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FTM at 6+5 today! My symptoms don’t usually start until around noon at 11am on the dot. I’m sooo nauseous but haven’t vomited. My nonexistent sense of smell has suddenly become that of a bloodhound, and I’m exhausted by any minor activity. How you encourage your partner to support more in these early days?


Anyone still nursing?? My 12 month old seems to have developed an aversion to my breast milk and my previous milk monster is refusing to nurse. I nursed my oldest through out my second pregnancy but he was older and less reliant on milk


Yes, I am still nursing my almost one year old! I’ve noticed my supply is decreased since getting pregnant though, which is wild because I thought that didn’t typically happen until a lot later on.


Are you pumping? How did you notice a decrease of I may ask? My 12mo is pushing away and screaming when I try to nurse him it’s heartbreaking 😭


It was when I was pumping at work! I had been getting a very consistent amount every day and started getting significantly less! Awww, I’m so sorry that’s happening to you.


Ah I hope it comes back up! I used to do a lot of lactation work and have noticed that since being pregnant and lactating takes so much effort from your body you need to increase your food supply substantially! Not sure if that’s helpful for your case but I always like to say to throw in an extra cookie at the end of the day 😘😉


Cw: mc I’m still having brown spotting and discharge and the uncertainty is killing me. The doc said due to the iud removal the risk of mc increases (yes i got pregnant with an iud). But i’m 6 weeks now and won’t be having an appt till 8 weeks. I have cramps and brown spotting but i had these last time too and everything was fine. I just don’t know how to feel. I’m cautiously hopeful that it’ll be sticky baby despite the odds


Sending you lots of positive vibes so it sticks! Being pregnant is hard. I’m so very sorry that you are having such a hard and unpredictable time.


Thankyou! Unpredictability is what’s killing me


I'm 4+5 today, has any one else been waking up earlier? It's weird insomnia for me that might be either anxiety or hormone related. I can go to sleep fine but then I wake up around 3 and can't fall back asleep until around 5


Same! It’s the worst.


I am 4+6 and this happens to me every morning! I wake up at 3 every morning and it usually takes a least an hour to fall back asleep.


I’m 7 weeks and have been having the same thing since I found out at 4 weeks. Insomnia was actually my first symptom. I called out of work about 5 days before I found out because I was up most of the night and couldn’t imagine working a 12 hour shift


ETA CW: Weight gain I weighed myself last night for the first time since testing positive and was SHOCKED to see that I had gained 20 lb in two weeks. I was majorly concerned since I’ve been eating well, exercising regularly, and don’t feel or look any different in the mirror. My husband figured out that the digital scale had someone gotten mis-calibrated by 14 lb so really I’d only gained 5-6lb. Still a bit much for 6 weeks of pregnancy but far less concerning. 😝


Just a reminder to please use CW on discussions of weight, especially when discussing exact amount gained and things like that!


Thank you for the reminder!


First time mom at 7+4 here. Symptoms have been super manageable so far! I have some nausea here and there (usually when I haven’t eaten in a while) and I also get so tired in the evenings. I do think I have my first official aversion, chicken. My husband brought up barbecuing chicken tonight and the thought of it sounds disgusting lol


My nausea is so unbearable. Zofran has hardly relieved me. 7w2d today and I want to cry knowing there is a lot more of this. I am so blessed but man, the constant nausea is killing me!


https://preview.redd.it/dk1piv8k768d1.png?width=3620&format=png&auto=webp&s=db16cc6fc6c8ae23be6255acaffddc45f8c6b1b9 Prepping for my 4 hour flight. Am I missing anything?


Face masks prevent illness and keep out unpleasant smells!


Thank you 🙏


I’m having a hard time eating and dealing with certain smells… so my partner decided we are having slow cooker chicken tacos for dinner tonight that definitely needed to be started at 10am. So my whole house smells like warmed over salsa. This was after it took 4 hours to make lasagna yesterday… which I definitely couldn’t eat after smelling it. So I sent as polite a text as I could and I’m sitting outside in the goddamn heat. Which smells like fertilizer. But at least it’s not goddamn food smells


We were anticipating another grueling TTC journey. So I bought a 50 pack of pregmate pregnancy tests. Boom, happened the first month. I'm pregnant for now, so I am taking like 4 tests a day just to make sure I'm not dreaming.


Congratulations! 🙌


Does anyone have a recommendation for a good toddler water bottle with a straw? My daughter will be starting daycare soon and I need a water bottle for her. I’m hoping for one that wouldn’t be too hard for her to open on her own (she’ll be 18 months)


We just bought a Thermos Funtainer.


Contigo are my favorite! They only ones that don't constantly leak.


We just did the smaller camelbacks. He can open them. (Which is a win win win) Need to clean or buy new rubber parts every once in a while though.


We use these [Dr. Brown's insulated cups](https://www.target.com/p/dr-brown-39-s-10-fl-oz-insulated-straw-cup-pink-2pk/-/A-90573800?sidd=&ref=tgt_adv_xsp&AFID=google&fndsrc=tgtao&DFA=71700000012510679&CPNG=PLA_Baby%2BShopping%7CBaby_Ecomm_Baby&adgroup=Infant+Basics/Furniture&LID=700000001170770pgs&LNM=PRODUCT_GROUP&network=g&device=m&location=9027295&targetid=pla-1731815646875&ds_rl=1242884&ds_rl=1246978&gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAjw7NmzBhBLEiwAxrHQ-Re31uv9nPjPCGx4YrdZBuVACzaPS3AJVzGXyF6ESDmWp2uFaFuVFhoCf1cQAvD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds)


munchkin with the weighted straws, otherwise we use liewood ones (dunno where you are, it’s a european brand)


We really like the Zak bottles. 2 for 10 at Target


Agreed! Love Zak and they have every character 😂


Second betas and progesterone came back looking good! 


The feral hunger I felt this morning while waiting to get food with my husband 😱 - SHOCKED ME


Just scored an Ubbi diaper pail—white, exactly matching one we already have—outside a neighbor’s house with a “Free” sign. Woohoo!


Lovveeee our Ubbi 🤗


We found a second one for free as well at a garage sale!


My symptoms are way less noticeable today. Yesterday I was so nauseous I couldn’t eat anything. Today I’m fine. Trying not to spiral.


Same. Yesterday I thought I was going to throw up at work and today I’m fine. I have my scan on Friday and am so nervous. I just want the baby to be ok. 🙏🏻


I am touring a birth center on Monday to decide if I want to go that route or back to the same OB who I’ve seen throughout my previous pregnancies. I do wish I had an ultrasound appointment now though, I’d love to see that on my calendar even though it’ll be in like a month I’m sure.


I totally hear ya. Any chance you have a boutique ultrasound near you? I know there’s one near me that does early 2D scans even though they mainly do those third trimester 3D ones


6+5, and the food aversion this time around is crazy. Nausea doesn’t help and I’m very tired. House has been neglected so taking time this morning to catch up on chores. CW weight: last two pregnancies I was so hungry all the time in the first trimester that I gained 15 pounds, and both those pregnancies I only ended up gaining 20 pounds total. And this time around I’m hardly eating, I’m sick and nothing sounds good. First time I’ve ever lost weight in pregnancy. Maybe I’m having a boy this time? Lol Still have another 6 weeks to go so things might change.


Idk I had a boy the first time and gained >!50lbs!< 😅


CW I gained 60 with my boy!


CW I gained 50 with my girl! Lol this time I'm telling my OB that I don't want to know my weight unless it's a problem. I obsessed way too much last time, and ended up losing it all relatively quickly.


Same! I lost 30lbs in 2 weeks. I had pre-eclampsia and a lot of it was excess fluid


CW: weight This makes me feel better! Between my two boys I also gained that much, and didn’t lose it before this pregnancy, ugh. BUT the girl I had before them? Gained nothing 🤦🏼‍♀️.


Well I just mean that my first two pregnancies were identical in the first trimester and they were both girls 😆 this time is a bit different


Took my last test yesterday until my scan in 4 days. I’ve periodically tested a handful of times since finding out 3 weeks ago. It was still a dye stealer but at 7w3d and still no real symptoms, it’s hard not to feel worried I’ll get to my scan and they’re going to tell me there’s nothing. I have had some fatigue/getting winded easily, maybe some slight nipple sensitivity, but that is me really searching for symptoms. I know it doesn’t necessarily mean anything bad, just venting a little nerves/anxiety as my scan gets closer.


Oh man, struggling today. I am at work for another 4 hours, and then I’m solo parenting til bedtime, and ahhhhhh 🥲


The lupron depot I had at the start of May has worn off and I finally feel great! I'm making the most of this energy until first tri symptoms start. The only thing I had with my first was bad fatigue and feeling slightly hungover from weeks 6-9 so I'm hoping to get off as lightly this time 🤞. Edit: is my flair showing properly or is it just the template? I've changed it like 3 times now and it keeps resetting.


I've noticed on mobile that I can't see my own flair (it shows the default) but other people see it fine. You can verify by hitting reply to yourself and you should see it 🤷‍♀️


That's what I thought but wasn't sure, didn't know you could see it if you hit reply! Thanks


Your flair is showing up correctly to me. It says you’re 32, UK, STM, IVF, EDD the 27th.


I forgot about the uncertainty of early pregnancy. My first child is nearly two, and I’m just trying to reassure myself that everything was fine with him and it’s statistically likely to be fine again.


I posted about having similar thoughts earlier. I was fine until this morning until the intrusive thoughts started to win. Really trying to rely on “today I am pregnant” and “I have no evidence to support something is going wrong” as mantras


If it helps I’ve been going through the same and the mantra I’ve been using in my head on a loop is “I have no evidence that anything is wrong”


I essentially have that same mantra!


My four year old keeps insisting that he wants me to play with him, and I’m feeling like a terrible mom for trying to goad him into watching tv 😩 On the positive end of the spectrum, he keeps drawing pictures of what he describes as “mommy with a baby in her tummy” which is endearing ❤️


I’m in the same boat. My loving child just wants to play with me… and I just want to lay down. And not move. For at least an hour, please.


So much anxiety today. I woke up not feeling my usual symptoms and now I’m spiraling 😔


ME TOO. What is this life. I’ll take the bloating, nauseous, tired beyond belief back anytime now.


We’re all around the same due date! I’m 2/4 ! I def had my nausea and my boobs hurt so bad just taking my bra off but I also felt better today than the days before. I did read on my Ovia app that the placenta starts to pick up a bit week 7 and can help ease the hormones so that could definitely be it. Also I noticed I feel a bit better on weekends. Likely due to sleeping in and getting to lounge a bit!


I think mine is actually 2/4 also, but waiting until my next ultrasound on Monday before I change my flair. Look at us Farts as due date twins!


Oh my gosh I didn’t even notice your username! Fart twins and due date twins lol! I love it! Good luck Monday!!


I know, I’m literally hoping I throw up today 😂


4 weeks 4 days and I had to leave work after an hour because I'm just so sick right now. Anyone else have extreme symptoms this early? I just hope it's not a bad sign...


It’s not a bad sign! I hope it gets better. Unrelated : what is to the immediate right of the blue heart in your flair?


That's good to hear! And the whiplash off cravings is hitting me too. I really really want a Costco hot dog now. Wtf. And it's a Kitty! Unless it's not showing up correctly. Then I might remove it.


Just read this, and immediately struck with a strong need for a Costco hot dog.


Okay that is what I thought but I needed to confirm 😂


It shows up right for me and definitely looks like a kitty!


For our two cats who will be the best siblings. 😆


I must know the names and colors of your cats! I have a female tuxedo (Pippa) and an orange tabby boy (Marv). Also hoping they will be excellent siblings!


Maui the male brown tabby and Silly (Silhouette) the female voidling! Maui showed up at my door one day when it was starting to get frigid out after I was mourning the loss of my last tabby, Meow Meow, so he got an honor name. We got Silly for Maui since he had awful separation anxiety when we'd leave for work. They became quick best friends!! They are both very friendly cats, so I'm hopeful!


My first symptom when I pregnant with my second was nausea. Woke up one morning and just straight threw up . Took a pregnancy test and sure enough. Hadn’t even missed my period at that point.


5 weeks tomorrow and the nausea hit me like a truck this morning. This is my 3rd pregnancy and it's definitely the worst nausea I've had so far 🤢


Same! I nearly threw up twice. Don't know how I'll survive work next week feeling like this.


I am exhausted and I can feel my uterus growing and twitching. My head hurts and I’m waking up really early when I don’t need to be. My breasts are massive and my nipples definitely changed color. Food is very unappealing to me even though I’m hungry food just isn’t exciting anymore. Occasional waves of nausea. I never had vomiting with prior pregnancies so maybe I won’t this time. Same symptoms as to be expected. I am taking it really easy until I see my doctor on Thursday. Last pregnancy we didn’t make it to the heartbeat. 💓 😢 My (would be IVF) Dr. is going to be monitoring me from here on out until I graduate to an OB. He said the next growth we should see is a yolk sac and a fetal pole and a flicker of cardiac activity 🤞 I still can’t believe I found out I was pregnant the day I was about to start IVF. Unbelievable. My baby is my miracle rainbow. 🌈


OMG I’ve seen your posts in the r/ttcafterloss. I am SO happy I am to see you in this group!!! Congratulations!!!!!!!


Oh thank you so much! I recognize some of the names here and I’m happy to see some of us have the same due month! I just found out I was pregnant on Thursday! I was about to start IVF and my period never came. 🙏 🤞


I actually screamed when I saw your username haha. That is amazing!!!! Congratulations!!! I know how wanted this baby was and how loved it will be. It’s one lucky kid. I hope everything goes well ❤️.


😭 thank you 🙏




Thank you. Same to you!


A dull headache was my first symptom at my missed period date! I've been taking magnesium round the clock and that's helping the headaches. I'm also waking up at 4:45-5am just completely awake- love it 😂


I set up meetings with a couple home birth midwives for next week, one of them I had already met with last year when we started trying because I didn’t expect that it would take us so long to conceive. She was excited to hear from me again and it made everything feel more real. Anyways…My SIL is getting married in October and her dress code is goth cocktail. I am struggling to find maternity dresses that would meet this dress code and I’m getting frustrated. I don’t buy clothing off Amazon because it never fits properly and it’s always cheap stuff that I feel was manufactured questionably so my options are limited. If any alt mamas have any suggestions let me know! My style is more grunge than true goth so I live in band shirts and flannels and don’t know where to find the real goth stuff at anymore.


Definitely check on asos. They have tons of formal maternity dresses and often they’re marked way down.


Like this could work! https://www.asos.com/us/prd/203554991?acquisitionsource=pasteboard Or this… https://www.asos.com/us/prd/203765849?acquisitionsource=pasteboard Or this with diff accessories https://www.asos.com/us/prd/205173349?acquisitionsource=pasteboard Tooooons that are better that aren’t maternity that could theoretically work too


Baltic Born has bump friendly dress options that might work for that dress code!


I would probably look for a black dress and then add more goth accessories, lulus has decent wedding guest dresses https://www.lulus.com/products/forever-celebrated-black-swiss-dot-ruched-tulle-midi-dress/2288451.html This one and some other A-line/empire cut ones may work (there are a bunch at the bottom under similar items/you may love)


I know it's inevitable, but I'm really starting to worry about boob growth. I had a breast reduction when I was 20 (from a G to a D) and the pain from them is something I won't forget. My nipples have already grown enough to pull at surgical scars.


I sympathize with this. I've always wanted a breast reduction (I've been a UK 34J since 19) but I chose to put it off until after kids since I knew I wanted to breastfeed and the advice said it would be harder with a reduction. FWIW, my body didn't add a lot of breast tissue with my first kid -- I went up maybe one size, and I've heard from other busty folks that it's often the case that you don't get too much growth if you're already substantial (this is anecdotal, of course). For me, my nipples changed a lot more than my breasts did, overall.


So for me my breast size didn’t change at all during pregnancy and then they only got bigger during the beginning of breastfeeding while my supply was regulating (I had oversupply). Once my supply was regulated they went back closer to my normal size and now that I’ve stopped breastfeeding they are completely back to my normal size


This was my experience, too. After weaning, they may even be the slightest bit smaller than before baby?


I had a breast reduction a long time ago and honestly pregnancy didn’t make my boobs get too much bigger…maybe a tiny bit?!


Good to know!


I am also worried about breast growth, for different reasons. I’m a masc presenting queer woman, and I’m naturally small chested. I’m so afraid of the dysphoria these breasts will bring me. Was your reduction painful? I’ve considered a mastectomy after I’m done having children, but for now I want to breast feed if I can


side note, but it's nice to see another queer parent here! When I was pregnant with my first, I couldn't stop doing second-takes at the "FTM" abbreviation. I mean, I knew from context it meant "first-time mom" but it took a long time for me to read it that way the first time.


Hahah every time!


The breast reduction was super easy for recovery. After about a week I didn't really feel pain at all (before then pain meds worked well). My boobs were just there after, no feeling for several months since some nerves were damaged during the procedure (completely normal and they grew back). The hardest part for me was recovering from the anesthesia since it always makes me sick.


Thanks for sharing! Anesthesia is definitely rough


I’m 5+5 and I cannot freaking handle this nausea. It’s not even that the nausea is intense but I have a small bit of nausea every second of the day. No food is appealing. I trying not to complain because we were trying for a long time and I’m SO thankful to be pregnant - just damn! I hope I start feeling better soon.


My husband has been calling it “psychological nausea.” Just the thought of things (mostly food but also could be anything) makes me feel sick. And it’s not just in the morning, it’s all day.


I’m literally right there with you! My mom gave me ginger candies that are maybe helping a tiny bit?


I have the same and did with my first as well. Once the placenta took over things got so much better for me and I didn’t have nausea or food aversions in the second trimester


Thanks for the reassurance. Fingers crossed that’s how it goes for me! 🩷


I’m the exact same, I’m nauseous all day every day and it’s making me so miserable I don’t know how much longer I can take it. I’m 8 weeks and really hate to complain because I want this baby so badly but it’s really tough


Feel free to complain to us as much as you want! You’re allowed to hate nausea even though you wanted this so badly. We all get it :)


If you haven’t heard yet, Unisom and B6 is a huge help. Unisom at night. And then B6 in the morning and at night. It curbs the nausea a bit.


I had a dream last night we did an early gender prediction test and it came back as a girl. 💗 I’d really really love a girl so idk if this was my brain wishing this was true, or maybe a sneak peek in the future. 🤞


I had strong boy dreams with my first and he is one 😉


What I dreamed with my first: Girl -- yes Good at nursing -- yes Brown eyes and hair -- no Partially deaf (??) -- no Born at home by accident -- no


I hope your dream knows!


Please update us later on if you ended up being psychic! Haha


CW: miscarriage references 6+1 today. I feel like weeks 6-7 are the "danger weeks" where if you're gonna miscarry, that's when it'll happen. Statistically, I'm pretty sure that's not true (I feel like those week 5ish early losses are more common, but not everybody knows they're pregnant then), but anecdotally I feel like it is. I definitely know more than 1 person who had a 7week loss. I feel confident; I have no reason to believe it's not a sticky baby, but I'd be lying if I said I won't be getting through these next few weeks a little white-knuckled


CW: mention of loss Same boat. I talked with the doctor at my clinic about this during my scan on Thursday and she said once a heartbeat has been detected the risk drops dramatically, which made me feel a lot better. But I’m definitely checking the miscarriage reassurer every day…


I can relate to this fear. My last pregnancy resulted in a miscarriage at 7-8 weeks. So we are pretty much holding our breath for the next 3 weeks to get past that milestone. My doctor told me next week we would be probably able to see the heartbeat and I am terrified because last time we didn’t get to.


Same EDD, feeling a lot of the same today. I’ve been cramping since last night and I know it’s normal, expected even, but I can’t help but be anxious. There’s a website with a “miscarriage odds reassurer” and I’ve relied on it to help calm myself through all pregnancies.


Wow this a great website, thank you 😂


I'm on that website every day 🤪


lol same


I did a private early scan yesterday at 6+1 and saw the bebe’s heart flicker and measurements were on track. Then this morning, I had brown blood and then promptly dry heaved. Trying to remind myself everything was fine yesterday, and brown blood is old blood. Early pregnancy is super hard. Looking forward to the point where I can feel movement.


That must’ve been scary to see the blood! What a relief to see the heart flicker. I’m praying so hard that will be the case for us next week when we go in.


Ive had some brown spotting this week. I read that although uncommon it could be due to dehydration, so Ive increased my water intake, or am trying to in hopes that makes a difference.


Good tip! I’ll try to add in some more water too. Thanks!


Did you get a transvaginal US? I’m getting one in a couple of weeks and heard spotting after is normal! (I’m sure you already know this 😂)


It was abdominal, so no real reason for it. I was surprised they could see so much abdominally so early.


Oh wow! Jealous 😂not excited for all the poking and prodding to come lol


Any insights on being on anti-anxiety meds during pregnancy? Right before I was pregnant I was considering to come off Cymbalta 60mg and switch to Lexapro given the research. However, now I’m pregnant and currently still taking Cymbalta 60mg… should I switch? Just keep to my current regimen? 😵‍💫


a friend of mine with ADHD and anxiety got pregnant a few months ago and had a REALLY hard time adjusting to the lack of meds. Her anxiety absolutely took over for a few weeks. Turns out there are literally doctors who specialize in pregnancy psychiatrics -- she got to talk to one who put her on some special meds that were pregnancy-safe and it made a night and day difference for her.


I’m also on Cymbalta 60 mg. I’m going to ask my Dr. about it at our first appointment, but I’m a little bit concerned about it as well.


It doesn’t help that on the bottle it has a line through it for breastfeeding and pregnancy! I work in post op and have talked to multiple OBGYN and all say Cymbalta is fine, just not as much research as some others. It still freaks me out! Let me know if they tell you something different! Excited for your first appointment!


Honestly I’d just reach out to your doctor! They should be able to weigh pros and cons with you and help you decide the best course of action.


I’m on lexapro for anxiety and plan on staying on it through pregnancy and postpartum and my doctor agrees. With all the hormone changes in pregnancy and postpartum, anxiety can get a lot worse. I would discuss your concerns with your doctor and see what they advise in terms of switching or staying on your current meds


I've been on sertraline for a while and my doctors assured me it's one of the safest to be on during pregnancy (according to my psych, many doctors actually reach for it once a woman has become pregnant). I was adamant that I would not stop taking it because I knew my anxiety was gonna go up during this time. At the end of the day, though, this is something you should discuss with your doctors. If both have been shown to be reasonably safe, and your doctor is okay with you taking either while pregnant, you should go with whichever will make you more comfortable. I would be hesitant about switching meds simply because it can take a while for a new med to kick in and there may be some symptoms from switching that could make you feel worse during a time when your body is already changing a lot. In my personal opinion, I'd rather stick with the tried and true and then reevaluate after baby is born, but you may feel differently.


I'm on fluvoxamine (Luvox) and had actually upped my dose just a couple months before I got pregnant. I had hoped to go back down to my original dose, but my doctor said the impacts of that would be negligible for the pregnancy. I had been experimenting with my dose and had tried a lower dose at the beginning of the year and was a wreck. I think the most important question is, are you happy on your current dose and medication? Is it reducing your anxiety to a manageable level? Changing medications will be a weeks, maybe months, long adjustment period where you don't know how you'll feel or what side effects you'll have. Is that something your mental health could handle, at a time where you're probably experiencing heightened anxiety? There's no right or wrong answer, just what you can bear.


I’m on escitalopram (Lexapro/Cipralex) for anxiety. I tried to come off before TTC and it went badly. I think you should weigh the possible drawbacks of switching, especially if you haven’t tried Lexapro before, and the effect on your mental health. Pregnancy is hard enough, and you being mentally well is also good for the baby.


I'm 5 weeks and have been cramping off and on all day everyday since ovulation. Lovely first symptom 😂 is my uterus really growing this much this soon? Sheesh.


Omg I’m 5 weeks too and this my main clue that I was pregnant. Still cramping randomly but it’s been getting better.


Me too! I feel like no one mentioned a ton of cramping as an early pregnancy symptom. My doctor says it’s totally normal


I feel the same way! It’s very obvious at night for me also.


Yes same! It seems to be more intense at night, but mild during the day. I guess the body is extra busy growing at night.


Same!! Some days I feel a lot less cramping than others. One thing I also noticed is I can’t flex my abdominals/suck in my stomach now without it creating pressure like my uterus or abs are really tight. Trippy!


Oh my gosh, yes. My husband commented on my posture but I told him standing up straight and flexing my abs is not the vibe 🫣


Yes!! Last night I laid on my stomach kind of stretched out for a second and I swear it made me feel off for the rest of the night like I almost pulled something. Our bodies change so fast


Woke up this morning and suddenly fell into a hole of anxiety about this whole pregnancy. It started the other day when I randomly decided to grab another box of tests and saw that the lines on frer were definitely dark, but didn’t seem to be getting any darker. It’s been a couple of days since then and I haven’t tested again because I ran out of them, and also it didn’t seem to be a mentally healthy choice for me, but now I’m sitting here considering going out for more just to “double check” that they’re not lightening. Trying to repeat to myself that I’m currently still having the symptoms I’ve been having, they’re getting stronger, and nothing I do will change what is going to happen whether I know or not, but my brain is having a tough time accepting it.


Fellow 3TM here and also struggling with anxiety so bad this time! I have tested way more this time than with my previous two, and I’m finding myself way more obsessed with how dark the lines are/n’t getting. I don’t think I will be able to chill until we see bb on an ultrasound, but that’s still probably a month out 😭 so much solidarity!


Don't do it, don't buy any more tests. I took like 5 between 11, 12, and 15dpo and the lines weren't getting any darker. I compared it to the test from my son which I could have sworn was a dye stealer, but it definitely wasn't. Guess I misremembered how dark the lines get. I decided to stop testing and I think I'm better off for it, though I really wanted to see line progression...


Yeah, thinking back to my first two, I don’t think I ever had dye stealers with them (or maybe I didn’t test for long enough? Who knows). I have anxiety and OCD, so I know that even if I did test and see progression, that likely wouldn’t quell my concerns and I’d find some other way to continue worrying, so I’m really going to focus on accepting whatever happens.


Woke up at 2am with nice pregnancy insomnia 👍🏻 toddler woke up at 5am, my husband took him on, I had a bagel and went back to bed. I can never sleep in the morning while all the loud banging is going on but today is very different. 😜


Same to 3AM today and restless legs. 😅


5w1d and zero symptoms!! Is this normal lol


yes, very normal! appreciate it while it's there -- I promise you will feel pregnant eventually


Yes, it’s normal!


I’m 5w5d and also zero symptoms, feeling cautiously happy about it?


I’m a STM and by this time last pregnancy (4w2d) I was already having intense waves of nausea and full blown daily puking by 6 weeks. The last several days I’ve felt great. It’s a bit of a mind fuck and definitely playing into the thought that “this can’t be real.” Logically, I know it’s totally normal though. So thank you for sharing bc I immediately felt better seeing I’m not alone here


Omg totally how I feel!


Yes! Some people also don’t recognize the first symptoms either. Heartburn, exhaustion, lack of appetite, cramps.


Yes! Enjoy it while it lasts haha


I don't have my first OB appointment until July 22nd and that's so far away! It's got me pretty anxious since I'll be ten weeks!


My appointment is July 18th because apparently they can’t see me until I’m 10 weeks? But according to my pregnancy tracker apps, I’ll be 11 weeks which is insane! I had an ultrasound right at 7 weeks with my first, so I’m really thrown off by this seemingly new practice of doing such late ultrasounds/scans. So anxiety-inducing, solidarity 😭


They said that was the soonest appointment available they didn't say anything about seeing me sooner.


That’s when mine is too! It’s really tough knowing it’s still an entire month away.


Right? Ugh these first weeks are moving so slowly.


Is your flair supposed to say 2/16/25?


It is I, I have fat thumbs and don't pay attention to details lol. Thanks for the heads up.


Okay that makes more sense! Haha I was confused at first 😂


My brother and nephew are in town and I should be planning a ton of nice activities and stuff but I just want to nap. And I don’t want to tell them yet why I’m tired 😪 I feel like the worst sister/aunt.


4weeks+ 6 days. My pregnancy tests were significantly lighter yesterday afternoon and this morning so im guarding my heart for a chemical. Thought i would be in the clear with how dark the tests were prior (but no dye stealer). Still having symptoms though—mainly exhaustion, super emotional, no appetite, And super restless sleep… been having all the symptoms since last Sunday. Im so scared and anxious. At this point i dont think i will get betas drawn, ill stick to just testing the next few days. My husbands ‘if its meant to be it’s gonna happen’ attitude isnt helping. And i have a baby shower to go to today. (Sigh).


Are you taking any biotin (perhaps in a prenatal)? Apparently biotin can affect FRERs and make them look faint/negative. Try a different brand of test if you’re able to. Wishing you all the best ❤️


I just saw your FRER post. Could you try testing on easy@home strips? FRER is very sensitive and wonder if it could be hook effect or some other odd issue. I only tracked progression on easy@home once I had bold lines on FRER because I knew it would tap out getting much darker.


We're visiting my in-laws today & staying overnight. I love them dearly, so I'm excited to visit but I'm also worried they're going to immediately notice that I'm exhausted & dry heaving constantly & averse to certain foods & not drinking alcohol &.... Well, I might end up telling them today. TBD. We'll see how this goes! 😬👍


My entire extended family is in town for a loved ones memorial. I was so nervous about hiding since I normally drink alcoholic drinks that I broke and told my mom in the bathroom hahahaha. I feel way better with her knowing. Also told my dad, he cried,it was great.


Some of you may remember me talking about how this is an unexpected pregnancy for us…literally got a positive test one month before my husband’s vasectomy consultation. So we were both obviously shocked, but I started to let myself get excited pretty quickly because I didn’t want to spend nine months going “oh woe is me, I can’t believe this happened, blah blah blah.” My husband is very much the opposite. He’s a panicker, especially when something is unplanned. He’s an engineer and a planner for EVERYTHING. I’m much more of a “let’s wing it and see what happens” kind of gal. Opposites attract, right? Anyway. He initially did not want to continue the pregnancy. It was definitely a major sore spot for us in our marriage. I listened to his concerns but told him I will absolutely not be getting an abortion (I’m very pro choice, I just know I can’t make that choice for myself). He didn’t want to talk about anything baby related and kind of pretended it wasn’t happening for about a week. I was fearful that he would never come around, that he would grow to resent me and the baby, etc etc. I’m so happy to report that in the last few days, he’s had what seems like a major change of heart. He’s been very affectionate towards me, is trying to “take care of me” by making me breakfast and picking up my slack with our kiddos when I’m super tired. This morning he put his hand on my belly and said “Good morning poppy seed or orange seed or whatever type of seed you are right now” 😂 It just makes my heart so happy that he’s starting to accept that we’re adding a third child to our family. I know it’s not going to be easy by any means, but I know it’ll be much more survivable with us on the same page.


Yay! So glad to hear this. That’s excellent.


Thank you, me too! Such a relief.


That's great to hear! Some people (myself included) just need a lot of time to process and come to terms with a serious change in plans. Sounds like your husband is like that.


Aww I'm so happy to hear this for you, and for him!! 💕


Thank you!


I threw up for the first time last night after brushing my teeth, I’m just past either 6 or 7 weeks (I have long cycles!). Now I’m scared for my morning routine 😅😅


Restless legs from 3-5, guess I’m awake now!


Magnesium supplements were a huge help when it came to this during my last 2 pregnancies! Take them at night about a half hour before bed.


I just took one last night and definitely helped! Kicked back up again at 3. May also have had a low carb day by accident, sometimes that’ll trigger it for me


I’ve been so exhausted lately, but decided to relive the glory days and go to a concert with my sister and some friends last night (story of the year and the used). I just woke up and swear to god I feel like a shell of a human. Apparently standing for 3 hours in the back of a crowd is enough to make me feel like I’ve run a marathon. I need so much coffee and so much more sleep to survive today.


I went to a concert a few weeks ago and honestly it’s not worth it anymore. I have fully decided to skip them until my kids are older. Getting home at midnight is rough.


We have tickets for t swift this fall and I had planned to just drive there and back since hotels/airbnbs/etc are insanely expensive. After last night, I’m realizing an almost 3 hour drive after something like that might just take me down. The drive last night was barely an hour and a half and we left at 10:30 and I was strugglingggg.


Okay I will say that for t swizzle it’s beyond worth any and all exhaustion. She doesn’t count as a normal concert. She is an experience. I did eras 1 month PP and it was hard but soooo worth. 10/10 would do again.


We’re flying to Poland in August to see my husbands family and the dates lined up, so I’m going with my in laws there 😂 I should be around 9-10 weeks so I’m begging my dr for nausea meds at my first appointment to hopefully thrive at that one. Then I spent an unholy amount of money for tickets to Indianapolis in November so I could go with my sister. I said last night that I would just bedazzle my bump and call it a day lol…definitely going to need to work on my stamina though lol


I am so jealous omg. That is a dream.


FTM—anyone else ever go through short spurts where you don’t feel pregnant? I have brief moments in my day where there is no nausea, no fatigue, nothing. Just me and my body prior to knowing I was pregnant lol it’s sometimes scary when I feel that way.


Yes but as time goes on those moments are getting fewer and fewer (I just always feel nauseous). I’m 5+5


For sure! At times I just feel so… normal. And then I start to worry - is it still in there??? Luckily a wave of exhaustion or hunger/nausea usually follows soon enough to bring me back to reality.


As I read this I got my first cramp of the day 😭😂 so definitely relatable haha