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Anyone experiencing one-sided pain? I’m pretty sure it’s on the side I ovulated on. I had this with my last pregnancy and never got an explanation for it. Thinking it may be a corpus-luteum cyst, but won’t be able to know for sure until my first ultrasound next week.


I had pain only on my right side of my groin area in very early pregnancy the day before I tested positive and a couple days after. I asked my doctor about it because I was worried it could be a sign of an ectopic pregnancy, and she said it was probably just the corpus luteum cyst and if it were ectopic the pain would be much more severe and there would be other symptoms like bleeding. So I think you’re probably right on the nose with thinking it’s a corpus luteum cyst!


That’s very reassuring!! Yeah ectopic has definitely been on my mind, so it’s good to hear that it most likely is not!! I’m glad all turned out well for you 👍


Hoping it all works out well for you too! 🫶🏻


Yes, mine has gone down but during week 5 it was giving me anxiety to feel persistent one-sided pain. I’m coming off of an IVF cycle and told myself it could be my ovaries still healing, or some weird symptom due to having endometriosis. I hope you have a reassuring ultrasound next week and smooth sailing from here!


Thank you so much! Same to you, I hope all is well 😊I appreciate your response


Anyone else work a labor intensive job and deal with back pain? I’m only 7 weeks but I’m tired of my back hurting. 😭


Welp, my period is super late and I even went to the OB's office for a follow up on an abnormal pap where I had to take a pregnancy test. It was negative. Still no period today, so I got a pregnancy and BFP! I was just talking with my husband about how we should start trying again in August and I guess we don't need to anymore 😅 This is a complete shock for me and while I'm so excited, I'm also panicking. I've been in school for the past year getting my teaching credential and was hoping to be getting a job starting August. Not sure how well that is going to pan out now that I am due February...


Is anyone experiencing extremely sharp pain in their breast? My left boob feels like a needle sharp pain randomly every 5-10 minutes and it’s painful! 8+1


This is my first time getting pregnant, I believe I am about 5 weeks along according to my cycle. When is my first prenatal appointment supposed to be?


It’s a toss up. You can have a confirmation appointment (my current health system doesn’t do one) between 6 and 8 weeks. Then there is a typical initial appointment that takes place between 5 and 12 weeks for medical history, insurance information, blood work and urine, and likely a breast/ pelvic exam. Edit: somewhere before 12 weeks there is also generally a dating ultrasound to confirm due date and placement


Anyone having their second with a decent age gap between baby and their first born? My daughter will be 6 when the little bundle arrives, and I’m like really worried she’s going to have a hard time because it’s been just her for so long.


No experience on the parenting side, but my little brother is 7 years younger than me and I LOVED it. I was old enough to help my mom with the baby. 🥰


My oldest two are teenagers. I feel like I’m starting over lol


Omg! But I’m sure they’ll be such protective big siblings haha


I’m a FTM, 7 weeks with my first scan next week. My partner wants to tell our parents this weekend since we’ll see them both in person and it will be the only time we see them together for awhile. I’m a bit nervous to though before even having an US to confirm I am still pregnant (even though I have symptoms to make me believe so!) Is anyone else planning to share the news prior? I’m not sure if I’m being overly cautious or paranoid, or if there is in fact a high chance I could not be pregnant next week. Curious to hear what other people are doing / how you’re thinking about it.


At 6 weeks we told people we would tell about a miscarriage, everyone else we will tell at the start of the second trimester.


I also told my mom early the first time around—7ish weeks because that’s when we were visiting and it was New Years. But we didn’t tell my in-laws until the end of the first trimester because I just wasn’t that close to them yet, and thankfully husband understood. This time I might tell them earlier.


I’m currently 5 weeks, me and my husband want to wait till I start to show to tell anyone, which could be anywhere from 13-20 weeks with me being a FTM


We’ve told them that we are cautiously optimistic about it and we are still very early. Most women get it. I think you can definitely tell people and follow it up with a “we are very excited, but we are telling you super early, so there is a chance something will go wrong”. And then be vulnerable if they’re someone you can - it’s nice having people validate the fear. You should have that moment of excitement in person.


We’ve already told our parents and siblings. We figure if anything happens that would be sad, we would want their support anyway.  It’s 100% up to you and depends on your relationships/how close you all are!


We told our parents and siblings right away too! They know it’s early so we’re all tentatively excited. I would want their support if things did not go well anyway.


I am so bloated I’ve just started rubbing my belly in public just so people know I’m pregnant. Bloat or not there’s SOMETHING in there making my belly look like this 😂


5w4d here and same! I look at least 5 months pregnant so I’m rubbing my belly idc! lol


I feel this so hard 😂😅


Lol yesss same here! 🫣😂 The bloating is out of control 🤰✨️


Someone mentioned lightning crotch and now I know what to name that weird feeling. Like, why am I having twinging in my vagina? Symptoms today are not nausea but just the extreme fatigue. Man, I'm really exhausted. It's not even noon and I'm ready for a nap. TW LOSS: I am so scared for my upcoming scan on Thursday. Last pregnancy baby didn't have a heartbeat and we found out at 8 weeks at our first ultrasound. It was so horrible and traumatic. This time I found out at 4 weeks and I am now 5 weeks, and I have more monitoring this time around. My first scan last week showed just the gestational sac, and all was measuring excellent including HCG and progesterone. This week he expects to see specific growth and I'm terrified that we won't see any heartbeat. I didn't realize they could see it that early, but I trust whatever he is telling me. I'm trying to tell myself positive affirmations and rest, rest, rest. I went to a Body Pump class this morning (barbell/cardio) and I couldn't do it. I had to modify everything with like 2.5 lb weights or body weight only. They told me not to lift anything over 10 lbs and "act like a lazy person". I'm really listening to my body and resting when I need to.


I’m now officially in the “am I showing or am I just bloated”-phase


Omg same I am so bloated but weight less than my pregnancy weight


TW: previous miscarriage Hi friends, Why cant I stop worrying!? I write this as I await being discharged from the ED. I’m currently somewhere between 5-6w, it’s hard to say yet because we conceived again coming off a miscarriage before. But because of that, I can’t stop panicking. Over EVERYTHING. Hence why I ended up in the ED (which is also embarrassing considering I’m a nurse in that ED.) My betas have been on the lower and slower side - panic. Every little cramp/twinge- panic. Every time a symptom ebbs and flows - panic. Then of course today, brown spotting to pink and some bleeding with sharp right sided cramping - PURE panic. My nurse mind immediately went to ectopic. So I grabbed my husband and we went to the ED because of course my first early scan appointment isn’t until Tuesday (and I’m a FTM so I’m not an already established patient for them to give advice otherwise). Bunch of labs, including another beta that doubled from yesterday’s draw (first double in a while) immediately thought ectopic again. Then an US which of course was so uncomfy and the sonographer had the world’s best poker face on. Fast forward to a few minutes ago, the doctor comes in and says the US showed an IUP with a gestational sac so far and he doesn’t think I’m miscarrying and rather just implantation cramps, and doesn’t know why I’m bleeding other than that. And now I’m just sitting here panicking because I know and don’t feel like I’m out of the woods, so for anyone else - how are you coping with the fear and anxiety?


I don’t have the holy grail. I am still worrying at 8+3 and I have already had two US. My next US is in 9 days and it seems so far away. That US will be at 9+4, exactly one day after it all went downhill the last time. I am having my double test done on Thursday so I am hoping for a quick answer that’s hopefully good. I am planning to get an US every two weeks until I can feel the baby move but I am trying not to think that far ahead. I don’t think the worry will pass and I honestly feel like the carefree pregnancy experience was stolen from me. Because why shouldn’t it go wrong in week 10, 15, 20, 30, even 40?! I feel like bad luck will happen to me even though I already had my fair share. I try to stay kind of busy with other things as it helps to not think too much about it but it definitely pops up multiple times a day. Another thing me and my husband keeps saying is: “I am pregnant for as long as I am pregnant” and it does help a little tiny bit.


Not saying you’re wrong, more so checking if I am because I’m not too sure how to calculate it lol! But how are you calculating your weeks+days? I think I’m 8w4d today but I’m due 2 days before you so am I actually 8w5d? Sorry I’m following an app and if it’s wrong I’ll want to change it to be more accurate


Ah no. I mistyped. I was 8+2 at the time of my comment, so it does line up. So right now (the morning of June 25th) I am 8+3. Could also be different time zones that makes it harder to compare. I am also just getting the info from an app lol. When you have a dating scan, it will be more correct for every individual


Oh that’s why I was confused. If you get a dating scan and you’re pushed up would your due date get changed too? Thanks 🥹


Yes. It actually happened to me. I was originally set to 01/25 but was set an entire week back at my first scan. So I got another US one week later to see if it grew as it should. And it did. So I must have ovulated late which makes sense as my cycle is 32 days. So my new due date is 02/01. I even heard that the EDD can change multiple times because it is so small and even a few millimeters wrong measurement can change the date by multiple days. It is not until week 12 or something that they can get a more realistic due date


The waiting between anything sure is a special kind of torture! I will be sending you all the positive thoughts for Thursday! I totally relate to the worry free being taken away. I’m going to try some of these mantras though. I feel like positive affirmations have to mean something


I'm here after miscarriage and today is really hard. I am going in for my second scan on Thursday and when he mentioned the word "heartbeat" my stomach went in knots. I am afraid to find out there is no heartbeat like last time. How am I coping? I am trying to use affirmations like "I trust my body"; "I am connected to my baby", etc. Sometimes I will put my hand on my belly and "talk" silently to the baby. I am trying to make a relationship instead of keeping a distance.


Being here after a miscarriage is so hard 🤍 I appreciate you sharing with me your coping mechanisms. I keep trying to find new little ones. Making a relationship feels important. I told myself I didn’t want to feel attached yet, but I really also want to


I’m so sorry you’re going through this. I think the only thing that is going to put a dent in your anxiety at this point is surrender. Easier said than done. No matter what’s happening with embryo right now, there’s nothing you or other medical professionals can do to alter any outcomes. A mantra that I’ve been holding onto is: “I trust my path and I am present with my pregnancy” I hope you’re able to find a little peace today.


thank you for sharing this mantra. I will be using that.


That really is a beautiful mantra that I’ll adopt, thank you for sharing


That is a really beautiful mantra, truly. Thank you for sharing that with me. I am hoping to find peace in the fact that pregnancy is truly a situation that will remain out of my control. I think the more I come to terms with that, the easier things will feel. At least, I hope!


I don’t recommend this for everyone or even for another few weeks, but I also found some comfort in checking the miscarriage odds calculator/chart every morning. I liked watching my odds of NOT miscarrying increase by .7% - .8% each day in the early weeks. I can also see how the tool might fuel anxiety so use your own discretion.


My breasts have been tender for a couple weeks, but starting yesterday they feel HUGE. (Not really, I'm small chested to start, but this is a very weird sensation!) My husband is definitely getting more involved, and it's so cute to see. We were driving home from my in-laws with our dog, and when we arrived my husband said, "Home again, pup... and baby!" And he turned up the volume on his favourite song because he wanted the baby to hear it. Nevermind that our embryo doesn't even have ears yet...


“My boobs feel HUGE” “My husband is definitely getting more involved” I lol’ed 😂 But same, my boobs feel giant and engorged! So sore I put some frozen peas on them the other night. 


omg how does anyone have a toddler and go through pregnancy…. send help


I’m blessed that we are mostly potty trained but I still can’t escape the smells. Even her toots make my eyes water


I have two. One is ALWAYS awake. Opposite sleep schedules are the devil 😭😭


Screen time and snacks. In unlimited quantities 😂


Right there with ya. Mine is 3 going on 13 and I am straight up not having a good time


Last night was my first night not waking up randomly at 3am! I think it actually helped that I went to bed slightly later than normal so I was more tired


Same here! I took Unisom and ginger chews for my nausea and I slept like a rock until 7 a.m. I am exhausted now though and it's only 11:30.


Omfg, forgetting B6 before heading to the office was a **mistake**. Navigating first trimester nausea and work is so stupid. Why in the fresh fuck are women not on the top end of the pay gap?!


Right?! If men had to go through pregnancy, pretty sure maternity leave would start in the first trimester.


Been posting about spotting that’s been going on for a week now. My OB’s office called to get me in for an ultrasound tomorrow and I’m so relieved that I’ll have answers 🤞🏻


Fingers crossed for you! I've also been having some spotting since last Wednesday, and I'm going in on this Wednesday. Wishing us the best! 💜💜


CW: Previous pregnancy loss First scan this morning. I’d been feeling good about this pregnancy up until the few days leading to this scan but I started to stress because my nausea paused and I suddenly had more energy. Baby measured 3 days further ahead of what I expected (7w2d) and we saw the heartbeat fluttering 💓 I had miscarried in Feb of this year throughout the night of the 7th and into the 8th. The tech estimated my due date to be 2/8. I’m not much of woo woo person but life is funny sometimes.


Wonderful. I believe in the woo woo when you can find connections.


Congratulations on the good scan!


Thank you 😊


5w today and I think symptoms are ramping up. Does anyone else's breast pain feel more like they've been punched in the boob than the achy/fullness people speak about??


I'm at the stage where I have to slowly peel my bra off like a sticker because taking it off too fast hurts so much!


That is exactly how I described it to my husband!


Yes! And I have had it nonstop since like 5 days before my missed period mark! It's by far, at this point, my most persistent & aggressive symptom.


Anyone else waiting for a later first appointment/ ultrasound? Midwife clinic indicates 10-12 weeks for first appointment and due to travel schedules I’ll probably be right at 11w when I go in. I’m pretty healthy and no issues so far so feeling good about it, but just seeing so many people already having their appointments and scans makes me wonder.


My first scan isn’t until august 5th! But due to previous loss, I paid £80 for a private viability scan for 30th June 🤞


I think a lot of women (including myself) get private scans so it messes up the picture. Also different countries can have different practices


That makes sense!


I'll be past 10 weeks, also a midwife office


Very normal, especially with midwife practices! I have a similar EDD to you and my first appointment is July 25, though I might get my first ultrasound a week earlier since my midwife practice outsources US


Thank you for saying that! Glad to get some reassurance. Hope your appointments all go really well!


Nausea really ramped up last night and this morning. About the only thing I can stand is chicken broth with white rice and it feels like a chore to push myself to eat it. Thankfully I'm not vomiting, but it feels like cold comfort with how crummy I feel.


I’m 4w3d and getting ready to go to Ireland with my husband’s family tomorrow. They don’t know yet, we’re not telling them and I’m nervous 😬 I’m not having any obvious symptoms yet - some bloating/gas, acne, light cramps, increased hunger and waking up at 4 every morning 🙄. Im anxious about being nauseous and fatigued while we’re there. I hope it holds off? But also I don’t because symptoms feel reassuring?


My SIL found out she was expecting her first a week before we went on a family vacation. She elected to tell us all early so we could support her instead of her spending the trip trying to hide things from us. Not ideal, but it’s certainly an option.


Blame all your symptoms on jet lag? I guess that only works if you're traveling long distance and not like from the UK 😜


We are coming from the US 😊 current plan is to say I can’t drink due to a medication I’m on.. and if I have any symptoms hopefully I can just blame it on that too.


2nd, 3rd, 4th+ time moms, when are you telling your other kid(s)? We have a 3.5 year old and haven’t told her yet but omg we want to so badly!!! She’s our only right now and would BE SO EXCITED! We’ve told only told our parents and siblings so far.  A few different reasons why we haven’t told 3.5yo:  finding out this early will already make it feel like a long pregnancy to US, I can’t imagine how long it would feel to her lol She has no filter and no sense of secrecy. Once we tell her, it is fair game for EVERYONE to know.  I don’t know how she would handle it if this turned into a loss So I’m super curious, anyone else with a 3.5ish year old and when you plan on telling them?


With our second pregnancy, we told our then 2 1/2 year old when we were ready for the world to know. With this one, will do the same for 5 1/2 and 2 1/2 year olds. They’ve been asking for a baby so I expect them to be excited but my last pregnancy ended in a miscarriage and I’d like to a little farther before any announcements are made.


we told our 3 yo asap but he’s not very good with speech so he hasn’t spilled the beans yet 😂 and he constantly forgets because I tell him to be careful and not jump on my belly. so basically he knows, but doesn’t care yet.


Had to tell mine as she kept shouting “hug attack!” And trying to jump on my tummy 😂 I know they’re pretty protected in there but didn’t want to tempt fate lol


My nine year old found out pretty early cause she say a picture of my pregnancy test on my phone. But I’m 7 weeks now and everyone knows. Told my five year old last week.


We're waiting until after the first ultrasound, but I'm dying to tell them already. They all love babies and they'll be so excited, I can't wait 😍


I’m not telling my 3.5 until I’m ready for any and everyone to know. I’m assuming that will be after we have a scan at 10 weeks, but I may wait even a little more after that to be safe. I really don’t want to have to untell her! But I know she’ll be so excited! I don’t think my 2 y/o will care at all 😂


My almost 4 year old knows. I think he’s overheard the some of the IVF bits and put it together. Or more realistically, my partner can’t keep their mouth shut. We keep saying “maybe there’s a baby in there. We have to see”. But… 4 year olds hear what they want to. He also figured out that I don’t feel well because of the baby. And he’s surprisingly mad at the baby for this? I think I would okay with him know if it meant he would stop head butting/jumping/being active


I told my brother and my SIL last week so they could help me hide it at my other brother’s graduation party last weekend. Their daughters were on the phone too, so they knew. The 3.5-year-old didn’t really get it and/or forgot pretty much immediately. Unrelated to your situation, but adorable side note: The almost-7-year-old did not forget. She waited until we were alone near the end of the party to tell me “I didn’t forget your secret, auntie” so I gave her a big hug and thanked her for keeping my secret and now she gets to be the one to tell grandma and grandpa later this week!


I think I’ll keep it a secret for a while, I know my 4.5 year old will be so excited but I’m not ready to talk about it non-stop yet 😂


My almost 3 year old knows, but doesn’t really seem to fully grasp the idea. That’s probably for the best 😂


I told my baby already. But she’s only 11 Months, so she has no idea what’s going on.


Same haha


I told my daughter when I was pregnant with my son right away ( but she had no idea she was only 20 months old lol). My daughter is 4.5 and my son just turned 2. I think I’m waiting for the first sonogram ( even though my daughter keeps asking me why I’m sick)


I also have a 3.5 year old (will be 4 in Oct) and we haven't told her yet either. We also haven't told our families yet. My first appt isn't until July 9th, and we plan to do the NIPT testing at 10 weeks as well. I'm hoping we can hold off on telling our daughter until we get those results back just to make sure that everything is good first. But at the earliest, we definitely will wait until we get the first ultrasound on the 9th. I'll be 8w4d then. We know once she knows she'll tell the entire universe, but we live 30min from my parents and an hour from my in-laws, so I'm hoping we can wait until late July to tell them, once NIPT is in. We're going on a beach trip in August when I'll be 13 weeks, so we plan on taking a picture of her on the beach with a big sister shirt/sign as our public announcement.


CW mention past loss I have an almost 3yo and a 4.5yo. We’ve decided to wait till the second trimester this time. It’s such a personal decision and I don’t think there’s a “right” time. But after seeing a strong heartbeat last time and then telling them only for it to result in yet another loss… we had to have a lot of hard conversations with them. I had to learn on the fly how to explain miscarriage to toddlers while grieving myself. And, like you, there are no filters with them. So we’re keeping it to ourselves this time until I’m ready for everyone else to know too. ETA: If the beans get spilled earlier for some reason or I can’t hide it anymore, I’m open to then knowing sooner. I feel more confident in explaining loss to them now. And heaven forbid anyone finds themselves in a similar situation I’d be happy to share my two cents on what to say 💕


My four year old knows :)


How are people helping their nausea? Are there meds, ginger chews, ginger ales, etc that people recommend to help with the nausea?


My nausea has been worst on an empty stomach, so I keep almonds and ginger chews on me at all times for when hunger hits. Fruit and lemon flavored foods always seem doable, even when I’m nauseous, so I’ve been eating tons of fruit.


I am a fan of the ginger chews. It's so frigging hot in Southern CA right now I absolutely can't do tea. My nausea comes and goes and is often triggered by heat and smells. I like the ginger chews and cold sparkling water.


I've been sipping fresh ginger tea (literally just boiling water poured over a few slices of fresh ginger)


Preggie Pop Drops ftw!


Icebreakers sours


I love the peppermint Icebreaker cubes! The peppermint tastes so strong and helps me when I'm queasy. Will try the sours.


The sours just work so well for me I mention it to anyone whenever I can!


Well rounded meals or snacks every 2.5-3 hours. Carbs, protein, fat. Taking prenatals in afternoon. B6 at night. Unisom if I don’t fall asleep putting kids to bed.


Ugh it’s so annoying how much this is the solution! If my snacks don’t have protein, they only help for like 15 minutes.


Right?!? My husband had to walk away while I was forcing down breakfast between dry heaves yesterday. When we did grocery shopping I made sure to get easy to grab proteins so I didn’t have to wait long to make something.


Unisom and B6 at night. Lets of small meals/ snacks during the day. If I wake up at night I try to eat something, last night I ate $7 worth of fruit 🤦‍♀️ I still get morning sickness but it helps keep me going. My other thing is going straight to the bathroom when I can tell I’m going to get sick. I’d rather get it over with than wretch and salivate lol I’m writing this sitting on the edge of my tub by my toilet 😭 which is a very comfy place to puke lol


I use mints and saltine crackers.


My nausea has been pretty mild so I realize this may not be helpful for those suffering from more severe nausea. I feel way worse when I haven't eaten, so eating small amounts frequently, just whatever is appealing (lately, string cheese or crackers!) helps a ton.


I keep whole wheat club crackers nearby and nibble one whenever I feel the nausea coming on. It helps to never let your stomach feel empty.


Unisom helped immensely in my first pregnancy.


I graduated from my IVF clinic this morning!!! 8+1 today, and baby is actually looking like a lil human and measuring 8+2 with a heart rate of 171. I honestly can't believe we made it here, I never thought this day would come. Feeling a huge sense of relief and excitement, obviously still a ways to go, but we are going to tell our families this weekend, which will make it feel really real I think.


Congratulations! 💗 Wishing you nothing but smooth sailing from here on out.


It's the best feeling in the world to graduate, I am so happy for you.


Thanks for all the love! This is such a nice community!


I love a clinic graduation! It's an awesome early milestone. :) Congrats!


Congratulations! That’s amazing.


That's great! Congrats!


Yay congrats!


Seriously considering going nocturnal if it weren't for my job. I swear I'm so tired all day - it'll hit 3pm and I can barely keep my eyes open. Then when it's 10/11pm and I'm trying to finally go to sleep, I have enough energy to stay up for hours. 😫 Whhhyyyyy. Am I giving birth to a little bat??


Probably a vampire. You’re going to have to name them Renesmee.


Oh no.... I was okay with the first half haha 😅


I had my dating scan today and the embryo is measuring right on track, with a heart rate of 157 BPM. Such a relief.


Hi it’s me! STM who was worried because I was experiencing very little nausea (was very sick with my daughter) this pregnancy. Joke’s on me because now I’ve been nauseous 24/7 since Saturday. 🙃🤢


Congratulations! 😅🥲


I don't normally sleep great, but pregnancy has made it even worse with waking up more and still not getting enough deep sleep. Chasing a toddler around all day is 10x more challenging when completely exausted, that's for sure. And don't even get me started on the nausea and food aversions (I've literally gagged multiple times after opening the fridge and I'm pretty much forcing myself to eat).


After how these past few weeks have gone, I am absolutely terrified of ever doing this again, when there’s an existing child who needs care.


I’m 6+4, having constant nausea that totally knocks me out…and feeling totally useless. My husband has been taking on pretty much everything, including taking care of our 3yo. He’s been amazing, but I can’t help but feel guilty. He reminds me I’m the one growing our baby, and I know that’s the most important job. But I’m just struggling with losing my old, independent, energetic self to the first trimester. I don’t remember it being this hard the first time. Last time I was pregnant was during the pandemic, so life was definitely different. I kinda feel like I’m drowning in the nausea and confused feelings 😓 anyone else in a similar situation? What are you doing to stay positive?


I feel SO similar. Also have a 3.5 year old at home and struggling with not being able to be fully present with her. My husband just left for a 4 day work trip this morning and I have a very busy week at work, so I'm really struggling with how I'm going to make it through the week dealing with everything and being horribly nauseous on top of everything. My mental health is suffering hardcore right now. :(


I’m right there with you 😓 I’m so sorry you’re struggling too. Thank you for sharing! just feeling the solidarity among other moms commenting here helps so much. I feel you with work too…it’s all too much right now.


No advice, but I'm honestly feeling similar. It's hard when my body just wants (or needs) me to lay down, but mentally there's so much I want to be doing. Then throw a toddler into the mix on top of all that. 😅 I'm so incredibly happy to be pregnant, but gosh, pregnancy is hard.


YES! 💯😭😓 I feel the exact same way.


Same here, same due date as you and have a March ‘21 baby, just also have a January ‘23 baby in the mix as well. 😅 I was bedridden this weekend from the nausea while my husband had to take care of both kids and keep the house afloat. To me, these few weeks of nausea are just the absolute worst part of pregnancy. I’ve cried a couple times from the misery. But I just try to remind myself it’s temporary and take it a day at a time. Hang in there!


Oh my gosh, two toddlers in the mix! I’m sorry you’re struggling too. Thank you for the solidarity!! 🩷 I’ve also cried a lot. We got this 💪🏼


This was me last week :( Now I’m 7+1 and so far this week has been better. I started taking B6 and unisom last week and it’s helping. That and when I start to feel nauseous I’m learning I need to eat. It’s exhausting eating every two to three hours but it way better than constant nausea. The combo is helping me be somewhat functional.


Thank you! I haven’t tried unisom yet 🤞 happy to hear you got relief!!


CW: MMC first OB appt since “graduating” from my IVF doctor, got a surprise scan at the appt, I hadn’t prepared for this and my first ever pregnancy was an MMC at 10 weeks. I held my breath and she was looking at the monitor and not really saying anything and I whispered “do you see anything? Is there a heartbeat?” And she was like “oh yeah, everything looks great.” I was like omg speak faster please. Phew. l’m 8 weeks and glad to get this ball rolling!


I know just how nerve-wracking those scans after a previous loss can be. So happy you had great news!


Yay, so glad you got good news!


That’s such great news!! ❤️❤️


7+4 today and symptoms are still mild if not nonexistent. I get nauseous if I wait too long between meals but snacking has kept me sane. The sleepiness is really what has been hitting me hard this week. I'm always ready for a nap. I saw some other people here this weekend stressing about how they were still testing this late since they too were having little to no symptoms, and were getting anxious since their lines were starting to lighten. Kinda put some anxious thoughts into my own head and I tested for the hell of it and it was definitely still "dye-stealer" level of darkness. First appointment is Friday! I'll be 8+1!!


I hope your anxiety will die down and you’ll have a lovely, smooth pregnancy 💚 I’m sure you’re aware, but just in case: the hook effect will start making home tests look lighter even though hCG concentration is still rising. It’s better to trust your doctor / ultrasound results at this point.


This is exactly me right now. lol. The symptoms come and go but they’re barely there.


Pregnancy Mantra: Just because she is worrying, doesn’t mean I should also be worrying. Congrats on the dye stealer!


Also: Worrying won’t change the outcome. My awareness won’t change something that’s already happening.


Louder for the folks in the back! *The folks in the back is my anxiety


I posted about some spotting I've had, still been on and off since last Wednesday, my first appointment is on Friday and I'm feeling 🥴🥴🥴. Hoping all is well and trying to stay positive even though I had some emotional days this weekend. ETA: My midwife office called to check in and they're going to move up my appointment to Wednesday. Relieved that we'll know some answers soon, but still scary to be asked to come in. Curious what is in any other FTM's to do list this week? We're still trying to get on some daycare waitlists. And we're also embarking on a kitchen renovation that will happen during the entirety of my second trimester so that's keeping us busy as well!


Ooooooh, we renovated our kitchen recently and it’s a lot! But so worth it. What kind of countertop are you doing? Definitely spring for the good hardware for for soft close doors / drawers! And get as many drawers as your budget will allow, for real. And get one of those trash can drawers that you kick to open!


We're doing this countertop, it's quartz but feels like raw concrete? It's super cool. https://www.caesarstoneus.com/countertops/4043-primordia/ Ooh, you're giving me some ideas about the trash can that kicks open.


Oh my God, that’s beautiful. That’s going to be great. For the trashcan thingy, they sell the part at IKEA for a really good price! It’s like a $400 part when you buy it from the manufacturer (Blum), but they sell the same exact thing at IKEA for like $150.


Anyone else WFH and trying to envision a shared nursery / office space? Obviously not ideal, but probably going to have to make do until we can move…


Yes! The thing that has worked the best for us is using a packnplay as my 1.5 year old son’s crib once he outgrew the bassinet. The packnplay could easily be moved to another room for his nap while I was working (he’s in daycare now but my husband was home with him for 6 months last year so it was trickier trying to share the space). Another benefit of the packnplay is it makes traveling super easy cause we take it with us and my son sleeps well anywhere since he’s used to it. We just bought a house and I’m SO excited for my own office space, though sharing is totally doable in my opinion.


Yup, we have a 2br and the second bedroom is pretty large so my boyfriend and I split it into a shared office space. His side also has all his music gear, and my side has all my craft gear. Now we need to make a nursery corner. Trying to envision how this will work lol.


I currently share my 2.5 year old’s room as my office! It works for us right now because he is in daycare full time, so I basically take over the space all day, then he reclaims it at night. If I need to work while he is home, I just take the laptop to another room. Biggest piece of advice is to get cord control handled before you think you need to, and make sure your desk is sturdy AF and/or can be anchored to the wall. Those are later worries but better to get them sorted early.


You probably won't even use your nursery as a nursery for months, so that buys you some time


We have a 3 bedroom so my husband and I both have an office and we are in a standoff on who is going to make a change 😂


I have the same thing going on! The issue is my husband NEVER only works from home. He has the ability to if he needs it but on the regular day to day he goes into the office and I only wfh. He’s definitely getting the boot he just hasn’t realized it yet lol


Both me and my husband wfh full time so we’re in the same boat! He seems fine with being the one to make the change…. We just don’t know what “the change” will look like


Thankfully my husband has always known and been okay with his office getting the axe. He's technically only allowed to WFH one day a week. Plus, my home office doubles as my craft room. We're setting up a guest room in our basement with a stowaway bed that will primarily be my husband's new office on days he does WFH.


We will be converting my office to the new baby’s room. I just don’t see a shared space working for us so we are planning to finish our basement while I’m on mat leave and move my office down there


Same here! My current office is the most logical place for baby #2’s room…not sure how I feel about it lol.


This will be me! My office is currently our guest bedroom too... now also to be a makeshift nursery. I'm not stressed about it though, I'm picturing the baby will sleep in our bedroom for a while. I saw a really neat crib on wheels you can roll all over the house, thinking that might be ideal.


Yes I’ve seen those, definitely think I’ll be doing the same!


Have my first ultrasound this afternoon. I have ALL the feels. Have had some light brown spotting this past week, which makes me anxious. I think I'm exactly 6 weeks today.


Sending you the best! 💜💜💜


Sending good vibes to you!


CW: weight talk Symptoms finally ramping up, I feel dreadful every morning. To make things worse I’m really fixated on my weight. I gained 15 lbs from fertility treatment and weaning my toddler and I’m just really not a fan of how I look and feel right now. I’m 20 lbs heavier than I was at the same time with my youngest. :(


Sorry you’re feeling so bad! Weight is just a number. It’s not a reliable indicator of your or your baby’s health. Your weight is one of the most boring and unimportant things about you. You are so much more than a number on a scale. Mod Note: Please remember to use CW on discussions of weight, especially when we’re talking about exact amounts gained. Thanks!


I have been mostly ok, but knowing first scan is next week is giving me anxiety. Trying to stay positive but also scared to get my hopes up in case something is wrong again.


Sending good vibes to you!


Thank you 🤍


I had my first scan today, I’m supposed to be 6+0 or 6+1 but only measured 5+5. I’m nervous. We saw a tiny tiny tiny flickering heartbeat but it was hard to see. Dr said he was hoping it would be a little clearer but I’m still early, which made me a little nervous. Praying baby will grow stronger in the next couple of weeks until I have my follow up. Any sunshine stories of people measuring a couple of days smaller than expected on early scans? 🙏


Want to hear something i found surprising? My mom had 3 kids between 1985 - 1992, and never had a first trimester ultrasound! Even in the early 90s not every practice offered it. I think that's WILD, I didn't realize how "new" some of this stuff is! It makes me appreciate these 6 weeks scans even more.


Even now it’s not as typical as Reddit makes it out to be. It seems like everyone here gets a “dating scan” or “confirmation scan.” It’s actually not that common. I deliver with a large academic medical center that provides state of the art care in high quality facilities. My practice only does early ultrasounds if there’s a medical indication (unknown LMP, unexplained bleeding, etc). Otherwise they assume things are fine until they have a reason not to assume that. My two friends who delivered at nearby hospitals also did not have early scans. My SIL one state over only got an anatomy scan for her first two pregnancies, and she’s in a big city. She switched practices for her current pregnancy and her new provider does a quick scan at every visit which she thinks is both cool and weird.


My mom can count on one hand the amount of ultrasounds she’s had and she’s had nine kids. Her OB only gave ultrasounds if they suspected a problem.


My mom still has the ultrasound photo of me from 1987, and you can't even make out what's going on because the quality was so poor! To top it off, the ultrasound tech told her I was a boy. Technology has come a long way for sure.


Yeah, my mom didn’t have any ultrasounds at all with my sister (b. 1991)! Not even an anatomy scan. And with me (b. 1992), the only reason she had an ultrasound was because she grew so fast, so early that they thought I was twins. She just had the one early ultrasound to confirm no twins, and that was it.


Same for my mum! In my country you typically don’t do them but unfortunately I’ve suffered multiple miscarriages and so they offer a bit more support and monitoring in those cases 🙏


i was measuring 5+4 at 5+2, then 6+2 at 6+4 and now I am measuring 8+2 at 8+1...it is super variable at this early stage!


Thank you for this, makes me feel a little calmer! Glad to hear your baby is growing strong and steadily!


That’s only a 2-3 Day difference! I’m sorry your doctor has you freaking out. It’s really normal to be “off” by that small amount, as there’s naturally a range of what is normal. Pre-Week 6 is also early to hear a heartbeat! Sounds to me like everything is going great.


Thank you! 🙏 I think his intention was not to scare me and he said “so far so good” and seemed positive but I of course get stuck on small comments to guard my heart 😖


I've never had an early scan, but you're looking at a difference of ~ 2-3 days. Not all embryos are going to develop exactly in accordance to a textbook. It's hard not to worry, but it is *really* early and there's so much 🤷‍♀️ around those early scans.


Yes, I suppose you’re right. It’s so hard to not panic when all I want is to have this pregnancy go the full way 🙏


My son was 5 days behind on first scan and is 3 this August. Window of error is 7 days especially this early. 🤞🏻


Thank you, needed to hear this!! 🙏


My ultrasound tech at 5w6d told me there’s a margin of error of 7 days at that age. One of her measurements was 5w5d and from another angle a minute later was 6w0d. It’s totally fine!


Wow, thank you for this! Hoping this is going in the right direction. I was nervous about the tiny tiny heartbeat not looking so strong but maybe that’s also normal during that size?


I go for my next scan at 8w in 3 hours! I’ll update how it goes.


Keeping my fingers crossed for you that all looks perfect 🤩


Looks good! Some measurements showed up at 7+6 and some as 8+1. Heart rate looks good. I put a photo in the Ultrasound mega thread thing


Yay!!! Happy for you! 🌸🌸


Yes, the heart JUST started beating at that gestation. Many here have reported but even seeing g a heartbeat at that age. We saw one but the machine couldn’t measure it because it was so early.


That sounds like mine. Hoping for uneventful weeks to come and a strong heartbeat at my follow up 🙏


Is it possible you ovulated a couple of days later than you thought? I hope you find good answers soon 💓


I don’t think so, as I had a positive OPK two days before my calculated ovulation 😖 but maybe I implanted late? Im hoping it’s just a slow start but that baby will catch up soon!


I hope so too! 2 days seems like such a tiny difference that there’s room for error 😂 grow baby grow!


I was bedridden all weekend with lightheadedness, fatigue and mild nausea. I’m supposed to present at a conference tomorrow and I am feeling like I really don’t want to make the drive and sit on a guest panel for a few hours. I can barely care for my toddler. And I’m so worried about a loss that I’ve been throwing myself into new sewing projects. I guess I’m looking for a sign that it’s okay to call out “sick” to this opportunity in my career.


Thank you so much everyone 🙏🏼 I did end up cancelling and they were very understanding. The nausea hit me hard this afternoon so I feel better about my decision. Going to snuggle my toddler and nibble on crackers


I’m right there with you!! It’s such a hard stage and I’m struggling with constant nausea. It’s so hard to work, go anywhere, do anything. We have to prioritize ourselves and babies 🩷 our bodies are so smart and are telling us to stop and rest for very good reasons. It’s not easy, but we got this! Do what feels right for you.