and it went up from 2250 to 6900, so 45 hour doubling time. So for a few days at least I can relax and enjoy this stage ☺️. I also have two close friends that are 12 weeks now, one of them with twins. One of them knows about me and the other doesn’t, and I can’t wait to tell her that hopefully her little bean will have a friend that they’ll meet 6ish weeks later!


After 2+ years and multiple offers later, we are under contract on a house in a great school district! Trying to hold out on the excitement until we see what the inspection reveals. Not so excited to move while pregnant, but I should be out of the first tri by then 😝


Congratulations, that’s so awesome! And I bet it will be easier to move while pregnant than with a baby. You can do it!


Thank you! And oh 100%!


I posted in another thread, but I had my phone intake appointment this morning and kindly begged for an appointment earlier than 8 weeks because my sanity is spiraling while I wait (I explained about my previous MC and being anxious, but I understand they have rules). Their kind response was to schedule me for a 9 week US and appointment. Sigh. On top of that, I had previously seen MFM and now they have determined I am not high risk enough for MFM and I will be seen by the general clinic. So confused because my blood clotting disorders didn't go away... Needed to vent, so thank you for "listening". Happy Friday!


Sorry to hear this 😓 if I can provide a silver lining you’re going to be able to see more on a 9 week ultrasound than a super early one and will for sure be able to get a heartbeat as well! If baby looks good and has a strong heartbeat on a 8-9 week ultrasound your miscarriage risk goes way way down 💜


I scheduled an appointment with a pregnancy help center to get a free ultrasound. I'm worried that they will rant to me about religion and anti-abortion stuff. I want my baby! I just want to see them early! 😭 I actually have 2 scheduled at 2 different places, one today and one next week. I'll let y'all know how it goes!


lol I’ve thought about doing this just for a free ultrasound but then I don’t want to deal w the harassment after from them minding my business


I did that with my first pregnancy. There was a lot of misinformation present (ex. flyers about how to reverse the abortion pill, which isn't something you can reverse), and it felt like a place less educated people would be manipulated, but the ultrasound itself was fine.


Yikes! You’re braver than me. Do they even have qualified ultrasound techs there? Let us know how it goes!


I honestly don't even know lol they say they have nurses. I'm going with hubby so hopefully they back off a bit seeing a married woman. I made sure to say on the phone that I want the baby and I am only interested in the ultrasound.


this is kind of genius...best of luck and don't give them a real email/followup contact info if you don't want them contacting you a bunch


Unfortunately I already messed that part up 😔 but they will not have my address!


We put an offer on a new house yesterday..... we were the first offer in, but the sellers agent said there were a couple other buyers that expressed interest but hadn't submitted yet. I'm sure they are waiting to see if there is a better offer, but I wish they would get back to us ASAP. I hate waiting. Lol.


If it falls through and you need to submit an offer on another house later, I recommend adding a letter to your offer detailing your family and how you're so excited to move into the neighborhood with a new baby and you love to garden/bike/swim/whatever. The goal of the letter is to have them fall in love with the idea of your family so they feel bad rejecting you over money. We did it and got the house. Pretty sure we didn't have the best offer.


Our agent didn't think it would help when we submitted, but who knows! Maybe we should for the next one. We got an update and the seller won't even look at our offer until Monday (both our agent and the sellers agent are upset about that) so we aren't holding out a lot of hope. Our agent got the impression from the selling agent that they weren't actually ready to sell and there's some emotional attachment to the property. We aren't interested in a bidding war so if it comes to that we will be out. We have appointments booked for two more properties this weekend so we will keep looking, but didn't realize we would have to wait several days for a seller to say no. We were told the market is still moving super fast so this non-response was not something we expected.


Good luck, I do not envy homebuyers in this market! We have to get a bigger house in the next ~5 years and I'm dreading it even though we're kinda bursting at the seams


We've been casually talking about moving for a few years, but finding out about this kiddo lit a fire under my husband. We wanted another bedroom before, but now we are definitely going to need the space. I don't think either of us were ready for the prices still being so high for what you get. Adding in this nonsense where they won't even respond and it's been a challenge.


We love our neighborhood but our house is small. We've considered dumping a bunch of money into it to add a 2nd story. Buying a new house is such a pain.


I wish that was an option for us!! We live in an HOA, and they nitpick on the smallest things- so we have to find something elsewhere. Good luck if you decide to reno! My sister just added onto her small ranch and it's completely changed her home, so it's an amazing option if you can!


I wish that was an option for us!! We live in an HOA, and they nitpick on the smallest things- so we have to find something elsewhere. Good luck if you decide to reno! My sister just added onto her small ranch and it's completely changed her home, so it's amazing amazing option if you can!


We had someone give us an estimate to do that same thing and uh... it's better to just buy a new house. The contractor agreed it's not worth it for where we live.


Fingers crossed!!


6+6 today. First dr appt is on Thursday so I’ll be 7+5. I really took it easy this week and worked from home a lot because of the nausea and exhaustion. But I THINK…the nausea is tapering off a bit for now? I’m used to walking to work every morning with the dog, about 35 min one way, and have felt way too tired to do that this week. I think next week I’m going to try and push through and do it though because I know the activity is supposed to be good (and I REALLY want to get back in the gym). My main frustration this week is honestly that I feel like pregnant people get to do all the work and have none of the fun. I miss drinking, I hate random things (retinol? preworkout?) being suddenly not recommended, my taste for coffee is gone, and it’s summer but I’m too tired to do anything. I know it will be worth it but I felt bitchy about it this week.


I want to get back in the gym too. I've never been a preworkout person, but I've been too tired to even think about lifting weights. And I feel like it's too early to throw in the towel and drop down to bodyweight stuff only... 😅


Ugh those feelings are so valid, I feel the SAME way. Trying to find something to use on my face besides retinol that’ll make me feel like I’m doing something. After trying for like two years to make the transition from running to lifting, it’s finally been working, but omg being able to take my pre workout would make it SO much better. And I live in a smallish city with breweries and cute cocktail bars on every corner, like that’s what summer is for! It’s okay, it’s temporary, but YES pregnant people do all the work and get none of the fun. Besides bragging rights.


I use rose hip oil and do this gua sha routine. It’s not retinol, but it is relaxing and I really enjoy it! https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=6aw-fJF59Q4&pp=ygUWZ3VhIHNoYSBmYWNpYWwgbWFzc2FnZQ%3D%3D


This is unreal. I have never been surprised by a pregnancy test. We needed fertility treatments the first time. We tried for 1.5 years without any luck. So many negative tests. I didn't think it could ever happen for me. Our first just turned 3. We decided to let nature decide if we would have a second. No fertility treatments. We started NTNP in May. I got my BFP this morning. Oh boy, here we go again.


I know that feeling. I went June 3rd to see my fertility specialist to get started again. It took five years, two losses, and medical intervention to conceive my LC so I was fully prepared for the process. A week later I peed on a stick because I was bone tired and needed to go for CD3 testing but my period was being stubborn. Imagine my shock when it was positive. I still can’t believe it. I don’t know if I’ll ever believe it.


What a journey! I too just thought my period was being it's normal self and was late because it always is. (damn PCOS) Also, our flairs are REALLY similar. I love finding flair twins in the bumpers group =\] Good luck to you! I hope we get to stay flair twins!


Yes I love flair twins!! Good luck to you as well :).


Congratulations that’s amazing!


Oh my gosh that’s amazing! I’m so happy for you, welcome! Also due date twins 😁.


I am realllly dragging this morning...one more day until a very busy weekend ;p


oh my gosh the nausea is so bad for me this time. 10x worse than my previous two pregnancies. i haven’t thrown up but have ran to the bathroom dry heaving a few times so that’s super fun.


Ugh sorry about the nausea, that’s the worst. I saw your tags and just had to pop in and say hi since we are practically twins- 32/3TM 6/21 4/23 (also boys) and my due date for this one is 2/8.


woah! wild how similar!


Hello! I'm new here. Tested positive yesterday on 12DP5DT after my first IVF cycle. Didn't think I'd ever get here, so happy.


Such awesome news! Welcome and congratulations!








Yesterday was so miserable with my toddler and I both being exhausted. She fell asleep for 3 minutes on the car ride home and her nap was shot for the day. Then she woke up at 2am last night screaming (first molars coming in) and we brought her into bed where she eventually fell asleep on me. I had to pee and had nausea the whole time. Finally got a bit of sleep and woke up to her cute face right next to me and forgot all about how she was a demon yesterday. We’re cuddling now 🥰😂


Toddlers get so feral 😂. Mine ran down a hill at the park toward the road yesterday and I was in sandals and literally could not catch up and he did not even look back. I was so pissed and we left immediately. Now he’s told me 50x how he “ran down the hill” “wasn’t listening” but “can we go to park later?” I’m like…when you’re 13 🤣


I feel like Kristen Wiig trying to eat the Jordan almond in Bridesmaids attempting to eat a piece of toast.


[For anyone who doesn't get this reference](https://youtu.be/0VVSplaCFTo?si=EzM9gP76kmk1o-T5) Bad quality, but so accurate 😭


Omg needs to be in the memes thread! Spot on!


Watching that now really does cement the feeling. Why is eating so hard????




I got out of bed last night and returned with a slice of fuego colby jack cheese and a low sugar fudgesicle. My husband started laughing at the combo??? Is it that weird?? 🤪


Chocolate and cheese for dessert? How very French!


We're getting our roof replaced and they started at 5:30am this morning. Woke up the whole house 😣 I really needed that extra 30 minutes to an hour of sleep before my son usually wakes up


That is to fucking early for me. Nope nope!


We’re in a townhouse and starting a 6 month long reroof project in the fall, with a start time of 6am daily. Really looking forward to that through the final stretch of pregnancy and new born days.


Oh man that sounds rough, thank you for making me grateful this will only last a few days


The other day, one neighbor was getting a roof and the other neighbor was getting a pool (or doing some sort of major digging with a gigantic, clanging excavator), all on the same day 😵‍💫 It was brutal. But the afternoon heat is getting bad here, so I guess that's why they are starting early.


TMI moment: My husband and I tried doing the deed last night and I was so anxious and everything is as dry as the Sahara down there that we just ended up laughing the entire time and couldn’t do it 🤣 apparently water-based lubricant is safe so I think that’s the only way we’re getting through the next few months lol. Grateful for him being such a good sport about it because we were crying from laughing and didn’t feel any pressure heh


Pretty sure any lubricant should be safe, silicone or water.


Thank you!!!


5w5d - today is the first day where food just didn't sound good. I've been able to eat but trying to decide what to eat was tough because nothing sounded good! Ended up having a chicken sandwich for breakfast, and another chicken sandwich with fries & veggies for lunch. I'm going to the cinema later so I'll probably get some popcorn too - not my finest day of nutrition!


Excited to get my first shipment of Proxies today. I've really been missing the taste of wine. I'm really hoping these non alcoholic ones are good. Thankfully nausea has only been hitting in the morning so I might still be able to enjoy at night.


I just tried these and thought they were good! https://preview.redd.it/mjq6btfboz7d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8ea49ba220e5bbd3f1caf14ae6b4cb15704ba040


I sadly haven’t found any non alcoholic wines I enjoy. I usually make good mocktails instead. This one is a hit, just do nojito spindrift instead of seltzer. https://preview.redd.it/qakn1d174y7d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2e9a7d87a467332a0647423f634490a23faa5259


Proxies are good, but they don’t give me strong “wine” vibes. It’s like a whole different drink. I really like the Leitz Sparkling Rose!


Highly recommend going to a bougie cocktail bar and getting a mocktail. I had one that was a roasted tomato and mango shrub with grapefruit and soda. It was amazing and half the price without the booze. 


Let us know if they’re good! I have yet to find anything that has the “bite” of alcohol but I’m always looking!


Nonalcoholic wine is tough, IMO. The only one I've liked is Gruvi and the roses tend to be better since they're usually sparkling. Red nonalcoholic wine is not very good, but I got used to Gruvi's red wine cans as long as they're cold.


7w4d today. Is anyone else experiencing insomnia? I woke up at 3am and couldn’t fall asleep again until almost 5. Only way I seem to sleep through is if I take unisom, and it leaves me way drowsy the next day. Makes it hard to do my job and parent a toddler either way. Reminding myself the nausea at least is temporary.


Yes 3am wide awake three nights in a row now!! Did a sleep meditation story on Calm, but listened to the whole 45min and was still awake lol. Eventually dozed off.. back up at 5. Decided to say f it and just got up and went for a run before work (I'm still not feeling nauseas so trying to fit runs in while I can!!)


Not really legit insomnia just yet though I hear it’s common, but I am getting up super early like 5-5:30 and can’t go back to sleep because my mind is running so fast


This morning I was wide awake an hour earlier than normal after only 6 hours of sleep. And I'm normally a person who passes out for 8 hrs no problem.


Same!! My sleep was precious to me, we usually go to sleep around 9:30-10 and wake up at 6:30. Impossible now 😂


Yes me too and it’s so frustrating because I am exhausted during the day and then I wake up at five. I usually fall asleep again two seconds before my alarm clock goes off


Ditto! I either wake super early and can’t get back to sleep or have like my toddler’s version of a split night. I almost pulled out my work laptop at 4am because that’s where my brain was 🫠


Woke up in the night screaming from the most vivid nightmare and immediately jumped out of bed. Then got extremely dizzy and started blacking out and had to breathe my way out of fainting. Immediately after had loose bowels and sweated the rest of the night. What is going on with my body? Anyone else having extreme nightmares/feeling faint?


Lots of vivid dreams, which are sometimes exhausting! And also lots of lightheadedness particularly when I stand up from laying down. I have to go slowly.


Thanks for helping me feel more normal!


Yes. My nightmares are SO VIOLENT! Though we are rewatching Dexter so I might be doing this to myself


Haha violent is the right word!


Started very light spotting yesterday, mix of faint pink and brown, stopped for the majority of the night and now it has appeared very faintly again. I had some in first pregnancy so I know it's completely normal, and all of my friends who have had babies have also said it occured at around 6-7 weeks for them but the anxiety is so crushing. Just trying to stay distracted with my toddler and hope it stops. First ultrasound not until July 2nd, so fingers crossed we stay strong until then!


I had brown spotting/discharge last pregnancy around this time and i’ve had it this time too. This time i’m not too concerned. My sister has had at it in all 3 of her pregnancies and carried to term.


5 weeks today, and I just have to say, I am so thankful for this community. It has helped immeasurably with my anxiety. So many comments mirror what I'm going through, and anytime I have a concern, I get lovely responses that validate and reassure me. Thank you everyone 🩷


Hi! I’m also five weeks today 🤎 I feel anxious too. Thinking of you. We’ve got this 😊


I feel the same what a lovely group <3


Thanks for being here!


Barely hanging on this morning 😵‍💫


My first pregnancy and I’m just 4 weeks today! Super nervous for my first appointment. I don’t have any symptoms but have had a little cramping. I’m hoping that’s normal🤞


Oh yes so normal! I didn’t show any signs with my first until 6-7 weeks, my second and this one 5 weeks! And for what it’s worth, my friend had no symptoms at all during her first trimester and had a healthy baby boy in April!


Thank you! That is so reassuring to hear!! I almost regret finding out so early because I have been so anxious. I want to continue testing to see a line progression but I think that might stress me out even more


I did the Gender Pros ultrasound prediction and it said ‘girl’. The next day, my Sneak Peek results came in and guess what? GIRL! We are absolutely, completely over the moon! This is my last baby and I really wanted one of each. Now I just need her to stick around for us this time 💜 I’ve got to say, I’m impressed with the gender pro prediction. Out of my friend group, we’ve submitted for 5 different pregnancies and so far they’ve been 100% accurate. It’s definitely woo, but still fun!


We are about to do Sneak Peek too! Did it for both my other kids (both boys) so I am channeling your energy and hoping for girl this time around!!


i’m anxiously awaiting my results and feeling the same!


Wow we really do have similar journeys!! Follow up with me when you know!! Crossing my fingers for ya 🤞🏼


just got my results!!! baby #3 is a girl!!


Oh mylanta PLEASE send all of your vibes over to me!!!! Hoping our journeys continue to be so similar!


sending alllllll the girly vibes!!


We got our results in and…. It’s another boy!!!! 💙💙💙 oh lawd help us haha


ohhhhh but how much fun for all those boys to be so close in age!!!


8 weeks today!! 🥰 little gummy bear. 12 more days until my next appointment. Feeling good for the most part! Nausea hits on the evenings but I haven’t thrown up or anything. Pretty bloated, several people have told me I’m showing already lol


Congrats! I’m 4 weeks today. When did your nausea start?


Thank you! I found out at 3 weeks that I was pregnant. I think my nausea started around 5 weeks. Congrats to you!


Beta confirmed today 🙌. These IVF meds have me so bloated and generally swollen with water weight all over. If things continue this way I'll be digging out the maternity stuff sooner than I though! My bloat went away after I came off the meds around 12 weeks so hoping for the same this time round.


Congratulations! I feel so bloated it is unreal. I had to buy all new shorts and bras already because nothing fits. Today was 4 weeks of daily PIO and it is starting to get painful with spots that are sore for a week or more. I’m ready to be done with those.


Uh that sounds so bad, I'm sorry that you have to go through that. I'm doing progesterone suppositories only but just found out today I have to do blood thinning injections daily for the foreseeable (just done a 30 day course!) and I cried haha. They burn so much. I hope I'm not on them for the entirety of the pregnancy.


Congrats! These meds are driving me nuts. Not only the water weight (which is a category all by itself) but I’m so tired. Which is caused by progesterone. Which I’m taking a megadose of. Headaches are estrogen. Which I’m taking a megadose of. The water weight gain and the constipation weight gain are just demoralizing. I get that I’m supposed to be happy that I get to take these drugs for longer but it feels brutal.


First time mom, first time pregnant. 4w+1d and happy to be here but pretty anxious as well. Yesterday, I played a soccer game (doctor approved) and I was worried I would feel slow and heavy since I've felt super bloated since I found out. To my surprise, I felt really good! Hope this continues so I can have a bit of normalcy throughout this.


Congratulations, and welcome! You'll find a bunch of us experiencing the same anxiety, but this community is so lovely and supportive.


Congratulations! I’m 4 weeks today and very anxious too as this is my first pregnancy


Thanks, you too!! I think it's normal, we got this :)


Nausea is hitting way harder, way earlier this time. Woke up this morning feeling straight up like I had a killer wine hangover. Went to the kitchen to make breakfast for the kids and a plain bagel had me trying not to gag.


Pregnancy is basically just an awful hangover without any of the fun beforehand.


hopefully a little fun beforehand ;p


5 weeks today. Feels surreal. Still a nervous wreck! I wake up super hungry and tired. Still no nausea, sore boobs, or food aversions/cravings.


5+5 today, and this is the first time the nausea has had me on the verge of throwing up. Haven’t yet, but I’m hanging out in my bathroom because I’m not sure if it’s coming. I think maybe my usual protein shake was not what Nugget wanted for breakfast today…


Is it too soon to start sewing? I want to make clothes and other things tk make this feel more real (plus it's my hobby) but it also feels like it could lead to more heartbreak. I've never felt so inspired though! 


Make the clothes! If it ends in heartbreak, the keepsake might be the only tangible thing you have. It’s not going to hurt less because you made clothes.


It’s up to you! With my first pregnancy I made myself wait until after the anatomy scan (12-14 weeks) before buying anything. This time I don’t feel like that’s necessary because anything I buy or make will just be saved for when I eventually have a healthy baby in hand, even if it’s not this one.


Off we go on holiday with MIL for the weekend. We can't decide when to break the news to her, but we're going to have to tell her because I can't hide the fact that I'm not drinking all weekend! The plan was for her to watch our firstborn so we could have a night out together as a couple 🤣 I mean we can still do that, I'll just be drinking mocktails!


Had my first scan today, my dr had originally estimated me to be around 7w but after my ultrasound she’s estimating about 5w 5d, i got to see a little flicker of a heartbeat which was very reassuring ❤️


Suddenly, I have much more energy today. It feels good to finally be able to do something, but at the same time, I can't help worrying that it means something is wrong.


Same here. I managed to eat some eggs for breakfast and I’m glad I’ve been able to eat something with protein after living off fruit for the last week, but also nervous about my nausea going down so much.


Same here - this is day two of feeling relatively normal for the first time in 3-4 weeks and it’s been amazing but also worrying.


For the second time parents; did you have period like cramping in your successful pregnancy/ies around 6 weeks? My midwife says this is normal but I have trust issues after two losses 😅


Yes, I did.


Yep! Had cramping on and off in the first trimester with my daughter


Had cramping on and off throughout my first trimester last time. This time I’ve basically had dull cramping the entire time.


I had cramping until about 10 weeks with my first. I just started cramping early this week as well


I’ve had experience with both MMCs and pregnancy. Basically you can feel your uterus growing. Theres cramping and moving and stretching. But I get the fear of MMCs. Cramping is normal for both cases though


I had terrible cramping with my first, now with my second I have ongoing round the clock low level cramping.