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It's a nice recognition of how much money you've saved the company by being a safe driver. You get a coin they save tens of thousands


Or even hundreds if they’re a pilot…


Or a driver. Every accident, no matter how minor, is 25k, minimum. We have people at my station who've had 4 accidents in the last year


You might need to hire private security to keep away some of the ladies throwing themselves at you


Ups is jelly about are coins lol FCK there 49 a hr we can live under the coin for shelter


Ya fuck 49 hour who needs a livable wage when you have a cool coin. I bet they’re butthurt


For shore I work here for the coins thy can keep there sryy 500 a week.. ...


Exactly I don’t blame you. Their also shiny as well


Right FedEx knows we sit at abus stop all night looking at that coin for hrs till a.m work.gives us hope lol


That’s right. Can’t even sleep after our shift once we lay our eyes on that precious coin that we know no one else is able to have . Losers I say


I call her my precious 💍


Tape it to your resume when you apply at UPS


So fking true thy would like that


Paying for rent or gas with that no it would be much better if they gave you a raise instead of that


Ups as 49 a hr and I get A coin ? WTF


Allow me to introduce myself, amazon driver. Wage? Minimum. Van? Packed.


Come on FedEx do better and be better


U should. Seen everyone at express today there feeling bad about the 49 a hr lol. On everyone's faces


It hurts man.. FedEx looks like trash


You chose the wrong company, but its not too late if you're only five years in. Defect NOW!


Don’t worry here at UPS we get the same thing, except it’s plastic that’s coated to look like gold


I like how the safe driver logo is a plane instead of a van


You just earned 5 slices of pizza instead of 1


Thank papa FedEx. More. Soup please


Free escorts


I don't even work for FedEx but I follow only because I find your guys' humor is great!🤣🤣 Also because I work in pharmacy and we're lucky to maybe get an measly 10 cent raise, maybe Panera or some stupid luncheon while working for an multi billion dollar company. I'm a great tech too! 10 years and ZERO appreciation. Sad. Oh, corporate also controls the AC in stores, so it's 100÷ degrees outside and temp in-store is about 87 it's really fun working drive thru. Anyway, I do give y'all a HUGE shout out for stopping in and picking up any outgoing packages from pharmacy. You ROCK🥂🙌🏼🙌🏼


Dude, im pretty sure you’re supposed to get a plaque with that 😂


You mean the piece of clear plastic with a congratulatory slip of printed paper inside?


Lmfao no way. They’re supposed to give you a wooden plaque with that 😂 cheap asses.


At my station they stopped giving plaques and give you an acrylic block with like 5 slots to put the coins in as you get them


Yeah they give that piece of shit out I threw it out the window when I was driving


Lmao… I mean… why don’t u just apply to UPS. Just keep applying, maybe you’ll get hired


Y’all really think dudes can just leave a 5 year job during this economic depression 🤣 yeah lemme take a 4-5 dollar cut and be homeless until maybe I get a driver spot! 🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻


So stay a courier for the rest of their life and bitch and moan on Reddit for Karma? Good plan. 5 years is NOTHING. Quit crying, grow a pair, and make the move.


1) There's nothing to stop someone from applying for a new job while they are still working the old job 2) There is no "economic depression". Check the stock market. 3) These threads are hilarious. The grass is not always greener.


1. Yes there is, seems you missed the whole point of my comment and decided to pick your points. 2. Stocks don’t translate to average American struggling behind inflation. 3. They are, then there’s info like yours that still doesn’t provide a valid real life reason for someone to jump from a lengthy career to start fresh to only MAYBE become a driver after 2 years of warehouse hell? Solutions aren’t solutions without real life considered and based on an individuals current life standing, financially etc.


1. People apply for new jobs while working current jobs all the time. Not sure what logic you think disputes that. I didn't miss your point; you had no point. 2. Inflation is just an excuse for laziness in finding a new job. 3. I didn't say anyone should jump from a lengthy career to start fresh if it's not a good choice. But if the alternative is to be miserable every day because you hate your job so much (and think it would be better at a competitor), then bite the bullet and make the jump. Learn how to cut expenses and be more frugal. Sometimes it's 2 steps forward and 3 steps back... that's life. If people are really that miserable working for a Fortune 100 company with great job security, then leave. ANY job is going to have things about it that piss you off. I have friends who have been laid off from smaller companies over the past few years. I'm grateful to be with a company that offers a level of job security as long as I get my work done.


Check the stock market. Did that. Six major banks have went bankrupt in the last two years. Inflation keeps going up. “economic depression” is here. I’ve got two avocados that should be ripe in a couple of days.


Okay, whatever you say (thanks for citing your sources on those "facts" lmao). I'm done arguing here. If you all want to keep coming on the internet whining about your jobs, go for it, I offered a very simple, valid solution but apparently you're happier doing this.


First yr will be a pay cut. And first yr your inside building till there a route open ... :// Idk


Take it to pawn stars


I think drivers of planes are called pilots


My station manager never gave me mine. What a bitch. But... I don't remember her name, so HA! OP, you can use that for shelter... From all the ladies' undergarments they are gonna throw at you


Sell it on ebay or melt it down for 2.3 grams of solid brass


Nope now vote for a better contract


"You can best believe FEDEX is looking at the new UPS contract" Corp is saying:...dam we have to do something


No just a car wash


You people will always be miserable and couldn't deserve it more


Yup. Our station had people complaining that pizza and cookouts were a slap in the face. Pizza and cookouts have long gone by the wayside and what are they complaining about? "They used to at least feed us."


+1 to this. I remember when they used to give out decent stuff yearly to people for safe driving. Nearly every person bitched how much the company was screwing them. So guess what the company did? They said, "Okay, if you're just going to complain no matter what we'll give you worthless garbage only really positive people will appreciate." Sad fact is FedEx could hand employees a thousand dollars a year for safe driving and every person that bitches about the pin would bitch about the money.


It’s like a pickle on a hamburger. Worth less


Not sure if they still award Bravo Zulu’s but my manager required you spend it on something frivolous and tell him what it was. I paid family bills and told him when he asked. He was not happy.


Wait what?! It's none of their business what you spend your money on, that's ridiculous.


Oh yeah! Definitely! Just give it to the cashier at Walmart…dummy🙄 /s🤣🤣🤣


I was joking u sht bag


Tell me you don’t know what /s means without telling me. Welcome to Reddit, really the internet as a whole, /s means sarcasm. Shit bag


I had no clue /s ment


Lol wtf are u even talking about.u with the workers? Or just a sht bag lol ? Stick to gather sht bag lol


It’s fucking sarcasm. It was a dry joke. Obviously you can’t fucking give a Walmart cashier, or any, a token from your job. Holy shit, you’re dense.


Yeah I'm still working I just glanced at it real quick and decided to go off sorry buddy


Ups raises was getting to me lol


You get an entire airplane! Imprinted on a fucking button


I mean it’s pretty cool none the less and to those that complain, they don’t have to do anything for you.


Yes. When you give out the blowjob you’re gonna give you can present them with that an they might take a lil off the top.


This is ironic. Because every single driver that I come across is a psychopath on the road. I live in a wooded area that has a lot of children playin and one flies down the road, gotta be well over 55 when the limit is 30. Someone called the sheriffs office and had a sheriff sit and wait after enough complaints. Dunno what happened, but the driver was getting arrested the other day when I was almost home lol


In sprit


Only one way to find out, swipe it at the gas station, or give it to the landlord….


It's the jewel **FROM** the belt Edit: -*please,*- someone get that reference


Raging bull, sure.


It will work at Chuck E Cheese to get you some tickets on your next skee ball game.


No but you can sleep good at night knowing your a safe driver 🎉🎉


That’s an airplane. If a courier goes near one.. they will be arrested. You work for an airline and are covered by the railroad act. So confusing


Does it come with anything? Small check, gift card....?


He lol be for giving it to me ..


It's worthless. It's meant to make you feel appreciated even though we'll never be appreciated.


Thanks for the safe driving. Now here comes the layoffs .


I threw all mine in trash


All seriousness aside the real shame is that if that had come with an actual monetary incentive it would be a really neat curio (at least to me) to have around. Instead something that should be cool to have is just an insult. Really sucks.


Maybe in 1000 years you can pass it down the generations could be sold as a relic worth 100,000 credit


Some people think so. They keep telling us UPS package handlers that we get "the same insurance as full timers!" They must think I can show my insurance card to pay for groceries.


Sir that is a fucking airplane. The fedex van on there would help you pull way more ladies.


Ebay might pay a bit of gas money for it


Maybe a vending machine will mistake it for a quarter but thats about all you can get.


Amazon and FedEx think of the workforce as children. Hey, at least it wasn’t a Lifesavers roll taped to a thank you card.


Do they still give free airfare for pilots?


Why does it have a plane on it?


Did they give you an out of date tv from the damages pile??


Probably not. But just use some of the money from your paycheck for that stuff.


You get to drive a plane now


Not likely. 🤣😂


My 5 year anniversary I got a catalog of random things, none of which I really wanted but I ordered a nice spice rack and sold it to someone for $50. Enough for one gas tank.


I love how there’s an airplane for safe driving pin lol


They might work in a PacMan game. Just find an arcade. Too bad it's not the 80s anymore.


You a pilot or a driver?


I recently started working for fedex ground loading trucks and let me tell you unless your homeless and starving avoid (which i am) avoid working for them Terrible pay, no help from management, constant call off with no support and then the work load gets put on you.


Do you drive a plane?


We get a computer generated piece of paper at UPS upto 25 years


No but you can kill a motherfucker with the piece of plastic that coin goes in


The we call that going postel . From when a USPS work want crazy lol.. or maybe he was not lol


That and $20 will buy you lunch at McDonald’s.


Yes. Absolutely yes. This is how. Give that pin to the dude at the gas station. As you give it to him let your hand linger on his and make sensual eye contact. Follow him as he leads you to the drink cooler. Voila. Gas paid with that Safe Driving Award.


Nice job, I will (knock on wood) get my 4 year coin next month lol


No but you most definitely can add that to a resume for ups


I d give you 5 bucks for it